Hilarious Kids' Love Letters (GAME)

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saw it was guessing what kids said and thought shando would be the guest. dang it!

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/gcahoon 📅︎︎ Mar 05 2020 🗫︎ replies

yawn episode

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/MikeyCastellano 📅︎︎ Mar 05 2020 🗫︎ replies

The More really needed clips from the TV shows/movies

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/your_mind_aches 📅︎︎ Mar 06 2020 🗫︎ replies

ross butler.


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MilkBubbleMilkTea 📅︎︎ Mar 06 2020 🗫︎ replies
- Kids write the darndest things. - Let's talk about that. (warm electronic music) - Good Mythical morning! - Please welcome to the show one of the stars of "To All the Boys: PS. I Still Love You," out on Netflix, it's Ross Butler, y'all! - Hello, hello! (clapping and cheering) - Welcome to the show, man! - Hello, hello, hello, thanks for havin' me. - Hello, hello, hello. - Okay, Ross, and hey, that's on me. Are you a letter writer? - God no. (laughing) Who lites retters in-- Writes letters, writes letters anymore. - I don't know, we can't even say it anymore 'cause we don't even do it. - It's early. - Writer letters is probably the more modern thing to do, it's a lost art, but today, we're gonna be looking at love letters that are written by children. - Oh, good. - Mmhmm, it's time for They Eat Candy for Breakfast and Pee in Their Bed, but Kids Can Be Poets, Let's Read What They Said. Okay, like I said, we're gonna read actual love letters written by actual children. But certain words have been censored out and we have to guess what those words are, we gotta fill in the blanks. - Censored out, or just like blocked out, censored-- - Let's just say-- - It's all profanity. (laughing) - What kinds are you gettin' these from? - Okay, whoever gets closest to the actual letter as determined by judge Stevie is gonna get a point, but whoever is furthest from the answer, also determined by Stevie, will have to respond to that letter as if they are the person it's addressed to. The winner gets a stamp of approval from Ross Butler! - Oh, all right, my approval. - Let's see the first letter. - Yes. - [Link] Mom, I love more than rainbows and beautiful blue skies, I love you more than buttercups and wings of butterflies. I love you more than blank. - Wow. - I like the visual aids. - [Stevie] Guys, I don't wanna build this up, but I've never been so excited for you to fill in a blank 'cause this might be my favorite one of all time. - Okay, wow. - [Stevie] Hint, hint. - Something Stevie loves. Not smiling in Instagram photos. - [Stevie] Oh, low blow. - Is she a smolder? - Yeah, she likes smolder. - Yeah, I gotta check out her Instagram. - Oh, you already, you already have your answers. - Oh yeah. - Yeah, I got 'em, I don't know, because that's kinda what we're supposed to do is like write on the whiteboards. - I don't know if you know this about me, I'm a very person competitive game person, so-- - Oh, well, so am I. (chuckling) - I'm just here. (laughing) All right, I'mma go first 'cause I forgot to come up with an answer, so I just had to write Instagram. - Oh, really? - But the kids these days, you know much they're into the 'gram. - What, this looks like it could be a little bit older, so I went with, is it my turn? - Yeah. - Go for it. - I love you more than buttered biscuits. - Ah, yeah, with the Bs. - With the Bs, yeah. - Ooh, that's good! - Well, that's what I did, and after a couple of other options, I narrowed it down to boobies. (laughing) - [Stevie] Were you going off of what Link was saying? About what I liked? - Stevie loves boobies! - Yes! (laughing) You said it was one of your favorite things ever! - All right, let's find out the right answer. - I know you like buffaloes and bubbles. - What was that, I love you more than? - [Guys] Cow! - [Rhett] Oh, I had buffalo, but I crossed it out! - [Stevie] Oh my God, you did write buffalo! - Huh. - [Stevie] But you know what? Cows have boobies. - They do! - [Stevie] So, oh, they also butter. - Oh, and buttermilk biscuits. - [Stevie] Oh gosh. - Oh you know, it's up to you, judge Stevie. - [Stevie] You know what's easy, though? Link lost. - I'm seeing a cow-- - I know, I think Link definitely didn't get any. - [Stevie] But I'm gonna have to give this one to Ross because he's our guest. - Right, okay. - Oh no, don't, don't give me pity points. - No, I can accept that. - [Stevie] And no, 'cause he said butter as well. - Right. - And I would take it. - Don't give me pity points. - Yeah. - It's probably gonna get harder. Okay, I got the punishment 'cause-- - Just because I'm the guest, come on. - So I've gotta respond as mom. Don't know the kid's name, but-- - How 'bout Walter? - Son. (laughing) I received your letter. I'm glad that you love me. But what, what kind of experiences have you had with cow? (laughing) We need to talk. Scene. - All right. - I love you more than cow! - Again, what kids are gettin' these from? - Okay, let's see the next one. Do you like me? Yes or no. Classic, check yes or no. And then, I don't know, I don't know blank yet. But I'm under a lot of stress at home. (laughing) So I can't tell. PS. You don't know blank until you're blank. - What, whoa-- - We got three blanks to work with, guys! - Oh my, oh. - Ooh, the pressure is on! - Okay, we'll do one. - Do you like to-- I have an answer. - Okay, I'll go first on this one. - Okay, Rhett, go ahead. - Okay, I went with I don't know you yet, and then I went with, PS. You don't know jack until you're 18. (laughing) - What you got? - I don't know, I don't know love yet. - Oh, oh, oh! - Plus, I'm under a lot of stress at home, so I can't tell. PS. You don't know loneliness until you're single. - Oh, wow! (laughing) - This is very-- - So, so, he's basically puttin' her on a guilt trip. - Yeah, yeah! (laughing) - I said, I don't know girls yet, you don't know girls until you're 16. - Oh! So you went with an age as well. - Yeah. Was it the right answer? Let's find out. I don't know, I don't know myself yet! You don't know yourself until you're 18! - Wow! - What? Dang! - And what if his name is Jack? I got two blanks! (laughing) - [Stevie] You guys, you all did really pretty well on this. I think I have to give it to Rhett, 'cause you know. - Yeah, I agree with that. - Thank you, Stevie. - [Stevie] In the general. But who wants to write the letter back? - I said 16, that's only two away from 18. - But also, you're assuming that it's a guy responding, you don't know, it could be a girl responding. - Well, I'm just sayin', I was, you didn't write an age. - [Stevie] I think, Ross, you might have to write the letter back this round. - Oh, I have to write a letter back, so-- - Do you like me, yes or no? - Dear Felicity. (laughing) - Oh. - Oh. - I, as an almost 30-year-old man, I agree that you don't know yourself until you're 18, so I respect your choice. And I will go cry in a corner until you accept me. - Oh. (laughing) Well, I think all you had to do was check yes. - Oh! (laughing) - All right, let's see the next one. Oh, Roben-Marie loves Brian B. Yes, I really like you, I even love you, I'll never stop liking you, I hope I can come and blank your blank. I hope you love me, love forever, I hope you'll like me forever, bye! PS. I stell want to do with you-- - [Ross] Go with you, it's go with you. - Okay, go with you. (laughing) - [Rhett] We gotta get that clear. - [Link] PPS. I wish would go with me, I really do. Write back, bye! - I keep goin' back to my mind and I am only picturing one thing. - I got a lot of questions. - Y'all might as well just write something down 'cause I got this one on lock! - Mm, eh, ugh. (laughing) - [Link] It's stressful, isn't it? - I know, I, this is just could go so wrong. - Okay. - Or so right. - All right, I'll go first. I mean, this is pretty intense. I'm not gonna say obsessive, but I think that she wants to brush your hair. - Crunk. - You know, very intimate. - That's a little forward. - Yeah, Ross? - I'm gonna keep it really innocent and I hope I can come and pet your cat. - That's not, that's not innocent, Ross. (laughing) - Rhett? What's your answer? (laughing) - I went with kiss your face. (laughing) - Kiss your face. - Oh. - All right, what is it? I hope I can come and see your hamster! - Okay! - Whoa! - Man, this is pretty obvious, right? - [Stevie] Yeah, Ross definitely has that one. - Ross definitely won. - [Stevie] You know, hamsters have hair. - That's right. - [Stevie] So, I feel like, Rhett, you're writing the letter this time. - They also have faces! - [Stevie] Nah! (laughs) - That's a little too forward. - So I'm responding to Brian, right? - [Stevie] Yeah, sure. - This is confusing. - Hi Brian. (laughing) I don't have a hamster. (laughing) - Okay, next letter! (laughing) I love you with all my blank. I would say heart, but my blank's bigger! (laughing) - Why? - These kids! - What's bigger than a heart? I don't think this is right, but maybe it gets closer to the-- - Okay. - All right, we're gonna let you go first. Let's see what you got. - This is stupid, I love you with all of my biceps. (laughing) I would say heart, but my bicep's bigger. - Okay, that's good. - Just one by itself. (laughing) - My left bicep. - This is my dominant bicep. - An un-humble brag. - Yeah, that's what I was goin' for. - Go ahead, Link. - I think it's brain, my brain's bigger than my heart. (chuckling) - Sure. - Brain. - Oh. - Oh, we think the same! - I hope it's not brain. - I don't think it is because it doesn't fit. - No, but neither does bicep. - Let's find out. My butt? - Butt? (laughing) - [Link] I would say my heart, but my butt's bigger. - [Stevie] Okay, this one's definitely going to Ross. So wait, I need a joint letter back to this person with a big butt, please. - We received your letter. (laughing) You wrote one to each of us, so that makes us a little jealous. But yeah, I just have to say, I have noticed that badonkadonk of yours. And I'm, I'm listening. (laughing) - Oh what? - I like big butts and I cannot lie. - Now who you going to choose? - I don't wanna come in between you guys, sit this one out, I'll let you fit it out. Badonkadonk. - All right, let's see another one. - [Stevie] 'Kay, this is the lat one, guys. - Oh my gosh. - [Rhett] Baily, will you please come to my house? Let's play together. I think you are pretty like a blank or a blank. I'm not sure which. (laughing) You should come to my house and blank blank with me. I love you and I lost a tooth last night. I think I would like to a magic trick for you and then let you watch me blank blank. (laughing) Love, Bennet. - You know, I can relate to not being certain that you wanna do a magic trick for someone. It's like, I think it's like to do a magic trick for you, and then let you watch me blank blank, but I'm not sure. - I think I would like to do a magic trick for you. - Okay, well, I definitely put words in there. But I don't feel good about any of 'em. But I did make sentences. - Lots of blanks, I'm exhausted. - Okay. - Who wants to go first? - I'll go, I mean-- - A lot of activities. - I'm gonna slowly reveal this. I think you are pretty like a horse or a queen. - Oh. - Okay. - Hm, not sure what-- - Come to my house and do stuff with me. - Keep it general, that's good. - And let you watch me eat cake. (laughing) - Okay. - Again, I just, words came to mind, and I just put 'em there. - Yeah, all right, Ross, what'd you do? - I'm kind of in the same, in the same field, so I think you're pretty like a mouse or a rock. - Yeah, there you go. - I'm not sure which. - A mouse or a rock? (laughing) - I mean, rocks can be beautiful, have you seen Mount Rushmore? That's a rock. You should come to my house and do things. - Oh yeah, wow! - Do things. - Wow, do stuff, do things? - Uh-huh. - Do things, and I wanna do a magic trick for you and then let you watch me skip rope. - Oh, he's a rope jumper. - Yeah, 'cause if you're good at magic, you're probably good at-- - Yeah, one of 'em is like really specific and requires a lot of fine motor skills and the other one's a little bit more general. (laughing) - Okay. - You can fall back on the skip rope. - I'll put a Rhett here and try to censor mine. I said, I think you're pretty like an elf or a fairy, I'm not sure which. - I get that, I get that. - That's a good one, yeah. - You should come to my house and eat pretzels with me. - Oh. - That's a long word. - I'm just trying to go for the gusto, you guys went general because you're cowards! - Mmhmm! (laughing) - I love you and I lost a tooth last night, I think I would like to a magic trick for you and then let you watch me shower off. (laughing) - Wow, 'cause that magic, magic can get very intense. - He's startin' to feel it, you do a trick-- - Especially these days. - You do a trick for somebody you love, you start to feel a little dirty. - All right, Stevie, let's see the real thing. - I think you are pretty like a horse! - Whoa! - Or a ladybug! You said horse! - Horse, what! That's why none of you guys laughed, 'cause you were like, he got it right, he said horse! - [Link] You should come to my house and eat cheeses with me, I love you-- - [Ross] Eat cheeses? - [Link] I would like to do a magic trick for you and then let you watch me battle robots. (laughing) - I mean, horse, come on! What are the chances? - [Stevie] I know, we were all gasping back there. - The reason I said horse is because sometimes you look at a woman and she's got a big mane of hair and you're like, you're very horse-like. - [Stevie] Oh God. (laughing) - I understand Bennet's mind. - [Stevie] Okay, well, unfortunately, Ross, I do think this means you're writing a letter this round. The question is, actually, no, see, Rhett, on his board, also has the word eat, it's just in a different place, which means that he has more words. Which means Rhett wins this round. - I gotta give it to you, man. - Horse! - That idea with horse-- - You really-- - So who lost, Ross? - No. - [Stevie] Yeah. - That, oh, in this round, he did, yes. - For this round. - Okay. - You gotta respond to Baily. - No, to Bennet. - Bennet. - To Bennet, yeah, as Baily. - Bennet. (laughing) I would be honored to go to your house and eat cheeses with you. (laughing) Watch you do magic and battle robots, and I am flattered that you compared me to a horse. - Ask if you can shower off at his house. - Can I-- (laughing) I'll let you ask that question. (laughing) - Can Ross shower off at your house? - [Rhett] He's too smart for that! - Okay. - I'm gonna, I don't necessarily agree with what Link just asked you, but I will definitely go and watch you do all of those things. - Okay, so I got the point, but that wasn't enough to send me into first place. So Ross, you win! - Ross, you have won! (clapping) And you win, you get to give yourself a stamp of approval. You know, anywhere you want, it could be the forehead, it could be the wrist. Oh yeah. - I'm gonna do it. - Ah, yeah, there we go. Get a close-up of that. - [Ross] Oh, there's a wire. I'm not a robot. - [Link] Yeah, push dat. All right, you're approved. - Oh, look at that. - Approved! - Thanks to Ross for joining us today, thank you, man. Make sure to check out "To All the Boys: PS. I Still Love You" on Netflix! - Thanks for subscribin' and clickin' that bell. - Now say, you know what time it is. - You know what time it is. - Hey, I'm Asha from India, and I'm a bedding in Jaipur, and I got the GMM logo hennaed on my hand and it's time to spin the Wheel the Mythicality! - We approve! - Awesome! Click the top link to see us match the famous butler quote to the famous Butler in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land! - [Rhett] Now you can be charmingly Mythical, get your Mythical necklaces at Mythical.com.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,309,705
Rating: 4.9248013 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, season 17, s17, will it, taste test, Hilarious Kids' Love Letters (GAME), ross butler, to all the boy, ps, i still love you, to all the boys, to all the boys 2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 05 2020
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