Is This a Good Gal Or A Bad Gal? (GAME)

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(rooster crowing) (animal roaring) (Wheel of Mythicality clicking) - Look at that, Gificality! - Welcome to Good Mythical More. - That means we're donating $1000 to the Refuge and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services to aid in their mission of providing free and low-cost legal services to underserved immigrant children, families, and refugees. Please join us in giving at the link below. - Thank you for being your Mythical best. Let's invite Mythical team member Emily in here. - Hey. - To play a game that she is calling-- - Look at that belt and those shoes. - They are matching. - Good gracious. That's a good gal. That's a good gal right there. - A game that she's calling-- - Good gal, bad gal. - All right, good gal, bad. Scoot on up here. - Yeah, I'm gonna show you some images. I'll show you an image of a woman from history. - Okay, I love those. - Historical women, kind of my thing. - Who are infamous for either a very good thing or an arguably bad thing. - Okay. You like bad girls or good girls? - Depends on what mood I'm in. I think bad gals are more interesting. I gotta say, I gotta say. - Your wife's not gonna like to hear that. - Do you think you're good at telling if a woman is good or bad by looking at her? - Let's find out. - Let's judge some women. - Okay, here's a woman. - [Emily] All right, this is our first one. - [Link] This is all we get, there's no info. - No info. - Just visual. - You could ask me a question and I'll answer it yes or no to the best of my knowledge. - Is that a key on her necklace? - It is. It could be an electric guitar. - [Link] I think it's a J. - I think this is a good gal. This is a good gal. This is a woman that is dispensing wisdom. - What do you think? - I agree, she's a good gal. - I like her hair. It's al naturale. She is good. This is Margaret Hamilton. She is known for as the woman who like cracked the code that got us on the moon. - Cracked the code to get us on the moon. - She's a software engineer. - Who put the code on the moon? - To get us on the moon, she cracked the code. - We're right here at the door of the moon. There's a padlock! - Now we have three gals here. - [Link] Oh goodness, look at that. Look at that girl on the left. - [Rhett] This is a very, very bad woman. - That's a chihuahua. Chihuahuas perched on her shoulders. - This is a woman who killed people. Anyone who has a small dog like that with those kind of ears is definitely evil. - What she does she would shoot people and then her dog would eat them and there would be no evidence. - I'd get a bigger dog for that. - [Link] Well, that's why she has two. One starts at the bottom, one starts at the top. - They "Lady and the Tramp" style a corpse together, yeah there we go. - So bad girl. - That's a pretty picture. Yeah, this is definitely a bad gal. - Bad gal. - Bad gal? This gal is good. - No, what? No she's not. She's fooling you. - Who is this? - This is Edith Wharton, the first woman to win a Pulitzer Prize for her book "Age of Innocence". - Oh. - Innocence. - Big fan. Here's another picture. Look at her. - [Emily] She's pretty hot. - Well, I think that that's Mary, Queen of Scots. I don't know. - I think that's one heck of a collar. - It looks like the collar, yeah, it's definitely. - She's not happy. She's been told she's bad by someone. - I mean, if you had to wear like a bustier or whatever that thing is called-- - A corset? - A corset. If you had to wear that all the time-- - That'll turn anybody evil. - Definitely. Although, evil takes exertion and I don't know if you could really do a lot of it. - You can't breathe too deeply. - I think this is a bad queen that many people suffered under. - I think it's a fictional character and it's been painted. Bad gal. - Bad gal? Bad gal? - Yep. - All right. You're right, it is a bad gal. This Elizabeth Bathory, known as the Blood Countess-- - Oh, she's the one that took the baths in the blood of virgins. - Correct. I don't know if they were virgins, I don't have that on here. - Oh, they were virgins. - They were definitely women. - She would take baths in blood? - Yeah. And young blood. And the funny thing is is that the latest research shows that like-- - Not to be confused with the rapper. - Blood transfusions with people younger than you is actually good for you. But she was bathing in it, that's no good. You gotta get it in your blood. - Did she kill 'em and then put their blood in the bath? - Some, yeah, definitely. Definitely killed some. - I'm gonna go with murdered being yes. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Murdered, yes. Here's a gal. - [Emily] Like her earrings. - [Rhett] Boy, she could be good or bad, couldn't she? - She's got kind of a forced smile. I think just out of frame there's like a tommy gun. She's like. - I don't think so. - This is a mob boss and I'm not talking about the wife of a mob boss, I'm talking like she is a mob boss. - Okay. - She's like feet in concrete-- - Look at that dimple. - Yeah. - There's two, she's got a little dimple here and a little one right there. - She looks, I would say that this is a sociopathic smile, if you want to break it down, because this is someone who is mimicking what someone who is smiling would look like but is not able to actually embody a smile. - Am I doing it? Let me see if I can do it. - Yeah, you're a sociopath. She's bad, this is a bad gal. - She's just playing a sociopathic character. - But this woman isn't acting, she's just bad. - All right, is that your final answer? Is that yours? - We're agreeing again. - Okay, you're correct, she's bad. This is Griselda Blanco, a drug kingpin who murdered many. - Murdered many. - Many, many. - So she, yeah, she was, she's a drug lord. - Correct. - Not a mafia-- - Well, I mean, I think they kind of are in the same gene pool of criminal activity. - And who's this gal? This gal's hooked up to an electric chair. - [Rhett] But she seems happy about it. - She's totally relaxed. - First of all, that is not an electric chair. That is some kind, it looks like an EKG machine or something, right? So she's sending something to that machinery. She's not receiving something from it. - But her arms are strapped in, dude. - Oh, or maybe that's a stylish watch. - Her wrists are strapped in. - That's not how an electric chair works. She's a good woman. She's a good gal. - No, she's at peace with how bad she is. Bad gal. - That's a good gal. She's the one, she's doing a test on herself to prove some sort of technology that then saved the world. What is it? - She's good, she's good. This is Valentina Tereshkova and she was the first woman to travel into space. - Oh. - That's right. I also think it's funny that you think like an electric chair is like in a recliner. Like she wasn't that bad of a murderer, let's give her a little relaxing go ahead into the afterlife. - There's like a doily, there's a blanket there on the back. - Let's give her a lazy gal. - We're gonna have to wash that blanket after we get through with this. - [Link] Here's a gal. - [Emily] There we go. - [Link] Okay, she's got a nice floral arrangement on her sternum. - [Emily] Yeah, loving the patterns. - Man, that seems like a really authentic smile. I'm gonna go with my instinct and say that this is, my instinct says that she's good, but my test instinct of like how many goods and bads there have been says that she's bad. So I don't know. But usually you shouldn't follow that. So I'm gonna go with good. - She's bad. Just out of this frame, there's a syringe filled with like-- - You're always imaging what's outside of the frame-- - Everyone has props in photos. - She's injecting an animal, like a pet, with like a lethal dose of something. - Okay, probably not. - Or she's creating like a chimera, something like that. - Yeah, she's blending animals into new creatures that are unnatural. - Okay, I'm going with good still. - All right, final answers? - Yeah, bad. - She's good. Sorry, but that would have been a fun-- - Well how good is she though? What makes her good? - Her name is Junko Tabei and she's the first woman to climb Mt. Everest. - What's so good about that? That's a physical achievement, but morally, that's not good. - It's not morally bad either. - That's a good thing. You don't see somebody at the top of a mountain and be like "you're evil." You know what I'm saying? You're like "good for you" at least. - What if they had logged their way up there? - Logged? - Like done a bunch of clear-cut logging to get to the top? - Well, there's not a lot of trees on Mt. Everest. - I'm talking about just a mountain. You said someone at a peak. - Well, is it a tree farm or is an old-growth forest? - It's an old-growth forest. - Oh, what if the mountain's on fire? - And they set it. - Yep. There you go, that's a bad person on a mountain. - All right, I think I was right. - With a syringe, choking a baby piglet. (Emily laughing) - Piglet. - Piglet. - Wow, this got really dark. - Piglet. - Can we agree that that's a bad person? - Agreed. - That would be a bad person but that wasn't that woman. I think you can be anywhere choking a baby pig and be a bad person. I think you could be in the valley choking a baby pig and be a bad person. At the top of a mountain? Difference in altitude, same level of immorality. - You're so smart. - Okay, this is the last one, guys. - Okay, what are we gonna do after this? - Well, I feel like I'm gonna take a shower or something. - Okay, that's fair. - All right-- - [Link] Look at those eyes. Boy, those sleepy, those are bedroom eyes. - [Emily] Also, she's got a fun bonnet on. Looks like a sleeping-- - [Link] Look at that bonnet. - It's a sexy bonnet. - The thing you really have to take into account when you're looking at a rendering is that you've got an artist's interpretation of someone. And you know that's gonna be influenced by what they know about the person. - Right. - And I can get nothing from that. I couldn't tell if this person is good or bad using that logic. - Maybe the artist knew nothing about the person. - Maybe they did something bad later. - I think it's a policy portrait artists, some of them, "I don't want to know anything about you. "I just want to paint you. "I mean, why do I need to know anything? "It might influence how I paint you." - But I think side ponies are a sign of evil. - I agree. - There's nothing about this that actually says evil. - I'm going with evil, definitely, this is bad. - But just out of frame, she's definitely-- - What's she holding? - choking a piglet. - Choking a piglet? What's in the other hand? Is it a two-hand ordeal? - [Link] I guess there's two piglets. - Oh gosh. - I was thinking chicken in the other hand. - A chicken and a piglet. - Yep. - Oh gosh. - She's making a nice breakfast. - Oh man, this is horrible. - Shaking an egg out of one, choking the other one. - Okay, I'm saying she's bad but I don't think she's choking a pig. - If a pig crapped bacon, would you eat it? - Yes. - But if it was waste? - But he's saying if it crapped bacon. Cooked. - If there was a magic pig that crapped bacon, I'd definitely eat it, yeah you're right. But this woman's bad. - And the only way you could get it is by choking it. - Oh God. The only way you could ever again eat bacon-- - Is the choking the pig. - Actually, you know, that's kind of how bacon works. - That's true. - You have to kill the pig to get it, guys, let's not dissociate here. - That's true, that's true. - She's good. And I see the good in her even if you're gonna tell me she's bad. - You know, that's really complex. - I think she's bad. She's bad. - She's bad. - Why though? What makes her bad? - She is a professional pig choker. (Rhett laughing) And it says right here, since she was 25 years old. No, her name is Charlotte Corday who became an assassin at age 25 and is known for killing Jean-Paul Marat in his bathtub during the French Revolution. There's actually a famous painting of him, it's like an oil painting of a guy like hanging out of his bathtub. - She stabbed him or shot him or? - I'm pretty sure she stabbed him. - Yeah, but what did he do? Did he deserve it? - Well, she was on the opposing side of like, political lines of the French Revolution. He was, you know, needed to go. - Right. - In her opinion. So maybe there are sides of her that did things for the right reasons, but. - History has judged her-- - Murder is wrong no matter what guys. - as a bad gal. - I think we're good gals though. - Yeah, we are. - [Rhett] We're commemorating our creative promise to each other with a Blood Oath tee and long sleeve at
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
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Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical morning, mythical, rhett, link, gmmore, good mythical more, good mythical summer, good gal, bad gal, good gal or bad gal, game, gmmore game, gmmore good gal, gmmore bad gal, Is This a Good Gal Or A Bad Gal? (GAME)
Id: N_Elz7F_ySI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 17 2019
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