Family First Conference - February 25, 2021

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welcome to night two of the family first conference we are delighted that you have joined us for night two you already know what to do it's time for you to like and share and let somebody know maybe create a watch party with your family you can do a family reunion this year so create a watch party and invite your family so that your entire family can go to the next level i am sitting here with both of my brothers come on i'm not gonna mess up tonight come on see you you gave in to peer pressure no no no no set you're free come on when you invite people and you work them like this you'll be nice to everybody you know don't let them cheap at this stage you gave in to peer pressure but no so i have bishop edmondson to my right yes bishop mckissick to my left what's going on he said i gave him to peer pressure you gave in to peer pressure but it's okay no y'all know i love y'all i'm excited tonight you know what it is night two it's night too last night laid some foundation right and you know your dad's gonna build on it tonight so it's awesome i'm ready for what dad's gonna do it's awesome this morning was so good oh man you know the word that came to my mind was practical yeah everything has been powerful and practical i mean it's just it's been really really really good all the sessions um you know starting the morning about you know dealing with disagreements yes um you all session was so vulnerably transparent did you like that again it was vulnerably transparent i mean it was it was powerful you know it really was people you know i think so often when when people see you when they see you from a distance and they have a certain optic in mind they think that it's just smooth sailing or because you teach faith and you're in faith they think that means you know there are no flaws right but to hear you all talk today really should have given encouragement to every family that it's okay to talk through things and journey through things yeah i thought it was very liberating yes you look at the family like the hillyards and all that you've accomplished and done sometimes people can think oh you don't have any issues you have any challenges but you guys have challenges too that you have to navigate and you ought to be transparent and just get out there and let us in was really powerful it was so powerful because challenges show up in family and for those of you saying how did i miss that session it was a session for pastors and their families so that we would still have that family first first family dynamic yes but it was a moment of transparency was a moment of vulnerability and i saw somebody put in the comments i really thought y'all were perfect i thought i was like everything in your life was perfect this is good to see another side and yes i mean only god is perfect but y'all are perfectly human perfectly human perfectly human and we go through things like any other family yeah you know we have our dynamics we all have strong personalities you know um strong as life changes we've had to adjust to the changes i remember dad telling me years ago at least 10 years ago about how you evolve as a person every 10 years right and really kind of eight to ten years that you evolved same person but your desire some of your things change and really in order for family and relationships to work it's not necessarily that you evolve and start liking the same thing but i respect the evolution yeah i respect you i'm i'm willing to understand you in this season in that time and that's really how you make relationships work because we've had to understand the dynamic of me being the senior pastor and apostle now saying ask the senior pastor he doesn't have that final say when it comes to the church aspect right and so we go through stuff well one of the things that you said today which i thought was so good is that you don't allow the challenges of ministry to negatively impact the family that we may go through things we have it out we discuss things share and then we go eat and we don't allow what we dealt with to hinder them that quality family time and i think that was so important because so many people don't they're mad they're upset and they go days and they're not talking and all of those things so that was a real awesome point it was also good to see all of you are authentic and different yes dad is not trying to make you him right or any of you be him mom's not trying to make any of you be her yeah you all are very different but different doesn't mean deficient yes that's good and and it was really good to see all of you all comfortable in your skin and everybody appreciating the authenticity of everyone else right because tina and terry bring a piece of the puzzle pastor p brings a piece of the puzzle i bring a piece of the puzzle but fit together it works i want you to make sure that you get the blueprint for family you have to download that it's absolutely free i can't believe so much stuff is like cds i don't know how many messages you get who decided it was going to be free who came up with that that is like come on that's awesome and then you got all these confessions because you've got to know how to confess the word even when it doesn't look like right yeah right tomorrow we're going to have a session on parenting parent during the pandemic how we've had to change as our children grow older yes jesus there's a session tomorrow about the unmarried state and walking through the divorce season of your life with ypj and love mcpherson because as you go through life yeah there are some things you'll learn yes there are some changes that occur yes but it doesn't have to rob us of the abundant life that god yes that's good this is so good the session on divorce because i think the church has created such a fantasy island theology where where we are afraid to deal with real issues and i just keep going back to practical that you all are dealing with the issues that people in our churches are dealing which is why you know pastors you have to have your members in on this conference not just yourself you have people who are dealing with these issues and in pandemic you can't get to them right but this has provided an avenue for anyone that uh is dealing with any of these struggles to have the best of the best talk to them and guide them yeah let me say this before pastor bishop edmondson your session this morning with the eagans and and you all talking about marriage and managing disagreements in marriage i'm not married and that was so powerful and i was like and eve every time because i think people say well i'm not married so i don't need to hear married conversations if that's something that you desire yes that's the next step for you you need to be prepared before you get in you don't have time to figure it out once you get married right it's like you need to already know how to pass the test that's right y'all were so transparent in that morning session that we did this morning that was open to everybody about really managing disagreements because you're not going to always see eye to eye you're not going to there there is no perfect marriage scenario where you're going to agree all the time you're going to be mad you're going to be upset i don't see it i'm not feeling it but i think today it reinforced that your anointing is not going to cut it when it comes to managing things you still have to deal with the human side and work through things and i think one of the things that came through is everybody deals with stuff right right everybody i don't care you could be the most high right bishop of the second class phenomenon and what you don't deal with is going to deal with you so you got to be willing so i thought it was really really um really awesome and we walk through the seasons that we deal with by faith and family is there to help when you're going through yes you know of course through the winter storm we we navigated through that as a family the recovery is something that we're navigating through as a family so it's not like we don't have problems we have problems but we choose how we're going to handle the problems apostle said something in the private zoom today that i think we are now going to take with us who wants to say you want to say that i'm going to add my wisdom to your want come on say it one more time i'm going to add my wisdom to your water that was dropped the mic that and even though he was kind of talking to us like a cut to us almost i think that's so powerful in families that it is respecting the want to of your children yes respecting the want to of your mate but adding the wisdom with the want to so that we can reach a place of agreement because where there's agreement there's the commanded blessings of the lord it's i think i don't know who said it in your session if i win we still lose that's right that's what he's doing if we're in an argument disagreement i win we lose we lose that was really so you know we put all this energy i'm gonna win this argument i'm gonna win this but okay you won but how much did you lose in the process right what did we lose but for me to win yeah right did i did i lose your respect did i lose your trust right did i lose the safe space for communication what did we lose in the in the whole uh argument and time of discussion of conflict well tonight is going to be great i don't want to take any more time thank you brothers for hanging out with me yeah we're going to come back a little bit later but now it's time for us to turn it over to our host the hostess of the moses apostle and pastor b in our auditorium so i give you a possum pastor bridget well hello everybody and welcome to night two of the family first conference i have enjoyed myself these last two days it's just been absolutely amazing what about you apostle oh yes i i definitely enjoyed it thrilled about all the day all the sessions that they were today was amazing i loved the session with pastor terry pastor tina pastor john and pastor aisha and the mckissicks and then i love the session with of course with you teaching and then the session with the family when we talked to the pastors that was that was hilarious so that was good so thank you so much those of you who are watching so don't forget to like and share share and like send it to send it to your friends let them know and you know i found out that you can also why don't you copy the link and then send it to people that are in your in your text messages and tell them to make sure that they watch it because some people are not necessarily on facebook or youtube but you can copy the link send them the link and then that way they can watch it as well and then of course um you haven't ordered your blueprint for the family kit it's so simple it's absolutely free they talked about it a little bit a few moments ago but all you need to do is do family those of you who got ahead of the game last night and started ordering it today you should have received an email with the updated copy of it you should have been able to download your mp4 so that you can listen to them or mp3s whatever they are seven lessons on maximizing the family experience absolutely incredible amen yeah and also when they go out there to request it they can also lead their prayer requests yes i love that and they can tell us what they want us to pray for and we're definitely going to be in agreement with you on it and i think it's like it's constantly rolling in real time so we can actually see it right here in real time when you're actually putting in your information so definitely want you to do that and i call it from all over there you know they're logging in from all over and it's just amazing that we're able to stand in one place with the technology and and just touch so many people yeah and that's that's really our assignment on this is to touch people and that's why we want to put this in your hand absolutely free who does that amen absolutely so we want to put that in your hands we want to get it into the hands of at least 10 000 people that's our goal that's our goal so uh that's why we want you to share with everybody that you know uh as we said on last night one of the things we committed to do when god taught us how to get our family together we committed that we would do whatever it takes to help take took to help other people get their families together and then of course with the prophetic word from the lord this year was that there was going to be an attack on families and so we're grateful that we have the opportunity to minister to your family and to get the information to you so apostle we took our second vaccine today yes uh it was uh it was real uneventful so let's talk about this needle last time the needle was for you you said anita was that yeah it's not that long yes but today how long was it well it was smaller today i think they knew i was coming you think so so they got me a smaller needle but the needle was the same that time and this time not to me what it was not to me it wasn't but you know it was it was i mean i didn't even know i had when i didn't know it was over very good you know it was it was it was and i've had no effects at all you know just none yes you know so i really want to encourage those of you who are watching when the vaccine is available in your area i want to encourage you to go on and get the vaccine um as you can see we're yet alive we've taken two vaccines we're full of energy we don't have you know no no side effects as a matter of fact we declared we will not have side effects because they go down and listen give you all the side effects and every time he named one i said and i shall not come by me right shall not come by me now the lady first time she asked me why are you saying that i hate to explain it to it this guy didn't even bother with it he just you know he just kept reading and i just kept saying she'll not come not me she'll not come nightly and that's it i know death and life's in the power of my tongue i don't let people speak about uh i don't let that happen that's just something that i don't let happen well they didn't they didn't give me my spill this time she didn't go down the side effects with me this time because they were just like trying to think trying to figure out how am i 64. they kept going oh she gonna go with this i have to tell y'all so the lady says she says uh you're not 64. i said yes i am i'm 64. she said well man we need to get accurate information on the chart you don't look 64. so the other lady had just said i didn't look 64. she said i would think you would be in your 30s i said no i'm 64. my 34 year old daughter just 35 year old daughter just came through here i am 64. so then i get back to the nurse that's going to give me my thing and she says you're not 64. i said yes i am 64. do you need to see my driver's license she said yes so i said oh my god i left my purse at the last place which was good so i had to go run back and get my purse but yeah she was convinced she was convinced i wasn't 64 but i am definitely 60. and about to be 65 on the national holiday march the 12th and everybody yes yes just thought i'd throw that out there yeah we're gonna do something special for you too cause you're the birthday queen oh absolutely and so we're gonna do something special i'm looking and seeing man we got people who are requesting the blueprint from arkansas uh uh ken messed it up yeah from arkansas north carolina florida is that coral springs warranty of course spring broader andrea yeah deborah from katie and margaret from houston and is that uh rick fort florida or rock rockledge florida pennsylvania amazing yes amazing from everywhere so again i want to encourage you to like it share like and share we're going to go to the video now of the pastors who are who participated with us and partnered with us and are hosting with us tonight and so as we go to that video when you see your pastor on there just type in the comments that's my pastor you know yes i'm glad my pastor invited me to be a part of this and so let's go to that host video and we'll be right back i need y'all like and share i need our numbers to come way up so let's do that like and share it and as lady b says let the hosts pass and then after the host pastors it's going to go right into praise and worship right yeah okay right after those passages we'll get praise and worship and i'm really excited tonight because tonight i'm going to be teaching about communication and you know you need to hear that when we're teaching on communication so you call somebody text somebody do whatever you have to do uh a hug tie your children and sit there and listen whatever you have to do bribe them whatever you got to do you need to hear this lesson on communication all right roll a host pass the video and we're gonna get out of the way [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] why don't you carve out some space in your living room in your office wherever you are if you can stand up and move a little bit come on let's move a little bit tonight our god is worthy to be praised and adored so we lift his name higher somebody put that in the comments let's go let's go [Music] i will lift you are wonderful [Music] hey [Music] you are wonderful [Music] you say [Music] his name is [Music] his name is [Music] name is [Music] is [Music] you are wonderful [Music] you say [Music] his name is [Music] [Music] is [Music] his name is [Music] [Music] the name of the lord shall be [Music] will bless raised i will lift you no greater name in the name of jesus i need you to put a dance in your feet wherever you are your god is worthy to be praised and adult let's call his name say jesus [Music] his name is jesus [Music] me [Music] he's been too good for you to be silent he's been too good but you know to give him praise [Music] praise god jesus his name is wonderful his name is powerful and as you can hear in the background they're still singing and they'll probably be singing until they get through this segment but of course thank you so much for being a part of the family first conference if you haven't liked and share like and share we're on the set now and i'm joined by the apostle and the edmondson yes yes yes we are glad to be here this has been awesome well we're happy to have you all and we've been working y'all real hard yeah but it's an honor it's an honor amen well yeah you know uh you know a lot of people a lot of guys here you couldn't ask me you could ask me you could i know we could have uh but you know we asked these couples to come and they come and we're working them so hard yeah you know this this is this is not a joyride it's not vacation and they and they had to adjust to because initially we were supposed to have the conference last week and because of the winter storm we couldn't do it and so then this week they had to adjust and make a run so uh pastor ypj was supposed to be here i think and uh who else murphy the murphys was supposed to be here so because we had to adjust the schedule so um it's been good though yeah and they've been working extremely hard and uh they found out how much they were like family yesterday because they had to rough it with us yesterday because we were still adjusting from our winter storm and you know adjusting with staff but they roll with the punches yes i'm glad that we you adjusted from last week to this week let me just say that um yes indeed because it was it was very very very cold last week i don't even think we could have gotten here last week we couldn't have got here nobody could have uh nobody could make it so that was it well they said they said it was supposed to be colder in here than jersey if we had came last week yeah amazing amazing how does that happen how does that happen i really want to get out ten thousand of these yeah that's my goal watch my faith go ten thousand so if you have not called to get yours not called but you haven't gone to the link there text that uh to the link to get yours do that go get the link get that and give me your prayer requests i'm looking at them real time right now and uh i just want you to know that this is full of information that you need i wish i wish that we could in uh you know the short time we have covered all the information oh yeah that's no way possible yeah so that is why we said okay let's let's let's whet that appetite let's give them the tools that they need so that they can go to work and uh uh began to build family i know one of the things i always say to my church my church knows that i like free or a good discount yeah and i've been telling my church all the last two weeks listen you have to register because he's giving away a whole entire toolkit for free yeah he never does that right he knows what does he amazing you have to take advantage of that absolutely because only to the degree that you take advantage of getting that information and working it is to the degree that your family will be all that god has called it to be absolutely spot on yeah let's roll that spot and then we'll come back and talk about it a little more and if you guys are ready let's roll the spot there is nothing like this blueprint or an amazing family resource that i want to send to you absolutely free if you will reach out to request it now now it has uh the faith building mechanics necessary to build a strong family and to overcome those setbacks to a quality family life there are daily affirmations for the husband and for the wife and for the unmarried and for the parent and for the children along with extensive easy to understand teachings on the keys to maximizing the family experience and i want to send you absolutely free now reach out now by going to that special link and giving us the information uh right now and so give us your prayer requests and your requests for the blueprint for an amazing family life now be sure to to get back online to enjoy the rest of the conference reach out now and send that to me right now and request it you're going to be amazed when you get this in your hands praise god oh i wasn't prepared for it to be finished somebody just asked could i send the link and i was trying to answer that on on facebook so there's the link it's slash family hempstead texas uh uh clarksville tennessee pocono pennsylvania poconos uh blue springs uh missouri mobile alabama new jersey see how we're getting this is jersey in the house that's what we're talking about somebody said that confession on husbands got him right i guess he said he ran that confession on husbands and he got him right amen that's what we wanted that's why you need the kids that's why you need information in the kit is so awesome it's so life-changing that you can't afford not to get it it's one thing if you have to pay for it it's another that it's free and i've watched you apostle over the last two days just say listen don't forget get the download get the download and don't forget and when someone is giving you it's one thing of content it's another of quality this will change your life and change your family so if you have not requested it get the download yes absolutely yes i don't think i've ever seen you giving away anything like that to that magnitude for free and we've been coming for almost 18 years in this new season you have just gone to another game yeah and i haven't heard you say wait a minute how much is that and what you just okay y'all okay y'all trying to dump on me no no no no no no no they're trying to say they're trying to say that people need well for the last year every sunday our members get a free download of some message but it's not but not a whole entire channel no not it's not an entire kid being a kid no no you have given kids away you've given me one or two not to everybody messages not of this magnitude okay okay this is the creme de creme okay that's it yeah now this is good yeah listen i know it'll help you i know it really bless you absolutely but uh i can only go so far i can you know i can put all this together package it and it's first class in every way yes if you had to pay for it it would probably somewhere be around 60 or so but i'm giving it to you that's amazing this into your life and as i sow this into your life i know it's going to reap a return for you but then it's all also going to reap a return for the kingdom of god you know i think it was dr she was teaching the lesson and she began to talk about we never know the full impact of a moment because many times you don't know that full impact four years later to see what had happened and i got to tell you the impact of this moment you're getting this and you you not just getting it and you know i got it but no getting into it hearing the message letting faith rise in your heart so you can maximize your family experience i mean this can change your the trajectory of your whole life it contains your family it cares that trajectory yes yes he's he's trying to that was a subtle pun i'm not going to take offense at it because you can't with the family kid sitting there you can't i'm not gonna take the fence but it was it was a pebble but it's okay so those of you who are watching you know there's a state there are stages of offenses pebble rock and stone so that was a pebble because you know i'm not making excuses but my father was tai tung and i my father used to stutter real bad so i had to help my father learn how to read and and talk and all tell us i'm gonna tell you so certainly there are certain words that i can't unfortunately i can't say them together like um the trajectory i said it then you just said it right but i have to concentrate in order to say it so we were doing some taping a couple of days ago and we had to re-tape about six times because the trajec trajectory just said it again come on mama it wouldn't come out so he just threw a pebble but i'm not gonna get a feeling you sure that wasn't a stone no i think it was a pebble but i love i love your testimony of the public the stone and the rock yes now let's talk about them i love it no no you was interesting we just did a counseling session with a couple probably a couple weeks ago and we told them of your testimony of how you know you you you had to go to the restaurant to make sure that chinese restaurants that no this was the thing but how you used the pebble the stone in a rock in order to make sure that it didn't get out of hand and that we gave them at that as a tool for themselves in order to be able to work through their communities and we were blessed to just see that in action just right wow and see even even avery the cameraman was laughing so you know i could have got really offended because he got people laughing at me because i couldn't say be trajectory you just said it again i said it again three times so they had to change the word when we were doing the taping so i had to say the course because you know he was getting a little frustrated because we had to keep doing take after taking yeah but you know it's okay you know i'm not you know i think you want to sleep at the holidays i'm just listening to my spiritual mother elaborate on the trajectory i got to go preach and you know i don't teach that word yes i am not going to let you and the word is on communication tonight so yes you have to learn how you have to learn how to communicate yes and so i think you know tonight's lesson is so appropriate because it's going to be about communication so what i would advise you to do is gather your children get get your teenagers get your husband get your wife even call some of your friends and your enemies and tell them they need to be on tonight and so i already told you how you can like and share like and share and then create a watch party create a watch party then you can also copy the link and go down your text thread and send it to your people your friends and people that you know so that they can see it as well so right yeah you about to leave us right right we're going to send it over to we're going to send it into worship if they're ready i'm sure they're probably on standby waiting on us and so let's go into the main auditorium for worship and the next voice after worship is going to be that of the apostle awesome [Music] even though we're not in the same place i believe that there is no distance in the spirit so just as you would create an altar of worship if you were in the building tonight i want you to do that same thing it got me slated for seven minutes of worship can we take the next seven minutes and let's make it count tonight come on wherever you are just begin to make well of the lord lift your hands to him book of psalms as we enter his gates with thanksgiving we enter his courts with praise the message bible says that thank you is the password to his presence so now that you've got the secret passcode to get in come on why don't we exercise all right right there somebody just tell a thank you tonight in my life be glorified be glorified in my life be glorified be glorified somebody raise that up say in [Music] sing it again [Music] in my life [Music] sing it once again come on just one more time [Music] come on sing it one more time to the heavens say in my life [Music] you get the glory you take the honor and i want to say [Music] [Music] somebody [Music] make sure [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you take me [Music] [Music] just [Music] thank you [Music] you tell me i'll you say me free [Music] you set me free [Music] oh [Music] one more time [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] when as much praise and thanksgiving as you can take a few seconds [Music] come on just push on it one more time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] normally as i said on yesterday normally we really don't have a lot of praise and worship during this time but but for this conference since we made it a family first conference we decided that we would expand it and we would have live praise and worship and i got to tell you i wish you could be in the house i really wish you could be in the house because uh it is electrifying in here definitely the spirit of god is in the house and so what we're going to do as we prepare i'm going to pray and then after i pray we're going to get uh get into the lesson for today i really want you to listen to what i'm about to say today because i know that the truths that i'm about to teach you today will transform your life i looked at the uh where our numbers are i really want our numbers to really go higher much higher and you can make that happen by by simply uh sharing it right now by sharing it right now i i know our numbers can go up uh our viewership i got a faith goal for my viewership i really want to hit that goal and you can help us do it so now what i'm going to do i'm going to pray i'm going to pray for god to open your ears and open your hearts because i believe that couples that will hear this tonight it will transform their relationship i believe families that will hear this tonight and do it what i'm what i'm going to be teaching you to do if you hear and do it you're going to see results and that's the key is getting results not just enough that just watch a uh you know a service or sit in front of a teaching that's not that's not sufficient what is the main thing is that you get results from actually putting it into practice so let's pray father in the precious name of jesus oh how we do thank you and praise you for this time together around your word we thank you for jesus that he is our high priest he ever lived to make intercession for us and then we thank you for your word but your word is never void of power you always confirm it with signs following thank you for the holy spirit our teacher our guide and we believe revelation truths will flow freely in this place unhindered unchecked by any force we thank you that the spirit of god will flow freely that revelation will flow over the over the waves of this of the in the virtual audience causing transformation and change that is our prayer and lord since you know its name by name and situation by situation it is with great confidence we believe that you will tailor this for every family every individual that is our prayer so in advance we give you along the praise the glory the honor and adoration for all that shall be accomplished all that shall be revealed jesus name amen and amen praise the lord all right i want you to go with me bibles i want you to look at this uh eye-opening passage there in luke chapter luke chapter six luke chapter six we're teaching on investing in building the family investing in building family now uh on last night we began to talk about about the consecration in other words setting yourself apart getting ready i mean acclaiming the promises of god that our lives our families ought to be uh or or to live up to the divine design that god has for them and then on today i talked about the collaboration of the power of agreement because what would really cause a transformation in your relationship is that number one that your your your family your made your people in your circle get the overflow from your relationship with god then secondly that you all will vow your agreement enough to make the adjustments that you need to make when lady bridget and i saw the whole principle of agreement man it radically changed our lives because we wanted those supernatural results that come from agreement now somebody said well what are you talking about now you can go back and listen at the second lesson and then tonight we're going to talk about communication look there it says in luke chapter 6 and whosoever cometh to me and heareth my sayings and do with them i want to stress the do-it-them part and i will show you unto whom he is like he is like a man which built a house and digged deep that's the key that it's going to require some effort and laid the foundation upon a rock i believe that's metaphorical for the word of god as it were house metaphorical for family watch this and when the flood arose and the floods will come and the stream beat behemoth lay upon that house and could not shake it boy isn't that amazing if your family could be so built that if when things come trouble come and trouble will come that it won't even shake your house won't even shake your family watch this why for it was founded upon iraq so the principles that i'm going to give you are principles that are founded upon the solid rock of the word of god and so there's so many things in the bible concerning our communication and our conversation but that's what we're going to talk about the communication and so there in uh colossians chapter 4 it says this is the amplified let your speech at all times be gracious pleasant and winsome season as it were with salt so that you may never be at a loss or to know how you ought to answer anyone who puts a question to you now i know in context it has a far greater meaning than just communication but i could pick a lot of scriptures out of the bible that talks about how god created us really to be to interact with each other and one of the interaction is this interaction of communication now i want you all to take your notes i need you all to take notes uh tonight uh because i got a lot of things i want to share with you i've got several points i want to go through this point number one is that must be uh a point number one is there is just this careful consideration uh or consider the scope of the conversational moment the conversational moment that's we're going to look at why because communication takes place in the conversational moment and so we want to understand the critical let's go to that go to the next one understand the critical purposes of conversation understanding the critical purposes of conversation and now uh when the bible uh uh there in matthew chapter 18 i love this because it talks about there about how we ought to go to our brother how we ought to talk things out and and that's so important because the bible that encourages conversation it doesn't encourage me you know uh isolating myself brooding it doesn't encourage me being resentful but it encourages us that if there is a fault if there's a trespass if there is something he says you ought to initiate and you ought to go to your brother amen and amen now let's look at what this conversational moment is a forum for number one it is a forum that involves the stopping of pain in other words many times when you're talking and i got to talk to my brothers about this because many times you think that a conversation with your spouse with your family is something that you need to quote fix and you to fix get to the point many times that's not it many times you're causing pain and the conversation i'm going to teach you how to listen i'm going to teach you how to hear but let's just talk about what this conversational forum is uh is all about a stop it's about stopping the pain it's also many times about solving a problem uh it's about sharing perspective many times it's just the person wants to share their perspective they don't they don't even want you to get involved with a solution it's just time to have some good wholesome conversation and then it's a securing partnership many times that conversational moment is about here is the part i need you to play in what's going on and then it many times it's i call it the pep talk it's the stimulation of passion and and this all happens at in the conversational moment where we have to learn how to have uh uh ongoing conversation dynamic conversation uh oftentimes it's about the suggestion of a plan getting together collaborating on a plan and then many times it's about stating the punishment that's just the reality of it so i understand the conversational moment is very dynamic and if i am going to communicate and be a good communicator be a good communicator i am going to have to learn how to maximize the moment i want you i want to take you to this now let's understand what i call uh the categorical perspectives of communication and let's put those up there let me walk through those number one it's a many times it's about casual conversation all right sometimes it's about a command conversation let's casual conversations just let's talk let's just talk i mean i mean really and let me say this that uh and now i'm just not saying just women but many times men that's the men who just they just won't talk they just won't talk and it's it's it's it's it's important to them that's one way of communicating concern love and care for them is that they want this interaction they want to converse and commune so many times it's just casual conversation sometimes it's command conversation now command conversation is as many times what you have with your children where you're giving directives but let me say something to you on this if you're only talking with your children giving them commands do this have you done this have you done that have you done the other you're going to miss a lot about their in that development because you're not having casual conversation with them and you're not able to monitor their thoughts because you know you're so busy giving directives then they're celebratory conversation everybody love that everybody loves to be celebrated i don't care who you are everybody wants somebody to tell them that they've done well the caring conversation on the conversational discourse now what that's about is that many times that's about just showing that you are concerned about them above what they can do for you and we got to work at that we got to work at that and uh i'll say this to to men and brothers i'm not bashing you tonight but i can tell you you can be so busy doing one thing at another one thing and another that you'll forsake this that just letting a family know that i genuinely care i genuinely care all right watch this then there's the confrontational we're gonna get into this that is uh there are times when you have to have this conversation where you are confronting the person uh confronting the person in the family about some uh guidelines or something that has that's out of order then there is the critiquing uh conversation that is this is the discourse when i'm really trying to i'm really trying to uh uh uh bring some analogous input to something that's going on and then there's the challenging conversation and that is where i'm in i'm trying to inspire you uh so i inspire a person to go further now let's move to the next next level and that is i'm gonna need to understand all right get your pen out get your pin out let's understand the components of positive communication if i'm going to have a good conversational moment that is positive a good conversational moment that is going to uh be impactful there are some things that i need to make sure are in place first of all a good safe place and time to talk now a good safe place thought of some kind of kind of uh uh uh humorous years ago when lady bridget and i were two hot-headed young young people uh lord i gotta tell you if the lord can do it for us and do it for anybody because we're both hot-headed strong-willed blah blah blah blah we had to have a good safe place to talk now what do you mean safe place see we couldn't talk behind closed doors we had to go out in public and you know we we didn't have the money back then we go to ice cream parlor and that's what we would have i talk right there in public so that way you know what nobody would ask a fool praise the lord so we had a good uh safe place and time to talk that's the conscious interrupt to focus on listening attentively now what do you mean by that because see you have a habit of interrupting a habit of when a person is expressing themselves before they can get everything out boom you've jumped in well what i've taught men over the years and people over the years they have to have a way to remind themselves in the moment that they gotta listen so i told men that when you get ready to have these meetings pull on your ear and when you're pulling on your ear you're reminding yourself i just need to listen i just need to listen now ladies you can pull on your ear too don't pull your earring up but you can pull on your ear as well all right so we need to know how to passionately express ourselves without making a personal attack don't talk about his mama and don't talk about her daddy don't get into that amen all right then we must be patient as the other person offers their rebuttal and their perspective everybody has a right to think the way they think everybody has the right watch this to have the perspective that they have even when you don't agree with it now once you respect that you're giving the person respect when i respect that it is my my my children's right to think the way they think even though i may not agree with it when i when i respect their right to think that way my wife's right to think that way even though i don't agree with it i am giving them respect then there's to discuss possible options now we're trying to make progress uh because you know communication is discussion with the intent to agree that's my simple definition we'll give a more complex one down the road but it's discussion with the intent to agree so what we want to do is we want to discuss possible options um insights or solutions to bring about agreement and peace and then number six we want to decide on what to do on a go-forth basis what to do on a go-forth basis i always say that every discussion every conversational moment within the scope of what we have been talking about uh there is a resolution there's a resolution as a go forth what do you mean number one there's an imposed resolution i mean if you can't come if you can't negotiate a resolution then you got to say from now on this is what we're going to do and that's it and so uh there's and it is the uh the one who's in authority who establishes the go forth impose resolution did you hear what i said so i don't want any child saying okay i'm gonna tell mama what i'm going to do no you're not you're not going to tell mom and dad what you're going to do because it's not your house not your house amen amen you are still under their authority and they have the authority and i'm sitting with a smile they have the authority to tell you what we're going to do on a go-forth basis all right now do not allow the discussion to ruin future time together it's over when it's over and that's something that you know i want to see if we can get you all to understand lately bridget and i had some heated situations we and of course in our pastor's group today uh the the kids were saying about how how they had to learn that when we have a passionate discussion it's not time now to isolate yourself because everybody agree with you uh everybody take your point of view it's time now okay let's go eat okay let's have some fun let's do it and we can do it it's about discipline discipline is enforced obedience let's go to now to this next point because i need to understand the consequences of poor communication now i know some of y'all say you don't need to go on that list because i already i understand that number one it causes a disconnection from the relationship either physical or emotional and i think that's almost the worst kind to have a person physically there but emotionally detached all right it causes the misunderstanding to go unresolved it go i mean you know you didn't resolve anything you did not come with her and if you don't have good communication that thing simply festers if defense festers and becomes resentment right and resentment then becomes vindictive all right then that's that causes the parties to resort to surrogate communication partners all right let me talk about that because that means now if i want if i want sense we are we are beings who have to communicate and so if i will not communicate with my family i will not communicate with my spouse watch this i'm opening the door for my spouse to find somebody else to talk to now i'm not necessarily saying it's going to be you know somebody with a on a fast something like that nothing i'm saying that but you don't want your business going anywhere amen it may be going to be going to her relatives talking but i'm saying why she has a need to talk you have a need to talk so i'm saying what you want to do is you want to satisfy and meet that need by by by developing the skills of communication all right now it causes the forfeiture of the blessings of agreement now you have to listen to the lesson that i had earlier and because on that lesson i talked about uh agreement all right now so when i value agreement i will work through the difficulties to reach the point of agreement so that i can have the supernatural blessing on my life on my family we found out in psalms 133 is that that is where god commands the blessing god commands the blessing in the place of agreement now also there is the forfeiture of the corporate effort and resolve to solve problems and come up with a plan so when i refuse to have good communication i'm opening the door for all of those things and many times it can be most catastrophic my second point tonight and you're a good class my second point tonight is that after hearing all of this you have to choose to cultivate the skills for for the conversational moment in other words since i have to have conversation and conversation is something that is going to be beneficial for my relationship i need to cultivate the skills so that i can be a skilled communicator now uh of course this is it's not only just good for family but it's good for business it is good for your career's sake that you learn how to be an effective communicator and handle the conversation moment so i have to understand the diversity of hearing oh this is so wonderful because see many people one of the keys to conversing is to be able to hear to listen and to hear and many times uh people don't do that and so they dropped the ball in the beginning the bible talks about the hearers in mark in uh in mark chapter four those people who hear the word and based on how they hear the word it's going to be will determine how they're going to react whether or not it's going to be a fruitful uh exchange so let's look at the various types of heroes that we will have number one there will be what i call the preoccupied hero now the preoccupied hero is a person who listens uh but is focused on some mess doesn't that bother you i mean you're trying to talk to the person and you know that you know they are distracted by something else and you almost know you're wasting your time so let's do this first of all let you decide that you will not be a preoccupied hero that in the conversational moment you're going to give it your attention then there's the preconceived hearing he that the bible says he that answereth the matter before he heareth it is it is a folly and a shame to him i love that and so many times this preconceived hero is a person who listens but their mind is already made up oh y'all know people like that yeah without without any regard what's been said i already got the mind made up okay what you say all right and that's the person i call that the preconceived hearing then there's the perverted hearer oh oh oh this is a person who's listening but only to promote and manipulate to advance their own agenda yeah this is a person who's listening and they cherry pick every word you say every word you say and so you say you say well you always do i don't always and then now they go off on tangent on this always always means every time and we i don't do that every time i mean i mean you understood the drift but now you're cherry-picking and you look instead of listening to see if you if you're causing pain it is to see is this a problem-solving conversation to see you know is this a conversation where you know i just need to gain a perspective no you've already got your mind up and what you're going to do i'm talking to somebody you know i am talking to you god has you listening to this because somebody needs to jerk the slack out of your neck man you say what is that that's that's a country term so don't worry about it now so it's about you being perverted in your hearing because you're going to take something that is said you're gonna twist it and turn it and boy i gotta tell you it is frustrating to try to talk to a perverted here a hero a person that's trying to manipulate what you say and i gotta tell you it's it's it's it's not good conversation but you want to be the patient here oh i love that person the patient hearing and that is the person who uh who understands who wants to talk and wants the dialogue and and will give it the time so that good deliberation can take place you do not listen you want to be a prospective hearer now the perspective here he listens to gain insight to the other person's perspective i want to see it see if i can see it from your point of view i can understand how you feel about it perspective here let me give you a little simple story years ago you know i you know okay you're going to judge me so all right i can handle it you know years ago i make these promises to lady b and i'd break them i you know it was in the days when i was saying that uh god first in the church then you so i'd make a promise to her and then some come up at church ministry then you know she gotta tell her i can't do it you know that's like right i got to do this gotta do that now church church and uh so one day she sit down was talking and then she said this to me so i could get her perspective she said you know i you know because i'm a fisherman you said she said you know when you hook a fish and board you are wrestling with that fish and you're trying to bring it in and you're all excited you want to see the size of it you want to see what kind it is and boy that those moments of excitement you know yeah hear me she said and then right when you get up to it it breaks the it breaks or it gets off you know how to make you feel oh yeah yeah that's a terrible fish that's how i feel when you make a promise to me and then at the last minute you break it i got her perspective i got her perspective now i understood so prospective hero is a person who's willing to put themselves in the other shoes and once you do that you can see it from their perspective and it will give the dialogue the conversing uh greater meaning then there's the pacifying hero now the pacifying hero is the person who really really don't really care you say you need to talk going to talk you know and they're just trying to pacify you but they're not really trying to find a meaningful resolution now are you getting this now this is vitally important we're going to get into the practice in just a moment but the key now i need to understand i need to become a prepared hero i need to know how to prepare myself to listen appropriately even taking notes so that i can focus on the on a detailed response so i'm saying now and i got to tell you i've seen business people i've taught business people how to do this and people when you're negotiating hey you want to be prepared so what you want to do is listen tentatively you want to take notes you follow me that sort of thing you want to be engaged so that you can maximize the conversational moment that's what it is i want to maximize the conversational moment so let's go over these again i don't want to be a preoccupied hero let's go over them again i do not want to be a preconceived hero i do not want to be a perverted hero i want to be a patient here i want to be a person who gets the perspective i do not just want to pacify and i want to be prepared when i'm going into the conversational moment i really want to maximize it amen now can i get you to go in the comments in the comment section such sex sex sex section and and declare you are a maximized hero come on i'ma maximize here come on i need you to do that i got it i'm watching right here i'm seeing it i'm saying i want you to do that now because i want you to i'm going to go into this this next part is understanding the diligence to hearken that's a powerful word in the scripture where it says hearken to this and hearken to that and hawking to the other and so hawking is to give attention to understand what is being said by taking appropriate actions in agreement with what has been said all throughout the scripture you know he says you'll hawk unto my voice i'm gonna go over that again it is to give attention to understand what has been said by taking appropriate actions in agreement with what has been said when i hearken to something when i respond appropriately to something it means that watch this i'm going to hear understand and know how to respond so what can happen when i choose to be a good listener a good hero what can happen amen proverbs 22 says listen consent and submit two words of the wise uh and apply your mind to my knowledge so the bible says i've gotta i've gotta apply the word to my knowledge i want you to hold on to that because it is vitally important that i develop the skill to listen i need to know how to listen all right now when i know how to listen what can happen when i listen i can avoid costly mistakes now they don't they're not going to put this up but i can avoid costly mistakes that could uh me for a lifetime and be it may take a lifetime to recover so when i learn to listen i can avoid mistakes number two when i learn to listen i can advance my life with the wisdom and experience from others all right i can learn from others if i learn how to listen and not be so hot to trap myself how to trap that's another colloquial expression but not be so caught up that i'm right and i don't need to listen to anybody else and i know you know that is one of the frustrations that many parents have as their children are maturing and that independent spirit rises up in them but i i gotta tell you many times you can learn so much from just listening to what other people have been through when i learn to listen what can happen i can acquire knowledge and understanding that i can use now or later i can acquire knowledge and understanding that i can use now but also may have to just take some things i put them on the shelf because i know i'll be able to use them later when i learn to listen i can abort the strategies and the tricks of the devil sent to derail me simply because watch this my eyes are open amen and amen so that is so powerful if i will just learn to listen now you need to learn to listen you need to learn to listen to those who are in authority over you i think ivan had a great message the other day on yesterday on obedience and one person put in the chat session section that uh uh this was good for everybody just learning to listen listen to those who are in authority listen to your man and woman of god listen to them people that so we got to watch it because nowadays because a lot of things are virtual you're not listening to worship you're not really listening i mean you cooking and you you know doing one thing and another come on now you got to understand how that don't let the devil steal from you because you're not paying attention you're not paying as much attention as you used to would pay when you were taking your notes and that sort of thing many of you have your uh devices in your hand and what you're doing is you're looking over old emails you're answering people all of this why church is going on and i got to tell you that has a long-term negative impact it really does why because you're not getting the word faith comes by you got it hearing and hearing by the word of god and when you're being distracted like that you're not getting the full impact so this is what can happen when um you are not attentive but now let's talk about what can happen all right uh if they had listened i got a list here what would have happened if people had listened listen to those who are in authority over them listen to those uh who were uh who who were not necessarily in authority of them but giving them right righteous counsel if eve had listened this world wouldn't be in the shape it's in if king saul had listened he would never have had lost his throne if gay hazel just had listened he wouldn't have tried to backtrack and do all of that you know to get the money from uh from naaman if the prodigal son had listened he probably never would have left home if cora had listened he never would have let the rebellion if locke's wife had listened she would not have been turned into a pill of salt if aiken had listened he wouldn't have tried to steal god's stuff at jericho and if israel had listened they never would have wandered in the wilderness for 40 years amen so let's understand how can i discipline myself so that i can be a good hero now i want you to understand this word discipline is a powerful word i use it all the time it has to do with enforced obedience it means i'm not necessarily all right listen to me now i'm not i'm not necessarily liking the moment but i'm disciplined because i want the results of having gone through the moment discipline all right so now here is here are some things concerning a disciplined hearer all right a disciplined hearer number one needs a good self-image and self-worth now i taught on that last night about how your self-worth and your self-image has to come not from the uh social metric but from the scripture metric of the word of god i am i'm marvelous made by god i mean i uh i'm i'm possessed by god that's what gives me value what gives me value is that the price paid for me i was a far same price paid for everybody else so we all own even keel and so you have to work on this yourself nobody can do that for you and then that has to be the sensitive and respect for your differences amen that god made us differences so everybody won't think like you praise the lord so i have to respect our differences adjustment mechanism to help you focus i talked about that earlier remember talking about the adjustment what's pulling on your ear or whatever you may need to write on the piece of paper you know listen listen you know focus focus to keep you engaged and then there is the uh the defined written rules for the confrontation engagement when it's a confrontation then watch this because that can get heated and i will close out on talking to you about how to have a good argument but since uh that is the the possibility when you have confrontation that things can get heated we need some guidelines and some rules of what we are going to do what is permissible and what is not permissible and if we will all respect those guidelines and have the desire to reach an agreement so we can move forward with our relationship we can stay on course number five i want to commit to always do what is best i have here what is best for the marriage but i want to do what is best for the relationship it always is not necessarily who's right but what is right for the relationship number six it says i need the maturity to remain focused on the subject at hand all right let's not jump around you start on one subject and then you want to go to another set in the middle of that so you haven't finished this oh no no that's chaos don't want to do that so i got to stay on point i got to stay on point now and that's that'll require some maturity because many times when a person is talking you think of something else and boy you want to jump on that because yeah you got you can win on that point no no no no gotta focus on what's at hand the integrity of heart to live up to agreed resolution because if that's not there all of the talking all of the conversation all of the counseling was worthless because you're going to go right back to what you were doing sufficient emotional deposits in place before withdrawals can take place i love that yes before you can do a lot of correcting and criticizing you must have you must have you will have to have done a lot of celebrating and you know uh confirming you got to do that see a person when they understand how much i care and i've demonstrated that now they're more apt to listen to me give correction so i want to make sure now that i have done made emotional deposits before i try to make an emotional withdrawal i need a systematic problem solving resolution and now that is what is so important about the kit that i'm going to give you in the kit it's there uh in the kit i mean in these seven lessons on maximizing the family experience i got it all in here can't give it all to you tonight but i'm telling you i i can't teach it all tonight that's why i'm giving you these seven lessons and that's about seven hours of teaching on family i got to tell you it's better than spending seven hours at the courthouse praise the lord ah amen amen all right now so i want to know how to solve problems systematically then that must be the participation in a positive support group doing uh your emotional maturity what support group is that your church that's it you want to be in a church where they are teaching it uh teaching good sound relationship mechanics you want to be in a church like that you want to i'm telling you uh there's no there's no substitute for that now i want you to go with me i want you to look with me as we we're getting ready to turn the corner here on this oh my god where'd my time go i gotta hurry now i gotta um let's look at the conscious commitment to successful conversational moments i got to make a commitment i've given you all this information it's going to be out here where you can go back and listen to it i was talking to some ladies the other day and they said yeah i got to go back and listen to it because i got to get it all that's what's so good about this that you go back and listen to it listen to it i'm telling you if you will focus on this seeking first the kingdom of god then all the other things will be added unto you so now uh in luke chapter 14 and verse 28 which of you intended to build a tower since not down first and count the costs whether you have sufficient to finish it less happily after he laid the foundation is not able to finish it all that behold him behold it began to mock him saying this man began to build and was not able to finish now what we're talking about is building our families building our lives so the bible says if you're going to get ready to build something you've got to first sit down amen well there is a proper beginning and a planned budget proper beginning and a planned budget all right watch this you will avoid possible blunders all right and then there will be no pinpointing of the blame you got it you got it so i got to say now listen if i want to have a successful family i got to have a proper beginning i got to have a planned budget amen we want to avoid possible blunders so in the end there'll be no pinpointing of the blame all right so now what are we going to do here it is here's a perspective on a good family meeting family yeah you got to have a good family meeting and that is you must have this time it must be a good time good place and have an agenda now gender is important because it keeps you on focus handle these like you would handle any business meeting i'm telling you you need to do this because uh you know and there must be some non-negotiable rules for the meeting came walk out came through 10 tantrum tantru can't talk about my mama can't talk about my dad all that kind of stuff all right there are two types of family meetings uh there's a marital partner family meeting and then there's a meeting for the whole family now you're gonna i know it takes time but you got to treat these meetings with utmost importance and a sense of urgency because to the degree that you do that you're going to show respect for the moment amen and amen now the purpose of these family meetings are so that you can have a place to discuss life's adjustments because as you grow you're going to have to make adjustments i call it domestic laws of agreement now i'm not don't look at that word law and go all off on me but i'm saying okay what have we decided is the points that we're going to agree on let's look at a place for divine lordship anchoring that should be the spiritual component because god says the reason i treat abraham like i treat him because i know abraham he's going to command his household after him it is also a place for the discipline of lawless action now i'm talking about lawlessness let's not get on to the law of moses and all that sort of thing i'm talking about when somebody's acting up it's just for my alliteration that i use uh the the lawless word all right it's a place for demonstrating love and affirmation on purpose now in these meetings you did yeah love and affirmations and and you know if you know somebody has achieved something they want to be appreciated they want the affirmation and you do it there it's also a place family meme where you can discuss the deliver a division of labor assignments your assignment is to do this your simon is do that the division of labor and then it's a place to defend legacy attacks when the devil is after one you see it as the devil is after all and you're not going to let him do it he may have amen okay let's look at this next listen let's look at the pitfalls to the family meeting the major pitfall to the family meeting is lying did you listen lying lying not lying down telling a lie telling a lie because listen if i can't trust what you say no sense in us talking so people lie oh people lie and cannot be trusted because they believe a lie affords advantages that truth cannot give them all right i just trying to protect you no no no no you lied because you know truth will not give you the advantage that you want amen and amen so you know there are many kind of liars and for my time saying you you you're blessed with my time sake i can't go into all of them but that's the meticulous liar that's the person who carefully thinks through his life that's the misleading liar a person who tells just enough for the truth to to leave a false impression that's the malicious liar a person who intentionally uh gives out misinformation to hurt others and then that's the misinformed liar and that's the person oh my the misfortunate liar and that is the person who lies under pressure and lacks the courage to tell the truth finally let's look at the practice for the family meeting the practice how we're going to do this second select a good place and time to argue what yeah the bible says you could argue it says it says be angry and sin not and so you know uh in the early days you're gonna have arguments in later days you're gonna have arguments arguments that's part of it but you don't have to go off in the deep end all right pass and express yourself without making personal attacks be extremely patient as your made off as their rebuttal all right attempt to gain their perspective and not hold blindly to yours if you missed it you just missed it all right this all right discuss possible options and solutions to bring peace and harmony the bible says a kind word a soft word turns away wrath the bible says neither give place to the devil so if i all we're going to do is sit around in our gang cussing fuss we just open the door to the devil and say come on in do whatever you want to do all right so um i have to also look at determine how the situation can cause personal growth for me personal personal growth for the other person and then our purpose not to allow the heated discussion to ruin our time together i know i've given you a whole lot and the reason i have is because i know you'll be able to go back and listen to this that you know uh years ago when i was learning to pilot my boat i bought an offshore boat an offshore boat is different from a boat a bay boat because you go way offshore you cannot see land at all well having a boat like that i needed someone to teach me how to properly pilot the boat so i hired a captain to do so and so what the captain did my first lesson you know i'm ready to get out and let's go room okay let's let's get out there no no no so we just waited there at the dock and he's explaining the equipment and he looked at he told me about the compass and he said that this compass is is something that you're going to have to learn to trust well you okay no no no no no no ira you've got to understand you're going to have to learn to trust this he says because there will come a day when you're offshore and there's overcast so it means you will not have the sun to try to help you get direction and everything in you will tell you you came from one way but in reality you've come from another direction it's at that time you're gonna have to trust the conference compass you're gonna have to trust it okay okay okay okay no no no no no no no no no no no no i got to drive this home to you that you're gonna always trust your compass true enough i'm out i'm out i'm out uh uh i'm i think maybe 30 or 40 miles out of galveston can't see land anywhere overcast today we fish caught a lot of fish and on our way in and now i'm pulling up anchor and everything tells me i come from that direction i look at the compass compass said i came from that direction but i feel i feel like i have come from this direction i don't have enough fuel to make a mistake if i make a mistake i'm going to be out there floating without you view so i now hear the captain's voice always trust the compass it's a pull up anchor pull up anchor i'm looking in this direction because that's what my feelings are taking compass tells me to go this way once i get to anchor pool and on now i have to make the decision with throttling hand everything is telling me to go this way but the compass is telling me to go that way i turned the boat in the direction of the compass full steam ahead i'm giving it all i got because i'm trusting my compass and true enough it let me right into galveston island what i'm saying to you is you got to learn to always trust the compass always trust what god says if god says you know husbands love your wife you got to love them his bible says submit yourselves one to another trust the compass the bible says a soft word will turn away wrath you trust the compass and i gotta tell you you will watch god work in your situation and things will be amazing father in the name of jesus thank you this word has fallen on good ground and it produces fruit in the name of jesus father we thank you now that now we have the conviction and commitment to begin to cultivate the skills to have good conversational moments with our family good conversational moments with our spouses and good conversational to your glory in jesus name we call that done amen now maybe you've not received jesus as your lord and savior let me do that let me help you with that right now let me hear right now what i want you to do romans 10 9 says if you will confess with your mouth the lord jesus believe in your heart god raised you from the dead you can be saved what do you mean jesus god never asked you to confess all your mistakes because you don't remember them all he just says i want you to confess jesus as lord believing that jesus came lived the perfect life did free did he he did it for all of us and because death had no claim to him he died in our place and then to validate everything he said he arose from the dead the bible says if you will believe that and if you will confess that something supernatural will happen on the inside your spirit will come alive to god you become a part of the family of god and you start this journey on an incredible abundant life here i'm going to lead you in this prayer i want everybody to pray even those of you were born again y'all stay with me now y'all stay with me dear god come on dear god i know without jesus i'm lost i believe your word if i ask you to save me you will i believe that you died for my sins was raised from the dead to validate everything you said now i receive you as my lord and my savior now fill me with your spirit and power so i can live a life pleasing to you i give you the throne of my heart in jesus name i thank you by faith for saving me placing me and your family in jesus name amen and amen if you prayed that prayer welcome to the family of god want more information you can uh text uh nlc born again nlc born again born again to seven one four four one i know you got blessed today i know you got blessed i know you got blessed and this was good this is i mean this is almost better than going sitting in front of a therapist all this good information in fact this was spiritual therapy for a whole lot of people i know you got blessed we all know what time it is it's offering time it's offering time amen and amen it's offering time so we're going to prepare for our offering yes we're going to prepare for our offering and we are not far from our goal right really we're not far from our goal and we'll be we're standing in faith for a hundred thousand dollars and we are not far from it that's our budget goal excuse me that's our budget goal and we're not very far from it i think they notified me today as far today as far as the tabulation when i asked this morning we were right at 80 thousand dollars so we're only 20 000 away only 20 000 wait glory to god amen and we're going to get that done we're going to do that tonight in jesus name now here's how we're going to do it real simple real simple i just need 200 of you all 200 of you all faithful 200 favor can you do a hundred dollars 200 faithful doing a hundred dollars now i'm going i did uh ten thousand last night personally i did ten thousand and uh my wife and i we did that and uh what i'm gonna do i'd ask you to do 100 but i'm going to do 300. and i'm and those of you who can join me at the 300 level fine do that then i need some of you all he said well i gave last night yeah i understand this is our celebration seed that's what the lord told me to call it didn't tell me to come up with another name so i'm sticking with what god said this is you celebrating that your family is going to another level this year that's what god told me in the prophetic word that we will get results this year and you're sowing your celebration seed in advance so for some like me and others it's an again seed it's in again what do you mean i'm sowing again well you know i go back to the story of the prophet and the widow in first kings she had already given the man water the prophet water when he asked for it but then he asked for the cake that was an again seed and after she gave that my god thanks brooke for her in her life so i'm asking you you to help us now whatever you make happen for others god makes happen for you and so tonight i need you all let's let's get back on it and those of you who can help and do this i need you to do those things i can do hundred dollars i get 200 of my faithful partners and friends to do 100 pastors thank you all for your generosity on last night i need some of you all to be again seed givers as this is our celebration seed we're celebrating breakthrough for our family we're celebrating our family is going to another level and i tell you uh as i do this i'm worshiping god in advance i don't give the bible that's not what we do we give because it's expected of us of the lord that's why he taught it in his word it is we give because watch this it establishes lordship over our lives we give because it eradicates my lack and then we give because it's an expression of my love i'm going to pray and i'm i'm believing that you'll be one of the 100 one of the 200 who give the 100 and i'm praying that many of you will do the 52 scene that many of you love to do because you know that's something that happens in my ministry i can't explain it other than supernatural and so if you do a 52 seed tonight i get enough y'all to do it i'll be able to announce tomorrow that it's totally met in jesus name will you help me if you know remember what i make happen for others god may happen for me so as you stand with us in doing this listen uh it's gonna be amazing my goal is to send out 10 000 of these families what ten thousand that's my goal to send out ten thousand of these of uh blueprint for family your seat is making that possible yes it is all right i'm gonna pray they're gonna ask you to give and they're gonna put on the screen the various ways to give uh and and i want you the purpose in your heart that you're going to obey god that's it i want you to obey god and some of you said well i was going to do a thousand but you're not asking for that you know you're supposed to obey god with what god told you because last night many of you knew it was your in your heart you've been wrestling with it all day i want you to obey god amen it's amazing what happens when we walk in obedience y'all ready to pray you're ready to get father in jesus name thank you for this opportunity to give thank you father in jesus name for this celebration seed that we're giving all over the nation as we have received this word and we are believing father for breakthrough in our families in jesus name so i thank you father for those who are at the catalyst level who will give that 100 seed i thank you father for 200 of my partners will hear 200 of the people father who care who will hear and who will even stretch to make it possible and lord i thank you for those who say i don't have the hundred but i'm gonna do something i'm gonna do my best see and i thank you father and i agree with them for the turnaround that they are believing for in their lives in jesus name there it is on the screen the various ways to give you can give through a gift uh through online you can give through uh texting you can give through giblify you can give through a fellowship you can give through paypal you can give through sale i'll mail it or you can bring it by the church we had a person yeah last night just said they were going to bring theirs by and i want you to follow through follow through on your giving what i'm going to do now i'm going to send you back into the auditor on the set lady b is there with some of the pastors and uh they're gonna encourage you to get now what i'd like you to do is what we do on monday night monday night our people give and they get back online to encourage others to give come on if you're one of my 200 let me know pastors if you're one of my 200 let me let me know that yes you're stretching you're going to give another 100 tonight or some of you say i'm stretching i'll give another i'll i'll give it another 300 or if you want to say i didn't give them a thousand last night you know some of you had bible studies and i understand you want to have your bible steady but say hey i'm on tonight i asked last night for people who would be catalyst givers with a thousand dollars and if you want to do that i want you to do it come on y'all let's obey god and we're going to watch god work all right let's go down to the uh to the set and they're gonna take it from here praise god i want to encourage you to obey god with your giving do your part obey god and of course i want to encourage you to just uh listen to the holy spirit whatever the holy spirit tells you to do then do that and i see many people are saying seeds own seeds own seed so somebody said again seed 300 celebration seed i have a seed in the ground now it springs forth and so that's how you do it you just have to obey god and continue to get it yeah yeah it's i mean opportunities to give are awesome opportunities because it does so much i mean as much as dad has given out tonight and blessed us that seed brings back such a harvest for us exactly what we need so tonight you want to sow if you haven't already you don't want to miss this moment don't take it casual don't just say well now maybe i'll get back no sow your seed tonight in obedience to the holy spirit because there is a harvest that god has for you in this moment not tomorrow right now absolutely i was telling i was telling my wife uh as dad was teaching i said you know this is what you would get if you were in some office on a couch the difference is dad is tilting us godward yes and that's the difference but what you would pay yeah right for something that won't tilt you guard god that you're getting tonight yes free yes if nothing else it ought to be a seed of gratitude yeah a seed of thanksgiving and prophetically a celebration seed for what god is going to do in your marriage when you begin to do what you have heard tonight so tonight and i'm telling you the supernatural is already working on your behalf and it's going to be powerful yeah i think you're talking about things that are changing the trajectory yes you know but of your life and your your family i mean what what does that cost yeah what value do you place on that that can totally alter the course of your life if what you've been hearing what you've been being ministered to and receiving can change your family can take you from pain to peace can give you an opportunity to come together and work together and no longer fuss and fight and see your family's destiny change what value do you place on that i mean i mean you you can't put a price put a price on it you can't put a price on it because you know i often think about you never know if the seed you're sowing today is going to be the seed that's going to transform a situation in your future because you don't know your future but god knows your future yes so when you're sewing today you're not selling for your right now yeah you're sewing for the future because any time a farmer plants a seed he's not planting the seeds right for that day right that's right he's planting the seed so that he will have a harvest in the view yes and so when you're sewing today you're saying i want to secure my family's future yes i want to secure my family for the future so that i know that my children will grow up with a godly consciousness you know and you can put pressure on the word that's what i love yes i remember mom i remember you preaching that yeah vividly it it really resonated with me and you talked about how when situations would come up you went to god and i've planted too much seed yeah yeah and and that's that's what she's saying to you tonight plant that seed and when situations arise you go back and you put a demand on that seed the seed that you have sown for those things that will come and watch how god will bless even in those moments i'm living proof of that my you know my i was raised in church my you nowadays people go all right john do you want to go to church my mama said you want to eat yeah you going to church right and but you know i told my mom we've had because we had church all week weekend that's because you were coaching yeah i was coaching and i told my mama when i get out your house i will never darken the door of another church for the rest of my life you hear me and my mama was a tither she was a sower wow she believed god and she put a demand and what i said would never happen that's yeah everyone called him folk to church isn't it amazing that your mom took you guys to church as a single parent yes as a single parent she made sure you guys were focused on yes yes and so don't ever discount the fact that you are putting pressure on the word of god by taking your kids to church making sure that they go to church and you know even us we grew up in church we grew up in the baptist church and so my father he would make us lay out our clothes on saturday night for sunday and you're not gonna get up sunday morning trying to figure out what you're going to wear first of all our church started too early in the morning because i still don't understand why church started at 7 15 in the morning i don't actually i'm 64 years old i guess i don't i can't get that do you ever realize ever figure that out why did we have church so early yeah i know why we only go into that right now listen i want to see my i have carlton sharp says he's giving you know i'd like for y'all to motivate each other dave they've been putting it on there yeah they've been have y'all been seeing that we've been calling them out y'all been calling them out yeah all right i didn't get in here quick enough to hear yeah but i need i need my 20. my 200. yeah yeah yeah that's quite a few been giving in against you know do you want to count them or you just want to know no i just want to know that they're doing it yeah they are doing it they're saying they're showing it i want you all you know i've asked you all to stand in faith with me yeah for this i asked you all last week remember when we i think we had a conversation and then i said can we give off and i said no i just want y'all to be in faith with me yeah for the budget for this week to be met yeah he said and one person said you mean you're not going to see rob and i say no i mean we don't know however we don't ever receive an offering for conversation i think we did one time for some of the pastors it was on but right but i just want everybody to be in agreement for this we're so close to this yeah i mean it's so close i mean uh we we we're believing for a hundred thousand and we're at 80. yes very close bishop claxton said he saw in 250 um bishop haskell 100 the edmonton's against seed 300. yes uh the williams against seed 100 um the lincoln's again seed 100 uh the franklin's against seed 100 um let's see uh 200 uh i'm one of the 200 coach nicole munford a hundred dollars uh the lawrence's are soaring three hundred dollars so people are definitely they've been saying that that is so good i am so pleased uh with that you know uh as i i heard when i came in and did here saying that uh you know how valuable this is absolutely somebody to sit down and talk to you then it's gonna be out there where they can listen to it over and over yeah then on top of that they got the maximizing the family experience yeah hey man is that absolutely french the blueprint yeah no excuse but you're not being able not going to work on your family i'm giving you the tools i'm trusting that you're going to take full advantage can i add something in there i think that you know we as we were talking tonight and everything you shared that i think there's people watching and you know you know maybe their child or their children are not where they want them to be they may not be there and don't be discouraged i'm living proof don't be discouraged about where they are make a demand on the word of god sow a seed tonight on their behalf and i promise you you will see god will take their heart and turn it towards him and so don't be discouraged don't give up don't no no no your labor is not in vain so is see tonight in agreement with the word that your child you have a right to see your child walking the things of god absolutely um bishop macarthur and katika katika davis 600. yes and pastor village from one of my sons there bishop gullet's there in new orleans one hundred dollars yeah yeah one no he's five hundred dollars oh five hundred five hundred dollars yes yes yes so you know people are doing it and not the guys you call them the guys i didn't call it one hundred dollars again hey yeah i call it done amen yeah yeah it's already done already done already done and don't ever discount your seed you know if you if you're not at the hundred dollar level or the 200 level so a 52 seed so whatever you have because you don't ever want to discount your seed because your seed god sees your sacrifice and god always rewards the sacrament amen amen amen no that's you know that's that's what that's how we got where we are absolutely and uh it's it's through that this principle and we even do it even today even today if a situation comes up we put a seed in the ground so we can see god move on that situation you know i i'm we we're like like i was preaching we fully persuaded them fully persuaded we've seen it work too many times yeah so why why why at this level you know would i stop right you know i know i stopped it i mean no i'm continuing yeah and i'm continuing to teach it because god told me to teach it yes and uh i teach it with passion because we believe this it says something that you know this is no gain this is this is how you live by faith yes and uh you know we we live by faith we give by faith god rewards our faith and he'll do it for anybody yes i love that we live by faith we give by faith in god we've been able to come down to the years and sit at your feet and mom's feet and watch you do it and teach us how to do it and then we go do it and it works yes it works testimony after testimony of sowing seed and obedience to god and seeing god respond to your seed i mean it works right and you just set the key in obedience to god right obey god i've been hearing dad say that for years and when i finally started doing what i was hearing yeah amen i started seeing the obey god tonight yes obey god tonight and watch what god is going to do in your life in the life of your family and for some pastor in the life of your church it will revolutionize your church i am a living witness to that yeah some things that happen in our church that are mind-blowing i trace back to our obedience as god has led us to sit at you all's feet right i trace it back to that so i'm telling you tonight don't miss out don't miss out on the miracle that's waiting on you right now amen amen apostle um i have a couple of announcements can we move to that now uh but um while i'm getting these announcements you made a statement that's um someone asked me what did it mean you said jerk the slack out of their neck so that you know i know it's a colloquial term but a lot of people may not understand what it means oh that's interesting to motivate i mean just to motivate you motivate them yeah motivate them you know uh uh slap them back in line but the way you said it it seemed like it meant more than that that's all it meant you are an agitator you act like you want to go stay at the holidays well we have women who win meets in a circle coming up april 2 i hear somebody outside holland yes april 21st through the 23rd and uh we're excited about it i'm really excited about it because it's going to be a hybrid experience there'll be those of you who will be watching uh on a private link and then there'll be those who will be in the auditorium we have limited space that we're going to allow people to come in so for a hundred dollar registration you can be in the building and for 40 registration you can have the experience of watching all of the service on demand and so i really want to encourage you to be a part of it the women who win dot net go to the women who win dianetics the women who win meets in a circle and dr irisha is uh came up with this wonderful theme whole and free and how many of us need to be holy in 2020 we had to push it back and then we kept on saying well we'll have it we'll have it and we kept pushing it back this time we have it and we're going we're going to have it we're going to come out whole and free and so definitely want to encourage you to register and be a part of that and then if you haven't got your blueprint for uh family kid blueprint for ours is in this nice little folder because we printed it off and put some hole punches in and put it in here but i encourage you to print it out for your family and make those confessions put them somewhere they can confess the word and then maximizing the family experience is also available amen wow that's all my announcement all right so can we can we take a moment and share about tomorrow night absolutely you can take over them all right well i'm i'm i may not be able to have a bed tonight so i'm trying to tread carefully i don't want to kind of make sure that i always have a bad time yes ma'am oh well thank you thank you mama well with that being said but we're excited about tomorrow night yes tomorrow night you know when you when you sit here and watch how you guys just pour out tirelessly i mean who goes to get their second shot and then come in on the same day on the same day who does that but i mean to watch your care to watch you do something like this and there's no charge no charge you don't charge for it but you give out even though we haven't paid anything you give out and not only at this conference you do it again and again and again and again and so tomorrow night we're gonna have an opportunity to sow into here hilliard international ministries where we're sewing into the work that dad that you and mom are doing you you guys didn't retire no people at your age would have retired after all you've done but you restructure right and to watch you in this new season to watch you expand we are so excited that tomorrow night we get a chance to sew into hillyard international ministries supporting the work that you're still doing all over the place absolutely all not only locally but nationally internationally and so i'm excited that we're going to be able to sow a seed tomorrow a sacrificial seed because it's a chance to some degree to be selfish we get a chance to tap into your grace right you don't you don't tap into the grace just by saying i want it you have to seed into it yes and the same grace on our spiritual mom and dad is the same grace on us that we take back into our cities into our situations the grace that you guys have of 45 years of marriage yes and raising your family successfully in that fruit we want that same grace so tomorrow night we get a chance to do that and you know in the restructuring there there was a shift in position but not in purpose yes crazy i can't talk like that oh please that the purpose is still they're still teaching yes they are still instructing us and we want to honor tomorrow yes who you are in the kingdom and who you are to us yes we want to honor and i i have discovered my wife and i have discovered when we sow into the grace that we're connected to that grace falls upon us yes you know everybody walks around talking about same grace same grace words mean nothing that's right it you know execution is what makes it not intentional yes and tomorrow night we get the opportunity to honor our spiritual parents yes and honor who they are in the kingdom and to us and you're right it's selfish because we are a part of this grace and so tomorrow night we want you to join us in sowing in to heal your international ministries and be thankful that you've been a part of this and connect to this grace hey grace has no geographics you can connect to this through the screen even though you're not on the scene because the spirit has no boundaries i want you to connect to them like we have done you know i was thinking about you know with the super bowl and everybody talked about tom brady and his accomplishments and called him the goat and they said one of the reasons that he is who he is is because he was able to go down to tampa and change the culture and it caused everybody to come up at another level that they didn't even think they could and when i think about that in the natural that's who you and mom are you and i'll just say it y'all are the goats because you have i didn't say you're a goat you all are the goats because because you not just here but people watching all over can attest that our lives are the better and we have you brought us up to levels we didn't think possible so tomorrow night we come and say thank you thank you for all that you've done to help us be at a place we would not be had we not encountered you and i i appreciate that but you know i'm not the greatest of all times that's what goat means yes follow me and not i'm not bad i know but listen i know people i know people people hear that and they go what kind is that he the goat he's the great jesus is the greatest of all times i agree and that's why i'm not saying it as a rebuke to you but a correction because i know people you got people who listen at this and like i just said in there you got some perverted healing yeah and they're looking at them to find something wrong everything's been great tonight honestly they praising him they're praising him no don't even go there we know we are where we are by the grace of god we are humbled and we are thankful that people care enough about what we have done and what we mean to them to want to sow yeah and to heal your international ministry so it's not a rebuke it's just a correction because i know what kind of heroes that we have out there well then you can also give new meaning to it you can come up with your own acronym for it you could say god's ordained anointed teacher amen look at that so amen okay i'll be that girl so i can say the goat so and i'm glad you said that i and i i hear that you know our lives are the better authentically organically because of you guys and so um we just appreciate you and we make no shame sometimes people they they you know they receive and then they forget oh yeah and tomorrow night we say we haven't forgotten well i'm excited about tomorrow night you know as i said in there everybody likes to be appreciated absolutely and so i'd be hypocrite to say oh oh no no no no no no i'm excited about tomorrow night you know i so i plow and hope right and so uh you know for whatever anybody does pastors do people do i'm always appreciative they being always creative and never take it for granted and um we know that uh you know that's how god takes care of them amen amen amen amen well we are ready to go i think tomorrow morning i need help i need somebody to let me know what time we start in the morning do we start at 9 50 or do we start at 10 o'clock uh dr eye is i'm not sure where she is uh brandica what time did they start this morning they started at 9 50 this morning i think didn't y'all yes 9 50. same time same bedtime huh same bedtime same channel facebook live and us oh youtube it says nine fifth so i think we started so tomorrow morning 9 50. and you know you were talking about us getting our vaccine today and then coming here on purpose we scheduled our vaccine early so we would not miss this right wow wow yeah so we said no we're gonna we're gonna go get our vaccine and we're still gonna come and i i'm telling you i feel great no side effects and i saw a couple of people comment earlier that they were apprehensive about getting the vaccine and then after hearing us talk about it they they're going to go on and schedule there yes i want to encourage you to do that because you're not only protecting yourself but you're protecting others around you and especially as we go out in different environments you want to make sure that you're protected the good thing is that all of us all of us we have we've received our second vaccine so we are part of the fully vaccine community the mckissicks have fully been vaccined the edmonton's have fully been vaccine and so the scientists say now that all of us have been fully vaccined we don't have to be you see vaccine vaccinations vaccinated vaccinated we've been fully vaccinated we don't have to necessarily wear our masks when we're communicating with one another because we've been vaccinated but we wear our masks because we're not only just communicating with each other we're communicating with other people who are here on staff who've not been vaccined my parents my 93 and 92 year old parents got theirs got theirs and they're still here and they're still here yes they didn't have any problems no problem whatsoever that's what i'm saying so don't don't get infected that's a great report because it encourages others yeah you know i think it is it's a satanic under undertow to try to discourage people from getting that vaccine so he can have open door right try to take them out right or try to make them deathly yes yes yes because the reality is is that people have listened to the lie that they're putting the virus in you all of that it's it's nothing but a lie you you follow the science i mean if they're giving it to doctors and they're still here we are all still here no side effects we're doing great and so i really want i want to just be if i can only be that one person to encourage you to go on and get it i want to encourage you to get it because i was apprehensive at first until i got the knowledge you know the bible says we're destroyed for a lack of knowledge so the knowledge is is that it's not putting the vet it's not putting the virus in you it is just simply protecting you so that you won't have this kind of symptoms that others are having and they proven technology it's proven techniques and then some people say they don't want to get it because they got it they came up with it so fast they didn't they've been working on this for years researchers have been working on this for years and as apostles said last night god told him that the the way for us to get out of this is that god was going to give his researchers the wisdom of god to find a cure and so um that that vaccine i believe is what we need so that we the whole country can get out of this pandemic so yeah let's let's do i'm looking on here all the people from all over who uh who are ordering this yeah it's just amazing when i'm looking at it and i see uh there's pastor taylor willie taylor there he was getting hey past the table yeah and gave him a shout out boy if i can't do that because i started yeah shout out to everybody but he got his but anyway i got a couple of people that uh six hundred dollars from uh i did that already but the ken's hens pastor hinzi and nicole green 100 and bishop calvin and pastor valerie hooper 100 so thank you all for supporting thank you for joining us being a part of it and we look forward to seeing you tomorrow morning at 9 15 50. 9 50. 9 50. it's gonna be great it's going to be great so is this it are we this is it you can wrap it up we're changing the trajectory of your life oh see you tomorrow at morning at 9 50. have a great night good night there is nothing like this blueprint for an amazing family resource that i want to send to you absolutely free if you will reach out to request it now now it has the faith building mechanics necessary to build a strong family and to overcome those setbacks to a quality family life there are daily affirmations for the husband and for the wife and for the unmarried and for the parent and for the children along with extensive easy to understand teachings on the keys to maximizing the family experience and i want to send you absolutely free now reach out now by going to that special link and giving us the information right now and so give us your prayer requests and your request for the blueprint for an amazing family life now be sure to to get back online to enjoy the rest of the conference reach out now and send that to me right now and request it you're going to be amazed when you get this in your hands
Channel: New Light Church
Views: 1,568
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 136min 0sec (8160 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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