Ferrari 512 BBi The Challenge of a Home Garage Rebuild

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hey guys a warm welcome back to the channel lots happening in today's video with a project like this there are many elements that need to come together at the end to create that final product we got the big stuff like the engine the cleanup operation but then there's a lot of little jobs that all combine to create that final wow factor so we're going to be doing a few of those today along with some engine work and a few other bits we've got dougal from long stone tires making a guest appearance but first of all we've got some exciting updates so grab one of these we're gonna have a coffee walk around the car and i'll tell you about a few of them [Music] okay let's start our coffee walk at the back of the car so in the last video we removed the tanks they're going to get worked on today we're going to clean all those up get all the rubbish out the bottom and make them look good but the main thing at the back here is that the frame as i said in the last video surface rust so it's going to make much more sense to have all of this sorted out treated and repainted the cool news is this is going off to my friend's body shop we're going to be doing all of that making this rear end look very pretty and the update really is that what i've decided is while it's there the rest of this is also going to be painted and here is my reason i know there's a whole argument of original paint but if you look at this every single panel needs to work so we have little bits here bits at the seal down here little bits of rust down here front hood bits over there um little bits here headlight obviously and then we've got the big silly aerial in the roof that was fitted which is going to leave a hole so that's all going to get rectified but that means that this needs paint same with the engine lid little bits down here bits all over it little bits here uh a bit of bubbling here so every single panel if you look at it needs a little bit of work so if you add it all up it makes sense to re-spray the whole thing and make this look pristine so that's the idea uh let me know what you think am i mad doing that should i keep it like this but that's that's the plan um four corners they're all getting changed uh or updated rebuilt suspension got a cool update coming on that brakes they're going off to be done uh the rest of it we're going to get powder coated and making that look cool interior well the interior looked uh will come out remarkably well there's not much to do on here now we've got a plate around the ac controls the major one is the lever on the dash at the front so while this is in the body shop we'll get all that done the clocks uh the other biggie they're gonna have to come out and we're gonna see if we can get rid of this cloudiness and then the final thing on the interior is the stereo system very interesting story on that come to that in a future video but we have plans with the stereo system too the other cool bit of news is engine okay so as you can see the engine was on its side uh i'll go into how it got like that and why it's like that a little later on but we are trying various things at the moment uh some of your suggestions marvel mystery oil we got some pb blaster we've got some of this stuff and various other things that throughout this week i have been trying to recover cylinder 12. i will tell you at the moment no change so i'm gradually turning over we're doing a leak down test but uh we still got about 95 leakage on this but it's a few days in and let this stuff see if it can uh work some magic but the chances are heads are going to come off i'm still looking uh or trying to figure out how we're going to do that and do this properly but the reason i'm trying to keep the car complete at the moment is because the cool update on this is again when i said to you before i really want all of this block cleaned up and looking pristine and the suggestions you guys are saying a lot of the time is ice blasting so i did some research not really too many companies here in the uk that do ice blasting but one of them a big company that makes all the jet washes that i uh used actually to clean this up is karcher now karcher's professional side make an ice blasting machine i've reached out to those guys they're going to get involved we're going to ice blast all of this and some of that so this should look pristine that's the updates guys let's crack on with some work the first job today is those pesky fuel tank filters now i'm calling this a fuel tank fishing because the best way i've discovered so far is to shake the tank get my little finger in there until i can get the filter to line up with the hole and the rest well this is what happens we are at the kitchen sink as you can see there is my filter there is my fuel tank i've got it balanced on there and i'm just getting the thing out okay guys this is one let's see what this looks like and here we go guys number two is about to come out now i'm gonna just do it very very carefully okay that is it with the filters finally out the car it's time to clean the tanks and we're just starting off with some simple water and a bit of apple cider vinegar in there give them a shake around and see what happens pretty good so far and to get the final little bits out i'm using my steam cleaner we're going to blast the inside with some steam and that should do the trick today we're filling the petrol tank on the boxer but not with fuel [Music] now the tank is all clean on the inside it's been jet washed it's clean on the outside i'm going to give it a coat of paint here's what i just started let's hit this one [Music] all right we're making use of the weather today i've got the tanks drying in the sun we've given them one coat of high temperature paint they've come out lovely next we're on to the dry sump the oil tank here just started to scrape off the old paint we're going to just vacuum that up then we're going to hit it with the jet wash and then whatever's left over we'll get off with some chemicals and then doing the same thing it's got this uh kind of crinkled finish on it a lot of the paint was off this one already so we're just going to get the rest off and then redo it 46 mil spanner is coming in very handy [Music] we've got a filter on this as well and as you can see that is much more cleaner than the fuel tanks were which is great news so we will give it a clean up in there let's just put that in a bag just to keep it getting bad and contaminated so we're going to give a clean up in here i'm going to strip it all down we're going to put some paint stripper on next get it all back and then we're going to repaint this [Music] so [Music] and there you go a finished oil tank finished fuel tanks they're all going to just sit here basking in the sun for the rest of the afternoon and they'll just go into storage ready to go back into the car later on now as i've previously mentioned unfortunately despite being almost full tread these tyres are really perished they're cracked and split badly so they've got to be replaced the good news is my guys at longstone have sourced the correct michelin trx period correct tyres they're going to go on today but before we do that it makes sense to refurbish these alloys as you can see they're chipped up here they're bubbled there so they're all going to get done now the problem being is the chrome piece here in the middle this trim needs to come off now i've been warned it's an absolute pig to get off and the chances are you're gonna break it well they were right here's one of the front wheels and as you can see we've got the chrome piece missing and i need to take it off because i'll need to take the spline out here so we can get it all sprayed properly well that's the trim piece and as you can see it's damaged what happens is it tends to just weld itself onto the spline there now despite trying heat and various things and soaking it just doesn't come off so uh i'm going to be removing the splines in a previous video i also mentioned about the costings around the car some of the prices for various parts that we need tires i said were about 500 pound a corner and you guys weren't too sure about that well these were the absolute pinnacle of tyre technology back in the day they're also a very strange tyre size but i am not the expert dougal from longstone tires has dealt with these things for years and years and years and he is going to give us an education on why these are just so good and also some of the other amazing tyres that ferrari has used over the years here's doogle paratorosa fans your long stone tires now um we're old car fans through and through this is the old car i drove into working this morning and uh this is my racing car over here at fresno ash um but that's not what he's talking about what we're talking about is classic ferrari tires okay now the world of classic ferrari tires are extremely well catered for currently we've got pretty much all the most important ones you might need except the rear tyre of about two years of ferrari testarossa other than that we've got a lot coming so start off with your classic crossblock tire the pirelli stellar bianca for um for your 1950s sports cars um things like 250 euros would have fixed that and then in 1964 reli developed the ability to make a 205 section tire it was enormous in those days it was a major drama to have such an excitingly fat tire and this is here this is a relative toronto 205 vr15 72 this came out in 1964 and to have a tire that fat in 1964 was super cool that's fitted to a broader wireless as ferrari did in the 50s and 60s and then 1968 um low-profile tires were developed so cars like ferrari dino which is this diet here so that's still 205 section tyre but 70 of the width of the tyre is the height of the side wall whereas you know that was eight percent so we're getting low profile there so that was taken on by the dino in 1968 and the and the daytona started using again 68. the big leap forward in the middle of the 70s 74 75 with ties like this pirelli p7 here that um you know the um porsche 930 started fitting and you know porsche carrera and that moved on to the rest of my elements and at the same time ferrari went with michelin's angle of the low profile the super low profile tyre with a trx now the difference of these is this is what we call this is a 55 profile tire so instead of the 80 profile tire of the of the late 50s and 60s uh we moved up and then the 70 profile tire of the of 1968 and then in in the mid 70s we moved on to lower profile tires than that so this is um a 55 section tyre so for the 512 bbi like we're talking about today that had a 240 55 405 so it's 240 millimeters wide so that's dramatically wider than that 205 of 1964. um but it's 55 profile so the sidewall height is 55 percent 240 millimeters and that fitted onto a 415 mil rim why 415 mil you might ask yourself because all the rest of the cars in the world are using imperial rim sizes but ferrari's trx tyres that the the high tech trx technology of the day needed a different rim profile which i've drawn some graphs to show you here so on a standard rim you can see the flange of it here is quite tall and and a sharp angle so it it forced it to have a complicated flex in the side wall the standard tires had a like an s-shaped flex in there which all that extra movement created more friction and heat build up but it also didn't disperse the tensions of the tyre as well as the trx tire so just immediately looking at the the rim profile on here we can see that this rim is shallower it's not such a deep flange on the side of it utilizing more of the sidewall to absorb the vibration of the road and the way that the bead wire the bead wire here is held into the carcass um is done in a different manner with the trx as well and and the way this whole structure works is it allows a more simplified flex in the side wall like an s flex sorry a c flex instead of the s flex of a normal tire thereby dispersing the tensions of the tire more evenly and creates a less heat buildup so that worked really well and they were able to lower the sidewall height from the tire and make it really suited to you know really high performance supercars of the day and give you that extra bit of grip put more rubber in contact the road but still in the way that hanging well so although the 512 bbi did have the same size tires front and rear ferrari liked to stretch a rear tire onto the rims to give you that predictability and progressive handling so the the rim widths of the 502 bbi are different the front rim is uh the front rim is 280 mil wide and the rear end is 210 mil wide so the same tyre has the characteristics of of what it's going to do for the handle of the car changed by putting the wire on the back and the car was designed with a carcass structure of a tire like this in mind so they complement each other a ferrari is made out of a selection of top quality components that are all balanced and work together and make that fantastic piece of kit that ferrari is and it's michelin so the compounds are exceptional now the carcass gives you the handling you want but we've got more grip and we've got particularly more gripping the wet because these are modern compounds they're greener they're better for the environment but they also work better in the way so it is a high quality product it will maybe can't handle the way it should do and we're pleased that michelin currently is supporting us with such a brilliant range of classic car tires so there you go 512 bbi tyres michelin trx if you want any more information you rap to ross of fans contact longstone tires and we'll see if we can help you out thank you very much well guys there you go i love doogle he's such a character and what he doesn't know about tyres it's just not worth knowing anyway if you got any tire needs especially these real tricky ones period correct tires long stone are the place to go i'll put their details in the description below the video and i've got to say a massive thanks to dougal and longstone tires for helping me out with these trx period correct special tyres on the boxer now as you can see the wheels are all back from powder coating we have got some uh new centers here um fortunately i managed to get these my normal supplier had these on back order and i had a bit of a heart attack moment knowing i'd wrecked the last four anyway got some got one final job to do all these that is just to clean up all the splines rebuild them they can go on the car and then the car is ready to roll to the paint shop well i'll show you what's going on here shall we it's a horrendous noise these things let's uh we've just got some of the bolts in there the wheel bolts uh being cleaned leave that on for about 25 minutes and see if he gets off all the grime let's see how it does with this shall we there's the hub it's actually in two parts let's see how it copes here we go put it in the deep fat fryer see how it coats lid on 30 minutes as you can see the ultrasonic cleaner did a great job that's all of the uh bolts there the nuts and bolts and that's the splines as well okay they look great so we just need to rebuild those i'm keeping them where they came off so i don't get them all mixed up so we just need to put those back on the wheels now and that's job done okay guys here is the plan we're gonna try and get the engine up on its side so i can leave some penetrating fluid down in the cylinder and it will get to the hole of piston and all the valves as it sits flat up [Music] here [Music] so [Music] gonna do a little bit more investigation on the engine now while we got the cover off what i want to do is check the valve clearances and just see if it gives me any indication that we've got a valve slightly stuck open here on cylinder 12. so i'm going to get the feeler gauges out we'll get the workshop manual we'll look at the specs and we'll see how these compare okay so intake exhaust exhaust ports intake ports air intake this should be 0.2 and 0.25 millimeters i have gone maximum on this 0.25 and what's our reading um maybe maybe a little bit let's compare that to a couple of the others all right this is what we have so far guys intake we've measured this we are on seven 9 10 11 between 0.2 and 0.23 millimeters our spec is between 0.2 0.25 so all within tolerance however if we come to 12 which is our problematic cylinder shall we say uh let's go with a 0.28 that's above spec in fact no let's go with a 0.25 okay 0.25 loose let's go higher what should we do here we've got a three let's go with just over three mil and again just does about a three three mil so way out of tolerance three millimeters 0.3 sorry 0.3 not good and this is the results i'm getting from my exhaust cam so our tolerance is between 0.3 and 0.35 on this one um my readings as you can see the highest is 0.33 and i'm getting three of those uh cylinders at 0.29 so it's really really close definitely not out by the margin i've got on the intake for number 12 here which is 0.05 millimeters out which is quite a margin and that does actually ring true with the leak down test so when i'm doing the leak down test what i can hear on cylinder 12 is air in the intake over here so it would seem that the valve here is stuck open a little bit anyway let's see what the fluid does over the next week or so while i arrange the ice blasting hopefully it'll fix it but i do think the heads are probably going to need to come off this anyway and maybe even further still in this engine let's see how it goes well guys there you go the boxer project is definitely starting to take shape we are hitting it from all different angles at the moment engine is still the big unknown we're gonna hopefully get a chance to get on the inside of that once i've ice blasted the exterior and made that pristine will then make the interior just as nice but this is definitely starting to really come together the final vision in my head for this car if i can achieve it this is going to be one heck of a nice ferrari boxer anyway guys i hope you enjoyed it don't forget check out what i get up to on a daily basis over on my instagram or my facebook until the next time stay safe ciao for now [Music]
Channel: Ratarossa
Views: 273,562
Rating: 4.9554992 out of 5
Keywords: Ferrari, ratarossa, 512bbi, boxer, 512, bbi, bb, barn find, abandoned, rare, i bought, diy, rebuild, rotting, barn, find, gas monkey garage, monkey garage, goonzquad, SamCrac, sam crac, ammo, chrisfix, tavarish, ammoNYC, Ammo NYC, larry kosilla, larry, kosilla, smoking tire, clean, first wash, 12 years, detail, transformation, hoovies, hooviesgarage, hoovie, home garage, model, 1:1, shmee, doug demuro
Id: 1fVxxTPggM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 30sec (1530 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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