🔥 PREACHERS Who Are Going To HELL - Prophet Todd Hall | Old-School HOLINESS Preaching

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i'm going to address what scared preachers won't see how quiet y'all got over there over there i need a prophecy you i don't know if that's going to happen it was old song years ago it said in the word of god i've got to hide in place throw me overboard got to hide in place would you clap your hands real fast and shout hallelujah like you love him i have a lot of scriptures to visit but i won't take no you can't do all that but i won't take long reading all of them this sounds better maybe we can just go through with it right here and i'll pull the mic back or something but let me open up by saying for three folk will talk to me that if we don't hurry and bring back some things to church that's missing see i do have some help then church will be nothing but a social club and i know we got some deep folk that want to act deep jesus promised us upon this rock i built my church he wasn't talking about you he was talking to peter and he was basing it not on a church building or gathering but on a confession that he's lord i want to confess some things can i get just a little more volume that young man should know how to help too but i want to confess some things two or three people that talk to me and that is some of you i remember years ago and y'all know we don't feel what we used to feel you know you don't see i knew my job was hard but don't mix the word of glory for good excitement don't think when god's glory moves that is always a good feeling i don't know but when moses saw his glory for two people all i know is he didn't like what he saw front row won't talk and not only did he not like it he didn't even know because he didn't have a mirror that his face changed when you're in god's glory it demands that you leave changed i know nothing welcomes change more than a wet baby there's only a baby who cries because it wants to be changed grown-ups live with the mess and fake like let me also say some more serious things and i'll preach at the end i don't think preachers are going to hell for being hypocrites i think they're going to hell for messing with the bible y'all looking at me funny hypocrites the root word huparesta simply means actor and everybody that gets a mic including myself has a little acting in them like some of you act like you ain't broke jupiter's some of you are smiling like you're happy some of you act happily married why y'all don't talk over there i don't think the word hypocrite is a bad word if you are basically trying to live a victorious life while going through an experience so i don't think preachers male or female and y'all pray for me have to be able to live everything they preach they have to have a heart and a mind and a will to live right i don't think any of y'all could live at all look at two or three looking like you are you lying if any of us could live at all jesus would have not had to die he either got one of you hypocrites acting like you ain't doing nothing wrong i'm almost there and my preachers are not talking it is hard to please everybody especially when everybody wants something different from you now if you preach this talk i help y'all get your deliverance back too it's really difficult people are now effective pastors because they're preaching to people who they telling they don't have to change and i believe that kind of preacher is going to hell all the way they're not going to hell because they can't live at all they're going to hell because they're telling people they ain't got to live none of it just come to church jump speak in tongues fall out and when you leave here it's your business am i boring y'all cause i wasn't supposed to be here i'm just getting back from south africa they created this day glory festival to start on wednesday church is the only place that you can do what you want to do and get away with it because you can't get fired for real they ain't gonna give you the loan for your bank or your car or your house it's like i ain't got nothing to lose except find another church y'all don't think i'm preaching already and mother's not praying for me elder's not talking to me but i grew up in the days not just me cox montez then that y'all won't call my name i'll call yours we grew up in the day where when you joined the church that was your church and when they said sit down and shut up you sit down and you don't move no more you didn't sing in the choir if you didn't make quiet rehearsal let me take you back before i thrust you forward people talking about prophet hall i don't see you still relevant preached the same way and over 35 years you ain't changed your style but i'm getting frustrated because i'm watching everybody else change theirs to fit a culture if i get three folk to talk instead of bobblehead when the truth of the bible is to make the culture come to christ not to make christ fit the culture now let me tell you the gist of my sermon and where i'm going with this so we can cut through the chase so nobody has to duck and dodge here's what i'm attempting to do for 10 folk who will talk and say amen when you hear it i'm going to attempt to preach the truth hear me to preach against sin to preach against some of the things we all do and hope that we can say the word is right even when we're wrong how you know you really save is when you can say the word of god is right even when i'm wrong no no don't get quiet i got a word for the preachers male and female fivefold ministry whatever titles we all hold that make us act cocky and arrogant or whatever they say this is what i want to say to all of the superheroes for three folk who would talk even if you can't live it right preach it right don't find the scripture and to cover the lifestyle that you're living preach it until maybe one day [Music] some of y'all look like y'all half stepping now you're ducking there was a scripture and the scripture said for one person who serious about the bible that jesus said i esteem my word above my name and we don't got good at using his name power in the name of jesus catch our demons but he told you there was another level more severe than his name my word i'm like david tonight and i'm sorry that y'all are not used to my opening blame it on jet lag 23.5 hours going 26.5 hours coming back blame it on i preach to some folk called afrikans who take god way more serious than americans blame it on they can spot you a mile away and blame it on i'm a little more secure because if they say god is with me i really don't care what you said yep you're not gonna catch it the lord told me dr moses then i'm going to read todd i i really don't want to send you to hell for knowing what to say but won't say it david slept with bathsheba come on help me bishop help me because you act old help me but by your socks and shoes i know you're not old he knew what he did was wrong that's why he tried to make up for it and when he couldn't cover it he had to kill the evidence oh y'all so he wrote a letter to have her husband kill try to cover it nicely go sleep with your wife man was too holy to sleep with his wife that's too holy for me see how quiet it got you done been in the army three years still living and you get permission from the king to go home and you'd be like but the war is not over i don't know whatever y'all say can you cut this one up just a little more on your gain and then i'm good see that's why i'm gonna hold on to both of them i'm gonna hold on to both of these okay so what happens is and y'all forgive my grandbaby but what happens give me a little more house and a little more into these monitors and hopefully it don't ring and i'll preach he repented but in our day people don't repent we replace [Applause] [Music] wow so we never get delivered we just stop doing it one way y'all don't hear me and try to do it another way i can't get no help i'm almost there i promise you you're gonna love it but i'm not going to hell for none of you every time that's it i'm happy every time members are misled by preaching a preacher is going to hell and the reason why we got a crazy day for one screamer is everybody is calling themselves to preach some of y'all are preaching and pastoring and can't tell us who sanctions you and if they go who you say is your bishop they can't give a good reference so you're illegal i got one person helping me as a lady i'm almost there i didn't get saved let me say this am i doing all right bishop i didn't get saved please let me preach and don't judge me yet i didn't get saved to go to heaven that's why i told you don't say none cause some of y'all hypocrites i didn't get saved to go to heaven y'all don't even preach heaven good enough for me to want to go 12 gates so what streets paved with gold so what what makes that special when you can go to dubai and around the world and see all the gold on houses and diamonds on cars i'm saved for three people because i don't want to go to hell [Applause] it's not about where i want to go it's where i don't want to go [Applause] [Music] it's it's more i wish i had some gain i wish y'all knew what the game button was up there [Applause] i'm already telling you i know my preachers the old saints that preached didn't have your intellect can i be honest and very true they didn't have your vocabulary please help me dr mosley they didn't have your gift we couldn't play like y'all oh we played we had better church than y'all we had more deliverance than y'all have ever seen in your life we've cast out more demons every sunday not one ever [Applause] we saw the awesomeness of god in all of his glory and splendor every service and we didn't have all these beautiful songs we just had have you tried jesus [Applause] call him up call him up tell him what you want and some of you act like you where is the old anointing now you won't know you didn't see it when you said you saw it you weren't even born but i don't know where it went and if we don't find it just the last time i'm gonna say it cause y'all church as you once knew it will no longer exist [Applause] now yes i want to prophesy because that's what people enjoy before you preach and then they get stimulated like i want to tell a man god's got a book that he wants him to write that's going to make him rich if he applies himself to the scriptures a little more and be careful of his company and i would love to say his name is gary davis but oh lord he done jumped up that must be gary davis [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now be seated and let me inform you of something most people laugh at that kind of breakout and that's how i know you weren't in the old church because you didn't laugh at people that praised like that so i know you weren't there you won't tell folk you were but i know lying spirits when i see them [Applause] you would have had to be a member of old sanctified storefront church and it was called a holiness church the baptist did not have this the methodists the cme they laughed and stayed away from this [Applause] i hear people talking and i'm in a rebuked mode but if you saw it and you were liked it you would be doing it in every service [Applause] and the lord told me todd you're gonna have to lose some people embarrass them let them go because they're not of me depart from me i never knew you you're a worker of iniquity disrespect for your elders iniquity [Applause] in ministry for the money iniquity speaking in public about powerful leaders whether they make mistakes or not god would have told you keep your mouth shut [Applause] we elders are not your equals watch your mouth keep your opinions to yourself y'all lost it somewhere i also said this and maybe someone would jump and encourage me a lot of people today are in church to be rescued not delivered [Applause] and some of you new pastors at best are rescuers [Applause] [Music] because to be a deliverer you have to be bold enough to tell your followers what spirit is controlling their nature [Applause] [Music] some of y'all like proper whole man of somebody no you got it wrong you not that important that's that spirit in you that's being addressed that makes you think you the target of discussion we don't get mad with one person and use you to deliver the whole church but when you don't address the thing it spreads like cancer [Applause] i've never seen children lie to their parents and people sit at tables and talk about preachers and bishops and what's going to happen when you finally get up top if you ever get there you know how many of your friends got stuff on you waiting to tell it but you ain't important enough yet your stuff ain't coming out while you're not influential y'all satan's gonna wait until you think you made it and all of a sudden you're gonna have a lot of explaining to do then you gonna say like kavanagh that's 20 years ago let me say this and then read and hopefully we'll shout because i'm going to dance but hear me because i see folk in the back standing inside that means there's some people that have hope i have flaws they don't have me but i have flaws i wish i had three i have problems but they don't have me but i have problems i have i'm trying to preach don't be i have fetishes desires but what blows my mind pastor montez is this for three people like david which i hope everybody tonight understands so when i preach you got it if you no longer feel convicted when you're wrong [Applause] then i'm convinced you're not saved [Music] talk to me back here when you're convinced that whatever you do is okay with god conviction leaves the building and conviction y'all may not want to scream on this is god speaking to you while you're messed up [Music] when he stops talking to you he's through where there's no conviction people are convinced that they can do whatever they want to do now to the young adults young enough to be my sons and daughters but act like your parents should be your friends and i am definitely no child's friend you all will not be stopped from taking over because we're going to die we ain't holding you back we're going to die we are on the other side of eternal life i am asking you before i go to be with the lord three of you back here make sure you find conviction [Applause] if you can't live perfect make sure you've got a barometer that tells you to admit i ain't right yeah i just ain't right huh why y'all not talking you cut you got to be able to tell yourself not me you should you got to be able to tell yourself man this ain't right [Applause] don't ignore it leave it unfixed and continue your journey leave your gift at the altar this is too old school i i gotta get out of here but i see folks saying amen that i didn't expect to say amen that shows me that there's a level of conviction left in you then i see a group not moving because they ain't seen in the month hoopty do one straight 30 day no cussing you ain't drink ain't stepping around get yourself a hand but what about all the time [Applause] has your holy perfect days outweigh your sin flawed days when i still think some of us got a long way to go i'm glad about one thing that god don't keep record see some of you ain't talking because know why you have no conviction so you sitting there like when he gonna preach when you're chosen last thing i'll say concerning this harsh turbulent takeoff when you're chosen for two preachers and three women who will push me you are hard on yourself you may not do it in front of everybody but once you get by your lonely shelf you'll be like man [Music] see i know i ain't lying because the majority of you are standing others that are sitting are trying to act like jupiter estes you're putting on a holy show it's easy not to fornicate if nobody likes you it's easy not to smoke if your first memory knocks you out it's easy not to want to get married if your first boo slapped you in your mouth you know when you have bad experiences you're not delivered you're phobic but when you're chosen for those who know you are you ain't got to be a preacher to be chosen but when you're chosen once you've been delivered from a thing and know you have that thing comes back supersized [Applause] and you ask yourself how did i get back in this same situation is it a demon lord how i was doing good for four years now i will tell y'all this for two folk will talk to me if the lord came back right now i'm going to heaven i know y'all look jealous folk how you know i just feel it in my same divide so he cracked that sky right now [Applause] some of y'all gonna be going to the basement cause you ain't set amen on nothing as if you are exempt [Applause] from the realities of life let me let me let me lay one more foundational scripture and three people push me because as you talk i get better all have sinned ho ho ho look at a neighbor whether they know you're not an excellent does that include you you know because because all means no one exempt i don't drink i don't cuss i don't fornicate i'm not promiscuous but you lie you're jealous you're busy body you're a gossiper you're a truth breaker you're heady you're high-minded just [Applause] [Music] why does black church limit sin to four categories but y'all bc he needs to be delivered in his flesh and you need to be delivered in your mouth and ain't no separate hell for cussers now it sounds funny but as we go to the text because i'm reading like speed read for real you will then find out for any of you who've been raised by good grandparents or good parents or good great grandparents you will find out that what i just did is how all of our pastors used to preach [Applause] they get up it's holiness holy holy holy they they ain't never exegeted no text turn with me to john glory to god i feel holiness holy holy let's pray we'll preach this next week they never finish no message y'all finished your whole sermon and we still ain't delivered [Applause] y'all do a series [Applause] everyone with capabilities can study and get a sermon out the bible but it doesn't mean that the anointing accommodates your preaching because when the anointing is present it destroys oh yuck it destroys the yoke the thing that's holding you it commands that it lets you go last thing i want to tell y'all cause y'all have really been pushing me keep your mouth off the preachers especially if you don't know them keep your mouth off god's servants [Applause] what goes around and if i hang around you young people and hear you talk about preachers and i don't rebuke you then i'm just like you don't talk about you know they used to use the scripture wrong but i'm gonna use it like they use it one person jump up and you'll start being debt-free they said touch not minority stay out of the office that you're not presently in keep your mouth if you were raised right they would tell you don't speak when grown-ups are talking [Applause] keep your mouth anybody else feel like preaching now because i could go [Music] no i'm serious i got a free african god get your bibles let me read something cox if it makes sense just wave the cave because i used to preach for you too and you are definitely one of the greatest preachers that i know no y'all can go on and try to throw people's pass up but make sure you ain't got a pass you presently living that's all that's all that's all i'm trying to help all y'all do cause what goes around
Views: 111,056
Rating: 4.744 out of 5
Keywords: prophet todd hall, holiness, gino jennings, holiness gino jennings, shout, praise break, speaking in tongues, pentecostal shout, apostolic shout, cogic shout, holy convocation cogic, bishop noel jones, serita jakes, td jakes, maranda curtis, tasha cobbs, worship, cry out to god, jamal bryant, storefront church, donnie mcclurkin, cogic, crazy shout, cogic praise break, todd hall dancing, todd hall shout, todd hall preaching, potters house dallas, cogic shouting
Id: PlnlxbgtR1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 37sec (2257 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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