I Found Hidden Problems on My Ferrari 512BBi Boxer Project

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hey guys a warm welcome back to the channel in today's video we're back on the boxer build we're continuing the strip down on this as you can see over my shoulder the pile of parts is just continuously growing on this one anyway so far so good uh nothing at the back of the car on the frame uh that was unsuspected there that's quite an easy one we're gonna strip that back down and uh re-spray all that we're working on the front today and also the engine the engine needs to be all stripped down ready for ice blasting as well so let's crack on fingers crossed we don't find anything that we don't want to see [Music] [Music] if [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Music] so [Music] if [Music] see [Music] me [Music] do [Music] oh [Music] so as you can see at the front of the car we have most of it stripped out now we're back to frame a little bit more to do up the top here a few more little components up there a little bit down there but the front section apart from taking off the front clamp is back to frame and as you can see well we have got a little bit of a problem here some areas that we are going to need to address um some framework and then this little section this is the bit where our radiator sits down here sits on this bracket and apparently it's quite common these things do rust out uh what we have here is tow hook that comes in from the front of the car there and four little uh nuts here that hold the lower valance or it'll help hold the lower balance on so we need to refabricate that the rest of this section is actually solid the other thing is the little battery tray here there's just some bracket as well that just needs to be remade that's very simple this is very simple we're going to measure that up now this is the bit that's going to be a little bit more complex but we've got plenty of pictures that we can use to make this correctly to be fair i am not surprised i thought there was going to be a lot more rust on this car the other areas obviously the back just a little bit of surface rustles i've shown you in previous videos nothing else has been uncovered here this back area is solid started to grind out some of the areas there and the unknown area on this car was really all the mid section here now there was a little trick that we can use and if you take out the ashtray you can see through there and you can see all of the framework now the great news is i've taken out this one i've taken out the other side and it is solid as a rock down there there is not one bit of evidence of any rust so i've got to admit i was expecting something down there as well and i'm very very happy with that the areas that we have uncovered obviously the box section down there very common it wouldn't surprise me if there are boxes out there that look very nice that have rust in that area and then we've got another little panel just here i've come out with some tape because that obviously uh goes into the cabin of the car so we just got a square little plate that needs to go in there again a common area that goes on these cars so we've got this bit we've got the battery tray and we've got the front section finally i have managed to get the uh pedal box all free i had to split it from the servo and there was a split pin just in here it was buried around there and it's honestly taken me two hours to get this thing out anyway it's out it's ready so we're almost there on the strip down on the front of the car a few little bits left some pipe work uh the wiring loom everything is loose it can all be moved out the way brake pipes they've got to come off but all of the components are off there's one more final thing to do and that is remove these wheel arches now i've left them in place because i thought that the back part here actually was ex would expose the cabin that is the case on the tester rossa but looking closely i didn't bother actually even thinking about this but down here we got another panel so this is actually in fact separate so we're going to remove this that will give us full access to the frame this i believe is cabin this will stay for all of this we can then see all of the frame as you can see on the other side there oh yeah that's better [Music] and there you go i actually wasn't sure with this whether that someone had cut this panel in at some time but clearly as you can see we've got the tabs on the frame here all the bits here correctly that is how it comes from factory so that lovely glob jewel of sticker flex down here that's just how it's made which is crazy again you can see the frame here completely solid which is brilliant news uh both parts here and here so all of our issues are really at the front of the car which is great because that is the most accessible part the other thing i just got to point out before this all goes back as it was at factory is all of this stuff here we looked at the globules there this is all around the frame here and then if you come up here look at these bits here this is just glue that's just been done all the factory here there's a bit of spiderweb but all of that that is all sticker flex same here all of this here i've just uh just removed this bit over here but you can just see there is just sticker flakes everywhere you know if there was a gap there's a massive bit of sticker flex my real job around here is actually this it's going to be done this week on router rosso we're upgrading the nissan levira with a ferrari 12 cylinder engine to give it a bit more beef is my rear view guys 12 cylinder ferrari engine it's just like being in the 360. you see the engine in the back there through the red screen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we're cracking on here it's not quite ready to go in place it's just being stored there but look at this racks and racks of everything that's come off the car and then that needs to be stripped down even further all of the stuff here all of the stuff here and ah load more stuff back at home with a rebuild project like this there's a lot of work that goes on behind the scenes of things such as finding the right parts now i've just missed out on an original set of exhaust manifolds from the us simply because the shipping price was extortionate now i'm kicking myself because the actual price of the parts was really really good i'm not going to get an opportunity like that again the other thing is researching things such as the rusted frame damage ferrari stopped selling those kind of parts many many years ago so i have no choice but to fabricate those myself i've reached out to other owners of boxers that have done similar projects they are some very cool people out there willing to share pictures videos or even let me see the cars and one guy in particular has done a similar build taken the boxer down to the frame it's a 365 it's a 1974 car and the cool thing about it was it was actually 3d scanned check this out now when you discover rust on a ferrari project like this it's a heart stopping moment so having these 3d scans of the whole chassis that jonathan from present has created really will help i'll put a link to his website in the description below the video go and check out some of the cool stuff that he's done unfortunately however this was scanned from a very early 1974 365 bb and ferrari made a few changes throughout the generations of boxer and my 1983 bbi is slightly different at the front here you can see there is actually no box section that the radiator sits on so fortunately though there are other owners that have been helping me out they've videoed it they sent me some pictures and i'm going to be able to fabricate that with the exact dimensions so let's crack on and start fixing the boxer up [Music] so we're starting to get back on the front here it's looking pretty good [Music] this is what i've just swept up that's all come up front the rest of it is probably in my lungs [Music] briefing [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] well guys i'm very happy with how this has turned out we've got the panel in here the battery tray is all done now let's do a little test fit here perfect one more thing to do on this i need to get some bar some threaded bar and just weld two of those up there we need to make a bracket i presume up there i need to just do a little bit of research how that fits here is on the outside or the inside and what is the actual bar on the top then we're on to i've left the best till last obviously we've gotta fabricate this box here we have got the bar all ready where's our part here it is right in front of me so that is our bar that we are going to cut we're going to put in there two sides there's also a little section that goes and joins them in the middle and then we need to uh make this so that is my job tomorrow morning well guys there you go that is it for this week i'm in the car at the moment because it's the only place i can find there's quite enough to actually film anyway this is the part of the build that is very demoralizing it just takes so long to do all these things to strip all that frame and then to discover a big bit of rust at the front that we need to rectify it just feels like it's never ending anyway it is happening it is progressing i've just got to keep pushing we've got the uh paint all strip off next i'm trying to keep all the cabin here secure until the very last bit where uh we can then probably have to strip all this out anyway i uh i'm gonna crack on tomorrow i've got a couple more days i reckon on the frame and then hopefully we'll start that upward journey of the rebuild the parts out there are mounting massively uh i've gotten there i've got them in the garage at home and um i've got to remember how to put them back on this car anyway guys i hope you enjoyed the video don't forget you can check out what i get up to on a daily basis over on my instagram where i'm posting stuff that goes on around this place which is quite interesting even though it's very noisy hope you enjoyed it i will see you very shortly in the next one ciao for now [Music] you
Channel: Ratarossa
Views: 203,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ferrari, ratarossa, 512bbi, boxer, 512, bbi, bb, barn find, abandoned, rare, i bought, diy, rebuild, rotting, barn, find, gas monkey garage, monkey garage, goonzquad, SamCrac, sam crac, ammo, chrisfix, tavarish, ammoNYC, Ammo NYC, larry kosilla, larry, kosilla, smoking tire, clean, first wash, 12 years, detail, transformation, hoovies, hooviesgarage, hoovie, Damage, frame, repair
Id: BvVqRYb-Hdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 23sec (1103 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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