39 INSANELY Helpful Tips! [ Stardew Valley Guide ]

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hey everybody welcome to my 39 tips for stardew  valley players i have like 700 hours in this   game and we don't need to worry about how much  time that is we can just we can just ignore that   it's fine either way i've played this game  a long time and i've learned quite a bit   in that time so hopefully you get a lot of use  out of this video so starting from the absolute   beginning put some thought into which farm you  start with for your absolute first time playing   i would definitely go with the standard farm just  so you can get a feel of what part of the game you   like most and then if you start a new file you  can start to think about if you really love to   fish maybe go for the riverland farm do some  experimentation whatever you enjoy tip number   two is a pretty quick one uh just head to your  settings you see the always show tool hit location   please for the love of god turn that on if you  ever accidentally pickaxed the living daylights   out of your lovely crops then you know that this  is an important setting it just lets you know   where you're gonna strike with your pickaxe or  your axe or your hoe or whatever you're using so   this is how zoomed in your game will be when you  first open it up this is pretty close up i like   to zoom out quite a bit i like being able to see a  lot uh in my range so that's my third tip is just   to zoom out the game a little bit for tip number  four i'm actually going to head over to a new save   file so when you start a new save file you start  with 500 gold and you start with 15 parsnip seeds   my next tip is to immediately spend all of your  gold on parsnips i know it sounds like a dumb idea   but hear me out you don't actually unlock the  scarecrow until you harvest your first parsnip   so you're just gonna have to go scarecrowless  until i'm an idiot until the fifth day you're not   gonna have any scarecrows so i don't like to buy  any super valuable crops at the beginning because   if they get crowed then you're just kind of  screwed i like to have as much immediate cash   turnout as possible so i usually spend all 500 of  my starting gold on parsnip seeds and then plant   all of them at once and then just harvest them  all in the fifth and then go from there plus if   you spend all of your starting gold on parsnips  it comes out to an even 40 which is perfect since   the starting watering can can water exactly 40  crops before running out of water so 40 is just   kind of the golden number to start with tip number  five is just to kind of know what seeds to plant   each season has tons of different seeds and all  of them kind of have their own uses so you can   you can kind of experiment for a bit to kind of  learn what seeds are good one thing i'm gonna go   ahead and say flowers suck i'm sorry if i offended  any of you but flowers actually suck unless you're   putting them next to like a bee house or something  to make flavored honey flowers are the actual   worst crop in the game they have consistently  terrible profits so unless you want to show off   your beautiful farm to all your facebook friends  don't buy flowers because they suck tip number six   is that field snacks are incredible once you hit  level one foraging you'll unlock the recipe for   field snacks which look like this you just need  one of each tree seed and it gives you 45 energy   early on when energy is kind of hard to come by  field snacks are so good especially if you're   like clearing your farm and running out of energy  a lot because wood cutting takes a lot of energy   why have so many pine cones if i need to chop some  trees earlier in the game i like to just kind of   keep all my seeds in my inventory so i can like  look at them and say oh i need to cut oak trees   and then i'll target oak trees specifically  you can almost chop wood infinitely by   immediately turning the seeds into field snacks  and then eating them for energy tip number seven   is just to carry your hoe everywhere please don't  take that out of context a lot of times when   you're walking around you'll find little artifact  spots which are just a few worms just kind of   wriggling in the ground and you can't get these  unless you have your hoe on you and they can give   you a lot of pretty good resources early on in the  game so i i like to just carry my hoe everywhere i   go what's my horse's name triscuit ii love it oh  i can't go to the beach because it's a festival   so you have to go to a different farm for this tip  i'm going to my farm that i'm using for my current   beach farm let's play series which you  should watch it's really good you're   gonna love it you should check it out it's  totally free dude though i don't hurt nobody   up an artifact spot and i can get it because i  was carrying my hoe with me tip number eight is   to rebuild this beach bridge here about as soon  as you can it only takes 300 wood to do it you'll   get there in no time if you just chop trees every  day with whatever energy you have left and every   day on the other side of this bridge uh this is a  terrible example because there's literally nothing   here usually you'll get a bunch of cool forgibles  that spawn this area like coral sea urchins in the   summer you'll get rainbow shells which are pretty  cool especially super early in the game they sell   for a lot of money and are a really good way to  get a bit of cash infusion the next tip is just to   learn the map well and all of its shortcuts you  only have so much time in a day so you want to   get where you're going as fast as you can a good  example is that if you're going to the mine rather   than come into town and then go up the fastest  way is actually to leave your farm to the north   through this exit and you'll actually get to the  mines way quicker so just learning the map can   save you a lot of time the next tip is to clear  your farm early when you first start your farm   you'll have tons of random garbage lying around  trees rocks other things that i can't bushes i   don't know why i could remember the word for  that on my very first save file i just cleared   a little section like right in front of my house  and then did everything there and ignored all   the other stuff and then once it hit like winter  of my first year and i wanted to finally expand   the trees had multiplied so much that it took  me so much time and energy just to carve out a   little chunk of area whenever i have any energy  left at the end of the day i like to just clear   some of my farm because if you let the trees just  do their thing then eventually you're gonna end   up with an absolute mess the next tip is that  the multi-harvest crops especially strawberries   blueberries and cranberries are ridiculous all  three of those crops give you insane profit every   time especially the cranberries crayon getting  cranberries in fall is absolutely ludicrous if   i ever want to plant something and i don't know  what to do i almost always resort to blueberries   or cranberries in summer and fall because they  give you a ton of cash when i'm fishing i like to   do it at the lake this lake area by the mountain  is in my opinion the best spot for fishing because   you get way less trash than you do anywhere else  like the river or the ocean the only things you   pull up that aren't fish are usually algae which  you can just eat for energy which leads right into   my next tip fishing can be self-sustaining  what i mean by that is it's really hard to   actually run out of energy if you fish at the lake  because look at that that algae i just pulled up   13 energy and if you're not catching any algae  then you can just eat the least expensive fish   that you're getting like if you get like a carp  or something bad just eat it and get energy back   my next tip is that holding down the mouse is  actually not the fastest way to swing your axe   if you click them out individually and you get the  timing down you can actually cut trees way faster which is way faster than just holding it down so  if you get the timing down you can save a lot of   time tip number 15 is all about harvesting  when something is ready to be harvested like   these eggplants here you can left-click each  one individually oh i just axed my egg anyway   you can just left-click each one individually  and like sure that'll pick them but actually the   fastest way to pick stuff is to hold down  right click if you hold down right click   you can just glide your mouse over all the  plants and it'll pick them really quickly   for instance this is me holding left  click this is me holding right quick   way quicker tip number 16 is to throw tappers  on these trees right here when you're focusing   on just clearing out your farm you're not really  thinking about leaving trees behind to put tappers   on so i like to put tappers on these trees at the  bus stop because they always grow back they're   always here and you do actually get the resources  from them if you tap them this is kind of a vague   tip but forging is a great way to spend time  especially early in the game whenever i start a   new save file if i ever run out of energy and have  time left in the day i never go to bed i always go   walk around the woods down south or go to the  beach and forage getting your forage skill up   early is really valuable because one you can do  the field snack thing i talked about in tip number   whatever was six i think and two the the skill  perks you get for the foraging tree are really   good so you want to get those as soon as you can  that leads nicely into my next tip which is that   salmon berries are nuts in my opinion salmon  berries in spring and blackberries and fall   are the absolute best forageable goods in the game  if you didn't know from the 15th to the 18th of   spring every day some of the bushes everywhere  on the map and i mean literally everywhere grow   little red berries that you can pick and they give  you energy and if you go foraging every day from   the 15th to the 18th you can get anywhere from  like 150 to like 300 salmon berries each of which   give you like 25 energy so you're pretty much set  for like all of year one energy-wise this next tip   is one that i think might be the absolute most  important one in my opinion coal this type of coal   right here coal is the most valuable resource in  the game what i mean by that is that coal is used   for like everything for smelting literally any bar  you need coal for a lot of crafting resources you   need coal but for some reason coal is actually  really hard to get you just kind of accumulate   it naturally by just like mining but if you ever  need to actually grind for coal specifically there   really isn't a good way to do it because of this  i think coal is the most valuable resource in the   game which leads to the next tip which is that  preserve jars suck i'm not apologizing for my   opinion here i think preserved jars are so  terrible for starters they each need eight   coal eight coal to make just one i just went on  this whole deal about how coal is super valuable   that's eight coal you're never getting back for  preserve jars you put a singular fruit in there   wait for like forever and then it spits out  jam which to be fair is more valuable than the   original fruit but in my opinion since you can  only do one at a time there's really no point   in spending like seven days waiting for like an  80 gold profit when you could just use that time   doing literally anything else to make that much  money this is kind of the same with bee houses   bee houses are terrible profit wise it's true bee  houses are really expensive to make and really   don't give you that much money but i feel bad  saying they suck because while i hate preserve   jars i think bee houses are pretty neat and i  like making them they're not good but they're   fun so at least i'll give them that preserve  jars though actually worthless tip number 21   don't talk to elliot just don't never again tip  number 22 you cannot buy hardwood there is nowhere   you can purchase hardwood you can only get it by  chopping it yourself this means that similarly   to coal hardwood is a very valuable resource it's  used in a lot of late game items it makes the most   durable fences in the game you can only get it by  going to the secret woods every day and getting   12 a day so it takes a while to accumulate a lot  of it i know on the new update they added like a   kind of tree that makes hardwood but it's also not  very sustainable and not that great if you find   any hardwood hold on to it that segues nicely into  my next tip which is that chopping hardwood in the   secret woods is the best way to get forging  xp those skill perks are nuts so definitely   focus on getting to level 10 as soon as you  can tip number 24 you can see you have this   little community center icon in your inventory  first of all if you click on that you'll see all   the bundles you have left i've already finished  the community center so all i have left is this   abandoned jojo mart quest and you can look at  those bundles that's great but what's super cool   is that if you hover over an item that's used for  a bundle for instance this prismatic shard that   icon glows and it kind of hovers a little  bit do you see that so this is it normally   and this is it when you're hovering over an item  speaking of the community center my next tip   is to unlock the greenhouse as soon as you can  you can do this by finishing all the bundles in   the pantry so take a look at what you need for  those and kind of plan ahead so you know what to   plant when tip number 26 is to check the traveling  cart every friday and sunday it's true that almost   everything this cart sells is overpriced like  crazy but a lot of times they'll sell things   that you need for community center bundles i  usually get a lot of community center items   from the traveling cart so always check that tip  27 bring food everywhere you go late game it's not   as valuable because i have like a bajillion energy  and i don't use it as often but especially in like   year one when energy is a huge limiting factor  i usually dedicate one of my inventory slots   to maybe a bunch of spring onions or a bunch of  field snacks or usually a bunch of salmon berries   and then i just kind of have a source of energy  that i can go to anytime i need it my next tip   is that although you don't actually get the level  up messages until you go to bed if you go to your   inventory and go to your skills tab these little  skill meters actually update in real time so you   can actually tell during the day if you've leveled  up if you check this and you see that you've gone   up one even though you haven't gotten the message  yet and you won't until you fall asleep it's just   nice to know when you've made progress you know  what i mean speaking of skills tip number 29   the artisan perk which you can get if you pick  tiller at level 5 and then artisan at level 10   is cracked all artisan goods are worth 40 more  that's all kinds of wines and all kinds of cheeses   and everything like that if you get the artisan  perk and then make wine like for example i've   got this huge ancient fruit field and then two  sheds that are just packed with kegs if you sell   a bunch of wine with the artisan perk you can  get so rich so fast tip number 30 pecho animals   petting your animals is not cosmetic this is a  poor demonstration because my animals all hate   me i have zero hearts with them but if you pet  your animals and feed them every day you'll slowly   get more and more hearts which means they'll  generate more and more high quality products   so petting your animals isn't just for fun it's  also a good investment next tip is to watch the tv   this one's pretty vague and stupid but it's true  on sundays you'll see the queen of sauce which   teaches you a new recipe you can check the weather  for the next day you can check your fortune   which lets you know what your luck stat is  which seriously affects how you do in the mines   stuff like that tv is awesome farming is king in  sardi valley this sounds dumb because it's like oh   it's a farming game what i mean by that is that if  you want to make a lot of money farming crops is   by far the best way to do that you can fish sure  you can go mining whatever you can forage yeah   it's great that's all great for pure money making  farming crops is easily the best getting animals   is fun and great but is a pretty low priority  overall animals are great they're cute they're   fun to have they give you some money but given how  much money and resources it takes to get animals   going it's really not a concern early in the game  my concern when i start is usually just getting a   bunch of plants in the ground and getting a bunch  of sprinklers on them tip number 34 is keep track   of the birthdays i have a little calendar here  next to my bed so i can check everyone's birthday   giving someone a gift they really like on their  birthday is far and away the fastest way to get   someone to be friends with you in stardew  valley and making friends is great because   then they send you free stuff and god knows i  love making friends for strictly monetary gain   if you go mining early in the game your priority  should always be to go as many levels down as you   can as quickly as possible this is mainly because  i like to get as many sprinklers as i can as soon   as i can and you can't do that until you hit  the iron floors because once you get the iron   floors if you get some copper bars and iron  bars you can make the super basic sprinklers   or if you go even farther down and get to the gold  floors you can make the quality sprinklers having   a bunch of plants on sprinklers is way nicer than  having to water for like two hours every morning   speaking of sprinklers tip number 36 is that  i usually don't upgrade my watering can ever   unless i'm on the beach farm which doesn't let  you use sprinklers i just kind of deal with the   normal watering can and then by the time i get to  summer in my first year i strive to have like at   least 30 sprinklers so i can just put a bunch of  blueberries on sprinklers and not have to water   them so i usually don't upgrade my watering  can uh but that might be just me i don't know   tip number 37 is that if you head to the mines  originally this little area will be blocked off   with a rock my next tip is to get to this dwarf  on the other side as soon as you can you sell   some pretty cool stuff this is whatever these are  pretty pretty cool mainly the rare crow is nice   and he sells uh the recipe for weathered flooring  which i think looks really pretty so i always go   for that to mine through this rock you need a gold  pickaxe or better which is expensive and takes a   lot of time but what a lot of people don't know  is that you can just kind of put a cherry bomb   here and it'll just blow it up and then boom you  have access to the dwarf you will need to find   and donate all four of the dwarf scrolls so you  can understand him but once you do that he sells   some pretty nice stuff if you're ever looking  for someone and can't find them or if you're   just looking for a bunch of people in general  the star drop saloon is always my first go-to   whenever i'm looking for someone because there's  usually a lot of people just kind of hanging out   and last but not least tip number 39 is take these  tips with a grain of salt even though i do have a   lot of time in this game i am still just a [ __  ] so nothing i say is gospel anyway that's my   39 tips for starter valley players i hope you  all enjoyed that video i make tons of other   starter valley content so if you want to see that  subscribe so you know the second i upload it i've   also got playlists i'm doing a play through right  now i've got starter guides i've got mod reviews   tons of stuff thanks for watching and  i'll see you in a few days goodbye you
Channel: Therm
Views: 1,269,211
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Keywords: Stardew Valley guide, Stardew Valley guide 2021, Stardew Valley farming guide, stardew valley fishing guide, stardew valley foraging guide, stardew valley guide first year, stardew valley guide 1.5, Stardew valley new player guide, Stardew Valley mining guide, Stardew Valley tips, Stardew Valley tips and tricks, Stardew Valley, Stardew guide, Stardew valley starter guide, Stardew Valley beginners guide, Stardew Valley new player guide
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 19 2021
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