I joined Joja Mart

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this video is sponsored by Squarespace the  easiest and prettiest website builder out   there I've played a lot of stardew Valley in my  day I've started many different Farms with many   different goals and recently even just reached  Perfection on one of my saves it was the very   first time for me it was kind of a big deal I'm  pretty proud of my achievements tab okay it's   mostly filled out except for the two journey of  the Prairie King achievements which I don't know   what I'm going to get around to doing those and  one other the joja achievement upon starting the   game you are an employee of Jojo an empty shell  of a person actively getting your soul sucked by   the mega Corporation and you hate this so much  that you decide to take over your dead grandpa's   farm in stardew Valley to escape the corporate  life when you arrive you get to work on restoring   the farm and meeting and connecting with the towns  people upon exploring your new town you find that   there are two stores you can purchase seeds from  a local Mom and Pop shop called Pierre's and JoJo   Mart the store owned by your former employer as a  new resident of Pelican Town one who just escaped   being a cog in the joja machine to live a quiet  small town life you'll probably end up choosing   to shop at Pierre's based on principle and after  spending a few days in the valley mayor Lewis will   show you inside the old abandoned Community Center  mayor Lewis is sad at the current state of the   community center and even contemplates selling  it to Jojo Corp so that they can turn it into   a warehouse but you find that there are little  magical creatures living inside of the abandoned   building and after taking a trip to the Wizards  Tower and having a literal trip you're able to   communicate with these little junamo creatures and  you learn that they'd be happy to assist you with   restoring the community center and other parts  of pelican town all you'll need to do is bring   them a variety of items from your playthrough and  they'll do all the restoration work for you this   is the route that most players go when playing  stardew Valley right but even after settling   into small town life there is a looming threat on  the far side of town Morris from jojamart he says   that he'd also love to help make improvements  to the community all you have to do is spend   5K gold on a JoJo membership and you can start  purchasing the community upgrades instead if you   do this however you are not able to complete  the community center bundles because instead   the building is torn down and replaced with a JoJo  Warehouse a moral conundrum some players choose to   go this route simply because buying Community  upgrades is more enticing than collecting a   bunch of random items through your playthrough it  could be stressful you know it's a different way   to play the game for sure but one that is often  overlooked since most people don't particularly   want to sell out to a soul-sucking corporation and  because you know introducing industrialization and   modernization to this small town kind of seems  like a dick thing to do players are encouraged   to at least try one JoJo playthrough because it's  attached to an achievement and that is precisely   why I decided today we are going to do a JoJo  save join jojev and Thrive I've always wanted   to do this all right guys we're going to the  dark side I chose the standard Farm layout for   this run my money making plan is pretty farming  oriented and for this playthrough I need to make   money more than anything with the 5000 gold  to purchase the joja membership and the cost   of all Community Development projects we need to  contribute a total of a hundred and forty thousand   gold to complete this playthrough we're also  going to fully commit and only buy things from   jojamar unless it is absolutely necessary to buy  from Pierre this kind of sucks initially because   until we purchased the joja membership seeds are  actually more expensive there than at Pierre's   but once we're able to scrounge up enough coins  to get our very own membership the seed prices   drop two match Piers with the exception of  sunflower seeds which are always cheaper than   pure sunflower seeds I wonder why that is one  cool little money making tip for the early game   is to craft tea saplings that sell for 500 gold  each you can craft tea saplings with seasonal   seeds wood and fiber so save up those forageables  or plant more like I did Caroline gives you the   recipe for tea saplings once you trigger her tea  room heart event at a couple Hearts so I've been   working on our friendship gifting her daffodils  and chatting with her daily you might be wondering   lists who are you planning on Romancing this play  through well I was combing through some stardew   Valley mods and saw something very interesting  Mary Morris the Joe Jamar manager oh man I have to   do it with this mod Morris is romanceable and has  certain likes and dislikes just like every other   NPC he also has an insane bachelor pad right up  above the bus stop a full house with all sorts of   fun little interactables that tell us a lot about  Morris he's a gamer so we'll give Morris gifts and   see what this relationship has in store for us I'm  not really planning on befriending or Romancing   with anyone else this is like my fifth or sixth  playthrough at this point and my most recent   playthrough I busted major ass to get Perfection  so am I interested in repeating all of that for   this video cooking all recipes catching all fish  finishing the museum [ __ ] no we're playing JoJo   Style baby so we're just gonna make as much money  as possible and really focus on our man Morris   he's got a face that only a mother could love and  me I guess according to my stardew crop calculator   my Best Bets for making money this spring are  green beans and cauliflower for this save I   really want to focus on crops rather than animals  I feel like it's just faster money and animals   take so much time and so much more investment  I feel like I planted green beans as quickly   as possible and have been planting cauliflower  anytime I have the funds until those start coming   in I am making quick money from fishing and any  other random crops I have planted like from Wild   seeds and such I spend as long as I can in the  mines at night but since I'm a little short on   food I really only get down like five levels a day  right now but hey progress is progress and getting   lower in the minds isn't really that high on my  priority list let's be real what are some other   money makers we have well I guess I could try my  hand at clay farming there's a way to farm clay   and like a pretty specific method on how to do it  but I couldn't really get it to work exactly right   every time you hoe a tile until it gives you clay  go up one and write to Ho repeat six times and   then go up four and do the same thing four times  oh my God I just I can't do this I'll keep trying   at it but for some reason I just can't get this  to work right and my God that's a lot of energy to   waste on my precious early days but I'm probably  just an idiot anyways can't count outright it did   make us a pretty good amount of money the clay  that we did collect Robin's ax is missing and   wow I'm just so good at finding things it's like  I already knew where it was she gave us 250 bucks   for finding it and our very first green beans  came in oh here we go now we're getting this clay   farming thing down it's just very specific so make  sure you actually follow directions something that   I'm obviously not great at and boom big profit on  the 12th our dad sent us 500 gold which is sick   thanks Dad and then we got invited to the egg hunt  the following day now the egg hunt is also where I   can buy strawberry seeds and I'm sitting on some  fat cash right now we could either save for that   JoJo membership upgrade a tool or spend all of it  on strawberries I think it's smarter to go for the   straws they will make us a good amount of money  the JoJo membership can wait just a bit longer and   the copper bars I would use to upgrade a tool I  need them for tappers anyways once I you know get   the recipe for that time to chop tree for 4G XP  I guess it's amazing how quickly I gave up on not   buying from Pierre but I have to do this otherwise  I won't get any strawberries and I want to be rich   okay the JoJo route isn't necessarily the moral  High Ground anyways and I'm committed to being   morally questionable this save sue me so naturally  I [ __ ] crushed the egg hunt and won my very own   straw hat and before heading to bed made sure to  get my strawberry seeds in the ground see guys I   told you I was going full ass on the farming thing  we got new crops in today and then we got another   batch of spring seeds going before having a snack  and chopping tree I really want foraging level   three so I can get tappers you know the quicker we  can get kegs going the better energy depletion is   so annoying we gotta get these tools upgraded soon  I do get a lot of time to forage however since I   run out of energy super quick and collecting  spring onions to eat does help a little so it's   not all bad oh now we are cooking we have tons  of room now on our farm since quite a few crops   came in but I think I'm gonna fill it with spring  seeds if my really bad math is somehow correct I   think I can make more off of tea saplings than  if I did like another round of cauliflower or   kale or something we still have straws and green  beans to fall back on but I think the money is in   tea saplings right now and since it's a brand new  week we have some gifts to give out to Caroline   and Morris and I'm gonna start gifting Willy at  three hearts he gives us the chowder recipe which   is one of Morris's favorite things and we could  use it for our Romancing Endeavors you know I'd   like to get married this year if possible finally  we're at level 3 foraging so I got to tap tap tap   in on various trees around the farm mostly Oaks  that we can get way ahead on kegs I struggled with   that during my 100 days so I am not making that  mistake again and then I chop tree for a minute   we're gonna need wood for tea saplings I need to  make more farming space soon so you know it works   out and then I was like hmm 11 let me check the  weather for tomorrow yeah just as I suspected rain   again is the perfect time to upgrade our watering  can but I don't have enough copper bars because I   use them all on tappers I'm just so good at  planning guys but I ran to the mines got the   copper I needed ran back and made the copper bars  and brought all five to Clint before he closed   shop yeah I'm an expert that was a good call in my  opinion nice job JoJo's I then headed to Pierre's   to find Caroline so I could give her a gift and  Morris decided to come in and give all of Pierre's   customers a 50 off coupon for jojamart honestly  what a king So business savvy Pierre is such   a whiny little baby like get your money up so we  listened to a moan about his dumb little business   and Morris left taking all of Pierre's customers  with him businesses Cutthroat Pierre you gotta   step up your game a few days later our copper  watering can was ready which helps so much oh my   gosh Jody asked for a cauliflower the next day and  luckily I had a few come in so yeah sure why not   I'm not sure if I really need anything from the  traveling cart for this playthrough which feels so   weird but yeah honestly I'll probably buy the rare  seed once it's closer to fall because having that   boost in energy from the sweet gem Berry would  be nice and yeah I'll probably get a coffee bean   next time she has one that's pretty much it wow  I finally have a little extra money set aside I   could get started on a coop or it might be time  to join JoJo it might seem silly to buy into it   before I have the money to do upgrades but I feel  like my heart's not really in it until I fully   take the leap and join you know oh my God they  give you an extra warning even after you click yes   oh that's hilarious I wonder how many people would  have accidentally joined Jojo without that just   out of curiosity and now we're officially apart of  the JoJo crew I bought the wallpaper and light to   commemorate this beautifully tragic event after  I joined the dark side I wanted to spend some   time in the mines but I'm at the unbearable part  where I realize I need to upgrade my pickaxe so it   doesn't take me three hits to break a single rock  kind of a bummer I didn't make it super far but   one of the Sprites dropped a coffee bean for me  so that's great we'll be Speedy soon is it normal   for your dad to send you 500 gold twice yeah I'm  sick all right I won't ask questions I have my   very first batch of strawbies in how exciting  and since I had some spring seeds to harvest I   was able to craft more but I am still waiting on  Caroline's tea heart event before I can craft tea   saplings but then we'll be rich after I gave her  a gift I headed to Jojo Mark to gift my future   boo Morris God that feels so wrong and checked  out the community developments form I don't know   what order I'm going to do these in yet I think  probably probably I'll do mine cards first since   it's cheapest and definitely panning last panning  is silly it's only useful for one thing on Ginger   Island I don't know I always have a lot of panning  truthers in my comments but my argument is that   I don't carry it around ever so it just doesn't  get used and that's that on that at night I was   given the choice between the Rancher and Tiller  professions I tend to go tiller because that leads   to Artisan which rules so that's what I chose for  this save I'm not really that animal oriented this   time around because I'm more focused on making  Fast Cash speaking of animals though we gotta   get started on that Coop if I want to make chowder  for my love Morris I need milk so we'll start with   the coop and hopefully get a barn constructed  very soon anything for my man you know oh my   God I totally forgot about the community center  it's been fully changed into a warehouse for   Jojo Corporation damn that's really sad no more  junamos it feels so depressing in here I wonder   if this building will change at all as we progress  through the JoJo but God I never want to step back   in here it's just too sad and finally we got to  see Caroline's tea heart event with the little   dancing man and now tomorrow we'll get her tea  sapling recipe ugh Pierre's being all complaining   again oh oh this is a special cutscene okay Morris  is coming up greetings how are you Joe to Mart's   full of customers yes full of my customers oh no  need to despair I know we've butted heads in the   past but I've negotiated a solution JoJo is gonna  offer him the assistant manager position at Joe   Jamar Hefty salary increase and bonuses oh I know  I'd be speechless too so when do you want to start   imagine you need a week or two to close things  down here we can demolish the building oh my God   absolutely not I am not accepting your offer the  drama because I unlike you have a soul and I don't   don't want to give it to a huge corporation  selling low quality products imported from   who knows where you're making a mistake you're  choosing to live in the past joja is the future   I'm sorry you can't see that as long as people  like me continue the fight there could still   be a future without Jojo I used to think like you  you know but then I realized the error of my ways   I hope you'll come to the same conclusion someday  don't worry I won't boom drop the bomb that kind   of swayed me to pierce said a little bit not gonna  lie I understand people hate him but he's standing   up for himself here you know fighting the man  and whatnot it's just alpha male local shopkeeper   [ __ ] I guess but screw him anyways I'm team JoJo  right now he should have just taken it the JoJo   takeover is inevitable the next day Caroline sent  us a couple recipes parsnip soup and yeah the tea   sapling recipe that's what I'm waiting for oh the  flower dances tomorrow how depressing I am not at   enough Hearts to dance with anyone in this town  whatever at least I'll be super rich from all   these tea saplings money can buy happiness we  spent the rest of the day in the mines farming   fiber since we had kind of blazed through our  whole stock making these tea saplings but after   we farmed fiber we were able to craft the last  of them with our leftover spring seeds and wow   we are cooking 45k that was 90s tea saplings  wow we're rich Demetrius came by to set up our   cave with either fruit bats or mushrooms I chose  mushrooms this time around the decision doesn't   really matter that much in this playthrough in  my opinion before starting the flower dance I   decided to buy the rare Crow because I'm rich duh  and I tried to ask Morris to be my dance partner   unfortunately he quote doesn't get too close to  the locals excuses I'll win them over someday   thinking about what his heart events are gonna be  it makes me feel so weird we're almost done with   our first season before summer comes I want to  get a few things accomplished first with all this   newfound money I'd like to get our very first joja  upgrade purchased I decided to go with mine carts   it'll help me get around for sure and I still  have quite a bit of money left over for other   things I also would like to upgrade some tools to  Copper so we'll start with the pickaxe I had to   wait a bit for Robin to finish the coop but once  that was constructed I went ahead and bought my   first chicken I think it'd be cool actually to get  all blue chickens you know for Jojo so maybe we   should start trying to romance Shane a little bit  I'll probably drop the ball on that next up we're   building the barn of course we gotta get a cow  ASAP for that milk for Morris's special chowder   and now that our pickaxe is ready I decided to go  for the watering can upgrade again I am confident   this is gonna help me out a lot in the summer we  closed out spring with the sewer cut scene with   the kids where they reveal that Gunther has the  sewer key not sure how high this is on my priority   list but we might as well get it done as we play  we got level 5 foraging and chose the gatherer   profession and got decently far in the mind I  would say that with all the money we made uh we   [ __ ] killed it in Spring I love the first day  of the Season there's just so much to do I have   quite a bit of cash but it needs to be invested  back into the farm honestly nothing is making   me money right now so we picked up our shiny new  steel watering can and headed to joja to buy seeds   at least the seeds are now the same price as Piers  with our fancy JoJo membership and sunflower seeds   for whatever reason are way cheaper to buy through  jojamar in general and even cheaper now I'm gonna   plant a ton of melons and just a few sunflowers  to get us started our barn is built but Marnie   doesn't work on Mondays so I can't buy a cow just  yet but I do need to build a silo ASAP I'm getting   stressed out cutting all this grass without  getting anything in return for it it didn't take   me so long this time to get everything planted and  watered thanks to our watering can upgrade I even   had some time to forage in the evening the next  day Martin decided to take another day off I need   a cow woman watering my crops doesn't take long so  I brought my ax over to Clint's to upgrade before   hitting the mines another goal of mine is to reach  level 6 foraging and get lightning rods as soon as   possible I would love to get iridium sprinklers  up quickly if I can help it and I need to get   batteries from the summer storms and of course  iridium ore I'm at level 5 foraging currently   so I'm pretty close but I need to make a lot more  mine and combat progress if I want to get down to   the Iridium ore in the skull Cavern an earthquake  was hurt at night so I went to go check out our   new area very nice I typically like to plant  trees over here for wood farming so we'll get that   started someday soon since I'm here why not take a  little dip in the swanna and replenish some energy   today is my day though my day to get a cow Marnie  decided to clock in today so we got our cow a Milk   Pail and then I remembered I've had a chicken for  a few days so these eggs have just been sitting   there all right and my foraging has paid off I  gathered enough to craft some summer seeds and   planted them I could make them into saplings but  I don't really need the money right away I mostly   just need to make more seeds you know with my  brand new copper ax I chopped a couple trees   for their seeds checked on the most boring train  in stardew Valley history and planted all my tree   seeds up by the railroad I spent a couple days  actually chopping trees on the farm and setting   this all up for the future in the meantime I'm  upgrading my pickaxe again so that it doesn't   take me a million years to get down to the bottom  I am a little sad that I don't have lightning   rods up for my very first thunderstorm even after  all my efforts to raise foraging I did have some   extra time today to forage and work on the farm  I wanted to buy some of the other summer seeds so   that I can at least grow one of everything I'm a  completionist at heart you know even though this   is more of like a casual playthrough and I got  some pathing recipes so I can start decorating the   farm in my spare time I also would love to have a  soup super cute farm that night though we finally   reached level 6 foraging the next day was sunny  but after I got done watering I put out a few   lightning rods for the next thunderstorm now that  we've got a steel pick we can get back into the   mines and continue to make progress there my only  issue currently is bag space I think that's what   I'm gonna have to invest in next I have to buy the  bag upgrade from Pierre unfortunately I just keep   breaking all my own rules but I have to do you  expect me to do this whole playthrough with only   12 inventory slots that's insane I don't think I  could do it without going actually insane we did   manage to make it out of the ice levels and Into  the Fire ones kinda neat but I'm mostly interested   in making enough money to unlock the skull Cavern  it's time to upgrade yet another tool this time   we're going for a copper hoe and don't worry I've  been gifting Morris each week and Willie so I can   get his chowder recipe but let's go ahead and buy  the first backpack upgrade I finally found some   grapes and had enough forageables to make summer  seeds and then tea saplings so that's some cash   that'll be coming my way I need to keep farming  fiber though my supply is getting very low level   five minings we we get to choose between minor  and geologists I always go geologist and this   save is about doing new things so let's go minor  this time since our farm is looking good melons   are coming in soon we're starting to produce milk  it's time to upgrade the house we need a kitchen   to enact our master plan of marrying Morris and I  can't just give him quartz forever oh my God I am   so lucky how did I get the ancient seed artifact  so early sometimes it takes me more than a year to   get this so score thank you Minds today is the  luau I don't know what to bring I've sold all   of my good quality stuff so I'm just gonna bring  this silver quality egg Morris put his favorite   JoJo frozen dinner in how thoughtful however the  soup was just average but hey that was the best   I could do this year the next day we upgraded our  again and donated the ancient seed to the museum   which gave us the ancient seed recipe and one bag  of ancient seeds I'm obviously gonna wait for the   greenhouse to plant these our melons came in and  look how lucky we are we got a big boy I'm Gonna   Keep it actually and try to get the other big  crops grown right next to it how fun would that   be we're growing big GMO [ __ ] over here on jojo  Farm it's also our very first thunderstorm with   lightning rods so tomorrow we'll have batteries  if I want iridium now for those iridium sprinklers   I have to keep working on mining and combat and  unlock the desert I have tons of money coming in   tomorrow from our melons and tea saplings so I'll  Farm gold and progress more in the mines and wow   level eight farming we can start working on kegs  but damn 50k in one night that's awesome for our   first summer I don't think I've ever focused this  much on money before so now that I have 50k I can   buy any of the joja upgrades I want it's really  between the greenhouse and the bus and honestly   it's not that tough of a decision getting to  the desert not only means I will have access   to the skull Cavern where I can get iridium for  sprinklers but also Sandy's special seeds I love   her seeds and wouldn't it be nice to get a batch  of star fruit before summer is over so yeah we're   going bus baby Willie finally sent us that chowder  recipe and now Morris is gonna start getting his   favorite gifts pretty regularly marrying Morris  wow still blows my mind on our first trip to the   desert we got to meet Sandy who runs the Oasis  and buy some seeds from her and I know this is   ballsy for someone who only has gotten to level 95  in the mines but I wanted to try the skull Cavern   2. what you're joking oh oh my God I forgot I  need that stupid skull key this game has just   so much going on okay well at least we got our  star fruit seeds I need to reach the bottom of   the mines level 120 and get the skull key to  unlock the skull Cavern duh damn it there's a   whole process to this anyways our first star drop  level 100 in the mines 20 more to go I almost made   it that day actually I got super super close but  passed out at 118. the next day I was determined   to get to the bottom so I tended to my farm and  ran over to the mines to blaze through the last   five levels it took a very long time we really  gotta upgrade this pick but at 5 PM I had made   it to level 120 and obtained the skull key it's  go time folks well kinda I am very underprepared   for the skull Cavern I'm just gonna go in with  no food an obsidian edge and a dream I want to   see how far I can make it before I die and yeah  it's not very far falling through the hole almost   did me in so I said screw it and left I'd like  to get some stuff to together before I attempt   to go deeper and far meridium let's go ahead and  unlock a few things today like the secret woods   and the dwarf in the mines I still need scroll 1  and scroll 4 to use his shop so we should hit the   mines real quick while we're here you know oh  God telling is awful this is where we need to   go back and make cherry bombs since I'm short on  iron to make regular bombs and yeah you know but   hey that's more like it we got scroll four but no  luck on one this isn't a huge priority it's just   nice to be able to buy bombs with cash rather  than crafting them or trading quartz with the   desert Trader so maybe someday after crafting a  butt load of tea saps I figured we need to attempt   the skull Cavern again I was getting absolutely  assaulted though it was a nightmare we only got   down to level 10 before dying on a monster level  those baby slimes are no joke and then I figured I   needed to do a couple days of just straight up  farming for materials that is I need iron for   bombs and fiber for tea saplings that was such  a flop Summer's end is upon us Georgia friends   since I have some rain on the way I decided to  upgrade my watering can harvested all my melons   and geared up for the skull Cavern I wanted to see  how far down I could go with the help of bombs and   actual food I made it pretty far and even scored  some iridium before I died again my mouse scroll   wheel is [ __ ] up okay it's been a mess but  hey at least I didn't lose the Iridium that I   collected I consider that a dub now I finally have  the ability to craft iridium sprinklers thanks to   level 9 farming so with the little iridium I  had been smelting I got three of those placed   and we're gearing up to have a pretty sweet setup  in the fall I'm excited I also have a ton of melon   money and key sent me 10K for reaching level 25  in the skull Cavern so it's about time we invested   some of that back into our town and of course our  next community development project investment is   going to be the greenhouse I made sure to say hi  to my boo Morris too we're at five Hearts now it's   time to build a shed I think I want to fill it  with kegs so I'm working on Gathering wood and   crafting said kegs to do just that I want to turn  JoJo Farm into a money Farm I also got my hands on   the rare seed for the sweet gem Berry that night  I decided to stop by the saloon and came across a   Morris heart event how exciting he tried to come  in and grab a bite to eat instead of his typical   microwave dinner and everybody gave him the cold  shoulder I kind of felt bad for him honestly he's   just a JoJo crony so I decided to sit with him he  went on and on about how JoJo is actually good for   the town which I now agree with because I'm an  official JoJo member I guess we stared into each   other's eyes and I got to stare deep into my  joja Corporation infested future Yep this is   the path I chose now we finally have a greenhouse  my brain was turning with all sorts of greenhouse   plans do I move all my sprinklers over and plant  a ton of star fruit well I don't even have money   for all that so not yet but I did plant my ancient  seed the rare seed some coffee and whatever star   fruit seeds I'm willing to spend money on we need  more money for fall so we'll do another round of   tea saplings I need fiber seeds man the grind is  worth it though tea saplings ROP the last day of   summer time has been flying I love how casual  this playthrough is I'm not worried about 100   everything and maximizing every second of the  day I'm just on the money grind with a few extra   little goals it's been really fun I'd have liked  to have more iridium sprinkler set up so I braved   the skull Caverns again today today must have been  a good luck day because I just kept getting whole   after a whole after a hole call me a golfer can  you believe I've gotten this far without any rings   by the way I haven't even gotten a single one  anyways we got a huge haul of iridium and even   still had time to catch the Moonlight jellies  at night I would say summer was a success our   farm is pretty productive currently focusing on  on crops over everything else has been working   out swell for us I was able to get a couple  more iridium sprinklers out on the field and   ended up going with an entire batch of pumpkins  over cranberries which would have been slightly   more profitable but not by much I'm gonna gun  for that giant pumpkin too I hope it works out   I think everything outside will just be sold raw  and the star fruit I grow in the greenhouse will   be reserved for kegs and coffee too the next  day on my way to get more pumpkin seeds Lewis   and Robin had set up that special orders board I'm  not sure how many of these I'll be doing this run   I have special orders Trauma from our Perfection  save I'm very broke right now because I spent   all my money on seeds and I want to finish these  Community upgrades soon preferably before winter   I went around the world today searching for fall  forageables slowly we're Gathering the materials   we need to craft more tea saplings to like wood  and fiber but honestly foraging was a dud because   we only got enough to make one batch of seeds I'll  plant them and any other random seeds I have and   stay broke I guess not really though I sold some  random gems so we're not that poor right now we   got another Morris heart event folks this one  is all about Morris's Hobbies we learned that   he likes gardening and once he invited us inside  for coffee we learned that he actually does have   a bunch of hobbies like photography video games  piano but being a professional JoJo dick rider   has taken over his life and his Hobbies were kind  of put on the back burner apparently his dad died   recently and his mom sent him this piano and in  general is just worried about him she sent me a   letter last week asking what I'd played recently  and I confessed to her that I hadn't played him   once she's a bit worried about the toll my work  with JoJo is taking on my mental health I told her   she has nothing to worry about though devoting my  entire existence to Jojo's the only way to ensure   that Pelican Town reaches its full potential same  babe same what else is there in life but JoJo   anyways you best get going I need to lock up and  head off to work wow that is really sad I worry   that Mom's right oh am I needlessly sacrificing my  life for Jojo am I ruining the lives of the people   in this town instead of helping them oh I miss  you Mom oh he's becoming self-aware how adorable   crazy that men can go their whole lives without  feeling empathy I can go in his room now ooh and   read a letter he wrote to his mom I'm sorry  for not writing sooner I've been so busy with   the store that I don't have much time for anything  else anymore I'm really lonely here I wish I could   go home no one else in this town understands  me or even tries to talk to me I miss you I   hope you're doing all right without dad around see  you soon Morris oh no a set of nice brushes and a   blank canvas you wonder if Morris has ever painted  anything that's devastating oh God I accidentally   got in his bed oh I'm not ready for that I pretty  much spend all my time Gathering supplies for my   little money makers my baby tea saplings you can  always count on them and now it's time to invest   some of that money back I'm thinking I need to  upgrade my ax and build another Silo I don't have   a ton of animals eating my hay and grass so when I  decide to do up my farm all cue I'd prefer for it   all not to go to waste as much as possible I love  making my farm cute I have big plans for this JoJo   farm and I'd like to get it looking all snazzy  pretty soon here the 8th of fall was the beginning   of blackberry season I found Linus's basket and  returned it to him and gifted Morris of course   we're almost at eight hearts now so I'm going out  of my way to give him great gifts and speaking to   him daily I really hope I can marry him before the  end of our first year I'm starting to get kind of   nervous though our first batch of star fruit wine  is ready to sell but now I'm thinking about how   badly I need to plant more star fruit four wines  so we'll make a trip to the desert and even though   I'm super underprepared for the skull Cavern I  gave it a shot anyways I can't resist I made it   decently far before [ __ ] just got way too crazy  and I had to leave but I did still have time to   buy my star fruit seeds ball is Trucking along  though we're making decent passive money while   we wait for our pumpkins to grow in I was able to  get my very first ring a glow ring so I no longer   have to stumble around in the dark and I even got  the last dwarf scroll so once that was donated we   could then talk to the dwarf and use a shot and  I was able to repair the bridge to the Quarry so   I can start moving my sap operation over there  as I usually do we just have one final community   development project panning which costs 20K should  be easy enough while I was in the Quarry I figured   I would go down and get that golden Scythe until  I realized I forgot my weapons so I had to run   back but we made it through easy enough star  fruit and pumpkins have started to grow in and   I'm pretty much just replenishing what I harvest  as I go we're also finally at eight hearts with   our dear Morris so we bought a bouquet from Pierre  unfortunately and asked Morris to go out with us   really hoping I can squeeze a marriage in soon  our first level 10 skill is farming of course   I'm going Artisan are you kidding me what's  going on here a Morris cut scene I don't know   how to do all of this without you Dad oh wow I'm  trying to fulfill my dreams like you would have   wanted but it's difficult to stay focused now that  you're gone here I come coming to interrupt this   beautiful moment oh JoJo good morning I'm um just  on my way to work sniffles oh I guess I'm gonna   ask him what's wrong right you know what I mean  I suppose you could tell I've been crying you'd   think someone working in customer service would be  better at hiding it you're my closest friend here   though so I don't know why I'm trying to put on a  front for you it's my dad he passed away recently   and it's been tough JoJo didn't let me off work  for the funeral are you kidding me and this isn't   even his grave he's buried back home he just  comes here in the mornings to grieve that is   horrible that breaks my heart for Him do I want  to talk about him sure maybe that would help he   was a pretty normal father I think my mom mostly  stayed at home with me while he worked at an entry   level position in a JoJo Factory it runs in the  family as long as my dad got to go fishing every   Sunday he couldn't have cared less how wealthy  we were I was the black sheep of the family I   was full of ambition even as a kid my dad may  not have on understood me but he was incredibly   supportive going out of his way to help me with  every new Endeavor even helped me get my first job   with JoJo after I graduated I quickly moved up the  ranks which led me to getting the job here I still   remember how excited he was when I told him about  it sad I'd be moving away of course but so happy   for me oh his dad just wanted the best for him and  then he got sick I always knew I should go visit   more often but I kept putting it off now it's too  late darn my mom hasn't been coping well with it   at all we write letters back and forth every week  but she's really lonely I need to go visit soon   she refuses to get a phone or computer so we can  talk more easily she's always been a bit stuck in   the past she's a bit like Pelican town in that  respect wow okay Pelican Town shade getting all   that off my chest made me feel a lot lighter if  you ever see me in the graveyard again feel free   to stop by and chat thanks for being my friend I  mean I'm trying to be more than friends but okay   is that the bouquet that I bought  for him and I gave him yesterday   that's kind of awkward I'm becoming more and more  sympathetic each heart event though Justice for   Morris I don't know he's still a corporate  shill even if he does have feelings but he's   my corporate shell anyways it's time to complete  our last joja community development project the   panning project we have the funds might as well  get it over with I want to finish out the year and   get my farm looking really good however so this  is not the end and we still need to marry Morris   but jump scare I went to go talk to Morris and we  kiss now I don't know how to feel about this this   is a lot for me with my leftover money I decided  to build another shed I like having a separate   shed for all my storage and workbench Etc so I'll  start planning for that I didn't forget about my   keg shed though but I do need to amp up my Oak  resin production in the Quarry I'm so glad tree   fertilizer exists today is the stardew Valley  Fair I really don't have a lot for my Grange   display but I am determined to beat Pierre and  get first place so we're gonna make it work I've   been setting aside some items but I had to get a  little creative with the rest thank you stardew   fair helper my display looks sick honestly suck it  Pierre and there you have it folks first place we   got a thousand star tokens as our prize I want to  buy the star drop while I'm here for 2 000 tokens   and the rare Crow for 800. so just like every  playthrough I'm going all in on green to double   our money and yeah that's what I thought I'll go  green again for 800 this time and wow I need to go   to the casino now we're proud owners of a new rare  crow and a star drop which I am of course very   happy about I could use the energy and guess what  we got a sweet gem Berry all fully grown in the   greenhouse the very next day so that means another  star drop I love it we're doing so good it's also   a great day to upgrade our pickaxe because if  we're gonna get any farther in the skull Cavern   having a gold pickaxe X will definitely help and  why not get another cow I'm rich so I can just do   [ __ ] like that oh yeah okay I forgot this was  coming I guess I needed to wait for a sunny day   but since our community development projects are  all done we're getting a special JoJo cut scene   um just a few short years ago the great innovators  at JoJo headquarters came up with a new idea the   joja community development project was conceived  as a way to provide important Construction   Services to the Beloved communities we hold so  dear all while generating substantial Revenue   Pelican town with its rundown infrastructure  was a perfect testing grounds well thanks to   you our community development pilot program has  been a major success from repairing old bridges   to fixing buses to Turning piles of rubble into  a greenhouse we've really turned this city around   I've also received a big promotion good for you  dude the president of the company asked me to   give you this exclusive gift as a way of saying  thanks oh hell yeah that's actually so cool now   now I finally have the JoJo achievement too all we  had to do was sell out and wow you know it was a   lot easier than I thought you might be wondering  can you still open the movie theater if you take   the JoJo route the answer is yes it'll replace  the JoJo warehouse and only costs 500k yeah not   today guys oh my God I I totally forgot about  panning and probably will continue to forget it   even exists but you might be wondering what else  are you gonna do for the JoJo run well my only   other goal for this very casual JoJo playthrough  was to Mary Morris now I suck at planning as you   know and I'm concerned as to how I'm gonna get  the mermaid pendant in time before winter begins   I need to reach 10 hearts with him before the  next rainy day before I can even purchase the   pendant and propose but like we're stuck at eight  hearts with the guy currently I can try to get a   rain totem to force rain in the winter since that  doesn't ever just happen but I dropped the ball   on pigs as per usual so it'll be hard to get the  truffle oil needed to craft it unless I somehow   get a truffle in the traveling car or a rain  totem in the skull Cavern chests uh why does   this always happen to me I did go and check my  predictor and yeah no truffle is to be expected   in the traveling cart until spring of year two  very sad but I will still hold out hope that I   can reach 10 hearts with him and have another day  of rain before fall is over finally we have enough   hardwood to upgrade our house again 50k down the  drain I also started the Wizards quest to get his   Magic ink back from his witch ex-wife but I don't  even have crobis unlocked yet so can't really do   this one to unlock crocus's sewer I need to have  donated 60 things to the museum and I am currently   at 54. so we're close maybe we can do it before  winter comes but until it rains there's not much   to do I'll keep gifting Morris checking on my  crops working on the greenhouse of course and   you know Just Vibe I guess I'm still working on my  relationship with Shane to get blue chickens but   honestly I kind of forgot about that for a while  so we'll see if it pans out hey there's that rain   totem recipe don't have that truffle oil for it  though sick I so badly want to get down and gather   more iridium from the skull Cavern but my God am I  struggling in there to be fair I have had a string   of terrible luck days but even when I do try I  die every time I need to work on getting better   food and bombs instead of just going down there  with like practically nothing I don't know maybe   I'm delusional and think a couple of omelettes  is gonna be just fine I need a prismatic Shard   bad though for the Galaxy sword on my way home  I saw Morris lurking around and remembered that   I didn't talk to him yet today but when I did it  actually pushed us to ten Hearts this is amazing   now I just I'm gonna Pray For Rain before winter  starts please game give me something my house got   bigger and now we have room for Morris and JoJo  babies oh God unfortunately the forecast does   not predict rain tomorrow I'm just getting so  nervous but the day after that God blessed us   rain is coming tomorrow oh I got through the  day as fast as I could and ran right on over   to buy the mermaid pendant on the beach we did  it guys I can't believe it now time to propose   to Morris I waited for him to pass the bridge  on his way to jojamar and asked him in the rain   we'll be married in three days time can't believe  I'm marrying Morris God this still feels so wrong   ball is nearly over so now we're just gearing up  for boring old winter I really hope tomorrow I'll   wake up to a giant pumpkin I've been watering  these puppies every day and no luck everything   is starting to get harvested for the last time  the greenhouse is pretty much set up with star   fruit seeds star fruit wine makes a ton of money  so I am of course stoked about that we completed   the Maze and collected our pumpkin at the spirits  Eve festival and racked up some serious gold no   giant pumpkin though oh that sucks I really tried  guys I was hoping we would get it on the last day   but no dice the last day didn't totally go to  waste though I traded in some Omni geodes for   artifact troves at the desert Trader and cracked  open a bunch of brand new stuff I'm pretty sure   that all these donations puts us past 60 total  so we're probably gonna get access to krovis's   sewer tomorrow and then since I am rich I bought a  bunch of new animals for our barn and upgraded The   Keg shed since that's pretty much full now we're  starting off winter with a bang our wedding to   Morris on day one of winter we were joined in holy  matrimony with Morris Now That's What I Call going   full JoJo Gunther has also come by to bestow upon  us our old rusty key that unlocks the sewer now   we can finally meet crobus but since it's also the  first of winter we actually get to see crobus when   we hunt him down and steal his magnifying glass  he's just so cute and now thanks to our Rusty key   that we got from Gunther we have access to the  Sewer where crovis lives and since we're here   we might as well do the Wizards Quest to the dark  Talisman crobus opened up the mutant bug layer for   me where I found a dark Talisman that opens up the  passageway to the witch's Grotto there's a goblin   there that won't let me pass but luckily we can  fish up void mayonnaise which he will accept as   a bribe and head right into the witch's Grotto  to retrieve the Wizards special ink pot after   returning his ink the wizard gives us access to  the book of summoning which has a bunch of very   expensive stuff in there that I won't be buying  anytime soon I also feel like it would be messed   up to have little Juna Mo huts on my JoJo Farm  like I abandoned them and now I'm gonna make them   work for free on my farm actually that sounds  beautifully evil it's a possibility this is my   life now this is my husband can't say I'm proud  to be here but you know what he really isn't all   that bad he's kind of a dork Morris's little room  is a very nice office actually you know I'm into   that Pierre did try to pull some weirdo [ __ ]  and win my business back he was talking trash   about Morris and JoJo seeds now dare he this  is JoJo Farm Pier get a clue and it wasn't long   before I got Morris's marriage star drop either  nice I won't bore you with all of the mundane   winter activities since we've completed all of our  goals this playthrough successfully JoJo find the   town and marrying JoJo's most notorious Fanboy  Morris I just wanted to get this Farm all set   up and looking pretty I contemplated the layout  quite a bit because I actually didn't want to do   a layout that was too close to my perfection Farms  but it's pretty close anyways so I just tried to   change a few things around one of the big things  I wanted to do that I thought was so cute was to   put a little JoJo Sign using floor tiles on my  farm somewhere so after contemplating the design   layout I picked a place and plopped it down how  beautiful I'm really inspired by a ton of Jojo   Farms from online thank you all of the people who  have made cool JoJo Farms from the internet I'd   love for my farm to be really efficient in  the future money making wise I'd like to be   able to come back to this save someday and maybe  progress more in the game in general but for now   I'm focused on setting up this gold operation to  do that I'm going to need more Kegs and thus the   Quarry needs a lot more work in the meantime I  spent some days in the skull Cavern hunting for   iridium I'm not really focused on doing the major  stardew goals this time around you know we're just   being casual so no getting to level 100 for me but  if I want to be more effective I have to do things   like upgrade my pickaxe and buy a bigger backpack  and maybe buy another star drop too yeah oh yeah   the better pickaxe is amazing since star fruit  wine just makes an ass load of money I can afford   to straight up buy bombs which is very helpful  I can now start properly gearing up to do the   skull Cavern and while my goal is not necessarily  to reach 100 I got my Prismatic Shard and Galaxy   sword all ready to go for when I come back to this  Farm in the future there's also quite a few more   Morris heart events some that we missed like this  one where he wants to ask us out on a date but on   unfortunately there's some inventory problems  at the store so he has to stay late to fix it   exploitation runs deep around these parts the  next day he apologized for having to skip out on   our date and instead brought the date to jojamar  Morris then got to sweet talking and acknowledged   that JoJo might be taking over his life a little  bit but I gave him purpose outside of work I guess   and then I apparently asked him to spend the night  at my house I mean I guess we're already married   but it's just it's still so weird to me now I'm  nervous for our 14 heart event how Saucy is that   one gonna be he planned a weekend Beach date for  us and of course he brought the lobster bisque   he's literally obsessed with lobster risk same  I guess but you know what about any other food   oh he's gonna show us some photos he took of us  look at him getting back into his Hobbies this is   when I took you to that aquarium in this City we  nearly got kicked out for too much PDA oh my God   here's when he first asked about my camera back  when I was too busy for photography I managed to   get this picture though how did you get the  picture if the camera's up there this was us   at the flower dance I looked ridiculous in that  outfit but I loved getting to dance with you now   I know you're a liar this must have been your  other girlfriend because this did not happen   sir this is when you came to comfort me that  day when I was grieving words can't express   how much that meant to me and this was us just  a few moments ago luckily No One's Gonna kick   us out for too much PDA here yeah okay that's  pretty sweet Ah that's my husband yep I married   him you really mean the world to me sweetheart  I can never say that enough I love you JoJo Lucy   kill me anyways I've been putting in work to get  my farm looking great for you guys I wanted to   get through winter and show it to you in the  spring when it's really pretty with crops and   everything and this is what I've got the start of  a JoJo money making Powerhouse so here on my map   you can see I have quite a bit of empty space  I didn't get around to putting down absolutely   everything I wanted to I only played for one year  for Christ's sake but I'm super happy with how it   looks so far I managed to get all the Iridium and  batteries I needed for sprinklers thanks to my   amazing planning skills and my Fields look really  really clean I'm not stoked with the greenhouse   layout quite yet I want to surround the star  fruit with ancient seeds and that'll take some   time my keg shed is totally full my only problem  is that I'm just not producing enough star fruit   to justify having this many kegs but that'll be  an issue for future me I did go ahead and start   another cake shed but I haven't filled it yet  my last shed is my mini supplies and crafting   space which will probably stay this tiny I don't  really need to store much of anything this saves   since you know no Community Center collecting and  such and the rest of the farm is looking wonderful   I'd like to have giant crops above the left and  right crop fields and then I have a tiny little   beehive operation above the middle crop field  it's not really that close to being put together   um coal and maple syrup kind of a [ __ ] I also  flopped on getting blue chickens I forgot about   Shane and can't really be bothered to deal with  his [ __ ] right now the house interior is coming   along though I didn't collect the furniture that I  wanted like the more modern looking stuff so it's   slightly empty but I think you can kind of see the  vision wow it looks so cute guys I love my JoJo   farm with my JoJo husband I think that is another  achievement down folks that was some JoJo save   wasn't it I think we did pretty good I had a good  time because it was much more relaxed laid back I   wasn't really trying to achieve too much I mostly  just wanted to be a little evil and nefarious   complete the JoJo route get that achievement and  Mary Morris my farm also looks pretty good too but   I do want to give a huge thank you to our amazing  sponsor Squarespace the website builder that I   can personally attest to they make it super easy  to get a website up and running not only is it   incredibly user friendly but it's aesthetically  pleasing as well so many people in this day and   age need a website for me I love it because you  guys can easily check out my Animal Crossing   codes or the stardew valley mods that I use like  the ones I used in this video I'm also able to   check my website traffic with detailed analytics  and when I'm ready to sell merch again I will be   able to sell through Squarespace there are oodles  of gorgeous templates to choose from and you can   cuss optimize them exactly to your specific needs  you could be looking to set up a website for your   wedding RSVPs you could be a restaurant needing  to put your menu online maybe an artist in need   of a place to put your portfolio an aspiring  blogger a small business you know there's tons   of people that need websites and Squarespace  has got you covered so if you're one of those   people that needs a professional and clean website  head to squarespace.com for a free trial and when   you're ready to launch go to squarespace.com list  the last or use my code list the last and you're   going to get 10 off your very first purchase of a  website or domain shout out Squarespace they are   always so awesome shout out you guys thank you so  much for the support on all of the stardew valley   videos if you watch this video and you're like  hey do you make other stardew Valley videos well   boy do I have something to tell you I do indeed  I have a 100 days challenge 200 days Challenge   and my perfection challenge all three big long  Banger videos make sure you go check those out I   hope you're having a great day and you continue  to do so and I will see you in the next one
Channel: liss the lass
Views: 840,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: liss the lass, liss the lass stardew valley, stardew valley challenge, joja route, joja mart, marry morris, joja mods stardew, how to stardew valley, 100 days stardew, stardew valley walkthrough, lets play, stardew tips, stardew mods, stardew valley community center, games like stardew valley, stardew valley perfection
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 47sec (3287 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 24 2023
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