Family First Conference - February 25, 2021

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well good morning it's day two of our family first conference i have to say it's slow because we used to call it first family conference but it's open to everybody and so we are live right now on facebook so i need you all to like and share we've got a great conversation this morning i'm sitting at the desk with the one and only the preacher my son my firstborn this is cool what's up pastor ivan what's up mom no we don't really get to do this a lot so i'm actually i'm a little nervous but i'm a little excited you're nervous i think i should probably be nervous why because you know most people don't know and i posted it yesterday about the um the comedy the adventure that when everybody gets together i know we're missing jonathan but when we all get together normally our house is pretty quiet but when everybody gets together it is a it's chaotic it's loud it's um it can be obnoxious but you're definitely gonna laugh and you're definitely gonna probably cry with laughter we definitely make mom cry with laughter every time we're all in the same room every time so you know i want you all to share today we're going to be talking about we've got a session on marriage managing disagreements in marriage apostle's going to be talking about collaborating last night he taught an amazing word on consecration i believe and then tonight it's today this morning apostles going to minister on the collaboration and so i'm excited to hear this word from our apostle but you know what what do you think has made you guys are 18 24 what has made our family dynamic single parent house two boys what has made our family dynamic work and the dog of course i think our family dynamic works a lot because of the communication that you've allowed in the home a lot of the times you know as teens we grow up and we feel like we can't talk to our parents we can't tell our parents what's going on in life and just facing things but as your children we've seen you face adversities and things happen and you sit us down and say hey this is what's going on this is how we're gonna go about fixing it this is the plan and we've watched you communicate with us even in times where you didn't necessarily have to explain things to us because we were kids you still were explaining things and just having that door of communication at all times even being 24 now you know we have conversations and i just tell you some stuff and it just be like i'm i'm i'm trying to process it but just just listen to me for a second and then you know you may back door a week later and shoot me a text and i'll be all right that's what i needed and you know you and jay you and jay go out to eat every monday that's you guys thing like i think you feel some kind of way about our monday yes and no because i know that's something that happened while i was away at school but at the same time i know what that means for him right because he is going off right you know me and him have our moments when we're at the house and we're just playing games and you know we may not be in the same room but he might run in my room like yo come look at what i just did to this kid on madden it's a lot and i gotta pause my movie and go watch but our communication as a family is phenomenal and i think over time you have to learn how to communicate at every stage you know as we were cleaning up the other day and i said something to you about now that you're 24 our communication at 24 is far different than it was when you were you know 15. it was bad huh that was bad and but you tried an amazing lesson last night on obedience it was really really you can teach on it was really great and so parents i want to encourage you to get your teenagers to go back and watch that we may just take that once the conference is over and put it on of course we'll have it on our fame student ministries and you're doing some exciting things with our youth you've got them on a meal plan which every week they're reading the bible and then you guys discuss it you've got the behind the scenes and so family is a part of it's important to us but i think over time and that's why this is so important just because you knew how to parent your children doesn't mean you know how to parent when they get to adulthood you know there are sometimes yeah he says he'll i'll hear something that he says and i'm like i disagree i don't like it but i've also got to give him the space to make his own decisions and grow in your own time and i think a lot of that comes with you just letting us know hey this is not a place of judgment we're going to talk about it but i'm going to give you the god answer right and a lot of the times you know as teenagers we don't want to hear that god answer but we need that god answer and you make sure that no matter where we are what the situation is okay did you talk to god might need to take some time right look over that situation give it some time let it breathe talk to god about it and having that in a home is still as important as any other part having god and not just doing it on sunday doing it on wednesday and just because you're the senior pastor but this is something that you've been doing with us since we were kids you used to make us read our confessions on the way to school again i still do some of those confessions weekly yeah i mean i do them every day but those those things are instilled in me and you know you guys have a segment later with uh you pastor terry and tina and just the first the first family yeah that's coming in those moments you guys grow with each other yeah because we've had to grow even in me becoming senior pastor now i'm making the decisions for the church everybody has to kind of you know so there's been the different roles and so that's why it's important to invest in your family because as you evolve you know i remember years ago apostle told me that you evolved every 10 years as a person things that i wanted in my 20s i didn't want in my 30s things i wanted in my 30s i definitely don't want in my 40s and so creating that conversation even when it comes to like the god the god nuggets there's still also the practicality and the space to be honest and vulnerable because let me tell you something raising boys hey we have had some conversations but i just have to stand there and be like okay okay and i had to learn how to not react in the moment and so we're going to give you those application tools but here's what i need everybody to do right before we get ready to go into this next segment it's we like to call them word shops because we're not just discussing things but we're giving you application and the tools and the principles based on the word of how to apply them to your life so we're going to go to work in a workshop in a minute but i want to make sure you get that blueprint for an amazing family so make sure that you go now to family family i know many of you are at work but go ahead and share this on your platform put it on your screen so you can watch it and the great thing about this week it's absolutely free the blueprint for an amazing family has a confession for everybody in the family and uh you remember when i used to make y'all confess um your 15 freedom truths i still do and y'all had to do y'all confession on the way to school every day you know we've taken those moments and we've transformed them into what how they become important to us yeah now jonathan takes that moment before he goes and plays and kneels and prays right so you can see the translation in different areas but you have to stick to it you have to be committed to it so you need the family kit you got to go get it invest in your family invest in your children we have a great children's ministry here and i'm telling you it is absolutely phenomenal the teens ministry is phenomenal we have a great senior pastor we got a distinguished saints ministry that is booming well because generations are important to me and making sure that we're a church where generations can worship and meet is one of the real foundations for me is that we all have to work together we're living in a time where four to five generations are there and so we have to work together to make sure that everybody is growing because just because you hit that you know that older generation the distinguished saying it doesn't mean you stop growing you know i read a statistic one time that uh elderly people if they have a pet in the home if they have something that has life in the home that it extends their life because there's some type of affection there's love there's there's something that they're giving themselves to that extends their life and so no matter what age you are you need to be a part of this i've got great news guys the women who win conference meets inner circle the women who win meets inner circle conference is happening this year i love the flyer uh i'm gonna be announcing the speakers real soon but april 21st through the 23rd we've got a hybrid experience it's open for some of you to come and be inside the auditorium it's limited seating and then we've also got a virtual experience this year's theme is whole and free the lord has spoke to me about this that it is important that we walk in true wholeness the bible says beloved i worship of all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health even as thy soul prospers and so i i want women to be whole and free as a women we juggle so much i've watched you do this women's empowering movement and i just want you to know you being the shero yourself you doing your thing when i tell you she does not what she has been through in the past two weeks and as your son outside looking in even as a worker i'm telling you you are killing it so keep going keep empowering the women because that is necessary you know a lot of these young girls are looking for women to to be strong and to say that they can actually go into this male-dominated world and thrive and you are showing them such great example and you know the thing i think for me in why i'm so passionate about the she-rose league movement and women empowerment is because we have so many things out there um and and i love good music but i don't believe you got to show your whole body to be famous i don't believe you have to talk about every man that you've been with or be with a man just to be famous or just to be that's not the to me you know i say this all the time one of my greatest assets is my mind that is the wisdom that i have the because i've spent time growing and gaining wisdom that's my greatest asset that's one of the things that i bring to the table to help people but you know thank you son for that this has been the last two weeks have been uh one that has been interesting and i appreciate you guys for just riding it out with me we were cleaning carpet together and even in pulling carpet and cleaning carpet we made it a fun experience and really y'all did that i was like okay y'all are really making this a fun experience well we kind of we kind of knew the moment yeah and we know how much you have on your plate so a lot of the times we don't get the chance to lighten that low for you because it is all on this side yeah and that was something that you know you weren't you weren't ready and so i had just told jay you know we had a conversation before we walked in there like we're gonna make this moment okay for her yeah and letting you know hey don't stress we right here it's all three of us we good yeah we have fun and i got to see what you all value you value uh being together and even though i'm you know in another spot because my room and all of that we still are going to be you know and i texture i said all right make sure i know where y'all going make sure y'all know make sure we're checking in with each other because i think sometimes we make that distance grow and so we've got a session on parenting and the pandemic that's going to be really really good i hear they are ready for our first word shop of the day and you're going to be blessed uh pastor tina and pastor tierra are doing an amazing job with our married for life ministry and so you need to know how to take your marriage to the next level and manage disagreements and so i'm going to throw it into the auditorium for our first workshop i give you the eagans the mckissicks and the edmondsons i love everybody on stage this morning it's gonna be great y'all take it over with each other i said y'all been married for 40 years or have y'all been tolerating each other for 40 years you know that's a difference you know you can stay together but you know my whole saying is you know uh if you grow together you flow together that's right so tonight we gotta talk about tonight today let's get looking we gotta talk about who's on the set with us today we have some couples with us that is gonna bless you and to my right we have lady kim and bishop mckissick so we are um well we have yeah so you know we talk thank you we talk you know we were just thinking about it we just celebrated pasa terry and i just celebrated 19 years of marriage i know i cannot believe yesterday was 19 years yesterday made 19 years 13 years yeah of us being married and i mean it was like it was just yesterday you know i was walking so my question honestly in front of people i don't care about you putting me on black have you enjoyed the journey of the journey oh i was so glad you didn't stick this smile on my face y'all see me look so happy come on she is happy you're preaching now you're preaching that she is so happy you know and i think that's the way it should be i think it's the point where your desire should be to make each other happy the bible say that we're blessed to be a blessing so your spouse gets the overflow of your relationship with god you ask me that's right you tell me about yourself how are you feeling come on how you feeling look i'm gonna just tell you like this here my life was changed the day that i met you you know what i'm saying and from that day to this day it has gotten better and better listen i'm telling you it's been an incredible journey together we've grown together we've been through some things together we released our faith saw god confirmed some things together and i'm telling you it's just been an exciting time when you can be in agreement with someone work through your differences allow each other to have the space to grow and get to a place where god can be glorified yes so it's been a blessing it's been an um exciting journey exciting journey enjoyed our journey of 19 years 19 years we're looking so much so much excited for our next our next next year yeah you know and we did we had a wonderful time you know celebrating yesterday but we didn't celebrate properly you know with everything that's going on i'm telling you i got some things in store for you praise god i received it thank you jesus but no let's get started y'all we have some couples that are here with us on this morning and i want to introduce them we have to my right um lady kim and bishop mckissick what's going on what's going on what's up what's up yes so um tell us about yourselves you know how long you've been married how many cheering you have if you have any grandchildren and well i guess that's what we're here for that's right that's right but i'm ken mckissick i'm rudolph mckinsey we've been married for 28 to almost 29 years 29 next month march 14th two weeks is that in two weeks in two weeks this march is here february is just about yeah yeah and we have three children three children joshua janae and jocelyn they're 27 23 and 22. oh all right cool cool cool no brands nope praise god oh you know we didn't talk about ourselves we have two children two children that may not know we have two children emmanuel just made 29 and brianna is 26. geez my children getting old okay to my left and pastor terry's left we have um lady aisha and bishop edmondson so good morning good morning now i thought they said come through this i thought this was a counseling session we came for counseling well you're at the right place you have the right they told us this we can't this was group counseling yeah we want to know some of your business well you want to go first you want to go first yes well i am pastor aisha and i call him my and i have it on my shirt my booth call me your big booth [Applause] and my shirt says she's my victoria's secret mom come on yes and we have um we pastor a victory in christ christian center in uh westfield new jersey duffer township right outside of uh philadelphia we've been married the same amount of years as americans yes 29 in may 29 years in may and we have three children too three boys uh 20 joshua christian and jordan three boys uh joshua's 26 christian is 23 and jordan is 20 and most 20 in march 20 in march nice nice so both y'all have three yeah yeah we got bills that's what we got we got bill hills so listen so we're talking about 29 19 years we talk about almost 77 years of experience yes so we should have a wish we should have a lot to talk about that's true yeah 77 years of wisdom yes let's get into it let's get into it i believe the people want to get some answers to their situation we can share some wisdom so let's talk about it today you know to today we want to talk about managing disagreements disagreements managing disagreement you know we all get excited about the power of agreement and along the way in marriage we've gotten to the point where we begin to look at god's word and we understand we respect his word on the power of agreement and god has confirmed some things in our life but what happens when we are not in agreement yes how do we handle disagreement you know uh amos 3 and 3 says can two walk together except they be agreed so we know it's the will of god and then we also see in matthew 18 20 says but where two or three are gathered together in my name there i am in the midst of them so we see it's the will of god for us to manage this situation yes so let's talk about that let's open it up for discussion today because you know when we talk about it's important because we talk about divorce you know the the divorce court is full of divorce filed documents stamped irreconcilable differences right and all that is basically our inability to manage yes right disagreement yes right yes that's right so it's so it's a subject it's a subject that we need to talk about yes so let's let's look at it uh uh um let's talk about our how we manage uh uh disagreements and out with our spouse the first question we want to put on the table is how have there been times when you have experienced disagreements in your marriage and how did you handle it 29 28 plus years yeah yeah yeah everything ain't always been an agreement lord have mercy so let's talk about that let's talk about that i want to have some kids ladies first ladies first well i i think you have to go back to the beginning the the marriage structure the partnership that's good and so um in disagreement um submission comes in and so uh is my aim to just keep disagreeing or is my aim to fix it or help us to come to agreement right so you will have and we've had this with our kids where he'll he'll think one thing and i may think another and i may not say anything but when i do say something i feel my opinion needs to to be heard but i just yield to him if we can't agree if we're disagreeing i yield to him because that's what god has anointed this partnership to be and so i i just think submission to me comes into mind how can i resolve this because we just can't keep on disagreeing for days yeah yeah so there's got to be honestly we've got to be on the same page to move forward and then it's a teachable moment for our children too how do you resolve conflict how do you resolve when you're disagreeing with your friends or with other family members so bishop yeah i i i think yes there have been disagreements and i think for me communication is one of the great keys for community for for disagreement you know so often um we're i don't know if you all remember the old nextel uh cell phones used to be out long time ago and you had to push to talk and what would often happen is you wouldn't hear the other person because you're both pushing at the same time right i think a lot of times with disagreement uh comes pushing at the same time so we're not stopping to listen to each other i think when there is disagreement there has to be communication listening and with submission you know as men we're always so quick to go to why submit to your husband but we missed the verse before that submit to one another yes we always miss that and i think that submission is respecting the partnership respecting who my spouse is to me uh how god has given her unto me and being able to listen which means i've got to shut up and allow myself to hear what she says so i think communication is a big part of it yeah i think that's so good but the way you said that because i was talking to a couple the other day and um a situation had occurred and the husband um the wife and gave the husband some suggestions but he was like oh you don't know what you talk about you know that kind of attitude but you don't know what you're talking about you know you've never done this i've always handled this so you don't know but after she went and told him hey let's do it this way it changed the whole trajectory of what they were working on and after he thought about it and listened to his wife i mean they were blessed beyond measures because he took the time to listen to his wife so that's so true that a lot of times men get caught up well you know i'm the head of the house but we have something to say too that's right you know we have something to say and if you just take the time to listen not feel like okay i'm the head of the house everything has to go through me you know yes we do we are submissive but then we all should work together as a team because we are partners yes i really that was a really good point you know one of the things that um you know we've seen my wife and i we're certified christian counselors and so we've counseled a lot of couples and i think i think sometimes people think that great marriages don't have disagreements and i think to church sometimes you know we we hurt that because we we come to church and we have our church face on praise the lord god is good all the time all the time god is good and so forth and we think that's how you're always going to be but you can be smiling but tore up on the inside and couples have to understand that disagreements is normal it's common it happens there's no great marriage that doesn't have disagreements and one of the mistakes that we find couples make a lot is well we're going to agree to disagree well then you're verbalizing we're going to stay in disagreement as pastor terry said of 19 years of marriage how can two walk together unless they be agreed and so we have to be committed to work it out and pastor tina you said something that's so important i think bishop mckissick said too you know you earned the right to be heard by listening yes you got to be willing to listen and your spouse who is your covenant partner should be important enough to take time to listen so that i can understand we many times are so caught up in i'm just want to get my point out there so i'm not listening to you i'm just waiting to enter i'm waiting for you to take a breath so i can interject and that's not how you resolve things we have to respect one another yeah and i want to give this great example there was this time right that in fact it was when he talked about being certified christian counselors it was when it was time for us to go to counseling school and i told him i said i really believe that both of us are supposed to go to counseling school and he gave me this whole scenario i don't got time to go to council we didn't say we were telling business right now we're telling businesses he said i don't know they respect their voice we say respect their i said i know sweetheart but i really believe this is what god is saying i said would you just take some time and at least pray about it now i think that's important that because whenever especially you are in disagreement i think we both need to take some time and pray about this situation so we can get out of our feelings at the time so that we can truly truly hear from god and say god what are you saying for us so that hopefully we can get into disagreement i'll be honest with you he was so adamant about not doing it yeah i really thought he was going to come back and do one of those things you know sometimes this man can be that way i prayed about it i prayed about it but i didn't hear nothing and we was i'm not going to do this i really thought that's what he was going to do but he came back and he said you know what he said no god said that i am supposed to do this but it was interesting because when god tells you then you're supposed to do that you know the enemy will come and challenge you on that thing we got in class and the professor the professor said how many people why are you here and everybody said many times god told me i'm supposed to be here god told me she could well i need you all to focus on that because half of y'all going to fail my class and then she proceeded to give hardest to this and said there was going to be a 10 page paper due every single week and he just looked at me what foolishness is this i remember what god said but it was the best decision that we ever did because it changed his total preaching style and how he preaches today but one of the things to we always say is always have to a couple that is not going to tell you what you want to hear but what you need so that if you two can't get into agreement that they will help you to get into agreement after you prayed and you can't do that but then my number one big thing is like lady mckissick said submission yeah after a while if you can't get an agreement ultimately he's ultimately responsible he is the head and eventually if we can't come into agreement i have to submit to him even though we have to submit to one another and i have to release responsibility and that was hard for me i'll be honest with you because i was a controller no no no but i read this book from bunny wilson called liberated through submission come on now that totally changed changed my life and because there was a time i was submitting but i wasn't doing it with my whole heart that's good and god dealt with me and said if you're not doing it with your whole heart it's as if you're not doing it at all so i had to really change and make it a heart thing and it totally liberated me and i had to preach a message on it as a result of it but i think it's because we look at submission as being weak yes that's why and bishop i'm glad you mentioned that the verse proceeding that does say submit to one another but submission is the blessing submission is giving yes so i'm not submitting to him i'm submitting to god because submission is the will and that's the order and so yes communication is key but i just think submission because even with communication if you're combative you're still going to keep disagreeing and so as the wife yes i'm here to submit to him because like pastor i should say it's his responsibility so ultimately the decision rests on him but submission doesn't like you said it's i think sometimes and women think it means doormat and it doesn't you know it's submission it's really at the core taking your gifts your talents your abilities and sitting them at the feet of your husband and a wise man wants to use his wife's gifts so it's not being quiet it's not it's not any of that you know but it is recognizing headship you know so i think you know pastor lady mckinsey that's you know it's awesome that you said that because people don't get that yeah no i think submission is powerful yeah i think we never hear that from a from from a female perspective and i think the man always wants to say well you need to be submit but i think it takes a very mature spouse female to be able to embrace god's will for her life and that's like you say you know like you said it's not a weak thing right you know when you talk about submission you talk about humility to me that's all that all that is is power under control yes when you get a revelation on them so we started talking about submission and another key word you said was communication yeah i think communication is very important because communication with the intent to agree yes because if you're not you're just wasting time yes and i think we we all are guilty of not having the proper communication skills absolutely and over time our relationship is the better as we have matured and learn how to communicate yes because in the beginning we wanted our way but we didn't know how to go about getting our ways because i would compensate that our communication was not valid enough to be able to give us what we wanted right but we got a revelation on that word and we started working on communication skills and a lot of us have had the pleasure of counseling with people and we sit there and we sit across from and we say that they are not communicating right right and you said something very valid you said a lot of times when somebody is talking you're really not listening right you're listening to try to think about how you gonna combat them right you're trying to win you're trying to win that battle that's it but in marriage because we're one flesh if i win we lose that's it it's not a matter of of me winning it's it's a matter of us resolving it what's best for the marriage you might want to go to the game you might want to go to the game you know and many times we come in we're going to ask our wives can i do this and the minute she says anything short of yes we go off all i do is work i don't ask for nothing but maybe going to the game is not best for the family right now and so we have to have this mindset what's best for the family not i'm trying to win it all right you know and that kind of transitions us get ready for our second question because one thing i know is and y'all can kind of agree with me god deals with our heart concerning life situations concerning situation choices that we make god deals with us because he wants us to be in his will so now the second question i want to access opposed to you all so is it possible to disagree and still have peace about your stand or your position get repeat that one more time so is it possible to disagree and you still got peace about your standard your position you want your way you want it done your way and yet still you know y'all not in agreement but at the same time can you still have peace about that or will god privately deal with you you know to me i've seen y'all deal with us and deal with me privately about something that like you said we go into this conversation it doesn't pan out the way we want it yeah and all of a sudden we walk away in disagreement but later on in our private time god begins to deal with us yes that i know we we got an argument one time this was like a year ago this wasn't over video announcements video announcements now maybe your spiritual video announcements and over something just didn't make sense but she said i don't care and she was talking about the video announcements my ego got in the way i took it like you don't care about me so i'm like what so i walked out i went in my office i walked i'm mad and i'm like i'm not talking to her and god said go apologize and i said god the woman you gave me i said she said i don't care he said it again go apologize and so i had this decision to make nobody was there nobody knew but like you're saying god will deal with you yeah yeah and you got a choice to make are you going to be in pride which will never go well or are you going to submit to what god is saying and go work it out i don't think that you could ever hold your course in disagreement where it's about well it's my way well we're in disagreement i'm gonna go do what i want to do and have peace because again bigger than your decision is to keep our oneness and that's what people struggle with keeping our oneness and disagreements come to hinder that oneness and so anytime you're not in oneness you're not gonna be in peace once that emotion runs off you're not gonna be in peace you you know my my whole focus is uh you should never abandon peace just to get your way right yes right yes so here you are man let's give an example man tina would disagree about something and it may not have been nothing bad but we just it it could easily become a heating mall and you know after 29 years of marriage we talked about 19 years of marriage if you don't really deal with those little issues they become big issues yes and some of the little things you know if you don't deal with it right then all of a sudden you sit back sometime in your private time you'll be like now this is ridiculous right but you didn't abandon peace just to have your way and you ain't got peace about it you walked away from the argument thinking you won but you ain't got peace about it but god loves us so much so talk about that has he dealt with you privately to say no get this right and that's that's just the response of a loving god yeah i i i think for me you know we will have disagreements she mentioned the kids and now that she's the executive pastor at the church there are times we'll disagree even about church and i'm an only child so put the mic down i'm an only child so number one i'm not used to having to confer with anybody number two i am used to having my way on everything right and so for many years in our marriage if she didn't agree with me okay i'll go to deep into the pool my my hush doctor i we don't need your conversation over there um my insecurities yeah yeah yeah would rise up because i couldn't handle that she didn't think what i was saying was best and it was my own insecurities that i had to deal with um and i would walk away and just be mad go to my office go somewhere else leave and take a drive get silent come on with y'all i know how to be silent get silent but as i matured yeah yeah and as i submitted to god and submitted my marriage to god and began to love my wife the way i'm supposed to love her now i will quickly come back to her and say hey i walked away the wrong way or i said the wrong thing even if we had decided or she just said okay rudolph and i know that okay rudolph means you know there's no sense in me trying to talk god deals with me now on that yeah because i can't be at peace with god that's it i'm not at peace with my spouse because we are in a covenant with god that's it not just with each other and god has dealt with me in a way of saying you can't be at peace with me if you are not at peace with your spouse and i think for me that becomes the driving force for peace now i want to be right with god that's it and i cannot i cannot act like i'm right with god if i'm not right with my partner that's good and i think on kind of just stretching that out a little bit for me [Music] it's also about feeling like you're understood um that you matter that what you feel and what you think um carries some weight in the partnership and so i think also in disagreement you may not feel like your spouse hears you or understands where you're coming from or understands your perspective and so sometimes it gets muddled in them wanting maybe to be right or not hearing what you're saying we don't feel understood or we don't feel like we're being heard and that our opinion matters why you gotta look at me like that though i mean you you turn it i was determined what you were saying talk about i think women are like that because they don't sometimes feel heard and that can sometimes cause a woman to shut down if she does not feel heard and i used to be that way where i used to internalize things because i didn't feel like i was being heard but i think that submission unto god is so important because if you submit unto god then i know that i have a responsibility to still share but i have to make sure that i'm sharing in love but god had dealt with me even with that once i share and i put it out there then i then have to give it over to god and i can't be his savior even if i do feel that he's going down the wrong road because i could be married to that thing like you said and i think that my way is the best way and i think that this role we're about to go down is the wrong road but listen i said my point at this point i submitted to god and i got to believe that god says he won't put on me more than i can bear and if i can't bear it then he won't allow it to happen and i can't be my husband's savior but only god can yeah i mean i think honestly i think we could all attest that the times that i haven't taken her wisdom it hasn't turned out well come on and testify come on the times you know that i just jumped on the head or this or that or you know because if you're one there's wisdom flowing out of both of y'all and i'm just being honest the time and i'm a man's man the times that i've just flat out did what i wanted to do i had to come out go i'm sorry i miss that or whatever and i think you have to learn in that and it should be more about again we're back to not doing what you want to do but doing what's the best thing and the right thing and having the wisdom of god and the bible says she's my wisdom she's my wisdom so why would i not want to hear what she has to say first of all that's so good that's so good you know that kind of that kind of takes us into our our third question third question is is our inability to properly properly managed disagreement a reflection of our spiritual maturity let me give it to you again because i think it kind of shook you up a little bit is our inability to properly manage disagreements a reflection of our spiritual immaturity i think the mechanics need to go first we've seen that we were doing so well we're in disagreement right now yes i think absolutely it is a sign of your lack of spiritual maturity yeah yeah because once again if if i am submitted to god yeah yeah and if i believe and i am in faith that god birthed her for me and that because god birthed her for me that she is my wisdom as as bishop john said then when i am not in agreement and when i can live in disagreement it shows that i have not matured in my relationship with jesus christ um i i think it is an absolute sign and as i said earlier i had to wrestle with my own immaturity and insecurity when i was able to walk away from her and be cool with us being in disagreement when i was able to go to the pulpit knowing on the drive to church we had a fight yeah or i drove separately and then i could get in the pulpit and feel good about people shouting come on and having to watch my wife shout knowing that i had hurt her heart that's so good and i was okay with that yeah that was my immaturity and my spiritual immaturity and only when i grew in my faith and grew honestly in my relationship with the lord did i begin to appreciate the gift that god had given me and so i think you know as as we work on our relationship with jesus christ it better allows us to work on us which then allows us to work on our relationships so i absolutely think it is a sign of immaturity mm-hmm that's so good yeah like danny mckay you were going to say something no i just said it's good babe i'm affirming him oh there you yeah i thought that was the ministry of encouragement that minister of encouragement you got to do it i think though you have to be willing to grow and take time to find out how to mature in your marriage because i think sometimes we just get into marriage and we just think we know how this thing is supposed to work but we don't take time whether it be to read to study to know how to find out how to communicate with one another how to like even one of these sessions here how many uh people how many marriages are watching today to find out how to handle disagreements if you don't take time to find out how to handle your marriage and how to communicate how to handle disagreements then you are going to be immature in your marriage so i think that is very important that you continue to grow your marriage and find out things that you can do to enhance it i know one of the things we say to couples we have young couples that want to get married you know i love him he loves me and all that stuff and we tell them all the time if you want to know how spiritually immature you are get married because marriage will work your last nerve marriage will make you go what did i do and that's the greatest of marriages and you know it's when we know when you're immature you're going to violate that word you're going to immaturity will cause you to violate the word and so that spiritual immaturity will absolutely hinder you from resolving things because if we're honest many things that you have to resolve foundationally you don't want to resolve you don't you can pray in the holy ghost you can do but your flesh is there time i want to do that i want to do that like a pause on pastor b say i think i'm right she thinks she's right and it's only when you're mature spiritually that you're willing to climb over your flesh that's going i don't want to do it because your spiritual maturity causes you to want to please god and so i'm doing things to resolve it not necessarily foundationally when i'm not feeling it from my spouse but because i want to please god so wait sometimes you ain't feeling it for your spouse at that moment yeah you got a result for your spouse at that moment so you got to do it because you desire to please god you please god then those feelings spiritual maturity allows you to do things even without the feeling yes you got to make decisions and do it and let your feelings catch up so yeah you know uh uh you know just me being transparent i remember when me and pasadena got married many years ago and then like you say you know i tell people all the time you know marriage is for grown folks yes yes but when we got married i began to see how immature i was yeah and because all of a sudden marriage shines a light on your immaturity but god began to deal with me early in our marriage and it has helped me get into the right perspective of how i see tina and how i deal with her and he took me to uh and i'm gonna share that with you genesis the second chapter verse 22 and it says and the real which the lord god had taken from man made he a woman and brought her unto man and this is the powerful part and adam said this is bone on my bone flesh of my flesh she shall be called woman because she was taken out of man at that point god began to show me that adam was never to see eve outside of himself yeah so when god began to deal with me he said you should never see tina outside of yourself when you think about your feelings you think about her feeling when you think about your desires you think about her desire when you think about vision for your life you think about vision for her so now from that day to this day i never think about what i want without thinking about how it's gonna affect her or what her desires are yes i don't get caught up with what you get in agreement with what i wanna do it's about what do you want to do right because i'm going to be all right you know i'm going to be all right that's me and we already know how we're going to work it out but a lot of times we want them to come along for the ride and never value what they bring into the table and all of a sudden if it's an equal partnership yes then why don't we value them equally yes and i think my perspective was when god showed me that she became more valuable to me that's because now how i see her is a reflection of how i see myself that's it but you know past terry i think one of the reasons we don't see them as equal is is because often times we have not seen examples it's good that's good where they were treated equal yes i think so often you know society culture and even our own experiences have not shown us equal partnership yes or we think we make them yeah you know that whole that cute romantic phrase you know uh she makes me whole i make her whole i want a fraction when i met you i was already home that's right and i think because we we oftentimes don't see examples um and even in many of our churches because there is misogyny in our theology yes where men are always the ones in charge so even in many of our churches where we don't see equality where we don't see women in ministry then you you know you go into your family tree where it was the man you do as i say we often have not see which is why you have to develop your relationship with god and let your god's word become the model for how you do things with that scripture you just read so i think that is one of the other reasons why we don't always see them and even treat them as equal because we haven't had models uh from society to experiences and you know in the bible you know talk and pastor terry what you said is so awesome because the bible reinforces when i'm single my focus is on pleasing the lord but when i'm married my focus is supposed to be on pleasing my spouse so what happens when you have two people to marry people that are focusing on pleasing each other god gets pleased in a process i'm never supposed to try to please myself it's supposed to be about pleasing my spouse so if you don't want to please somebody else don't get married if you want it to be about you don't get married because when you get married it's no longer about you it's now about us and making us the best we can be so that's awesome and when you set examples what i love and it brought back to my remembrance our greatest example is apostle and pastor yes i remember 18 years ago we were i was walking into the bedroom and i saw a commercial for the first families conference and i didn't even know who they were at the time my husband did and i just said we need to go there i said we need to go there for ourselves and our own marriage because our marriage to the degree that our marriage is strong is to the degree that our church will be strong right and so we needed to invest in ourselves and that's not that's no different than any other marriage your marriage will only be strong to the degree that you invest in it yeah and they're the real deal you know people see mom and dad on a platform or whatever but when they peel back the curtain and you're privileged to see it they're the real deal you know what i love is they show their humanity but they show their spiritual side of how they resolve their human side you know so but awesome i love the transparency of the hilliards yeah you don't get up here and play cage or think that show us that everything is okay they have real issues like we have real issues yes and so the only way to show those examples is is to allow us to see and we'll see them in a minute in the family allow us to see how they communicate and how they work out those issues the same in partnership and so i i'm a badge of honor for him and so i want to make sure that i'm upgrading this partnership by making sure that i'm being in uh in in agreement with what he feels and how he feels and making sure that i realize hey i understand i hear you and that kind of thing and so i just think when we're on one accord it's so much better but i'm always trying to figure out how can i upgrade this partnership how can i upgrade this marriage and consider him in everything that i do yes yes well listen i know you got blessed by that but listen we wouldn't we wouldn't be doing our job if we didn't give you several points for you to work on once you leave so listen let's go here pastor what are the three things they need to properly manage disagreements first thing is a positive self image you have to have a positive self image about yourself in order for you to work or properly manage manage your disagreement so you can't so you can't get a get offended just because you can't have your way right what's the next one the next one is having a positive confession what are you saying about your relationship what are you saying about yourself right you know and a lot of times we saw that when i read the scripture and and and uh when i talked about adam uh when he dealt with them saying and adam said adam god was gonna let adam call e whatever he wanted so whatever you got to say what are you saying about your relationship you can't speak negative about your spouse speak negative about your relationship and so what's the last thing they need the last one is a positive resolve i must develop the spiritual maturity to seek god and work through disagreements i added some other ones to it go ahead go ahead i added to you have to be direct when you have issues you have to be direct if there's something going on in a situation and you have a disagreement be direct don't just you know say sugarcoat it or don't say what the issue is if there's an issue within your relationship be direct say what it is and not sugarcoat it and then the other one is um if you're in a disagreement never say that you always do this so you never do this you know and then the other one was pick your battles everything shouldn't be a battle everything should not be an issue oh i don't like the way you cut that butter okay is that really something to be arguing about come on pick your battles um and the other one i think we talked about it too is listen to your spouse listen to each other just don't you know why they're while they're talking or saying how they didn't agree with something don't be trying to figure out what i'm gonna say next what i'm gonna say next listen listen linda listen and then um be um listen by also learn knowing that there's a different perspective you know everybody have their own perspective we all were braced differently you know like the mckissick said he was a single single child he was the only child so his perspective on everything is going to be different because you have siblings so listen and make sure you check see whichever everybody's perspective on it that's good no i think that's good i think that's good so listen i i hope you enjoyed this time together let's give everybody a hand cloud yeah you know that was the wisdom today was i mean i got blessed i was this i got a better i got a better perspective for my relationship my man your relationship about to go to another level now amen plus years plus yeah so where do we go now do we go back to yeah we're going back to the studio to um see what's next on the schedule god bless you man i enjoyed that session i'm not married but i enjoyed the session yes you're not me thank you jesus uh you know i always tell you proceed with caution hey because it's work and i think that's one of the things they showed us today is that marriages work but they dropped so many great nuggets and i think even as singles don't wait till you get married to start listening to marriage or understanding understanding it and information you've got to make the investment in yourself now and start listening to prepare yourself for this nobody want to marry nobody that's comfortable with being single well i mean you ought to be comfortable being single the bible says it's whatsoever state you're in be content but i want you to but i want you to know like that you want to be that you want to be married and married for the right reason exactly and married for the right reason because i think we get married for the wrong reasons but singles uh i believe it's on friday we've got a session for you for unmarried and divorced singles uh it's with love mcpherson the relationship expert myself and ypj i'm telling you if and and see there are some recovery when you've had breakups and you know mismanaged relationships we're going to talk about how to recover how do you know you're really healed from the past relationships how to take like they said a whole self into a new relationship it's dangerous not recovering fully and jumping yeah absolutely and one of the things we talk about which is so good is about knowing who you're compatible with because i mean that one was so good so i'm not going to give it all away but knowing who you're compatible with so we got a session on that we've got a session that's going to come up on um uh parenting during a pandemic i get to sit down and talk with the mckissicks and the edmonsons and we're going to talk about i think that's on friday after evening about parenting in a pandemic and how do you parent the different age groups in a pandemic and so that's going to be a good dialogue apostle is getting ready to take the stage to minister to us this morning so i need you all to like and share it i'm looking at the comments on facebook i should probably pull up youtube and i want y'all to tell me what was your takeaway i always like to say what's your takeaway nugget from the marriage session like what is that one thing that you say okay i can take that away and uh make sure i apply it to my life what i'm looking for your takeaways while i'm looking for your takeaways here's what i need you to do pastors i trust seeing your pastors and your families are registered for this conference because we have a private zoom just for you because we still wanted to keep that element so that's going to happen later on today so make sure you check your email for that information but today is full of information it is full of encouragement it is full of enlightenment but it's also filled with application and so make sure that you somebody said that they downloaded um the um blueprint for amazing family i'm gonna download it now i saw one around here that was printed i may take that printed one but i'm gonna download that and go and download it yeah i don't know i'm getting it that confession huh i don't like printed things i know you don't i know i'm i'm still on paper but i'm i'm working my way off of paper that's my goal for 20 21 because i pack around files and all that kind of stuff yeah i don't get it i'm working my way out of paper uh somebody i said submission valuing your wife's opinion that's so good you know what's really good to me is he said pick your battles pick your battles yeah a lot of the times we people we will get into situations and just start arguing to be in the argument because we want to be right and a lot of the times we don't even need that and it doesn't even have to be in relationships sometimes it's in the office well this is my idea and it's right and it's like yo we can talk this through this doesn't have to be an argument that's so good that you mentioned office because i was thinking last night like last night you know uh pastor kim and pastor aisha are akas i'm a delta bishop mckissick is an omega but there are so many type of family dynamics that you have you have your office family you have your you know families that you create with your sororities your fraternities and you know the clubs that you're in then you have your actual congenial family and then you have those covenant relationships there's no blood but you're in covenant with them and all of those relationships if they're gonna win in the area of relationship it requires work i love how somebody said one of the points was if i win we lose that was life altering because so many times when we want to win communicate with the intent to agree that's right communicate with the intent to agree um and it's it's but that whole if i win we lose and i think you talked to we've talked about that even in our office dynamic and office culture one of the things we are we have about four to five generations that work on our staff and really trying to bridge together and many times i'll say okay is this really worth y'all going back and forth over because the bible says that where there's unity there's the commanded blessings of the lord and so sometimes the thing that you're disagreeing about that you're arguing about it's just really taking time to look at it from the person to the person's perspective and so that's why i think that session was so good because it's not just a marriage relationship we are in relationships and partnerships in different forms and those same tools are required if you're gonna have meaningful relationships check your oneness in the marriage i love that somebody on youtube billy on youtube says always treat your spouse as you wish to be treated as god treats us that's so good um have a resolve and be direct but also be respectful in it and then i i am somebody said positive self-image positive confession positive resolve that positive confession it starts with you getting that blueprint for an amazing family because in the blueprint is a confession for the husband a confession for the wife a confession for the children a confession for the single person so every day even if your spouse is not who you you know they haven't reached their full potential they haven't reached you know they don't look like the husband that you thought god had for you when you married to them now but you can still confess the word of god and declare what you want to manifest in your home i love the fact that we are giving all of this away free free and you know getting this blueprint kit and i like that you said it's for the whole family because a lot of times you see the family and as teenagers we think they're just talking about the parents yeah and you know i i like to stress the teens teens it is important and as parents it is important that we you as a parent instructed us me as a teenager hey you need to listen to the word even in college now i know you may be doing whatever but you need to go to church and i think making sure that as parents you still hold your teenagers accountable for listening to the word that's something that you have instilled in me and i am doing with our teenagers is letting them know you have to be accountable to not only your parents but there is an accountability that you have to god yeah and you have to make sure that you get this kit for the entire family it's free so there's no reason why you cannot get it make sure you get this blueprint for the family kit i'm telling you apostle he did the thing he's doing it it's i mean it's it's it's great like you said for all ages go to family so that you can uh complete the form and then you'll get your download uh can we just go back to women who win for a second you know 2020 we were not able to have it because of the pandemic and i was going to push it back to later on in the year and of course we were still in the painting but i believe the time is right and after all that we've been through it you know men can attend as well but uh there's a passion that i have for women there's a passion i have for women who lead and many times we you know i don't buy into that i'm successful in one area but i'm a failure in another area and i think sometimes society tries to make us feel like we can only succeed in one area when the bible talks about our beloved i wish above all things without prospering being health but also john 10 and 10 says the thief coming out but to steal kill and destroy but i have come that you might have a life and have it more abundantly that more abundantly means that in every area of my life i ought to be winning i want to be whole in my relationships i want to be whole in my business endeavors i want to be whole in just myself knowing you know knowing the the value of what god put on the inside of me and so ladies if you cannot get here still make the investment and register the registration information is online the women who do yourself a favor invite your girlfriends whether you're virtual now there are some perks for being in person but we want you to be safe but get make sure that you connect with us and remember if you register for 2020 we're going to just refund you by march 15 your money for that registration and we started a whole fresh new this year you know what i like that is that you and grandma we do this together yeah i call it grand mommy but you know everybody has to be pastor b yeah it is amazing to see both of you grow this empowering drive to still grow women and um it's just gonna be really great to see i'm excited you know to see you both work together on something is absolutely amazing so yeah it's gonna be good let me say this i didn't say it earlier thank you to bishop mckissick and lady kim mckissick uh pastor aisha as well as and i keep calling a lady kim she's an executive pastor so pastor kim uh pastor aisha and pastor bishop edmundson for just their transparency and of course pastor tina and pastor terry again for their transparency marriage requires work but if you do the work uh you can watch god work you can watch god manifest blessings in your marriage i think it's time for us to take it to uh it's time it's time you get all excited you know i thought i was his favorite but when ivan came along i think ivan became his favorite you know but i have to tell ivan all the time i'm the original namesake i am the original namesake i have all the initials you get the you know i got both sides though but that's right you got like you know so while everybody's like oh he did great i didn't expect anything less from you last night because you got your grandfather's anointing you got my anointing uh i didn't expect anything less from you uh but i really want you to know and i hit you up with the text last night i thought you did an amazing made me cry last night and uh i believe you are you are a voice to this next generation as a former youth pastor one of the things that's really important to my heart is making sure that teens and children get the word and so i've watched the evolution of youth ministry and how it went down and so i told you you got an assignment there's a need for a voice to that younger generation and i believe that god has called you to do that and so uh you're going to walk in you're calling but it's time now it's time for oh i get so excited you get so excited i mean you know again that's his favor too like we got stories to tell about family and how he would override me and go to his grandfather but that's neither here nor there i don't want to delay any longer share this with somebody let's get this number up and i want to send it into the auditorium so that you can hear a fresh word from our apostle i give you apostle ivy hilliard well this is the day the lord's made i will rejoice and be glad in it well we've had a great morning already and as they've said i need you to go on and share this we're going to get into the word just a moment but you know i thought i have to comment first of all on pastor ivan and dr that introduction yet i mean it was uh dr may pastor that's ivan was great last night and i think that is a message that our teens need to hear and as one person commented this is not just a message for teens but it's a message for all ages and i thought he was definitely on it i do celebrate uh dr irisha she's doing a great job here as pastor of the church but also in hip coordinating this conference and so i do want to give her a shout out for that but the um panel this morning was exceptional really it was oh my lord uh they were most transparent and that's kind of hard to get people to do to be transparent but they were they were transparent they were clear on what they were saying and i trust that you know you will embrace what uh what they were saying i trust you will embrace that i see our numbers are going up make sure my phone is off but um the other thing i want to say is uh the blueprint i need you to go on and if you have not we have hundreds of people who've already said okay yes i want absolutely free and you'll be able to download it i have this in the hard copy version simply just so i can show it to you but you'll be able to download it and it's filled with all good information that's going to help you grow it's just that's going to really help you grow and so this and then the uh the seven lessons that i do on uh maximizing the family experience how to do that but this is not only good just for uh your you know your your your your biological family but it's good for any team or any family uh situation uh lady b and i just came from getting our vaccine uh our second dose and i said those you're listening come on now let's let's not be so apprehensive about getting the vaccine thinking it's gonna do something to you they're changing your dna come on uh let's let's get rid of all of the all the politicizing of this and all of the conspiracy stuff come on now you know uh it doesn't really it doesn't make sense and you received vaccines for other things in the past hey this vaccine is safe i've gotten uh this you know my i had no side effects period at all and the fact today was just kind of uh you know i felt the the first one i felt it but this today the technician was great i mean the technician was great because i'm i'm you know i'm ready to tense up but he said no no no relax let your arm hang down let it down and i did he said he said i guarantee you one thing he said i'm not gonna feel a thing so i started laughing at her and so he said no when your arm is totally relaxed totally relaxed then uh you let me know when you're ready and uh and then i'll give you the injection so i said okay okay he said you ready i said yes he says i'm finished i said huh he said i'm finished i said oh really he said yeah and the whole thing on that was amazing because you know it was how he went about doing it uh and he could have because he's busy you know lines all around the place he didn't have to take the time to really just kind of kill settle me down and tell me about relaxing my arm he didn't have to take all that time he could have just said next up you know hey roll your sleeve up i got i got a whole bunch of people waiting on me and bam it's altered but all he said let me explain this to you hey and i'm telling you that's what i'm trying to do today we want to take our time this week to just walk through every situation so you get the maximum benefit with the least amount of pain yes because some of the things we're going to say to you as you've heard already it's kind of painful yeah when you see yourself in some of the situation that you know you shouldn't be in but we're going to see if we can make this uh a little more pleasurable and enjoyable for you my assignment in this session is to teach on collaboration the agreement principle that's what i want to go father in jesus name thank you for this time together and thank you father the people have ears to hear hearts to believe and receive and our lives will be transformed by the word in jesus name amen so our major theme now is investing in the family investing in building family comes from uh our foundational passage in luke chapter six where it talks about whosoever cometh to me and heareth my sayings and doing them now and do with them hearing and doing i want you to get that hearing and doing not just hearing but hearing and doing he says i will show you uh to whom he is life and he says he's like a man which built a house and digged deep and laid it up the foundation on a rock and when the flood arose and the stream beat vehemently upon that house and could not shake it amen for it was founded upon a rock so many metaphors in that the metaphor house of course can mean family and of course rock meaning the word of god so when a person will take the time to dig deep and that's what you're doing dig deep and take the time to found to to build your family to build relationships on the word of god when you would do that then when the floods rise and they will rise and when the streams beat against your house your family your family will come through all right so yesterday last night we launched this and we began to talk about the reality we must face and that is that there is a divine order for family a divine design that god has for the family experience and then we talked about the truth we must embrace in other words for us for the believer the word of god is truth for us and it is what will uh set the stage for everything that we will do it is our text and then we talked about the responsibility we must take in other words you and i have the responsibility or we are responsible for every situation we move from that to the decision that we must make not enough just to hear now you know in that text it says hearing and doing so it's not enough just to hear uh teachings and have you know uh good intentions but there is the action that you have to take and then the final thing was the expectations that take place that when we act on the word of god when we act on what god says that we ought to have or we should have justifiable expectations we said some acute some things that's going to happen right away chronic some things that may take time now today we're going to deal with the collaboration and that is this agreement in matthew chapter 18 matthew chapter 18 again i say unto you that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask it shall be done for them of my father of my father which is in heaven for where two or three are gathered together in my name there am i in the midst of them child god i want you to hear me on this because this is the greatest motivational factor that i have found in my years of talking with people about marriages and relationship this is the greatest motivational factor that i have found and this factor is if we can agree whether it's in a church setting whether it's in a corporate setting whether it's in a family setting if we can agree we can move further together in agreement now jesus says here if two of us will agree he gives this powerful principle he says if you'll grieve in whatever you ask he says watch this that god would get involved god would get involved so many times when i'm talking with couples or i'm talking with a family uh a situation i will ask them do you want god involved yeah yeah want god involved do you want god's best oh yeah want god's best well now if you can embrace this principle that if you can drop your rocks and get into agreement you will see god move and god work in your marriage in your situation now so we will you know there are a lot of synonymous terms that you can use for agreement unity togetherness and throughout this teaching we'll be using the term togetherness and this togetherness can happen with husband and wife it can happen with parent and child it can happen in all kinds of settings but we want to we want to look at this togetherness is the spiritual state of two or more in spiritual alignment spiritual agreement and spiritual one accord working together for a common purpose that sounds like family to me and so when i have this togetherness mentality and move at it that way then we're going to get god working in our lives now years ago i'm in a little regularly building lady b pulling one way i'm pulling the other way what no togetherness at all you follow me but we learn oh there's my building y'all know i got to put my building up but we learned in that setting and listen to me now we learned in that setting that if we would get into agreement then we could see god work and we saw god do amazing things simply because we activated the principle of agreement i want to tell you the miracle that you need in your family the miracle that you need in your relationships is just an agreement away if i can get husbands and wives to drop their rocks embrace this principle and go to work on getting in agreement you'll be amazed at what you see god do in your life amen my first point is the blessing potential of our togetherness the blessing potential because there is a blessing the scriptural benefits of corporate togetherness or family togetherness is throughout the scripture first let's look at uh psalms 133 behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity all right it's all right it is like the precious ointment upon the head that ran down upon the beard even aaron's beard that went down into the skirts of his garment watch this as the dew of hermann and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of zion for there all right that's the key for them why is there he's talking about the place of unity that place of agreement for there the lord commanded the blessing even life forevermore in that awesome that when i'm in a place of agreement when you can get in a place of agreement you will be under the commanded blessings of the lord that's right god's going to command blessings on your house command blesses on your family i like to call this supernatural provision somebody go on and document memorialize that for me supernatural provision now let's look at genesis chapter 11. it says and the lord said behold the people is one again what is he talking about agreement the people is one and they all have one language and this they began to do and now nothing will be restrained from them which they have imagined to do this is a powerful principle because this principle would work was working even when the folk weren't doing what god said because they were building the tower of babel which was against what god had told them to do but the principle is so powerful it'll work in the negative like it will work in the positive wow but he says now and this they began to do and now nothing because they were in agreement because they're working on on the court nothing would be restrained from them so i see that we can accomplish our goals when we uh when we're in agreement i like to call it supernatural progress somebody write that down somebody jot that down now go to matthew chapter 18 again because it was the uh opening text but i want to use it again again i say unto you that if two of you shall agree on earth that's touching anything that they shall ask now i know a lot of people say touch and agree and that's uh that's a illumination but i don't have to touch you to get into agreement with you amen all right it shall be done for them of my father which is in heaven for what two or three are gathered together and i get gathered together in my name there am i in the midst of them now what i see in this that this is how you tap into his supernatural presence his supernatural presence jesus says if y'all get an agreement i'll show up i'm amen if you get an agreement he says that he will show up now john chapter 17 verse 21 let me just throw this in it says that they shall me he said that they all may be one again talking about this oneness of unity agreement togetherness as thou father or in me and i in them i envy that they also may be one talking about the principle in us that the world may believe that thou has sent me what is this saying this is saying that watch this we can make world impact if we will get into agreement and i like to call that supernatural promotion somebody jot that down in the yeah a supernatural promotion so do you want supernatural promotion do you want supernatural presence do you want supernatural progress do you want supernatural provisions well this ought to get your attention because if you will do this things that i will be sharing with you on agreement it's going to amaze you now there's a social benefit on this corporate agreement and that social benefit of course this corporate togetherness will cause a marriage to work family to work church family to work now let's move to my second point which is watch this the barrier uh to the place of our togetherness the barrier to the place of our togetherness and what is that what are these barriers don't you look at some situational breakdowns that we see in the scripture uh for this corporate agreement this corporate togetherness and we can see it in in the scripture um first there's just the story of gideon i want to share we'll share with you because i'm gonna pull some points out of that story well gideon uh really is called of god to do something and got all these people there i think about 32 000 and then you know uh they were not on one accord god gave him a way really to bring out this out this group that would be on one accord and i think he went down from third from 20 from 32 to 300 but it was enough because that's because they could activate the power of agreement and then there's a story of uh of david and his men when they were getting ready to try to recover what they had lost at zig lag and uh some of them just were tired and said we can't go any further but they said that's okay y'all y'all stay here with the stuff we're gonna go fight but when we come back everybody gonna get blessed so the whole point is you know there's some sensual situations where there was the corporate breakdown but i gotta tell you if you can reach that point of agreement you can still see supernatural things happen so what are these satanic barriers in the story well let's look at second corinthians chapter 2 uh verse 11 let's say this is getting advantage of us we're not ignorant of his devices so god does not want you to be ignorant of what the devil will strategize and what he will do to attempt to keep you from the place of agreement remember if i'm at the place of agreement it's the place where i'll experience supernatural revisions it is the place where i'll have his supernatural power and possessions of presence it's a place where i'll have promotion and progress so i want to get there i want my family there i want to get there and i can get there if i work at it now listen to me so number one i see this that i see these four elements there when gideon is going through the process that god gave him to pull out togetherness to pull the the the agreement party together so as i look at this i look at this and as i dissected i said oh well these are the reasons why these the others couldn't go i mean and and because of that those would be the barriers that keep you from walking in agreement number one was fear and that's the first thing that god told get it get in tell everybody who's afraid to go home oh my god you tell her to go home and wouldn't you know it oh my god i mean i was over 20 000 left they were all afraid that's amazing that was amazing so so the fear factor now the fear factor here it's a barrier because if i believe getting in the uh to get an agreement that i am going to lose then it will keep me from doing making the adjustments that i need to make in order to be in agreement yeah you know if i fear oh my god if i do that i'm going to lose see if i'm not focusing on what i'm going to gain then uh this whole thing of agreement will cause me to back away there's a flesh barrier the flesh barrier is listen the devil your flesh won't ever want to obey god the bible says uh paul writes in my flesh dwelleth no good thing so i understand whenever there is something that is important to god important in the word of god my flesh is going to have a resistance but that's okay then there's the fainting barrier what do you mean the fainting burial those who will quit along the way so i've seen people start out in agreement but then along the way maybe look took a little too long and that was the fainting and then the focus barrier the focus barry i see that and uh when um gideon took the the last group down to the brook i mean to the to the river so they could drink and those who kept their eyes on what was important their eyes on the battle those are the ones he said now these are the ones who are ready to go so it is it's critical that in order for me to maintain agreement i got to focus on this principle if we can just agree and i can't tell you how many times um our family you know had to come in okay let's get an agreement all right we're going to do it and we're going to get an agreement we talk it through work it through but then at the end of the day we want us we want to step into the place of agreement because we understand that's the place that god is going to bless amen and amen now let's move on with this you all are such a good class i might even give you some change no you know i'm not uh so all right look at the third point third point is the breakthrough power of our togetherness now when i think of the breakthrough power of our togetherness i just look at uh what uh some of the things in the bible you know deuteronomy talks about how i want to chase a thousand two can chase ten thousand so if we're exponentially multiplied when we are in when we are in agreement uh then you look at the scripture where the bible says these four men were bringing the one to jesus the to jesus they had to be in agreement because you know they had to climb up on the housetop so so we can see the adjustment they had to make to be in agreement so the man would fall off but as a result the bible says and he saw watch this not the man's faith but he saw their faith he said and that that included just the man included the man it included all of them the man had to have faith to let them put him take him on the roof anyway you got to understand that but when he saw that corporate faith think about it if god could see your corporate faith and they were corporate you know many times you missed that your family in faith and really think of the tremendous things that could come to pass simply because the family got in faith amen amen you know my lord years ago of course we would uh when we were what comes to mind is we were believing for a house where our a dream house was believing for it we got a whole family in agreement amen we had children talking faith and all of us talking faith now we see now while we talk in faith and believe in faith all of the mortgage companies we're going to is telling us no no no no no no no no i think how many i think have we got 20 nodes how many knows you remember that bridge how many nodes from the mortgage company we got we're believing for that house we're about 20 by 20 knows but we still all in faith you understand we're all in faith and then finally you know we're still getting those and lady bridget says okay what we're going to do is we're going to uh we're going to have this uh uh she didn't call it extreme corresponding action now what do you mean she said we're gonna pack like we're moving oh okay we're gonna pack like we move in and we don't have a mortgage commitment but we're going to pack like we're moving so it had to be a family agreement because we all pack packed the boxes so we lived out of boxes for several months all of us we lived out of but we were in agreement you follow me this was this corporate and i said i'm not telling you to do that i'm just giving you what we would do as a family kids kids will ride along with us and everything and i remember when when we finally got a yes and we told the kids we said to children we say you know we're moving someone bro you know we got a closing date and all that sort of stuff and they said well hold on we want to know are we moving by faith are we moving for real we tell them now we're moving for real so but we were in corporate agreement on that i'm telling you this will work for you listen you've tried other stuff and it did not work why not put your commitment on this so there is this amazing potential the seventy the bible says uh uh returned because saying even the devils were subject to them so now let's look at the demonstrated power of this togetherness he says if two of you will get an agreement god says i'll go to work for you all right so uh the bible says there in matthew and let's go to let's go to mark put the scripture in mark up there because they said they went forth and preached everywhere the lord working with them the lord working with them and confirming the word with signs following and so uh i'm telling you this will work for you all right now um of course she said that don't necessarily mean that means everybody i understand that by illumination i can do that i can say the lord working with them i see too many situations in the bible where there was of them present and i'm saying you and your family can be of them you and your husband can be of them i know that's not good english i'm not teaching the english class but i'm saying y'all can be of them amen the bible says you follow them who through faith i'm of them amen lady b and i we are them all right praise the lord let's move on now so i can see this all throughout the bible that in when they were on one accord on the day of pentecost it was there then that the fire failed and the holy spirit came now the potential of togetherness then is is also clearly received clearly the same throughout the bible jehoshaphat uh when they got in agreement their god spoke so throughout the bible i can see it now let's let's move to this my leg my final point my final point is going to be the disciplined preservation of corporate togetherness the discipline preservation of corporate togetherness i was you know um you know i uh i was talking today uh with the makeup lady she's doing my makeup and i told her you know i said uh you know i you know i can teach on family and teach on togetherness and i got tons of information tons of information but i said i have to really put myself in faith to teach it because because i really i really don't really like to teach what i said i don't i really like it i can teach it i'm anointed to teach it i said my frustration is folk will listen that you teaching and won't do it i said nah that just it's almost like it's a waste of my time that's why i like to do wins huh i'm out the way they they really want you to get on out the way i mean that's just ceremonial stuff that in my day i did the witness y'all know i did a lot of y'all watching me know i married you but i'm telling you i i just i just don't like weddings i don't like wins because they're not listening with that huh and the couple they're not listening nobody's listening they want you to go and do your little thing get on off the way so they can take pictures and go party and i'm going i wish y'all could do that and not really have to be involved okay okay okay okay i'm going somewhere with this i'm going somewhere with this all right and so um i prefer to do a funeral what yeah if i had to do a wedding over a funeral i'd rather do a funeral why because they're gonna listen to me it's a time of ministry to the family you follow me so my whole effort is you know we're pouring out our hearts to you giving you this information and for you to go act the same foolish way oh i should have said that but for you to go act the same way you've been acting i mean that's just like oh no oh no and i i'm gonna say this to my i'm gonna say this uh um you know i i teach pastors y'all know i teach pastors and boy when pastors come in and thank god you know they have the wisdom enough to come to lady b and i and say hey listen we need some help you know you know and some pastors in our group yeah and so i asked them i asked them questions they already they already ought to know i'm asked of course i asked them have you are you listening to the word on family and marriage no do you have family meetings no these are these are fundamentals that i teach you got it i don't be teaching on that uh tonight on communication so you definitely want to be a part of that i said are you doing these things i lay the foundational things of faith out that they know they know them and they even teach them but they won't do but i'm in faith i'm in faith when i go through this next point this next part that you're gonna do it don't you let me down remember last night i said all god needed that one person who'll be the catalyst are you ready all right let's talk about discipline discipline is enforced obedience discipline means i don't have to feel like it but i'm going to do it because i want the results discipline discipline amen this is what causes the guy to go and exercise and and dreads it discipline is what causes the person who really doesn't like academics and schooling to go to school because he wants the benefit of what happens after he graduates you got it discipline all right that's what i'm talking about here discipline is the act of faith when a person sticks with the act of faith does what faith says i'm supposed to do even though he doesn't feel it because we walk by faith and not by sight so here's what i've got to do if i am going to embrace this entire uh this this whole concept of agreement so that uh i can see a change in my situation i've number one i have to have a team conscious mentality a team conscious mentality now this whole team conscious mentality is uh i got to understand what happens if we're pulled together if we can pull together husband and wife when i'm when i'm talking to people you know really what i try to get them to do i'm lady bridget just want to thank me lady bridget them you know at first i let them sit there and tell but all the you know all the stuff that's been going on everything that they don't like about each other after after i let them air it all out then i dramatically do this i take all the stuff because i've been taking notes i take all of that then i turn the page okay so now all that's in the past now now let's look at what we're going to do as we go forward so i just did that to you i sure did now all that stuff i understand that it's real we all we got that all documented you had a chance to you know regurgitate all of that so we turned this part on the page and now can we get a team mentality in our family can we get a team mentality can we do that can we get a team mentality in our marriage can we do that all right next i gotta have a tongue control mentality faith comes by hearing but faith is released by the words of my mouth oh my god i have got to control my tongue amen i got to put pressure on my tongue quit cussing each other out amen oh christians don't cuss yesterday they didn't do i mean don't don't don't play me don't play me you know i'm serious i'm saying but but you know the bible talks about blessing and cursing coming out the same fountain and you know come on do you want to do you want the supernatural provisions are you arguing you fussing at us yes i am i really am because i want you to get this i want you to have god's best but you have to do the work yeah yeah let's put pressure on our tongues well what i'm gonna say that's why i'm giving you the blueprint i'm giving you all of this that's gonna put you in a state of mind where you know what to say out of your mouth amen right next there is the talent collaboration mentality oh my god what does that mean all that what what that means is listen you have strong points the other person has has strong points and really many times your weak points you know that strong point will help outweigh that it offset that so i'm saying when i understand that we all have talents at the table amen let's maximize the talents at the table corporate agreement amen and this when we talk about collaboration you know um i'm good at making money been good at making money all you know before you know i became a full-time pastor when i married lady b you know i had uh one of the side business on the side working i mean i can make money okay uh she's better at managing money than i am what yeah she she's better at managing money than i am so i'm not going to pull this macho man down i'm the man i'm going to do it and then mess up because you know i mean i'll be writing all the way in the days of checks now we don't use checks anymore and but very few people to use them and praise the lord but i could i quit carrying a checkbook years ago because i i mean i'd be writing checks i won't you know you're supposed to be writing what you're writing in the legend right keeping i ain't doing all that so you know what kind of mess we have with reconciling checks coming in you need to tell me oh sorry so we just took the checkbook and just said hundley you just keep this thing you know just i just keep this thing and uh so i don't have to be bothered with that and then secondly i had such a y'all think i'm a real tough guy you know i am tough in some areas so don't try to roll up on me uh but uh uh my heart had come real compassionate hard you give me a sad story and i know what i went through to get where i am today i would take i would take out my check and write your story we crying together and listen to people never pay me back so we found out i was not the best guy in that all right now but i'm a good strategist so when we want a strategy i'm at the table so we have this mentality that we will play off of and our pastors when we only on our zoom you're going to really really need to uh watch the zoom today is because i want to talk about how as a family we respect this collaborative talent collaboration mentality and then there's the toughness culture mentality in other words we don't quit we fight until we win all the way we fight until we win and everybody knows that everybody's in they got somebody in their corner that's going to fight for them everybody understands we got that you got somebody in your corner that's going to fight for you so that's that's it and then finally it's a togetherness celebration mentality and that is we all gonna celebrate in the end that's it in the end we all gonna celebrate together and uh our family that's good at celebration we'll talk about that a little uh probably in one of the sessions you'll get it out of the blueprint until you're willing to make significant emotional deposits you cannot make even small emotional withdrawals you got to make significant emotional deposits and we do that we celebrate people celebrate what people do and we celebrate their accomplishments and we celebrate their dreams and that sort of thing and everybody knows that we're going to celebrate everybody's accomplishments and dreams and that sort of thing so nobody minds celebrating others because my day is coming that is the power of this and i really want you to get this i really want you to see it and i really want you to embrace it to the point that you will say yes this is what we're going to do so we're going to get the information we're going to learn how to get an agreement and we're going to watch god work as we get an agreement and i'm going i'm going to wrap it up here i might give you some change so but listen story's told of uh this context contest that they had this contest that they had of uh oxen pulling a load oxen pulling the load and people would gamble and they would bet on which oxen was the which ox t oxen team were the strongest and uh and could pull the load the furthest and pull the load you follow me and so uh you know that was this one set of oxen strong bullish and everybody said oh yeah if any oxen car a group could pull the load they could certainly do it so all the bets were down then this other guy comes up and he's got an old and how old oxen and he's got a young oxen young oxen looks stout and everything but the old oxen looks like he's passed his prime but nobody wanted to bet on them but the man who had the old oxen and the young oxen he put all his money on himself he said oh no he said no and everybody said well you're going to lose you're going to lose because you're not going to be able to beat that team and so after all the bets were in and uh uh the uh first group the the two bullish oxen they attached the load to them and almost before they could get the load attack they were just jumping and pulling and they could not move the load so you know after that time was up then they called over the other group other man the older guy with his old oxen and the young oxen and everybody said well i knew if those two young oxen couldn't do it certainly the old oxen and the young oxen they're not gonna be able to pull the load but the man attached them and everything and then he gave out the call for them to pull but here's what they did instead of them lunging forward as the other team did first they leaned to each other they made this point of connection and agreement and once they connected and leaned together they launched forward together and they moved they moved it amen and they won why because they understood the power of togetherness and i'm saying don't be like those two young oxen who just was just i'm pulling my way put no no learn how in your family let's learn how to lean on each other and then let's learn how to pull together and we'll go much further than we ever would have been able to do on our own and with that i'm out of time i'm going to give you all some time back on the clock i need you to like and share this because somebody needs to hear this because i got to tell you child of god if you are willing to work together pull together you're gonna be amazed at how you see god work in your life amen amen now if the studio is ready i'm finished with what i have to do today and i feel good about it i got my faith on the line that you're going to do something with this message and your life will never be the same all right are they ready for me to turn over to the studio i need some director somebody talk to me amen amen they tell me they're not ready they thought i was gonna take all of my time because normally i take all of my time and then some amen but listen here's what i want you to do now i want you to not give me too many signals what's what's my signal are they yeah they are ready but now i gotta i'm ready to do something else now what i want you to do i want you to be sure now to order the uh blueprint blueprint for amazing family i want you to make sure you do that now this is ours and a in a hard copy but you'll be able to download this i think starting today you'll download it you'll get all the information you'll be on your way to building an amazing family all right do that right now they'll put the information on the screen when you go in there and uh so i'm finished i'll see you later praise god it is offering time it's time for the offering and pastor john is going to talk to you about the offering real quick because i put a cookie in my mouth when bishop said we're going to do something else i got to chew this cookie while these two tell you about the offering and then i'll come back in a second when i finish chewing well i know i think every offering moment you want to take serious because it's an opportunity to get seed in the ground you don't get information like this and revelation that's illuminated so eloquently and drilled down to applications for our lives and not seed into it that's the other part once we eat well we then have to seed into what was served to us and it makes a major difference in your life so this offering moment don't take it lightly and go all i gave last night or i'll give another time no you want to take advantage of sowing into what you just heard because of what it will do for you one of the things when we sow it is saying i appreciate that word i appreciate who gave it to me and i appreciate the lord speaking through that gift to sow into my life you know it's interesting um one of the only places i see in the bible where god waited on someone was concerning a seed yes what gideon wanted to sow a seed on behalf of his belief in the word god had spoken over his life and he had to go prepared get the animals and god said go do it and i'll wait because it says to me that you have to sow it in that season and right now and if god was willing to wait for gideon to sow it then it says to me that god takes seriously the now season of sowing so right now is the season to sow not tonight not tomorrow but now is your season to sow because what was imparted unto you by our apostle you need to do it right now put the seed in the ground and watch the supernatural begin to happen we don't ever take a take we never miss an opportunity to so what happened last night that was last night right and as you said so awesomely it's about now yeah what god wants to do for me now out of what the general just gave us absolutely and you know um there are so many ways that people can give and you know during this season a lot of times people are saying well why do y'all give speak so many ways for people to give because we want you to have the opportunity to show we don't want you to have any excuse to say well they didn't have this and they didn't have that and i couldn't get my seat we've got so many ways for you to give it's right there on the bottom of your screen you can see it and of course we encourage you to do your part don't say oh it's just the morning session and i'll give later no you need to do it right now you need to obey god now yes yeah and i think that's so important we we miss moments like this and what i realized from being a part of you know the the it's family first this year but first family right and you know strategies is there's always these wonderful moments that god has for you in the now and we made the mistake of putting stuff off before and we've also not choked and we've sown and been in that moment and that word that is given to you something happens when you so intentionally yes off of the word that you heard and here's the practical reality this conference is normally registrants yes who come yeah you all have opened it up to everyone yes free yes what is it what is it free free free and because of that you ought to be willing to show and there may be people mama have to be honest who used to be like me well why do i need to give they don't they don't need right it's not about their need it's about your needs right it's a seed that you're sowing and if you begin to understand the principle of seed sowing man you're going to go right now to every platform in the now right and watch what god's going power is not in their need the power is in their seats yes absolutely amen well the apostles joined us on the set now and um i don't want to get rebuked like i did last night so uh do we go that was our fault we were we were that was our fault we were taking you on so should we move on or should we keep talking about the operator y'all could do what i want to do okay no i mean i just you know i see somebody say so into so into the right now season and then somebody said seed sown and then i saw somebody say when you've eaten well you should sow and so that was good word that apostles just share yes and the session this morning you guys did so well i was so pleased i was like i was back then learning stuff myself i said um i could yeah vegetarian tina threatened to say don't you mess up they did y'all did really really well it was absolutely incredible and so i just really want to encourage those of you who have not received your blueprint i understand people are saying i got my blueprint i have my mp4s and so those of you who had already gotten it last night you should have gotten the updated one already i think they sent that email out and so you can click and get your mp4s and so it's it's you know what that alone would make me want to give i can't believe you are giving this stuff away free absolutely that is amazing giving it away what like that you don't want to miss that right because this stuff is worth a lot of money yes and for you and dad to just say free we're gonna and want to give away ten thousand just three it's um it's an amazing thing yeah because we you know like i said last night when god showed us how to get our family life together we said we got to show everybody yes we're testimony of that yeah we are testimony my wife and i and on the mckissicks were the same way and so many thousands of others our testimonies absolutely you and dad that's right learning and then not holding it to yourself right by being willing to share to everybody amen well you know um i think we're i have a couple of announcements just to remind you of a couple of things remember if you want the blueprints you want to do family family even if you registered for this conference in order to get the free download and the blueprint and the messages that are available the maximizing your family i don't know what happened to all my stuff i had up here you know the maximizer but they took it but you want to get it because this has confessions for the family it has confession for the wife confession for the husband confession for the children confession for the unmarried state and then it has seven seven lessons on maximizing the family experience seven not one but seven seven lessons so you want to make sure you get that so that's family and i have to talk about it one more time april 21st through the 23rd it's the hybrid women who win circle that mean inner circle that means that we're going to do a virtual experience as well as people are going to come into the auditorium so those of you who feel comfortable with coming in person we definitely want you to be a part of it i'm just going to say we have a limited number that are going to be in person the 100 registration is worth you registering i want you to register today for women who win it's the women who women who win meets inner circle april 21st through the 23rd amen so that's all my announcements and i want to encourage you to be back with us on tonight i need clarity on what time we start tonight and all the peeps are not in here um is it six o'clock well i think it's six six o'clock i think six for the pk's okay so six o'clock is a private zoom for the first family seven o'clock so seven o'clock for everyone else or is that oh there's the beautiful dr eye and uh behind the scenes tonight so we look forward to seeing you on tonight and then those of you who are part of the first family remember your zoom starts momentarily like at 12 o'clock so that is for those first family those people who normally would come to the first family conference the pastor's spouse and their family we're about to do that session session next and that is at 12 noon and you should have received your private zoom link so that you can get that and so the apostle has a finger up like i just want to say if you did not give your celebration seed because i still got people texting me saying i did give it last night i need to give it today that's right obey god oh my god yeah no pressure on us i'm just wanting you to obey god absolutely so many times people just need to hear that no i should have gave it i should have given him to give him last night i understand you should have but hey listen it's still on your heart to do it go on and obey god and then watch god go to work yeah this is your situation absolutely amen how are you feeling from your back seeing apart oh i'll say i'm fine i mean just totally fine how was the needle how was the needle what was it oh was the needle that long oh my god but what are you saying what are you saying about the what's the revelation what's the revelation you got to relax you gotta take it easy gotta chill but what's the revelation well what's the revelation give us the revelation y'all come back tonight and get to me i knew it was coming i don't know why y'all want to mess with me i knew it was coming i don't know why they want to do that i just i was like you seem like you did better this time than the last time yeah because i had someone see here we go who was knowledgeable i had somebody who was knowledgeable and that's the key that's the key you want to talk to somebody you want to have somebody talk to you and minister to you who's knowledgeable okay all all these years i'm 16 years old i've always helped tighten my fists oh yeah when i got a shot mom knew that well she knew it but i mean i used to give shots all my lashes didn't know it and this guy saw no no lay your head like rip your arm relax come on relax relax it relax it he said i guarantee you one thing ain't gonna hurt me how many have you done this oh i've done over five thousand i said okay i just want to make sure this wasn't your first day that's a shame and then he said all right you let me know when you're ready i feel you relaxed he said you let me know when you're ready i said uh okay okay i'm ready and maybe two seconds later he said well i'm finished i said what i had to look at the needle make sure you're giving them you know fake me out you understand save your mind for somebody else you understand faking me out and look underneath yeah it was empty all right okay we're ready to go then we're ready to roll but it's all on all on you know who's doing that see right it was done that first time it hurt are you sure i'm sure it hurt you hurt bad it hurt bad everybody but this time you didn't hurt me now they gave me that same old spiel about the discomfort they didn't give me my spirit they didn't get your spill but they they knew you didn't need a spill they didn't exactly yeah this could be worse than the first one and then they didn't tell you all that nope this could be worse than the first time and he goes and i said shall not come not me shall not come not me yeah every time he said that shall not come not me shall not come by me and you know the first time the lady asked me what you're saying that father i'm gonna let you speak through my life i think that's extreme that's right that's right it is extreme that's why i'm extremely blessed because i i agree with you that's why you had no symptoms they had no symptoms and i ain't have no none this time either i don't even feel i don't even feel like i got a shot really i haven't i mean i always not the first one you felt because the needle was so big yeah you thought that needed that's cause the needle was big yeah yeah yeah i think they knew i was coming yeah i think and i think they they shot in that meeting i think they did they understand because see this time he had to leave him right there in inflamed view but the first time she hid it from you she had the thing here had it hidden under the thing she did all this talking had it hidden then when she got ready to do it she's ready to sleep and i did that then she said boom she wrote apostle they used the same needle it was the same it's the same thing all right put it on me so i can talk to people because i need y'all to go and get your vaccine come on let's not play with well put on that's my camera let's not play with this go on and get your vaccine it's for your betterment and for the betterment of others yes all right so if you don't want to do it for yourself do it for other people right let's let's make it happen right and just give new meaning to the moment all right give new meaning to the moment get your vaccine amen the lord told me uh you know when i say that as the lord told me that the abatement for this whole thing would come through medical science and he told me years when they first came out last year he said you pray for you pray for my researchers because this is the avenue through which this will be abated that's what the lord told me so don't don't have any fear with in taking the vaccine you're going to be all right confess the word of god i confess the word of god as they were putting it in my arm she put it in there so fast this time i had to confess it later but the first lady she was slow and i had time to confess it all right lady b get us out of here so we'll see you on tonight at 6 50 for those of you who are uh regular are part of the first family first conference and then six o'clock for the pks those of you who you should have gotten your zoom link so be ready for that and until tonight we'll talk about the vaccine some more tonight we love you with the love of the lord and we'll see the pastors at 12 noon in about 10 minutes we'll be ready to see you on the earth zoom have a great night yay there is nothing like this blueprint for an amazing family resource that i want to send to you absolutely free if you will reach out to request it now now it has the faith-building mechanics necessary to build a strong family and to overcome those setbacks to a quality family life there are daily affirmations for the husband and for the wife and for the unmarried and for the parent and for the children along with extensive easy to understand teachings on the keys to maximizing the family experience and i want to send to you absolutely free now reach out now by going to that special link and giving us the information right now and so give us your prayer requests and your requests for the blueprint for an amazing family life now be sure to to get back online to enjoy the rest of the conference reach out now and send that to me right now and request it you're going to be amazed when you get this in your hands you
Channel: New Light Church
Views: 1,380
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: p91KdhOPPFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 18sec (7938 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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