Coléoptère Inspired 12ga. Projectiles - TESTED

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hello everyone today we have a fascinating projectile to test out called the coleoptia or beetle if you speak english a viewer named heinz yes same as the name of the ketchup suggested this to us and sartol took up the responsibility of making this happen sar fired up his small lathe and fabricated seven of these beautiful little prototypes for us to test out these are constructed out of aluminum also known as aluminium and brass also known as brassium the design is based off the 1950s french aircraft a really weird aircraft called the kodioptera the coleopter was a test aircraft that was designed to take off vertically and land vertically it had been absolutely terrifying to try to land this goofy thing the aircraft was transported around on a special trailer with a hydraulic tilting mechanism that would set it on the ground right before it would launch and then it would come back and land on its little shopping cart wheels located on the back surprisingly no test pilots were killed during the tests of this unusual plane although it did catch fire a pilot was injured and they eventually scrapped it it was just an idea that was just a little bit ahead of its time the french did a good job of trying them the coleopter projectile has this extended inlet spike and these three internal fins one of the concerns i have is launching this thing at supersonic speeds without it crushing under its own weight it's kind of fragile looking it does have a slightly forward center of gravity but is that the right center of gravity well we'll find out now the inlet spike something that you would see on like the sr-71 was something i've wanted to test for a long time whether or not we can redirect the shock wave through the center of the projectile the hydrodynamic test gives us an idea how the projectile might fly in a supersonic environment i put a little bit of red dye on the tip of the inlet spike and as you can see we do have flow through the center of it now this was dropped at a slight angle and it seemed to be correcting itself and starting to fly straight again the next test looked even more promising this was done with zero angle straight down and it showed excellent stability this also shows us why it's so important to launch it as straight as possible right out of the barrel you can see that these were made sub-caliber in other words smaller than the inside of the barrel by design if we left these just the way they were they'd come out of the barrel at an unpredictable angle we don't know where they'd go and they could possibly cause it to start yawing and tumbling with around 10 000 psi pushing on this thing in a split second we don't have a lot of surface area there to really work with here so saul made this wooden plug to spread the load out evenly across the back of the projectile then we slip it into what we call a sabo i know it's got other pronunciations but we call it a sabo and now we have a pretty good fit in the barrel but we still don't have very good support for the top half so we'll put another sabo on top of it now the projectile is fully supported from one end to the other and it should come out as straight as possible out of the barrel we want to discard those upper sabo so we just split that one in half and as it comes out of the barrel they'll separate like the fairings on elon musk's spacex rocket our coleopter is now fully supported from one end to the other and when we fit it into the barrel we now have an interference fit by just a few thousandths of an inch the plastic will give but it would still take a steel rod and a hammer to drive it down the barrel the entire assembly including an x-12x gas seal fits into this three-inch hole with little room to spare and it was glued in place okay wow very little recoil we had good sabo separation uh the wood didn't break the projectile didn't break and it was flying nice and straight and then it started yelling really bad and ultimately it hit our soft kevlar body armor sideways like a pancake i was hoping to reuse this one for another test but it hit with so much force that it just collapsed on itself even left indentations of the kevlar on the aluminum itself just embossed it right on there but i still learned a lot and i know my powder load is good and i could probably up it a little bit to get them to go a little faster but we may need full rifling in order to achieve spin stabilization we want these things flying straight welcome back taofleder folks jeff and officer greg out here with you today to bring you a cool 12-gate shotgun slug if you're not here to party don't bother coming knocking at our door hey today we have a unique round by now you've already seen it on jeff's table top but this time i've already talked about it exactly okay so i'm not going to talk about detail a lot of detail how kind of the stuff i never talk about normally you know how to make you know you can't just throw anything in a shotgun yeah there's a precision way of doing it and that's what we're trying to do here people tell us to shoot rebar and vienna sausages and icicles and uh end mills and all kinds of stuff it's like you realize that's going to destroy the barrel barrel right but in case you tapped on the right side of your screen and skipped through jeff's tabletop this is called the coleopter hey you got it right i practiced that i didn't i didn't know that word a french design so it probably gives up about halfway down to the target this polyopter design was made by sartol you've seen some of his stuff before star comes to us from israel he sends these things over to us sar is actually best known for making some of the ged best candy on this planet sorry if you're watching this you'll watch it i've never tasted anything like this it's crazy yeah it's our makeup i think this is a hobby for him i think well you ought to go into the bible you got to go to business you could advertise for him because this is some of the best stuff on the planet yeah very unique flavors all natural probably made out of cocaine or something because it makes you want more it does so the coleopter a little uh brass cylinder and uh no aluminum or aluminium if you're in aluminium europe looks like an ink pen and a little uh in a little cylinder we don't need to go into too much detail about this we are going to try it today though and kind of a special thing check this out you guys might recognize this shotgun we needed to shoot these coleopter rounds out of a rifled barrel i've got a rifled barrel so it is jeff however this is the late great danny's rifled barrel mossberg so his family thought it would be very cool if we did some of our rifle barrel testing out of this mossberg with his bushnell his shotgun unfortunately my aim but hopefully maybe this shot can can fix me right eric hill all right we're going to give it a try these coleopters had a danny's gun this one's for danny let's give it a try at cabbage holyoke whoa low and right 1465. oh it's supersonic now in real time it appeared that we just had an inaccurate projectile it hit the target but a lot more than that is going on as we can see with the footage from the chronos high-speed camera let's zoom in a little bit more now one of my concerns was the fragility of these projectiles the possibility that they'd break up from the nearly 10 000 g's of acceleration the aluminum tube took off by itself traveling around a thousand miles per hour but the internal fins and inlet spike assembly was stripped out of it from all that force and flew much slower than that let's hope that this particular sample was just weak for some reason and the rest of the test will be a little more successful than this and heck it wouldn't be a taofledermaus video if everything was perfect too right something always goes wrong okay so we're gonna try this one this one is jam-packed full of glitter [Laughter] no one knows why there doesn't have to be a reason it's just science uh jeff pack this one full of glitter glitter makes everything better just like rifling glitter makes shotgun rounds better makes strippers better gary glitter is better with glitter so let's give this a try here in the old rifled barrel and uh if we don't have better luck with the rifled barrel we're going to revert over to smooth and see if we something's going all right danny be with us okay test two i'm ready all right on the nose of the troll oh i saw glitter yeah i think it hit high on the jug yeah i hit very top of it so from a rifled barrel shooting at some troll bait we came up here and we found this water jug all trenched out here a nice little slice right across the top of it however it didn't lose any fluid jeff and i went down range there at the safety berm over on the right side of the safety berm jeff found the little cylinder little aluminum cylinder had taken a right turn at tel aviv and he stumbled across this little uh aluminum fin section that was inside and then we found the little sabo pieces between here in the safety berm and then as we're sitting here talking about it i looked down and we found the almost looks like an ink pen and the brush the brass nose the inlet nose so whoops i don't know oh no it drops on the ground sorry yeah i was going to show you how this fits in there he just built them to snap in there like that i can't get it into the cylinder right now but it was inserted into the cylinder that was my biggest fear that they were gonna break apart from the g-shock which happens a lot i mean it's remember it's over ten thousand g's of acceleration oh that's a lot of g's it's like hitting a golf ball with a 500 mile an hour uh golf club he thought some fast golf club yeah um you guys probably didn't know this but g-shock was actually my exotic dancer name i used to work stage three down at uh done an all-male review like it wasn't pretty and we went out of business but um anyway let's give them a try we're going to try another one out of the rifled barrel and then if all else fails we're going to switch it switch over to smooth there's that's essentially a smooth barrel right there yeah well the good news is the projectile didn't break as we see it come into focus here but the wooden plug was stuck to the back of it the semi-stable projectile then impacts the jug which has enough force to tear the projectile into pieces this is at least a slight improvement over test number one we saw different results this time let's hope that things improve because the velocity and powder load just gets higher and higher after this okay i'm ready here we go on the nose there we go the projectile didn't break the wooden plug didn't stick to it and we had a little better accuracy but best of all we had some glitter trailing out of the back of it there's nothing really holding the glitter in there you'd think it would all just dump out right away but it sort of just meters out along the way things are starting to look a lot better and there's a little bit of hope for these things still okay let's see if smoothbore makes things better and a 20 increase in powder [Laughter] that's like one fifth more powder almost i know it's getting very dark here but i think the chronos is gonna do okay i think okay i'm ready here we go i'm gonna aim for the middle top shaving cream okay [Laughter] using the smooth bore we no longer have spin stabilization and well the slug at least didn't break apart this time but i'm gonna have to explain my wife why there's a big hole in your yard sale table that's the hard part that's a big target for 10 yards too by the way still can't manage to hit it i know what's wrong with you i know it just keeps getting darker i keep having to open my iris that dang it i think it's a swarm of locust descending upon us i know i know there's a raven in the top of that oak tree that's an omen okay i'm ready all right here we go there we go 14 38 okay we went back to the full rifle barrel things did not improve though the thing broke apart and multiple pieces went downrange it was just a miracle that the table wasn't hit this time we have one more to test and we're this time we're gonna bet all our money on this shot all right we're gonna cap it off with a super duper coliocopter colon copter coleopter holy optical missile play that's all the french right now this one's got 20 more powder 20 more glitter 20 more range because check it out yeah we moved brandon doug's cousin back to 30 yards 10 yards what we weren't hitting anything at 10 yards so if you're not hitting anything at 10 yards what do you do you move them out to 30 yards exactly maybe this acts like an rpg you got to take that little paper out out of there because that's what's holding the glitter in yeah you want to save that you can reuse that i think i will i need tippy for my bunghole who does that remind you of um maybe these are like an rpg and that they stabilize at 30 yards where 10 yards they're just all caddy wampus that's got glitter falling no no no no don't waste it you know how expensive glitter is these days i know i had to sit down and hand shave some glitter because it's so pricey yeah however we're going to defile danny's shotgun by putting purple glitter in it sorry danny and let's give it a try one more one last shot out of the rifled barrel okay all right let's give it a try at brandon hey it worked it hit at least need more distance or glitter [Laughter] hey i can't believe you hit it me neither 30 yards we increased we tripled the distance all of a sudden these things are semi-accurate so sorry tall we should have been shooting at 30 yards the whole time i came down here first thing i see is a big old giant puddle of glitter here is a dry area of glitter called a puddle and look at that so that we also found right here a bunch of little wood shards all collected right there so that's kind of cool it dropped all of it yeah i was worried that wood wouldn't be strong enough swing on around here to the back side oh okay it says oh gee check this out this is obviously where it hit it made a little hole right here where it punched in there it tried to come out the back the little uh the little arrow spike pin looking piece tried to poke out the back did not make it through but we found glitter everywhere and then sitting right there at the base of the table there is your round still with glitter it's not wet no you know what it is it's a hydrosonic shocker what'd you call it hydrogen well the shock wave just holds it in there and it and it hit nose first it's still the shock waves holding it in you see the wood in there so the wood was getting shoved in there what do you say it apple cored it like an apple corer like an apple cart yeah yeah so what you're saying is you shove your wood in there and then the glitter okay you get something like that so that's pretty cool though almost all the pieces are there except for that little the spike i don't know where the spike is we'll step on it out here and win a minute i'll drive over it with my truck and get a flat you'll go right up through the tire yeah that's how it works one thing we didn't know was what happened to that brass spike the surprising thing here is that thing penetrated this military level kevlar vest and this vest is considerably thicker than a police issue vest but somehow we didn't see that little hole in the back and that proves well does it prove it that it went through let's look at the high-speed footage and see what happened now both greg and i were amazed that he was able to hit this target because we were not having much luck with these things up until this point and it was just dumb luck that this thing worked but the unexpected thing is that brass pin penetrated that vest and we can see it shooting out the back let's watch that again and that pin lost very little velocity after passing through that thick kevlar vest through the dummy and it just kept on going to the next county for kind of a happy ending to a uh to a otherwise mediocre test that's what you're here for mediocrity in a shotgun so we appreciate you guys stopping by sar tall these things were fun nonetheless might not have been laser accurate but they were fun to shoot fun to experiment with and even better okay candy over there was friggin unbelievable so that's good stuff you guys need to hit up tsar anyway we thank you guys for stopping by i do want to send you out with this message this comes from danny he wants everybody to donate blood so if you would please do us a favor and head out and uh donate blood or he also especially requested platelets yeah if it's something you can do blood or platelets we don't want to compromise your health obviously but if you're able to do it i get 15 calls every week please stop by the central california blood bank and give us some of your blood so please do that for danny we appreciate you guys coming out here for another video and we'll see you on the next one og and jeff out and one final thing while i have you here a few weeks ago a channel called zyla foxlin yes it's her real name had built a bulletproof dress and she asked us to help her test it out greg and i were more than happy to help him out now greg is a certified firearms instructor and first had to teach her and her friend joe how to safely handle firearms in any environment including a film set i hope you'll check out her video there's actually some footage of me in there too if you're curious what i look like [Music] a little different [Music] damn it gets it and then hey
Views: 554,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supersonic, Coléoptère, mustard, high speed camera, smartereveryday, xyla foxlin, weird aircraft, scale model
Id: vFDGK7fcgyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 41sec (1181 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 05 2021
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