Ridiculous Shower Thoughts (Game)

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That was actually really fun. And it all ended better than I expected, too. Well done, Kalyn! Nice writing and excellent, fun choices!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FergusCragson πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Yay Kalyn! I was laughing my face off at those shower punishments. They really added another dimension to the game. Reddit guessing games are the best!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FloridaFlamingoGirl πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

When was the last time they got that messy? That was a blast to watch!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/toadpuppy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I about died laughing at the loaf of bread smacking Rhett in the face. Great episode.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 21 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/17inchcorkscrew πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 21 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
- Warm water make your brain holler. - Let's talk about that. - Good mythical Morning. - Today get ready to have your mind blown, with some shower thoughts from Reddit. Now this is a special episode, because a little while back we announced the Mythical Beast Takeover where some of you would be given the chance to write on an episode, of this very show. - Good Mythical Morning. - Good Mythical Morning is the name of the show. - Yeah. - Well we picked our winners and today is one of those episodes. - Yeah this episode was co-written by Mythical Beast Kalyn from Ohio. Kalyn are you on the line? - [Kaylan] Yeah hello it's so exciting to be on - (laughs) Hey Kalyn how are ya? - [Kalyn] I mean living the dream I guess. - So are we. - We're all living the dream. Okay so was your mind blown when researching these shower thoughts? That's what's supposed to happen right? - Yeah definitely, like some of them get pretty deep and pretty weird and so I'm looking forward to seeing what your responses are. - When I'm in the shower I'm pretty much totally focused on my routine. - Not a lot of thinking, yeah not a lot of abstract thoughts. - It's more of performance art, that's how I think of my showering. - Who are you performing for? - Uh. - The neighbor your neighbor because of the window - My neighbor (laughs) and my inner critic sadly. All right Kalyn thanks for working on this, I'm very excited to be showered in shower thoughts, but hopefully not anything else. So you ready? - I'm ready. - Okay let's enter the minds of unsuspecting strangers in their showers, it's time for. - I see that Kalyn has picked up on the fact that we do a lot of forced rhymes in our titles on our show, this show. - All right if you don't know a shower thought is a mini epiphany that comes to you while you're showering and we're gonna read a sentence from the subreddit Shower Thoughts and part of it is gonna be censored and our job is to fill in the censorship. - Right. - To guess what makes it complete. - And now you don't have to get it right, you just have to be the closest to the right answer and then you get a point, and other person who was less right will get showered with something that Kalyn has decided on for each round. Escalating points each round, but if we both guess the same thing, because that could happen with some of these shower thoughts. We don't win we both lose we both get showered, those are Kalyn's rules. - Oh okay in the end the winner gets a golden shower cap and cape ensemble. - Great - To wear, okay let's get to the first shower thought. - [Stevie] Okay guys this first shower thought comes from user nemesiscr - Big fan - [Stevie] Says if pigs could fly their wings would probably blank. - Well I mean I got something that makes sense. - I got a good one. - I feel very strongly about this. - I think mine - This is a good shower thought, I don't know if it's the shower thought, but it's a good shower thought. - I feel the same way about mine. I think if pigs could fly their wings would probably be very popular smoked at the state fair. - We were on the same train but I think I go there a little more efficiently. If pigs could fly their wings would probably be very tasty. - [Stevie] If pigs could fly their wings would probably taste really good. So you're both on the same wavelength, but I gotta give it to Rhett which means Link please prepare yourself for. - I said tasty. - Mine was just more specific. - Shower him. - [Stevie] You think you guys are gonna do this to me again, shower Link. - With pork rinds, that's the closest thing to a pig wing. - My hair has been compromised. (laughs) - The smell that those things give off - Woo that's strong. - [Stevie] Okay you guys are in it to win it. - I'm sorry for being so specific. - But the blank wasn't that long enough. - You know how they're smoked they smoke turkey legs at the. - Yeah those turkey wings. - [Stevie] Okay this next shower thought comes from beerbeily, in a span of a few years our parents go from telling us blank to blank. - So something as you grow up? I don't know about this. - Maybe I need to be in a shower. - It sounds this sounds like super deep but I don't even know if it makes sense to me. - Well mine makes sense does that mean I should go first? - Sure. - In a span of a few years our parents go from telling us come back home to leave home. - Okay I see that because of your kids. - Like come back home at a certain time, curfew to. - And then you get to your mid twenties leave. - Man it stinks over here - I went with in a span of a few years our parents go from telling us clean your plate to clean my plate. (laughs) - You make your kids clean your plate? - I mean, - Yeah I don't know - I don't either - Clean my plate kids, you've reached the age get over here and I can lick it lick my plate clean. - I thought of something until I got to the second part. - [Stevie] Okay in a span of a few years, our parents go from telling us sex is bad to I want grandkids. And I feel like I have to give it to Link because. - Clean your plate is a euphemism for sex Stevie. - No its not yeah the mirroring of the before and after. - [Stevie] Rhett please prepare your man bun. - Oh gosh with baby diapers. - Fully soaked. - I was like what is. - I like how you think Kalyn. - I thought it was lettuce Like heads of lettuce it was like heavy and it hurt. - [Stevie] Okay you ready for another one? - Oh whatever. - I'm having a hard time seeing, because there's pork rind grease on my glasses. - [Stevie] User rezzexofficial had this thought in the shower, cheese is just a blank. - Cheese is just a. - Okay. - I'm not looking at how big the blank is. - I know mine doesn't fit the blank. - Mine doesn't either. - They might fit conceptually. - Okay go first. - Cheese is just a substitute for love. - Okay I think that's sad. - If you can't find love find cheese. That should be the national Dairy Board's slogan. - How about what board should this be the slogan for. Cheese is just an argument for the existence of God. - Oh. - Like my wife she would say this, Christie loves cheese - She thinks God made it? - More than me, that's why she believes in God. - (laughs) okay - [Stevie] I honestly don't know who to award the point to because the answer is cheese is just a loaf of milk. - That's even better - Well I mean loaf and love. - [Stevie] I feel like you both are looking like you need a little bit of a shower to me. - Oh come on. (screams) - Oh it's cheese of course I keep forgetting that it's gonna be themed. - It's cold. - And a loaf of bread. (laughs) - You gotta give us a warning. - How did all of that get on my back? - Look how much cheese is sitting on my head. - Could use a little bit more. - I like that cheese cut. - Oh my gosh, is my marker still gonna work? Kalyn. - I love the smell of cheese on me. - And now I've got pork rinds and cheese that's like a chip flavor. - [Stevie] Our next shower thought comes from vpetrychuk who says, if a blank dies they'd still need to come into work one more time. - This seems obvious. - If I just take this literally. - Then we'll both get showered, somebody needs to get more creative. - I don't wanna get more creative than the right answer. - If we both give the right answer, we both get showered that's Kalyn's rules. - But if one of us gets the wrong answer then one of us gets showered. - Yeah that's why you should change your answer - No I'm just hoping that you might not get this. I just got some cheese liquid that went in my mouth. - What is the liquid? - It's just water, just cheese water. Cheese water went through my hair came down my nose and went into my mouth and I'm not complaining. - Cheese water ran down my back and then went into my crack. And I'm not complaining. I'm gonna need a new marker if this keeps up. Okay my answer is funeral director. - Mine's mortician. - [Stevie] If a morgue worker dies they'd still need to come into work one more time. - Morgue mortician - These are synonyms for the same thing, neither of which is a morgue worker. - A funeral director though. - We said the same answer. - [Stevie] Those both qualify as morgue workers, yes so I'm sorry to shower you once more, I'm not that sorry. [Voice] I'm really sorry. (laughter) - That was a big bulk of something. - [Stevie] Oh my god a boulder of gummy worms, nearly just caused you to wreck your entire face Link, it was close it was so close. - That's good - From Rhett or from - [Stevie] From your, Rhett got showered and yours were sitting in the bucket too long and formed a boulder. - Oh you got different ones. - Oh my gosh, I mean it was all one piece. - Are these safe to eat? - Kalyn I liked you earlier. - [Stevie] Our next shower thought comes from justjoshingiu. If Eminem's mom wanted to she could probably make a good amount of money blank. - We talking about Debbie? - Oh come on you know her name. - I just settled all my lawsuits you Debbie, I just censored myself by brrnking. - Now he's had a lot of problems with his mom, if I'm right about that. - Yeah I'm referring to the lawsuits. - The lawsuits. - I really need a shower ironically. - Mine would definitely work, that's all I've got to say about mine. - I was gonna say probably make a good amount of money on cameo, but the blank's a lot longer. Hi I'm Eminem's mom, happy birthday. (laughs) - You think that's how she talks? - I think so yeah - Woo I got the chills I got the cheese and gummy worm chills over here. Worms because of dead people got it, I get it now. - Okay Rhett what's your answer. - If Eminem's mom wanted to she could probably make a good amount of money asking her son for money. - He ain't gonna give her no money. - But he's got a lot of money. - Oh he's got a lot of money, but she already tried that she sued him - She should have just politely asked. - If Eminem's mom wanted to she could probably make a good amount of money selling child poems of his. You know because he's a poemer now, and the first raps that he wrote. - Ostensibly were poems is that what you're about to say? - Yeah worth a lot. - [Stevie] If Eminem's mom wanted to, she could probably make a good amount of money selling her own spaghetti sauce. - Oh vomiting on your mom's spaghetti. - Oh yeah another lyric, not the one I was thinking about. - You have to have certain neurological things happening to get to that. - Eight mile - [Stevie] You're both so wrong I'm so sorry, but I just feel like you need to both take another shower. (groans) - Why is it so cold? Oh because it's pasta with m&m's. - [Stevie] Eminem. - Oh why am I so stupid? Why am I so dumb? (laughs) You have an m&m in your glasses. - Do I? - Yeah. - [Stevie] Okay here's your last chance to avoid being showered by something else. - I was gonna say that link should've gotten the point because he said selling poems, and it was selling her own spaghetti, but I waited until you guys showered before I said that. - Thanks. - [Stevie] Our final shower thought comes from user crandganyon who says, the first person who blank must have been so relieved when it wared off. - When it wared off. - Okay all right. - First person to blank must have been so relieved when it wared off. This could be so many things. - First person to blank must have been so relieved when it wared off. So something happened that was scary but it wared off. - My pen's got too much pork rind on it, doesn't work anymore. - Got a pork rind pen. - Okay how confident are you in your answer? - I actually think this is a pretty good one, I feel good about this. - I think mine's pretty decent. - Okay well I go first then. - You go first. - The first person to lose their voice must have been so relieved when it wared off. (inaudible breathy speaking) - I'm gonna be like this forever no I'm not. I said first person to get sun burnt, well I said got sun burnt. The first person to got sun burnt must have been so relieved when it wared off. Think about it it's like, oh my gosh I feel horrible I've totally ruined myself. - You think okay. - My body is peeling. - [Stevie] The first person who inhaled helium must've been so relieved when it wared off. I gotta give the point to Rhett for this for voice. So Link that means the final shower is yours sir. - It's just an air shower, which in this circumstance is pretty good. - Oh thanks actually my hair style's back. - Back to normal, he's totally back to normal. - Here can you get this out of my glasses? (whirring) - Hey Jayce while you're at it get my cheese head. - Hey no no no no, you didn't win anything. - I did win you lost. - You get the golden shower cap and gown. - Oh - [Stevie] You can put the cap over your cheese hair. - I can trap the cheese in. - Look at that, Kalyn I want to thank you for doing such a great job thank all you mythical beasts who entered, we got one more of these things, coming up a little bit later but for now, thank you for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. (plane sounds) - Hi my name is Mike I'm at 21 thousand feet and it's time to spin the wheel of mythicality. - We got some adventurous mythical beasts y'all flying above the clouds Mike. - In a plane. - Well it's still impressive, if there was no plane it would be more impressive honestly, click the top link to watch us review baby shower gifts in good mythical more. - And to find out where the wheel of mythicality is gonna land. Join the starting lineup of team mythical with team mythical baseball tee and pennant flag available at mythical.com.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,387,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, gms2020, good mythical summer 2020
Id: dX2SEF7KgZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 24sec (924 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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