Ferrari 308 Rebuild - How I Narrowly Avoid a Disaster

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and that basically sums up my day [Music] hey guys a warm welcome back to the channel it's day two on the gray 308 project and hopefully today we're gonna have a little bit more success getting this one back up and running and on the road where it belongs anyway let's kick off with a little bit more troubleshooting and see if we can find out why this baby is not starting okay so we come in the inside of the car as you can see i got it stripped out quite a lot here because i've been trying to sort out this problem so i've got paperwork fuse is out now we've put the key in and i'll try and turn this over as you can hear nothing now if i then take the relay out for the fuel pump which is quite difficult pop that up there watch this and okay so basically what's happening is fuel is going in when i've got the relay in and if i take it out it will kind of turn over and burn off that fuel now what you're gonna say is what happens if i put the relay in halfway through so let me show you first of all this needs to add a bit of fuel nothing right let's get ready for this one let's get it running that's my top part there okay pop that in dead so we are trying to trace that fault that's the major fault with this car and it was running the car drove here so i'm not exactly sure what is going on i did play around with uh relays trying to get the black car running so might be that i've put the wrong one in there i'm going to check that out and i also need to do a few things in the back so let's go to the back of the car and have a look so we're going to kick off by doing a simple compression test now you're probably wondering why didn't i do that to start with well actually i did i did this a few months ago and the compressions were all good on all eight cylinders at the time however having to think about it last night the car has just literally sat still for months and i can't guarantee everything is still working okay so we're going to start from scratch and do this first thing we need to do is remove all eight spark plugs which on most cars is okay on these on that front bank is so tight it's an absolute nightmare now as i said it's a nightmare getting out the uh spark plugs from this front bank however it is slightly more easy on the gtsi because we don't have the spoiler here as we do on the qv here so it's a lot easier to get your arm down and have a bit more access down there so there's always a way that makes these things a little bit more bearable so i've got a uh socket there some extenders and i use a small little ratchet because it allows for a little bit more kind of movement down there loosen them all up and then what i do is i get one of my spark plug extenders take one of these off one of those go down kind of fish it out and there you go now in the last video a lot of you guys spotted and commented on all of these weeds and bushes that need to be sorted out and well we'll get to those but first there's another bush that needs far more maintenance lexi what are you doing up there what's all that smoke i'm really sorry about the noise i'm just having a little trim and i can't find the right tool to tackle the job crikey love you need this it's the manscape 4.0 with its powerful performance from a 7000 rpm motor it can handle all terrain and leave you with an ultra smooth finish plus with its quiet straight technology means you can hardly hear it unlike your other tools and it's waterproof too so you can even use it in the shower while you're singing your favorite song so if you want the supercar of shavers you need to get your hands on the lawnmower 4 from manscape and right now if you click on my link below you're going to save 20 on your manscaped orders i've got to say a massive thanks to manscaped for sponsoring this video compression tester is now set up in cylinder number one i'm gonna go around all eight and i've also removed the fuel relay now let's have a little competition can i get all of these done before you guys can click on the like button hit the bell notification and leave a comment below if you think this is all going to be within spec let's go [Music] so number one is about 165 let's hit for number two [Applause] [Music] okay we're done who won this one the results are in all eight cylinders uh we have between one five five and one six five so our deviation is just a little bit over six percent which is cool that's what i'm happy with that's kind of what you want to see on this don't forget this engine is very old and it hasn't been used and run for at least four years it's been run once really um but other than that it's had one kind of drive so quite happy with the results that we got considering next job today is we've got a few little things that we're going to be doing that i've noticed while we've been working on it so we've got a fuel accumulator here uh this has a small diaphragm and it sits right next to the fuel pump and it's all part of the pressure for the system here typically if these go wrong you'll have hot start problems but as i look at mine i can see there's fuel dripping out of it and that normally means that the diaphragm in this has split i'm going to show you what i mean i need to take the wheel off and just get down right down into the corner down there because they're in the most awkward place possible so if i pull this connector off or just push this down the fuel pump will run and then we'll have a look at the little nozzle on the fuel accumulator down there there you go just leaking leaking leaking typically that will mean that the diaphragm has gone on this thing now i have run the fuel pump quite a lot uh without firing the engine so we don't want to cause any potential locking up or seizing up uh where we've got a load of fuel in those cylinders so what i'm going to quickly just do before i do anything else is just get this on the crank pulley down there and just turn it over by hand there it is a lot of planes today flying over it's a nice day [Music] there we go [Music] okay we can default there we go you can hear fuel in it just kind of gurgling that's better so look at this this is the pipe coming off the tank and as you can see there's hardly anything coming out there now it's probably a little bit in there not a lot but more than that for sure and [Music] i feel the pipe we're gonna cut this open let's get it off and cut it open and see what happens okay incision this is the inner pipe it's just literally look at the state of that look at the state of that there's nothing to it wow ah okay so that definitely needed changing let's put a new pipe on there now the other thing i'm gonna be installing while i'm in there is a fuel filter that is our new accumulator in place remember we've already replaced the fuel pump because the old one was faulty so the next item we're going to be changing is this fuel filter now that's part of the service kit so we're going to be changing it anyway but there's more than one reason i want to change that the other reason is as i mentioned earlier the pipe here that comes from the fuel tank into the fuel pump had completely disintegrated this is the replacement one but the old one had collapsed when we cut it open there were bits just about everywhere so the chances are that has gone through this entire system so the old fuel pump the accumulator and probably sat lodged in the old fuel filter so it's not going to be helping anything so we're going to change everything and that's going to give me peace of mind that we have cleaned out the system got it cool that's it man then i've got another good now nothing it's over fueling this car is overfueling i can guarantee it okay what it appears that we have got happening here is we know we have got spark on both banks so that's good it seems like we have got fuel just flooding in and it's not shutting off which can really only be the metering unit or my fuel pump is faulty now i think my gut tells me it's gonna be something to do with this so i'm gonna just run a few little tests and see if we can narrow this down so so here's the plan this is the fuel distributor and they're notoriously bad so what we're going to do on this one is i'm going to just verify to see if this is just sticking and just allowing fuel to flood into the engine now that's my theory like i say i'm very lucky i've got the other car now they might not be exactly the same that is a u.s spec black one this is a euro spec but what it should do it might run but it might run rough but at least it will verify there is a problem there so we're gonna switch the two over what i do have is a rebuild kit for this or i can get a rebuild kit for this very quickly and very easily so before i do that i am just going to verify that this is the don't problem hold on [Music] [Music] okay we're good this is the one out of the qv and see if it works [Music] okay let's try this and you turn it over josh all right let's go run let me just see if i can get my finger on that okay now yep whoa and that basically sums up my day now fuel pulling out of a car like that is extremely dangerous and on a 308 it's actually quite common now i will tell you why i know that because when i was driving an old 308 a while ago now the same thing happened to me and i was unaware there was fuel pouring out of it and it ended up looking like this basically that extra fuel that unburnt fuel caught fire and burnt the complete back end of my 308 now it was uh bad but it wasn't as bad as it actually looks in the picture it was just the rear end here there is this storage compartment at the back of the car and it didn't go into any of that it didn't touch any of the engines so it's just rear panel the lights are all melted and the ghastly big picnic table american black bomber so we changed all that anyway and fix it up quite easily however what actually happened when i show you on the car [Music] was one of the ht leads had come off the coil pack just like this yeah it wasn't seated correctly so we had a full bank receiving loads of fuel but being unburnt and it was working its way through the system and it sat in the exhaust and then at some point that just ignited so i had oh my gosh i had eight foot flames coming out of the car someone flagged me down and uh i pulled in fortunately to a hotel they had fire extinguishers i used them all we put the car out was very lucky i pulled into there because the next uh exit was a petrol station and it wouldn't look too good pulling into a petrol station with a ferrari on fire would have caused a little bit of a problem a bit of panic anyway we rectified that one but that is what will happen if you don't have the car running correctly so we need to figure out what is going on with this one okay so we're in the dry shocking weather here in the uk so we're in the conservatory you might have a little bit of echo in here sorry about that got all of our essentials including the cup of this stuff and we have our fuel distributor here that was very common in a lot of cars during the 80s this one is a bosch unit and it's used in the ferrari 308s uh the it's a very very similar one on a 512 as you can see the difference really is these heads here so eight cylinders this runs the whole car on a ferrari 308 on the 512 12 cylinder cars you've got two of these with a six port head on the top so today what we're going to do we have verified that basically this was causing our non-start problem uh it seems like there is something jammed in here and it's fully open just allowing all the fuel to flood in so basically what we have here six ports up here these run to each of our cylinder heads to the injectors on a hard line from here to the top we have an input we have a output here which feeds back to the tank this comes in from the tanks then we have two here which are our warm-up regulators and then this one up here goes to our cold start valve and then we just got the one connector here we've got this kind of float system which will work if it's the right way up anyway we're going to strip this down we're going to give it a good old cleanup but what i have is a kit which consists of a load of little gaskets and everything that is needed to do a rebuild on one of these things uh that was about just over 50 pounds and so we're gonna just go through that just clean this all up and see how it goes [Music] so this is the underside and well i can't see anything here apart from this little that was jammed up so i have lubricated that up and it's moving freely other than that i know this actually seems to work okay because when it's in a position like this if i unplug this the fuel pump works that means the switch is working fine and if i press this kind of float system down again the field pump will engage so this all seems to be set up correctly that is the only thing that i can find that is a bit of a problem i'm going to clean this up lubricate it anyway um other than that i'm going to try not to really touch anything on this because it does look like this is working okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so here's a little update on this one i think i've figured out what is going on with this plunger here in the middle this thing should pop in and out freely now it was sticking out a little bit i've pushed it in but as you can see no matter what it won't come back out now i don't want to get any pliers on it and risk damaging it so my plan is we're going to slip this apart i've got the rebuild kit anyway so we're going to do that at the same time i'm not going to uh adjust any screws or anything like that we're just going to do the bare amount of minimum i am pretty sure this is the problem so we're going to add some heat to this so you can use a heat gun or a uh hair dryer we're gonna just use a hair dryer start splitting it apart and just have a look inside it's time to come now as you can see there's a lot of springs in there i just want to do it real carefully voila okay so and that one came from there okay finally we managed to get the plunger out from here i had to be really careful with this because we just didn't want to damage anything or but you can see there's no pitting on it nothing in there either that all looks good so it just needs to clean up it was just stuck with some really old fuel so we're going to tidy everything up clean all this up as well i'm not going to take any of these little bits here because clearly we were getting fuel through the car it was just flooding so we're gonna change the o-rings uh the nice gasket that sits here and then put it all back together so we've cleaned this up and as you can see look at that nice smooth movement my hands are a bit grubby but we'll uh give it a final cleanup before we put it all back together but there you go that was definitely causing us a big big problem okay so now all we got to do is switch these back over put the original one back on the car and see what happens keep those fingers crossed it's a little bit of a air kind of leak it sounded like over there somewhere other than that you seem pretty good let's try again okay so we got the engine running which is great and it's not back firing so hopefully that was just the case that we had the american spec uh fuel distributor in the car still not 100 convinced myself but it's running it's running kind of really low at the moment it's definitely not running right there are a few things that are obvious with this though we had an air leak from this pipe here which runs into the throttle body and at the same time obviously we had a lot of problems with this fuel distributor here with all of the old fuel causing it to stick the other part of this is the warm-up regulator here so we're going to do the same thing and we're going to just i've got a rebuild kit for this we're going to crack it open and uh just hopefully sort that one out in the meantime what i've done is i've ordered a service kit for this car i've ordered a cam belt kit as well from my guys at sea performance hopefully that will turn up tomorrow and we'll do a full service on this car at the same time it's been a long time since this car has been serviced so it's well overdue well guys there you go that's all we got time for on the 308 today we have definitely improved it i'm not 100 sure though that we have fixed it fully i'm sure there are a few more gremlins that we're gonna have to iron out on this 308 before it's perfect once again we've got a service kit we've got the cam belt kit on order that's all going into the car on the next one we're going to be changing all the fluids and hopefully we are going to get this car up and running and purring again anyway guys hope you enjoyed it don't forget you can check out what i get up to on a daily basis over on my social medias instagram facebook everything else until next time guys stay safe ciao for now hmm [Music] you
Channel: Ratarossa
Views: 71,642
Rating: 4.9542027 out of 5
Keywords: ferrari, ratarossa, ferrari 360, modena, spider, stradale, challenge, diy, abandoned, i bought, rebuild, rotting, barn, find, gas monkey garage, monkey garage, goonzquad, SamCrac, sam crac, ammo, chrisfix, tavarish, ammoNYC, Ammo NYC, larry kosilla, larry, kosilla, smoking tire, clean, 12 years, detail, transformation, hoovies, hooviesgarage, hoovie, rust, ferraricollector, bodywork, old, repairs, tools, garage, ferrari 308, fire, cause, disaster
Id: ty7Zp_h3O60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 46sec (1546 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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