Revival Night w/Special Guest Bishop William Murphy

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you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you we bless your name lord we honor you father for who you [Music] glory are we thank you for who you are you are king of kings and our lord of lords [Music] lord god we belong to you lord god there is no other god like you father god we thank you lord god that you're the god of our peace lord god jehovah shalom we thank you for your peace tonight lord god we thank you father god we honor your lord god glory be to god father we thank you lord god for this revival for this awakening tonight lord god we thank you father god hallelujah and our hearts are ready to receive father god in jesus name lord god holy spirit [Music] the one and only true god we bless your name the creator of the heavens and the earth [Music] [Music] [Music] we thank you for your healing power tonight [Music] [Music] [Music] now for the blood of jesus christ fatherly our new creation in christ jesus we thank you we praise you lord god [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] we [Music] name of jesus [Music] jesus name father in the name of jesus we decree and declare that there's a revival coming to the body of christ and we understand our identity in the name of jesus we thank you that we have your dna in the mighty name of jesus we thank you that we know who we are in the mighty name of jesus we thank you lord god we're created in your image therefore we walk like you we talk like you we speak like you we believe and therefore speak so we decree and declare souls come now in the mighty name of jesus we are not ashamed of the gospel in the mighty name of jesus we decree and declare there is a bomb in gilead we thank you for your power for your anointing so we move in power we move in glory we decree and declare we proclaim your word we prophesy your word we decree your power over the nations in the mighty name of jesus we thank you lord there's no distance in the spirit so we decree and declare and we speak life uh even to those dead things uh those dormant things uh we are speaking to you we command you to come forth [Music] in the mighty name of jesus [Music] [Music] we worship [Music] we give you the glory jesus we give you the honor and we give you the praise god tonight we praying that you reawaken our expectation in the name of the lord jesus christ god we awaken god the ability in us god to dream to sheep to thank god like you would have us to think in the name of the lord jesus christ god thank you for reviving us again god get us back to the throne room again get us back to your face oh god get us back to your faith in the name of jesus christ god reawaken god for your name's sake in jesus name god all of those things that have been lying to him in god we ask that you reawaken it tonight in the name of jesus christ god those things that you told us to do five years ago reawaken it tonight in the name of jesus god reawaken the power that you have so graciously given unto us god reawaken our desire to seek more of you to run out to you oh god to seek you lord jesus reawaken god our desire lord god to do what you've called us to do to be who you called us to be in the name of jesus christ we expect you to move we expect you to move oh god we expect your holy spirit to come in this place to come in our homes tonight in the name of jesus christ speak a word that's so clear speak a word that's life changing speak a word god that's life altering in the name of jesus christ thank you oh god we believe what you're saying we believe your word we believe what you spoke into our ears in the name of jesus christ god we thank him for this night oh god not just this night but this week the rest of this month the rest of this year in the name of jesus christ that you will reawaken our expectation we expect miracles we expect hearts we expect wonders we expect the holy ghost we expect healing [Music] we expect a mighty mood [Music] [Music] [Music] he's an amazing coach [Music] for revival tonight for reawakening tonight in the name of jesus and it is so come on come on as the praise and worship is coming on tonight can we give the praise in the house can we log on our goal let's until [Music] [Music] are you glad to be in the house of the lord just one more time i don't know about you but i'm expecting god tonight i don't know about you but i'm expecting god tonight and i'm gonna praise him like i expected i'm gonna shout like i expect him i'm gonna wave my hand like i expect him i'm gonna open up my mouth like i expect god come on the song says to our god we give glory we give honor we give praise to our god come on clap those hands like this [Music] he is [Music] [Music] come on y'all [Music] come on clap your hands like [Music] i'll this that my name is [Music] and all thy glory [Music] we declared [Music] oh [Music] [Music] nobody [Music] nobody [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] shut up [Music] that's your name [Music] now everybody [Music] come on [Music] [Music] everybody [Music] come on [Music] i'm [Music] it's all today [Music] anybody [Music] [Music] of god doing something supernatural in your life [Music] i need some [Music] of 2021 it is great to be with you tonight you may be seated we are so delighted that all of you are here with us whether you're in the building whether you're watching online it is revival night 2021 the third edition of what we like to call the id edition and can you help me and celebrate our apostle and pastor beyond tonight we honor our apostle and pastor bridget and um when we set our dates for revival they wanted to make sure that they were in the house for us so we give god glory for them on tonight and then of course can you take a moment and help me celebrate tomorrow is pastor terry's birthday so happy birthday pastor terry y'all know we were we were the team was y'all don't really know some of y'all don't know that pastor terry is a real jokester and so they had this graphic that they were going to do because past terrors always joking with everybody and i was like we're not ready for that but uh happy birthday how old are you going to be tomorrow 60 55 double grace huh double grace in favor and so make sure tomorrow y'all shout out and happy brea give a happy birthday to pastor terry and all of that good stuff i'm glad that you're here tonight can i get those of you in the building even those of you who are on facebook and youtube and why don't you share this with somebody on tonight tonight is going to be absolutely amazing bishop william murphy is in the house and pastor danielle i am an expectation of tonight i'm an expectation every revival night has been absolutely amazing we started off with bishop mckissick in january we had pastor ypj in may and here for the month of september and this ninth month of the year we've got bishop william murphy and i know our faith our lives are gonna go to the next level if this is your first time worshiping with us you can go and uh we want to make sure that you connect with us beyond today so make sure that you go online to nlc journey if you're a first time guest maybe this is your first time connecting with us online first time being in the building give us a wave in the comment section but also make sure that you go to nlc journey they should put a qr code on the screen so that you can see that and you can just simply scan the qr code and connect with us on today we're praying church we believe in the power of prayer so we want to add our faith with yours and continue to pray for you not the mass requirement that's it right there continue to pray for you that you walk in god's best that you have god's best in every area of your life the bible says if two or three agree on touching anything it shall be done so let us add our faith with yours on tonight and i'm an expectation of god doing some amazing things a new life you want to definitely make sure you stay connected and make sure that you're in the house on sunday morning because i got a treat for you our apostle will be preaching on sunday morning here at the light and it's going to be real real good and i know your life is going to be tremendously blessed by it i want to say thank you to our intercessory prayer team and of course y'all saw our dancers are back and as we are give them a big hand clap it has been my desire that to just bring our excellence team ministries and those of you who serve back into active service whether you're online serving and and connecting with people in our virtual sanctuary or here in the building and then as i was praying about revival i really felt like it was one that we needed to be intentional about opening up with intercessory prayers so thank you to all of our prayer ministers that led us in that time of prayer of reawakening our expectation amen because there are some times where you can go through life and you just stop expecting things to happen you let life make you diminish your expectation but this is a season where you ought to be expecting something supernatural from god amen and an expectation of doing expecting something supernatural from god you ought to be doing extraordinary things you ought to be being that catalyst that makes a difference because y'all know we're in this series i make the difference and you ought to be a catalyst for change in the life of somebody else that means you don't sit on the sideline waiting for somebody else to do it you get actively involved in doing your part standing on the word working your faith and watching god working your life amen it is offering time in the house of the lord so excited about our time of giving on tonight before you just take out your devices and start giving you know uh as we approached this year and i was praying about the revival conference that we had the lord really impressed on me to not have just a one revival at the top of the year but to have revivals throughout the year and then when i heard apostles prophetic word for the year that there will be scheduled times of revival i got so excited because i knew this needed to be more than just something that we do in january but it was something that was necessary throughout the year so for every quarter of this year we have had a revival night and i know your life has been blessed by them amen you know i was i was reading one of the scriptures that i had when i first started out with the revival night and i really want to take you to this scripture on tonight in psalms 138 verse 7 it says and i'm going to read it to you out of the past and passage the passion translation it says by your mighty power i can walk through any devastation and you will keep me alive reviving me your powers set me free from the hatred of my enemies you keep every promise you've ever made to me since your love for me is constant and endless i ask you lord to finish every good thing that you've begun in me how many want god to finish what he started in your life at the beginning of this year you know it is amazing that today uh marks a hundred one hundred days left in 2019 and i'm declaring and as we get ready to sow a seed i want to declare that finish strong grace you've been hearing me say it that we're gonna finish this year strong but i want your seed to be significant it's where you tap into that power of god knowing that what god started in you at the beginning of this year that he's gonna finish to the end of 2021 there are some dreams that you have not seen manifested there are some desires that you have that you may not have seen come to pass don't you give up don't you throw on the tile you've got to know that god will finish every good thing shout out good thing god will finish every good thing that he's begun in you so everything every promise that he's made everything that he said in your heart you got to know that it's your obedience that positions you for god to finish every good thing he started in you and so tonight our budget for our revival night is forty five thousand dollars shout out forty five thousand that's a little bit of money some of y'all say no it's not that's a little bit of money when you got all of us working together to make it happen amen and so i want you to pray about sowing a seed tonight that that taps into that finished strong grace that that com that confidence that you have that every promise that god has made you will come to pass you got to understand that tonight is that night to breathe fresh life into you to revive you again so that you finish this year strong don't you throw in the towel it's the fourth quarter y'all know the whole game can change in the fourth quarter that once october hits that's the fourth quarter that that is the the whole tide of the game can change in the fourth quarter i don't know if i got any football fans in here right it can be the team can be up in the first second and third quarter but once the fourth quarter hits if they're focused on who on who they got on the team and the skills and the confidence of the coach and they don't get distracted by what they lost earlier but stay focused on what they're gonna win you can see a whole turnaround victory happen in the game that the underdog comes out on top and i'm believing that those things that you feel like you lost at the beginning of this year as you obey god as you trust god as you choose to be that difference maker in every situation you're gonna finish strong and watch at the end of 2021 you're going to come out on top how many want to see the good things of the lord as we close out this year and so i'm going to pray and after i pray i'm going to challenge you to give a finished strong seed at various levels because i believe that we can take care of our budget i went back and looked in every revival night for this year we have met our budget that deserves a hand clap every revival night for this year we've met our budget those of you who are watching online i encourage you to participate because see we don't give just to meet budgets but when we give we position ourselves for god to do something supernatural in our lives and it is not buying a blessing but we are in positioning ourselves to be entitled to the blessing to be entitled to the breakthrough be entitled to the good things that god has in store for us and so that's what i want your heart to be is i just want you to obey god some of you all are believing us for some big things as we close out this year i want your seed to be hey i'm sowing my seed with confidence that that big thing that i have been believing for to happen in 2021 it shall come to pass and i'm going to finish this year strong with god doing every good thing that he said he would do in my life so after i pray before you just start sewing your seed i want to challenge you to give it several levels and then i'm going to have you give you an opportunity to do that but all i'm asking you to do tonight is to obey god to position yourself for the breakthrough that you need position yourself to finish this year strong can we do that and we do that with our seed let's pray father we thank you for this opportunity to give to sow to invest into your kingdom and father you know our hearts you know we would give to you just because we love you but we see in your world where you have incorporated a financial plan to bless our lives and so father your word says that you will keep every promise that you made to us and so tonight we're sowing our seed for that finished strong grace that making sure that we finish what we started this year that the word that you gave us the promise that you spoke of our lives we will not let it fall to the ground but we will see it live again and be revived again and so father i thank you for the obedience of your people i thank you father for this time of us gathering together for revival of the body of christ and refocusing of our identity so father i thank you that you're re-awakening expectation in each and every one of us and so father we sow our seed on tonight an expectation of a grace to finish strong of a grace to see every good thing you have for our lives come to pass we declare that the budget is met in overflow we call every knee met for the kingdom of god and we declare every need is met for your people in jesus name amen how many excited about this time to give here are the several levels that i'm going to challenge you to give at the first level is i'm looking for apostles likes to call them catalyst givers and we've been talking about catalyst being the catalyst for change because here at the light we are building victorious people who are catalysts for change so i'm looking for some catalyst givers on tonight who will join with me at the one thousand dollar level i'm looking for ten people who'll say pastor i'll stand with you and i'll give a thousand dollars and if you'll be one of those ten i'm gonna ask you to stand or i'm gonna ask you to put it in the comments and facebook or just put it in the comment on youtube somebody's going to let me know so if you say pastor i'm going to join with you giving one thousand dollars i'll be one of those ten i'm already one so we really just need nine i see uh miss ursula in the back that's two i see right here that's three if you're staying past the t four pastor priscilla five uh mom has two fingers up six seven eight nine i just need one more did i miss somebody let me look around y'all know i look around uh there go my 10 11. we already in the overflow somebody give the lord a shout of praise don't get if don't get discouraged because i'm coming down you're laying real quick now i'm looking for you know some individuals that will give a 300 seat i'm looking for 60 people that will give 300 if you say pastor i can do a 300 seat i'll be a part of that 60 to give 300 can i get you to stand at this time can we give them a big hand clap as they're standing i know i got some of them we got members at home and on youtube and all that 300 seed i see one two three four in the balcony five why don't you give give the lord a shout of praise six i see behind there i can't see i didn't pull up facebook they gonna tell me so that we can report them give them a big hand clap here is here is where i'm gonna get i need as many of you all to say i need y'all to stretch on tonight say stretch because i know you may say well i was going to just give a 52 seat i knew they was probably gonna ask for that no i want you to stretch and i want you since this is a hundredth day uh we got a hundred days left in the year i want you to sew a hundred dollar seat on tonight i'm looking for 200 people who'll say pastor i can sow a hundred dollar seat on tonight can i get you to stand i want you to stretch some of it's a stretch for you someone's a sacrifice but i'm gonna put a dollar apart i'ma sow a seed for every day left in 2021 i see y'all standing i may have to open up facebook to see how many of y'all are doing it on facebook just say count me in on facebook pastor t you're gonna go help me because you know um put up how many fingers you're gonna do if you're gonna do 100 you're gonna do 200 and maybe while you're standing the lord will move and you'll do 300. uh dr laura can you help me with the middle section pastor t you can come on uh let's see come do this side section for me in the balcony how many know god loves a cheerful hilarious and a prompt to do with giver i get excited every time we get a chance to give [Music] i believe you're going to finish this year stronger that fourth fourth the fourth quarter of this year is going to exceed your expectations the next 100 days you're not going to have to wait till october but remember we said that september is a supernatural september october is going to be outstanding october november is going to be never seen it before november and we're going to have a dynamic december in jesus name amen what you got pastor t you got 29 and 14 53 is that right let's give the lord a shout of praise on that don't see pastor tina normally she doing my numbers for me how many say pastor i don't have the hundred but i'm gonna do my very very best on tonight i'm gonna do my best i'm gonna stretch i'm gonna at least sow a 52 c but i'm gonna give something i'm not to miss this moment just wave at me wave in the comments wave and let us know i'm excited about that so here's how you can sow your seed on tonight there are various ways that you can give you can go online and you can give at give you can text new light to 71441 you can also downl download the giblify app look for new light church inside the app you can use cash cash app dollar sign new life church paypal at new light church zell give you can mail it by the office or you can drop it by the office and uh the giving code for tonight is revival night and so if you'll sew it into revival night how many believe the budget is already met i know for sure we've already done at least probably half of the budget based on what y'all said and we add the numbers in my head we're already halfway there how many know we're going to make sure that before the night ends we have our budget met and those of you who are on facebook on youtube i know you're participating as well and we declare the budget meant and we're in the overflow amen and so i want you to sow your seed at this time why don't you stand we believe in confessing god's word over our seed sown and so we're going to say our faith confession together because we believe in confessing god's word over our seed over our vision of our church and they're going to put it on the screen we'll say it on the count of three one two three we are new like a faith teaching church a favorite field church a praying church we are new light a family church a caring church a mission-minded church we are new light a giving church we give cheerfully to support our church's vision we give because god is the source and sustainer of our lives we give our debt free seed decreeing debt relief debt resourcefulness and debt reduction favor increase blessings and doors of opportunity are our covenant rights as givers this is our year of big manifestations as we step into our best life in jesus name amen can you give the lord a good shout of praise can you rejoice that in advance that the budget is already met okay you can do better than that can you rejoice in advance that the budget is already met i want you to remain standing we're going to go into a time of worship to prepare our hearts for the word on tonight i am excited about bishop murphy being here um of course bishop murphy is the pastor of the dream center church in atlanta georgia and uh just a dear brother of course we y'all probably know him for uh all his songs but he's a preacher as well and uh one of the things that uh bishop murphy and pastor danielle are so special to me is because i haven't went to school in atlanta going to culinary school and the apostle told him i believe the lord is calling you to feed his sheep but not literally but it was really with him going to dream center and going to church it was in that setting and them loving on him that ivan made the decision and really answered the call of god on his life and so i am forever grateful for the anointing on their church anointing on bishop's life and the deposit that he made in ivan while he was in atlanta and so when we were trying to i was thinking about and praying about who to have you know of course i always i'm so glad i have apostle as an ear that i can lean on and talk to and i was talking to bishop it passed to be about who would be the best person and uh we all ambition i think bishop bishop apostle said it first bishop murphy and in unison we all like yep that's the person and i text my brother he said i'll be there so tonight after we worship god the next voice you will hear will be that of bishop murphy i want you to receive him i want you to be an expectation of him reawakening some dreams in your life reviving your hope reviving your identity as we go after all that god has for us in this year and the days to come let's worship our god and then when you see him mouth the podium let's make sure that we receive the man of god and receive the word that he has for us tonight are y'all ready to worship god i give you minister melissa there is a name that is above every name for at the name of jesus every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that he is lord if you know there is power in the name of jesus if you know there is healing in the name of jesus if you know there's deliverance in the name of jesus if you know you can be set free by the name of jesus why don't you open up your mouth and begin to worship the lord your god come on and raise your voice in this place raise your voice and worship him call the name of jesus [Music] call the name of jesus [Music] [Music] the name of jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] call the name foreign jesus [Music] everybody [Music] is [Music] there's no name that is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] me cheers [Music] [Music] we oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] us [Music] healing in the name of jesus [Music] depression breaking off you right now for the name of jesus [Music] lift that up [Music] say it again come on one more time come on and say it one more time everybody [Music] [Music] us [Music] [Music] everybody say revive us [Music] come on [Music] hallelujah [Music] for the lord god [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] worthy is the land [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] i want [Music] [Music] is is [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] i need somebody to put your hands together i need you to open your mouth and give god praise like every word god has spoken over your life like it is so it is already done [Music] come on whether you're on facebook whether you're on the website i need you to give me praise now glory to jesus glory to jesus we give god praise tonight we honor god i don't know about you but i can sense the presence of god in this room amen don't if you if you came to church with somebody i just need you to touch him and just say amen amen amen if you came by yourself just grab yourself and say amen just it would whatever god spoke my soul says amen whatever god is doing my spirit is saying a man it is already done it is already so in jesus's mighty name i need you just to clap your hands one more time and help me praise god hallelujah my friend i need just a little more of this mic in front of me here come on i need you to clap your hands one more time y'all put some hand clap emojis in the thread on facebook if you're on youtube i don't know where you are i just need you to just clap your hands one more time we honor god will you help me give god praise for the baddest pastor in the city of houston she is my sister wait a minute i need some more noise than that y'all she is the she is fly and anointed and we thank god for real pastors amen and thank god for people who can feel the heart of the people and able to articulate the word of god in a way that we can understand it and take it and move forward in life let's celebrate dr irisha hilliard one more time come on if your neighbors not clapping their hater tell them no haters allowed tonight come on it's revival night and then what do you say the apostle and mom bridget are in the house tonight let's just thank god for them we honor you we honor you and thank god for you uh just only god knows where uh we would be where the dream center would be had it not been for your deposit and so we thank god for you and honor you again pastor p is in the building y'all [Music] we thank god and uh you know i'm in a new season in my life uh my baby girl is in her freshman year now at lipscomb university and so uh we're what they call empty nesters and uh we're in a new city i know i don't look like it but we're in an empty nester season and uh so i got my girl with me tonight pastor diaz with me wave at the people tonight and uh hey man for the last 22 years i've been ripping and running jumping on planes and so we're in a new season where wherever i go she goes now amen and so uh y'all help me praise god for the woman of god tonight hallelujah come on get your bibles there is a word from the lord uh first samuel chapter 11 and verse one i'm going to read from the message bible tonight two of my brothers are here tonight pastor campbell and apostle williams we thank god for you tonight i know you're praying for me first samuel chapter 11 and verse number one uh i'm gonna read from the message bible tonight and uh y'all just stay with me those of you who are on facebook and youtube i want you to share this tonight uh the people that you love need to hear what god is about to say first samuel chapter 11 and verse number one are you ready to read from the message bible so nahash went after them and prepared to go to war against jabesh gilead the men of jabesh petition they should make a treaty with us and we will serve you nae has said i'll make a treaty with you on one condition that every right eye among you be gouged out i'll humiliate every last man and woman in israel before i'm done the town leaders of jabez said give us some time to send messengers around israel seven days should do it and if no one shows up to help us we'll accept your terms the messengers came to saul's place at gibeah and told the people what was going on and as the people broke out in loud wales saul showed up he was coming back from the field with his oxen thank you holy spirit and saul asked what happened why is everyone crying they repeated the message that had come from jabesh and the spirit of god came on saul somebody say the spirit of god came on saul when he heard the report and he flew into a rage he grabbed the yoke of oxen and butchered them on the spot he sent the messengers throughout israel distributing the bloody pieces with this message anyone who refuses to join up with saul and samuel let this be the fate of his oxen and the terror of god seized the people and they came out one and all not a laggard among them saul took command of the people that beset there were 300 000 men from israel another 30 000 from judah and saul instructed the messengers tell this to the folk in jabesh gilead help is on the way expect it by noon tomorrow i'm going to stop there for the sake of time if y'all pray with me i'll preach good i want to talk about tonight help is on the way now if you don't need this don't say nothing but if you need it just shout it out say help is on the way i want to start tonight's message apostle williams echoing the prophetic decree that was used to encourage the builders in haggai chapter two the latter glory of this house will be greater than the former and in this place i will give peace declares the lord neither you nor new light has seen its best days and god told me to tell you tonight there's another wave of glory assigned to this house somebody say greater glory is on the everybody in here tonight whether you're on facebook whether you're in the building whether you're just in the room everybody in this room tonight is leaving here with peace and at peace just come on throw your hands up and say i received that my my assignment tonight is clear doctor i know why god sent me here tonight y'all been preaching my message all night tonight because god sent me from atlanta to help you elevate the level of your expectation god sent me here tonight to keep you on the path back to that place of what our apostle calls radical faith so that you have the mental the emotional and the spiritual capacity to believe god for anything go ahead go ahead and just confess that say i have the mental the emotional y'all write it down on facebook i have the mental the emotional and the spiritual capacity to believe god for anything listen at what the apostle paul said to the church at corinth he says test yourself to see if you are in the faith this is my assignment tonight to make sure that you are not just in church but you are in faith because whatever it is you're going through or dealing with right up in through here whatever it is that has you stressing and about to lose it and pulling your hair out god told me to remind you it's just a test watch this now tests are only given when it's time to move forward y'all better hear me tonight testa only given when it's time for you to go to the next level i'm in full agreement with your pastor tonight that god is about to revive some stuff this is my expectation i don't know what you came to church expecting tonight i don't know what's in your heart tonight but i am fully persuaded that god is about to revive some people tonight and that from tonight forward you will be able to pass the test watch this you gotta elevate though the level of your expectation do me a favor just look over and tell somebody you got to elevate the level of your expectation in order for you to do that tonight because i don't want to act like this is some simple task but in order for you to elevate the level of your expectation you're going to have to win the war for your soul you got to stop listening to the devil who's trying to convince you that you are setting yourself up to be disappointed again i'm here to get you out of your feelings tonight and to get you back in faith so that when god does what he's going to do tomorrow you don't miss it because you're still feeling some kind of way yo i think y'all miss what i just said i said i'm here to get you out of your feelings to get you back in faith so that when god does what he's gonna do tomorrow you don't miss it y'all just missed it again god is gonna do something for you tomorrow watch this i just dropped in my spirit while i was sitting on the side what god's getting ready to do for you he's going to do it fast y'all i i i preach prophetic so y'all got to stay with me tonight just tell yourself what god's getting ready to do for me he's going to do it fast is there anybody in this room tonight i'm talking to everybody watching everybody listening is there anybody in this room tonight who believes god can do it by tomorrow i need to come come on let's let's let's take a 12 second praise break and give god praise that by noon tomorrow god will have already turned your situation [Music] around just come on just go ahead don't wait to see how your neighbor gonna praise him don't wait to see what your neighbor gonna say i'm in faith that by this time tomorrow campbell god's gonna be doing this in my situation god oh my god god's gonna turn it around i'm in faith for a breakthrough tonight they told me this was revival night i came expecting a move of god i'm in faith for a breakthrough i'm in faith for your next level who am i preaching to tonight i didn't come to church to leave church the same way i came i came to church tonight believing god when i walk out of here i'm walking out into my next level i'm a little churchy don't judge me i need about 35 of y'all to just get up and prophesy with your body language and tell the devil when i walk out of here i'm walking out of here into my next level that's i'm walking out of here y'all into my next level that's why i came to church i'm not expecting things to get worse i don't know what your expectation is but i'm i'm expecting things to get better you better open your mouth and start talking up under that mask i'm not expecting things to get worse i'm expecting things to get better you in the wrong section ain't nobody talking over there turn around and find somebody tell them i'm expecting things to get better that's that's what my expectation is i'm expecting that after tonight everybody in this room is going to be free from nay hash ney hash is the thing that's trying to bully you out of your destiny i'm in faith tonight that by the time you get back to your car you're going to be free from nahash yo y'all not talking to me i came to encourage somebody tonight to elevate dr as been talking about it she she's been pushing the envelope trying to get you to believe for more y'all probably heard this but i'm going to say it again cause i stole it and i ain't shamed i'm on a path to a place called much more look at somebody tell them i'm on a path to a place called much more and i refuse to let nehash talk me out of what god has prepared so i come to encourage you tonight to help you to elevate the level of your expectation that you not be so locked into people that you miss the move of god do me a favor turn and tell your neighbor i am expecting i am i'm i'm expecting watch this the right help to come at the right time yo go ahead say it i'm expecting the right help to come at the right time y'all i'm a little baptist don't come on with me now somebody jump up and holler is on the way yo i'm trying to get you all to go tonight come on somebody say help is on the way uh i refuse dr i to allow the enemy to manipulate me into lowering my of my ability to expect that's what the devil is trying to do he's trying to get you to lower your expectation he he should watch this he's trying to get you to reduce your ability john to imagine watch it that's what x that's what the word expect means it means to imagine watch this the devil's trying to reduce your imagination he's trying to keep you from seeing in your spirit what you're about to see in your life he wants to reduce your ability to anticipate he wants to reduce your ability to look forward watch this because the word expect means to require who am i preaching to tonight i'm in the season of my life where i am requiring some things of god god spoke some things over my life god has promised my family some stuff and i'm in a season now where i can boldly require some things of god this is where we find the people of god apostle in tonight's text jbesh gilead is between a rock and a hard place i came to preach to people tonight the options that you've been given don't line up with what god promised you're between a rock and a hard place and just like the people of jabez gilead you are expecting god to deliver you from nahash oh my god because remember now if i accept nahash's terms if i agree to serve nahash the condition is i would have to allow them to gouge out my right eye did y'all better hear me tonight cause this is your issue you're trying to do life without your right eye that's that's the problem tonight i came to help somebody tonight because watch this neha says i'll make a treaty with you but the condition is you gotta give me your right eye watch this camera whenever you agree to serve the enemy it will always cost you at least half of your vision i'm going to say that again write that down whenever mr lean you agree to serve the enemy it will always cost you half of your vision maybe that's why you struggling right now because you got in fear you got impatient and you agreed to serve something or serve somebody that god never assigned you to and now because you're without your right eye all you can see pastor p is what's left watch this cause you don't have your right eye all you can see is what's left watch this and ain't nothing never right i'm talking too loud y'all y'all excuse me let me calm down but here's the good news tonight help is on the way yeah i wish you would let that get in your spirit tonight help is on the way say it again help is on the way saul has already gotten word of what's happening with you and the spirit of god has already come upon saul to empower saul and to give saul the wisdom he needs to help you say it again somebody help is on the way verse number six says the spirit of god came on saul when he heard you don't even know this but you're not the only one who's angry about your situation you're not the only one who's feeling some kind of way about how the devil is trying to play you so let me say this to you again so when you get to your car tonight you know you got something to praise god for your health is not just on the way your help is not just skilled your help is not just experienced but the spirit of god is dealing with your help right now and the people who are called to help you are being anointed by god right now i just need you to take another 12 seconds and give god praise that when your help shows up they're showing up with an anointing oh god help me preach it like you gave it to me when your help shows up i ain't got enough of y'all praising god when your help shows up mama they're going to show up with an anointing and if my bible is still right every yoke will be destroyed because of the anointing help is on the way help is on the way and here's my expectation doctor i uh that that god is going to give me watch this i didn't come to be deep tonight just practical my say it again help is on the way i need you to say it strong though come on help is on the way i i need you to say it like when you say it angels start rearranging stuff come on say it again help is on the way say it like when you say it god starts dealing with the heart of the people who control the money say it help is is on the way my expectation is that in the next seven days [Music] i heard that earlier in the next seven days can i get somebody to put a demand on it somebody requires something of god by this time next wednesday you will have strength somebody say it by this time next wednesday i'm gonna have straight you came into the week week you came into the week exposed but by this time next week you're gonna have watch this verse number eight i don't know if they can put it on the screen or if they can show it to you but i want you to see something the bible says saul took command of the people that bezek there were 300 000 men from israel thank you holy ghost and another 30 000 from judah somebody said john wedding strengthened that strength ends in numbers you started the week kind of by yourself not really sure if anybody was coming to help you but by this time next week you're going to have more people with you than you have against you y'all not trying to help me preach i said by this time next week i'm going to have more people with me than i have against me i'm going to push you till you start talking about this time next week apostle taught us you can't have it if you won't say it but it's time next week dr as been pushing the envelope but it's time next week i wish i had appraiser in this room somebody set your phone down real quick and go to praising god that by this time next week you gonna have more people behind you than you have in front of you god help me tonight their strength in numbers there's strength in numbers i heard god say they're more with you than there are against you and watch this doctor i saw your face while i was writing this god about to gather people around you who respect the opposition but don't fear it god god sending stronger because you got strong leaders but for what god is assigned you to do in this next season you're going to need more strength god says i'm sending stronger leadership to help you navigate this season so you don't lose sight of what's right and so the enemy doesn't have opportunity to use weak people to reduce your vision and cause you to see everything from the left side only god help me tonight god told me to command you to only be strong put your hand on the person you came to church with if you didn't come with them don't touch them if you came with them touch them and tell them i command you to only be strong and very courageous this what god told me to tell you dre he said tell him to expect strength that's my expectation i walked in here not quite knowing what what was going to happen miss carolyn but i'm walking out of here expecting strength you ought to straighten your back up right now and tell the devil i'm walking out of here strong come on talk to yourself i'm walking out of here come on i need to see some air coming out of that mask i'm walking out of here strong god god told me to tell you expect strength that's my expectation i don't expect to be weak i'm expecting strength oh god he said watch this dre he said tell them look for strength to come from everywhere tell yourself it's coming from everywhere uh strength is coming from people i didn't even know knew my last name strength is coming from people i thought didn't even like me somebody holler strength coming from everywhere say it again strength everywhere i want you to speak it over every area you've been weak in speaking over every area you've been vulnerable in speaking over every area you've been exposed in strength everywhere say it again new light straight everywhere every area of the enemy thought there was a crack strength say everywhere you you have authority and you have whatever you say i'm expecting strength i'm expecting the right people to respond i'm in a different dispensation now i'm expecting strong people to respond to the degree that the days of me being weak and compromised and vulnerable and exploited are over i'm expecting the right people to respond say it i mean say it i'm expecting the right people part of you some of y'all that's why you're discouraged because you couldn't wait on the right people you just you start walking with whoever responded no god said no i'm going to call strong people to respond the right people say it again the right people that's my expectation that the right people will respond to the degree that the days of me being weak and compromised and vulnerable and exploited are over this is what i came to do tonight to prophetically and apostolically declare your freedom from nahash it's going to make sense to you in a minute i came to prophetically and apostolically declare your independence from every spirits that's been trying to reduce you from every spirit that keep telling you that's out of your reach from every spirit that keeps telling you that's too much for you i came to declare your freedom oh my god you watch this you will never you will never have to sacrifice limit or restrict your vision ever again y'all don't know when to start talking you will you will never have to limit restrict or sacrifice your vision ever again some of y'all living in stuff you don't even own that's cause you limited your vision some of y'all paying other people's mortgages and driving cars you don't own working jobs you hate because you let the devil restrict your ability to imagine say it again i'll never again have to sacrifice limit or restrict my vision how do you know that bishop murphy i tell you how i know help is on the way oh i wish i had about five baptist folk in here yo somebody say help is on the way yo help is on the way my my expectation my expectation campbell is strength that's my expectation my expectation ivan is that god's gonna make me strong my expectation is strength but watch this i i can't be satisfied with just not being weak god says i want you to expect strength but then i need you to get in faith for strategy i told you i ain't coming to be deep just this this all god gave me the right help at the right place at the right time go ahead say it the right help now if you don't need it don't say it write help at the right place at the right time look at verse number 11. okay they taught me apostle just walk through the scripture verse verse 11 long before dawn the next day oh y'all got to hear me i'm not reading i'm prophesying long before dawn the next day y'all missed this i'm prophesying you felt me john long before dawn the next day saul had strategically placed his army in three groups and at first light they broke into the enemy camp and slaughtered the ammonites until noon here's what here's your here's your praise break right here i want you to praise god right now that while you're sleeping tonight some of y'all already got it some of y'all kind of slow i need you to praise god right now that while you're sleeping tonight god's gonna be set up ambushments against your enemy and the stuff you were struggling with today by the time you go to lunch tomorrow it'll be a part of your testimony go ahead go ahead go ahead i'm gonna give you 24 seconds you got to praise god twice as long now i'm going to give you 24 seconds to praise god that by the time i wake up what i was struggling with going to be a part of my testimony [Music] long watch this before dawn the next day john moore long before dawn the next day god had already set things up so that when i get up i ain't even got to fight [Music] [Applause] oh my god y'all that don't mean nothing to y'all but it's about 12 of us in here i'm so sick of having to fight this same devil i want you to praise god that by the time you wake up that devil gonna be a part of your family's testimony that's right that's right that's right god turning stuff around while you sleeping while you while you snoring and turning over god's gonna be turning around y'all oh my god you're gonna sleep like a baby tonight knowing that by the time i wake up the fight i had today i'll never have it again y'all see y'all don't know what to say y'all don't know when to start talking the fight i had today that fight in your body that fight in your mind that fighting your money that fight in your marriage by the time you go to sleep and wake up there's going to be undeniable evidence that while you was turning over god was turning around somebody say the right help at the right time in the right place here's my decree for you that from tonight forward everything you do will be strategic that's my that's my decree over you that from tonight forward everything you do it won't just be strong it'll be strategic the watch this the days of you being random and reactive are over how you how you got the holy ghost and don't know what to do god help me tonight i'm preaching to myself apostle how you walking with god and you just reacting to stuff no no i'm supposed to have prophetic insight i'm supposed to be one step ahead of every one of my enemies i'm decreeing that your response what you say what you do and every move you make will be the result of your time spent with holy spirit and the detailed instructions given to you by god hear me tonight god's will for your life is not only that you be strong but that should be strategic watch this god doesn't just want you talented he wants you tactical write that write that down write that down god doesn't just want me talented some of y'all you think your gift is enough and the devil tricks you into being lazy because you think you're so gifted that your gift will compensate no god says i don't just want you talented i need your tactical being christian is not enough i need you to be calculated he says i know you're delivered but i need you to be deliberate watch this he says i know you are no i don't want you divisive or divisive i need you divisive watch this he says i want you are y'all still here okay he says i want you operating with intention and not just with integrity because some of you because of who you used to be you're so focused on operating with integrity you don't operate with intention and the enemy is able to take advantage of you why because your movement doesn't have the constraint of a careful thought out prayed out plan you need the constraint of a careful prayerful thought out plan so god says i'm sending people i'm i think i'm coming to a close i see it on my on my pad here i'm i'm coming to a close he says i'm sending people to help you okay don't say yeah you better say what i'm saying god's sending people say it you can't have it if you won't say it god's sending people to help me get god's sending people who aren't afraid god's sending people who have their own strength because see part of your issue is people around you who are strong that's your strength the problem is the people that you surrounded yourself with are drawing from you so the problem is now they're strong but you're weak god says i'm i'm sending people who have their own strength watch this he says i'm sending people ivan to help you people who have a god-given strategy because see the problem with churches we've been in it so long we do stuff based on what we've already seen done and in the same breath we'll say god's doing a new thing god's doing a new thing and you messed it up with this old strategy god said i'm sending people to help you people who have a god-given strategy watch this people dr i who know how to motivate other people not to serve their vision but to serve yours watch it watch it watch it saul says saul says watch this wait wait the bible says that saul was coming from the field with his oxen mama he takes his oxen butchers his oxen and sends it around and says whoever doesn't join me and samuel this is what's going to happen to your oxen he didn't get oxen from samuel god is sending people dr i who will use their own resources to help you god is y'all y'all y'all y'all y'all y'all getting ready to miss this cause cause the last season you were in you used to have to give people your resources for them to help you but god said i'm sending people you ain't gonna have to give them nothing they're gonna they're gonna take their own resources to motivate other people not to serve their vision but to serve yours somebody holler help us on the way say it again like you believe it help is on the way you are not going to have to serve nahash did you hear what i just said i know you are not going to have to serve nay hash you are not hear me good you are not going to have to give up half of your vision just to stay alive help it's on the way and the holy spirit's going to show you what to do said somebody holy spirit's going to show me what to do holy spirit he's going to show me how to do it holy spirit's going to show me who to use and the holy spirit is going to show me where to place them he's going to show me what to do y'all got it how to do it who to use and where to place them i'm expecting strength i'm expecting come on class what's the next one i'm expecting number one number two i'm expecting help is on the way i'm done will you get on your feet i'm done this off listen listen hear me hear me hear me in the holy ghost hear me in the holy ghost this keeps coming back to me i i gotta say it because god want me to say it just because they have your last name does not mean god wants you to use them god's going to show you who to use god's gonna show you where to place them this i know this was hard i know this took some prayer and some wisdom but you're in the right house where watch this where god is moving people around with your blood repositioning them for this season because just because they have your blood doesn't mean you're supposed to keep them in the same spot they used to be in god help me here tonight y'all i'm out of time he he says this this i guess this this is my clothes i'm gonna pray for you i know we don't really do altar calls but i need to pray for you tonight because you can't leave here weak you can't leave here vulnerable let me just say this nahash will not survive the night that went over y'all's hands the thing that's been trying to keep you small the thing that's been trying to keep you in fear it will not survive the night [Music] you better open your mouth and speak to your nay hash open your seat no no no no no you are the controlling spirit in your house open your mouth and speak to your name and tell it you will not survive the night [Music] so tonight you have to elevate the level of your expectation let's let's do this those of you those of you who are in the virtual space i need you to get wherever your altery is in your house i need you to get there wherever your altar is in your house those of you who are in this building i need you to make an altar right where you are just create an altar right where your what's what's your what's your what's your altar posture what is your alter posture how what's your posture when you're in a place of prayer some of you it's that's right let's find your find your altar posture whatever that is if it's if it's seated it might be seated it might be turned around with your there you go on your knees just whatever you what i need i need that i need that um keep me in worship give me that bring the organ down just a little bit i need that that's right that's right that's right that's right now open your mouth [Music] come on you can do it through that mask come on open your mouth pray in the holy ghost we got a neyhash to kill we got a nayhash to get after you're not taking my right eye i've got children to raise up i've got ministry to build you i've got a business that's supposed to glorify god you're not taking my right eye we're going to deal with nahash tonight come on that's right open your mouth pray in the holy ghost give me that keyboard i need that keyboard bring that organ down [Music] put some strings [Music] open your mouth and pray in the holy ghost now open your mouth pray in the holy ghost use your heavenly language this is revival night winning no rush come on open your mouth this this is revival night there's supposed to be some waiting in the presence of god there's supposed to be some tarrying in the spirit open your mouth and pray in the holy ghost we got a ney hash we gotta kill we gotta we got a devil that's trying to reduce your vision we got a devil that's trying to take your ability to see into the future open your mouth and pray in the holy ghost hold the music for just a second hold the music for just a second you ain't gonna have none at your house come on open your mouth i need to hear the voice of the people of god come on open your mouth open your mouth there is a sound that is associated with deliverance come on don't you don't know don't you wait on your flesh to agree don't you wait don't you wait to feel it well i don't feel it that's your flesh talking come on command your spirit man come on come up now come up those of you in the virtual space open your mouth and pray in the holy ghost this is a spirit-filled church we believe in the power of god come on we got to get in ahash tonight yes holy spirit yes holy spirit come on there's a sound associated with deliverance we got we got to kill this nay hash [Music] we got to get ney had no he cannot survive the night we cannot let him out of this night [Music] on let's let's just let's take this time and just let's tarry in the holy ghost let's that's right that's right that's right that's right god's ring god's renewing your strength that's right while you're praying in the holy ghost god's renewing your strength god's renewing your strength god's renewing your strength while you're praying in the spirit [Music] that's right while you're praying in the spirit god is renewing your strength that's right come on come on pray in the holy ghost i don't know what to do with these kids come on god's about to give you strategy but you got to get your strength back first you can't go into this next season vulnerable you can't go into this next season weak and exposed the devil's not going to be able to use your children to manipulate you come on pray let the strength that's right that's right that's right let the strength of god flow in this place let the power of god flow in this place and father you promised that you would renew our strength if we would just wait for you if we would wait on you you promised that you would renew our strength and so tonight father we pray for revival we pray that just as you did for adam then you would do the same thing for us then you would blow the breath of life back into our bodies and cause us to live again we declare strength yes lord somebody declare it strength just come on declare it that's right there it is there it is there it is there it is somebody told me somebody told me miss carolyn that pain is an indication that weakness is leaving your body those of you who have been in pain i want you to know that's just the prophetic indicator that god is making you strong just receive that i expect strength i'm expecting strength i'm expecting strength and now father you promised that you would not leave us in the dark you promised that you would show us all things that you would reveal all things you promised that you would show us things to come father i pray now i pray that supernaturally you would give dr irisha fresh strategy the same grace that is upon the apostle the same grace that is upon this mary of a woman who has literally birthed a generation i pray that the same grace would come upon dr irish that you would take the foolish thing to confound the wise that you would give her the kind of testimonies that that only the people who were present will believe glory to god you are no respecter of persons if you did it for the apostle you will do it for dr irish i pray now that you would raise up souls in this church [Music] i pray that you would raise up strong men [Music] i pray that you would raise up strong male leadership thank you holy spirit yes lord i pray that you would raise up strong male leadership who no longer need the influence of the apostle pray now that the voice of dr irisha would be so strong and so anointed that you would send souls from everywhere [Music] and we say collectively as one body help is here in jesus's mighty name amen and amen and amen i need somebody to help me praise god for real y'all help me raise up a praise now give me that organ y'all help me raise up a praise in here now come on somebody clap your hands it's the same grace that's on dr high it's the same grace that's on you saying somebody the same grace that's on dr i it's the same grace that is upon me and god is raising up men and women all over the state of texas and all over the united states of america to help me do what god has called me to do somebody touch yourself [Music] and tell yourself that hell is on the way god's sending me for my life god's sending me to help me obey god and i heard the apostles say god is raising up somebody somewhere to use their influence their resource and their ability [Music] [Music] and [Music] say it again [Music] yes i got to go now but i need somebody to praise god if you expect help and lunchtime tomorrow [Music] that was trying to get me to shrink back to reduce my vision it's gonna be under my feet so many days dancing your answer [Music] is on the way [Music] cause i'm seeing things like god see somebody [Music] i'll get my right hand back i get my vision back get my joy back get my dream back get my family back get my body back [Music] who made the heaven and the earth and he will not sleep and he will not slumber cause while i'm sleeping tonight [Music] [Music] i wish i could get somebody to prophesy with your body language tell the devil while i'm asleep god's gonna be turning it around he turned it around when you go to lunch tomorrow and they say you look like a whole new person just look at them and tell them i look like a whole new person cause while i was sleeping [Music] when i was sleeping [Music] he turned it around [Music] excuse me but he turned it around i remember laying there couldn't catch my breath i had kobe 19 and the devil told me look around this room it's the last thing you ever gonna see but i stood up today to tell the devil you tried but i'm still here and i got my right hand back somebody say devil you're trying but i'm still [Music] that's here school baptists just throw your hands up throw your head back and holler yeah [Music] it's turning [Music] y'all excuse me i've been fast in 15 days go put your hands on three people tell him he's turning it around so so [Music] i just need about 15 other people to go to dancing right now because for somebody he's turning your morning into dancing and bad good morning [Music] you just clap your hands let's go old school [Music] i'm trying to be nice [Music] [Music] one more time come on [Music] [Music] i know we've been here all night trying to say it but somebody said other things some of y'all trying to be just a little bit too cute i'm gonna give you one more time to think about it for the things [Music] [Music] it's about it's about 300 of y'all somewhere i just need you to just for like 12 seconds i want you to i want you to praise god like you're gonna praise him when you wake up and realize nahash is dead [Music] we gotta move [Music] maybe [Music] oh [Music] [Music] let's hand them out [Music] [Music] god [Music] yo [Music] is [Music] i'm going to do it [Music] won't be there [Music] is [Music] [Music] go ahead prophesy [Music] don't believe it don't say nothing for some of us sitting in here some of us in the room say it's coming overnight it's coming overnight go back to the doctor it's coming overnight let's go please [Music] last time [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah look at y'all y'all been sneaking in the coaching church yes yes that's what they used to do to apostle to get you to stop shouting but what they didn't understand was when i started telling god yes the supernatural breaks out so when i start saying yes miracles start moving around the room [Music] [Music] all right let's give let's give let's give let's give let's give let's go listen you can't you cannot separate this moment from your scene god's gonna give you what come on class yo what's what's the first expectation the second expectation is gonna give you strength to execute the strategy he gives you but you got to put a seed if you want the strength and the strategy you got to put a seed in the ground i was wondering dr i would what would holy spirit have me to ask the saints to give and i listen this i know church you know folk come to church they make up their mind what they gonna give how much they're going to give but you're in a crisis and nay hash has taken your strength this is my season for grace and favor nay hash has taken your strength nay hash has come at you so hard you don't know what to do but tonight we're gonna put a seed in the ground i said tonight we're going to put a seed in the ground here's when i started reading this is my season for grace and favor playing for me please when i started reading it dr somebody say help his own queen the scripture says god sent james gilligan in a song who knew how to motivate other people and the scripture says that after so sick word out 300 000 men showed up 300 000 and another 30 000 when i read it the spirit of god quickening my spirit to challenge you to sow at both of those levels not 300 000 but 300 300 and some of you who say bishop listen already gave a thousand i already gave uh a hundred i already gave to 52. you sow it at a thirty dollar level with everybody everybody who needs strength and strategy you're gonna sow this seed tonight come on get your phone get your phone let's get ready to do it i i've already sold my seat but i'm sewing it again i'm working on a building project and i need god to give me strength and i need god to give me strategy thank you holy spirit i'm sewing again this is my against 300 or 30. anywhere in between is your best just do it obey god obey god obey god why you why are you getting your phone together just keep saying help is on the way help us just keep saying that health is on the way [Music] for grace for favor yeah this is my season to read what i have songs this is my season for [Music] this is [Music] everything is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for grace [Music] for grace how you know that what are you going to tell them [Music] how do you know it's your season go ahead i've got a seat in the listen ground you walk out of here tonight because you know help us on the way when you walk out of here tonight just walk out of here kind of sideways and let the devil know god is [Music] him now this is called a prophetic gesture you gotta lean when you say it direction some of y'all struggling with the beat but go ahead come on god is safe amen [Applause] [Music] in my direction when you walk when you cross the threshold of your house say god is slinging don't wait that long when you get in your car you say in my direction they're gonna look at you crazy but walk into your car walk out there like this god [Applause] [Music] [Music] come on y'all for favor this is this is my season to free to read [Music] how many excited because you know it's your season now they're going to put the ways to give because some of you in our streaming audience that you were here you're waiting for you can sow it again into revival night and i put in the comments help is on the way matter of fact i should have put help is here now but put put help is on the way it's on the way cause i'm gonna see it by noon tomorrow things are gonna change i don't know about you but i'm expecting i'm expecting some things to change by the time i wake up in the morning i'm expecting some things to be different i don't know about you but i'm glad i made it to revival night you can go online and give at you can text new light to seven one four four one you can download the gimblify app you can do dollar sign uh cash app dollar sign new light church at new life church on paypal you can mail it in the uh or you can drop it by the office uh those of you who are sewing continue to sew bishop asked us for 300 and i just love how god works because i know i asked for 300 earlier that was some of you said well i'm not going to jump that high this was for you to obey god and i am just amazed at how everything has been in sync tonight and in the order and the flow of the spirit can you give bishop murphy a big hand clap for that word i don't know if he was eavesdropping on a staff meeting i had was it yesterday it was yesterday and i was talking to the team about where we're going and what we're doing and guys got to send the people and let's get the people and i'm sitting over there like was bishop in the meeting like i hadn't talked to him but god's gonna send every person that we need and they come in with resources i'm excited i'm excited about the confirmation i'm excited about what god is going to do in your life i want to take a moment because i would be remissed in my duties every head bowed every eye closed i know this is normally a believer's meeting but i don't want to take it for granted that you are a part of the family of god or maybe tonight is the night that you need to rededicate your life to the lord that first step of really getting outside and and tapping into the promises of god is to make sure that you're in right relationship with the lord and so it's my responsibility to let you know that god is so amazing that he doesn't when you rededicate your life he doesn't put you at the back of the line he puts you right back in line that when you say yes to the lord it doesn't require you to clean yourself up by yourself but he says come just as you are and then he goes to work on those areas of your life to clean up so that you can fulfill the purpose and destiny on your life he makes it so simple that all he says is that we believe in our heart confess out of our mouth that he sent his only son jesus to die on the cross he rose again we can be saved and so i want to lead us all into a prayer of salvation rededication but for those of you who've never prayed this prayer or tonight is the night that you need to rededicate yourself to the lord so that you can see and you know that he's going to do everything that he promised to do because you are back on track with his plan it's going to mean something special to you so i want everybody to repeat this prayer with me say father i know without jesus i'm lost i believe your word that says you sent your only son jesus to die on the cross and he rose again it's just for me now fill me with your spirit and your power so that i may live a life pleasing to you thank you for saving me and i thank you father that i'm a part of the family of god from this day forward in jesus name amen welcome to the body of christ we are so can we give those individuals whether they're in person or online that made that decision we want to follow up with you on your decision and so if you'll go to nlc journey they'll put the qr code back on the screen so that you can see it on that platform when you fill out that form you can let us know that tonight you receive salvation or even if you want more information about salvation membership being filled with the holy spirit you can do that and one of our prayers our pastors our personal ministers will call you within the next 24-48 hours to make sure that we personally minister to you so that your life can go to the next level so i trust that you will do that on today and can you all help me appreciate the ministry gift one more time of bishop william murphy on tonight he blessed us real good [Applause] you may stand at this time and then of course can you honor our apostle one more time apostle and pastor be as we close i am honored and delighted and always humbled by their commitment pastor b was going to go somewhere uh this week and then apostles somebody wanted to get apostle to preach but they are always first committed to new light and what's happening here at the light and so we are grateful that they are committed to new light and still on the team making sure that the vision of this house and this season to build victoria's people who are catalysts for change continues to move forward and i'm extremely grateful for that amen are y'all ready to go home y'all going home full and i'm not gonna talk about y'all for walking out here leaning to the side just make sure you watch yourself because see you leaning you may be off balance and you don't have no catches around you so you got to lean lean right you know make it cool you know don't lean over too far if you you know make sure you're leaning right and we trust those of you who were at in your home in our virtual sanctuary you were blessed let's bow our heads so we can pray and dismiss be dismissed this is such a rich word on tonight thank you to all the team let's pray father we thank you that even though we leave this place we never leave your presence traveling grace is ours as we go and even those who are watching in our virtual sanctuary father we declare that the blessings of the lord be upon them that they be blessed as they go out blessed as they come in let everything that we put our hands to over the next day prosper and father we are an expectation that as we sleep tonight we will have sweet sleep because we have cast the whole of our care on you and you have already slayed took care of everything for us so that when we wake up in the morning we're in expectation of things turning around by tomorrow we give you praise for it in advance in jesus name amen why don't you give the lord a shout of praise and we are in your season of grace and favor i love you with the love of the lord make sure you're at the light on sunday 9 a.m here at the north and the encounter service at noon at the south location god bless you
Channel: New Light Church
Views: 1,528
Rating: 4.9215684 out of 5
Id: v5j0ZhWk7ho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 145min 43sec (8743 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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