Barn Find Ferrari 512 BBi - Attempting the Impossible

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Nothing you can do that canโ€™t be done

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/jensenhealy ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 09 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
hey guys a warm welcome back to the channel in tonight's video well this one could be a little bit of a nail biter you see i'm potentially about to wreck up to 10 000 pounds worth of parts simply because i'm stubborn anyway i'll explain all as soon as we get to the workshop in the meantime let's just enjoy a little bit of 5.5 liter v12 ferrari 456. might have an automatic gearbox but it can still put a smile on your face i can tell you that when it kicks in it probably kicks in [Music] now in the last video i asked your opinion on removing the front screen and we had a very mixed response on this one some of you said just leave it it's original don't risk breaking it some of you said take it out and do the job properly and some of you said remove the black trim around the outside just to see how bad it is so we're going to address that today we're also going to be doing the door glass that's the nightmare in itself taking out some of the dash i'm going to be removing the uh aftermarket stereo system on this because we're going to put all the original stuff in and then we're going to be doing the rear glass on the car side windows are out here so we've got our work cut out and then finally i need to finish off getting the last bits of this paint off so it is ready to have a bit of primer and finally the paint brief so let's roll our sleeves up crack on with it [Music] okay this is the uh tricky bit because we don't want to bend this at all just gonna take your time with it and there we go it's pulled off in one piece now working on this ferrari as you have witnessed can be pretty stressful at times and that's why every now and again i need to take a break and i love to do that playing a frag pro shooter with over 70 million players worldwide and over a million players a day it's no wonder it was voted 2020's best shooter game and it's totally free to play let's jump in and i'll show you why i love playing it the rules are simple the goal is to destroy your enemies bunker as quickly as possible the first one wins you can collect over 90 characters each one has specific rules and powers i love this dude red shadow he's hard as nails throwing his laser sword like boomerang destroying any nearby enemy choose between three different game modes street frag being my favorite for a quick game where you and your opponent just have one target download frag today and use my link in the description below and you're going to get all of these free items even if you've already got frag installed which might give you a chance to beat rata rossa now that i'm totally chilled out i'm going to get back to business [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we are really tearing into the car today there is not going to be much left of this uh the dash is coming out that's ready to come out the steering wheel i had to sack off that idea uh basically we took the knot off but we need a steering wheel puller i should have thought about listening uh we haven't got one here i've got one at home in the garage but i need to get this out for the windscreen guys who are coming early doors in the morning and i couldn't risk doing all this this is taking me quite some time to do it anyway we've got all the clocks out as you can see uh so we've got the opportunity of cleaning up those glass faces plastic faces uh so that's cool i'll take those home we can do that separately bypass the steering wheel so this is now ready to come out so that is our dash out we've got all the wiring which is great because this is the next part of the build when we start with putting this thing back together i like as i said i'm going to rip out the radio as you can see we've already taken that out but i need to just get rid of all of that aftermarket added wiring to the loom here and uh and then we'll just rewiring all the original radio equipment which we'll come to in another video uh so next job we have this dash panel we need to recover if i'm right it should literally pop up and wow there we go that is on dash out [Music] so what i'm doing with the screen here is i can feel where the clips are you can see them here i've put a little bit of tape just to know so when i'm trying to remove this trim i know which areas are going to be the most difficult talking of trim let me show you on the 308 how this should look when it's off as you can see down there there's a little clip there's 15 of those around the boxer and if i show you this is the trim piece here it goes around it and those clips just clip into this kind of l-shaped part of it but we've also got a load of sealer all the way around there this really difficult stuff to cut apart so we're gonna try and uh do that very very carefully and remove this hopefully without bending it now i've got to say a massive thanks for all of the suggestions regarding the screen dilemma but at the end of the day i'm going to go with my gut on this one we have gone to such extremes with this car with the bare metal all of the plating i just feel like it has to be done right and it will not sit with me correctly if we don't take the glass out so it's all coming out now while i start doing that i'll put that in the background and talk to you about the process that has gone on in the background because i've tried to cover a few bases here so number one i have got a collision repair group coming tomorrow with two of their top technicians who have got years and years of experience with doing the windows so we are going to minimalize the risk of removing the glass and secondly i have also contacted a company called pilkington who have got 200 years of experience with glass not just on automotive but on housing on industry uh industrial buildings the whole lot they really really have been around forever and know their stuff now last year a friend of mine simon had his boxer with the same dilemma he had a broken screen and they couldn't get one from ferrari so what simon did was he approached pilkington uh who made glass like i say for much of the automotive industry and they took the moulds from this car created a new batch of screens with all the correct logos uh the correct aerial in the screen and they actually provide those to ferrari so if you buy a screen for a boxer from ferrari is being made by pilkington anyway cut a long story short they have got my back on this they have told me scott if you break the screen during the process we will replace it for you so gotta say a massive thanks to pilkington for doing that guys if you have any screens for any old cars that you can't get or you've got any problems these guys are so helpful i'll put a link in the description below the video uh go and check those guys out and a big big thumbs up for pilkington for uh covering my back on this one so we're going to get the rest of the screen out and keep those fingers [Music] crossed [Music] when they say blood sweat and tears on a build like this they're not wrong you know a little tip for you guys never hold the blade the wrong way up it just slices your finger yeah this car's got my blood on it now that is the easiest part you know what this is going to be easy for those guys look i'm taking this out two people just gradually holding this okay this is going to be a five minute job famous last words right now i've got the screen guys coming in the morning but they might have a little bit of a shock because i've almost got it out we've got all of the sides and the top done basically what i'm doing is i'm using this little spreader this plastic spreader to not damage anything i'm just going around i'm taking out the sealant very very carefully as i have done around all of the outside when we took the trim off and as you can see it's just gradually doing it we've got this last section down here so fingers crossed that will be okay then the screen is ready to come out so as i do it because this stuff is so sticky i'm putting a bit of cardboard here as well just to stop it sticking back down and that seems to be doing the trick now i'm going to go along with that bit really carefully but i'm going to keep the guys hopefully coming because i'm really struggling with these door quarter glass bits as well on both sides so uh hopefully they can help me with those but this looks like we might actually be able to get it out tonight i'll show you what i'm doing here i'm just going through and there's just so much of the stuff it's quite tricky now because my dash is really tight down here i can't get my fingers in there to just pull that black gooey horrible whatever stuff it is that i used back in the 80s just bit by bit it's slowly coming out now this is probably going to be the tricky with that higgs here just so much of this stuff on here so if i show you from the inside you can see that we've got my cardboard here splitting it apart holding it apart but look at this i'm really careful with this screwdriver you can just see this gooey master in here watch this look at that we've just got that last section to do now and hopefully it will lift out now i've just realized i haven't actually explained why i wanted to take the screen out obviously it was for the paintwork but when i took the trim off if you look down here you can see we've got a little bit of surface rust and i don't want that sitting there when i put all this back together so we got there and we've got a little bit on the other side as well now it's nothing major it's literally just a bit of surface rust so we're cool with that and there was another reason as well so behind the tape here i will show you we should have this black border but actually what's happened over the years is that's all faded so i want to redo all that so it's nice and crisp and sharp line fix that and obviously be able to paint properly so three reasons why i'm going to take the screen out and there you go the screen is out don't you just love it when everyone says it can't be done oh you do it anyway we have two more bits of glass to come out on this one and then we are nearly there okay this is the moment of truth merrick is going to help me on this one we are going to lift this out so i spent days cutting everything around this screen to make this bit easy and this is probably the bit where we drop it or something stupid like that anyway let's see how we go on [Music] lift it like that you keep it smooth you come round looking good so far okay i'm gonna go around here and then we're just gonna put it safely over there there you go cool man here thank you very much always job done top man there you go much that is a screen out without any professional help with some spatulas so we got this screen successfully out now we have a few little dilemmas here as well nothing is easy on this car first of all i still have that tiny chip in here so at some point that needs to get addressed and uh fixed and it's a case of do we do it outside or do we do it when it's back in where is it safe and uh what is going to give us the least amount of chance of that breaking now we took days to get this thing out so i don't want to break it the second part is the nice little border around the screen we're going to try and fix that as well and the third part which is a really cool little thing that i've discovered is the aerial now if you remember obviously they cut the original aerial and re-routed it to that nasty looking roof aerial now the cool thing is i didn't realize i thought this was all built into the screen but actually this bit here slots in so this bit at the bottom which obviously attaches to the aerial inbuilt in the screen now i had a look last night and this is not available from ferrari uk but there is one in canada so we go to all extremes on this build and that's ordered up that will be on its way over to the uk and then we can fit that and uh put that back to original spec now i have to admit when i took this out i did get some advice the guys at collision repair group have turned up and uh barry gave me some advice last week we went through the car and things like the little clips around the outside we figured out that that is what was holding all the trim on this in place uh fortunately we had the 308 back there which gave us a little bit of a clue and then the real nasty stuff as you saw when i was taking it out was this bonding agent which you know was put in in 1983 and it's still as you can see very sticky so took a little bit of pressure off the guys turning up today we've got barry and luke um got the screen out got the back screen out but i left them the best little ones here so we've got these door quarter glass to try and get out now it's a bit of a tricky one right barry because we've got a few little issues with this first of all we've got a fixed frame on the door uh we've got this window seal strip here which is bonded is that right that's bonded as well in place so it's all bonded on the inside here i took a little bracket off that was holding this window in place but then if we have a look at the inside of the door it's no easier here either so we've got a fixed panel fixed frame a tiny little area down there and if you look at the frame here this is all fixed we can't move that and so somehow this has to come down and we need to be able to remove it from down in this area and what do we think guys do it does you think it comes out with the rubber around the glass or just the glass and then maybe try and get the stuff out anyway i'm going to leave these guys to try and work it out i'm not going to put them under any pressure doing this and uh we'll come back and see how we get on okay so we've got luke here and uh we've come up with a genius idea i have to admit it was my genius idea so i've got my expensive camera mounts here that uh are not the cheap stuff that you get off ebay these are about 50 or 60 quid each but they're a lot cheaper than the glass now we've got that on here instead of using uh these pro ones which are just a little bit too big to go yeah and you know get everything on there and be able to move it so i saw these this morning on my shelf in the office and i thought they might work and help so the idea was i bought a couple with me potentially we could put one on either side but what we've discovered here is it seems to help out look at that there we go and if we just take it easy with that stuff haven't said the glass cost it's not that the glass is not i think it's like two three hundred quid one side a lot more expensive than the other for some reason um it was just yeah the rubber is actually more expensive than the glass that doesn't surprise me there we go one is looking good all right cool welcome okay so we've got one out successfully rubber seems to be okay the surprising thing with this is if you look at the screen itself look how much of that sealant they've used at the bottom there loads and loads and loads so it's no surprise that was uh a difficult job so i'm glad these guys did it not me and check this out the final bit of glass is out of the car barry and luke top top job look at this and another one loads of sealant on this one as well all sticky horrible that is isn't it really horrible and all our trim and our rubber trim is actually really good we can use it and obviously that stuff really has saved this car uh and that was major reason why i actually uh tried so hard to buy this car and save it because the interior and everything was all in one piece so we are looking good [Applause] well guys there you go my persistence and stubbornness have paid off on this one where everyone said it was virtually impossible to get the screen out without breaking it we've managed to get every single bit of glass out plus all the trim without causing any damage at all and we retain all of that originality plus i don't feel like i'm a fake a fraud cutting corners we are doing this to perfection as the car really deserves now i've got to say a massive thanks to collison repair group for all of the help involved with that one we have one more job now guys today before the car is ready to go into the spray booth and get a lick of paint and that is to correct some of the imperfections around on the bodywork that have happened due to all the weathering outside for all of those years now again we're doing this the right way i have an absolute guru coming to do this and i can't wait to show you the way he's gonna do it that's all in the next video guys hope you enjoyed this one if you did don't forget give it a thumbs up smash that like button hit the subscribe button and hit the bell notification so you don't miss any of the videos you can also check out what i get up to on a daily basis over on my instagram or on my facebook feeds until the next time guys stay safe and ciao for now [Music] hmm
Channel: Ratarossa
Views: 144,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ferrari, ratarossa, 512bbi, boxer, 512, bbi, bb, barn find, abandoned, rare, i bought, diy, rebuild, rotting, barn, find, gas monkey garage, monkey garage, goonzquad, SamCrac, sam crac, ammo, chrisfix, tavarish, ammoNYC, Ammo NYC, larry kosilla, larry, kosilla, smoking tire, clean, 12 years, detail, transformation, hoovies, hooviesgarage, hoovie, gold, rust, ferraricollector, ferraricollectordavidlee
Id: _rroPfZxUVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 10sec (1390 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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