B's Girls Mentorship Enrichment Academy Presents - College Prep Course

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well hello and welcome to bees girls mentoring and empowerment academy it's pastor bridget and i want to encourage you to like and share to us tell somebody you're watching it's live i had to cut my volume off make sure you like and share tell somebody that we're on and just in the last few moments we decided that this would be a great opportunity not just for young ladies but for young men as well and so if you know a young man or a young lady between the ages of 13 to 19 our first year in college encourage them to join us today for this meet academy uh it's going to be great it's going to be inspiring and today's topic is on college preparation this is a actually a 12 month course it's monthly every month on the first saturday of the month we'll be coming on with different topics and different things for you to be a part of so i really want to encourage you to make sure you like and share tell somebody and of course you will get the opportunity to get a certification a certificate at the end um it's definitely something that you want to make sure that you're a part of and so that you can join and be a part of so i encourage you to do that go ahead like and share let me know that you're watching tell me where you're watching from i see uh joe wiggins is watching i see shayla fuston is watching and so let's get these numbers up before we go to the next part of this again it's bee's girls foundation you can watch us on new lights page you can share it from new lights page you can share from these girls page or you can watch us on instagram hello lakisha thank you so much for watching hello claudia woods from los angeles california awesome if you're watching outside of texas let me know where you're watching from so i can shout you out real quick and again this is hello taylor thanks for watching on your mom's page uh from um taylor washington hello miss swatanya girls here in houston watching hello treska thank you all hello uh zenovia from richmond texas hello lamisha thank you for sharing um and again let me just say one more time uh initially it was uh we thought about it for being for girls 13 to 19 years old and then just a few moments ago as we were discussing it we were talking about how it could benefit so many young men as well and so if you know a young man that's in that age group why don't you encourage them to watch as well today's topic as i said is on college preparation we're going to talk about how you can be prepared and get ready for college hello lauren what thank you for watching hello from saint kitts in the caribbean hello from fayetteville north carolina miss cassandra thank you for watching make sure you guys sharing it with others hello kkk katie from detroit michigan thank you for watching hello georgia rose thank you for watching um and of course let me just once again talk about what's going to happen today today is about college prep today is also going to be a day where you can if you haven't signed up you can sign up to be a part of the mentoring academy it's uh text it bmea to 71441 that's bmea2714441 and as you're listening today i want you to pay close attention to the topics that's being shared because you'll be given a quiz and then that quiz once you make a certain score on the quiz you'll get a certification letting you know that you completed the course for that day if you complete all 12 courses then of course we have something very special we're going to do for you so i really want to encourage you to get as many young people as possible to be a part of it hello camellia i see you out there watching from houston hello brianna thank you for watching hello uh andre thank you for watching hello audrey hello chrissy from atlantic city new jersey hello nikki what thank you for watching hello um janice leblanc thank you for watching from here in houston texas so like and share like and share tell other people that we're on encourage them to watch and i'm going to introduce one of our council members to you right now um her name is miss demesha deflora and demesha has worked extremely hard i came up with this idea i think what maybe about a month ago that we wanted to do a me academy uh so we could mentor young people and tell them how they could do better in life and so demesha and the team the council members demesha felicia karen tamika all of them they've been working extremely hard to make sure we got an opportunity to get this information out to you and to get this ready so demesha welcome so glad you're here thank you i'm so excited to be here yes so i see selena's watching i see miss linda collins daughters watching she says she's 12 which is perfect she can watch as well you know a lot of times people are always asking me how can i get involved in these girls what can i do to get involved wait this is your opportunity to get involved this is your opportunity to uh start out by you know hey let me get my daughter involved now and then now we said hey with the academy get your sons involved as well and so um i know a lot of parents are jumping up for joy that we decided to ask the young men to get involved as well because you know the information we're going to be sharing over the next 12 months is going to be information that's universal so it's for boys and girls so how do you feel about the mentoring academy demesha uh how if you were let's say if you were 15 how would you feel about something like this being being exposed to something like this well first of all i am so excited about the academy in general and if i was 15 years old i think that it would be most valuable because uh you only have so much time with your counselors at your school and um the information that you need isn't always available to you and there are many times in my life uh even as a teenager when i gleaned information from different individuals from my friends and that sort of thing but to have it concentrated in a way where first of all it's free let's not forget that and then second of all is very credible and valuable information because what we are presenting here are we're bringing the best to the table to give this information to you and we want to hold your hand as you walk through these processes and your development if i was 15 i would think it was so valuable and i would really be excited to be a part of it amen and would you tell your friends and everybody that you know to get on board and make sure that they're watching make sure that they're a part of it i'm not 15 and i'm telling my friends right now because i have friends who have children who know children that are 15 or that are 13 to 19 even if you don't have kids or even if it's just a cousin or you know a niece or nephew we need to do everything that we can as the village that surrounds our children to make sure that they have the information that they need to be successful in life and bees girls me academy will be your partner in that yeah absolutely so let's talk about some of the things that are coming up um after today like what's what's going to what's going to be our topics coming up in the next couple of months we have some exciting topics of course today we're going to be talking about college prep because it's that season we want to make sure you're equipped with the information that you need and then there's going to be entrepreneurship there are so many students who can begin their businesses now you don't have to wait until you're an adult and we're going to give you the information that you need to stir up the gifts that are on the inside of you then we're going to be talking about dating and if there is anybody who can give instruction on that it's the christian right you want christians in your children's life to give instructions on these topics visions and goals will be in january and we'll be doing vision boarding and you know making sure that you have a vision for your life and then personal development leadership development and financial literacy and and what i can say don't miss one of them don't miss any of them every session is going to be crucial for your development right right and you know uh demesha i want to just really encourage them to sign up you know don't just watch it here but go ahead and sign up by texting bmea to 71441 because as i said you're going to go through the course today and then you'll be tested you'll get a little quiz we're going to put the link in there so you can get the quiz and then you'll take the test and then once you take the test you get a certificate to show that you've completed it and again it's open for young men and young women because i think valuable information for both and so get your sons around the computer get your daughters around the computer it's going to be a great day it's going to be some great information that we're going to share with you and this first one i'm really really excited about it because one of our council members uh tamika roberson who i'm going to introduce in just a moment tamika actually went out and researched and found the person who's actually going to be the presenter today who's dr ebony um she's going to be presenting and this is her field of expertise so we're not just bringing you the information without having somebody who's who is expert at the field that we're talking about so definitely want to encourage you again to like and share tell somebody tell your sons tell your daughters get on so that they can see get the information so it can benefit them not just today but in the future as well and then of course if your child is just 13 this is information that they're going to need for the future and then of course if they're a junior or senior in college this is the time they need to start preparing and getting ready for college getting ready so that they can have the information that they need so let's like it let's share let's tell everybody thank you miss ella she's making sure that uh i think she said that tavia charles is thank you for the opportunity yes we're so excited that you're joined uh claudia thank you for watching um darius thank you for watching thank you for your love and everybody if everybody on here would just share with somebody else that would help us to make sure that we get the word out to other people so let's uh bring mr mika roberson on and she's going to introduce our presenter for today you're on mute meek i should know better try it again good morning everyone as dr bridget said my name is tanika roberson and as an educator for over 17 years i know firsthand the importance of our students have the ability to extend their academic journey past high school so i'm very excited to have dr ebony mayo mitchell uh speak with them today but i want to tell you a little bit about dr ebony she is an advocate for college choice and historically black college universities she attended johnson c smith university where she earned a bachelor's of arts and mass communication and a minor in sports management dr mayo mitchell also attended howard university where she received a master's of arts in mass communication media studies and a master's in education in education administration and policy she also obtained a terminal degree and higher education administration phd program at morgan state university and dr ebony's focus is on increasing enrollment numbers and just helping students and people make the right choice in institutions so as you can tell from her bio she is an expert in this field and i think we're really going to be blessed and she's going to make an immediate impact on the students who are watching this video today so without further ado i introduce you to dr ebony mayo mitchell hello dr ebony thank you so much and you have the stage now to do what you do best good morning good morning and thank you again for having me this morning thank you screen really quickly good morning everybody today like they said we're going to be talking about tackling the college admission process post pandemic this college admission process has become more complicated being that we were in the house for about 18 months right so we're just going to talk dive right into what do we need to do to be successful in this process they've already told you a little bit about me so in the chat wherever you are please drop the most confusing thing about planning or applying for college during the pandemic what do you what's so confusing for you take about 30 seconds if anybody sees anything please shout it out did anyone see anything in the chats no answers okay great so we're going to discuss everything so maybe it's not confusing yet because maybe you haven't started but we're gonna make sure you get started now okay so we all know that in high school we have certain things that we have to require and the admission factors are very important when looking at colleges so your grades and your course selection making sure that you're on a college track no matter if you know if you're what school you're going to attend in the future you want to make sure you're on a college track does that mean i have to be in all ap and iv classes no you just have to be in the prerequisites to go to college like your algebra algebra 2 and geometry biology all those different grade classes make sure you have your four englishes if the college says three foreign languages make sure you have them some say two just have to pay attention how do i know this pick any institution in the country and look at their requirements and you can um you can see it from there so that's a good thing to look maybe you look at your local school like university of houston or texas southern i heard some people from jersey so maybe you look at rutgers or uc davis i heard from california as well also next thing you have is your standardized test do i have to take the s.a.t or act no a lot of schools are still tests optional so that means you have to decide if you're going to take it or not should i submit my scores if i got somewhere under a thousand that's another decision you have to make for yourself i would say no i would not submit my scores if i am under a thousand but i might take it again and get over a thousand and submit because that's where your merit-based money what's merit-based money that relates to uh money related to your scores and your tests also extracurricular activities you want to make sure that you're in something something you care about do you need to be in everything on your campus no you don't have to um get in every single club that they have but you do want to have some things that show that you're a well-rounded candidate and the biggest piece is your essay since the test optional the essay has become more important than ever so you're going to make sure you answer that essay question we're going to dig into that deeply today and then your recommendations your letter of recommendations you don't want to have generic letters of recommendation that says please admit this student because they'll be an asset to your campus no you want to um you want letters they say um this student did x y and z and this is why they should be admitted to your institution okay so you're gonna give those uh counselors teachers uh mentors a brag sheet to let them know what to say about you okay so when we think about college oh there's so many colleges there's about 45 000 um accredited institutions in this country so things we need to consider when uh choosing college are one our field of study what do we want to study maybe you don't know yet so maybe you pick three things that you're interested in then special interest maybe you um only want to go to a school that's uh affiliated with your church um or the uh the nomination of your church maybe athletics maybe i'm not an athlete but i do want to see football every saturday campus life what do people do on the weekends and at night the size of the institution big small uh immediate medium location rural does it have to be in the city can it be far away from home or do i need to be close i need to be a drive away from my mom or dad is it public or private public and private matter because of the cost of the institution then you think about the reputation of the institution the graduation rate do people graduate in four to six years guys not do they just graduate but in four to six years because your parents only want to pay for four to six years retention do students return from freshman to sophomore year that's very important because if students are not returning why do i want to go to an institution where people always leave it and selectivity do they admit students when you think about schools like harvard university they only have a six percent um acceptance rate so that means about four thousand applications and they only um only take in about 300 so think about the selectivity of the institution also financial aid thinking about determining the cost of this institution and i think i'm trying to get work study uh what am i going to do to pay for this and scholarships so now we have all those things we're thinking about right we have so many things that we need to put process and that was so much in like two minutes but we got to create this list and how do we break this list up we're going to put some safety schools and i'm not going to give a specific school because it might be somebody's dream school but a safety school is some school that you can automatically say you kind of can get into and you won't mind going maybe it's your neighborhood school maybe the school is like down the street from your home and you don't really want to go there because your mom's too close but you don't mind going there so that might be your safety school not saying do about one some people do two target schools you want to have about two to four schools that you know if i got in i would be excited to enter this campus i match they ask for a 3.0 i have a 3.0 they ask for xyz on the sat or act i have all these things and then that reach school that reach school you have you're a little off so maybe you have a 3.0 and they want a 3-2 is their average gpa and so if i get in i possibly will go but it's a little bit of a reach okay so that's how we break up our list so everybody should start to create their list of schools will my list change from year to year yes but if you're a senior you need to start holding down that list to under 15 schools you don't want to be like those people on instagram with 50 schools around them uh because that's a hard decision to make when you have that many schools and you're holding up a spot from someone else when you haven't told these institutions you're not coming so all those people that get added to waitlist are waiting for you to make a decision and tell them okay so you want to have about 10 schools on your list when do i start to apply great question so you have early decision early action and regular decision enrolling admissions i'm gonna focus on the second one of early action because early action means you start applying be from now to november 15th okay this decision is not binding when you pick early admission so you can early action when you apply to these institutions you are able to make your decision by may 1st there is no limit on the amount of applications you can put in under early action the reason why people do early action and want to apply early is because there's more scholarship money available key thing there's more scholarship money available so when you get into the regular decision um time period you're getting the leftover money that someone did not claim from early action so you are already at a down for um at a loss at that point enrolling admission is just at the end it might the school might accept up until the day classes start you don't want to kind of be in that category unless you have a financial need and we all understand things happen the reason why i did not focus on early decision when you get on these applications make sure you do not press this because the decision is binding meaning you're you are accepted you are coming to this institution no matter what so if they tell you that the institution called 70 000 and they gave you no a you still have to figure out how to pay that tuition so you never click early decision and when you get on these application um uh platforms it'll the mark will come up in red to make sure you understand that you are picking early decision and your parent is legally responsible for this tuition so that how do we apply so we apply on these four platforms and i focus this on texas since many people are in texas so i did comment common app is the most popular way to apply for college they have about 900 institutions that participate where there's a seven question prompt where you pick one and you can uh choose all the schools that you're interested in and send the application off that way then coalition has about 150 schools and these are more this application is more for lower uh social economic status students but it also includes some of the ivs so many people use this application as well then you have common black app they have 65 schools that participate with our common black out which are hbcus you fill out their application it's a 25 fee and you can apply for these schools on there and then you have applied texas obviously i'm pretty sure your schools talk about it a lot apply taxes you choose um from the five prompts you choose uh one under each category and you apply that way rice is the only institution in texas that is not a part of applied texas so if that was the school you want to choose you still need to do that either on common app or on their regular website fafsa many black people say fast but it's fast for f-a-f-s-a that's why most people can't find it because they put the letters in a little backwards but free application for federal student aid it opened yesterday and the reason why we do this early is to make sure that you can apply for grants loans work study and merit base from that institution do i have to fill this out yes you cannot get any funding without filling this out all my parents make a lot of money that is fine but you're not able to get anything without filling this form up why is this important if my um if they're going to tell me that my estimated income is too high because when you go to the institution and need maybe 2 000 more dollars for your child to go there or for the student to go there they're going to go based on the way you submitted your fafsa first come first served when the institution gets the roll out of the money so fafsa is very important you want to do it as early as possible i didn't file my taxes yet that's fine do them soon make sure you can um upload your fafsa as soon as possible do not wait till june of senior year and do fafsa you will not receive a lot of money from that institution sad to say it goes in order so how do i look for money well you scholarship um search excuse me and you're going to think local first everyone's going to go after the large corporations and that's great you're going to go after those as well but you want to think local you're going to think about local businesses if you're a member of a church sororities and fraternities your parents employers the local government higher ed commission whatever you can think of you should google firefighters i heard um some about police all types of things you want to look for their scholarships do you have to want to be in that field to i'll get a scholarship no they'll tell you what their requirements are on there do i have to want to be in their sorority no they didn't ask you to join they asked you did you need money for college so make sure you look for those all of those local is the best way to fund your education do i have to go to school in state no they never said you had to go to school in state to get their money so make sure you look local the national websites that you should write down if you haven't or if you don't screenshot this is fast web uncf college board unigo scali which is a black app it's an app um on your phone 299 one-time fee but it has a lot of great scholarships on there scholarship.com and every major corporation like i just said like mcdonald's burger king macy's nordstroms all your stores have scholarships everybody has to give back money to students right and when you think about those stores that i just named their application is all due in november and they only give to incoming freshmen so make sure you check those things out before november so you can apply for those but you're competing against everyone in this country so think about why i said local first if you are a senior you should be submitting five to ten scholarships a month well i haven't heard back from this one you can't wait till you hear back from one to start you need to continually make it a simultaneous process of continuing to apply for scholarships the entire time until the day you walk onto that campus so the fun part essay writing nobody wants to write the essay the admission essay or scholarship essays right but here's the thing you have to right so you want to know your audience when you're picking one of these prompts you need to know who's reading so many students try to take their essay from high school and i'll train it into an admission essay that is all well and fine but make sure you know your audience so when i say that i mean that you need to remember that it's a committee readiness that does not know you when we write our english essays in school we have an intro three body paragraphs and a conclusion but the admission essay you need to get straight to the point but also you need to give back story because they don't know what you're talking about your english teacher gave you a prompt it doesn't make sense what you're writing about now so make sure you convert that answer the entirety of the prompt usually prompts have about three questions usually asking you um about personal growth what did you learn and how and how it affected you most students spend a lot of time on that first part of the question then they try to sum up the last two in three sentences but the admissions wants to see you really focus on all three components of that question to show that you're a critical thinker right and then you need to think about that you're selling yourself in a essay someone is doing this sight unseen they're trying to get to know you without seeing you okay when you're writing a scholarship essay it's a little different but you want to have a strong introduction because you want to relate to this company you want them to know that you're deserving especially if we're doing local you want to relate to things that are going on in your community so they know that like oh this student is really from here so if it was in katy texas and i want to talk about things that specific to katie because that would show up well in that essay good structure people ask me all the time can i use ime yes you can use i and me in scholarship essays and admission essays because you're talking about yourself but still organize don't have a million eyes don't start every single i would i just i that but try to make sure it uh the grammar is correct make a outline sometimes it also helps us show some emotion make sure they understand that you really would like this scholarship you're not just doing this because your mom or dad made you or the church told you to do it okay show more tell less what does that mean that means make sure that the person can close their eyes and visualize what you're talking about versus you writing every single detail when my mom took me to the store and then i picked up the cheetos and then we walked to the register no make it more conveying that it's um you're sharing this experience that you want somebody to see keep the tone positive what that means is if you're telling a sad story about someone uh passing away or something where you grew through a medical condition make sure you talk about the positive parts of it don't just bring down um the experience and make it uh very sad okay you want them to show see that you overcame this situation or you're dealing with the situation and no boring conclusions no one needs you to write in conclusion you've moved on from that stage of writing and conclusion you want to make sure this paragraph sums up everything and they are able to see who you are in these essays this is very important they want to see some people do not read all five of your paragraphs some people are going to start at the end some people will read it all the way through but remember they're reading over 2000 essays in a week so you want to jump off the page to them okay any questions i talked really fast so we can get that all done for questions how soon can you apply for scholarships um yes you can start applying for scholarships in eighth grade um there's different scholarships you need to tailor it to uh put students under 16 and you're able to look that way um you can do all those different things dorms and dual credit um dual credit you just uh you make sure you attach that transcript to the uh when you're applying to college does that institution have to accept your dual credit no they do not but most do uh equate that in the admission process um yeah so sometimes so even when you think about dual credit and tr um i'm gonna say dual credit and i'm going to a community college first sometimes that stuff is um local based so dual credit can be just look good on your transcript but if you want to go to like say university of houston from a houston high school then obviously they will accept that credit but if you want to go to a private institution across the country they might not accept that same credit so it depends on the institution you have to lean on them for uh what um for what they accept and the same thing with community college community college is set up to transfer in-state so if i go to hcc then i need to be picking a school inside of texas if i go to uh new jersey's um community college then i need to be picking a school in new jersey to uh to transfer to um dorms dorms i don't know what the question is about dorms but most colleges do have dorms i'm not sure what the question would be what's the first step in planning to go to college great question the first step is making sure that you have all those things that you're um you're thinking about where do i really want to go that would be my first step what is important to me things that are important that hey i'm from a major city i don't want to go to rural america to go to college that would be my first step can i learn in a classroom with hundreds of people or do i need to be in a school with um only 50 students do i like hbcus or do i like pwis should i apply to both what's best for me i've been around white people all my life maybe i want to be around people that look like me or maybe i've been around too many people that look like me and i need to go out go outside of that oh my college choice is out of state so following all their guidelines okay is there something to help you write the essay no there's not necessarily one thing to help you write the essay but when you get on common app or you can google different things to help you write the admission essay but the admissions essay should be your own so what we're telling students in the pandemic if you did not lose an immediate family member and or a parent lost their job um do not answer the pandemic question because we all were affected by the pandemic but they wanted that question is geared towards students who have lost parents or loss of income in the household that's changing the reason why you're going on why you're applying for different types of scholarships and these types of schools um so make sure you think about that um other ways to answer questions do not write the common story like don't write a story about the time you went on a class trip or to sleep over or um if i could cure homelessness those are common essays that people do not want to hear about at all because they want you to think a little bit more creative now if you do want to cure homelessness or cure cancer what would you do give it to them like maybe you don't know every aspect but you're telling them more about what you would do uh in that situation versus i want to do these things i do plan to attend college for free that's great oh how do you plan to attend college for free applying for scholarships and merit based money most of your money can come from an institution depending on your grades what's the best essay you read that's a hard question i read a lot of good essays i read a lot of bad ones but we get them together um there's not a specific outline each student is different on the story they want to share on their essay um what if your sat score is good enough to get into school but if it's not what you want to already take in okay um do not take the sat more than um five times it doesn't look good each one shows up uh that just just stop you've done your best um don't listen to anyone that tells you to take the sxc more than five times maybe you need to switch to a ct um if you want to try a different test because the act allows science and it gives you another opportunity to cut down maybe on that math if that's your week's um your weaker subject um from atl wants to go to texas southern um just look at the requirements for texas texas southern see if you can get in i mean with a thousand at texas um something you can probably still get in i don't know about the scholarship money piece of that right off the top of my head we'll have to look i think i got up all the questions if you see something i've been ladies um what scholarships can you apply for if you're in eighth grade they're asking that i guess same scholarships right they're the same websites you should look at scholarship.com fast with all of them that you have to put in the category of the age limit i would say put in under 16. like i said i can't give you the ones off hand because they're not that many um to apply to when you're in the eighth grade but when you are 14 and 15 there are a lot more and then 16 obviously a lot awesome but i would also when you're seeing them as your uh if you're a parent asking that question make an excel sheet because they um the dates don't usually change the year just changes so you can already have a list of what you need to do when you get to those next years dr ebony possibly for that dorm question they asked i don't know what they were asking but i will say firsthand if you do get accepted into a university i would sign up for housing as soon as possible because we know that sometimes the better dorms might go quickly so possibly that might help them with that dorm question whoever asked that yeah um with the dorm question also that goes uh it ties into when you tell the institution you're going to attend that one so the common courtesy is after you get i've been accepted to several institutions and you decide you're going to texas southern you need to tell howard spelman rice whoever you are not coming you pay your deposit at texas other and then you can sign up for that dorm you cannot do it until you say i am coming and you send that check that check is the the way they know you're coming and then you send these uh emails to the rest of these places saying hey thank you for the offer i am not attending and that moves people up from the waitlist so they can go to their dream school great well i see a lot of comments from people saying such a great presentation and it definitely was dr ebony you did an amazing job and i want to encourage those of you who are watching that you can still like and share this will stay up here for an hour and then after this they can go to be girlfoundation.com remember there is a quiz that's out there you can take the test um dustin's going to put the link there the link for the test is available for one hour you can go there and click the link take the test and then you'll get a certificate after the hour then this entire presentation will be on the bees girls website and will stay up there for a while for those of you who like to uh include some other people so they can learn about it know about it and they can also text uh b m e a to seven one four four one b m e a two seven one four four one that way that they can get the information later on because i know this is some valuable information not just for uh young ladies but for young men as well and so definitely want to encourage you to be a part of it tamika you want to say anything else again i just want to echo dr ebony that was a wonderful presentation and for anyone who might need uh her own personal services dr ebony i believe your organization or your business is college prep 365 is that correct yes so please go to college prep 365. i'm so encouraged again as an educator for over 17 years this information is so important for our students and no matter what your age is so if you are in the eighth grade or if you're a senior this is so important because we want our students to have those opportunities past high school we know that knowledge is power so the more knowledge that we acquire uh the better that will be so thank you again dr ebony for all of that knowledge that you dropped on our students today and our parents and one of one of the parents is asking uh when is the correct time to begin the f-a-f-s-a the fafsa um so it opened yesterday um you do it in the senior year so if your child's a senior you start today um you cannot do it before senior year but you can input your information in september of the child senior year and you'll do this every single year that your child is in college oh great okay so they can get ongoing scholarships for the future years as well right and you have to do that um i didn't say you have to but you have to do it each year that you're in college gotcha got it and for those of you who are asking about the test from this particular class uh if you're watching today then you can certainly take the test yes so no matter what age you're watching if you want to take the test the knowledge is powerful and of course this knowledge that you have will be valuable for not only yourself but maybe your nieces and nephews for the future or even for yourself in the future so definitely go and take the test we definitely want you to take the test regardless of your age can i say one thing that i forgot i'm sorry um i just want to encourage each student and parent to have someone who loves your child from afar to read your essay um reason being sometimes we're too close as parents and the educators uh they know the student's potential but we want to make sure it's a perfect essay by having someone else read it who's going to catch those when they leave out of it and i and different things like that make sure somebody's reading it critically that essay so is it is it wrong dr um ebony for them to use like a help support like grammarly or something like that while they're doing their essay if um if they want to make sure that they're getting their grammar correct i there's no um no harm in using grammarly and things like that but make sure you're not changing all the words to uh change the sentence because sometimes they don't make sense after we use grammarly right and it's not how the student will really talk um but we're just encouraging to get someone else to read it because the admissions counselors know when a parent wrote it or when they didn't answer the question but they oh my teacher made me write a personal statement um last semester i'm going to use this when it doesn't make sense so make sure someone's reading it and so students read your work out loud sometimes we're able to catch our own errors when we read it out loud because it's that it and and that's always missing right right very good and uh someone asked the question what is the test for the test is basically to show that you absorb the information that was shared today and then like i said you'll get a certificate afterwards just to let you know that we appreciate you uh joining us and being a part of the me academy getting a certificate is basically so you can say hey i took the college prep course and i'm gonna be a part of all of the ongoing classes as well someone said that link isn't working for the test i can get to the page but i cannot click the link let's see you have to enroll first to take the test and so in other words you got to go to bme text bmea to 71441 enroll then click the link and you can take the test i guess that's yeah you must enroll to take the test so make sure you enroll text bmea to 71441 that's bmea 71441 fill out the form and then you can take the test i took the test before we even had the information and i did pretty good i failed it at first and then i came back and i i got it right the second time so you have to get at least 80 percent in order to get a certificate so um i took it just based on some information that i knew so um the test is definitely worth you taking so you can make sure you absorb the information but make sure you go to bme text bmea to 71441 and next month our um session is going to be on entrepreneurship so definitely want you definitely want to be a part of that as well can we again thank dr ebony once again for her participation can you give some claps in the comment section and some hand claps um i'm gonna just keep it open for just about another minute just to see if there are any more questions so if there are more questions going and put those out there and then put a little clap up there for dr uh ebony thank you helen thank you uh tressa uh thank you treasure thank you tracy thank you desiree thank you danielle for watching and for giving the hang claps uh doris thank you so much if there are any other questions real quick before we let dr ebony go if you have questions if you'll put them up there we'll definitely ask your question if a parent and a child are going to college would that affect the f a f a money so not it depends that's a loaded question that you can't kind of can't answer out loud um because a lot of parents do have student loans already or are attending college um so you just have to go case by cases based on your credit and what you're doing in your enrollment already but go ahead and fill it out to the best of your ability also this is just a little tip this is not the year when your child is about to go to college those taxes are not the year to pad it and you don't want to really have a big refund that year because then it shows that you really don't need even though we know we all need money for college so this is not the year to claim every little business that you uh created in the pandemic um just to be really honest and candid awesome awesome well uh i see taylor is saying thank you so much she's more excited about college now love you all so great great if we just helped one person that was worth it all so praise god awesome thank you thank you thank you again dr ebony we appreciate you so much for joining us and being a part and then again let me just say once again go on and text two bmea one four four one that's b m e a two seven one four four one then make sure you take the test and then this information will be on be girl dot com be girlfoundation.com website um after today so if you think of somebody later you can say hey go to be girlfoundation.com sign up take uh text bmea to 71441 sign up and then take the quiz get your certificate and then join us next month for our next um class and i think are they going to put up a slate for what's happening next month uh if not next month is uh entrepreneurship and it's always the first saturday of every month so make sure you text bmea to 71441 enroll and take your test and then we will send you updates so that you'll know when the next session is going to be thanks again to the team thank you to all the council members thank you for those who were in the back end making sure everything went well everything's great for our first be girl me academy uh class and so thank you all so very much thank you tamika thank you dr ebony thank you jessalyn thank you brianna thank you tasha thank you felicia thank you karen thank you for the entire council demesha thank you all for getting it together uh with my dream and vision to empower uh young people so that they can be ready for life's experiences and have the best life so until next month this has been pastor bridget and thank you so much for joining us for bee's girl me academy we'll see you next month you
Channel: New Light Church
Views: 169
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: AeO3gU8bmhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 40sec (2860 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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