DIY Driveway Ferrari Suspension Full Replacement - Upgrading 40 Year Old System & Saving Thousands

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hey guys everyone welcome back to the channel in today's video we're going to be working on my black 308 qv rat as is known we are working on two 308s at the moment the gray one which is behind you and the black one now i loaned these cars to ferrari for a couple of weeks and now back and i'm going to be doing a few very cool updates on this one so grab yourselves a cup of this stuff and i'll give you a little tour and i'll show you exactly what we've got installed earlier this year i visited motor technique with my buddy chiro motor techniques owner kevin o'rourke and his talented team work maintain and build some of the world's most exotic sports cars everything from 250 gtos f40 lms david lee's dino evo [Music] and currently they are working on a new program named the 308 evo package taking a standard car completely reworking it and bringing the 308 into the modern era with new brakes electric suspension even different ferrari engines they're working on a 4-5-8 at the time ready to go into a car basically their skills are limitless and everything goes now i've actually known kevin since i was about 12 years old while i was living in cornwall he would visit the parents of my best friend and as you can imagine at that age seeing kevin arrive in a dino or rare ferrari well let's just say he was my hero once he was even kind enough to give me a factory poster of the 288 gto which took pride and place on my bedroom wall for many years so it was a pleasure to catch up with kevin all these years later and to once again be inspired by him with my current 308 buildings [Music] smells good yeah so this is a ferrari 338 engine and we've bought and stroked it to 3.8 liters so it has a custom crankshaft titanium comrades super pistons reported cylinder heads genevieve throttle bottoms uh cam shafts to our design coil over plug ignition um that's it really this will give it's just shy of 400 horsepower wow what car is that going into this is gonna go into a dino do you know yeah the car's been shipped up from monaco and so you will see that coming wow amazing now in order to transform the look and the handling on our 308 we are going to be installing a few little goodies now we have first of all some suspension some new shocks going on here so that's going to modernize everything going to improve it but these are also coil over so these are adjustable now the factory shocks you can't change anything there they're just presets so what we're going to do we're going to install these along with some sports suspension springs these are going to stiffen up our handling and improve it and we're going to be just dropping the car very slightly to improve the look and give it a bit more of a meaner stance now all of this came from my guys at suit performance last month we did a great deal with the guys they continued to support the channel and we managed to get you free shipping worldwide on ferrari parts and a lot of you use that i got many many emails from you thanking me for the code anyway the guys at super performance have kindly extended that if you use my code in the checkout box at supe performance you're going to get free shipping on your parts worldwide obviously there's a few little t's and c's to check with super performance really on the size and the bulk of the parts you're ordering but most like this free shipping okay so here's our front spring now normally diy i would use these things here they're quite cheap so we've got one here with a double clamp and then we've got a single clamp here and what we need to do is compress the spring now with the fronts these are quite small so you really want to compress it here you can't compress it from the top otherwise you can't get colors in place when you start to loosen it off but these things are an absolute nightmare you kind of like so scared they slip and once that goes if you've got a big spring this one's not too bad but you can imagine the pressure of that springing off and hitting you is dangerous as hell so we've got this really cool unit here [Music] suspension is all built up looking great next job is we're going to start stripping off all the corners and that's the actual easy job the next bit really is the hard bit and that's getting all the old bushes out of the suspension [Music] with the wheel off you can see clearly what we've got to do today so first of all this is our shock now this is the original koni they're preset at this height and like i say they're great suspension springs and shocks but i would like to lower this car and as they're preset there's no real way of doing that and we may as well just put the sports suspension on have a bit of fun with this car it's not original we've obviously done all the qv conversion to the euro spec so we're gonna do that but the major difficult job that i'm not looking forward to is changing all of these bushes uh these are obviously the original 1983 ones did exactly the same on my bbi same year 83 car and it took me days to get all of those out there a horrible job anyway we're going to start stripping this off and see how we get on [Music] [Music] okay so we're almost done here as you can see the shock is out the top suspension arm is off now it's just the bottom one that we are left with uh we've got one bolt here everything is off the hub we've just got this one a single bolt i don't know if you can see it down here but it goes there and it hits the frame uh so i don't know if that's been put in the wrong way often these things are done like that as a safety which means that if the knot ever came off the end the bolt can't actually physically come off so your suspension is not going to fall off the car so we're going to come in from the other side and take off this part here pull it all off and then hopefully we are good to go this part really helps if you've got two people so josh is helping me we've hammered this bolt back in otherwise it won't clear the frame now josh is going to hammer the outside of that just show that on camera josh what you're doing we're going to hammer this one here we should be able to then draw it out but i'm going to have to lift all this hub on this side [Music] so i'm going to then lift all this hub hopefully that suspension arms just come off and all we got to do is just check the amount of spacers that come off it so let's do it it's in i'm just going to lift this okay you can you hammer that out hammer it out pull it away we'll just hammer the actual bolt because it's got a soft head on that that's there can you come over and wiggle that while i lift this yeah just wiggle that suspension arm there just pull it this work this one out i need it out that's it that's it cool cool job done so as you can see everything is off the side now we've got the arms the upper and lower arms next job is i'm going to need to change the bushes now this is the job i'm really not looking forward to on the bbi like i say it was an absolute nightmare now these things look like they've seen better days they the rubbers have all perished so hopefully by installing some new ones we're going to uh improve the handling of this or definitely the ride on it so uh that's one side we've now got four more sides to do now my plan here is i'm gonna do the front then i'm gonna do the same on the opposite side uh but what i'm gonna do with these i'm gonna take these down to carrizoria because when we did the bbi we used a big vise there and it was a lot easier with the wheel off let's have a look at the front so all of our upper and lower suspension arms here nice and solid on these cars uh we're gonna clean all those up as you can see they've got a little bit of surface rust so we'll uh make these look a bit more pretty we're gonna be changing all of the bushes here for the anti-roll bar shock on the front is a lot smaller you can see that here now here's a question for you guys what do you reckon i should do with these calipers should i paint them so wait until you uh see what we're gonna do as the final touch on this one and decide what color i should do these they've got a little bit of surface rust on here um i thought these were originally gold but they don't look like it they've even been painted before anyway they look kind of black and rusty at the moment so let me know at the end of the video what color you think i should paint these [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] front suspension is now off it was a little bit of a pain because again these need to come from the underneath that means the undertrain needs to come off and i needed to go and get myself a 22 mil open-ended it's the only thing you can get on the bolt here just because of the access so you can't even get a ring spanner on it anyway it's off and uh it's pretty sea solid this one so uh we're gonna finish off this do the other side and then we've got another dilemma which i've just discovered okay let me show you the next dilemma now this is a crazy one i've not seen this before so we've got our bushes here but ferrari i don't know if you can see that that factory have welded spot welded all of these in place now i've never seen that on another car before but what it means is all eight of these suspension arms all 16 of these bushes we have to grind the worlds before we can put anything fresh in so what i've got here a couple of tools got a dremel from home and we've got this little kind of angle grinder here what we have to do though is we have to get right in there grind the world without damaging any of this and it's right in there or any of this part here around so it's going to take some precision grinding [Music] [Applause] [Music] we just need to get that spot rolled off [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] okay so we're going to just try and get the bushes out of these drop links now i learned a lesson doing this car we broke one because we put it in the vise and it just clamps off that and just snaps it so my man fresher is gonna help me with this one we're gonna hold it here is that lined up is that cool yeah i'm gonna hold it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh and there you go out in one piece [Applause] don't worry fresh i don't need it see uh i've got some fresh new ones okay cool so we've got two more today and there you go all the new super performance suspension bushes are installed i've cleaned up all the suspension arms as well and i cannot wait to get it back in the car we've got a bit of luck because we've just had a massive downpour it's dried up a bit i've got no choice but to fit it here on the car on axle stands so let's get the tools out and start putting it back together now the other bonus with the new suspension setup is the weight that i don't have any scales unfortunately feels almost half the weight of the original that's a heavy old unit this much much lighter i'm going to improve these guns with this one am i anyway that's all four corners unsprung weight we all know what that means so there you go another big thumbs up for upgrading the suspension that is the top bolt in on the hub i need to do the bottom one now and then it's all in place then i just need to talk it all up correctly however what an absolute nightmare that is just getting these in here we've got spacer we've got another spacer we've got a little washer that has to sit in on a uh one little kind of notch then you've got this coming through and obviously it's very tight the tolerance in there what an absolute nightmare and i've got to try and do the bottom one now which is gonna be even harder anyway i'm gonna struggle with that and i'll come back in a sec so we've got a tiny little notch here and we've got a tiny little notch in here now what that has to sit on in place i've put a bit of grease on there just to help hold it we've got this little bearing that comes through the middle then we have this cover then this so that's okay because i've got the bolt in place at the moment but then i have to slide the hub down and have the same on this side here so it is a complete struggle anyway delicate little tap of that one all right let's get there and then [Music] voila finally what a nightmare all right so we're on the left side rear and i've done this one a slight different way around so we attach the top suspension arm to the hub first of all that made my life a little bit easier got it bolted in there just loosely the shocks in place loose again we've got a bungee cord here which helps me hold the hub up which is extremely heavy and then there was no way of actually bolting this to the hub first because the movement of the drive shelf without actually disconnecting all the drive shaft i can't move the hub in and out enough and these if you remember i have to be bolted from the other side so we've got the lower arm in place and we're just doing this last little bit here which i've just started to kind of get in the right position i'm using a jack just to take the weight of it and we're just gonna jack that up very slightly i need to remove the pin here that i've held everything in place with slide it up bolt it in place and finally that is all bolted in place that is one heck of a job trying to do that okay last little bits in the kit that we're going to be doing so we've got the uh drop links here we've got the anti-roll bar bushes to go on that's the old one look at how bad that is this is the shiny red new one so we're going to slip that on put the collar back on and then bolt this up same on the other side and at the same time i'm going to just give this little bar just a touch up of spray paint just to make it look a bit pretty next dilemma is the lower arm at the front now we need to bolt everything onto this part then in there because otherwise the bolts don't go through but then i need to bolt the front to the hub however if you look at this just is slightly off it just needs to be kind of pulled out very just a tad and slipped on that's the same with the other side as well and uh i'm finding it very difficult so we've got a little plan here's the plan i'm going to put these little kind of plier things in here just try and splay it out very slightly and josh is going to slip it onto the bushing all right ready ready just go get it on the edge there on either side right ready [Music] yeah yeah that's it that's it that's it okay let's just try and knock that one slightly [Music] that works nicely so we're going to try the other one so that is that is the space for this one so i'll go like that that way up that's how we put it make sure we got these angles so you need to make sure we put it on the right way otherwise we're going to have even more of a problem right here is that in yeah there we go ready that was easy yeah okay there you go guys that is improvisation with some of these i don't know if there is an official tool to do that uh i know it's a real tight tolerance but there was absolutely no way we literally had the collar thickness there to get over so it had to be pulled out and like i say it has to go in this way otherwise you just can't get the bolts in so this no other choice anyway job done so normally i'm doing this suspension normally i'm complaining about all the noise in the background but today we've got an air show happening over at the airfield which is about half a mile that way and right there is a spitfire you can probably hear it you won't be able to see it very well on camera but wow what an aircraft let's uh let's see if we can catch something for you so so i've made a bit of a dork move i've got to fess up here this is the shock we're just putting the last bolt in literally the last bolt and that is the long one here that holds the shock in to the suspension arm uh it needs to come through and this is our spacers so we've got two either side now there is a hole in here there's one here and there's the other bit here for these two holes here one is slightly bigger than the other one for the bigger bolt now i thought i checked but i clearly didn't check both sides and this one here has got the wrong way around so we've got the big hole this end small hole here so i can't actually get the bolt through i make mistakes just like everybody else and that was a bit of annoying one because it's a real pain for this anyway i've got to redo it all again [Music] [Applause] [Music] well guys there you go nice job done we have saved some weight we've transformed the handling and it looks freaking good anyway one more thing to do we're going to bolt the wheels back on i'm going to take it out we're going to find the right right eye i'm going to adjust all that up so you can join me next time because i have a few more little upgrades to do on this one some really cool exciting ones my visit to motor technique gave me a bit of inspiration to get this one looking a little bit different anyway guys hope you enjoyed the video if you did give it a thumbs up also let me know what color you think i should be painting the calipers should i leave them and if you've got any other suggestions on this one let me know in the comments below gotta say thanks to super performance as well for the great suspension upgrade on this one don't forget check out super performance for free shipping until the end of september anyway guys i will see you very shortly in the next one check out what i get up to on a daily basis over on my instagram and social feeds ciao for now [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Ratarossa
Views: 49,977
Rating: 4.9605546 out of 5
Keywords: free, shipping, superformance, ferrari, parts, clutch, actuator, sd2, sd3, sdx, ratarossa, spider, stradale, challenge, diy, abandoned, i bought, rebuild, barn, find, gas monkey garage, monkey garage, goonzquad, SamCrac, sam crac, ammo, chrisfix, tavarish, ammoNYC, Ammo NYC, larry kosilla, larry, kosilla, smoking tire, clean, 12 years, detail, transformation, hoovies, hooviesgarage, hoovie, rust, ferraricollector, bodywork, old, repairs, tools, garage, suspension, driveway, upgrade, ferrari 308, gts, gtb, bushes, coil over
Id: XuraaWxkiuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 46sec (1606 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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