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before this video starts i want to say thank you so much for clicking on it a portion of what i make on this video in my other video i'm donating to a whole adoption agency it is the agency my mom went through to get me so thank you so much just by watching this video it's helping other little boys and girls in other countries this is going to make me cry oh no i know but i don't want to cry hi guys welcome back to my channel hi this is my mom hi adoptive mom and a lot of you guys want to know her opinion on the subject and everything like that i want to say before this even starts i've done a lot more research i have watched almost i think all of without a crystal balls videos on this subject i'm a lot more educated than i was in the last video so i know that some of you guys said that i wasn't that educated i wasn't in that video but now i am and i will link uh without a crystal ball down below so if you want to check it out she does a very good job of explaining everything that is going on i am not going to tell the story again because if you're watching this video you probably already know it uh we're just here to get my mom's input and everything like that was there anything that changed from the time that i watched the videos i mean now they're under investigation okay but that but nothing with the basic story has changed that would change my mind about anything no okay i mean it said they they can't find him like the police like can't find him also if you're new here thank you so much to all the new subscribers wow thank you so so much also i didn't really realize how that video was gonna do um it almost has like 20 000 views now my mom knows pretty much the whole story i'm just gonna let her take over for this portion of the video um alex brought this to my attention and of course being the mother of an adopted child from china so she showed that to me and then i had her show me some additional videos that other people had posted about it so i could get some more information about it so i just felt that you know having an adopted child from china it made me very interested in the topic and i did really feel like it was heartbreaking um some things they said about you know china not being totally honest about things i can i can vouch that that was partially true when i was adopting um for alex there were certain requirements to adopt and you had to meet certain criteria to be on their healthy baby list i had applied for the healthy baby list and when we picked alex up and picked up the other babies at the orphanage that were within our group um i would say that most of them had some kinds of issues that i maybe would not have put them on that healthy baby list i guess healthy has a broad range of definitions evidently some of the girls did have some issues alex was one of them alex was a year old and probably was developed physically like a six-month-old so it did take her quite some time to catch up to where she would have been had she been you know born in the united states to a family and been taken care of and not been in an orphanage laying in a bed probably all by herself not getting any attention for an entire year so that in itself is heartbreaking and then to think of a child with special needs that may have been in that same situation and then adopted and then re-abandoned and i can't believe that people are using the terminology re-homed uh re-home to me is what you do with a pet they gave their child up who had already been adopted they gave that child up for adoption because they couldn't handle that child when i adopted i i knew that you know we there may be issues because when you adopt just like when you have a baby yourself you do not know how that baby is going to turn out so we did not know what alex was going to be like when we got her when i got her at the orphanage she did something that i was not aware that even had a name it's called the orphanage rock and evidently for babies that are in an orphanage that are not getting any attention and need to have a way to soothe themselves or comfort themselves if they've been hurt or they're hungry they learn in the orphanage that crying and doesn't really get them anywhere so it took alex a very long time to even cry for i would say several weeks she sat and i'll do my little imitation if you don't mind me doing here's my invitation of alex fresh from the orphanage alex would sit and she would chew her clothes and rock back and forth and make noise so she would go [Music] really yes oh gosh yes sometimes i feel like doing that today so with so that let us let us know right away that she was going to have some issues we didn't know what they were we didn't know if she was going to be autistic we didn't know but we could tell right then the first night she was in my hotel room that there were going to be issues with her and she was not as far along developed as we thought she was going to be and might in fact have some other issues that would need to be addressed and i was on the healthy baby list these other people wanted a child with special needs right i go back to the hotel that night i did call my family doctor who also happened to be my best friend and i called her and i said listen i don't know what this is because she is just rocking i can't get her attention she doesn't make eye contact when i try to feed her i've got a little bowl of cereal and i have to beat on the side of that bowl with the spoon to even have get her attention to have her look up she's totally withdrawn sometimes i'm still that way get your attention you know i was concerned back then that has been some time ago once you left the orphanage that baby was yours just like when you leave the hospital and you have a baby that baby is yours it comes out of your body it belongs to you whatever the issues are and in china when you leave that orphanage and you take that baby that is your baby so i knew at that point that whatever was gonna have to happen with alex that i would provide that my entire family pitching in everybody helped alex in one way or another we had a very good friend who was a pretty well-known child psychologist in columbus family that sent some one of her people over to do a total evaluation of alex and basically said you know she appears to be physically healthy she's just really far behind develop developmentally um so she's going to have to have a lot of help learning to she doesn't crawl she doesn't stand up she has lower body doesn't have much muscle mass so we're going to have we're just going to have to work on that this is going to make me cry oh no i know but i don't want to cry but they gave us some advice and that advice was every day counts so every single day she made progress and i just i can't imagine taking this child from an orphanage where the child had been abandoned who knows how this other little boy had been abandoned but oftentimes in china they're either abandoned in the woods or on the side of the road alex was left as far as we know in a cardboard box at an intersection so you take a child who's already been abandoned once and then you abandon them again i can't even imagine and you know i read all i didn't know anything about adopting i didn't know anyone who was adopted i did she also had to be a certain age i talked about that yes you had to be a certain age to adopt at that point but nobody in my family was adopted i didn't know anything about adoption who knows what kinds of attachment disorders they could potentially have the son huxley did have attachment issues yeah i you know i had seen things on like 60 minutes and things like that about families that had children that they had adopted and they had this detachment or attachment disorder or they were even their own children that had that disorder or you know adopted children that you know required counseling because they understand why they were abandoned and you know feeling like their birth family didn't want them and there was something wrong with them because they had been adopted to think that a child could possibly have that kind of issue along with being a special needs child being adopted being an asian child in a white family yes is also another issue so you have to be prepared for that that there may be issues in my case being a little older than the average mommy for uh children alex's age you know i'd have like little kids asking me if i was a grandma which was always very delightful there were a lot of things to consider but the one thing i never ever ever considered was trying to send her back or re-home her with another family i didn't even want anyone else to look after alex i wanted to be there every minute of every day to see when she started eating solid food when did she take her first step when you know when did she say her first word all of those things that were milestones that were easy probably for other kids were not that easy for alex and i can't even imagine being having a special needs child that had already gone through all this trauma you know being abandoned being adopted being in a caucasian family and then to be re-homed and to not have that family that you had already become attached to you know i know they said they gave you know all kinds of therapies and things well i gave therapies too and i understand that the things that you know were you know seemed to be deficient in alex at the time were fairly easy things to fix but it took over time to do that and it wasn't a super easy thing to do so i can't even imagine how hard it would have been for a child with some severe issues when you sign up intentionally for special needs and then you can't handle those special needs especially from and she was a nurse she was a nurse okay i didn't see that in the video but she was a nurse evidently yeah there's also there's other stuff about they had gotten advice from a doctor to not go through with the adoption because you do receive information at least we did 20 something years ago you got a sheet of paper that told you information about that child maybe some of it was exactly correct maybe some of it wasn't there were different at that point in time different levels of lists that you could be on so there was the healthy baby list and there was the um slight i don't know what they called a slight impairment or something light special knees and then there were heavy physical needs like you know a heart murmur or maybe a cleft palate or something that would require surgery so there were different lists that you could that you basically could choose from i want to be on this list or this list overall my reaction this whole thing was i can't believe that anyone would do that to their child not only because it's just their child but because this child has already gone through so much trauma in their lives and just having gone through just a smidgen of that with alex i can't even imagine um what what they what they did so i have some comments this is um some of your comments that you left on my last video so good to hear your perspective i think the adoption agency should bear some responsibility for their inability to sus suspect maybe this couple's immaturity and plastic personas people say that they did it for the views you only have to listen to micah the woman for 30 seconds to see that she lives in la la land should the adoption agency should have screamed them better like what do you think should they have asked what do you do for a living so they know that they're putting their kids online they're biological kids even i think they probably would have at least yeah they should be adopted right when i adopted alex you had to put together an entire dossier to be sent to china for them to look through that and to select a child from amongst their all of their orphanages to select that child for you the adoption agency is going to be different than the government of china they would have worked with an adoption agency here that works with the government so the adoption agency here their job is to work as a liaison between you and the chinese government they probably knew all of that i mean i had to fill out where i work um you know where you work where you play information about your house your family how you were raised you had to almost write an essay on your entire family so they did go into a lot of detail at that point in time so i don't know if that's changed but i felt like the person that did my home study that that person almost became like my sister by the time we were finished with the process because that person knew me so well and had spent so much time with me so i don't know but i also know that it's their job to find a placement for a child if you meet the requirements of that country then their job is really is not to say ah you're too fake you shouldn't be you shouldn't be a mother because that fake mother is probably a better mother than they have in an orphanage in china if they don't have anyone so you know fakeness you know having them online i don't know what they told them obviously they do some investigation so they probably knew they put their kids online but you know that's kind of how things are here a lot of people do that and from the videos i saw i mean i couldn't really tell that she was plastic because the parts that i saw she was like crying and i thought that felt a little fake but i i really i'm not i'm not a fan of hers i'm not a subscriber to her account so i don't know what she's like normally so i really don't know but i would imagine she looks pretty pretty fun and nice when she's doing her other videos probably i mean she has a lot of subscribers so they probably appeared to be very nice people and they may be very nice people in a very bad situation you are a credit to your parents they both did a fantastic job why thank you also micah was a nurse for years we just kind of touched on that a nurse certainly would have had more experience than i had um in dealing with the child with special needs or you know additional needs above and beyond what a child normally would have how old was he when he was adopted he was i believe two okay yeah because he's four now okay they've had him for like about that's right they have four bio children she gave up on huxley around having her biological baby fans and people that followed them closely say that she kind of withdrew from huxley because of this new baby it seemed to be a very interesting timing of those events that all of a sudden she has a brand new baby which takes up a lot of time and infant does take up a lot of your time and honestly i can't imagine having four children so i would not have adopted him in the first place already having children because i can't imagine having to handle that many children on my own without having assistance because i know how many of it it does take a village and i know how many of us it took um just with alex so i can't imagine him having that many kids i wouldn't have adopted in the first place and then i definitely would not have gotten pregnant while i was trying to deal with um a special needs child if i was having that many problems i just heard about this a few days ago and honestly thought of you i wondered what your take on it would be my jaw literally dropped when i saw a video about it initially i am the oldest of four girls my mother was a single mom who had a very hard time raising us so she gave my younger three up for adoption it's a very long story but suffice suffice suffice to say my bad reading's not my forte so i just say adoption plays a significant role in my life i believe a trust fund should be set up for huxley with a significant amount of money they made from his adoption blogs slash sponsored content slash brand deals and any future book deals he needs an attorney or some type of legal advocate that can look out for him because he has been heavily exploited this just hurts my heart so much there are so many people who want to raise a child so badly they already had kids to begin with alex i would love to hear what your moms have to say about this lastly i'd like to know what their youtube friends think about all this rehome stupidness that's a very good comment that is so oops oh knock over the camera i won't be invited back um about the explosion exploiting exploiting okay all i have to say about that is if youtube had been a thing when we adopted alex i would be a millionaire by now i would be sipping my tie on the beach in tahiti um she was such a wonderful little child and we had so much fun with her and it was so much fun watching her develop and we could have made a lot of money then but i also do believe if you're in the entertainment business there are laws that protect children that's what everyone wants youtube to do right because um there's a thing called a coogan account and this was because of um an actor whose parents took all of his money when he was a kid and basically left him with nothing so there are laws that protect children who are in the entertainment business and a certain percentage of their money has to go into this cougan account in order to protect them so i think if a child is on youtube i think that counts as entertainment just because it's not now it's on a tv show per se or a movie i do think it counts as entertainment i think that's an excellent idea to set up a trust fund he should have some kind of trust fund he should have an attorney maybe he should have some kind of guardian appointed by the court uh to make sure that you know his finances are kept in doors especially since these special needs whoever has adopted him uh for this his second forever family they will probably need some kind of additional support financially if he has a lot of medical bills i don't know exactly what all of his issues are but um he probably would need that so i think that's a very good um a very good idea to do that and i do think that they should especially if what i have heard and i have seen their subscribers and their views everything just went skyrocketed when they started this adoption journey so it was all based on adopting him the husband also has a channel where he cleans cars that has like nine hundred thousand subscribers so well cleaning his cards is fine that's his and huxley had nothing to do with that although although one could say huxley was a good advertisement for the entire family correct so all of their channels benefited from his adoption yep i also have a few other questions my first question for you sherry is what do you think about them duct taping huxley's thumb to get him to stop sucking his thumb but they're biological kids they did not do that um i don't really know a lot about that um i know that you were a thumb sucker yeah and i didn't never had braces either so yeah my teeth aren't really that bad we just decided that kids normally don't go to college and suck their thumbs and so that eventually peer pressure would make you stop and it did but i don't know i mean he has special needs yeah so i don't know what his ability is to reason so they may not have had any way to actually reason with him to get him to stop sucking his thumb although i would hope there would have been some other kind of method other than duct taping it that seems kind of achy um a lot of people will put like a guard something they had a guard on at one time on the thumb or maybe put something on it that the child doesn't like so when they put in their mouth it tastes terrible they don't want to do that again my second question is um what do you think about them putting huxley's meltdowns kind of like online and stuff i don't know i'm i'm kind of all for um like education education but still transparency yeah maybe if they had put more of that stuff online people would not have such harsh opinion um the only thing when i saw those meltdowns online the only thing that i didn't really like about it was their response to his meltdowns online yeah and i forget exactly what kind of verbage she was using but i know it made me feel like she wasn't being um i don't know she wasn't being like very stupid to him yeah and it was kind of like you know okay are you done are you done yet just wasn't very caring all right are you finished are you done yeah you gotta go yeah um i i just don't know i think that's a very um odd way to respond to that sort of thing so it's not what i would have done closing thoughts well closing thoughts i know that alex is not the only person who is um doing a video about this right right and there's so many right so a lot of people are giving their opinions about this uh the opinions that we are giving are our own opinions everybody has their own opinion and they're entitled to their opinion a part of the video funds from this video i am going to donate to halt in adoption okay the hold adoption agency is the agency that um i went through to adopt alex and we still give money to them and i sponsor a child in china okay so i think that's about it for this video i know this was kind of rambly um but i just wanted it to be more like raw and stuff so if you guys enjoyed it make sure to give it a thumbs up let us know your thoughts down below of this whole situation i love reading your comments and everything again i will link down below a good resource so you can also learn more about the story and i will also link down below where you can donate to help other kids in china and other countries don't forget to subscribe and i'll see you guys in my next video bye
Channel: Alex Jayne
Views: 2,023,823
Rating: 4.9750519 out of 5
Keywords: alex jayne, myka stauffer huxley, adoption, myka stauffer adoption, mykastauffer, mykastaufferadoption, huxley, mykastaufferrehomedchild, mykastaufferscandal, fosteradoption, myka stauffer rehomes son, myka stauffer returns adopted son, myka stauffer, the stauffer life, huxley stauffer, myka stauffer son, huxley myka stauffer, myka stauffer rehome, myka stauffer scandal, myka stauffer response, james stauffer, opinion on myka stauffer, stauffer garage, myka stauffer rehomes kid
Id: QYz1bj0IY-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 16sec (1336 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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