Few people have seen this new 12ga. slug - We test it!

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prototype testing is kind of a service that we do for small businesses and individuals who come up with various projectile designs and they want us to film it with a high speed camera these designs come from all over the world russia australia and some from the united states even now tests like these are normally never seen by the public but we thought it'd be fun to bring you along you may remember the original heavy hitter slugs that we tested several years ago well jerry lindquist has continued his design changes and has come up with this mini heavy hitter with a steel ball it's about a 10 millimeter steel ball mounted in the nose of it these don't even have an official name yet that's how new they are but warwolf ordnance sent us these samples to test out and uh that's what we're going to do today now even though these are called mini heavy hitters they're still pretty heavy for a 12 gauge slug weighing in at 38 grams 1.35 ounces or just around 10 grains lighter than the massive brenneke black magic slug which weighs in at about 600 grains but all this is loaded into one of these mini shells for increased capacity okay this is a remington 870 is it going to chamber all that chambered just fine eject well sure now it's all dirty and just for fun and because so many people asked to see this we're going to load one of these into these old russian steel case shells and test that out too folks with so much drama in the lbc it's kind of hard being jeff and me the og today we're out here with you a little mini shell here sent to us by kip up at warwolf remember war wolf is the coolest shotgun ammo name on the internet well warwolf in idaho sent these down little mini show and it's a finned lead slug jeff's probably showing you this on the table top by now and many of you have probably complained that i'm saying the exact same thing that jeff's already said but that's for you guys who skip around you got to give people something to complain about of course you did you know or else it would be uh there would be no comment section people were like everything was perfect in your video i wish i could give it two thumbs up all right so these little finned lead slugs here look like little rifled slugs actually carry a little steel ball in the center so they are not just a one ounce slug they're about a one and a third ounce yeah roughly give or take so 38 grams to be precise we're going to try these things out we're going to try these things out for accuracy we're going to try them out for how much energy they deliver downrange uh war wolf wants to make sure these things are viable out of different types of shotguns they wanted us to test them so that they could see whether or not they're going to be marketable for you and i um we're going to try them out of a fully rifled barrel today we've got the old standard smoothbore and jeff might roll in some video here we shot him out of a uh the beretta 1301 semi-automatic okay rapid fire two rounds okay i'm holding the shotgun down using zika's grip clamp c oh okay zika watches you from slovenia okay i'm ready here we go as fast as we can oh boy that's hot cycled pretty well yeah first one went where i wanted it to and the second one was under recoil so it dumped it low yeah yep the gun works good but it ate two of them so that i'm confident it would eat a magazine full of them yeah yeah and they function perfectly out of that too so why don't we get to it doug is downrange uh busting rhymes and spitting flows right now but he is waiting for us we're gonna send some of these down he's gonna catch him in his vest he's super excited about that so time to get to it we're about what 12 10 yards yeah i'd say a good 10 yards okay rifle barrel rifled barrel okay when you're ready even at the blue tape on there yep okay i'm ready here we go set 643 that is not right it's not bad on the recoil we had a camera operator malfunction we got to fire the camera operators now my trigger didn't wasn't working i forgot to test the functionality of it sometimes i have problems with the trigger well that's good so anyway we'll get the high speed footage of of this still so you weren't triggered so out here i found this embedded in the kevlar of doug's vest after he fell over you can see the little base of that uh steel ball right in there but when you turn it over not only do you see the typical little kevlar fibers in there printed in the soft lead but there's the steel ball winking at you like a little eye it's a lot of lead yeah it is and it all stayed together though look at that one yeah didn't the steel ball didn't cause it to go through the kevlar or anything like that and it had mild recoil not super light but definitely not a 12 gauge like a two and a half inch recoil so that thing would be rather pleasant to shoot those if you had to okay did it hit the target where were you aiming so i believe this is not the same piece of blue tape here but we had the blue tape down here centered um i peeled the slug out oh a little bit high right maybe okay could have been my pole so we don't know see the problem was i was trying to i was watching the chronograph and not watching the high-speed camera yeah i'll try and watch the cronie okay okay i am ready whenever you are all right at the blue dot below the f yep i got 6 37 out of this thing again not right let's take a look at the kronos high-speed camera footage we can see we have excellent stability and spin from that full rifled barrel the point of impact was a little bit off from where greg was aiming but before we blame anyone or anything remember that the ballistics of different slugs vary greatly from slug to slug i was aiming here for the blue dot it hit a little bit high which was just like the other one this is an old one don't pay attention to that inside here though you can kind of see if you zoom in it left a perfect imprint of that little steel ball bearing in there so that's kind of cool didn't go through or anything i didn't expect it to but it did make a deep i don't know half inch three quarter inch deep hole and then jeff found this in the dirt back there about five yards back and you can even see where the ball bearing was in this piece of lid as it you will probably see and with the you know i i got the high speed camera and you've got put it on you've got that thermal gun we could the thermal gun yeah i've done the metal detector and then the 200 by 200 foot tarp so that we can catch all of this stuff when it falls out so he can but but the ball bearing was in there when it bounced back out so we might be able to see it in the high speed footage where the ball bearing went and keep in mind though good solid heavy chunk of lead for a slug to even do that much damage i mean if we're talking about a self-defense round here that's some pretty significant energy transfer yeah so i think it'll be just okay if you decide to uh if you decide okay take these in let's see how the smoothbore works they say that rifling makes everything better let's see if a smoothbore makes things worse all right see it makes it worse all right let's give it a try okay is it more better out of a smooth bore oops more better if i don't kick the camera and you're even just between the the top paws or yes chest shots pause okay see we can do a smooth board okay i'm ready here we go right on through him now remember this is shot out of a smooth bore no rifling at all yet we have spin now i believe the spin is generated as the slug is traveling down the barrel now the fins are slanted a little bit and they kind of act like skis as the slug observates into the barrel very tightly these skis force the slug to spin a little bit mechanically as the slug passes through the ballistic gel we can see that the steel ball has separated from the main body of the slug now we also see something very important here the gas seal is very mangled up from the shot and it's little details like this that can screw up your accuracy the gas seal is pushing against the back of the slug under thousands of psi and we can see we don't have a lot of contact area at all between the gas seal and the slug so if i were to make one suggestion i would say use some kind of a hard fiber wad between the gas seal and the slug to spread the load out a little better and a little inexpensive detail like this can only help of course you gotta shoot at watermelon of course this one's the internet troll watermelon oh okay okay again smoothbore one more on the nose on the nose okay he's calling it i'm ready safety berm now again i believe the spin is generated internally inside the barrel jerry believes that it happens externally from the airflow going over the fins now regardless of that this one was very accurate really happy with the results of this one and this shows just how close they are to perfecting these things i have a lot of faith in in greg but these things haven't been super accurate so i don't know if you'll hit those little blast cloud targets there's three of them there okay i'm ready whenever you are all right here we go whoa we got at least at least two colors that was i'm impressed greg actually look we got we got blue red and pink yeah [Music] and this is where it gets weird because this one has almost no spin at all on it extremely accurate we're really pleased that he even hit this target and i'll be honest with you i thought it was going to take a couple shots maybe even move the target a lot closer before he hit this so this is looking really good for this design [Music] okay where you aiming at i'm gonna aim right for the cap of the tampico orange juice jar pico i thought it was temp tampico yeah that's what it is let's start an internet fight about how to pronounce tampico it's not tapatia it's it's crap and who do we have standing on top of the tampico justin bieber he's gonna do a high dive for us hopefully maybe okay take your time and hit it man when you're ready i'm ready wow wow this slug hit a little bit to the left but still a lot of energy impacting that liquid target now i admit we shoot some goofy targets but we try to keep things mildly amusing for you guys okay greg's coconut it's a small target 10 yards hopefully we can do it okay take your time when you're ready i'm ready here we go nice looks like a lift hit the left you must have at least a hit you're only going a little left we are testing in california though all right here comes the slug it's kind of flying a little bit cockeyed there and you can kind of understand why it wasn't terribly accurate in this shot and again we have a really good shot of the gas seal uh certainly we're not getting a real clean separation from the wadding from the slug with something that looks like that so improvements can be made okay since so many people on the last video where you saw mike the magical welder shooting these uh russian steel shells so many people wanted to see these things reloaded jeff has reloaded our one of our werewolf uh heavy hitters into this steel slash copper uh case copper wash so we're gonna see uh how it works because there's there might be a little bit of a gap around that uh around all these things people are fascinated with the all steel or all brass shells but they are horrible to reload because the dimensions are different than a normal 12 gauge plastic hole you had to drill out that burden primer yeah and replace it with a 209 oh yeah box of primer 3949 whatever yeah so uh we're going to see first of all if these light off second of all if they light off and uh pop out the projectiles a last minute yesterday thoughts like hey oh you know what i kind of want to see that too i want to see yeah if we could get this russian shell to work now these russian shells had an old school burden primer the burden primer is a lot like a cap from a captain ball pistol but we want to use a modern reliable boxer primer brand new we know it's going to work so we had to drill out the hole to accept that 209 primer and that wasn't too difficult at all the next problem is the fact that the inside diameter of the all steel or all brass holes are not the same as a modern plastic hole as you can see we have probably 20 thousandths of an inch slop there and that gas seal is never gonna seal and that shell will never go off so we're gonna use two of these gas seals and wrap it with two wraps of electrical tape and now we finally have a tight gas seal now i admit this is a goofy workaround but this is what you got to do to make these function or find oversized wads that are like 11 gauge now let's see if this funky setup works and take a look down here we got a fresh piece of clear-ish ballistic gel see last time they were like oh he's too lazy to recast this like no i'm trying to make it last as long as i can because every time you cast it it it degrades a little tiny bit and it starts yellowing out a little bit so it is a lot of work it's like we're gonna sit around in there and see what kind of a wound cavity we can get from this uh from this heavy hitter round we're gonna try and capture it in see what it does let's get into it all right oh my god right in there i don't believe it that thing fills up every last millimeter of that chamber yeah now eject it okay it may work may work let's try it out okay i'm ready here we go oh yeah oh okay it almost stayed on the table oh yeah oh okay the russian shell went off it went off a little bit low down here it actually had some pretty decent recoil to it quite a bit i loaded it kind of hot thanks it's a big chill you need a lot of powder for that great uh quite a bit more than the little minis there here's something unusual though it hit the gel and we normally see the round dive down or sometimes scoot up most of the time they just go straight through you know this one made a right turn at albuquerque and if you take a look over here you see a couple there's two interesting stories going on in here i don't know can you see that maybe from the top best oh my goodness just so i don't have to change the angle yeah i know it won't make any sense it entered in the center and then hooked a right turn and it looks like the lead slug lead portion of it made it out the edge of this thing there's the gas seal two gas seals but let's let me wrote this take this around see if you can see it a little bit better take a look at this although this is not gonna be directionally accurate first of all left a bunch of debris right here check that out i think it looks like blue electrical tape there yep we'll talk about that however look at this little skinny little mark right there what do you guys think that is ah i found right out here at the outside of this sitting right here in the end of the little kevlar fuzz i found the steel ball bearing and it just just it came came apart and that little steel ball bearing shot through there like a little nine millimeter round it's kind of cool no expansion whatsoever but shot a pretty straight line while the rest of its little uh transportations there is there is looks like chunks of lead in there yeah here look at that the rest of it i think kind of missed our kevlar and shut out a little bit to the right yeah there's your thing really turned though there's your gas seals right there close to the close to the surface yeah and some what is that junk down there space junk space debris this is where all of it exited you can see a little tiny hole right there that's where most of the lead shot yeah mr kevlar that's okay missed our trucks even more important yeah i missed the camera well there you go pretty easy pretty decent yeah i actually really like them in the in their original tiny configuration i know those are popular for those people who have the short little shotguns like shockwaves and remington tac 14 because you can put more rounds in there to be honest with you for home defense reasons this would uh i'd be pretty i'd be pretty solid with this thing they've been reliable through rifled barrels they've been reliable through smoothbore and they were definitely reliable they cycled the semi-automatic uh perfectly so they tended to shoot better i think out of the smoothbore than they did out of the rifled barrel oh i can't believe that rifling makes everything better i know but overall yeah they were pretty uh they're pretty impressive for a little slug in a tiny little package you could pack more of them into a into a shotgun keep in mind your velocity is going to be lower but for home home defense purposes you really don't uh it's really not going to affect you a whole lot you've seen some pretty big holes out here today and you take any one of those holes and put it into a bad guy chopping his way in here a couple big holes standing right here that's right anyway we hope you guys liked it with something a little different and uh we always try to give them a fair shake out here for the manufacturer so that they know whether or not they're going to be marketing something that's reliable or not they try to sell garbage out there you guys are gonna figure it out so yeah we like to figure it out here first before they end up losing their shorts on uh selling garbage so yeah all right that's about all we got for you thanks for stopping by and we will see you guys on the next video rickshay and last but not least we have the footage from the high speed camera shot we see a lot of energy dump so much that it threw the block of gel off the table yeah the gel gets dirt all over but it just washes off it's not a big deal but we think it is important to show just how much energy the block of gel is receiving now the slug impacts the gel the steel ball goes all the way through and our slug it almost all the way through and before it exited out the side of the block and that's what's left of the slug there's still a lot of pieces of lead in the block itself anyway i hope the footage we got is helpful to the manufacturer probably will increase the velocity a bit these things weren't running that fast and i also hope that you the viewer enjoyed the video too i want to thank our patreon supporters lately we haven't been pushing the patreon membership that much because things have improved and we've been telling people hey cut back if you want or eliminate your pledge we're doing pretty good right now this year i think youtube may have finally realized that they were losing billions of dollars by demonetizing everything now if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask we're actually pretty good at replying to comments unlike almost every other content creator out there we actually value our viewers comments and questions thank you
Views: 271,666
Rating: 4.9377313 out of 5
Keywords: brenneke black magic, heavy hitter, self defense, high speed camera, smartereveryday, physics, demolitionranch, camping, survival
Id: H53iIJMD1cA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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