Trisha Paytas (And Her "Alters") Are Hypocrites

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I have multiple personality disorder or disassociate video disorder I'm sorry I'm so sorry I don't know what else is sad to say sorry and that this doesn't support ever doubt be skeptical given the lack of what oh okay what's up you big babies it's me is 16 Leo you'll see in a couple minutes why I did that just just let it go for now today's topic unfortunately is about Tricia P show me show me show me everything I just want to say Tricia if by some miracle you're watching this and to everyone else who's watching this please stay safe guys I can't stress that enough I want everyone to be okay even huh because we shouldn't wish harm on to people so I looked at the videos and I kind of watched them backwards I watched the one where she was like I'm not okay and I was like oh what is everyone doing it for show why do they not like her then I watched the one before that and she was like soda crying but sort of not and I was like and then I watched the one before that where where she caught her alter personalities on camera and I was like oh I see and then I watched the one before that was she absolutely laid into Anthony Padilla and I was like oh and then I watch the one before that where she started it all now I have some context personally I've kind of find for sure entertaining in a molecular way you know you see something you like Wow Trisha Trisha Paytas and Soulja Boy a lot in common you might not want to listen to their music but you love the antics here's the game Trisha Pete the line every time she crosses the line with some hypocrisy I'll draw a line and we'll see how many times it happens after watch like like a hundred videos of the song okay so the first video and bring up is Anthony Bedelia I like the channel super dope he did one on multiple personalities the ID disassociative identity disorder hard to say for me now one of the people that Anthony interviewed is called Nana and she has a channel called disassociate did I hope I'm saying that right she's dedicating a whole channel to di D right I mean she knows what she's talking about next thing you know Trisha drops the fire video called meet my alters and she has di D all of a sudden let's just get into it so a video which I've actually talked about quite frequently I think I've talked about it I was doing a girl who I feel like it's something that I don't necessarily delve into or even talk about you keep saying I by the way I just want you to notice that cuz that's gonna change yeah cleavage she knows what she's doing I wish the h3 podcast she got an only fans account that means only fans are paying her to see some some some sensual things I don't really know you know who I'd pay for mr. bean I've never seen him without his shirt on I want to I wish I could be like what's up guys it's 16 Lee and like my ball hanging out imagine just imagine what's up guys it's your boy 16 Leo I got some balls cleavage hmm I'm in this position and I can't escape it No so anyway in my real life so many people ask do you have a disorder are you diagnosed with something are you bipolar ease gets out I'm like honestly I've never been diagnosed with anything and I have self diagnosed myself I guess there's your problem oh yeah no I'm still [ __ ] you diagnose yourself doctors normally diagnose you Trisha that's why can you help me get down then in the form of my halter so I feel like the alters are my multiple personality make them my disassociative miss is in a different rock this is some JRR Tolkien's type lore how does one doesn't say so much say so little that's a skill in actuality I've talked about it plenty of times definitely wanted to go bitey I didn't want to be a human so the thing would Trish and the thing that I wanted to bring up is that she is a master class in manipulation she she knows what she's doing she's a hustler and you you gotta give a props for that man now the first video she's got the makeup on and stuff by the end of this you're gonna know there's no makeup she just wants to portray herself as the victim that's the thing with Trisha she plays the victim card like no one else yeah you wanna know secret the two cards the yugioh band was the race card and the victim card you can't play that in yu-gi-oh victim cars are crazy in this day and age and in the social media age everyone wants to feel victimized either for attention or sympathy and here's the thing it happened many times before oh my God look in the sky is that me we fell for that and that's kind of the thing with social media it's both the gift and a curse it's a gift because it brings people together but it's a curse because people can see it as an opportunity to either gain fame recognition attention or sympathy from something they don't even have like Trisha I've watched a lot videos of this recently at the most recently obviously Anthony Padilla did this and I was like so you watched a video of people who had di D then decided you also have di D again I know this sounds like weird because I've watched people with the same struggle I don't know how to describe it to me I don't consider it a disorder but this I have multiple personality disorder where disassociative identity disorder or both has disorder in the name I'm doing it one line has been crossed this sounds crazy I sound like I am losing my mind when I watch other people talk about it I'm like they're crazy like I watch them him do you want me on there's a girl disassociated I watched it as I go like she seems crazy that's the comment that I think started this whole snowball effect and the only person the only people who would say that the idea is crazy are ones who can never understand what it's like to have that so it really seems like Trisha doesn't have it because you wouldn't say that she called Ninh from disassociated crazy and Anthony doing the right thing came to her and the community's aide but he old Trisha strikes again you gotta love her spirit okay extremely heated and extremely emotional right now again the airbags up out you want to go for trip up to and this video is specifically to Anthony Padilla just like her nails her symptoms a fake you're the one line has only come when my Bulls up on the counter I'm sorry for being so cross right now but I can't get down again you Anthony pretending to be some sort of mental health advocate to be a spokesperson for mental health and depression he we have anybody out here if this gets demonic eyes okay you for like act like some sort of white knight claiming you have disassociative identity disorder is not cool excuse to mock people in the community and call them crazy I told you it'd come in handy it's not even like the crazy thing is bad but the fact that she jumped on to this bandwagon just because it was getting views it's that damn YouTube money getting everyone all hot and bothered again what I was looking on my phone I put it down and it turns out the rap god herself has come to reclaim the throne like that Chris Brown song you remember you remember look at me now and Busta Rhymes camera [Music] you have no you have no both those people Anthony Padilla does associate ID I did whatever I will imagine Anthony imagine someone's like just get over it you have money you're a youtuber mom are you tuple I don't have money what am I missing out on the secret watch Trisha tell me your secrets is it the boobs how good I feel look at something and be like crazy just like people do to me and I think I could you Anthony and be like what a [ __ ] hypocritical moronic piece of oh she call Anthony a hypocrite [Music] oh I'm so numb to the word fat that's like my favorite would and she said it so many times I can't even say it what the Freak be in my braids for one hour you couldn't last so that was like a love letter to Anthony Padilla if I'm not mistaken seem very nice and civil I don't think he posts it back I think the internet did it for him and not too long after she posted a video called my Altis which caught on camera live footage Trisha that's some Chase station logic right there she's not even wrong technically she didn't catch it on camera because she pressed records technically this video is caught on camera it's live footage where she has more dislikes than I have lights in my side channel you must really do something wrong for that many people to unite in not liking what you do it's not again Trisha not you the person it's what you've done dude can you make your intro a little shorter I'm watching all your videos you just in water through straw for six seconds do you know one thing that always gets to me has nothing to do with any of this it's the fact that Trisha owns a really beautiful couch and chooses to sit on the floor every video what's the couch for I don't know is that couch is it a sofa I so [ __ ] wanted right now so please give me that sofa King from tyranny definitely came out last week last Friday when I made the Instagram and the YouTube video to Anthony Padilla I Trish have nothing again no-ho-ho no dude imagine if you could just do that he's like Rabobank one day and be like oh I'm sorry that was 16 Leo the rabo I'm 16 Leo the customer can I withdraw their money please do that I feel like next time if I fight with someone I'll be like that that's not 16 Leo that's sassy leo I didn't say anything sassy Leo called you a [ __ ] I love you I was really hurt we support him and we'd uploaded it collectively because I support and so does T we support him in fact a girl that we dated pulled up grab the wall did you just say us and we a couple videos ago you were saying I I mean if you go back to any one of her videos before this whole di D then it's gonna look like a very clean public toilet no we know that garbage as line in the trash we ain't even begun yet I don't I don't know if people call me crazy like not a crazy but you're crazy to like get over it think it's just girl bye oh is this the chain change now is this yeah I watched this two times I was like oh that's weird I didn't realize crazy crazy to like get over it like it's just like if you can't get over honey then you have to get over you too okay here it is associate di D makes us scared absolutely right Trisha I just wish you'd take your own advice I can't understand what you saying girl she said people hate me too because I'm a Pulver Trisha wait let me turn the closed captions on even the captions are like you guess I don't know part of it she's that part of it people didn't hate me people hate me too what nobody hates you they hate on what you're doing what you're doing is trying to get attention in views for pretending to have a a mental condition that other people suffer with and have suffered with their whole lives you're making light of a dark situation which is something I know a lot about cuz I'm but that's what you're trying to do well you would you hurry up some crazy acting choices you're making you are taking the longest poses and all Daniel day-lewis better take notes given any medication I don't even know that guy's medication for that how can you be diagnosed and not get anything for all of those things if people have diagnosed you with multiple conditions there is no chance that they wouldn't suggest something I know because I've been to doctors and they've suggested this and that and you get the choice sometimes whether to choose am I taking this am I not there's no way they haven't suggested anything con set you self diagnosed and then say you went to DAF and I sincerely apologize on behalf of all of us - anyone need offended nothing like the apology followed by an ADD huh hell am i watching now I'm hungry not thirsty what has my life come to that I am standing here in my kitchen during a coronavirus where everyone's locked down watching a thirtysomething year-old woman with no pants eat Doritos in her kitchen which he claims to have caught on camera whose was is it me you I think it's evil I think so everything you've done today attrition the fruit roll-up that's egregious what though who's that nobody rolls the whole thing it needs it like that are you that primal come on woman who draw more like add roles this is not hypocritical god damn it it's offensive [Music] what uh what abrupt ending and with that hoodie ID thing was over until a few days ago when she posted again two new bangers chase station before we get on to the next video I might as well give you guys some game y'all want some game some YouTube game javi you might know this to be honest but likes and dislikes don't matter as much as you think see the thing is a lot of people on Trish's videos have been disliking them 115,000 dislikes and it keeps going up but here's the thing YouTube don't care because YouTube sees that as dah dah every like and dislike is an engagement every comment is an engagement and it all adds up and promotes the video just the same and guess what Trisha knows this he know who's definitely a hypocrite but no one's fool if there's one thing that we know about Trisha she knows what sells for her she knows that her notoriety sells more than her just being normal so if you didn't know what I mean all you gotta do is go onto a channel and scroll down before she had the meet my ultras thing a video before that had a hundred thousand views before that 107 thousand seven hundred sixteen she had to go in there before that 229 161 155 184 249 96 and for context her channel almost has let's say 5 million 4.9 million subscribers 10% of that is 500,000 she was getting less than 10% of her subscribers to watch the videos until she made trauma you see what I'm getting at she knows what she's doing and if you still don't believe me let's watch the next video already can you see the difference in tone Shion put the makeup on just trying to look more vulnerable Trisha is like the master class in manipulation she had makeup in in the first two videos where she was you know blasting away at Anthony but as soon as she resorts into the don't hurt me position it's all gone it doesn't seem like a big thing but it does make the video look more honest doesn't it like you just turn on the camera because you had to vent and you didn't think about what you were gonna say it's beyond triggering to have someone tell you you're faking something you can't control you guys Trisha is right I didn't want to say this the whole video I didn't I didn't want to say it was wrong I kept up this whole charade for 20 minutes I knew in the back of my head I've been wrong the whole goddamn time can you imagine how how absolutely ridiculous it would feel if this big channel said you were faking it disgusting you people are just you people are disgusting me I'm disgusting like looks-wise but also in this case you want to know how disgusting yesterday I ate a meatball sandwich no meatball Tricia's right guys any big channel that supports claims that someone is faking their mental illness so hypocritical and she would never up she did it [Music] I've seen multiple video saying get disassociated a ideas faking there's a ton of faking posts about her on reddit ah ah reddit and the second most reliable source other than Wikipedia for information [Music] it is beyond triggering to have someone tell you you're faking something you can't control everything multiple video saying it disassociate the idea is faking this is venturing into bullying okay don't come on man that's mean don't do that word internet that's the place you don't feel oh look who the Internet is the place you feel safe wait you live in Syria what the YouTube is not a safe place you gonna get flamed up Trisha huh what the hell are you talking about yeah YouTube men [Music] may I just read Tricia's title one more time this is Scioscia did the first word in the title you want to know another of Trish's fantastic titles dear Anthony Padilla people peed ah it's too much sometimes man my system is also deeply triggered by everyone using this for their views disassociate Idid being one talk about well actually Trisha it's getting you views and money since you monetized this video and all the other ones except the one with you f bomb rampage at Anthony come on now she was real respectful of you two are milking it like a teat all I'm saying is Trisha it's fair game if you're gonna come off to HUD then other people might come off to you a lot Alliance attrition you're literally saying that I'm faking it that I'm doing this for attention that's so trickery and I'm so shut down from it and it's also so true and I've been proving it so you can't I can't have friendships a girl I briefly dated who I loved very much and it's disgusting that these people these con artists keep using my name for views because I'm not using their name for views this video is specifically to Anthony PADI Africa's associate deities or their mental illness I have multiple personality disorder or disassociate identities order we're discrediting anything I've seen multiple video saying it disassociate is faking I read this book called Dante's Inferno he talks about the nine circles of hell I've been through twelve Ori yeah last one guys I'm sorry this video so long dude hey it'll be over one thing the last one is called I'm actually really not okay so let's see it's always great to put a candid thumbnail of you crying that's evoking emotion absolutely not manipulation at all is it an advert I mean start the video one attitude nice what's the next one nothing like an ad to start a video of you crying and saying I'm really not okay right mmm manipulation that is fine this past week and he never wasn't my vlogs that much cuz he just like my dad like you know he I don't want to bring this up because they don't want it to be like an excuse for anything okay don't talk about it then don't talk about it I know it's tough I've had a very tough childhood too doesn't really need to make an appearance in this situation people are not calling you out for having a tough life don't don't bring that up please girl please you was eating Doritos with no pants that don't help no one come on honestly Trisha you're better than it you know what I take it back you wait halfway into the video and you got three at what that YouTube money you just wait imma get mine to Trisha one day I'm not hot okay those are real tears it's crazy you know you see someone really boil out and you feel sorry for them yes Tricia's right I've been I've been doing this whole video in my back of my head I was like Leo you're wrong you're wrong I didn't know what to say so I kept going forward but now after seeing that video I think that you know everything I said oh no I got you again trying on one size fits all lingerie with my sister does it look like someone who's hurt by anything yep lon baby Teflon Trish she's a hustla baby God did you really believe any of that stuff she was saying this is a hundred this is a thousand percent proving my point you just go back to the same endless circle and pretend like it didn't happen and as soon as something affects you boom you stop I bring out the tears you get more views you use those views to leverage your next video I like it that's business acumen I like next video 16 leo are gonna cry this you want to see a preview going Leo it's not happy Trisha no it's not happy it's not this is not a good stop god damn it why you bring this into things the video says trying lingerie with myself to put the thought this is not even part of this borderline insanity right now and lost all my marbles at this point and she goes on to review sensual toys like things that rhyme with guild oh no to finally have sex in there we have it I guess this is summary time huh Tricia Pete is she's a lot of things like she's Andy Kaufman desk comedian slash trouble she's a mukbang aw look at that she's banging muck uh she's a lingerie ex but she married some cardboard so she does that she sings she sings is it good and and she's a hypocrite that is one thing you have to admit Tricia 13 things and a fruit roll that were hypocritical you could you crossed the line that many times the video was really just to show how much of a hypocrite Tricia was and how she manipulates people into getting views and a follow up question and that is does she need the views I don't know if this is true but she said on her fans only Channel she makes something like $200,000 a month just from that she said a lot of things that she doesn't need YouTube or necessarily want to be on YouTube and I don't not believe her my opinion she just wants to damn attention man have you noticed she sticks with every trend that's suddenly popular what I really think is that Tricia stole her channel dwindling and doing pretty damn badly you see she wasn't getting too many views and she decided to do what she does best to create some drama and profit off of it and guess what it kind of worked and because it all counts towards money she was getting that ad revenue but also she was getting attention you know what they say in show biz no attentions bad attention the thing is she's been on YouTube for a long long time and she's done it all but I can only imagine it must feel pretty bad to reach such a high number of subscribers and then see the views do you sort of get that sense that you're not as loved as you once were that's show business everyone has their run in entertainment it's a tough stupid industry only stupid people get into the industry and it doesn't always last even for the best of them y'all know PewDiePie probably he's the best he's legitimately he's the best youtuber of course he's super popular stall but as opposed to I don't know maybe I'd say 2014 or something there was definitely a peak at that point and he was doing gaming I think sometime in 2016 2017 he made a video explaining that he lost the fun in that aspect and started to do videos more commentary based and he said that he felt okay if he lost a couple fans because he loved doing this and that's the difference Tricia for PewDiePie it has gone down going down for him really doesn't mean that much but the biggest difference for sure is that even from his Faust thank you for a hundred subscriber video he said he didn't want to be famous he just enjoyed doing this it's fun and you guys are the biggest part of that like it's because of you guys that actually it's fun and it goes such a long way I guarantee you I guarantee you Trisha if you enjoy what you do it serves you endlessly I love what I do believe it or not before anyone was watching I was still doing this crap in the kitchen like two like three people and it was fun it still is fun and once you build that solid foundation those people don't leave and they'll be there long after the ones who bandwagon leaves like music when you talk about Kendrick Lamar J Cole how they have an organic fanbase and whenever they drop an album it out sells almost everyone else even though you never hear off them on social media and stuff that's what it's all about Trisha it's about loving what you do it's about not being hypocritical and appreciating what you have I really hope you do take some time off social media if it's affecting you I just want everyone to be safe at this time hopefully this is the last time I have to talk about you I think that's the video man that's this was a long video I'm sorry man I am if you are watching all the way till the end I am so appreciative man I really appreciate you guys y'all y'all make a homey feel good to do videos in his kitchen I do hope that I have done something for you and I shall see you very soon with the next one stay safe guys [Music]
Channel: sixteenleo
Views: 264,547
Rating: 4.9706283 out of 5
Keywords: trisha paytas, trisha paytas did, trisha paytas anthony padilla instagram, trisha paytas meet the alters, trisha paytas mental health, trisha paytas faking, trisha paytas lying, trisha paytas cringe, trisha paytas tea spill, my alters switch, dissociative identity disorder, multiple personality disorder, dissociadid faking, dissociadid meet the alters, tea spill, drama, satire, sixteenleo, 2020, comedy, imallexx, james marriott, spill sesh, hot tea
Id: WAPHjkDqG24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 45sec (2025 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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