Barn Find Ferrari Boxer Repaired Using Old School Methods - How to Lead Bodywork.

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hey guys and warm welcome back to the channel i've got an ultra cool one today we're back on the boxer now when that car was built back in 1983 it was all done by hand there were no computers no robot assembly lines and we're going old-school methods today there are a few little problems on the card that need to be addressed and the way i want to do this is how it was done back in factory back in the day and it's a bit of a dying art so to find someone with the skill set to be able to do this is quite rare so today you are in for a treat let's head on over to the workshop and i'll show you exactly what's [Music] happening [Music] so if we leave the challenge for dolly for just a second take a stroll this way past the 430 spider the take on turbo s the lamborghini huracan evo the bentley continental gtc the other bentley the green lambo we're back in the corner past the 308 onto the bbi let me explain what cool things are happening on the car today all right so we've got the guys here we've got bill the main man and ak they are sorting out first of all the hole in the roof here so what we've done is we've ground underneath for a fresh good weld yeah yeah then we've got the uh torch underneath it's got a magnet yeah so it's just going to stop everything coming through okay special tricks of the trade here been cut out there it goes under there we've got our fire blanket so we don't have any problems with the uh car going up in flames yeah yeah we've gone to this extent yeah we don't want this one just to burn down now all right yeah normally i put 50b okay that's when you're doing the expensive trick okay so we've got a little bit of metal here that we've ground down the show yeah cut some shape that's great oh okay oh i see right it's actually on the uh on the magnet itself we've cut one there down to shape that fits in the big hole that is perfect there you see that and then we're just going to weld the rest so the first of many imperfections on this bodywork is about to be addressed and this one is the one that really really bugged me the most that ruth ariel we are [Music] this really was the bit that bugged me the most about the uh the change that ferrari made when the cars came into the uk to get rid of that windscreen aerial and in place i think the older aerials in there somewhere [Music] there it is i've changed my mind guys can we put this back on [Music] okay so the next uh process that we've welded it we've uh just belt sanded it down the next bit expert 36 grip now we use okay so we're gonna scratch it all up yeah yeah because it all just went just scratch around it because the lead doesn't like a flat surface that's ladders smooth smooth so it [Music] you see it like that yeah [Music] all good oh yeah you can clearly see that on camera that's good to do the specialist lab work on my ferrari required skill but more importantly having the right tools you see with the right tools for the job it not only makes the job quicker smoother and gives you that perfect finish but it also allows me to multitask while i'm getting a helping hand this is a big job but with the manscape 4 it gets finished in no time and leaves my man looking impressive oh lovely and you too can achieve some great results with the perfect kit for your package the new lawnmower 4 is next level with advanced ceramic blades skin safe technology plus it has wireless charging and it's waterproof too so you can literally use this anywhere even in the shower and with its clever travel safe feature you won't have to worry about something going off and buzzing away in your suitcase so join over two million men who trust manscape and get the right tools for your jewels and right now you can save 20 plus free international shipping by simply heading to rata rossa that's rata rossa your balls well thank you okay so what we've got here is we've got the tray of goodies that are going to do the lead part of this should we talk through some of the uh the stuff that we need to do the process yeah absolutely so basically these are your paddles so what you want to do is you want to heat up the paddle slightly make sure they're clean dip into the towel and also heat the towel first this is like almost your lubricant agent to make sure now the lead sticks inside the wood and obviously so we've got a brand new one for the uh the bbi but we've also got bill's old one how old is this one how long this is at least i love that look at it look at this look at the contrast between these two look at the edge on it yeah and then there's a brush yeah which one do you prefer to use yeah of course it's all going about before we go into the process of leading let's talk about hammers all right let's see this is awesome check this out so this is bill's forces now 35 years old at least when do you get a 1982 you think right this is a 1982 hammer when he first started probably this is a 1983 car now this is also a snap-on right yeah so snap-on have a lifetime guarantee so one day what we're going to do is when the snap-on van turns up we're going to say look mate this is this is broken can you exchange it and they're going to ask for a receipt have you still got the receipt so this is bill's original one when he first started working on these things and this is relatively new it's leading so we've got our lubricant yeah lubricant we've got the paddles for the paddles basically because you don't want any of the lead particles sticking in there and causing a mess on the surface okay i guess i love it yeah let's just hang the door open cleaner i guess before we get started into these bits it's obviously very important to make sure that all of the metal surfaces are as clinically clean okay so any kind of bits of debris any bits of dark spots need to be fully ground out first before we think about even leading if we look at this whole top this is the leading kit right so we've talked through the talo process you want to heat the tallow you want to make sure this is clean heat this slightly which is the paddle handles whichever one you want to use and then you dip into this halo you want to wipe those halos slightly to just form a very very soft film you don't want anything too shiny or too thick otherwise it just won't grip properly so once that is all done you want to make sure your panel is is a temperature or hot enough to make sure all of the moisture expels from there right okay and then what you want to do after that is get your pliers once the panel is is fully at temperature fully clean this is the tinning process right inside yeah it's called tinning butter it's from from eastwood it's probably the best type of butter this gives you the best result yeah yeah the best way to do it i think and the best product to use for it so there are remember this eastwood yeah there's obviously a couple of ways you can do this you i mean some people they simply tend to have a brush oh yeah that's going to be on your ferrari this is that's it we're going lightweight on this yeah yeah yeah use as minimal as possible see how heavy it is yeah yeah and that's just one bar so i mean hopefully won't you too much more but so there's a number of different ways you can do this you can either i don't know where the brush has gone you can either brush the tin on and heat the tin on the panel but i think what you find works best is when we heat the panel at the same time as heating this and heating at the same time it just gives you i think a better service they're clean at the same time okay we'll go through that stage when we actually fire on it so that's probably the best way that's it yeah and then we've got a lead bar that's where our bits we need yeah and obviously something to uh heat up now ideally it would be oxy acetylene right yeah in an ideal one but i mean yeah we're kind of improvising because yeah i forgot to get something so we've just smoothed the surface with a d a cleaned it off and next it's ready for lead yeah come out it's expanding all that moisture make sure the panel is completely dry and add the heat to it so basically when essentially force called this a little bit okay well look at that take that right just to give the lead the best chance of adhesion when it comes to a little process the last thing i think with this as well as getting the process right you have to be as clean as you possibly can because you just don't want any issues in the future so the more time we can spend preparing the process you're better [Music] and this stuff is what's this guys this is yeah that the way we use that when you put the let do it you spread it with the wood yeah that if you don't something between it to stop stick to doing okay right right so it's like a like a waxy like lubricant this is the talent uh very satisfying to watch me certainly [Music] 83 as well wow same year yeah back in 1983 you didn't realize that this was going to happen did you yeah we did not realize all that but look at this this is lovely nice sturdy construction just like this [Music] that's that's worth a lot of money how many years you've been doing this bill yeah it is 35 40 30 40. my dad watching [Music] [Music] no not the roof you know how many panels those hands have felt and yeah all those imperfections over the years [Music] yeah it's almost like a jungle beer [Music] [Music] and that is exactly what you see here really with the contrast up there with you everybody yeah yeah every drawing all the all the joints yeah okay so we are going to focus on another area today which is a bit of a problem and that was this area which is caused um probably the most damage from the uh little rust from over the years and the bubbles so what is the uh process of sorting this one out maybe we have to take the black dot off you see that yeah you're getting it make it bigger right okay and why is that because otherwise it's just gonna come back yeah definitely [Applause] right [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] so i get the pleasure of using a custom tool so it's down like this angle leave it straight and down yeah use it yeah use the edges just the edge here wow there we go just like sanding the last bits right so the guys have made the mock-up now i'm gonna have to point this out because it's so good you can't even see it right so this is the mock-up here we've cut this bit here and then they're going to attack it all together and then we're going to cut the old bit out and that's the plan [Music] perfect i'll keep that as a souvenir if someone wants to win a show in the house someone wants to win this in the next rata russell competition part of an original bbi caught by the genius yeah i don't think what i'm thinking [Music] check this out while i've been filming the cs these guys the one of the worst areas on the cardist one isn't it this word and that front one over there look at this really coming along nicely no filler nothing old school it's looking much more pretty than it was definitely sorry look at this it's real tricky because we've got this angle here but we've also got the flat part here as well obviously trying to get that edges of yeah quite tricky so keep maintaining the edge there as well so there you go [Applause] so bill was explaining i couldn't work out when i'd sanded this car why have these little black lines here here you can see it's a straight line along here straight lines here little bits all the way up the sides there and basically it's because this was all made in sections this is one kind of panel here here three four pieces three or four pieces you reckon here and then we've got this like that would be half there half there and as you can see this bit here so there you go it wasn't it wasn't a nice big machine that just pressed these back in the day they were hand built right not gonna be cheap yeah because that's why yeah yeah that's right it was it was like one of the last hand-built ferraris this one [Music] bill and aka are available to fly around the world to fix any ferraris or any supercars don't forget my commission you're getting the post no problem look at that most places would have i i spoke to body people and they said that's going to be really tricky because of the angles of this and this part here uh most places would have just put a load of filler in there i know every time you go and see that that is literally i am flabbergasted at how amazing that has come out that is just like it was done at factory amazing top job thanks man well guys there you go bill and ak smashed that bodywork out of the park they've done an amazing job using old school dying art methods but they're the ones that ferrari would have used when the boxer was built back in the day so i'm super happy we're doing this the 100 correct way the right way that the car deserves hope you enjoyed it as much as i did guys if you did give it a go thumbs up click on the subscribe button and don't forget bell notifications so you don't miss any of the video uploads until the next time guys give yourself a bodywork treat click on the link in the description below the video and save yourself 20 on some of those ultra cool manscape products and also don't forget check out what i get up to on a daily basis over on my socials until next time guys stay safe and ciao for now [Music] you
Channel: Ratarossa
Views: 117,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ferrari, ratarossa, 512bbi, boxer, 512, bbi, bb, barn find, abandoned, rare, i bought, diy, rebuild, rotting, barn, find, gas monkey garage, monkey garage, goonzquad, SamCrac, sam crac, ammo, chrisfix, tavarish, ammoNYC, Ammo NYC, larry kosilla, larry, kosilla, smoking tire, clean, 12 years, detail, transformation, hoovies, hooviesgarage, hoovie, gold, rust, ferraricollector, ferraricollectordavidlee, lead, bodywork, old, repairs, school, stool, leadwork
Id: 8goq0RVMxms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 38sec (1418 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 27 2021
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