Keys To Maximizing The Family Experience "Simple Steps To Improve Your Family Life"

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that says I can do I am a believer not a doubter I am a doer not just a hero and my life is the better after having heard the word of faith faith comes by hearing and hearing hearing by the Word of God amen very Matthew chapter 7 and verse 24 it says therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine and doeth them I would like on him unto a wise man which built his house upon a rock now I want you underline the word house here because as we teach on a family in the Bible the word house is used metaphorically many times for family all right so we're talking about building families and building family relationships so Jesus says here a person who hears his word and do with him is like a person who built his house on a rock and the rain of the send and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that house and it fell not for it was founded upon a rock and everyone that hears these sayings of mine and doeth them not shall be likened unto what a foolish man which built his house upon the sand and the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that house and it fell and great was the fall event and it came to pass when Jesus had ended these sayings the people were astonished at his doctrine for he taught them as one having Authority and not as the scribes so we're teaching now this series on keys to maximizing the family experience or simple steps to improve in your family life when we talk about maximizing that's a term that I've been using for over the years but it maximizes a person who chooses to have a different approach to life problems than the average person average person when they have probably threw up their hands and wish it hadn't happened but a maximize it looks at it and understand it has happened and understand that they can still have God's best regardless of what has already taken place and so I believe we're raising up a whole generation of maximises amen are you maximized in the house amen so we look at this whole idea of family expelling really excited about teaching on family I was praying the Lord spoke to me says this one want your teacher home and so I'm really excited about that because we're gonna we're gonna really give you a whole nother perspective on God's ideal family and and the family ministry that you're supposed to receive because as we think about family this time of year many people are not connected with their families some people you know they last one left in their families and and so it's kind of disturbing when you start talking about family or dealing with family because they feel that they've gotten the short end of the stick what I'm gonna show you you've not gotten the short end of stick that's not how God operates but if you will adopt a maximises mentality you'll make the best and the most of life right where you are amen so then several things about a Maximizer number one a Maximizer understands that alienation is not does not an ayah late my expectations and say wow that's the best mouth food and that is if people reject me that doesn't mean I got to have a bad life because they're people who in the heart of Tohu who are here today or we're watching that's one thing you've been rejected by family so what does this how is this gonna how is this gonna administer than me well you you gonna be a Maximizer so you understand just because you've been alienated that mean that you can't have the expectation of a better life or quality life number two a Maximizer abandons all excuses but because I cannot go through life giving it my best effort if I'm hiding behind an excuse number three a Maximizer accepts that answers exists in other words I gotta believe that for my situation God's got an answer number four maximizers accurately appraised the evidence in other words when i'm appraising my situation i don't look at I don't I don't I don't I don't I don't get thrown off track or distracted by assumptions I'm gonna deal with what is so I'm going to accurately look at what going on it amazes me how people assume things I mean it can be assumed some of their language you never even know you you understand so but I maximize it you didn't deal in Episode a deer's with the facts that are at hand all right i maximizer choose this to appreciate the academic experience in other words as I grow in life a lot Google things in life I learned from them so maximizer chooses to learn something I mean no we're still learning in life amen all right now a Maximizer also chooses to attack ad material exportations in other words where the devil's bear has has had the upper hand on me where maybe I haven't I haven't properly judge the situation and the Bible lets me know when I'm supposed to have victory of the devil's I can I didn't let him explore me I may have been too passive about something but once I'm I once I've got adopted a maximises attitude then I so kr if that person doesn't mean me a good announce thank God accept it they don't mean me any good you understand that person's doing things to abuse me I got accept that person has some issues and therefore I can't let them abuse me you can only be abused by people that you allow to abuse you amen then a Maximizer he activates advancement endeavors otherwise I'm gonna put a positive plan in place I'm gonna I'm gonna work that positive plan to my advantage and then they applaud the assistance of everyone that helps so everybody who helps in my life as I'm going through whatever I'm going through on the road to my success my happiness my delight I'm gonna make sure that I applaud them God and I applaud those people who will help me now so today's lesson we're going to look at a revolutionary perspective on family if I say family Romans chapter 12 Romans chapter 2 you might want to put your rip in here in Matthew I mean as we leave Matthew because Jesus is saying that if a person gets ready to build a house it needs to build it on a solid foundation and that solid foundation we understand of course is the rock of God's love with rock of Revelation knowledge down on the rock of Revelation not understanding what God says about my situation if I won't build my life based on that and run my life based on that I cannot fail because the rains will come storms will come misunderstandings will come but if I have built my life built my marriage built my family or built my understanding of this Christian walk based on the Word of God even though the storms have come when everything is over I'll still be standing amen all right now watch this there in Romans chapter 12 if I say it's time to renew your mind all right right I want you to renew your mind because we're gonna eliminate all excuses first because every you know if you are in you if you have the opportunity to interact with anybody family or none family you always have the potential of misunderstanding everybody no that's right yeah okay so you may be in a situation where you have some misunderstanding with family how many know that that does happen yeah you can misunderstand things with family man and that may be some cold treatment Garant going on right now you understand and but you're in the right place we're gonna we're gonna show you we're going to show you it's gonna be all right that's some of you you know you don't even know your family we're adopted you understand and you're walking around here with this idea that maybe you're not worth as much somebody didn't want you and all that sort of thing but you understand you you were planned by God amen amen amen and we're gonna get that out of your head to it right verse one says I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God to present your bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service and verse 2 as I know verses verses says and be not conformed in this world please underline that because that is the fight that we have now more than anything is the the being conformed to the world's ideology in the world's philosophy on everything we're bombarded with it in school we're bombarded with it over the media we're bombarded with it everywhere we look in turn you go to a movie and they're promoting an ally on ideology they're a philosophy that is really contrary to the Word of God and we got to understand how to weed through that and not be conformed to the world but they each transform how by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is a good acceptable and perfect will of God so our first point is the divine perspective on the family experience that is there are things that God has designed for us that should come through a biological families but they may not come through that because the family hold the whole family experiences is very very dynamic God obligates himself to to bring you to a place of fulfillment because he has a plan for every individual go with me buy-bust Ephesians chapter 2 I want you to see this that God would not allow others to hijack your fulfillment he will not allow others to hijack your fulfillment what do you mean by that okay it would be good to be born into the family that you see on television you know the Huxtables are you know going back generations you know Ward Cleaver be your daddy your and stand it's done something oh you know what that that's believed it to be for you understand I mean you know you know be good to have that but that's that's not the way it is that's not reality amen but but if that's been pushed down your thinking as reality when you feel handicapped because you didn't have that it and maybe you were you grew up in a one parent home you understand a single-parent home and that was not a father that maybe not a mother there for whatever reason and you feel deprived because you did not have that ideal situation and so if you get caught up in that then it's gonna handicap you and you in your thinking long term but I gotta understand that God has a plan I say God has a plan for my life yeah that I am not here by mistake I'm not the product of my parents passion I'm the product of the purpose of God if I said the purpose of God so in Ephesians chapter 2 verse 10 it says we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them now like the amplified of that because it says for we are God's own handiwork his workmanship recreated in Christ Jesus born anew that we may do the good works which God had produced in' planned beforehand oh my god if I said playing beforehand and that is what is so important is that you've got to you've got to renew your mind that you are not an accident that you were planned beforehand you were in the mind of God you existed in the mind of God in the plan of God before you were ever born so you were born at the right time you were born in the right place and you got to understand that God's got his hand on your life everybody said God's got his hand on my life all right watch this watch this watch this it says there predestined planned ahead for a part for us taking pass that he prepared ahead of time that we should walk in them living the good life which he prearranged and made ready for us to live so the amplified gives us some insight into this that God has arranged a good life for all of us and we've got to find that good life and walk in it because it's the prepared plan that he has for us but in order to get into this prepared plan we've got that because Vibe says as a man thinketh so is he we got to deal with our thought life so this whole lesson is about changing your perspective that God will not let anybody hijack your fulfillment now I know that word hijack is kind of a cultural word you understand but Jeff I think y'all will understand it don't you yeah he's not going anybody let anybody can to cap and steal from you so if I didn't have a father about it says God says I'll be a father to the fatherless which means that which a father should have given you he'll make sure that you still get it you may get it from somebody else but the point is that you get it but if you get hung up that you didn't come through your biological father then you're gonna live your life handicapped of your own choosing hallelujah amen amen so the Bible says make a note of this Colossians chapter 2 and verse 14 it says we are complete in him if I say complete in him oh hey y'all excuse me this is mother Johnson SSST she's uh you know the pastor I grew up under you know this is it's his wife and I didn't see yeah I was looking for you don't man all right man all right got no ever time see here I'm gonna do that I guess they tell you I've been hoping a little bit they take yeah they told me I've been hoop a little bit yeah you know and my style of hooping bob was from her husband you know needs to call me little OCD understand in the day and so uh but that's it I don't think one for the date Oh hallelujah Amen good to see you amen I love her amen amen amen the lady Bridget and I we were we were together because of them of her I called him so many times he he just seven listen to me yeah and they were just love Oh amen and then some of the children in our church now and so I'm just so deeply honored that after be following that pastor I mean they're dead all these years that they would come and be a part of our ministry you man amen mmm-hmm I see that's gonna fit into my lesson too it really is because family because I was like a part of their family I mean I mean I remember many of Christmas I was over there putting their toe as together and all that song but see that's the whole point you gotta understand and that's that's that's part of the lesson is that family is more than the biological family that you have imma gonna jump on that point well I want just jump on that point and that is the family it's more of family ministry than family setting see if I if I if I if I have this think in a family setting alone and I don't have the traditional family setting then it is possible that I could feel robbed of what I was supposed to get through family but the way God has it is it is more of family ministry in other words he will raise the other people who will be for me what biological family could have been for me you got it or add two because it doesn't necessarily mean that you know that that that biological family was not there how many got extended families other people you look got a good family but other people that you love Amen that you could set a family amen well that's God's all in God's plan saying if you see it that way now you're not hung up on your pass you're not hung up that daddy wasn't there to go to this thing that any other you're not hung up on it because you understand God always had somebody there to do for me what family ministry was supposed to do for me so I have four types of family relationships number one I call it I in a previous lesson I call it the congenial family but I like don't call it this time the clan family not with a cave with a seat and when you look it up is talking about those by blood land my blood so that's half family that's blood line secondly I have my Christian family my Christian family that when I get born again I'm accepted into a Christian family like I'm my Christian family is so bright so broad it's worldwide I go to Africa my family is there we were we were in China this year and then the interpreter began to talk to us tell us that she was a born-again Christian that's a communist nation and she says I'm justice this right you must stir you got it the Christian family so when you receive Jesus Christ as your Savior you've just expanded your family base then when you join a church you have a church family abouts a church family now this church family is a local spiritual family that you that you step into because of membership because of membership and fellowship so maybe you did not know your biological family you may be somewhat strange to them but thank god you're in a good church and you have a good family and then now that family unit in the church is really what you make of it I mean you can be a standard office person but we still love me you still in the family or you get involved the law involved you are in the church in the in the various activities the more family feel you have all right and then there other what I call covenant families and these are covenant families while various networks and groups fraternities gangs even or fellowships governed by official or unofficial agreements so then when I got to renew my mind that when it comes to family I am not limited to just those in my biological family amen now God has a purpose for family has a purpose for family government your Bibles to proverbs chapter 22 he has a purpose for family his purpose is that family be there to guide me and to train me family should be there to guide me and train me so in all of these various types of family venues I should be receiving guidance and training amen so there in proverbs chapter 22 a very familiar passage and verse 6 it says train up a child and the we should go and when he's old you'll not depart for men so I understand that training should take place in that family setting training should take place in the family setting all right Noren Bibles to Joshua chapter 24 and verse 15 because from it I understand Joshua says as for me and my house will serve the Lord so in the family setting I should be guided toward learning the fear of God and learning how to honor God that's the purpose of family amen so are you there in Joshua chapter 15 just one I want you to see that Joshua chapter 24 I'm sorry in verse 15 I asked for me in my house he says Joshua was there they had just about to go on that they've gone into the promised land he's making this bold statement there in verse 15 it says if it seem evil to you to serve the Lord choose you this day whom you serve whether the gods which your father's served are on the other side of the flood of the guise of them right then whose land you dwell but as for me and my house what are we going to do so the Lord now remember we're talking about house we're not talking about a physical structure but we're saying that my house will be a house that honors God amen and that's a decision that you have to make that your house your family would be a family that honors God God has a divine purpose so to teach me the fear of God to teach me the philosophy of living by faith number three this purpose of the family is to provide me the emotional nurturing that I need I'm an emotional creature and I need emotional nurturing and that comes through the family one of the family venues it's ideal for God for that to come through my to my biological family but it may not so if it doesn't come to my biological family that's okay God's got another way he'll bring it through to me another way and this merchant I need assurance I need somebody to assure me I need acceptance so even if you're rejected by biological family god I have another family except you amen whether it's a church family a covenant family you know a Christian family somebody else will accept because I need acceptance affirmation I need to be affirmed I need adventure I need acknowledgement now we're gonna teach on all of these these emotional needs and then individually but I'm just giving you them now as we give you the scope of this teaching I need affection and I need allegiance all right family also should provide these are seven things never one is to teach me the fear of God and honor God number two is that teach me the philosophy of living my faith I need to learn living the faith living the Word of God for family number three the nurturing of our basic emotional needs number four I need the protections during times of vulnerability from family when I can't protect myself I need to have people protect me amen praise the Lord you know there there are situations that occur of course my aim family I have to have family of pastors and there are times when they go through challenges and as they go through those challenges you know I'll stand up and I'll protect them I'd stand up and then tell all other preachers across the country you leave them alone that's the end my family and if you mess with them come on now yes indeed and they'll back off you understand because you need somebody you need family that protects you and say I learned this from my biological family we all stand together you follow me and that's that's kind of the lesson mama told us you know in India hey now see that be violent let me go back to that violent nature mama wasn't gonna stand for us and letting somebody us standing on the sidelines in one of my brother's so she could be there okay okay see no we already know if one come home beat up both of them have to come on beat up you want you'll come over tell the story no okay y'all can deal with that violent nature I understand that no just my upbringing praise the Lord Amen all right he got it all the control all right now so so we need protection from family amen we need protection from family power family makes a mistake and they need to know I mean they need to know that I can find protection number two number five is they need forgiveness and restoration upon genuine genuine repentance and that is as you know the prodigal knew that if I genuinely repent I'm gonna be accepted and we need to know that because you know being like we are we're all prone to make mistakes but I've handled my mistake is going to determine you follow me whether family will restore me if I held it right I gotta believe least a Christian family will restore me amen amen amen all right family also should wear survives provide support and encouragement to excel and achieve support and encouragement to excel and achieve and we'll get that from from from several family venues and we thank God for that you know my momma shoot mommy she was a she was my cheerleader you understand my mother was amen and read pastor Johnson he was my cheerleader he was my chillier got it and so I got so many other people around me who gave me that you follow me because that was only so far my father told me says almost so far I can take you son because he realized he told me my brother he says I only have a sixth grade education said people were coming to your life to help you and he said don't waste that time what is it he's opening me up now understand I wouldn't be getting encouragement and I would be getting you know support from outside of that biological family so I can't start throwing rocks at my daddy cuz my daddy didn't understand preaching he wasn't a preacher you follow me my dad went to preach it if I love if my heard daddy just has been featured I could just have some of his nose the freaks from italeri from I'd be better creature than them come on now but you see you can find a handicap I like you find a rock to crawl under if you want to I'm saying when we expand I'm thinking we're gonna look and say oh my god look I wasn't in that family but I learned something from that family and then instead of having excuses and and and and and trying to pull him pull you know pull the world over your shoulder and cry you go oh my God has been good to me you follow me God has been good me even those you better you were adopted thank God you got adopted and you were adopted into a good family hallelujah amen amen all right then number seven you need a place where you can make a contribution into the lives of others so it's not all me taking but in family I'm to be a giver as well amen all right now God uses families he uses families for his own purposes that ears he will use a family line to do something with and I when I read this I got all excited gonna end and because you could see it you know people see how my family supports me and ministry and how we are ministry already because God showed me this years ago then and I told my kids were growing up calling his own family the calling is not just on me but not everybody's not gonna do what I'm gonna do but everybody on his family ought to be a part of supporting and advance in the work of God and that's the universal purpose of all of our families is that we are so courting the work of God in some way that's why you make your kids come to church you don't ask them you make them come hallelujah come out you're gonna be free they're gonna be free to make their own choices okay that kind of that kind of philosophy got us where we are right now okay okay ask them if they want to go to school you don't give them that choice then why because you believe that education is critical for that success when you believe they God consciousness is critical for that success then the option that whether they want to go is out the door you go because it is my responsibility as your parent to train you in the faith of God because I got a promise from God that if I'll do it now when you're old you will not depart from it didn't say you weren't strayed and say you wouldn't have to go through your dumb days but I believe you're coming back because I put the right stuff in you okay amen amen all right now in the Bible we can see and I grow as I studied by of course God used David and his family God used Jesus and his family God uses Moses and his family most people don't understand Moses Aaron and Miriam they were brothers and sisters I mean a host hold immense submission emancipation movement was led by family and God use Abraham Isaac and Jacob a family of I say family I mean I mean the first pastor of the New Testament church was Jesus brother mmm hallelujah over in the Old Testament David needed a chief psalmist and his chief psalmist that he they he selected a mechanoid evident 1st chronicles 15 was a guy named Haman or Haman and Haman was selected by David as his chief musician musician and he had 14 sons and 3 daughters and all of them were singers 300 years later his descendants was still functioning in that office of singing God used his family good person that saying God is using my family too some of you guys said by fate but that's alright amen amen all right now so now let's look at says family is so important now let's look at the devious pitfalls of the family experience because the devil knows how important family is for you we just talked about these seven things that you need so the devil does he works overtime to try to undermine you getting these things from any of those family venues so that you can go and grow up crippled and handicapped emotionally but if I know what the devil is trying to do and I've spotted and I can identify it then I won't let that bother me amen all right so in Matthew chapter 24 Matthew chapter 24 go that verse 43 I think we get that real quickly and if you're 24:43 because i'm gonna identify these pitfalls because these are things now a roadblocks and science I'm gonna put in my mind so when I see him as a uh-huh that's all that's all that is is is is a is when these things that was trying to do to keep me from in being enriched by family for causing me to be a stumbling block to my family and I'm not going to do it if I say not going to do it all right look at verse 43 verse 43 it says but notice that if a good man if the good man of the house had known in what watch the thief would come he would have watched and would have suffered his house not to be broken up so it says if you know what the devil is up to you won't let him do it if you know his strategy to destroy your marriage you don't let him do it so that's some things we just need to know and so if I could highlight these things and know what these things are I can keep these things from disrupting God's plan for family right here's what the devil does number one he works two more individuals in family tomorrow they're thinking of responsibilities in other words when a person de Cates their responsibility as a reason why he does out of ignorance or it's intentional in other words I'm supposed to do something but I don't do it you follow me well that's that's it that's one of the tools that the double uses he gets a person trying to justify now all mine why they should abandon or have to keep their responsibilities number two what the devil does he works through individual esteem issues to make it difficult to receive from others that is see that some people just I don't teach them this they just want to be a victim now I just said all of this about how God's gonna help you doubt another but then there's some folk they just know you did no no no no just stop you don't understand so you understand you were the preachers you don't understand you don't stand what I've been through here I'm trying to tell you how God will help you he'll step into your situation you follow me and I'm trying to show you a better way no no no I got I got I got to handle this I got to go over this I'm not trying to make fun of people but I'm telling you I sit down and talk to people spend an hour with them showing them in the Word of God God's plan anything and that's I finished in it you want to start a set there and then they go through the whole little regiment about how hard has been and dotted out of that and you can't get to them big person s it don't be that way don't be they're going yeah but but it's in this thing issue and we're gonna talk about how to be because for you to be valuable in your family you've got to understand your value and so that's why I'm going to be teaching probably next we could probably probably about your self esteem because that's going to put put you in a place where you can receive from others so you will get rid of that victim mentality because you know more than anybody the thing the deficits in your life be men and you're high like them if we let you I'm gonna let you all right number three he works through anti through an anti job social order to undermine God's plan the Bible says there's a way that seemed to the right to a man but the end thereof are the ways of death and destruction can we put that message Bible translation up in proverbs 14 and 12 we've put the message Bible translation that's a culture that teaches that there are no absolutes we live in a social culture that promotes do what feels good and it challenges God's right to have anything to say over my life so all of that works to my detriment what were you and I have to understand and have to come to grips with is that there are absolutes that God does have a plan amen so in progress chapter 14 do we have a message translation all right watch this oh I love this all right there is a way of life that looks harmless enough look again please yes indeed go to the next verse to the next verse next verse next verse next verse sure those people appear to be having a good time but all that laughter will end in heartbreak shift and weigh every word amen amen now some people needed to see that because you're looking over at the fence at the green grass and it ain't that green I'm telling you hallelujah now so here those pitfalls so I cannot let the devil do this I've got to understand that for me to have the quality of life that God wants me to have I cannot mismanage my relationships I cannot miss me everybody say can i mismanage my relationships go to Luke chapter 6 by final passage here for today because there's a sovereign promise that could that's contained for the family experience that God's going to have people in my family to pray for me that's a promise that family prays for me I say family prays family not only praise my family partners with me family pushes me family's passionate toward me they protect me they provide for me they're patient with me but I've got to make the step toward strengthen my family my family relationship I make that step by my own effort now in Luke chapter 6 we're going to find a different version of what we read in Matthew chapter of chapter a chapter 7 earlier but I'm on close with this because I've got to be willing to dig down deep alright first 46s verse 47 ones who suffer come to me and here is my saying and do with them I will show you to whom he's like he's like a man which built a house when a house is a metaphoric list for a family and dig deep and laid the foundation on a rock and when the flood came and when the flood came not if whenever I said William alright and this vehemently upon that house it could not shake it for it was founded upon around nine several things he would close with he are the Savior's instructions there by say a savers instruction alright saves instruction is what's at play here is a selection of ideologists well what's what are you gonna live by what are you gonna watch what are you gonna let guide your thinking are you gonna let the Word of God guide your thinking with somebody building it on a rock building on something solid now when you're looking television there are many other ideologists that are pulling for your attention to capture your thinking and all of them are not God based or spiritually based and just because somebody say something spiritual doesn't mean in Scripture but Jesus says the person who will dig deep who were put forth to fo which means this person is making a serious investment if I say serious investment yeah I'm rarely I'm where I'm where I am because one day I decided to make a serious investment I decided that I was going to build my house based on the Word of God built my family based on the Word of God my life based on the Word of God because storms are inevitable something is going to come to attempt to shake you and once I understand that that that's the part of life I'm not gonna feel singled out because I understand that's a part of it but if I've taken the time and made the investment to find out what God's Word says and over this next few weeks that we're gonna do because I'm gonna have you where you're ready where you're gonna develop even if you're in a dysfunctional situation you don't know how to develop and how to adapt how to dominate and have delight in it cuz that's the will of God it's to what I understand family that God's gonna raise up somebody to be for me what I need for me when I need them to be then I'm not gonna be lamenting and crying over somebody who walked out of my life who did not want the experience that they could have had with me and neither not gonna punish everybody else for something that somebody in that immaturity has done to me because the storms will come but the Bible says listen that that that that that because it was built on a rock it could not be shaken everybody said could not be shaken so it means shaking is impossible it's impossible to shake my to shake my shake me to the point where I don't have my joy shake me to the point I don't have my peace shake me to the point where I won't have family I'm gonna have me a family I mean I have too many options to have family I gotta have a non-christian family I got my biological family you following me I got my church family I got another covenant relationship I'm surrounded by family and what I understand that if I say it's time to share the love oh my god that's what we're gonna do we're gonna share the love why I can't afford to I can afford to because I'm in rich because of family whenever we get a message the question is what are we going to do with it whatever whenever you get a message because right now we shaking you to the point where I don't care what kind of family relationship you're going through you ought to have hope that hey things can be better we're gonna show you how to try to make things better with the family if you got some confusion you follow me but even if they don't want to you gonna go on with your life or you listen I'm in like the prodigal sons father told ya not told his brother now you come on back to the party but if you don't party going on and it's not going to steal your job because you know you've done everything you could do but the sister the point is what are you going to do with the message because today the message that you received misses God put all my heart of our family because we're looking at them they are totally different I mean you got to be able to make a strong commitment to your biological family a strong commitment to the family of God the whole reason that there's not a lot of mission workers because nobody sees the people across the world who need to out there who needed help they don't see them as family it's as a picture a man and then more commitment in your church because we're family as I said we're family choice number one it's to be like Gideon when the angel comes and gives him a word Gideon said who me everybody say yes you second choice is the choice of the king agrippa king agrippa choice was not now you know he says you know possible present the Jesus to him and says you know will you come to the Lord he said yeah later on and there's some people who are so satisfied and stuck where they are they don't want to change or you it could be like the rich young ruler rich young ruler says you must be good Jesus says hey if you want to follow me sell what you have get to know he said you got to be or can be like Mary when Jesus when the Angels come and tells Mary hey you're gonna have a son and his name gonna be Jesus and he's gonna save the world and I know your version and you've never known a man and but hey the Holy Spirit's going over shouting you and this thing that's gonna happen is gonna be awesome and the Holy Spirit waited and the angel waited and she said bring it home be it unto me according that I would and that is what I'm believing is going to happen to you there were all of the family issues that you've been through foking your family that you're mad with angry with all the relationships that have been broken you're gonna say okay preacher bring it on I want God's Word I want his best for my life and just like Peter when he goes back into a failed situation but this time he goes with the word he says that I word I will and he will he succeeded I believe that you're gonna have the most fulfilling family life at the end of this series then you've had in a long long time you're gonna look on Sundays when you come you go understand I'm not just going to church I'm going to meet with family when you're in your circle of like groups that we have it's going to be different now because we're not going to be a strange and alienated when we look at each other we understand we're family amen amen it's about father we thank you for this word it's fallen on the ground
Channel: New Light Church Video
Views: 20,911
Rating: 4.7522125 out of 5
Keywords: New Light Church, New Light Christian Center, Bishop IV Hilliard, Bishop Hilliard, Christianity (Religion)
Id: VP3iSyBvASg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 4sec (2584 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 12 2013
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