When Muckbang + ASMR Goes too Far (SSOYOUNG)

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[Music] the one time we need PETA they're like what about animal crossing do they need help what's up guys my name is kitchen man and today I'm talking about something I didn't really want to Soyoung is what I would call my youtube career but also the name of a very established mukbang uh whose admittedly very good at what she does cuz I cannot figure out how such a small sized lady eats such copious amounts of food however there is a problem she's not as kind to these animals while they're alive is she could be and that is why I'm here before we get fully fully started I just want to say two things one I just want to say thank you so much I read some of the comments from the last video and I'm just so grateful that you are supporting me on this thing secondly we got the Dirty Dozen you guys are crazy seemingly people have already decided what we're doing when we get to a first milestone which is 15 as a QA and you guys can ask absolutely anything and I will answer whatever you want it doesn't have to be about me it can be anything I'll just answer it so I'm just gonna mock that quick so if you're new here do subscribe I'm Molly before 2020 and hit me up on Instagram if you want to slide in I do actually still reply to everyone you can verify that but let's go can I be fully honest with you I'm scared I'm scared that hope fanbase will come after me and not understand what I'm trying to say I have no problem with her eating bikini bottom ok if he wants to fight Larry the lobster go ahead eat the [ __ ] out of him there's also videos where she eats a sudden fish alive I don't have a problem with that either because he kills Akua Akua I feel like I fully said that wrong I'm so sorry to all the Japanese people as a Japanese tradition prepared alive I know she's not Japanese I know she's South Korean doesn't matter you can adopt any culture I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt you can eat the food alive do you know why one of my favorite people one of my favorite people ever ever he's food alive sometimes too not only does he eat food he drinks things what things he's a connoisseur off drinking young piss his name's Bear Grylls and if if you're gonna just flush the stuff down the toilet well why don't you just give it to him ok maybe he wants it big rolls don't flush that we we give it to me me sorry might be a little bit of a tangent but I just wanted to show you something oh my goodness all right when I was a kid I used to think the grub looked amazing I didn't when I grew up I didn't think it still looks amazing just didn't dude watch The Lion King once he was like I can do this I felt the need to show you that because Peter came after him so I wonder why they have never went after this goal because they're about cruelty to animals right and if this man is being cruel to animals by that logic so is she isn't I'm just asking I don't know why they going after my man's Bear Grylls okay he's done a lot of things this is a man way elephant poop for what I don't know there's no reason he just was in a desert he's like look if you need to survive your job but if it's a choice between life and death there's a survival trick I was shown by an old ranger one thing you can do if you're stuck out here with no water source at all is actually drink the fluid from a fresh elephant dung if someone's stuck in a desert and my option is I'm eat elephant poo poo or die goodbye get the coffin oh this man did a survival mission without even needing to do you know how baller that is do you know I'm baller those he didn't need to eat the elephant poo poo he wanted to that's baller son that is Bear Grylls a man who sometimes eats things live but never once tortures the animals see the thing with bear is that whenever he finds something thing the first thing he does is swiftly kill it listen so there's no game today I know sucks except there is a game you little babies it's not a paper game now it's a real game since soyoung's videos involve her playing around with the fish and then eating it I thought I'd fill in the blank and show me cooking a fish the only difference is I do not have the money to buy Larry the lobster stunt double I cannot afford a big mukbang what I can do though is my own invention that I made it's called the petite palate it's a little bit of food just enough for me not maybe not even for me it's a one slice of salmon a little bit of mussels and calamari and other crap and some mushrooms served on a beautiful platter I told you this kitchen was gonna come in handy might as well wear the hats hi i'm baller as hell son you didn't even know it all right let's look at some of this footage [Applause] yeah this isn't one of the videos that she she plays with her food so to speak so the shock is it's Jade chillin it seems I have stumbled onto something by mistake I was wondering why it was less than ten minutes in the original shock video she took out a portion where she played around with it if there's one thing I think everyone can agree on if you find a video detestable enough that you delete it it's bad right okay I don't know II hit the shock as well has moved away from it um look if we're gonna oh let's not pretend lots of us may eat meat I eat meat I love a good meat but that's not the issue here the issue is that she's on camera pretending to to be scared of an animal that that is not dancing by the way that's not a dancing fish that's a fish fighting for its life you know if you reverse that situation if if one of us was in the water drowning and the shark was just watching it would look like the most inhumane cruel thing in the world it's just it's really unnecessary and the fact that you removed it from the video it does make it a lot better the things we do for YouTube views huh but this is not the only time she's done this it's it's kind of a mo it's been her mo for a little bit here's another one ASMR amazing monster fish black scared of it and does it every episode I mean I guess that's the stick you pretend every like the fish that I bought for the video I guess you know it's a bit harder to do that when the when the food's already cooked wouldn't that look really weird like you just see a hot dog okay so here is the fish kinda save its life if you didn't know fishes don't do well out of water oh she's bopped it she just but imagine struggling for air imagine struggling it's insulting okay okay I didn't think she's gonna turn into Mike Tyson and start beating up on the fish right okay you put the thing in the fish's mouth and it bit on it I just want to say that was kind of cruel I know a little bit about fishing my pops and his his brother we're pretty much champion anglers in South Africa so they took me to a lot of fishing we did short fishing and when I was young maybe three or four years old my dad caught this beautiful beautiful fish and I dug a little hole I had my bucket and my spade a dug a hole put some I put some plastic around it so that it wouldn't seep into the sand we made like sort of I made sort of a makeshift lake for that beautiful beautiful fish it scales just rippled and it was so it just looked amazing and as my my dad and my uncle were fishing throughout the night I stopped and I just watched the fish so I always watching the fish and I began to cry and when my dad came up to get another fish that he caught I asked him to let this one go and he looked at me he got a little mad he looked at me but he did it and that night when we went home he said you know there's one or two things you do when you catch a fish you either let it go immediately or you kill it there's there's no in-between you don't play around with your food people on YouTube try and get trying to get a lot of views by playing around with their food people find it entertaining I get that but I think there are other ways to entertain and listen Soyoung I've seen her eat edible tape it doesn't it's not that far from what she's been doing like the views are still steady people really like her for her so that's great that's amazing and I think if she's kept on that Lane nobody would have a problem with it you know that's all I'm saying if you if you cut out the start where you when you dropkick to fish if you cut out that pot and you just eat it I'm with you here's another video of so young eating live mud fish and eel why is she so scared but then want to eat them isn't this your channel on YouTube there's enough fear factor Joe Rogan isn't gonna come out and then tell you about DMT for eight hours that's the effect Joe Rogan just not hey have you heard about DMT a Joe I i watch your podcast Joe I've heard about it a couple of times yes this is your channel you'd get to decide what you eat why are you scared what I don't know if these are freshwater eels I'm just assuming they are by the way they moved pouring salt onto freshwater fish is very painful to them laughs after there's probably one of the scariest things I've seen in a long time that looks like someone who knows what they're doing and playing it up for views and trying to hide their happiness and masqueraded as being scared I mean you did do the correlative Olaf and you know what that's a good comparison actually because I guess that's the other thing people get desensitized these these look like alien warm animals so these don't look like you know things that you would like to have around in your house but if he did substitute them imagine if that was a dog Rover and you just heated him across the room suddenly that is the worst thing in the world right objectively speaking this breaches the YouTube guidelines of animal cruelty so and you know that's what it is that's YouTube it's not you would not even think twice about doing this if it didn't get views did you know that it's not just her it's the people watching her if people were like oh that sucks then she'd go straight to eating it it's just that people like wow this is pretty good i love when you scream and the fish is dying for air absolute garbage the fish is absolutely just dying and then she holds it by the tail and like smacks it around like that that's that's overkill no no no that's what you take the fish out you kill it and then you eat it you I've never seen someone at ribs Lobster be like oh is that your lobster [Laughter] legs broken man it's just it's so it's so stupid that's why I'm laughing I'm like we're talking about something that could be avoided so easily yeah one of the top comments on her video just so everyone knows this is absolutely cruel an octopus has an estimated IQ of 120 the octopus has nine brains one in its head and one in each tentacle and each tentacle is fully capable of feeling on its own I don't know if you can imagine being Bond alive but if you could imagine that times 9 that's kind of what's gonna happen in this video thing is she could have probably killed it first that you know it's not easy to see it's not easy to see things like I love chicken okay I love chicken I love me some KSC baby if someone told me that the chicken was being cooked alive I I would say no I don't think it's fair and I think that was too much I think that there's the there's where she overdid it for instance it's not okay it really it isn't okay to to cook a live animal it's the it's like the cold it's no feeling whatsoever no I just pull it put it on then and then kill it and just be okay like okay all right all right because here's the argument fish don't feel pain apparently there are studies that prove that they do okay all you have to do is quickly google that but there are also studies that say they don't so we're at an impasse i watch this documentary and it touched my heart it was about a fish searching for another fish a clownfish it's a documentary called Finding Nemo an Ellen DeGeneres played a shark and Shaquille O'Neal wasn't in it what I'm trying to say is that different living organisms it's a bit cruel to assume how things are feeling don't you think it's cool YouTube again is a wasteland of lots of things people do a lot of things on YouTube and some are more egregious than others but when it comes to animals and children it's just two things that gave me that's all so young if you're watching this I really hope that you're doing well and that staying safe and stuff I do hope that in the future you choose to do this less um I'm sure you will I'm sure you'll be fine I hope you see our points of view that's all at this very moment fresh fish isn't available so I shall use frozen fish that's a little bit of salmon baby like I said this ain't a mukbang this is a petite palate mushrooms not only do i smoke up my eadamson this is that good good I always loved those cooking shows like Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsay should do it like you know they're always it's just that accent it always makes me feel so home alright mushrooms mushroom city mushroom sauce a little saucy you know it's saucy yeah here's the secret you don't want them cut up too small because they'll shrink in the pen so one cut down the middle walks for me [Music] I'm gonna salt it this fish is gonna be a hater because it's so [ __ ] salty okay and this is supposed to be good luck if you do it behind one of your shoulders so here's so million I have to clean that up I don't know how that was good luck [Music] if a fish wants a compliment because he's just fishing for compliments comedic but like what's up guys it's me it's bay meet Oliver I'm in the kitchen I'm cooking up people have asked me a lot of questions one of one of the most popular ones is which path England are you from Jamie I mean by me - Oliver are you from are you from Bay meet Oliver no it's a salmon it's really really it's got great I've I've been cooking for like many many years I was I was cooking in the womb yeah I had a lot of time I was just swimming around the juices stewing about no this is how you cook it don't don't at me this is how you cook it people ask me are you changing accents and I say no of course not school people used to call me little BJ Bay meet Oliver no BJ I thought it was a pretty cool name right now I'm kind of thinking is probably it was bullying but but back then it was pretty cool BJ little BJ [Music] it's coating that pan baby so what I'm gonna do after is just put a little bit of that muscles and stuff in the bottle just a bit just to make it a little bit seed pellet so we have a little bit of everything the butter is pretty good to substitute for oil in this case that's gonna be a meme at some point I know it [Music] all right let me come clean so what I did yesterday was I made the food put it on the table filmed a pretty good conclusion while I was eating the food and when I was looking at the footage turns out I pressed the stop button not the record button so I filmed two seconds here it is Wow so just suspend your disbelief for a second what I'm gonna do is I have a fork here I'm gonna edit in me eating food while I do the conclusion and you probably won't even notice the difference to be honest I'm I'm decent no petting this is already so so young so young so young let's just be honest she's she's good at what she does um eating copious amounts of food as a small person always it's like interesting to watch I'll give her props for that eating seafood love it I love seafood you know uh eating live food that's a bit of a toss-up sure where I do draw the line his is the intro she has where she where she punches a fish show like takes it out the water and wrestles with it as it fights for its life if you find the need to take that out of your own video and not say anything about it chances are it is pretty bad right I just wanted to express my feelings cuz my pops and my uncle was champion fisherman and I guess we we always knew how to treat them and like I said again not every video she does is like that so I don't have a problem though in fact Soyoung less know this line is gonna sound stupid now there's no fish but so young I don't think you'll see this to you I'm just a drop in the ocean um but why don't we bury the hatchet and share a little seafood of our own as you can see I have made a salmon here's to you so young hopefully one day you and me can mukbang together and to you guys thank you so much love you guys for watching I hope you stay safe and I will see you very soon for the next one oh it would have been so much better if I had the salmon I know I know [Music] let us fail [Music] Oh
Channel: sixteenleo
Views: 390,213
Rating: 4.9199252 out of 5
Keywords: ssoyoung, ssoyoung vs her food, ssoyoung animal cruelty, ssoyoung shark video, ssoyoung octopus, ssoyoung asmr, ssoyoung mukbang, asmr, #ssoyoung #mukbang #asmr #funnymoment #fan, this mukbang youtuber went too far (ssoyoung), 이팅사운드, 쏘영 ssoyoung, scary mukbang, weird mukbang, mukbang octopus, asmr eating, korean mukbang asmr, h3h3 productions, ethan klien, realsound, someordinarygamers, critikal, inabbers, satire, sixteenleo, comedy
Id: bZaIRIkYU18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 51sec (1431 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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