FARMS AND FRIENDS! | Stardew Valley

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top the morning ladies my name is Jack SE and welcome to starw Valley a game that everybody on the internet seems to be talking about lately it's supposed to be like um Harvest Moon now I've never played Harvest Moon I know of the games and I know like the setup around them but I've never actually gotten the chance to play them myself so I wanted to play this one because a lot of people are asking me to play it um a lot of other YouTubers are playing it right now and it's just getting a lot of really good Buzz around the place and it looks so relaxing and peaceful and I like the music already it's giving me the all these little giddy Vibes um so the plot of the game is that you get in uh your grandfather I think has left you an Old Farm you have to get in and try and maintain that farm so we'll see how it goes from there I don't really know any anything else really Beyond it oh we get to name our guy what's a good farmer name uh farmer Dave no we need something a lot more rugged uh farmer uh Hansen there we go first name's Hansen firm name I get to name my farm farm awesome farm farm atopia Farm Farmville oh God remember Farmville um phop there we go um favorite thing cake there we go animal preference dog I like cats but I'm slightly allergic to them so I can't go near that um guy or girl guy or girl uh guy we'll go with a guy why not um skin I don't really care about any of the these things ooh afro hair five is looking pretty good hair five or one oh could I be so anime um oh what hair hair 14 we'll go with that uh shirt uh I think that's good um okay there's a lot of [ __ ] here that we can change that I'm not going to bother with we oh wait we can randomize is that America player kind of looks like him um weird I would just randomize straight to that h just keep randomizing oh that last guy was good [ __ ] I can't go back now damn it okay super cool dude uh Teenage guy too long here uh this dude why the hell not Hansen come on down did they change the names did it change the names and the dog and all that stuff as well and my farm name and for my very special grandson what's happening Granddad are you dying I want you to have this sealed envelope he looks like Santa okay thank you no no don't open it yet have some [Music] patience now listen close raise his hand all grabby grabby there will come a day when you feel crushed by the burden of Modern Life okay what do I do then and your bright spirit will fade before a growing emptiness damn Grandad you getting all [ __ ] um philosophical on your deathbed when that happens my boy you'll be ready for this gift so I'm not allowed to open it yet okay now let Grandpa rest 20 years later Jesus Christ is this where okay everybody's working right now this is where I uh work apparently joa smile you're was joa or yeah Jo I thought I said JoJo it looks like watch MOA oh look at that little dude oh there's me I'm even smaller life's better with joa really is it I don't think it is can I leave am I buckling under distress of the gigantic ass computer screen in front of me that's like me working with a screen like this size oh now I can open it cuz I'm filling with emptiness cuz I'm working at a corporation that does not appreciate my farming skills dear Hansen if you're reading this you must be in dire need of a change the same thing happened to me long ago I'd lost sight of What mattered most in life real connections with other people and nature so I dropped everything and moved to the place I truly belong I've enclosed the deed to that place my pride and joy farm mopis farm it's located in staru Valley on the southern coast it's the perfect place to start a start your new life this was my most precious gift of all and now it's yours I know you'll honor the family name my boy good luck love grandpa I don't have a real name apparently I'm just Grandpa P.S if LS is still alive say hi to the old guy for me will you okay how do I back out oh there's a little X up here my fraps is blocking it a yay we got our farm let's go feast and all the crops as an Irishman I should know how to get a farm already I should know how to till my crops and harvest potatoes because that's what a good man knows how to do this is so peaceful the art style is really nice it's so old school looking and I mean when I was younger all the G all the systems I had to play were like a Game Boy a PlayStation PlayStation 2 three and four well I guess I have four now but I I kind of switched to PC PC kind of before I went to PS4 so all these like older games I never really had a chance to play this isn't an older game this is brand new um did I just [ __ ] haar in my mouth Robin this is brand new but I mean like Harvest Moon all those kind of games I never got a chance to play I don't even know what Harvest Moon on the NZ or the SNES the NES hello you must be Hansen I'm Robin the local Carpenter mayor Lua sent me here to fetch you and show you the way to your new home he's there right now tidying things up for your arrival the Farm's right over here if you'll follow me lead on reminds me of when I played to the Moon a lot of people have wanted me to play that in the channel as well but I've played it already in my spare time before I started YouTube so there'll be no point me playing it now cuz I kind of know the ending this is phopas Farm woo it's gigantic is this all mine what's the matter sure it's a bit overgrown but there's some good soil underneath that mess with a little dedication you'll have it cleaned up in no time I have no idea what voice to do for you so I'm going to keep changing it why not make her like Fran oh Mr Kitty and here we are your new home this is nice he looks like me he looks like an older Jack good God papa is that you ah the new farmer he'll be a he'll be a crutch of the old Irishman welcome I'm Lewis mayor of Pelican town you know everyone's been asking about you it's not every day that someone new moves in it's quite a big deal hi those are some nice pants grandpa so you're moving into your grandfather's old Cottage it's a good house very rustic it's staying together well the whole wall falls down rustic that's one way to put it crusty might be a little more apt though rude don't listen to her Hansen she she's just trying to make you dissatisfied so that you buy one of her house upgrades huh anyway you must be tired from the long journey you should get some rest tomorrow you ought to explore the the town a bit and introduce yourself do you like how I'm forced in an Irish accent even though I'm Irish anyway so I just have to talk normally the Townes people would appreciate that all right good luck now see you later oh I almost forgot if you have anything to sell just place it in this box here I'll come by during the night to collected Dev on you now good luck well it's such an Irish thing to say that as well just to say good luck to you instead of saying like have a nice day or see you later Irish people say good luck good luck I'll talk to you later but he he actually means good luck oh that was perfect timing Coolio there's a my house which top of the morning here um it's funny cuz I lived in a log cabin for a while anyway like in real life no no shites and foolies um right Journal introductions my phone is making noises it would be a nice gesture to introduce yourself around town some people might be anxious to meet the new farmer okay 28 people the [ __ ] B go can I have the controls back oh God Hatchet are you a hatchet you kind of look like one water pickaxe and Scythe okay open the package woo par snip seeds [ __ ] yeah bro you received 15 parsnip seeds here's a little something to get you started here's a little something to get you started mayor Lewis thanks mayor Lewis if you want to become a farmer you have to start with the basics use your hoe to till the soil shees nice lady don't call her a hoe then use a seed packet on the tilled soil to sew a crop water every day until the crop is ready to harvest cultivate and harvest a par snip cool I'm going to cook par Snips first that's a that's a noble thing to get select tunnel weather report fortune teller living off the land weather report welcome to Kozo 5 your number one source for weather news and entertainment and now the weather forecast for tomorrow it's going to rain all day tomorrow that's good as a farmer I need the rain I I'm a magician look at this you're a wizard Harry who and as I want the fire to go away [ __ ] gen clicking up I can light the fire by over here sweet decorative Bowl do I do I need that can I just put it back there can I sit down no put it there cool okay let's go out and farm some soil um do I have a map or can I scroll or something map good God this place is gigantic Pharm opolis Farm bus stop Community Center joja Mart cool I can actually go exploring I want to see what's over at the Lighthouse Wizard's Tower I could be a I could be a hero oh cool okay so I guessing different things require yeah the Scythe requires for these cool okay I can use I can use the hammer and all these things anyway I don't know if it's less efficient or anything though can't use it on the Rocks though which is weird Okay so we get rid of all the Rocks first we just go around with our Scythe um can I just plant stuff anywhere or is there a is there reasonable place to be planting [ __ ] cuz I don't want to mess up my farm granddaddy granddaddy said pepy left this to me in his dying wish he left me a farm for some reason he didn't say he loved me or anything or he was proud of me or to go find my own um things in life he said here here's a farm that I'm going to leave and disrepair after I die good luck thanks Granddad really appreciate it um I have I have done farm work myself in real life not not I mean not a lot but little bits was that a slug I've done little bits of farmwork and some of my friends and their their cousins and stuff like that had farms and we get to go around and ride in the tractors I I'm such a typical Irish boy when I was younger um I used to love I used to love when it would be summertime and you'd hear like a tractor down the field and then you'd go they're cutting the grass all the way down like four Fields away and you'd all get together and run down to the fields me and my friends for some reason it was just fun to watch a tractor cut grass I'm going to come back and do all those other things after like I'm going to use um the scythe and the bushes and the hatchet and that [ __ ] I just want to get rid of rocks first and then you'd watch them bail the hay after a few days if they got good weather for like a week then they'd come back in no time and they' bail the hay and row it so much fun I used to love that ah childhood back when actually I was a bigger [ __ ] when I was a child this look can I be Amish and put together a barn oh it's going to be a good old barn right here we go now we're going to [ __ ] start so once we have oh that's a hammer should be using an axe apparently not or is this oh this is an axe this is the hoe oh okay you kind of look like a hammer um yeah so we're going to have to get rid of all this [ __ ] first and then we'll be able to till the soil I don't even know if that those are the right words I'm going to be throwing out a lot of phology and phaty and photic okay you better be to date with them you're going to learn a lot while you're with me what is this energy oh do I has to eat what are you I have 500 gold apparently that's a lot of gold I can still destroy it you're starting to feel exhausted can I go lie down I'm starting to feel a bit lightheaded I can't remember how I got here where am I where's my house oh little tree um I need to get through here but I'm not going to start smacking [ __ ] again because I'll pass out and die oh don't attack my door um go to sleep for the night no I don't want to sleep yet can I eat anything what is this parsnip seeds fiber raw material Source from Plants what do I eat do I have any mail does anybody like me you don't have any mail why oh if I want to sell stuff I put it in here right um Source from I must sell this can I put it put it in the box or do I put it in here he said put it in the thing you don't have any mail I get that put it in there fiber rocks wood coal yeah cool oh okay sweet I want to see my sweet muns go up after a while this is cool I like this it's nice little sense of community going on um should we go to joj Mar if we can actually find my way there and not die it's only 1:50 p.m. why would I go to sleep yet what are you a leak there's a leak in my hand there's a leak in the boat and now there's a leak in the boat can I eat what do I do with you eat a tasty relative of the onion eat this leak yes that's how I eat my food I I I go after like a dolphin jumping out of the water grand soul I have a lot of energy now I a Explorer I want to see what this place has to offer and I want to see where I'm going oh it's such a cute game hello it's a pleasure to meet you I'm Harvey the local doctor nice to meet you Harvey oh a stranger my name's Vincent mama says not to talk to strangers but you seem okay I'm going to run out of voices for all these characters soon oh you aren't exactly how I imagined but that's okay I'm Jodie hello you must be Hansen the new farmer I'm Caroline I talk very loudly people don't like me awesome a nice little Community bird a man where am I I'm in the Town Square the saloon can I go in and rustle up some jimmies okay it's the first of spring apparently in year one looky Louis's birthday it's Louis's birthday on the 7th I might have to go to joia marathan getting something nice maybe like a a mustache comb he'd like that I mean I don't know him very well but I have a feeling that he would like that um can we go into the saloon wow I want to buy some [ __ ] how do I buy oh man okay hello he it's nice to meet you I'm Leah apparently oh for sale backpack upgrade 24 slots purchase now uh no cuz that's 2,000 hi can I talk to you I'm a come behind the counter I'm not supposed to but I will hey it's Mr Hansen the new farmer I'm Pierre owner of the local General Store Pierre if you're looking for seeds my shop is the best place to go I'll also buy produce from you for a good price I don't know why I gave him like a a Spanish conquistador voice um when his name's Pierre which is like the most um stereotypical French name you always see in movies Pierre I'm going go in here see you later and [ __ ] you be nice place you got here would be a shame if someone [ __ ] on your carpet is this a chapel altar of Yoba so close to being the altar of Yoda M plant seeds you will funny joke you're not good enough friends with Pier or Caroline to enter their bedroom come on dudes I'm a nice fell you're not good enough friends with Abigail to enter her bedroom oh I'mma befriend the [ __ ] out of all these people don't you even worry about it were you stepping in dog [ __ ] are we at the swamp earlier my husband runs a general store here and have you met my daughter Abigail she's the pale one with the purple hair okay I met a lot of people and a lot of names what does everyone sound like the walked in dookie oh that's right I heard someone new was moving into onto the Old Farm no that's not a good voice for her oh that's right I heard someone new was moving onto that Old Farm cuz she's sultry she got that look in her eye hey I'm Sam good to meet you brother pretty gnarly even though Sam is like septic I Sam so you should have a nicer voice but whatever um introductions 10 out of 28 people met I'm going meet so many people I'm going to go up and shake their hands and just put my face up to theirs and be like Hi I'm the new guy they're going to so love me this is nice so far I like this it's so peaceful and I've heard a lot of people say they got addicted to the game I think um Holly and Ross said they were playing it on their Channel and she was tweeting out saying that she was getting addicted to the game I can see why it's so lovable and it's one of those games that becomes like all Resource Management after a while joja Mart well if there was ever a place to buy stuff it would be jojamart like this game is equivalent of Walmart join us Thrive that doesn't sound good hi joic Cola wallpaper I could buy wallpaper pass seeds no I have I have the parsnips Bean starter cauliflower seeds um potato seeds I'm going buy some more [ __ ] potato seeds and we're going to add some kale pnip kale and potatoes that's a great time um flooring why would you sell floors here and rice um should I buy some rice cuz rice is a good crop rice is a crop that will keep you alive for years um no I'll just plant my my shits first me parsnips and me potatoes no put down that what are you doing no there we go God saale what are you I can't [ __ ] buy you hi welcome to joart how are you doing today I don't believe we've met I'm Morris joa customer satisfaction representative when you decide you want to become a joer member i' be delighted to help you make your transition a joyous experience I'm not evil I swear also you look different there than you do um outside of that I really should give them all very specific voices because there seems to be a set number of people in the village fresh crops is that what you say oh fresh and sheep sorry um I think we can head back to my farm now wasn't there a thing that showed me how to sprint it said shift um can I look at controls options auto run ah okay show tool hit show tool hit location okay so if I take out ah okay that's handy actually it'll show me where I'm about to stab and if any [ __ ] get in my way they'll get a stabby stabbing okay I should probably head back right yeah whoa this place actually isn't that big let's head back to my farm and let's plant some seeds and get [ __ ] going let's get the soil moving let's get the world flowing who are you come back here Mr overalls Miss overalls um Mar what kind of voice would she have I I see I don't have a very um big uh collection I don't have a plethora of female voices oh aren't you the one who just moved in I'm Maru I've been looking forward to meeting you why is everyone have this voice I have no idea I'll think of better ones I'll get there in the end don't you worry it's getting towards night time 7:20 p.m. that's when the badges come out it's time to head home and um wonder if I plant stuff see I'm going to create life I'm going to plant stuff and it's going to rise up and then once you see that very first green petal coming up out of this you're going to be like just like um Matt Damon in the Martian um okay uh we're going to have to cut all this [ __ ] there we go I'm going to have some seeds planted like right here bad assness uh my axe plonk um okay so can I hold the land now yeah sweet we're going to have a little trough here we go and we're going to have another one over here of potatoes potatoes and parsnips why can't I do anything okay it's becoming nighttime uh six can I put seeds here sweet awesome and now let's water them PL PL I'm getting exhausted it I'm not going to be able to do anything for much longer okay time to go to bed no don't water the [ __ ] door just go inside there we go put down the log no one's no one's attacking you you're fine oh it's going to rain all day tomorrow sweet it's just like home it's just like Ireland farming zero foraging zero fishing zero mining 15 other 179 what did I get for other ah cuz I sold [ __ ] tasty first of spring year one second of [Music] spring I appreciate that dude he gets me up every morning nice apparently I don't have to eat or anything they're sprouting yay why can't I till you ah there we go um am I going to plant potatoes in here can I oh tubers that was only one potato ah [ __ ] see tubers that's what potatoes are tubers are spuds um I want to chop down this tree chop it down that's it I forget what I called you what what is my guy's name uh Hansen there we go good lad I oh I got sap I thought I got lemons I don't know why it looked like a lemon tree can I chop down this I don't need this stump here I need this off my farm nice um get out your Scythe just cuz I can see that you're chopping down a bunch of bushes all at once I like how he uses one hand whoosh he's like death um and you oh I have a nice little Pond here as well niceness I'm going to have a bunch of [ __ ] all here chop down you you're ax isn't strong enough to break this stump can I upgrade it I feel like I could upgrade axe awesome I am enjoying myself I have mail I should really go read that and pickaxe there we go what does my mail say hello there just got back from a fishing trip you should come down to the beach sometime I've got something for you Willie I don't trust that a guy named Willie says he's got something for me put it back in your pants Willie um can we use this um let's put sap minus 2 energy a fluid obtain from trees okay I don't know if I should be selling this [ __ ] I know I'm going get a lot of money parsnip seeds um should I dig up my potato no you know what we're going to do we're going to have two lines of par Snips going alongside each other going to have a happy Farm Happy Farm happy man happy family happy in the mind Happy on the ground here we go here we go here we go there we go and you s need to be watered every day so do I need to water these dudes again I mean if it rains it's just going to water them for me hey Ma M I'm farming just like Daddy it's awesome she doesn't care let's do all of these dudes yay everything's together I'm going to go get more spuds I'm going go back to the mar and buy more SPS cuz I feel like I should have a lot of tubers going some parps and some P She can't go wrong with that farmer Jack is on the case I mean farmer Hansen whatever to the beach visit the beach sou of town before 5: p.m. got it I'm going get some spuds and then I'm going to come back and we'll go to the beach we'll have a grand old time this is fun yay are any of you guys farmers in real life or do your family have Farms that'll be interesting to know am I farming correctly also this is my first time playing the game or any game kind of like this so come be some slack if I'm not doing it properly there's probably a lot of [ __ ] that I'm not getting right um can I just can I not just buy in bulk I's keep buying one by one five is enough I think how many did I get one two three I think I can get six in the thing thank you that will be all cuz if I keep growing oh wait no I can't I was going to say should I buy rice if I keep creating potatoes then I can eat them and we'll have food and then it'll be a great lad and everyone will be like me oo there's a sign on this yeah I read that last time that looks like something different though no don't water the ground um I watered your cobblestones I hope that's okay music's lovely this is fun I like this and I like games where I can just sit down and relax and talk as well sit down and talk to you guys all the time cuz that's what it's all about having fun um okay um potato potato potato potato I'm potato yay I did it right um so I have to water all these doers grow my potato Army we shall rise like the Irish um where's the beach well I mean like what counts is the beach the beach Elliot's cabin is this the beach down here that's a beach to get to okay let's go I'll tidy up my farm more the next day for now I have missions I have people to meet and Willies to see not that kind a man named Willie um going I go south from here yeah I'll make my way down this way I'll make my way downtown hello Haley oh you're that new Farmer Boy aren't you oh that's right Haley call me Farmer Boy once more she are you the princess and I'll be the stable boy no sewer I thought I said swear um I might be lost I don't think you can get lost in starw Valley making some progress nice hey boy are you wiie look like Tuk Norris Oho there heard there was a newcomer in town good to finally meet you is that it you going to throw me off the edge into the sea and be one with uh Blackbeard ah I'm still trying to unwind from a month out on the salty Seas I it was a big Hall I sold a lot of good fish finally saved enough to buy me a new Rod Willie got a new Rod take that for what you will that's too close Willie stranger danger here I want you to have my old fishing rod uh Willie I don't like where this is going it's important to me that the art of fishing stays alive is that what you call it and hey maybe you'll buy something from the shop once in a [Music] while you received a bamboo poll Willie gave me his Old Rod the bamboo pole he's going to teach me the art of fishing sure there's a good water there's good water here in this Valley all kinds of fish can I actually go fishing now please oh yeah my Shop's back open now so come buy if you need supplies supplies [ __ ] I also buy anything you catch if it smells it sells that's what I always say except if you're trying to sell shite we're not into that here in seru Valley that's what my old papy used to say anyway before he died for E Calli well see you is that it back to smoking your pipe I like Willie he's a man of the ocean and he vanishes apparently um right let's use this pole oh I didn't throw it far wooser I love how it looked like it was going miles away and then it didn't um is something going to show up get it I don't know how to use the fishing rod yet wer it was makeing noise maybe a thing has to pop up on it like an exclamation point or maybe I should actually go talk to Willie and see if I learn the artifici cuz right now I'm not getting anything there we go hit click the raise the bar Lower the bar keep the bar behind the fish what oh click to raise bar release to lower bar keep bar behind fish there we go there we go no Go Fish I don't know what I'm doing oh keep it on the fish there we go get him get him yes reel that fish yeah he's a big one he's a sunfish a whole 5 in Willie I did it are you proud of me he'll be like the dad I never had trout soup or a bamboo pole no here he bought my fish hey Willie can we be friends can you teach me the ways fine then you know what I'm going to do I'm going to go out and fish more I'm going to go out and Mr Willie here is going to be so impressed with me bker why wait till you see this wait till you see this fishing tactic wait for feel the fish listen to the ocean listen listen to it I probably could have done that there wait for it sh we won with the seagull where's the fish oh do we have something do we have something on our bamboo pole there we go seaweed well [ __ ] me then waa oh maximum effort there Hansen oh you're looking good Hansen I love you Hansen that's a great man Hansen wait for wait for for the jiggle jaggle wait for the shimmy shammy there hit what are we getting oh [ __ ] tadpoles baby no God this is weird Okay Tippy tappy Tippy tappy on on on The Magikarp oh yes there we go oh this is a big one I can feel it oh I'm feeling it in me shiver me timbers [ __ ] sake yeah stop going up and down [ __ ] it he was a tough one he was a toughy tough I need to get my skills up I'm not I'm not ready for this fishing [ __ ] yet because you have to keep like clicking the mouse and when you click it it goes up and then it slowly goes back down so it's it's kind of hard to get get the Rhythm and the harder the fish it seems to be or the bigger the fish get wait for it wait for it wait hold go oh yeah this is an easier one oh far easier oh God oh God oh God no shiver me timbers [ __ ] where are you going [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] there we there that's a good fish wait was the other one so much easier before these fish are going up and down all over the place stop it [ __ ] sake man stay on that fish stay on that fish oh this is tense oh tense it's just like camping it's intense ah come on no no get the fish [ __ ] fish I hate this fish oh God I'm all I'm all like crunching up and tensing up and everything there we go there we there we go there we go stay there stay there yes what did we get a sardine I was battling the oceans for a sardine willly how much you going to give me for a sardine give me a good deal bro come on man we're we're cool we're homies fair enough thanks see you later can I buy better bait no there's little pink shrimping moving around in there what's in this well it's a pin full of writhing wiggling worms it smells something awful that's just you you need a shower what's in here it's a tackle box it's full of lures Bobbers Hooks and fish lines can I not buy anything else ooh hello ladder leads up to a little sleeping cobby it's off limits ah why Willie can I fish inside your cabin no I have a bamboo pole tool using the water to catch fish I was trying but I that's not a catching can I grab a seagull come here bird what are you cackle a common saltwater clam can I eat it no okay drop it how do I drop [ __ ] once I pick it up what the [ __ ] I don't know how I don't know what's going on bonfire can I throw it back in the water how do I get rid of [ __ ] when I pick it up ah there we go in the trash nice what is this H with 300 pieces of wood this could be fixed I'm on it I have a new Mission it's locked only Elliot's friends can enter Uninvited I'mma be friends with all of these people how many people have I met now 13 out of 28 I'm almost halfway there hello Elliot H the new farmer we've all been expecting and whose arrival has sparked many a conversation he looks like a prince charming I'm Elliot I live in the little cabin by the beach it's a pleasure to meet you how do I come become best friends with people can I give them things want some seaweed bro this item gives me a terrible feeling I'll have to dispose of it well [ __ ] you then here's me trying to give you something nice hello I don't want to meet a bush I'm cheing Vincent and Jazz today they're a they're a handful but it's nice to make a difference in someone's life Penny good to meet you Jas okay hi ah I met you already sigh mom won't let me have any more gummies today yeah cuz you're going to rot the teeth out of your head um so where can I go to meet more people or should I just go home dog oh hey so you're the new guy huh cool H totally cool the star drop Saloon can I get hammered need a hot meal no I need a a hot uh a hot tune um hey kid the name's Pam nice to meet you well hello there I'm Gus chef and owner of the stard drop Saloon E I can read it on your face you're going to love it here in Pelican town if you're ever looking for something to do in the evening stop by the saloon that's where I work you never you mean the the building we're in or is it further in here I should have given her a Southern Voice as well ooh is this where all the deals go down is this where people uh play illegal poker you're not good enough friends with Gus to enter his bedroom I'm going be best friend with everyone come soon in this game wait till you see who are you you're a new friend Shane what what do you want go away okay Shane thanks douchebag arcade machine there's a skull-shaped keyhole prairie king press space journey of the prairie king shoot ah oh kill them all this is a game inside a game this is So Meta right now item it's coffee I can use coffee yes shoot them all oh God this is going to get very uh overwhelming after a while I'm going get the high score shotgun baby oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God how do I use yes is that shotgun forever now oh yeah dude [ __ ] you yeah oh yes kill them all can I use another item okay um let's get out of that I'm not going to spend all day playing that let's head back to our farm that's another day doing you guys are all my best friends in the making you just don't know it yet these people are really going to warm to me they're going to warm to me like an egg on a frying pan Jody I already met you go away is that is that your how you cough you sound like a close door fair enough I'm not one to judge I'm going back to my farm where hopefully everything is sprouting and trouting and I'll have a lot of you come back it's just an overgrown jungle and like your your spuds have come to life and they have like giant mouths ready to eat and devour people or not they could just look like normal that's fine um and just before the end of the day I'm going to clear a path I'm going to clear some of this [ __ ] cuz I'm not exhausted yet there's a lot more I can do nice getting getting [ __ ] done there's something to be said about menial labor just getting in and working working the soil work in the land just real good old manual labor getting down your hands and knees getting into the nitty-gritty of it come back here come back here where do you think you're going oh he disappeared getting into the nitty and gritty of it getting back to Nature getting back to one with the land feels good man feels real [ __ ] good feels John good man okay get rid of all this this place is a mess when you see in a couple of days this place is going to be overgrowing I'm going to start selling like tobacco I'm going to start selling illegal substances I'm going to start growing like weed everyone in this town is going to love me then cuz I hear um weed is legal now in the state of staru Valley it's going to be good times we're going to blaze it what did I get did I get an Apple I have no idea what are you oh mix seeds can I like plant them again and see what they grow okay it's 8:40 p.m. no farmer should be out in his land at this hour of the day I see [ __ ] slugs trying to destroy my crops are you not today and then we're going to collect a load of wood and when we have 300 wood then we're going to be able to repair that bridge and really get back to Nature even though that was in the town sleepy sleepy sheepy farming zero foraging 12 another 54 not bad the third of spring your progress has been saved fun dabby dozy okay there's two days done and I'm going to leave this video here this game is awesome I really like it I mean it has the potential to be like a really great series and there's a lot in it that keep going and updated it every now and then it's kind of like a Don't Starve sort of thing cuz Don't Starve is like maintain your area make a camp get to it plant seeds and all that [ __ ] so I don't know how much people are going to be into this so please let me know I would love to do more of it um but if not at least it was a onetime thing I got to check it out and see what the game is all about it's really cool I really like it I could see myself playing a lot of this in just my spare time um this would be cool in a DS actually I've really gotten back into my 3DS I got a new 3DS XL and I've been playing Xenoblade and Monster Hunter on it good times anyway thank you guys so much for watching this video if you liked it punch that like button in the face like a bu and I is all WR thank you guys now we'll see all your dudes the next video why why why yum yeah awesome I don't know why there's a flute to call Godzilla is that a thing oh man that was fun I really like this game it's super cute and I like the whole sort of like community and the role playing the voices that you get to do ah yay
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,658,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, Stardew Valley, Stardew Valley Gameplay, Stardew Valley Playthrough, Stardew Valley jacksepticeye, gameplay, walkthrough, playthrough, lets play, let's play, harvest moon, Steam, Steam version, PC, download, download link, farming game, farming simulator, fun game, indie game, best indie games, music, ost, soundtrack, friends, characters, making friends, weather, planting, farming, harvest moon remake, farmer jack
Id: 5rgt0ZRPIsg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 58sec (2758 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 11 2016
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