A Beginner's Guide to Stardew Valley

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stardew Valley is a very free-form game you're given all of the tools early to do whatever you want very few things are actually required of you and you'll never have a significant penalty for doing anything air quotes wrong along with that though comes very few tutorials and perhaps the feeling that there's just so much to do and you don't have enough time for everything maybe you don't even know how to do everything that's where this video comes in this will be a spoiler-free guide to set you up to be an informed self-sufficient farmer I'll be explaining practically everything here so if you'd like to skip around using the chapters in the description please feel free starting off I'm going to go over everything in our opening menu here we're going to start a new farm when creating a new Farm the most important choice you'll be making is which Farm to choose each Farm has its own unique attributes and some are designed to be harder than the others for our first playthrough I would recommend either the standard Farm or the forest Farm the standard Farm is the default option there's a ton of clear space space to farm in and you can pretty much do whatever you want with the space it's very customizable and easy for a first time player the forest Farm on the other hand doesn't have as much area to farm but items that can be hard to find elsewhere spawn regularly on the farm not only that but it's easier to get hardwood which is a very common resource you'll be using two Farms that I absolutely would not recommend for your first playthrough are the Wilderness Farm which spawns enemies at night other than that it's kind of similar to The Standard Farm the enemies are just really a nuisance and the beach farm this was added in the most recent update it's almost intended as a sort of hard mode there's a lot of farmable land but you cannot Place sprinklers which makes farming a lot more tedious the trade-off though is that you can go fishing for ocean fish on your farm you can find forageables on the ground and sometimes Supply crates will show up on your Shores containing pretty rare items for the other options you can choose them if you like they all have their little individual quirk I find them a little Annoying to Traverse around because you're either going around rivers or Cliffs and it's not really worth the trade-off of all the farming space you'll find a set of advanced settings for your save file on the left I'd leave this pretty much untouched except for the multiplayer options if you do plan on playing with multiple people and you could choose them to be nearby the main house or separated everything else I wouldn't touch for a good vanilla impression of the game I've seen way too many times where people have accidentally set the profit margin lower which makes the game a lot harder and they didn't know it until months into their playthrough other than that customize the character however you like one note don't put the word Farm in your farm name because it will say tutorial farm farm whenever it's mentioned so just put the main name of it and unfortunately I did lie the most important choice you'll actually be making is saying your favorite thing is something like wieners getting us started explaining controls can get very complicated very fast especially when controllers for different consoles tend to have different layouts for some reason so if you ever need to figure out what button does what if you press the pause button and then go over to options you can scroll down and see what all of your buttons are bound to near the bottom of the options menu your two most important buttons left click or the left face button if you're playing on controller uses your tools and then the check button is Right Mouse button or the bottom button if you're playing on controller or if you're on switch specifically it's the right face button now if something's not happening when you press the check button sometimes it's not fully consistent if I want to pick up this rug and move it to somewhere else it is in fact the use tool button so if something's not working the right way try both buttons the check button lights this fire but the use tool button allows me to move it around your first few days should be time for you to get acquainted with the world you're given a few parsnips to start out and we need some space to plant them so we can use our pickaxe to get rid of rocks we can use the Scythe to get rid of grass and fiber these little sprite looking things are fiber and the clumps are grass and the ax can be used to get rid of pretty much anything made of wood like these tiny sticks or with a bunch of swings you can eventually knock down a tree knocking down trees gives you wood one of the most important resources in the game sometimes you'll come across things that you won't be able to break yet that's because later you can upgrade these tools and sometimes they'll be able to break new things with this area emptied out I'm going to use the hoe to hoe the ground so we can put seeds in ah I missed a spot fun fact you can actually use the pickaxe to unhow a spot it's not important it's just really for Aesthetics then we'll scroll over to our seeds and either left click or right click the use tool button or check button will both plant crops then we can use the watering can to water each of them the watering can does have a finite amount of water it can hold if you ever need to refill it just walk next to water and use the tool and it'll refill now after all of that you might have noticed that our little bar on the bottom right here has gone down quite a bit this is the main thing that limits you in the game your energy level most actions you do use up a little bit of energy the only thing that we've done so far that hasn't is actually swinging the Scythe if this meter gets all the way to zero you'll notice that you get a little notification telling you not to push it too hard but if it goes all the way to zero you'll be exhausted and this will put you in an extremely sluggish state where you can barely move at all there's a couple of ways to replenish energy one is by eating a food that'll bring your energy up a little bit or if you want to bring it back up to full you can go to sleep for the night and you can do this whenever you want it's 2 20 p.m if you have no energy because you've just done so much and you feel like you can't do anything else for the day just go to sleep nothing wrong with moving on to the next day however since I hit Zero Energy I'm actually taking a half energy penalty so you do not want to hit zero energy no matter what if you become exhausted and continue to use your tools because you can just a little bit you'll eventually just pass out right on the spot ending your day now of course hitting low energy doesn't mean that you have to go to bed because there's a couple of things you could do like I said you can still Scythe fiber and grass clean up your farm a little bit you can go around and pick forged items this does not take any energy you can go around and talk to towns people and give them gifts well he didn't like that and you can go to stores to prep for the next day one of my favorite activities to do when I'm running out of energy is go fishing because although fishing does take energy I just eat any fish that I've caught to regain it right back you'll gain energy faster than you're using it up and you'll get some fishing experience to boot so speaking of going to sleep to replenish your energy this game is on moving time every day you'll wake up at 6am and you'll pass out at 2 A.M no matter what you're doing you can see 10 minutes have already passed an hour in this game is 43 seconds which makes a day just about 13 minutes long at midnight you'll get this notification that it's getting late that's mostly because first of all you don't want to pass out in whatever you're doing and every 10 minutes after midnight you will get a penalty towards your energy when you wake up on top of that as you can see we have a weather system some days are guaranteed to be sunny and guaranteed to be rainy but this day we just happen to get rain you can see what weather is currently active by looking up in the top right corner weather affects very few things although the most impactful is that your crops will automatically get watered in the rain so you don't have to do that normally you'd have to do that every single day until they're fully ground the other thing you can see in the top right corner is this Little Flower this is the season indicator the flower meaning that it's spring every season has 28 days exactly which is four weeks with the change of the season comes characters walking in different schedules new crops to plant and new forageables to be found and a general aesthetic change very very important note with the crops if you still have spring crops growing and it carries Into Summer they will die immediately it's become a little bit of a rite of passage for new stardew players to have their very expensive crops there's tons of them almost ready and then summer first comes around and they walk out and they're all dead feels bad but it's happened to the best of us when you have seeds in your inventory you can see how many days it'll take to mature always take that into account I didn't mean to use my pickaxe now I'd like to give you a quick tour of the world you'll be playing in of course this is our farm your house will always be situated at the very top right corner right next to the shipping bin the shipping bin is where you can sell pretty much any item that you want to and you'll get paid the money overnight if you don't want to get paid overnight you can go to a store that's relevant to that item and sell it there and get the money immediately this exit over here goes right out to the bus stop for now it's just an in-between area Pelican town is over to the right and there's a bus that doesn't work there's a mine cart that doesn't work pay no heed to it for now heading over to the left of our Farmhouse we're gonna have to clear things out a bit here there's another exit that goes north into an area that we call The Backwoods this is another in between area and it goes into an area called the mountains over on the right which we'll explore in a second this is what the fellas call the farm cave nothing in there for now we'll go over that later here's a broken down building unlocked later a lot of unlocked later and if we come over here to the far left there's a tree perfectly blocking it this is a special Shrine wait for my return on the dawn of your third year from Grandpa who left us the farm if you watched the intro of the game if we come all the way down to the southern end of the farm here we can enter Cinder sap Forest close by we have marnie's Ranch Marnie Jass and Shane all live here and this is where you'll buy animals once you unlock them and you can also buy supplies for those animals here heading over to the left if this were Friday or Sunday there'd be a little traveling cart that appears here that kind of sells just bits and bobs at a very expensive price for the most part it's mostly for if you can't find any specific item that you need for something there's a chance it'll show up there it's always worth checking because there's always a lot of weird stuff this is the Wizards Tower which currently is locked and then the rest of Cinder sap Forest is just heavily forested area you can come here when whatever you want and clear all the fiber to try and get some fiber or mixed seeds for yourself if you cut down the trees here completely after a few days a brand new tree will just appear here you don't have to replant them and it's a great source of wood as you can see from the clear abundance of trees this is also a great place to come looking for forageable items that are sitting on the ground like so and if you like you can fish here as well I like to wrap up a lot of my days just walking through the forest picking up any items I find because because you never know what's going to be there it doesn't use any energy so why not oh and here's a worm patch you can use your hoe to get a special item out of it sometimes it's rare sometimes it's Clay and in that case it's a lost book which puts a book in the library that usually gives you a hint towards something here's a character just Willy one of the beautiful things about this game is characters have their own schedule that can be very specific depending on the day every single character has a doctor's visit on a specific day of the year depending on the season and the weather and I don't know their birthday they'll have different pads it's super fun this is Leah's house nothing really special there rent at the moment and there's an exit over here on the right side of cindersapp forest that heads into the main Hub of the game Pelican town you can also find forgeables here you'll notice trees here you cannot cut down they are decorative you can check the trash cans sometimes you'll get a special little item just make sure that nobody sees you going through them so the main buildings of the town are this conjoined hospital and General Store this is where you'll end up if you ever lose all of your health health is separate from energy but a very similar bar that will appear only if you get hurt and they will charge you as well so be careful about that very rarely sometimes there is a shop open here it has very expensive items that can refill your health heading into the General Store this is where you'll be buying all of your seeds as you can see see all of these seeds ready for Springer here you can get grass starter if you ever need to plant some more grass a couple of cooking items some decorations and fruit trees and you'll notice that these fruit trees have their given season that they're supposed to bear fruit this is also where you can sell a bunch of items most importantly crops and foraged items and very important upgrade here you can interact with this backpack to get an inventory upgrade and that'll allow you to have open up these bars on your inventory this is the saloon if you go in here you can buy a bunch of foods these will restore your health the salad is usually my go-to beer just to show this off if you do drink anything alcoholic it will give you a Tipsy debuff which slows you down this is the blacksmith if I can catch them here really quick he closes at four I was cutting it really close there here you can shop for oars they're very expensive you can find these on your own in other places that will go over and coal these are important items to upgrading your tools which takes five of whatever material you're making them into if this first tier is all copper and quite a hefty stack of cash you can also process geodes here these can give you any number of items including those materials you need to upgrade your tools or something from your gem set of collections [Music] which is a perfect time to introduce this next area the library going in the first time you'll talk to the library and you'll say oh it would be really nice if we could fill this place up again so if you ever get anything that says Gunther can tell you more about this then you can donate it to the museum and it's there you get a bunch of different rewards for donating to the museum sometimes it's items that buff your stats sometimes it's decorations it can be all kinds of things on the southern end of town there is an exit towards the beach here you can regularly find things washed up on the beach these do give you these do give you forging experience just like regular forged items and it's also a great place to fish there's a lot of fish that can only be found here because this is the only ocean salt water environment to fish in which kind of goes into the next thing yes there are salt water and freshwater fish coming down onto the docks this is Willy's fish shop you can buy many fishing related items here like bait other fishing poles and the fish themselves up north from Pelican town this is still on the same map we have the community center it's a bit run down this is kind of what your main story will be revolving around and it unlocks on day five so if you can't get in for now don't worry about it going even further north from here we can find an entrance into the mountains and this is an area I was talking about before immediately you'll see the carpenter's shop here you can do many many expensive things you can shop for some resources like wooden stone and a bunch of furniture that you can use to decorate your house some of it is functional like the calendar or the workbench which have their own uses and other are just decorations you can find a ton of crafting recipes here as well two very important options that you don't want to miss you can upgrade your house here which costs a ton of money and a lot of wood this will give you more room in your house you can unlock different things like cooking and you'll be allowed to marry someone since they don't want to marry you when you have a small house apparently and you can also construct smaller farm buildings these you can build up wherever you want on your farm Coop can have Coop animals a barn can have barn animals and then you could go down to marnie's and buy the animals for them there's other things like this well can just give you a source of water if you don't want to walk so far to fill your pail silos for feed for your animals the mill has a couple of very nice uses most people don't even end up making one and the shed just kind of gives you a lot of room to do whatever you want walking around the mountains this is just another good area to go fishing or forage for items if you want to do that there's Linus everyone loves him and normally there would be a rock blocking this for your first five days as you can see I've gone on to day seven just doing this tutorial we'll go over all that in a second here we have another blocked off area this doesn't open up until a few days into summer and this entrance over here goes back into the back woods another gray area for finding forgibles because some of the rarer forageables that have a hard time spawning in Cinder sat forest or the town can spawn back here so it's important to kind of check it every few days just to make sure nothing you're missing is back here and that comes right back to your farm and also if you're wondering where exactly the bus stop lets out into in Pelican town it's right over here to the left of the general store that's about all I'd like to explore for now you'll unlock many other areas as you progress through the game but by then you'll be able to take it into your own hands I would now like to talk about a feature of the game that I feel like is often overlooked and contains a lot of information so I feel like I need to explain it the pause menu there are a ton of tabs here and I'd like to go over each of them this is your inventory as for now we only have one row of it but eventually you will get more rows if you want to swap between those rows on this toolbar down here you can either press tab on the keyboard of course it's not doing anything because we only have one thing unlocked or if you're playing on controller it is the bumper buttons this button right here will automatically organize your stuff putting all of your tools on the left and I don't know exactly how how it orders your inventory items but it generally puts like items together so we have this oyster it's not in the middle of all of the like Forge items we also have our gear here this is how you'll customize your character later on in the game if you ever want to you can take your pants off if you're really crazy and if you've ever find any rings that increase your stats they go in there and boots and shoes and hats and stuff can also be put into their respective places next screen We Have Skills these are all of the skills in the game we have farming which is farming which is harvesting crops and caring for Animals mining which is breaking rocks and spelunking foraging cutting down trees and picking stuff off of the ground fishing which is well fishing and combat which we haven't unlocked weapons from the get-go here but you can kill monsters pretty much any action that you do in the game gives experience towards one of these skills and as they go up you'll start unlocking many things like crafting recipes new skills sometimes you'll just straight up be able to sell items for more money it's really neat this is something to focus on as you go through the game next we have your social tab this is where you can see every character that you've met and how many hearts you have with them hearts are gained by talking to the characters and giving them gifts as you can see over here you can only give two gifts per day and you just need to talk to them once to get the Friendship from that as for what gifts Everyone likes you'll have to play around with what you think fits their personality for instance most of the girls like some type of flower the older ladies love diamonds and kids don't like vegetables although not all gifts make sense as much as those do so you'll have a bit of trial and error now there is a little bit of friendship Decay if you don't talk to someone for a day but trust me when I say it is a tiny decrease talking to someone just once covers you for 10 days of Decay and giving them a liked gift covers you for 20. getting high hearts with characters can earn you recipes occasional gifts in the mail and cut scenes to learn more about that character next you have the map that shows where you are at any given time I'm down here in Cinder sap forest and if you hover over any of the shops it'll tell you when they're usually open and it'll also tell you where people generally live also for some reason if you go over this rock in the middle of the ocean it calls it the lonely Stone and if you click on it it just closes the map the next tab is crafting this is quite possibly one of the most important tabs you'll have here all of these items that are here can be crafted if you have the correct items in your inventory for instance I can craft this wood fence because I have the wood in my inventory right now and you can tell if it's craftable because it'll be lit up or not lit up if you want to craft it all you have to do is click it or press on it and it'll automatically use up the craftable material and you can put it wherever you want in your inventory and just a bit of an option for this one you'll notice that it says number crafted one if you ever want to know how much you've crafted of a specific item there's this check marks that says show Advanced crafting information I don't know why it's that vague but literally all it does is show you how much you've crafted if you've crafted any of it as I've said before you'll be filling this up by buying from various shops or leveling up you'll unlock some crafting recipes keep an eye on what you unlock these are some of the best items in the entire game then we have our collections tab this one isn't too important it basically just shows you what you've gotten I fished up that one fish earlier so it shows that I've caught that Herring I haven't done it oh yeah we donated that one malachite so there's the malachite items here will only show up on this first tab if you have put it into the shipping bin doesn't matter if you've grabbed it before if you've sold it to Pierre or someone you need to put it in a shipping bin don't ask me why it's like that you have all of your cooking items here if it's dark like this that means that you have the recipe for it if it is completely grayed out then you don't have the recipe for it and it'll be brighter if you've cooked it before then we have achievements these are just various things that you can meet within the game it's not that important they're just there and then letters if you ever get a letter in the mail that you want to read again you can read it whenever you want just so you never forget it and then last is the options I have gone over this briefly uh there's not too many important things here one thing that can be useful is showing your tool hit location if you're having trouble like aiming it'll show you where you're going to hit why does it hit like wait hold on why is it hit so far away from me if I go behind me anyway yeah it shows you where you're going to hit if you swing anything so you won't miss but I keep it off because I'm used to the hit locations you can change all of your audio levels I pretty much always have music turned off so I can add my own songs into the videos but you know they're always usually like straight down the middle one important thing that I always like to play with in the graphic setting the zoom level and you can also click the zoom buttons here like notice there's nothing here click it they're here I like to play at around 90 zoom level if things are too small you can zoom in a bit if you like and you'll be able to find stuff easier if you want to see more of the screen you can zoom out pretty dang far and you'll be able to be like oh there's a forest item way down in the corner for my own personal playing I like to keep it around 90 when I'm making a video I keep it 100 because it just looks nicer in video format I feel especially if you're like watching on mobile and then the last tab is just if you want to exit the game exit to title or exit to desktop which I guess that exit to desktop button would probably be different if you're on Console I don't know what it would say otherwise you know what it says uh word of warning this game only saves when you end your day unless you're on mobile mobile for some reason has the opportunity to save wherever they want we don't as console Nubs so keep that in mind don't just end your day and assume that you're good so now that we've gone through all all of that I feel like I've introduced the game pretty properly now we're going to play a little segment called how do I unlock it and what is it good for where I'm gonna give information on some of the things you might have seen but aren't sure how to unlock in general I'm showing you the very important early game things so there's still not going to be any spoilers here fishing on your second day you're going to get a note from Willy it'll say I just got back from a fishing trip you should come down to the beach sometime then if you head down to the beach Willie will give you your fishing rod the way you use this fishing rod is just like any other tool hold it in your hand instead of just pressing the button you're going to want to hold it and you'll get this increasing meter the more full that meter is the farther you will cast and generally casting farther away from land will give you better fish you're gonna wait until an exclamation point shows up there we go so you're gonna press the button quickly and then you're going to enter this mini game what you need to do is keep this little bar on the little fish icon if you press the button your bar will go up and it'll move down on its own I like to employ a little like tapping strategy to keep it in place it can be very very hard and if you're having trouble I mean look at me look at me I fished for years and that took me a while if you're having trouble with that minigame You are not alone it's notoriously difficult and it gets easier as you go along since every time you level up that bar will get bigger now if you find yourself having a lot of trouble go into a lease shop there's a training rod that's super super cheap that you can buy for 25 gold whenever you want now whenever you go to catch a fish you'll notice that your bar is just about twice the size as it was before this is because it sets your bar level to level five fishing so once you hit Level five fishing you can go back to regular rods and you'll notice no difference the downside is you're only able to catch fish that are kind of common once you hit certain levels you can go into Willy shop and he will sell new fishing rods for you to buy and that's how you upgrade your fishing pole it's not at the blacksmith like everything else unlocking mining on day five you might have noticed that there was a boulder here before it will be removed and with that you can go over here and walk into the mines upon your first visit you'll be given a sword by this handsome man right here and for now there's not really too much we can do this elevator doesn't work we just head straight on down the way that the minds work is every floor is randomly generated there's going to be a new set of rocks every time we go in and you'll notice a floor number in the top left every time we break any Rock there is a chance for a staircase to appear like so that'll send us down to the next floor every now and again you might find enemies on Floors it takes quite a few hits but you can knock them out I took a hit there you'll notice that I now have an HP meter showing up if that gets to zero you will spawn in the hospital your day won't end but it'll put a damper on things defeating enemies also has a chance to spawn staircases in fact it's a higher chance than you have breaking rocks so I usually prioritize the enemies if they're easy enough to beat in the minds you can find these forageables just like you would over in the Overworld if you ever find these crates you can break them open and sometimes get very rare items wow I got an amethyst and a hardwood there hardwood's pretty rare if you find it you probably want to keep it now the main reason you're going to want to come into the mines are these this is an ore node this specific one gives us copper which you might remember is what we use to upgrade our tools once you hit floor five you've now unlocked a checkpoint you get a checkpoint every five floors so you never have to worry too much if you're having trouble getting any farther next unlock this is a big one the community center starting on day five if you walk into Pelican town after 8 A.M but before 2 p.m you'll get a cut scene that unlocks the community center but it's not completely usable yet you're gonna have to go in go to your left it's a lot of stuff here and interact with this little thing here once you do you've set plans in motion you'll get a letter the next day inviting you to the Wizards Tower during the tour we found that the Wizards Tower is to the left side of Cinder sap Forest head on in and you'll get a cut scene that allows you to read that weird language and now if we come back to this plaque we can see that there's bundles that we need to fill and it shows you the spring forging bundle shaking because it wants you to see it first and it's these items now what we can do now is donate these items and that will complete the bundle give us a little reward which is usually pretty nice and it'll unlock a new room of bundles to look at this is what many people consider to be the main quest of the game this is going to take you a very long time but the rewards will be more than worth it oh also you don't have to come to the community center to check what's in the bundles you now have this new little icon on your inventory screen and the fun part about it is if you put your cursor over an item that can be donated it'll start pulsing but you can click on it and scroll and look through the bundles as you see fit now there is an alternative to the community center although most will say it's not as fulfilling starting on day five same time you can unlock the community center if you go into Joe Jamar on the right side of pelicantown this is a store very similar to The General Store by the way just more expensive you can go over to Morris here and you'll have the option of buying a JoJo membership which costs a lot of money if you do this you will be permanently locked out of donating items to the community center and instead you'll get the option to donate money to Jojo Mart to unlock them instead despite what you may hear there are no major downsides to this method other than maybe your personal fulfillment so I've talked about cooking a lot up to this point how do you actually unlock it well it's gonna be a while because what you need to do is upgrade your house which as we previously went over is 10 000 gold and 450 pieces of wood you'll suddenly notice that your house is a lot bigger and if you go over to your kitchen over here you can cook before I let you out here's just a few extra tips that while they're not super important could make your first experience a bit more smooth number one don't be afraid to make chests they have a ton of room in them and you can place your tools in there if you don't plan on using it for the day giving you a ton of extra space to work with and on that same note try to keep just about one of everything you find in storage you never know what it's going to show up in a bundle later on or in a cooked recipe that you want to make next when you open up a chest you'll see this button on the side what that does is automatically organize any Stacks that you have both in your chest and in your inventory so you'll see that we have wood and automatically organize it into the chest this is great for just doing a quick organization shouldn't open all my chests press that auto organize button and then boom my inventory is ready for me to go out again some items can come in four different qualities for the most part This only affects how much energy they give if it's an edible item and how much they sell for higher quality items become more and more common as you level up that respective stat once you've filled up a chests you might notice that it's kinda hard to move well if you have an empty item slot I've selected two you can mash the use button to move it over one spot note that this will actually use a little bit of energy for some reason but it's an easy way to move things around if you just didn't like where it is and you have 30 items in here and you don't want to move them around you may have noticed that you have a TV in your house you should check this pretty frequently you can see what kind of weather it'll be on the next day you can see what luck you have for that day which affects so many things that I can't really get into it right now if anything feels like it would be affected by luck it probably is on Sundays there will be a special Channel called the queen of sauce where you can unlock a new cooking recipe and if you miss any recipes on Sundays you can watch it on Wednesday and it'll give you any recipes that you've missed a very important Channel if it's your first time playing the game on Monday and Thursdays you can watch living off the land and this will generally give you a little tip like oh it's salmon Berry season you can find berries in the bushes and sure enough oh here's a bush interact with it oh wow our berry that I can eat for energy that channel kind of just keeps you up to date on any weird events that are happening that you wouldn't know about else wise my final and most important tip everything repeats nothing is missed forever there will always be another spring another holiday another chance to do whatever you think you missed out on doing there's no need to feel rushed that's something that really gets a lot of new players to the game they started up in oh the day is only 13 minutes long how can I possibly do everything you don't and you don't need to I generally choose one task that I want to do today oh today will be a Minds day and I spend all day in the mines then once my energy is out I'll go around and do something else that I make up on the spot it doesn't really matter you can do whatever you'd like thank you for watching I really and truly hope that this video has made getting into the game easier that's always the biggest compliment that I see in any comments of any videos oh this really made the game more fun I love that speaking of other videos If you ever find yourself stuck on something I have videos on just about everything in the game so I've probably gone over it in the end I just absolutely hate seeing people try the game out and get discouraged so hopefully this video alleviated that I'll see you on the next one and good night [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Salmence
Views: 993,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stardew valley, stardew, valley, stardew valley for beginners, beginners guide to stardew valley, stardew for beginners, stardew valley 101, stardew valley guide, stardew guide, stardew tips, stardew valley tips and tricks, how to start stardew valley, guide for stardew beginners, early game tips, stardew early game tips, how to make money in stardew valley, farming guide, salmence stardew valley guide, how to play stardew valley, early game tips for stardew valley
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 46sec (2206 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 12 2023
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