Dry Ice Cleaning Abandoned Ferrari 512BBi after 12 Years Sat Outside - Only 6420 Miles !

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Interesting. Do you have to take any special precautions not to asphyxiate yourself?

Also also, thanks for rescuing this car. That 180-degree V-12 is a gem.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/goatharper 📅︎︎ Apr 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

Dry ice belasting is such a diamond in the rough. I really want to dry ice blast my 2JZ and 8HP70.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/01000110010110012 📅︎︎ Apr 23 2021 🗫︎ replies
this video is sponsored by honey [Music] hey guys a warm welcome back to the channel i've got a super exciting one today i'm calling this phase two of the cleanup operation on the boxer project i've got karcher uk who have kindly offered to help out they are bringing their ice blasting kit and we are going to try and transform the very neglected engine but as you know stay outside for well over 12 years in all of those british elements and it really has taken a battering so we're going to see what we can do with that as you know the car is not here in my garage it's over at carrots the rear body shop over in maidenhead who have kindly lent me some space to work on the car so i'm going to head on over there while i do that you guys make sure you grab yourselves a cup of this stuff check out the new rata rossa mug and uh i'll meet you there in just a tick oh and did i mention karcher i've kindly donated a k4 pressure washer to give away that is similar to the one that i used in the original boxer cleanup video stay tuned to find out how you can be in with a chance to win it before we look at the engine let's have a cast back to how we discovered the car last year it had been sat outside for over 12 years and well it was looking in a pretty sorry state since then we've had a good old cleanup of the car but it needs a heck of a lot more to make it pristine again [Music] look at wow holy cow [Music] no way look at the moss in the air [Music] yes [Music] such a shame what a car i mean all this is clean now fortunately since then i've managed to rescue the car and i now own it and as i said we've given it a cleanup so let's have a look how the engine stands today and what we've got to work with [Music] so the main focus today is going to be the engine and particularly the block of the engine other bits like this can come off these can get treated separately but this is really where i want to focus it's taken so much of a battering sat outside all those years in the british weather as you can see let me give an example on this side you can barely make out but each cylinder you've got the number stamped into the block eight you can make out ten you can just about make out eleven on that side nothing at all so we're gonna really really try and get that back looking spectacular heads can come off anyway so really it's the main part in the middle then i really want to focus on we're going to also we've got the straps here sides underneath so we can lift it up on the crane i've taken off as much as possible without really exposing too much so things like this we've plugged up um i have taken off quite a few things off the front here we've got quite a lot of access this is going to be the most tricky side to think of it but the rest of it should be good [Music] okay so this is the dry ice and what we've got here they are mil three meal pellets female pellets so the idea of these is this we're going to be ice blasting on the engine itself if you take a step back what we'll do is we'll simulate it just by hand as we throw it on the floor the effect of that it turns the majority of them straight to into a gas and you can see now by the glove on my hands special gloves yeah and you've seen how the frozen how they are pretty much now just returning back to normality after just a few seconds of holding it in the glove hence why is extremely important so typically how much of this stuff would you use to do [Music] engine so we've got 300 kilos today right um which with the machine we're going to be using give us enough at time for six continuous hours right okay uh and cost wise for something like uh you know 300 kilos of this stuff uh you're looking somewhere in the region about 300 pounds okay so we fill this with ice how long would that typically uh last so if we're running at full capacity you're gonna get uh 20 25 minutes worth of runtime out [Music] it could take another one chiro is uh it's demonstrating his skills at filling up you put the ice in the machine awesome okay time to play with some toys let's have a go [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we've been doing this for about 10 minutes and as you can see it's starting to come up very nicely but absolutely no residue on the floor where's it all going just gone thin air that is a really really big selling point on this [Music] [Applause] we got the big compressor these are the guys now as you can see the parts for the boxer are really starting to melt up here the original plan on this car was just to clean it up and get it running this lot is going to cost me a pretty penny and so i need to save as much as i can where i can and that's where today's video sponsor honey comes in perfectly now it's that time of year again to service the ferrari 360 and here's one quick easy way that i save some money let me demonstrate how simple and seamless it is with honey i shop online at one of over 30 000 honey supported sites search under my ferrari's details and the recommended shell oil comes in at 68 pound 99 when i go to checkout honey drops down and it's just one simple click to apply coupons i wait a few seconds as honey finds the best codes and watch as the prices drop and i just saved a whopping 40 off my bill that's 27 pounds 60 and it is that easy you're gonna love that feeling when you save some money to install honey it's totally free just two clicks and it works on whatever browser you use and honey supports everything from car parts to clothing i also saved on these ferrari puma trainers if you've got a computer honey should be on it and by using my link you'll also be helping to support my channel so head on over to joinhoney.comrossa that's join honey.com rata rossa now i've got to say a huge thanks to honey for not only sponsoring today's video but also helping me to save some money towards these ferrari builds now let's head on back to business we are going to try a bit of the bodywork here i'm going to go to this little bit here this is all really rusty see how it does nice nice baby please tell me gonna cut that out ceiling [Laughter] [Music] so we've got the angled detailing uh head on this i'm just getting into all the little nooks and crannies here really really handy all these little intricate bits ideally i should have stripped all of this off so we were just down to the block but uh this thing is saving the day [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Music] as you can see the ice blaster has done a fantastic job on the frame it's taking it right back to bare metal that is where it's really coming to its own it's gone through it like it was butter so we're gonna do a little bit more of the framework unfortunately though we're running out of time so we're going to head back to the engine first we're going to change the nozzles and we're going to get into some of the tighter little spots on that [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] dan how much uh would this kind of uh this kit cost somewhere as it is now around fifteen thousand fifteen thousand for that taking into account the ice you don't need any special power for this this is so with this we're running uh seven bar at 130 cfm okay but we've gone overkill without the kill we've got outside so obvious question is how is this better than sound blasting so when we use the machine with it so when you stamp blasting you've got the sand you've got the shot whatever you use it ends up on the floor with the debris you're cleaning off with ice ice evaporates straight to a gas on impact so all you've got is whatever debris you're taking off the engine or the item that's it you haven't any sand any shot any of that side of it that sounds good so the cleanup element is it's so much better i think that's the appeal definitely isn't it 100 it's definitely a much cleaner cleaner yeah and dan you mentioned that you this is this product here you've got another one in development is that right we've got another one in development so this one here we have to have the ice delivered beforehand or made as it is um the new machine coming through actually makes it so nice so we have a co2 bottle sat on the back and then it will create the ice on demand as you use the machine amazing have the ice day that's what you've got continuous supply of co2 bottles you can keep using the machine timeline on that one uh we drew the machine march april this year wow okay yeah as you can see the engine is now down from the crane we've got it on the trolley the ice blasting kit is all gone we've gone over this uh for a few hours and i'm going to give you a little tour of it and the summary really of my feelings on the uh the ice blasting kit now as you can see it's done a fantastic job if we compare that to how the engine looks at the beginning of the day it's a transformation for sure it's not the perfect finish that i was hoping for i was really hoping to get it you know right back you know some of the areas for sure it really did handle it very well but the real tricky bit was obviously the top of this engine block here because it had sat there in all the elements untouched for at least 12 years you know it sat underneath the engine lid there all those vents just opened up and everything came in and just sat there you saw what it was like when i discovered it last year and so because everything sat there you know it is just ingressed into that that alloy block having said that so that is obviously the worst area i've showed you the worst area to start with this area here on the side look how well that has come up just amazing and again it's very difficult here because i did not strip it completely down but we've managed to you know really really make it look very good there again on the sides if you look at the sides the uh the cam covers they're all clean uh they're all these are getting painted anyway but um you know you can see it's taking all the paint off there's a couple of little bits in here we still need to get to and again down here when we had it up on the crane all the underside all the underneath that's come up really well so i think in summary all the kind of areas on the engine that are not completely exposed to all the elements so this was really mainly you know dirt grease grime build up and that's come up fantastic the bits that have been really weathered that have sat around for all those years that is really now the focal point of trying to you know clean up the rest of it but my summary is yet would i have one definitely it's a very good bit of kit it makes you know this is the floor area and it makes hardly any mess at all this will take me two seconds to clean up and uh so that in itself is an absolutely massive added bonus it's day two on the engine cleanup and we're not gonna finish there remember i want this engine to look like it's fresh out of the factory and that is gonna take a little bit more elbow grease i'm gonna try a few methods that i've had a lot of success with before on previous ferraris let me show you okay so what we have here is still some everyday items from the garage drill we've got these little attachments here these wire brush attachments some paint brushes we've got some metal polish we've got this little wire wool and i've just got some degreaser what we're going to do is we are going to just use this and see if we can clean up that top block a little bit better what i'm going to do is i'm going to use my drill with this wire brush attachment i'm going to use the test area now these cam covers are being repainted anyway so we'll just do a little test here and just make sure it works and as you can see this is exactly the look i'm going for that fresh brand new clean alloy look as if it's just come out the factory now this is the bed that is going to take a bit of time a bit of elbow grease but it's really going to be worth it let's start with this lower area down here now first of all i like to put some degreaser on it what i've done actually is i've left the top of the block soaking in this stuff overnight i'll just apply some of this to it one of the areas this one seems to be the worst then i'm going to simply use the drill i'll use the electric one so i don't keep running out of battery with the various wire brush attachments occasionally i might whereas a tough area just use some of this metal polish and if i need to get into any areas that are really tight i can use the wire wall i've got various attachments here we've got a load more in here as well and i've got somewhere i've got a really thin one as well which you can get right in to these real stubborn tight areas [Music] [Music] [Music] and there you go guys it's really starting to look good i don't know if you noticed but i switch between the two heads even though they're more or less the same size this i start off the process with and i'll try and keep the claim on just for that final buff i'm going to carry on with this we're going to uh finish this side and then i'm going to move to the top of the engine and see what magic we can work up there for the top side of the engine i started at the center of the block leaving everything sealed up then removed the air intake manifolds and covered up all the holes now using a wire brush is pretty harsh but on this block it really was the only way i was going to get rid of those stubborn areas [Music] well guys there you go that is almost a full day's work just to do the top side of this engine but i'm sure you will agree it is worth all of that extra elbow grease it is looking fantastic i've got a bit more to do up there still got to do the sides underneath the block and once all of this is removed we've got to do this area as well now i want you to imagine this with all the hardware that i've left on there all the studs are loose now but imagine all that coming back from the platers looking like this it is gonna look fantastic once that is finished anyway i'm really happy with the result from the ice blasting and that little extra work that i've been putting into it to just finish it off and make it look stunning again just as it came out the factory anyway that has spurred me on i'm going to carry on with the rest of this all of this and get this project done well guys there you go that is the engine cleaned up on the boxer now i've got to say a massive thanks to karcher for accepting the challenge on that one i sent him an extreme one with the engine on that car it really was at the top end of the scale for ice blasting technology and i think you'll agree it did a fantastic job don't forget also we have that k4 pressure washer to give away what you got to do to be in a chance to win that one is simply comment below if you had access to that karcher ice blaster what would you use it on anyway guys i hope you enjoyed it don't forget give it a thumbs up subscribe to the channel and you can also check out what i get up to on a daily basis over on my instagram channel thanks very much for watching guys i will see you very shortly in the next one ciao for now [Music] you
Channel: Ratarossa
Views: 1,182,323
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ferrari, ratarossa, 512bbi, boxer, 512, bbi, bb, barn find, abandoned, rare, i bought, diy, rebuild, rotting, barn, find, gas monkey garage, monkey garage, goonzquad, SamCrac, sam crac, ammo, chrisfix, tavarish, ammoNYC, Ammo NYC, larry kosilla, larry, kosilla, smoking tire, clean, first wash, 12 years, detail, transformation, hoovies, hooviesgarage, hoovie, karcher, honey, ice blasting, dry ice, dry, ice, blasting, engine, block, cleanup, rotten, grime, dirt
Id: _wkvNWAzNVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 20sec (1520 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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