Family First Conference - February 26, 2021

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everybody in the room repeat after me [Music] let's go [Music] gonna see it a couple times [Applause] [Music] [Music] no one can rival your words well hello we're so excited that you have joined us for our family first conference and this is another word shop to take your life to the next level uh one thing that we can say is that parenting during a pandemic has been uh a very interesting journey and so i have two boys um jonathan who is 18 senior year in high school and then there is ivan pastor ivan he's 24 and he works with me here at the light as our youth pastor and so i've asked pastor bishop edmundson and pastor aisha to help me as well as bishop mckissick and pastor kim so i'm going to allow them to introduce themselves tell you their ages of their children and we'll go to the edmondsons first all right you want to introduce us so we are bishop john and pastor aisha edmondson from new jersey we've been married for 29 awesome years and we have three boys joshua who is 26 the 27 this year christian who's going to be 24 and jordan who is going to be 20 and um it's been a journey it's been a journey when you said it's interesting i think that's that's light it is it's a journey and you know i'm so glad i know some people saying there's nobody on your panel with younger kids when you got a two-year-old there's not much you can tell me about parents that's like you know because you still haven't been through some things you just watching and you're looking at them they're still kind of in that cute face but what do you do when they're not cute anymore that's right and to my right are the mckissicks so hey hey hey uh bishop rudolph mckissick and pastor kim we are the pastors of the bethel church in jacksonville florida like the edmondsons we have three wonderful children our oldest is jocelyn jocelyn will be 27 this year she now works full-time at the church and runs the church uh janae our baby girl is 23 in grad school she'll be 24 this year joshua is a recent graduate of hampton university he is 22 going on 23 back in our house in jesus name yes this is going to be a great conversation today i i think it's a great conversation because you know ivan moved out and then he moved back home and that's a whole nother dynamic and so uh one of the things how has parenting changed for you during the pandemic like for your home structure getting the kids to how has it changed yeah well for us you know one of the things you know one of our sons was already in ministry joshua was already in ministry in our finance department our middle son christian who graduated from college and radio tv and film we weren't looking to hire him we were like dude go get a job go get a job we weren't looking to hire him but his gifts made room for him much of our virtual production he runs and so but what that did and our youngest is still in college but what that did is it caused us to have to work from home and it changed the dynamics because that space was gone and so they're you know they're like well we're trying to chill we ain't got time to chill i don't work so there was these dynamics that changed of employee but mom and dad and trying to navigate that and the challenges that you know that came up with that so it changed because it took us from the work environment to the home environment and the home environment being the work environment your living room became a studio you basically became you know another studio and so uh it was challenging because of having to do things that they weren't normally used to doing and and navigating that employer but mom and dad role to make them not make them resent what they're doing and i think it's different when they're used to having their freedom from being out of the house now coming back into the house and you you still have some you know you allow them have their freedom but you still have some rules and regulations that they gotta abide by in the house and they they respect that but still trying to you know make and mold them but yet they have that you know well i'm an adult you know yeah you an adult but you still living in our house i love it you're not paying no bills so is your college student doing online classes at home or did he go back to campus yeah no he um he actually switched schools you know he was in a school near new york and new york the pandemic was really really bad and he switched schools and he's closing her home but he's online he's now in another school closer to the house but he's still online and you can see him navigating whether you know they're starting to open the campuses up but whether i want to be on campus online but it's a challenge it is an absolute challenge for kids that are in school right now and the dynamics and i think that's something that we have to be sensitive to our kids are going through things that we may not know they're going through or assume they're okay and they're not so it's been a challenge for him you know being in school yeah i think it's been a real challenge because many of them like all our kids are extremely smart but it still has been a challenge not being able to be with their friends the way they used to be be able to be with their friends and being able to tackle a new way to learn yeah this being a new way of learning is it's taken a toll on them so they've had to learn how to overcome in a whole another way that they've never had to deal with i i totally agree uh the mechanics y'all have a student a child that's away in college you've got one that moved back home two that moved back home right and one is home one is with her grandparents so we only have one in the house okay so that's different but grandparents are right around the corner well she comes over every day and eats our food exactly so how has it changed during this pandemic i think for us or for me more so than anything we're trying to parent adults yeah so treating them like the individuals that they are but on the respect level that they are adults so it's almost like we're giving guidance um they they don't to me joshua has never been a rebellious child so but wants the freedom and so he has this one friend that he loves whose house he loves to go to but i'm like apostle jillian said matching my wisdom with their want to you like that statement i love that statement that's it that's my statement for 2021 so just trying to give guidance where they can't see some things that of course we see as parents because we will always be their parents but just giving guidance and and saying some things to them that they don't think about because they just want to be out right they just want to be amongst their friends and we all do this has been a restraining year and so we're actually almost going into another year where we're staying home um in this pandemic so i don't know if it's different for you bishop well you know for me i i just get sick of seeing them all the time this is transparent keep it real oh god in the pandemic you know we had an empty nest yeah it was our house yes and now you know we're being invaded not only are they back home but then pandemic hits and they are home all the time right josh really isn't right he works but then he comes home you know so it's it's it's it's learning to appreciate each other over again that's good um and learning how to be in the same space and share that space yes um with without killing each other yes you know um and with yeah it it that's the challenge for me learning learning to appreciate each other in a space that we're in together all the time um and what and what she said you know generation z thinks they know everything they know come on they think they know everything so when you're trying to to put your wisdom with their want to they have a want to that doesn't want your wisdom right and and so trying to navigate you know put your mask on you don't need to go here there and everywhere and they want to give you statistics because they think because they they research that's what you do everything yeah they have the answers they're like they're like the first cousins to cook you in on you know what i mean so it just becomes a challenge it really does but i think for me learning to appreciate uh each other that that's really good and appreciate them as adults because parenting you appreciate them as children but then you got to learn how to appreciate them as adults for me it's been you know like you said there's the adult ivan who moved back home and i try to give him liberty but we had a conversation at one point where he was like but you don't check on me like you check on jonathan and i'm like but you're an adult because i wanted to give him the space to feel still feel grown but at the same time he was looking for me to do some motherly things that i wasn't doing and so i was like you know we kind of we had an intense conversation but then i took note of it and so on you know he said it uh the other day me and jay we go to dinner every monday that has been our thing to eat together and he was like y'all don't invite me so we started inviting him because i could tell it was something that he was a little bothered by but also again telling him hey sit down somewhere go to church go work come home sit down like you know sit down somewhere and even with jonathan i think that whole parenting a student in this season you have to foster honest communication yes you know you know jonathan went through this is a big year jonathan plays football so we've been waiting for the senior year so first it was was he going to even play football then it was playing football and i'm like as soon as you walk in the house go shower don't because what point of having him go to football practice and then not go to school so he was going to school and i'm like don't come in my room go straight to the shower trying to make sure he understood then it was can my girlfriend come over can my friend come over and i'm like no and so then i i said okay well let's try to create some type of safe space in the house for him but just navigating him through the cycle because then we get to recruiting and it's a dead recruiting season and you know we've had all these plans of options to sign and now that's shifting and so one night at dinner he said to me mom i'm a little discouraged and i couldn't beat him up for saying that but i knew as a parent i had to navigate him through that yeah and so i said okay this is where we use our faith i said it was at the top of the of the year i said our church is on a fast i said pick something that you're going to fast and let's target our faith yes he said okay he said by the time before the end of this month i'm gonna have to offer and i'm gonna know what school i'm gonna go to the school that he selected wasn't even on the table wow when he said he was discouraged but they had been watching him all along and didn't think that they could get him and they made him an offer but i realized i had to have that dialogue some of his friends got covered and i was like see this is when you need to sit down somewhere so we've we've had to create another level of dialogue and then i have to be open to hearing what he's saying because you know just yesterday he said mom i want to go to online learning and i'm thinking to myself okay here we go but i heard him okay let me make the switch not a question i just said make sure you do your work make sure you still get up for class but i think in order to parent effectively during the pandemic you still have to have those times of hearing your children out that is so true and especially as they get older um you know it and we we can make a it's a hard time making that adjustment sometimes as they get older and making a switch and looking at them that they're making their own decisions and hearing them you know it's hard because you you know it like in my mom's eyes i'm that baby i'm 52. but in her eyes i'm that baby running around and i get that because you look at your kids as they grow up i still have nicknames that i call my my sons i call them i got nicknames they look at me i'm like you're gonna be you're gonna be 67 you're still gonna be jordy bear you still grinding the baby right you know but at the same time they're growing up and you have to back up and you have to respect them and you have to as you said you have to hear them but still parent them and it has been a challenge during this time you know it was interesting like you were talking about having that dialogue with them and especially being able to understand where they are and so that you can you know kind of help navigate them you know our youngest son jordan who's in school now and many of them they don't like being long-zoomed they don't like learning you know some of the teachers what their their cameras are all the time some of them don't you know they don't mind it but one of the things that he said where he doesn't mind uh having his camera on and being engaged are the classrooms where the teachers will have a time that they break them out in small groups okay when they break them out into small groups and they have that discussion oriented i think it maybe creates an atmosphere as almost as if they were with their friends right so they can have that discussion so that was interesting just to be able to learn that from him because it even made us think about maybe some things that we needed to do differently going forward yeah it's a it's a different dynamic because you gotta remember there they've been raised on social media so instead of sitting in a room having conversation they text each other but then you strip them away from that in-person touch of people they had to adjust just as much i want to switch to this question because both of you have adult children how has your parenting style evolved over the years that's a loaded question right it is a loaded question i think bishop edmondson actually stated that they are adults they are and i'll try to recognize their own individuality and that they have a perspective they have thoughts and ideals and that kind of thing and so hearing them out but i think we've given more guidance not necessarily but this is what you need to do but more guidance and sitting down having these i remember you coming in the house and you and joshua at the table having a dialogue so having those kind of discussions to make sure they understand where we're coming from a parental standpoint um and while we think the way we do and why we're trying to engage them like we are in this pandemic because it's very important hey we're trying to keep you safe yeah we're trying and bishop has a saying we're trying to keep you safe and sane right doing it i mean this pandemic has been like none other and so not having the freedoms to do what you want to do but also allow them to make their own decisions using wisdom and so it's been a teachable moment for them a lot of teaching in this time not necessarily saying well this is what i say and this is you need to do what i say but just teaching them how to make a good how to make good decisions in this pandemic yeah you know um it's the evolution for me has been respecting them as adults without them being adults losing respect for me as the parent um has been the fine line to to tightrope and walk because i'm still your parent and it's learning you know when you were growing up you didn't have an opinion no i don't what you have to say because your opinion doesn't matter to me now i listen because you are now adults and i will listen to you now if i think you're wrong or if i think if you know we're different with that she's passionate if i think it's dumb i'm just going to tell you that's dumb that is just dumb you know um you know so but it's learning to listen and them knowing that i respect them as a young adult but while they have to still respect me as the parent and as the one with the wisdom and and that becomes you know a real challenge because they have their opinions and it's also understanding that you got to have a issachar spirit you got to understand the times that how my parents treated me when i became an adult is very different than how i treat mine now that they are adults because it was a different time you know there are there are new opportunities uh in their adulthood and so i have to know how to parent you know there's an old baptist him to serve this present age you know and then honestly and i'll be done giving them the freedom to mess up so they can learn because sometimes you have to learn from experience what you wouldn't learn by instruction i was about to say that i don't say much because i said you know what they don't want to hear what you have to say right now because they're intent on doing what they want to do right let experience hey let life teach you and i i tell jocelyn all the time i said you know what i've parented you or i've done what i was supposed to do for 18 19 years now let life teach you the rest yeah yeah that's so good i think i'm gonna come back to something you said in just a minute but go ahead pastor you want to do it no okay go ahead i want you to say i want you to expound on this but it's interesting because we just had a conversation actually this past week with one of our kids that felt what we how we were treating them maybe like a child but i loved how my husband responded to them and he he asked them he says well what is it that i'm saying or doing that makes you feel that you're being treated like a child because i need to understand your perspective because your perspective may be different than your other brother's perspective and i need to understand so that because i can't change or address it if i don't understand where you're coming from so i thought that was i mean i think that i think the the challenge is because in in that moment getting him to understand that i hear you you know but i need to understand you i i hear you but i need to understand so that if i'm doing something that's making you feel this way if i don't know that's how you feel and i'm thinking it's this but it's really that i need to know that um and and it was a good conversation but i think it reinforced when you did the chat one of the greatest challenges in parenting older children is them getting older because you are so used to as bishop the kids exam tell them do this do that and protecting them and keeping them safe and keeping them away from certain things but to your point this generation is exposed to a whole lot more things and one of the greatest challenges i find with older kids is trying to get them to understand and draw the right conclusion because the older they get you you you can't make them do everything and but you want to try to work through them understanding this is how you should think on this so that you determine within your own self that's wrong because we're not mom and dad are going to be there all the time to say that's wrong you have to draw that and that is a challenge you know of having to back up and and let them go but we have a promise if you raise that child in the way they should go when they're old it won't depart from but that is a challenge i find with with your kids getting older that's so good you know i think for me i've evolved as a parent uh really going from a two-person house to just me being the person and really making sure i gave space for the boys you know initially at the beginning of the divorce i was processing my own emotions and so i didn't always you know if something went wrong at you know their dad's house or i'd be like you know i would react and i realized that they didn't feel comfortable talking to me because of how i would react and so i learned how to sit and sit and how i feel and then address it and some things i didn't need to address some things i just you're gonna deal with it it's life i've prepared you on how to handle it and so i think for me it's really creating space for us to say hey i hear you but let me understand you hey this is what i think about you know this girl but make your own choice this is what i think about this but make your own choice and the reason why and that's a perfect segue to going back to bishop mckinsey we were raised in full preachers kids houses like no secular music no cards no anything yeah movies how no yeah how have you changed it won that streak okay testimony so well that's good but you know apostle was strict at first right uh and really even until i went to college because i remember my mom came to help me move out of my dorm and she found some cds amused secular music and she was like this is why your life is not right and i'm like [Music] but how have you parented your children different and even with you know you live around the corner from your parents i live around you know the parents are close by they're in close proximity how have you managed that to parent your own way but also keep them here and say i'm the parent you're uh you hit the nail on the head right there because that's been a quote-unquote the the monkey in the room um having parents so close and so involved in their lives that's the other thing they're not like a far off they're very involved and so i i just wanted to say a lot of conversations have had to take place about generations and how things are done now and we're not the same and so that that doesn't mean that we're not parenting correctly we're just different and we're tr we're in we're present in the moment with them trying to help them navigate whatever it is they're going through and we're not parenting in the 60s we're parenting right now yeah yeah first of all 60s that made me sound old my parents weren't parenting but they were parenting in the 60s they want to see y'all see this y'all see what's happening yeah so you know that is a major point because my my dad's 93 my mom's 92 and they think they know everything and and and whatever they know it's right yeah it doesn't matte it's right and so more my dad than my mom it is nothing for my dad to tell me what i should be doing or what i shouldn't allow or why did i let this and i will have to i have grown to the point of saying to him hey those my children i know you love them but those are my children or or dad these are different times and you know he's of that generation i don't care if it's different times that parenting is parenting no right parenting is not parenting and so you and my children have had to to get used to schizophrenic lifestyle you know so that when when they are in the presence of my parents they know they're going to get certain things and certain do's and don'ts and certain lectures and they have learned now you know to to take the meat and spit the bones out if it doesn't apply to how we parent but that is a challenge it is a challenge for my children it is a challenge for my child the church the child of the church that's a whole nother workshop there's a whole nother workshop that is a whole nother world we should get our fathers and us to do a workshop on that yes it's a whole nother word shop you know i remember when ivan was going through his dumb season and i made the decision to send him to boot camp if you ask him he'll tell you i sent him to jail but i did not i sent him to boot camp and he couldn't call home for two weeks and he called home and he called my dad first okay he called my dad my dad is talking to him they're both crying on the phone together and he says so terry how far is that place how long will it take me to get there how long is the helicopter ride cause i just i just feel like i need to go get him and i said dad you will not go get him yeah i said you will not go pick him up and stop him from having this lesson in his life i said now i appreciate you i said but i am his mother i said and he will stay right there and finish this process i said now you can encourage him all you want to but you will not hop on a plane and you will not go pick him up you're going to leave him there for the five and a half months and whatever agreement y'all work out after that that's cool but i had to stand in my truth because my dad was ready to go pick him up and i was like no this is a part of his journey that he needs and they made a little deal so he could stay hey i was cool with that but i had to stand in my truth of i am the mother i make the final decision and and just even creating some different atmosphere like i heard you say this and i'm going to let you kind of mention it in our wrap-up because we have talked for 25 minutes already so both of you get your 30-second wrap-up i liked how you said earlier that you didn't want your son to come work for you and it's okay as a pastor if you're not ready for that person to come work for you if you want them to go out and get some experience talk about that as we wrap up just that's okay yeah it is okay because sometimes your kids aren't ready yeah they're not ready to bring into a thriving ministry it's growing they're not ready and and you got to make sure that they appreciate and they don't come in with this entitlement and so it's okay don't think that your child you automatically has to be thrown into ministry that might do a disservice to them if it wasn't for the pandemic we would not have allowed our middle child to get in you need to go get a job because this is god's money i'm not going to pay you for something that you're not ready for and so it very much is okay and sometimes it's tough love and you got to ride it out let them go let them get a job so they have a different appreciation because ministry is different from a job as as you guys were saying in the zoom session this is not nine to five it's a lifestyle and so you might wanna go chill but we got some editing we gotta do and so you know it's okay if they're not ready it's better to help them get ready and then bring them back and can i say say one thing whatever you do put the foundations in your kids because when they go through that's the one thing i've seen with my kids when they have gone through the trials and the tribulations when you question whether it was there i have seen especially during these times that foundation come to come to just rise up and i said i'm so glad we put that foundation in there and stuck with certain things that maybe we might have put to the side like some kids now they don't have to come to church no you gotta go to church yeah so they're i'm so glad we there's certain foundations that we poured into them because you see them just rise to to the occasion i love that mckissicks you know i i i grew up with my father never there was not one conversation not one not one until i shared with him the lord had called me into ministry before that my father never discussed church with me i was an opera major my plan was to go to italy and sing in opera houses and the like not once so i never pressed it upon we never pressed it upon our children ministry this is where i need you this is where i want you this is where we want you it never happened that way and all of our children were like we're not doing that that's just not we you know we've seen the drama that you all deal with we've seen the not doing that and and now jocelyn who is our oldest who spent almost 10 years in atlanta on a journey is back home the creative leader of the church and watching her what what i love more than her job is watching her on sundays with her hands lifted when i'm preaching she sits all kind of back over like on where those steps would be but by the time i'm near the end she's walked up where her mother is and her hands are in the air and she's run she's literally running the church yeah like literally joshua oh joshua hadn't nothing was on him church-wise that's just the truth and now he's working in the church he said to me the other day i only think i said to you he said now you know that's going to be my position he's talking about the head of my audio visual ministry said okay cool janae is in orlando but she is at prophet tom hall's church she won't even come home because she said she can't miss church yeah she was going to come home one wednesday and she said no goddaddy is in this series on sin i can't miss it we never pushed it but to now see how they have come to the place in their own journey where two of them and and by faith i declare janae is the one yeah she is that one to see them now coming into their own as far as ministry goes is is really powerful to me because we never you know heard that she's a pk right i'm sure you know doc never pushed that on any of you all um and so we never talked about it and to see them now being involved in the min i mean jocelyn i wake up in the morning eight o'clock in the morning and i have a text about ministry and i'll have to say to her um good morning daughter the roles are reversed yes good morning daughter oh i'm sorry good morning but it thrills me that without pushing or prodding and in spite of everything they have seen about ministry life they have come into their own as it relates to ministry and i think you know to any parents listening you have to give your children freedom yeah you cannot make them beings right yes who you want them to be yes you can guide them yes you you can nurture them you know dr manuel scott used to have an old saying and i'll be done he said you know when my children were younger i used to talk to them about god now that they're older i talk to god about them that's so good and i think we have spent now these adult years talking to god about them and we see the fruition of it without trying to make them be what we want them to be you let them get in their heart it gets in their heart and that's the key i love that and it goes back to what pastor aisha said is laying that foundation and don't let anybody pressure your children not you or somebody else into a season they're not in you know his journey in ivan's pastor ivama's journey included atlanta culinary school but he was at the dream center under bishop murphy and that's where he answered his call and i mean he was committed to going to bishop murphy's church and i was like you're going to another service okay like outside of sunday service but i was grateful for them to be there and so as i'm getting ready to send jonathan to college i'm like okay who's around because i understand them him getting planted in a church is important but i'm not going to let somebody short circuit his journey no i told him i got this go play in the nfl i want to do everything to make sure your football career that you desire and god has put on your heart comes to pass because what i've seen is the foundation of prayer and leadership is already happening yes you know at the beginning when he was a freshman he would pray by himself by the time we got to senior year the photos of him praying before a game he's got four or five guys around him in that prayer moment you can't tell me god can't use him on the field but i laid the foundation so that whatever arena god takes him to that they'll hear that voice in the back of their head to trust god and to follow god's wisdom what you're calling him to see god in where he is seeing god use him on the football field because if he can see that and not people make the mistake they want to lock people down you got to be on a platform well that may not be what god has called them do right now but if they can see god in the moment and how god can use them it circles back to the bigger picture of what god has in mind so and raise up a child in the way they should go when they're old they will not depart he told his mom because he was raised uh church of god and christ so he said i had enough church 15 seconds last me the rest of my life he said i'm never stepping back foot in the church once i get out of your house and he strayed for maybe i don't know three or four years and now look where he's at the bishop in the lord's church i trust y'all have enjoyed enjoyed this i trust that we have given you tools to apply to your role as a parent trust god and in the turbulent seasons like apostle says buckle up and ride it out you will see the fruit of your labor and the seed of the righteous is delivered and god will use your children to show off in your life god bless you let's go into our night service for tonight i trust you enjoyed that session on parenting uh during the pandemic it was so great to have the edmonsons and the mckissick's with me and of course my brothers are here with me on my left and my right i'm a little nervous about tonight though because uh lunch today was a little interesting it's very interesting it was so much fun insightful insightful what was the insight that's why you you think you're at a certain level and you come to the reality that you're not and you go from this high to this low and you're dropped and you know it that that's okay it's it's okay there's levels to this thing and in times like that when you feel uh some kind of way within the family yeah that's when you go and take your download on maximizing the family experience you know if you don't you don't you're not in the family nobody said you you're in the family you're in the family in the oh my god i'm trying to push the product tonight tonight tonight tonight and the product is free right it's free the blueprint for amazing family is absolutely free uh go to family it's good to have you all both with me tonight you're excited to be here yeah no seriously it's it's been you know amazing being with bishop edmondson this week awesome you know it's just it's been a treat you know it's it's good i think also for people to see it's okay to have fun absolutely you know what it might be so deep and you know and i found out you and your wife and i have the same birthday listen same birthday same year we just found that out and same year yeah same day she's my friend yeah but it's pretty bad it's fun what are you doing it's been fun but i think awesome you know okay people see you know that we can have fun and that it's okay to not be so deep all the time you know what i mean i think that's it's one of the things i love about aim and uh and about being in this family that we you know we take things seriously when we need to right but then we know how to love each other yes and have fun with it and do it authentic and do it authentic pastor ypj is watching he said you guys are uh great but y'all need me and murder all i miss this was so much better this time it was just something about this time oh god that's it now right right you know and we needed to diversify this time i had to have a little diversity this time diverse i was trying to figure out what that meant but what's adversity like you got to mix it up when you don't diversity is you mix it up you add to it you don't have just the same group of people that was going to be different because that time both the brothers were coming after you because we were like what you're trying to say yeah i'm dark he light is that what you're trying to do see we always want to have pepper is what i was just wondering what you're trying to say all right let's go to the product let's go to the product can we talk about the blueprint for amazing family go to family so that you can get your copy there's a confession for every person in the family this has been an amazing week and this morning let me tell you something i'm hanging around them today i probably need to go back and listen to the message again because i'm slightly offended in some way that's a choice the apostle taught us this morning offense is a choice it's a choice oh okay it is so you're choosing to be official i choose not to be offended but i want you to remember that can you say to somebody you could choose not to be if you can you can choose choose not to be a that sounds like so i'm gonna remember i'm going to remember that later on in 20 nope i'm not going to confess that we're going to have anything but if i have to use those words against who john and just i would never do anything like that to you what a great are you ready for tonight apostle has a great word on tonight we're excited about tonight um the the past the sessions that we've had on zoom with our pastors and our preachers kids has been phenomenal of course it's been great to hear the word um and then i think what i really have enjoyed about this week is one the demonstration to to pivot because if you haven't learned anything this year it is the necessity to pivot at every turn yeah yeah that is so true and so we were supposed to do this last week we moved it to this week right and it's been amazing so it wasn't missing we made it happen so yeah shout out to the staff of new light church the team of new light to make it happen yes and then i like the transparency of this week it just seems like it's been very transparent very uh this is who we are this is this is what we've overcome even with the parenting and pandemic dialogue to say this is what we have overcome in our families with our kids yes and being able to share those stories but not making our kids feel bad about their journey along the way absolutely and then on top of that for apostle to be giving away free free material is that's just the icing on the cake you know the transparency and and you have to add you all's tenacity yes it would have been very easy for him to just say we're not doing this right and understandable yes and everybody would have understood but we have learned from him when he knows god has said something to him he is going to stay in faith and make it happen and i think what we have seen is god honoring that this week because it has been absolutely amazing excellence it's been yes excellence and the diversity of what's been offered it's been phenomenal it's that word he used diverse diversity he used diversity huh with the with trajectory see so y'all tried to jump on me earlier for using diversity and trying to make it a thing i was just saying you know why pj jumping in the comments we mixed it up ypj our session this morning was really really good they can go back in and view all except for the special sessions they can go back and view everything yeah it's still out there on facebook and of course pastor ivan it's just been a great week and we can only go higher tonight i am looking forward to it i want to make sure that you get the blueprint for uh families but here's what i need to do i need you to share this there's a number i would love to be at before we go any further in the services so i want you to get that let's like and share this and so um and as some of you are saying i'm still trying to download it you should be able to get the download if you registered early like the first day then they should have sent you an email to just let you know that they refreshed everything but we want to make sure that we get that in your hand and get those resources in your hand so that you can do that and uh your life will be tremendously blessed by it tremendously blessed by hearing the word uh i'm excited about the words yeah i think i'm excited i know that apostle is ready yes i'm excited of what he's going to share it's going to be he told us this afternoon he's uh about celebrating yes oh yeah so i think you know he's ending we talked about offense yeah now he's going to talk about how to celebrate and and i think you know sometimes we have as hard a time doing that as we do anything else so i'm really looking forward to the principles he's got yeah we were we were talking right before you know a little earlier tonight and um he was sharing some insight with me i think i'm his favorite i think it's some insight um but it's it's what he was sharing though on the serious note was um was awesome i mean i'm just excited he was reinforcing just what he's gonna share it's gonna be it's always life-changing when a black teacher but right something about celebration it's gonna be really good really good it's it's like giving you all the necessary tools to have a great family life this year we talked we started with the consecration then there was the collaboration then there was the communication uh and then there was of course we dealt with the fence this morning and then there is tonight the celebration because you've got to enjoy the journey together yeah you know you've got to make a point that we're going to enjoy the rise yeah you know it it may have some it's you know you may have some times that may be distasteful right but it doesn't have to mean that we throw away the whole family well let's enjoy the rise let's work this out together and see how we can work together you know one of the things the other day real quick we were pulling carpet and i watched how the boys turned that into a moment of enjoyment and celebration while pulling carpet we still made the best of that moment because distasteful stitu situations don't have to steal your joy that's good that is good good you know i'm around the bishop so you know and i am singing so i got a little song to come up that's good we have so many pastors that have joined our apostle to make this happen tonight and so i want to say thank you to every pastor who has functioned or has committed to create watch parties showing it to your members sharing with your members to be a host pastor so we want to let you know who our host pastors are and then after that i need you to prepare your heart to be lifted we're going to go into praise and you know nobody can do it like pastor p but let's go now to our host pastor videos and thank you to all the pastors that have connected with our apostle and pastor b [Music] [Music] [Music] i said praise the lord everybody not normally that is a church greeting but tonight let's make that a call to action praise the lord everybody come on right there in the comments if he's been good i want you to say it i want you to comment about what god has done for you already this week it's the last night of the conference that means all the energy you got stored up you can just put it all out there tonight y'all ready to go carve out some space in your office pastor i wanna i wanna see your dance in the spirit [Music] somebody just typed [Music] just a little bit right there [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] somebody say yeah [Music] everybody [Music] is [Music] is [Music] just is more time worshiper come and raise that up [Music] thank you jesus you'll never leave us you'll never forsake us [Music] come on everybody [Music] my god [Music] is [Music] everybody [Music] there's nothing [Music] there's [Music] season for you i want you to prophesy with your body language tonight come on when we say it's going to be big you got to stretch out like this you all ready come on [Music] for me [Music] you [Music] it's still going to be [Music] that new expansion for your ministry it's going to be big what you've been desiring for your family it's going to be big it's gonna happen just like he said i prophesied tonight that it's gonna happen just like he said it would somebody put that in the comments and say i am fully persuaded that it's gonna happen just like he said it will and it's gonna be wow it's going to be big i really believe so the lord spoke to me and told me that this would be the year of unprecedented prosperity unprecedented prosperity and so uh i'm looking forward to this year it's gonna be big i got two precious people joining me on the set and the mckissicks from jacksonville duval we're just honored to be here with you this has been such an amazing conference this year it has far exceeded even what what i expected just because of the things i've gotten from it and i just want to thank you for your obedience uh you you heard what the lord said and you stuck with it i fully expected to get a text from you monday saying all right mac we're gonna do this another time oh no oh no you know i pressed forward you know you know i had this saying years ago but see i'm not the pastor tonight if jesus don't come we have in church i believe it now that sounds good but there are certain situations that that just won't work right when staff can't get here that won't work that won't work and i think uh during harvey you know streets was flooded jesus hadn't come but we couldn't have church no no so that that that only it didn't hold up but uh you know we were looking forward to this and uh i'm looking forward to it because i knew the lies that would be touched yes and so then the pastors who are joining us and who are being a part of this are just so great i mean i love that the pastors the host pastor said yeah let me be a part of it some people who were not host pastors still joined in and shared it and so that's what's making this uh make the impact so you're pleased about about the conference oh more than please more than please more than please our registration was uh through the roof on all on all points so hey listen you know and uh god gave me an assignment to teach and when i obey god i'm fine yeah whenever you have to tell me that when i obey god i'm fine and so uh i know somebody said where's lady b where is lady you know uh so which one of my cameras is mine y'all told me already yeah all right so they got to stab me with my camera so i can look into the camera all right this is lady b is fine she's going to join us in a little bit uh but we uh we're going to carry on until she comes on um and so uh if she was on here she'd talk about the women's company absolutely we have the women who win meets inner circle coming to you live april 21st through the 23rd it's going to be hybrid and so we want you all to register women who win meets inner circle whole and free i know we want to be whole and we want to be free so they're coming to you live you can register today as a hundred dollars to be in the sanctuary or it's 40 if you wanna watch it um via stream and so we want you all to register right now invest in what you expect to happen in your life and so we're changing the trajectory of our ministry come on now told us we're changing the trajectory of our ministry and so we want to register for that that's coming to us live and in living color is coming soon so you need to register right now i registered last night so i want you to challenge i want to challenge you to register tonight you want to be in the house for this impactful time with women who win meets inner circle you know uh this is going to be i think the first hybrid conference yes since the pandemic started and so i'm looking forward to that and you know pastors y'all come and we hang out so we're looking forward to that as well so it's going to be great and listen uh one of the things that i am most pleased about and excited about is that hundreds we're nearing thousands now who are ordering the uh uh blueprint and uh so if you have not done so do it right away uh these powerful lessons and then the confession and the whole blueprint kit package is is uh i mean it's life-changing i want to make sure you know when they say you say order i didn't say order you did well yeah okay because you you you've taught me you know how people think right so we want you to know order simply means you go on click download free if it's free it's for me and dad tonight we get the opportunity to honor you and mom and so we want to make sure tonight you stay we want to sow into the life of hilliard international ministries tonight and so i'm encouraging you uh to join uh bishop edmondson dr i and myself uh tonight after our apostle has poured out to us we want to tangibly express our love our honor our gratitude we want you to connect to the grace of this incredible man and woman of god tonight pastors all of our aim pastors and all the pastors who registered there is a zoom link you have and after we have had given an opportunity for all to sow we're going to come to you bishop edmondson myself and dr i for a special time of sowing and giving so i need you to prepare right now to say a blessed thank you to our awesome man and woman of god who pour so much into us so be ready for that on tonight i think we have this uh i think we have a uh a spot on the uh uh to encourage people to get the blueprint so if they're ready they'll run that spot nothing well well listen i can't let you into oh i get to introduce them like we're coming back oh we're coming back i'm gonna do the spot and then we're gonna oh then i get to introduce the man of god you can tell he's so excited you see this you see this let's look at the spot let's look at the spot let's there is nothing like this blueprint for an amazing family resource that i want to send to you absolutely free if you will reach out to request it now now it has the faith building mechanics necessary to build a strong family and to overcome those setbacks to a quality family life there are daily affirmations for the husband and for the wife and for the unmarried and for the parent and for the children along with extensive easy to understand teachings on the keys to maximizing the family experience and i want to send you absolutely free now reach out now by going to that special link and giving us the information uh right now and so give us your prayer requests and your requests for the blueprint for an amazing family life now be sure to get back online to enjoy the rest of the conference reach out now and send that to me right now and request it you're going to be amazed when you get this in your hands wow and listen i am it's my goal to send out 10 000 of these that is amazing my goal to send out 10 thousand of these we're already over a thousand wow just this week but i'm going to continue to do it and people are continuing to help and we're gonna we want to give people what they need in order to uh uh save their families rescue their families improve the quality life of their families and you know uh i just i look forward to to uh seeing how lives are going to be changed with this so bishop we thank you so much for your generosity when someone is giving you something free yes you come and take it it's like the price is right when they're giving something away they run down and out you need to run into their computer and click on it so you can get your free download of the blueprint today so listen you know we have fun and we laugh uh but i i want you to prepare yourself now uh and get your mind steady find you a sacred space wherever you are get undistracted because you are about to be ministered to by the teacher like none other he is our apostle he is our father and tonight he is going to be your teacher my sister pastor p is going to lead us in worship and then after that i need you to be ready for this awesome final teaching of this family first conference from apostle ivy hilliard i need you to get ready it's going to be amazing you're going to be blessed on tonight this afternoon was about a fence tonight is going to be about celebration celebration and so you need to be ready pastor p is ready to lead us and prepare us you get yourself ready and as soon as she is done get your notepad get your ipad take your notes and watch god change your life come on let's just carve out of space for the next seven minutes i love how david says this he says better is one day in your house than a thousand anywhere else i like to say it like this that the next few minutes that we have in the presence of the lord even as the word is being taught those are going to be the best few minutes that you've had all day all week so let's put in something so we can get something out of it right now it's one thing for us to worship here but you can activate that same spirit you can activate that same tangible presence right there in your home come on let's do it right there sinkers come on let's just begin to make well of the lord as we call upon him the bible says that he will answer us that's why i always call out those names because i believe that when i call on jehovah he will show up i believe that when i call my offer that the healer comes closer to me i believe that when i call on sharma i'm reminded that he will never leave me never forsake me and that he is always right there so whatever you need why don't you just begin the call on that name provider heal the restorer you are god and god alone you got the final say about our lives and we will love you with our whole hearts forever come on let's raise the team [Music] i love you forever [Music] forever [Music] i love you forever [Music] glory to god forever glory to god glory [Music] glory to god let's go [Music] foreign [Music] let's go let's go [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] your name [Music] [Music] god [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] come on right there right there in your [Music] home [Music] glory [Music] is [Music] glory to god [Music] forever if you know that he's worthy somebody give the lord great praise right there i really wish you were here in the house because uh you would be able to experience this electrifying atmosphere and of course this is our last night and i'm so glad so many of you have been with us uh each night what i need you to do now i need everybody to share it everybody to share if you have not shared it before i need you to share it now i know this lesson that the lord has given me for you tonight is going to really really be life changing and uh so i'm all i'm really excited about teaching you we all will use that word excited trying to use me to find another world i'm really thrilled about the opportunity to teach you tonight i want to thank in advance of dr i uh and her entire staff that made this possible all of the technicians and everybody want to also thank bishop of mckissick and his precious wife and also bishop edmundson and his wife who joined us in this and uh we've been working on pretty hard i might do something for him you know uh you know i might cook something for them next year next year next year next year they're in here shouting next year i said might i did not commit myself but anyway uh they have been so precious with us and uh lady b and i and you're gonna wish you know she's here they're ready to watch me preach she's gonna ask my girl uh so uh uh uh you know we just love all of you and all of you have been such a part of what we do we'll be back on i'll be back on monday nights as always and you know this has been a great time together a person asked me was i satisfied with everything i'm more than satisfied registration was great your support has been great and uh we know god is pleased whenever i obey god i'm all right whenever i obey god i'm okay i'm fine so now if you have not shared it i need you to do so now let's everybody share it like and share do what you got to do and and let's be interactive y'all get in the comments section and um and get ready father in jesus name thank you for this time together around your word we thank you for jesus that he's our high priest he have a living to make intercession for us thank you for your word your words never void of power you always confirm the word with signs following thank you for the holy spirit our teacher and our guide we believe revelation truth will flow freely in this place i'm hindered and unchecked by any force and now lord i thank you every ears anointed to hear and since you have made us you know us name by name situation by situation tailor this word for every individual that is our prayer in jesus mighty name and the people said amen and the people shouted amen and amen all right i need to get my smile i need to get back here no so yeah it's it's tonight's going to be a little different for what the lord gave me to teach it's going to be a little different and i got to get my my equipment here together but what he's given me to give you i know it's going to be very enlightening now if you did not get your blueprint you need to get your blueprint uh it's it's real important that you get it i cannot teach everything that you need to know in order to build a good family uh and i can't do that in three days or five sessions that i've had but we're laying the foundation enough so that you will get the blueprint that that has seven powerful lessons here uh and you will listen to those and it will be instruct you to show you how to maximize the family experience how to use your faith to improve the quality of your life amen and amen now tonight we're going to uh our final session is going to be uh on celebration uh there in luke chapter six has been our foundational text and uh it says whosoever whosoever cometh to me and heareth my sayings and do with them now that's the in that's the important thing hearing and doing hearing london i'll show you to whom he's like all right who is he like he says i'll show you whom he's like he's like a man which built a house we said house is metaphorical for family uh you know joshua says as for me and my house he was not talking about a physical structure he's talking about his family he says and dig deep that's what we're doing digging deep so we can make the the quality investment that's necessary all right and laid the foundation on a rock rock symbolic of the word of god and when the flood rose and the stream beat behemoth upon that house and it could not shake it for it was founded upon a rock amen and a man now so um our first lesson was the consecration getting ourselves ready for the journey ready to uh uh to approach family life differently and we found out god has a divine design for family so he said okay why is all of this necessary because god gave me a prophetic word and i gave an excerpt of that prophetic word when we started and that it says be on high alert as the enemy will attempt to dismantle the family with deception to discredit the witness of the righteous resist strife resist envy resist jealousy resist judgment uh but intercede and invest in family you will see great returns in 2021 that's a word from the lord and the enemy's defeat is in your hands and don't you forget it amen so now god's promised us if we will intercede that's pray and if we will make investments i'll teach you about the kind of investments that you'll need to make he says now that we will see results this year we will see results this year all right so now we talked about the consecration then after that we began to you talk about the collaboration that was a daytime session where we talked about agreement because that would be a motivational factor for you deciding yes let's get to work as a family and let's work together as a family as we approach life and its various challenges because god has made some supernatural promises for those who will be in agreement old testament and new testament talks about the power of agreement then after we after we talk on the collaboration we talked on we taught on the communication understanding the power of our communicating learning to acquire the skills so that you can have meaningful conversational moments praise the lord now what you're going to find out that in the kit that we're giving you watch this you're going to have other lessons that show you how to do this in a more excellent way and there there are seven powerful lessons mp if i think it's mp3 or mp4 then you download them and you can listen to them on your smart device i'm giving it to you absolutely free because i want you to have it then today we talked about we talked about uh the confrontation and that confrontation was not necessarily you learning how to confront others but can you confront yourself so that you can decide as the scripture says great peace have they loved which love thy law and nothing shall offend them i love that and nothing shall offend them and you want to live your life where nothing offends you because then you can work through difficulties why because you're not resentful you are you're you're not vindictive but you'll work through situations in a very positive way and that brings us to our final lesson for this time together and this final lesson is on the celebration the celebration it's giving the gift that makes all the difference in family you know i told you there in the prophetic word god said you had to invest in family now when we think of investment many times we go right to money but no no no no that's not what we're talking about and you will see the quality investment that god has put in his word and remember we're going to trust the compass so what do you mean trust the compass that was one of the lessons well we drew an analogy between uh a a a person who is out on the sea and that no you know north south east and west well he's got to trust the compass and go by the compass the word of god is our compass so if we will order our lives by the word of god it's like building on a solid foundation nothing will be able to shake you in jesus name now i want you to look at this scripture it's a common scripture it says children obey your parents and the lord for this is right arm of thy father and mother which is the first commandment with promise that it may be well with thee and that thou may and thou mayest live long on the earth and your fathers provoke not your children to wrath but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the lord he said now where are you going with that what i want to highlight to you is the bible teaches us the power of honoring others that is the gift that you are able to give you can afford to honor each other it's a powerful promise that's connected to it i'm going to show you the promise show you how you do it and i got to tell you life is going to change for your family and it's going to change quickly when you when you will do this i guarantee you that now when we look at honor in the bible we can find many synonymous terms respect you know you know you can uh there's a affirmation value and self-esteem i mean esteem value and esteem all of that and uh you know uh when we looked at the lesson our first lesson when we talked about god's design for the family and one of those things in that god's design for family was that family would be a place where you could get the encouragement that you need the you know uh it's your cheerleaders pushing you forward and so watch this that's what we're gonna focus on tonight now i know some of you in such dysfunctional situation you don't want to handle honor you don't want to no no no no no we're going to approach this god's way remember we got to renew our mind if we will renew our minds and approach things god's way we're going to see tremendous change now let's first look at this perspective on honoring others and we want to look at it a spiritual perspective a scriptural perspective and i love this passage this passage is in psalms 91 he shall call on me and i will answer him and i will be with him in trouble i will deliver him and what honor him so god talks about honoring and i want to show you now because i love this passage that's in the uh messenger bible and it says call on me i'll answer and be at your side in bad times i will rescue you then for honor now i'll throw you a party god said honoring is about throwing a party for somebody else really yes yes yes because this is going to be the key to your breakthrough and your turn around this let's look at this divine perspective on honoring that we see it says there in the scripture says wherefore this is in uh ii first samuel chapter 20 and verse 30 wherefore the lord god of israel said i i the lord god ever said i said indeed that thy house and that the house of thy father should walk before me forever but now the lord saith be far from me for them that honor me i will honor watch this watch this them that honor me i will honor so god makes this promise that if someone will honor him watch this he's going to honor them in other words he says i'm going to throw you a party what yeah if you will honor god god says i'm going to honor you that scripture hold on to that i'm about to take you somewhere because once i show you this you're going to understand why the devil didn't want you to honor others why the devil doesn't want you to celebrate others because there is this reciprocal blessing that's involved now let's give a definition for honor honest to recognize and to express the significance of another through valuing them respecting them appreciating them esteeming them celebrating them from a heart anchored in a reference toward god in other words the person is getting your overflow from the overflow from your relationship with god you are doing it as unto the lord now they're getting the benefit but you're going to also get a benefit because god's promised it somebody put there in the text there in the yeah yeah put that he promised me yeah he promised to honor you watch this if you'll honor him i'm going to show you this connection it's right there in scripture all right so the scripture teaches me this dynamic perspective on honor so who honors jesus honors the father who honors jesus honors the father watch this verily i say unto you that he that receiveth whomsoever and another translation receive it it's honored he who honors whomsoever i send hi honors me and he that honors me honors him that sent me did you you get the connection now what did god say god said if you honor me i'll honor you i'll throw you a party all right watch this and and jesus shows us how we do this well how do we do it because he says now watch this he that honest whomsoever i sin talking about others others all right they honor me so when i honor others and they are in the family of god people of god watch this jesus says it's just like honoring me he takes it personal he takes it personal and then he says now and when you honor me it's like honoring the one who sent me well who sent him god and what did god say over there if you honor me i'll honor you so i want you to see this connection of what is happening spiritually when you choose to honor others when you are choosing to honor others it's like honoring jesus he said what you do to the least of these you do it unto me and jesus says when you honor me it's like honoring the one who sent me and the one who sent him was the father and the father says whenever you honor me i'm gonna honor you back i'm gonna throw you a party amen amen amen now if that's not motivation enough for you to understand this listen i gotta tell you i think you need to just you know you don't need to listen this over and over and over until you get it it wasn't hard for me to get it at all when i saw this i went oh my god look at this promise what a promise in the scripture all right watch this now there's a difference between um superficial honor and specific honor now uh isaiah 29 isaiah 29 and 13 says wherefore the lord said for as much as this people draw near me with their mouth and with their lips do honor me have removed their heart far from me and their fear toward me as is taught by the precept of men now what he says now there's a possibility of you honoring with your lips and not be your heart now that's not what we want to do i call that the superficial arm i want you to understand as i'm teaching this is that it needs to be more than casual lip service when we are talking about honor i'm talking about an honor in the family that god says watch this that husband is to honor a wife wife is to honor husband all right watch this parents then are to honor children children are to honor parents so there should be a whole lot of honor going on going around a whole lot of respect and for that god says i'm going to get involved in your life i want you to get hold get a hold of this revelation because when when we get into the things that you're going to have to adjust in your life in order to honor i'm telling you you're going to we won't mind doing that all because you understand i am making an investment watch this in my family but i'm also making an investment in my own life that i'm going to receive dividends divine dividends from the lord hey glory be to god now so let's look at the designated people that the bible says we we should honor i kind of got ahead of myself but i want i want to look at this we should honor those who are in authority we should uh if we have a mandate from them we should honor those in ministry that's a mandate also but then there's this mandate that i want to harp on tonight of honoring family because really you know because of some toxic situations and some turbulent situations and trouble situations honor throwing somebody a party celebrating somebody is the last thing you want to do it's the last thing in your flesh you want to do but when i see the point here in scripture is when i'm doing this i'm cooperating with a plan of god that's going to rebound blessings back into my own life so now when it comes to honor i remember years ago you know god taught me y'all know what i got to do i got to put my regular picture god taught me this in the little raggedy building he taught me this in the little raggedy building and that is when i got a revelation on honor at that time lady b and i we were not getting along well at all and you know a lot of pressure a lot of financial pressure family pressure it was really really sad you understand and you know during that time you know i mean hey things were rough very rough and so one day i'm praying the lord he said well you know who you're married to and i said yeah bridget he said no that's my daughter oh okay okay now that put a whole nother spin on it because i only saw her as bridget but now i had to see her as a giant of god and you've got to see the people around you as in family even though they're dysfunctional even though they get on your nerve they're the same ones that jesus died for can i get an amen amen amen so in spite of that dysfunction i've got to look past that to see that god wants me to honor my family so when he does that he says now first husbands should honor wives likewise the husband dwell with them according to knowledge giving on on to the wives is until the week of vessel and has been ash together of the grace of life that your prayers be not handed hindered so watch this if i am not honoring let's go back let's go back if i am not honoring uh uh husbands if you're not honoring your wife the bible says listen god says your prayers could be hindered oh really god says you are ash together of the grace of life the grace that you need to excel in life is a two-party check both of y'all have to sign on it now let's go to the next one not only should husband love arnold honor our wives but why should honor husbands likewise ye wise be in subjection to your own husband now i know y'all don't like that word but i gotta tell you it says that if any obey not the word they also may be without the word uh they may without the word be won by the conversation a lifestyle honor as it were of the wives so wives should honor all right it says while they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear this is so vitally important and let me just put a i want to put a pen here simply because i know when people see that and i know i probably have some brothers there the bible says you should be subject to me well in ephesians chapter 5 and verse 21. you just you have to go there on your own but the latest this that's a scripture that scripture says that we submit one to another as unto the lord one to another husband have a submission to wife wife have a submission to husband so this is not making you a second-class citizen all right now so let's move on now because there is their children on the parents now you've seen this one your children obey your parents and the lord for this is right and here it is in the amplified regard and treat with honor do obedience and courtesy your father and mother that your days may be long in the land the lord are your god gives you so i gotta understand here that this honor is supposed to be spread around so when we're talking about honor i am not just saying husbands are my wives i'm saying husband's on the wise lives on the husband and parents on the children children are the parents that's it now when we understand this and we're saying when when god used his honor there in the old testament he says i'm going to celebrate you yeah i'm going to throw your party and we can always find something to celebrate others on now when it comes to toxic situations and when it comes to turbulent and taxing situations the rules change some all right so i'm not saying that we're going to overlook a person's disobedience rebellion and all of that we're not going to do that but what we're going to do is we are going to learn how to honor others have fun with others and it's going to rebound blessings back into our own lives all right so parents then also should honor children fathers your fathers provoke not to children the wrath but bring them up in the nurture and the admonition of the lord so i can see scripturally that honor ought to be a part of our lifestyle well now here's the thing all the promises of god are received by faith and so there's this delightful promise in the scripture about honor turning aside to honor number one the bible says that the promise of long life in the place of your destiny i love that yeah long life long life children honor parents god says i'm gonna guarantee you long life in the place of your destiny whoo that's great and then here's the second one there is the promise of answered prayers that when that honor is taking place nothing's going to hinder your prayers being answered so that's the promise of supernatural what i call supernatural blessings from the lord so with this being that important you know the devil has to try to stop it he is trying he's got to try to stop it because when you honor others i mean god takes it personal and he says listen i am going to personally honor you and ain't any good no david says he prepares the table before me and the presence of my enemies so that's not the first time god says he's going to do something for us in a celebratory man so we understand god says i'm ready to celebrate you i will celebrate you to the degree you're willing to celebrate others really oh yes oh yes oh yes oh yes oh yes and so what god taught me was okay if we're willing to make the adjustment and you're going to have to make the adjustment if you are willing to make that adjustment you are going to see god move into your life and into your situation in an amazing way all right watch this watch this watch this so what does the devil try to do number one as the perversion of postponement do it later say that nice thing later and and and then you know i got you know i talked to us they got to talk to us and uh you know i put myself in the same category we see something nice and our wives and uh we don't say it i'm gonna tell it later i'll tell you later and then by the time we get ready to tell somebody else in total okay so no post no more postponement whatever we're gonna do let's do it quickly all right then there's the perversion of presumption now this is the perversion that oh they don't need it they they don't need it they they know i care but you didn't say it they know i loved them but you never said him so don't have that presumption that they don't need it everybody needs it everybody needs to be honored everybody needs to be appreciated everybody needs to be a firm so there is the perversion of postponement i'll get to i'll get to it later but you never do there's a perversion of presumption uh god they don't need it they all right and then there's a perversion of passiveness what do you mean i mean you do it and you don't act like it means much to you at all and nobody likes that i go to a restaurant and man if my server you know is passive and doesn't act like i don't even want the food i'm ready to go somewhere else and that's just the way i am and if anybody's cooking for me and they're passive about it i mean i just no no i don't i'm okay i would rather not be there i'm saying you've got to show a real passion about it a real passion about it and i'll get to a little thing uh uh an illustration uh later on but passion so the devil tries to get you postponed he tries to get you to presume they don't need it he's dry he tries to get you to be passive and then prejudice and that is a lot of people don't mean any harm but uh you just now you'll celebrate one child above another amen amen and don't think that the devil won't use that to create some sibling rivalry all right and so i've got to understand now that that that i cannot hold on to a prejudice and and say well you know the girls need more than the boys no that young man needs to be appreciated as well amen so now here is the sincere personal honoring of others this is the demonstration of the principle of honor i've been waiting to get to get to this now i know some of y'all gonna take a picture of this or you're gonna write them all down number one i wanna honor uh honor is demonstrated through respect and what we mean by respect that's just heartfelt consideration and appreciation so i'm going to respect them i'm going to you know i'm going to um uh respect that space i'm going to respect who they are i'm going to do that i'm going to do it on purpose all right honor is demonstrated through my resources and that is yeah it may come to spending some money amen that's what you know i remember years ago and uh you know i used to buy bridges flowers because i like flowers you understand and she likes flowers now so all of y'all who've been sending her flowers that's fine but back then she didn't like flies i bet you know and money was tight i'd buy flowers and ma'am i'd go with my you know give them to us she lay them on this on the counter and that sort of thing then i have to come back put them in a box and put the water on them and then one day i just asked a question i said listen you you don't like my flowers she said no she said it's not that she said but i like diamonds when uh at that time uh we didn't have diamond money all right so uh i still i stopped buying the flowers and i said one one of these days i'm gonna get you some diamonds and i've done that all right but i need to spend my resources on something that they want and not something that i want amen i gotta grow up all right all right i'm coming i'm real transparent i like bibles and books and i remember for one of her birthdays and i'm almost ashamed to say this because everybody get on me when i say it years ago is years ago i bought her a bible i wanted i mean who does that and so i remember giving her the bible and she kind of looked like a hobo and lady b is a birthday love she loved birthdays i'm telling you she said put down and when she put it out i said oh you don't want it i picked it up oh lord i picked it up and i said okay i got it that was poor that was very poor choice but i've got to be willing to spend some of my resources uh to demonstrate how i honor all right well when i think pastor p who my lord i mean she had her musical inclinations and she was in school and she wanted uh oh gosh i don't know how many instruments she plays she can play but she how uh-huh how many are y'all talking to me about six different instruments and she always wanted to get the most expensive instrument amen so we honored her dream hallelujah and and and got the most expensive it looked like she played for a while they said well i want to play this okay my thing is okay let's take this other one and let's sell it oh no no no no that's it but look at how it's paying off today she's musically inclined a blessing to the body of christ all because what we made the investment of resources so i got to make the investment of respect i got to make the resentment uh uh uh the investment of resources and then i got to demonstrate honor through remembering amen now some of you haven't called your parents oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah god got you listen to me you haven't called your parents in years it's almost like you've forgotten them i know you're busy and you're doing one thing and another but remember them just to call how are you doing amen i'm telling you and that way you live your life with no regret so you're gonna honor them remember them calling them you know uh being concerned about their demonstrated and demonstrated i'm just showing you these investments you can do or you can make honor them through responsibility now what do you mean by through responsibility that is uh this is the nurture and care that you can provide for them at whatever level at whatever level and and it's it's it's you know they feel special i felt so special i got that was it 2016 2017 huh 2016. they made me feel uh i you know i was you know my body was attacked i had to go to hospital and that sort of thing but they made me feel real special why they honored me they put everything aside and they said okay you know the troops rallied around me uh and i'm telling you they were they were there well i felt special now they could say well you know i got something but they did they said okay that is important to us and of course many of my sons in ministry across the country you know you uh you know some of them said we'll fly down and we'll be with you well we need you to fly down we need you to fly down first of all i'm real proud i'm here private you understand i don't want you in my business so so last thing i do is i want you in the hospital room with me praise the lord thank y'all for your love and i appreciate it but it just made me feel real warm and fuzzy that you were willing to drop whatever you needed to drop to come and be with me all right then there's the uh honor the demonstration of honor through representations now what do you mean representations all right watch this i know my wife likes diamonds and i started i'm talking about representing a ring or a picture i carry her picture with me uh the picture that i got when we were courting you know uh i got that same picture you know i got pictures of uh you know i cuz that's the way i'm honoring her how dare i have pictures of everybody else in my wallet and when i picture my wife in my wallet i got that picture in there and i love that picture that's my girl amen ring she got a ring on her finger and now she told me she liked diamonds yeah and if y'all never seen it y'all know it's a significant investment that's all i got to say about that it's a significant investment and i wear my ring i wear a redding ring i do that why it's an honor to her that i am saying to others i'm already spoken for you god says i'm already spoken for and watch this i'm in a marriage covenant amen and amen so you know you can armor them with pictures all right photos and all of that sort of thing and when they come in your house and they don't need to see a photo of all the presidents and your photo ain't there you know you go in your house you go in that housing i purchased everybody don't have a picture of you hey man it's a it's an honor to have have photos oh i got i got a funny thing i think i can tell this without you know violating any privacy or anything like that uh we uh we have uh uh i can't say it like that special i said i can do it as special people and we had a picture of uh one special person and the other special person came and saw that picture and brought that picture in other words they're saying you never have a picture of them and not gonna have a picture of us they got it and that was fine and you know and then they both had their way how they dealt with it uh they both put their picture in the prominent position when they were staying with us they both put their picture in the prominent position and we just thought it was so cute but they knew it was a way for us to honor them amen and amen honored by representations you know while jonathan plays football my grandson he plays football and um you know uh we uh we would all have our shirts on together and our hoodies together and they were all custom-made and had his number on him why we're honoring him we're we're honoring him and that made him feel real good all right so i want to honor the respect with resources remembering responsibilities and being responsible to them representations and referencing i see i'm honoring them now by talking about them by talking about them in a very positive way i'm honoring them all right and so if i'm going to honor somebody then i need to reference them i i need to to speak well of them making mention of them often amen that's one way of honoring then i want to honor them through refreshing doing things to make their life easy doing things to make their life easy and let me just tell you something here this is maybe kind of humorous to you all but but listen i'm cooking now but i hate washing dishes absolutely that is not my thing so when i finish cooking the kitchen is a mess it is a mess you know now lady bridget she don't want to be doing the cooking that's okay because when i cook i'm gonna cook enough for me and for my girl you understand my baby i'm cooking up and see and so she'll come in by time she thinks i'm gonna start i'm finished and then she'll start to start cleaning the kitchen and and that sort of thing she making it easier for me you understand cause i look back going but i got to oh gee oh no anyway she's making life easy so that's the whole key we want to make life easy for each other so think of ways you can make life easy for people in your family well they're making life easier for me see you didn't miss it you missed the whole thing i've been here time to tell you listen my time is almost up i've been trying to tell you that if you will honor them and you're doing it as unto the lord the lord sees it and he says don't worry about it i'll throw you a part of myself okay praise the lord i hope you got that all right now so we want to honor many times through rebuke and that is if i love you and i see you're about to make a mistake i'm gonna i'm gonna give you a correction we want i want to honor and demonstrate it through recognitions now what do you mean what do you mean recognition that is i want to make special mentions of you recognizing recognizing your accomplishments and so you know uh um you know when when ivan and y'all been talking about his military school but when ivan graduated from military school we all were there we were all there and uh boy it was a great time because he's accomplished something dr i uh when she got her degree that was a dream of hers she wanted her degree and she said well now y'all don't have to do it no we gonna do that we gotta we gotta make a big thing of this we all went down watched you know uh watched her walk across the stage and we all act a fool uh clown but you know everybody knew her people was in the house all right i'm just telling you the things you have to do to honor others amen to recognize that and so uh you know uh dr b's got a birthday coming and it's uh it's national holiday with dr b and guess what we're already planning or where we got to recognize that she's going to be 65 let me tell y'all something i'll be having to tell you all this i gotta tell y'all what she mentioned of the day we went to get our second vaccine and uh the lady looks at her and he says uh she says you're not 65. you know you're not you're not you're not six you're 64. you know 64. she's yes i am and she's not 64. she said you know shoot me your driver's license because you you do not look 64. and uh i mean that's it and we were at one place and somebody asked me were all of them my daughters including her amen praise the lord all right all right amen all right now now now and then finally our through recreation have fun together we say i ain't never been to no church and they telling me to have fun well that's why god needed you to hear this you got to learn to have fun with family boy i got to tell you you know when our kids were growing up you know even though i cannot stand oh okay okay this is me i can't stand those those rides and theme parks but i wrote them why because they wanted me to i rode the roller coaster i rolled all of them so now when my grandkids came along and grant said big head you got no don't know paid that dudes years ago not getting no milk now that's what your mom and daddy to do i'm not getting no milk but i'm telling you but you know during those days we had fun together i mean family fun together it doesn't cost a lot of money to have fun together but see you're so busy you're doing this and doing that doing other you will make the investment and i'm gonna t i gotta take if you have to save up you know save up so now you all can go to the beach and that sort of thing take your own lunch if that's what you have to do come on let's have some fun together and husband and wives have some fun together you gotta a planet oh we got all these children somebody will keep them for a couple hours why y'all go to out to eat when we got no money go to taco bell jack in the box oh no jack in the box don't have anybody sit down thing somebody you gotta sit down and eat amen save it use your faith you usually try to use your faith for everything else let's use our faith for that use your faith to have fun amen i'm about to wrap this up i hope you're getting blessed but what god wants us to do he wants us to make a decision to honor with passion let's be excited about it we want to have the passion to give honor based on this revelation we have a passion to give honor because we're going to repent for lost time we're going to make this time up we're going to do it because it's a matter of resolve we're going to put our minds to it and watch this we're going to focus on the person's position because i know some of you say well i don't know my daddy cannot and he left the family he left the family no no no no no no no we're gonna honor the position that he had in your life he got you here amen praise the lord so now there's a certain level of honor that you must give all right are in the position and not necessarily uh the dysfunctions of the person we want to determine to honor right we want to have a determined or where it says you can only uh function effectively in relationship to the degree that i have the resolve to the techniques to perform the task at hand i love that all right watch this here's what i'm going to talk about because determine the honor is rewarded with manifested blessings i want you to get that i want you to hold on to that that when i choose to do it god's gonna bless me he's gonna bless me and when all of the family has this dynamic come on think about it because everybody is honoring others respecting others appreciating others when we're doing that god is pleased god says it's like we're doing it directly to him god says he's going to make sure he gonna throw you a party he bad amen he's gonna throw you a party there is a story told of uh trees in uh on the west coast and these trees grow in clusters research was done and they found out that the trees their roots did not go very deep yet they were able to withstand withstand every storm i mean every torrential rain would not would never blow them away other trees around them would be blown away other trees around them i would suffer loss but their cluster of trees never would so research was done to find out what set these trees apart why could they withstand the storm and it was discovered that even though their roots did not go down deep their roots were intertwined one with another so when the wind blew against one it blew against them all that's the picture of the kind of family that god wants you to have and you got to go to work because you are now the catalyst to making that happen so my prayer for you is that you will say and see yourself as a catalyst to turn things around in your family and then there are those of you who are saying i want to build a a better family they are the newlyweds who says oh i'm glad we got this it's not too late i wanna i want you to understand this you never fully understand the impact of a moment of obedience a moment where god says listen i want to partner with you you never understand the full impact i never understood uh the full impact i did not understand at that moment the full impact of what god was doing in my life in that little raggedy run down building i did not know that we would be the capitalist to begin to bring our family into a greater relationship with god a greater understanding of the things of god and i'm not talking about our immediate family me and bridge but i'm talking about my mother i'm talking about her mother her sisters my sister and brother and her brother we never understood that that decision to say yes to god then would have such a powerful impact and i'm saying to you this week god has i mean many of you have watched everything some of you work and you watch it after you get to where i forget from work and that's great some of you are sharing it and that's great but listen the impact is going to be monumental and you'll look back one day and you'll be happy you'll be very happy that you were part of 2021 family first conference let's close with this confession father in the name of jesus our father in heaven thank you for your commitment to honor those who honor you directly or indirectly by honoring others i thank you for the precious holy spirit who will bring to my remembrance to honor those to whom honor is due and in so doing i receive honor from you a favor and blessing thank you father that through the fruit of the spirit i am well equipped to honor and to appreciate and to celebrate all who are in my family who mean so much to me i'm strengthened through the holy spirit to execute this principle of righteousness to the glory of god what i make happen for others god you will make happen for me in jesus name it's time to get busy i want you to get busy to figure out how you can start honoring others when anybody else throw me a party no no no it's not about that it's not about that it's not about that it's about you trusting this principal i said that's what i'm going to do i'm going i'm going to spend tomorrow calling people tell them how much i appreciate them calling family tell them how much i appreciate them celebrating their accomplishments i'm gonna pour it out because i believe ephesians six and eight that if i make it happen for them god's gonna make it happen for me father in jesus name thank you for this word it has fallen on good ground and therefore we have great confidence it shall and it must produce fruit in jesus name amen and amen i would be remiss in my responsibility as a man of god if i didn't tell you how to get saved how to get born again how to step into the family of god roman romans chapter 10 9 says that if thou shall confess with thy mouth the lord jesus believe in that heart god raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved and so what does that mean that means listen if you ask him to be the lord of your life he already paid the price for your mistakes he's not asking you to remember them all and to confess them all he says i just want you to confess me as lord open the door of your heart and say jesus i want you to come into my heart we're going to pray a very simple prayer and you're going to believe that jesus paid the price for all of your mistakes and right now you're about to make a step into the family of god and when you do that oh my god it's going to be an amazing journey so let's pray together father yeah go come on let's say it father i know without jesus i'm lost i believe your word that if i ask you to save man you will i believe jesus died for my sins and was raised from the dead to validate everything he said and i give you my heart give you the throne of my heart i make you my lord and from this day forward i choose to please you with my life now fill me with your spirit and power so that i can live a life pleasing to you thank you father for saving me placing me in your family in jesus name amen and amen if you prayed that prayer welcome to the family of god and watch this and now if you will text the idea you'll text uh nlc born again you'll get more information listen many of you don't have a church you don't have a church you can become one of our e-members and we would love to have you we got an incredible pastor here i would love to have you as a part of the family uh here many of you have become partners with us thank you so much and then you saw the list of host pastors that we have there's a host pastor in your city why don't you make it to that church why don't you you know make it to that church these are men and women of faith and men and women of god that i love that are in connection with me and it would be a good place to start your journey so i want you to do that and listen let us know what's going on in your life amen what we're going to do we're going to trust god and we're going to watch god work amen i give you now i'll be loving pastor amen praise the lord well apostle thank you for that word on tonight great word and uh this has been an amazing conference an amazing opportunity to hear our apostle uh one more time encourage us in family and uh we are about to have a celebration moment as the apostle talked about and let apostle and pastor be know how much we appreciate them and honor their gift uh and so i'm gonna ask bishop edmondson and bishop mckissick to come and join me um in this moment and those of you who are on zoom we want you to hang out with us we're going to have a time of interacting with our pastors but we wanted to give everybody an opportunity tonight to express your gratitude and appreciation and right before we do that let me just say members of the light you'll be getting an e-blast real soon but we will have one service on this sunday at 10 a.m at the north location and in beaumont while they're doing the repairs at the south location bishop edmondson i came to you first oh really of course bishop mckissick uh are y'all excited about this moment i've been waiting for this moment we are ready for this moment when i say we i'm talking about all of us you know i think it was awesome when apostle said honoring when you honor and receive the one that god sends it's honoring and receiving jesus and if you honor jesus it's as if you're honoring the father and if you honor the father god's gonna throw you a party and so i heard tonight tonight is about man how big of a party you want hold on [Music] we're gonna throw i'm gonna keep it six feet six feet at a distance we're going through an amazing party tonight an amazing party tonight and we have learned through the years the benefit of sowing into this ministry and so tonight you're going to have an opportunity to connect to this grace and experience the joy we experience and so many others because they sow into this ministry and so let's do it tonight let's so man let's let's do an honor celebration seed tonight let's not have received all week what we've been given apostle and pastor b poured out all week just gave us everything they have we don't want to turn around and then walk away log off no you want to sew tonight your very best and say thank you to them and last let's not just say it let's show it let's show them through our seed tonight how appreciative we are absolutely and what we're going to do is we're going to sow into while they're working on bishop mckissick mike i'm going to give instructions and of course you know we always do this time and challenge you to give at various levels and i want to see i've got my phone here but we're sewing into their ministry work and one thing about apostle and pastor b is that they have not retired they have restructured and so this is going into hillyard international ministries on tonight and that's where we want you to sow your seed and so you can go to our there are several ways that you can give you can text uh founders fn to 71441 fn to 71441 you can go on the giblify app under new light church and god that you'll download the giblify app look for new life church and then when you get in there look for the category hymn hilliard international ministries of course those of you that do cash app then you can also do cash up as well and then all of our giving platforms and you know of course i know some of our members are watching give make sure you select the category of hilliard international ministries i'm gonna jump on uh they've got we've got people on facebook and youtube in the chat because i want you to encourage somebody i'm their child and i always look forward to sewing into their life because i honor them not just as my parents but i honor the gift i honor the anointing that's on their life and so tonight we are honoring them and the bible talks about that when you honor those who are in leadership you honor them and you bless them then god makes a promise to bless your life and so it's almost like a double benefit that we get by sowing into their work in the ministry you know i've watched apostle work harder in this season you know i'm like is he alive again is he going live again and because he has a commitment to continue to share the word and so uh those of you who are on zoom and we're going to give you an opportunity to do like we would normally do at our family conference announce your seat but i want you to hold on for a moment before you give us your amount and uh have we challenged the people on facebook for a level some of you may give a thousand some of you may get 500 but we want to challenge you tonight and so we're going to give you an opportunity to do that so so here's you know this could have easily been cancelled yes and as you said earlier tonight understandable yes but our apostle put in the time the currency of time to make this happen and it has been absolutely amazing and so if you are watching us tonight listen we want you to connect to this tonight a celebration seed is what he called for earth and i think we ought to just catch the wave of that there are those of you on facebook watching tonight we want you to sow a celebration scene to celebrate all you have received during these days listen you have to have been blessed because we've been blessed by hearing everything yes so celebration seed right there on facebook a thousand dollars sow it put it in the ground you cannot have fruit if you don't sow seed and so tonight get in faith tonight sow this seed for the benefit of your own life tonight and i promise you it's going to bless you these are pivotal this is a pivotal moment and when you have that when you tie value to something yes you show it with your actions absolutely you don't want to make the mistake of having received all of this information right because again they didn't throw this together no they could have just did it one night absolutely three nights three nights and days and poured out and poured out and poured out and so you don't want to turn around and go well thank you that was good and go off when something is of value you support it right invest in it and so tonight don't turn around and just well i'm just going to give this a little padded seat no no no no let's give a celebration thank you seed honoring the gift tonight yes did a great job talking about honoring family right honoring family members and why but in this moment we want to honor our man and woman of god we want to honor apostle pass to be we're sowing into their works yes we're supporting their work but we're honoring them for all that they did so don't back up don't hold off tonight sow your very best seed tonight to celebrate them and say thank you now listen you keep hearing us say hour hour hour and you're saying well uh i'm not connected like that but listen the shunamite woman uh elijah was not her prophet yes but because she was obedient yes and because she sold into his life in the way that he asked the blessing came upon her accelerated and greater than she ever met so don't sit there and say well they're saying our apostle our apostle our father our mother that means it's not me oh no it is you because just like sowing into elijah bless that shunammite woman tonight we speak that anointing upon your life listen bills cancel bills paid favor accelerated over your life physical healing all of that because seeds set the stage for the supernatural yes so let's honor tonight this incredible ministry hillary international ministries and you've been given the platforms to do it yes tonight we are going we're going to show you how we party when we celebrate the man and woman you were talking about elijah so you know again and i agree it's they may not be your pastors right but you had an encounter with an elijah manifestation you had an encounter elijah told that shooting night woman that you don't have to stay this way right you can come up and this week we heard again and again that my family doesn't have to stay in a messed up state yes my family doesn't have to live beneath its privilege and so tonight is about being challenged and encouraged to not show but to turn around and embrace what was shared and receive what god has for you so this is about what i received this week and saying thank you and we appreciate you letting god use you to show me what's possible start right now right now doctor i we want them to start right now absolutely and again as we stated those of you who are um on our zoom we've got a zoom i like to call that the after party of honoring and of course we're going to do that so wait and don't post it on facebook but i've got my facebook up because i want to see how many of you are excited about sowing into the life of apostle maybe you're going to sow a thousand dollars i want to challenge some of you because it's not just pastors that your life is blessed by their gift some of you may sow a thousand into their ministry work love city the ministry that they do to reach the next generation the ministry that they do to help others the ministry and that apostle does every monday night some of you may sow 500 but i want you to get your best seat there are several levels that you can sow it and you know i believe that there are many out there that can sow at least a thousand dollars not just the pastors yeah i believe that there's at least if not there's at least 10 people in our facebook youtube audience that can sow that thousand dollar seed tonight for hillyard international ministries and there are so many levels of the grace that's attached to your sin you may be sowing it because you need the grace for family you may need to be so that seed because you need to grace on your business yeah but i want you to obey god if you're a part of that 10 i need you to put it in the comments that i'm a part of that tent count me as one of the ten and so give me the amount if you're going in the youtube chat in the facebook chat if you're a part of that group of ten that are sowing uh tonight of course our church is gonna honor them you know we were gonna talk about it later but i think it's good to know that not only do i honor them personally but our church is gonna honor them tonight we they are our founders and we still support them yes but tonight we're going to sow into hilliard international ministries we've got our seed prepared i don't want you to miss this grace that's attached to the time of honoring and that's what i want you to see on tonight is that as you honor the prophet yes then god makes ways for you god opens up doors if you've trust you trust his voice his voice and pastor b's voice has ministered to your life in the past then i need you to obey god matter of fact pastor bishop john why don't you pray real quick and then i believe as you're praying some of them are going to obey god give that thousand dollars and then there are others that are going to give 500 but if you don't have the 500 i want as many of you out there to give at least a hundred dollar seed on tonight that you're going to sow that to say i want to sow into that work so that i can tap into the grace the anointing so that it can manifest in my life and so after pastor john prays we're going to start just really i want you to encourage somebody like apostle calls it the catalyst giver yeah i'm looking for my ten catalyst givers on facebook or youtube to encourage others and remember pastors we're going to have an after party in just a moment now father in the name of jesus we thank you for all that's taken place all week thank you for every workshop every seminar thank you for every panel thank you for everything that apostle and pastor be shared and tonight we now have come to this moment holy spirit we release you minister to your people tonight we come against fear we declare that we step out trusting you we declare that the windows of heaven break open as we obey you tonight as we're sowing for our families sowing for our spouses sowing for our children we've come to say thank you tonight we've come to honor this man and woman of god and the work they're doing we rebuke fear we declare boldness to obey you god i hear you saying you're talking now you're talking to your people they're hearing your voice so we declare we obey you tonight freely liberating and we thank you for what's getting ready to happen we thank you that as our seed gets in the ground we thank you that suddenly there's a harvest that suddenly there's a shift that suddenly there's a change in our family and our children and our situation so we thank you tonight for what's getting ready to happen we're not coming just to sow we're coming with expectation for our harvest into our families and we thank you for it in jesus name amen and amen come on start putting in the chat what you're giving let's go ahead and get this done let's show the apostle and pastor bridget that we support their work and we're grateful for what they're shared come on facebook come on youtube got one one thousand yes i like this one that's a member of the lights your name is karen williams yes you're showing a thousand dollars i'm looking for others don't miss this opportunity i want you to obey god and do what god has instructed you to do you say pastor well i don't have that level i want you to obey god at your level and what god is speaking to you don't discount the opportunity and miss the moment to sow into uh the place that you have received blessing into the ministry and to their into their their ministry on tonight and so um when you obey god you gotta obey god when you obey god when you hear god and god's saying do this sow this seed don't choke don't say well maybe no no no no obey god especially when he tells you what's in your hand because many times when god tells you to give what's in your hand is because what's in your hand is not enough to do what you needed to do so when god tells you to take what's in your hand and sow it there is a harvest on the other side of that obedience so i'm talking to somebody tonight facebook youtube so be obedient obey god do what god told you to do you you know and if you don't know let me tell you apostle and pastor bridget their work is good ground hillary international ministries is good ground and when you get a seed in fertile soil yeah you absolutely are guaranteed to return pastors don't forget don't forget don't sow yours yet we're coming to the after party bishop john and i i can't wait i've already touched and agreed on what we're going to do yes and so we're going to be the catalyst for all of you when we get to the zoom after party but hold yours until then doctor i you've got some more i already have one more and that is a pastor but that's another thousand dollar honor celebration seed on tonight and of course there are so many of you here's what i need y'all to do as well let's encourage somebody i see crystal cardi said seed sown phillips giving philip given said seeds sown there's barber betty seeds so many of you are sowing and then somebody wanda robertson has sold 250. all right tanya has sold a hundred dollars from the kane family there are many of you that are and then uh i think i already got those too yeah i am excited about it of course you can continue to sow just like if you were sowing into uh there was an offering moment in church for something different you would obey god this is what you do on tonight you obey god you honor the gift and then you'll be able to watch god work watch that first class lifestyle manifest in every area of your life i think pastor john then there's a heidi that sold a hundred dollars i'm being encouraged by so many of our uh partners on facebook and youtube are sewing on tonight and we encourage you to keep sewing keep saying i see monique said seeds there are many of you that are sowing and we bless god for you yes and of course apostle and pastor b what we're going to do for our face our zoom audience is that we're going to if you'll stick around we're going to have apostle and pastor be in just a moment come back up and then we're going to go over to the zoom after party and we're going to get into our time of honoring and sowing into their life on tonight uh there's uh mr griffith that sold a hundred dollars many of you are sowing a hundred dollars but we've already got two of our ten one thousand dollar givers come on darlene young 100 god bless you we're excited about what god's gonna do in your life as you sow and watch god work because you have honored the man and woman of god on tonight uh bishop mckissick bishop edmondson you want to say anything before we allow apostle and pastor be to come back up and go over to our after-party listen uh earlier this week uh mom prayed for those families those those husbands and wives who've been believing god for children and for whatever reason it has not been able to happen and i hear it in the holy ghost tonight i need you to hear me you don't sow a seed to make something happen yes you sow the seed in faith declaring that it's already done the transfer is being made from the spirit to the natural i want to speak now to a husband and wife who have been praying and believing and i'm telling you tonight put a seed in the ground in faith and the spiritual transfer is going to happen over into the natural and i hear the words of the prophet by this time next year the very thing that doctors say listen i am your witness doctors told my parents they would never have children and here i stand as their miracle and i'm believing tonight that there is a miracle tonight waiting on a husband and a wife i decree it and i declare it that by this time next year you will have the testimony that god has impregnated you in your soul the sea tonight in faith to say god i believe you can work the miracle in my womb that doctor said could not happen sow it tonight and i believe that the spiritual transfer is getting ready to happen you're on facebook you're on youtube i'm telling you tonight god is not a man that he should lie i'm telling you right now what the holy ghost has said to me sow it tonight and show the devil that he is alive god is exalted your womb is open [Music] i'm hearing there are parents you are concerned about your children you're concerned that they're going astray yes and you've done all that you can you don't know what to do let me encourage you you're looking at a product of a parent that held fast god's word and so god see i think i said this earlier in the week i grew up in church but i was tired of church yeah i told my mama when i get out your house i'll never darken another doorway of a church i'm out but my mama was a praying mama my mama was a mama that know how to sew she speaks with the little bit that she had she was the woman that didn't have a lot and she sowed and stood on the word of god and watched what she couldn't do the holy ghost got involved and began to do and while i was out there running astray the holy ghost began to reel me in and all of a sudden when i detested i went from the testing and i desired i'm speaking to you parent tonight i'm speaking to you single mama tonight i'm speaking to you father tonight your baby will come home your child will make it back don't give up you're in a pivotal moment sow the seed for your child tonight [Music] your child is coming home and lift your head don't wait till they come down [Music] we give god praise for that and i trust that you have held on to that and you will stand in faith for your seed those of you who are in our zoom apostle and pastor b are about to come to the stage but i am excited about what's about to happen in our after party our honor after party new light members i look forward to seeing you in person and virtual at 10 a.m and so now we're gonna step to the side for just a moment allow our apostle and pastor b to come up and then those of you all pastors you should check your email if you say i don't have a zone check your email go over to zoom because there's an anointing in the after party of us honoring our apostle on tonight because we're going to do even greater than what we did if you were in person because we know there's power and anointing attached to our seed praise god amen well good evening and again i want to just say thank you so much for every seed that you've sown on tonight we so appreciate you sowing into our lives you know the bible declares in philippians chapter 4 verse 19 the apostle paul says and my god shall supply all your needs according to his riches and glory by christ jesus and that message that the apostle paul gave was to the church at philip high because they had supported his ministry over and over again so i say to those of you who honored us on tonight i declare that you'll have a first class lifestyle you'll continue to walk in god's best and same grace on our lives rest upon your life the apostle paul also said in philippians chapter 1 that i know that you're going to make it so i know that everything that you set your heart to receive this year i know you're going to receive it because the same grace on us on you to live a debt-free lifestyle to live in god's abundance and i declare unprecedented prosperity over your life this year so thank you again so much for being a part of the first family conference we just wanted to come up and just say thank you so much for your participation and your support and i did especially since i wasn't on earlier tonight i wanted to at least just say thank you so much for being a part of the first family conference and then of course for honoring us tonight with your seeds to heal your international ministry we so appreciate it because as dr i said we have not retired we just restructured and of course we've been home for the last um what almost 12 months now we stopped traveling last year in march when the pandemic hidden so we've been home all this year and we've been working consistently and i said apostle just put us restructured on roller skates so we did not retire we just restructured on roller skates amen so we want to just thank everybody for being a part of the conference and the pastors who are watching we're excited about what's going to happen and uh looking forward to uh our zoom tonight but uh i trust that if you have not ordered your um your blueprint for an amazing family you'll do so we want to send it to you and we are in faith that we can send out 10 000 of them this year 10 000 that's our goal amen so again thank you for being a part and uh we will see you all later y'all know we're gonna have something all the time we'll be back and he'll be back in our virtual audience so i think they're gonna take us out and then they're gonna give us instructions for uh the uh they call it the honor after party yes and before we go just want to remind the members of the light as dr i said 10 o'clock a.m sunday is a hybrid service those of you who are feeling good and you want to come to service it's 10 o'clock am at the north location as we work to repair our south campus from the winter storm and so everybody will join here at the north location at 10 o'clock a.m on this sunday and then of course the apostle will be back on monday i think he's going to be on sunday night as well with the mexicans the attention of manhood as well so uh we love you with the love of the lord i think they may have a spot about um blueprint yes yes so we'll see you and we'll see the pastors in the after party god bless nothing like this blueprint for an amazing family resource that i want to send to you absolutely free if you will reach out to request it now now it has the faith building mechanics necessary to build a strong family and to overcome those setbacks to a quality family life there are daily affirmations for the husband and for the wife and for the unmarried and for the parent and for the children along with extensive easy to understand teachings on the keys to maximizing the family experience and i want to send to you absolutely free now reach out now by going to that special link and giving us the information uh right now and so give us your prayer requests and your request for the blueprint for an amazing family life now be sure to to get back online to enjoy the rest of the conference reach out now and send that to me right now and request it you're going to be amazed when you get this in your hands you
Channel: New Light Church
Views: 1,294
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: kKpawcB-INA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 157min 46sec (9466 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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