FGHT Dallas: When You Really Meet The Lord

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my hallelujah belongs to Lulu my hallelujah belongs to you you deserve you deserve you deserve you diesel hallelujah [Music] my hallelujah Oh my heart [Music] yeah Oh yes you do all of the glory [Music] [Applause] yeah [Applause] all of the glory [Music] [Music] the glory [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes you do [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my hallelujah below [Music] ah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah beyond see you [Music] [Music] you want some more Oh [Music] all right lift those hands and give him praise right where you're standing everybody hallelujah Oh don't just throw your hands at the end give him praise and glory hallelujah for His goodness Oh as grace come on he's so worthy of all of our prayers all the glory belongs to him come on that's it that's it press your way in hallelujah that's it come on don't shortchange him he deserves it [Music] thank you Jesus [Music] oh and my soul doth magnify the name of the Lord I praise him for his goodness and His grace today a man so glad God longed us to life and gave us another opportunity to stand in his holy place I thank God the man for salvation and the baptism of the whole it goes would you clap your hands and just give an incredible God come on an incredible praise hallelujah hallelujah or if you pay thinking but being sane then sub me right if you say that your grant about it just throw your head back and tell the lawn Fang [Music] oh the salvation thank you Jesus that I'm not who I used to be what a Greek god while you stand and help me honor the Lord Amen for dr. Shirley Murray today they met we always appreciate the Lord for her thank God a failed to marvin bruna amen here with us amen we used to say all the way from Ohio but now we can say all the way from down the street a man he's here with us now and we thank God a man for elder pruna to all of our guests and all of our visitors and friends that are here today we honor the Lord for you amen god bless you take your seat if you can I always appreciate the Lord for lady Danielle she's not here with us at this campus a man she's at our Garland location amen we passed the two churches here in the Metroplex and she's at our other location preaching the word of the Lord this morning a man and we know God is moving and blessing them in a tremendous way where they are amen and I'm looking for God to do no less than that right here in the midst of his people did you come to hear word from the Lord did you really come to hear from the Lord then look at somebody and tell them me but there is a word from the Lord oh and I am a lover of the word of our God I love it today I brought it with me would you call that power up you got yours thank God because everything else is going down but what but the real authentic word of the Lord amen men's opinions will fail they'll let you down every time but the Word of God according to the Book of Psalms the 119 chapter Amen it says forever O Lord thy word is settled in heaven this word is a settled matter you don't have to like it but you can't do nothing you don't have to appreciate it but you can't change it you don't even have to like the preacher for preaching it but don't jump up now a man this word is a settled matter and I use the Apostle Mary say if you want to change this word you got to go all the way to helping to change this and by the time you get there changing it won't be on your mind this is our road now this is what we need in order to make it all the way from Earth to glory and while people are settling amen for a sound attitude you better make sure that when you live you live by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord it is only his word a man that we are opted that we are obligated rather to live according to the book of Acts the Holy Ghost in action a man the ninth chapter I often say I want to call your attention to an old familiar passage but I told him last night after you've been preaching a while everything in the Bible becomes a whole familiar passage a man but I want to call your attention to it amen I want somebody delivered today a man you know and we talked about it so often what I what I loved about four gospel holy temple amen is that so many times our shout is based off of what the Lord has just done amen some people come and all they want to do is shout that's it amen but you know when we see God's saving people we see God delivering and setting the captives free amen we can shout just as good off of that as we can off of new houses and cars I want to see somebody delivered and the purpose of church is not to come just the shower the purpose of church is not just to come to get your house in a car the purpose of church is to come to hear a word of deliverance that sets the captives free that encourages the Saints to persevere amen and to give us what we need in order to fight the good fight of faith so many times people misunderstand why it is we come to church we don't come here to look at people you didn't come to hear a good sound amen you didn't come amen just to hear the choir but we come because we want an encounter with God we have tried him and we have found him to be faithful and he will do what he said he will do the book of Acts the ninth chapter I want to call your attention to verse 1 through 6 and then let's consider verse 19 through 22 that's Acts chapter number 9 verse one two three four five and six and then let's go Amen to verses 19 20 21 and 22 when you have its Amen and the Bible gives us this intelligence and song yet breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord went unto the high priest and desired of him letters to Damascus to the synagogue's that if they found in any of this way whether they were men or women he might bring them bound unto Jerusalem and he journeyed as he journeyed he came near Damascus and suddenly there shine round about him a light from heaven and he failed to the earth and heard a voice saying unto him Saul so why persecutest thou me and he said who art thou Lord the Lord said I am Jesus whom thou persecutest it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks and he troubling an astonished said Lord what will thou have me to do the Lord said unto Him arise go into the city and it shall be told thee what thou must do verse 19 come with me for a moment and when he had received meat he was strengthened then was saw certain days with the disciples which were at Damascus and straightway he preached Christ in the synagogue's that he is the son of God but all that heard him were amazed and said is not this he that destroyed them which called on this name in Jerusalem and came hither for that intent that he might bring them bound unto the chief priests but Saul increased the more in strength and confounded the Jews which dwelt at Damascus proving that this is very Christ knocks him to the ground he gets up and asked the question who art thou G I said it's me one that you've been persecuting and I want you to know it is hard to kick against the pricks look at somebody and just tell them when you really meet the law I want to talk today about what happens when you really meet the law you know I'm finding out there are a lot of people that think they know him but if you don't know I'm in a saving way you just know about him it takes an experience with the loan to be able to say I know him that's what Jesus said in that day many will come to me they'll say that the abyss in your name I prophesied I can't stop Devils I did all of these wonderful works in your name but the Bible says in that day he's going to say to them depart from me because I never knew you they knew about him enough to say that I did it in your name but they did not know him my way of experience and because they had no experience with him they could not say that they really knew the Lord brothers and sisters can I say to you this morning that it takes more than just go into church it takes more than shaking the preacher's head because so many times we think that's the way to salvation we think all we got to do is come sit in a chair amen get the preacher I hand and God our heart and that's all that it takes but listen salvation is about a change in your life and if you don't know him I will change then family I'm sorry to tell you know the law if we are good [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] away from [Applause] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Applause] is a lifestyle changer while you're in say nothing it your parent your whole life what no there's no such thing of the salvation without a deliverance but God ain't concerned about this and God ain't concerned about that that's what a man is telling you about God you better open your Bible and hear what God says about himself the Bible never said just give God your conceptual heart than what he said the Bible says you glorify God in your body and in your spirit because they both belong to what now y'all gonna get cry to me we think all we got to do is give God our spirit and we can do what we want with our body and he ain't concerned about us but y'all and got quiet on me on the Sunday morning yeah so you say we're saved but save from what what are we safer if we still live that same away what are we saved from the Bible says that a virgin shall conceive and bring forth a son now I'm telling you what the word says thou shalt call his name geez for he shall say now if that's what God sent His only begotten Son into the world to save his people from their sin then how you a save sinner see we won't salvation in church to be like Alcoholics Anonymous where we go in we don't want anybody to be judgmental towards anybody so we're all on the same level so when we get up to testify we start our testimony out by saying my name is James I am an alcoholic you know why they tell you that because they don't want the other alcoholics in the room to feel bad about their condition so you gotta identify with them so that they believe that it's nothing wrong with being an alcoholic just as long as you are better alcoholic than you were yesterday I used to drink six packs of beer an hour I only drink five now I'm doing a whole lot better and so when we come to church now we can't even testify to the deliverance that God brought in our lives because we're too busy trying to identify with her old life that he said he came to deliver us from not I was drowning and sinking and somebody reached their hand out and picked me up out of the water when I get back to the land and the news cameras are there and they say tell us what happened you expect for me to say while I'm sterile and my name is Herman and I'm still drowning but then once you've been you have been you are not in the same position the same [Applause] so we've got understand what it means to really meet the Lord see we set up a shout have been you ain't got no tell you what to say anyway gosh you could be cussing in another language and don't even know it you better make sure that what's coming out of your mouth it's the Holy Ghost when you really meet the law let me hasten to close the Bible says that Saul's conversion was a powerful witness to the early church I can tell you how important it is to early Christianity it is so important that the account of this man's salvation is recorded three times in one book that's the 22nd chapter Acts the 26th chapter I believe it is and here in Acts chapter 9 there are three different accounts of this man's encounter with the Lord in one book of the Bible that's how significant this event was to the understanding of God's ability to change people in the early church world you've got to know eight men as I hate the Bible says a man that allowed people were stoning Stephen you remember Stephen that fiery preacher of the gospel the Bible says Stephen preached with such a conviction people ran up to him while he was talking and run up on you [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] no it has the way [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] it was it was in the [Laughter] [Music] No [Music] [Music] he said it's me it's Sheila's no I don't get me it's Jesus it seals my midnight or either [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] I am Jesus I'm the one you've been prosecuting you go into the maskers to look for me but I came to find you juergen quiet he said it's hard to kick against the prick what was he kicking against he was kicking against the conscience of his own mind when he saw Stephen being stoned to death when he saw men dying for the way when he saw that when that rock hit him he didn't back up all of his testimony something hit sound in the man I know what I've been told but something about that testimony I know what they showed me in school but something about Stephens witness caused a conflict in his mind and Jesus says Saul you've been kicking against the brick you've been trying to hold on to your upbringing but you've had a great witness in Stephen that has angered you it has troubled you it disturbed you and you've been kicking against the pouch that maybe I'm not right and maybe he is he said it's hard for you to ignore what you saw and you're kicking against the brick he said Lord just tell me what I need to do Jesus said get up go well Gowell go well down the strength y'all gettin put I heard sister Marie preacher few years ago she said if you ask me to get anywhere down here I probably couldn't tell you but if you want to know how to get to heaven she said turn right and go straight look at somebody tell them neighbor if you wanna go straight when you really meet the law everything's gonna change I gotta get out of here somebody clap your hands and give him praise I can't be here all day stand to your feet when you really made of when you really meet the Lord things started happening when you meet the Lord the Bible says I believe it was the Greeks came to Philip and they said sir we would see Jesus we appreciate disciples and handlers and assistance and and armor bearers and adjutants but sir we need to see Jesus came to see who is this man people keep talking about who is it that people are willing to give up their all for who is this man and I honestly believe that the reason why Paul felt inclined to preach what he did in Mars Hill was because it reminded him of a previous condition he said you're just too superstitious you're so superstitious that you are serving a god and honoring a God and worshiping a god that you don't even know you have an altar a whole altar and you have etched into the side of this altar to the unknown God you're worshiping but you're worshiping ignorantly and how many people today are just like that they go to church they have positions but they're worshipping ignorantly he remembered when he was walking down the road he knew something supernatural was happening and he knew that it was coming out of heaven but he didn't know who it was who about Lord know enough to know it was a lord that was doing it but Lord out of heaven but didn't even know who it was who are you I know a few I've heard about experiences like this but who are you jesus said everyone that seeks me we're fine if you're not the door will be open he's not hiding from anybody God is knowable are y'all listening to me you can actually know God and not only can you know him but the good thing about God is that he wants to be known he's not hiding from you he said I drone lives of those that draw near to me and by you coming to this altar that's your act of drawing nigh unto Him and because you took this step in coming close to him if you come in faith and believe he'll reveal himself to you in a powerful way when you really meet him nothing about your life is going to be the same I met the Lord lord have mercy 17 no 27 years ago I was 14 years old I'm 41 now and at 14 years of age I walk down an aisle just like these I came to an altar just like this one and I lifted my hands and I asked the Lord to save me I was in church he says before I was born my mother while she was carrying me was bringing me to church so I've been in church all of my life and then something but I still didn't know who he was I knew Scriptures had new the books of the Bible I knew just about any story you could talk to me about that you can find in the Word of God I was raised in church Oh bringing that sit that's the power of God I knew Church but I didn't know him [Laughter] but I needed to know him and I came to an altar he made him several real to me and I'm telling you he'll do the same thing for you lift your hands everyone at this altar that needs to be saved young man that's the power of God that you're feeling on your now doesn't matter what you've done yes listen listen to me because as hard as it is to believe I want you to know is real it doesn't matter to God what you've done give me yeah it doesn't matter to God what you've done I want you to know I mean the Lord loves you and he loves the rest of you and if you believe it if you believe it he'll forgive you if then becomes your job to forgive yourself are you listening to me listen to what I'm telling you the question is not whether God can forgive you the question is whether you can forgive yourself and if you ask him he'll do what you need them to do today that's it that's it the rest of you while your hands are lifted I want you to talk to God his power is moving at this altar I want you to talk to God open your mouth and say Lord I'm sorry for everything that I did that wasn't like you come in and deliver me ask him deliver me shock me free and baptize me with the Holy Ghost and tell him Lord I live for you for the rest of my life come on and believe it [Music] [Music] [Music] that's it that's change at this altar [Music] Bastet never once this altar [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and we take you forward hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 17,333
Rating: 4.8721461 out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Id: AVIM3a0EXjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 53sec (4253 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 02 2018
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