Loading a shotgun with a 50bmg, will it work?

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"wow smaller thing fit into bigger thing"

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/caffinatedpancake 📅︎︎ Dec 29 2020 🗫︎ replies

Ain't that just a KS-23 loaded with slugs?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/SMG54321 📅︎︎ Jan 24 2021 🗫︎ replies
welcome back to the science channel today we're gonna do an experiment everybody's been waiting for we're gonna see if you can load a 50 bmg inside a pump action shotgun and fire it see what happens everybody's been asking where the video is and here it is okay so simply we just have to load this inside the chamber and fire it uh obviously i'm gonna use the string method before we do that we should have test fired right to show that it's working hold on okay okay before we make this happen i'm gonna shoot this shotgun show you guys it works want to give a major shout out to gun prime they also have a youtube channel there will be a link in the description for them check them out uh they are always very helpful to us sending us all kinds of stuff whatever we need they are some of the best people in the world because they help us out they help the 2a community and they send this so i can destroy it they got a bunch of great deals go check them out gun prime thank you so much just ready ready i'm ready okay 12k shotgun oh wait this water is gonna go all over me ah what am i doing test fire see one more round shoot in the air see well how long it takes for him to come down no it's a bad idea yeah i'm not vegetarian i just hit it one time real quick no okay oh man okay all right so we know the shotgun works all right so we have to chamber this 50 bmg and see what kind of a destruction this is incendiary round this is not this the barrel is not a rifled it's a smooth barrel rifle so this will be really interesting there goes our 50 bmg okay and we are ready okay so today's video it's sponsored by grip6.com they sell these amazing belts that are super easy to use super fancy and easy to operate check how easy this is you can put different buckles you can customize your package on their website if you don't want this american flag one they have some fancy other ones depending what the occasion is you just slide your buckle right in there you take the other side flip it on the bottom like that and then you just pull it and then look how nice it looks how clean you don't have that little flapper thing it's always flapping on the side you have to worry about it it tucks right under there see like that okay and it's a perfect gift on holidays for your family members boyfriend girlfriend and look how beautiful it looks they also make wallets made here in the united states 100 they have a brown leather black leather and the inside they have a different color if you guys do want some of these giveaways i give away usually between 5 to 10 of them on every video i just pick random people in the comments go to their website check them out trust me you want to check them out it's pretty cool got this little lever you hit it and the cards come right out and then you put your cards in and then they lock right in so they do not fall out grip six thank you so much one two three final [Laughter] still working yeah the bullet here probably okay so obviously it did not destroy as much as uh you would think like a regular where's the bullet should be here somewhere that's where you don't see it anywhere no it should be on the ground somewhere [Applause] i'm looking for the bullet so there's no way went forward but bro it has to be here on the site maybe i can sit in a slow motion okay check in let me see be careful with this camera let me go something flew over there oh it's here it's here okay good i found it i knew i saw in the slow motion i can't believe it my iphone 8 there it is you can see how it wasn't strong enough to rip the jacket off but this is actually a really good demonstration of what the these bullets have inside a lot of people always ask hey what's a jacket what's a bullet you see the copper jacket sits covers the bullet the steel core inside and this is a perfect example of what that is there's your steel core in the middle covered by the jacket and it came out awesome just ready your eyes i swear your eyes are like unbelievable i don't know how else to describe your eyes okay so that worked i'm going to show you guys what happened here because this is not a chambered for a 50 bmg it's a smooth bore all the way uh there's no chambering over here it expanded the casing look how wide it expanded it it's pretty funny so the bullet is supposed to be sitting in there and it just slides right in there that's about a uh i don't know like a seven eight millimeter of spacing isn't that interesting okay okay let's play ready i'm ready chamber is closed safety off ready wait wait wait one two three final did you see the fire no the paper started lighting up the shotgun looks okay [Applause] oh court off no wait did it it didn't come out it's there yeah it's here for sure but what happened here oh this is from the other previous people oh okay let me put the cinder block on top of this one so only one rim of paper stop you can see it's not powerful enough coming out of a shotgun there it is that's what the fire was that incendiary lit up the paper that was interesting and voila look at that sticking out nice and pretty [Music] look at all the paper burn wait what happened did the incendiary not go off yeah go off no it did not explode cabron you can see that the the this no that's from the that's from the gunpowder oh you think yeah okay so here's what's happening maybe uh the other one oh the other one the incendiary blue because we hit the uh the concrete yes on this one here's what's happening the board is wider as soon as that the shell is expanding inside all that gun powder being burned off from the sides you know there was about a seven eight millimeter spacing it's coming in and that's what the fire was the fire was from the uh gunpowder being burned right into the paper and that's some crazy gunpowder look at that yeah that's what burned it off it wasn't the incendiary the cinder didn't go off wow isn't that amazing okay so can you fire around using a shotgun and do some damage perhaps yeah you can but it's not practical at all oh wow check this out the primer zoom in right in there oh yeah the primer out of that casing came out i have to manually eject it it's stuck right in there because it's expanding one eject like a shotgun shell but the barrel looks okay the board looks okay is this shotgun still operational well let's find out let's shoot a 12 gauge okay so it did mess up the casing looks like it cut it right at the edge but look how it's expanded it so again like i mentioned earlier it expanded the casing and look at that about uh actually more maybe eight uh seven eight yeah seven eight millimeters of spacing so that gunpowder burning off from the sides came out of the board and burned the paper and also ejected the bullet at the same time so it was like maybe twenty percent of this energy or maybe 30 i don't know and there's your primer let's put this back together and then test fire it see if it works should work i don't see any problems with this will the barrel explode in my face probably not thank you again to grip6.com for sponsoring today's video they love this kind of experiments and so do we okay we are lock and load let's bring ready i'm ready final yeah it works it works this puppy is good let me know what kind of torture test you guys want to see out of this i have a lot of ideas but we'll see okay that's the video thank you so much to grip6.com check why did i hit myself okay all right that's the video thank you so much to grip6.com for sponsoring today's video check them out i will be doing some giveaways i'll be reading the comments and that's it i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did give it a thumbs up subscribe and as always thank you for watching we'll see you guys next time [Music] you
Channel: Edwin Sarkissian
Views: 4,407,013
Rating: 4.8710785 out of 5
Id: wm2l86aGHko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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