Relationship Matters

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well hello it is time for relationship matters so like text tweet tell everybody it's time to work on our relationship that's right it's terry and tina evans and we are live for relationship matters for tonight so like like because you just turned the whole camera like share let everybody know it's time to work on our relationship yes we were off on last week there we go we were what oh that's terry what you doing we were out last week yes we were out last week well we're back on live so let everybody know we are back we're live tonight talking about relationship matters so like text tweet share share make a comment let us know who's all watching tonight let us know who's live on where you watching from you know how was your day today so do that now so everybody know we are back on for relationship matters on to night that's right tonight we are live and living color talking about relationship issues issues why are you saying like this issues because i was thinking do i want to say issues because every i mean relationships always don't have issues you know in relationship don't have issues that's right miss carter it's time for us to turn it up to use it for the eagans that's right good evening miss teresa yes i'm glad we're back as well we need to work on our numbers our numbers are super duper low what's that what's this tonight tuesday football game or something long okay yeah so yes like share let everybody know we sent out the post let's see what did the post say today i didn't see what it said yep it said join us because we are back on live that's right so well you know when you clicking on trump cause i'm sitting there you don't see us on no you don't see us on i see oh i see youtube i don't see facebook oh what happened let's see i don't know what happened maybe that's the issue yeah i don't see i don't even see it on my phone that's the issue okay i see a youtube is on so i'm not sure what has happened for okay look like it's on that is it i don't know oh it said it lost our destination so let's see if that fixed it let's see if not i'm gonna have to call for some technical technical assistance on tonight so y'all bear with us as we work out these little this little this little um technical difficulty oh you know what i think did i change my password on facebook and that's why i'm doing it i don't know let's see let's see yours i mean because this has to connect to it first so like share let everybody know let's see like share let everybody know the eagans are on the eagans are on let's see y'all bear with me having a little technically little technical difficulties let's see let's see here talk about something while i'm fixing this to our youtube people that have tuned in long time and then watching us hey what's up how y'all doing listen you already know what time it is time to like and share let everybody know we're on it's time to work on our relationship you know pasadena working it out and i knew something wasn't right because i was looking at my necklace i know that sounds like i don't even see why i click on here i can't even highlight nobody i know i'm like well we got some good information we're gonna get into tonight okay would you think that's it thinking this is it hopefully technical difficulties that's all right we're going to get it we're going to get it handled hopefully that connects us back it's highlighted but i don't see it do you see us on facebook yet do you see it don't see us on facebook yet okay y'all let us know who's watching and where you watching from let us know if you're watching from facebook or if you're watching from youtube yes text desolate until i'm having a little difficulties connecting today i don't know why let's see you should text her because she's still on it's still on your youtube see we're still on youtube okay let's see we're on youtube click here to reconnect okay okay i don't know what's going on so y'all bear with us we'll try to work it out because we have we have our facebook on i mean we have youtube but we don't have facebook so we're trying to tell us facebook facebook tell facebook it's not logging on so i don't know why it's not connecting to facebook all right well she said she's gonna go in the back end okay okay teresa thank you i see you watching from youtube miss barbara i see you watching from youtube what miss barbara you're doing good she say thank you for the daniel fast because ever since i haven't had a soda and feel so much better yes that's awesome them sodas have so much sugar in them when you really look at the sugar intake i think you're supposed to only have like 20 or 30 grams of sugar a day with everything that you eat and when you look at the soda sugar intake is like 35 or it's it's really high it's really hot so that's really good i know your body appreciates you for but not putting all that sugar in it um what what that you're going to get get a zone what's up how y'all doing i feel like i'm on the clock why you keep saying hey what's up how y'all doing you saying what's up how are you doing several times hey miss wanda one giles we're having a little tough technical difficulties try to get our facebook audience on um yeah youtube is on but we're having some technical difficulties with facebook and we want to make sure that we maximize our time together and get the information because we have some really good information that we want to talk about tonight i mean y'all glad football season has started because i'm telling you yes our cowboys won sunday yeah we uh we won that's all right we got a w don't matter how we got it we got a w that's right that's right what's up wonder what's up uh theresa what's up miss linda yes so let me see we back up on facebook yet i don't know oh she haven't even logged in yet did you take senator just sent her the number i mean the login is she trying to log in even came in right here yet because i don't know i don't know what is going on yes i don't know yeah cause what i did i should have had to do there she go she's in yo yes thank you deslin for working it out sorry about that i thought we were good i thought we were good and oh it says we're on praise jesus i see them all check now what happened because i was trying to do everything yeah are we all now okay thank you miss destly thank you yes i was trying to work it out so i wouldn't call you in book yet the last minute so sorry but thank you so much really appreciate it so welcome come on in as apostle would say come on in it is time to work on our relationship welcome our facebook audience sorry about the delay i see you miss janice sir about the delay i'm glad you were you waited and came on in good evening miss wanda i see you go ahead and go ahead and uh like and share let your friends know say hey y'all thought they weren't coming on day on they was having technical disclosure but y'all need to log on because we got some good information tonight hey brandi thank you brandon yes we missed y'all last week too miss helen hey mr darren i see you andrew i see you there and the king yeah he got his crowns up andrew i see you thank you all for your patience as we worked out our technical difficulties because we knew something was wrong when the numbers weren't moving was like wait a minute wait a minute something's going on so we have a special birthday this week y'all before we get started i know we didn't waste a whole lot of time trying to get this this computer fixed but we got a special birthday on this week has terry it's turning 21 on thursday we're going to turn back the clock hopper turn back the clock yeah that's it is having a birthday on this thursday i'm so happy he's gonna be how are you gonna be yes so pastor has a birthday coming up listen this thursday but let's get into the word because i can share listen let's get everybody okay that's true that's true that's true yes hey miss janice janison sent you out of happy birthday shout out thank you for the birthday wish thank you so much um is it anita anita hello hello miss tanisha i see you miss odoms hello yes so y'all lakeisha hello yes so y'all like share misha from sending love from jamaica thank you for the happy birthday wishes from jamaica yeah we need to get we need to get back down now i know we started to go down now that was one of the spots but it wasn't my birthday so i couldn't pick out a spot for vacation it was pasteuria's birthday so he got to pick where he wanted to spend his vacation listen it's time to put in some work it's time to work on our relationship because you all already know we set aside this time every tuesday at seven o'clock to invest in our relationship many of you all have a great relationship but tonight we're gonna continue to build everything that we have and those of you who are looking for answers and principles you're going to get that tonight and i believe they will say something that will inspire you and bless you tonight so we're excited about that hey man what you laughing at what you trying to take no i'll just look at your hair blowing out like you're doing a music video or something you know but let's get started because we wasted a lot of time trying to work out these technical difficulties so let's get started listen let's pray let's get into some information tonight that we believe that a blessing father in the name of jesus we just thank you right now father for this time around your word father thank you for those who have ears to hear father thank you for the platform you've given us to minister to those father those single individuals father those who are dating those who are in a relationship those who who married father we thank you right now for the word of god and the wisdom of god on their journey father we thank you that you continue to bless their relationship bless their life father give them wisdom father to make the right decisions father that will better their life and glorify you father we just thank you now in jesus name jesus name amen amen amen listen uh let's go to uh psalms psalms 50 verse 5 it says that i gather my saints together to me those who have made a covenant with me by sacrifice i love the message bible uh it says that um he summons heaven and earth as a jury watch this now he's taken his people to court round up my saints who swore on the bible their loyalty to me so now you talking about a certain level of commitment so tonight we want to talk about sacrifice my covenant obligation we have to understand that god is calling us to a place of obedience calling us to a place of sacrifice not only with our relationship with him but also those in the relationship that we will come into contact with and so the depth of my love is always determined by sacrifice those of you who have been in relationships have been married for in and at the time you already know that relationships require sacrifice even if you're not even in a dating relationship any universal relationship is going to require sacrifice god demonstrated the greatest sacrifice that we can ever imagine found in john 3 16 we all know the scripture says for god so loved now here's what this is the motivation now this is the sacrifice that he made that god so loved the world that he gave he gave of himself his only begotten son that whoever believes on him shall not perish but have everlasting life so he's saying those who believe on him there's a model that he's given us and we're going to function like god we was creating his image and his likeness and so we have we have a tendency to operate and function like oh well we see john 3 16 everybody wear it around their neck they tattoo it all over their body but they say god so loved the word that he gave he gave up himself so we have to understand that we have to get to the point where we have to understand that sacrifice is my covenant obligation as a believer so uh uh i would never experience success in my relationships until i'm willing to learn how to sacrifice i'm never i'm never gonna experience success in my relationships until i'm willing to learn how to sacrifice the strength of any covenant is determined by the sacrifice of the partners now man i still have been married going on 20 years and i'm telling you the only reason we've gotten to a place where we can find fulfillment where we enjoy each other because we've made a commitment to sacrifice our sacrifice to god and then all sacrifice to each other and it's not about having her where it's not about me having my way it's us making a sacrifice for each other but the better of the relationship so it's going to take you to give up yourself and a lot of time people struggle with that they want to get in a relationship all the wrong reasons but you're not relationship material yet many people want the benefits that comes from the relationship but you don't understand that you're part of the equation that's going to produce the results that's going to glorify god and so you have to get to a point where you have to begin to and most married folks say i wish i got this message before i got married because right now that's all i've been doing the sacrifice and i'm telling you it's going to pay off though no don't don't think that you're sacrificing the bank it's going to pay off i believe this message is for you tonight and i like how you said that the depth of my love is always determined by my sacrifice and i say that a lot of times i say oh i know you love me because you can sacrifice that's it that's the sacrifice i know sometimes you don't i don't be one to do it so you say if you only wanna do you know i only love you yeah you regardless and i was like babe don't worry about it i'll do it last you know whatever it is i'll be like okay don't worry about it but he sacrifices yeah yeah and make sure and then you do the same and you do the same and i think that's a part of growing mm-hmm and i think god deals with us because we're no we're not our own that's right and i think if we want our relationship and we both want to have a fulfilling relationship and i know we have to sacrifice we have to sacrifice and as you begin to sacrifice it gets easier yeah yeah it gets sick a lot of times in the beginning your flesh is like oh that guy who gets that guy not today but when you get to the point where you can begin to deal with your own emotions and you get into a different space in your thinking then all of a sudden sacrifice becomes easy watch this now because it's not it's not that it's any easier it's just that you've tapped into the grace to obey god yes and i think that's what happened sacrifice is giving up of something awesome or for someone else or for another purpose many of us understand or have i've seen this type of sacrifice played out in our life whether it was a parent-child relationship we were sacrificing for our kids we'll sacrifice nobody gotta tell we gonna sacrifice for our kid and i know many people don't put a lot of value on that because some parents don't make those sacrifices but then you have some that go over and above some just do just enough but then you got something that go over and above or are they giving up or something for a friend or person we care about but before we can sacrifice anything for anyone we have to understand the biblical meaning of sacrifice sacrifice is a calculated choice to go beyond your original expectation the extra effort required to succeed if you're going to be successful in anything you're going to have to learn how to sacrifice and you're going to have to go over and above and if you're in the relationship you want that relationship to work you can't just throw in the towel every time you come into a bump over the road a bump in the road that's how we throw away good relationship every time if you don't understand he don't get it well then sorry for him at the same time y'all just couldn't work through it right nothing is perfect you got two imperfect people trying to work together and it requires you working together so if you're single right now you need to work on self enjoy this season of enjoying yourself make sacrifices for yourself make sacrifices for others begin to learn and tap into the grace of the anointing of sacrifice because if you learn how to sacrifice now you have to understand that uh uh god is gonna reward your sacrifice we're going to talk about that too so let's look at this now um uh my sacrifice demonstrates the people how much i care based on what i'm willing to sacrifice my wife my children tina gets the benefit of my sacrifice it lets her know to her how much i care i can sit there and say i love you but at the same time what have you done for me lately so at the same time she understand that my children my children they understand how much i care i can sit there and say all this and say all that but at the same time what am i willing to do for them uh on your job you know what i'm saying you know most people don't like going to work but if you want to work you have to understand that there's a sacrifice let me tell you you know what i'm saying you have to get to the point where you have to not just get into a mindset well i just go to work and i just do just what they pay before i do just enough well you have to get to the point where you have to be willing to go over and above and make certain sacrifices because you're doing it as unto the lord right and then all of a sudden for your career you know if anything worth having is work work is working for us so if you're going to have any type of success that's something we have to sacrifice for you know we've had many businesses over the years i mean you know we've had to make some sacrifice some late nights you know uh long weekends or whatever we had to do you know sacrificing our savings to invest in certain things that we wanted it was because of sacrifice because we believed that that that would be a return that would be able to bless our life that we'd be able to enjoy so you start looking at uh john 15 13 greater greater love has no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friend so he said not only just we saying we friends but am i willing to lay down my life for you and that's just we're talking about sacrifice about you going to the cross for your friend you know but at times it may seem like but are you willing to stand with them and be there for them in their time of need and that's what a friend a friend is somebody that you can depend on that's willing to make sacrifice there's only a few people that i know that i call my friends i can pick up the phone you know whatever i request they're willing to give it to me no questions asked it's like or if you even if you're in a situation where you feel like you need you know need some advice or need some wisdom or something you know or your friends or you in a buying or something you do you have the type of people in your circle that'll be there for you and not just be there you know be there for you just to be in your business but be there for you you know mentally that's right physically if it requires sometimes it just may be a time of encouragement right or if even if it requires say you want to buy somewhere or something are they willing to come come to your house and pray for you you know if you need somebody to be there with you you know do you have that type of friends of those type of people in your circle that you can rely on he said when you talk about sacrificing my covenant obligation god understands that and god knew that we would need to be motivated to sacrifice so throughout scripture he makes a commitment to reward us for our sacrifices to him and to others we talk about in job 36 and up if you obey and serve me if you'll make this sacrifice to commit to me then uh you'll spend your days in prosperity your years of pleasure he said uh if you're willing and obedient i will make sure that you eat the good of the lamb i make sure that you have uh that you go first class in life and that you don't have to play a first-class prize so then we look at uh luke 18 in in 28 and you know that's what peter you know peter i love peter but peter was always uh in the people business man look what he told he talked about jesus said then peter said lo we have left all in fall of thee peter was having an issue about this sacrifice that we didn't make now i'm saying and he said unto him barely girl i say unto you there is no man so he's saying look peter let me check you and anybody else that's thinking like you thinking there is no man who has left houses parents brother wife children for the kingdom of god for the kingdom of god's sake look what he says now who shall not receive the manifold more in this present time and in the world to come everlasting life he said not only are you going to be blessed now right for your sacrifice but he said i'm telling you that in years to come so you have to understand that the sacrifice that you're making is not only creating a commitment and obligation that god has to reward but at the same time god say now you're gonna have it uh uh uh everlasting life so now you got to understand that watch this night says uh i will succeed to the degree that i'm willing to abandon excuses overcome fears and make sacrifices i will succeed to the degree i'm willing to abandon excuse and a lot of time when we're in a relationship oh my god come on come on excuse me for everything i'm telling you that's what we like to call you know couples and and people in relationship they like nitpicking you know when they don't want to make sacrifice they start nitpicking everything they start bringing up stuff that happened two years ago why because they don't want to sacrifice right now when you talk about what happened two years ago you just talking about the presents they ain't willing to make the sacrifice that's required for the relationship to go to the next level so we have to be willing to abandon excuses overcome fears or fears now the fear we have to deal with if i sacrifice and put myself out there is it is she gonna step on me and look at me as being weak right right so i got to overcome this fear and i even let no woman just walk over me i'm gonna be a man and then sisters they don't want to feel like well you know i want to sit submit him thinking i'm weak and he gonna run over me i've been the last relationship and i told him man it ain't gonna happen again you know and and so and then i said you got the abandoned excuse to overcome fears to make me make sacrifice anything of value that is to be obtained and maintained required for our second sacrifice so four reasons believers should fact sacrifice what's the first one the first reason is to please god so first of all we got to please god yes that's our utmost reason for sacrifice that's what we know it pleases god for us to sacrifice and that's what stabilizes your emotions in your commitment and you'll stabilize your commitment sustains your emotions so that you can make righteous choices on a consistent basis so number one we have to please god number two is what possess the covenant so then there's a promise that's associated with it so now we're gonna have to please god we're gonna have to possess the covenant promise and that's why we should make the sacrifice because why it pleases god yes and we said we was doing it that's unto the lord that's it we we we love our spouses unto the lord as god so loved the church so now we got to understand listen and he gave himself so we got to please god possess the promise and then number three is what number three is we have to patiently deal with others in the body of christ patience patience they deal with others don't tell a lot of time you make sacrifices and you have to put on some patience you know because in the natural it may look like you know people don't appreciate your patience p i mean your sacrifices uh um and you'll get to the point where you'll get discouraged in yourself or you'll start getting better toward people because you feel like they don't value your sacrifice well at the same time it goes back to now stabilizing your emotions and getting focused because you're doing it unto the lord not unto people god is your reward and when you get a revelation that god actually rewards you for your faith then it changes your perspective on how you treat people it trains your perspective on how you deal with your relationship because you're doing it as unto the lord and god is obligated to deal with their heart and he's also uh responsible for rewarding you so the third one is the patient to deal with others and by the christ number four is to produce the greatest potential that they have right we will never know how great our relationship can be until i'm willing to sacrifice i never know we can sit there and everybody be surprised because y'all broke them they'd be like yeah i can't believe y'all broke up y'all y'all make such a good couple y'all was so wonderful together you'll never know how great your relationship could have been unless she's willing to make some sacrifices your relationship situations are not that bad people break up for petty stuff now they're not willing to make sacrifice to take relationship every time something come up all of a sudden instead of them working through it they throw in the top because number one they don't have the principles and uh stamina to be able to stay focused and and stabilize their emotions so they can make righteous decisions their mind is all over the place their emotions all over the place and so they feel like they're just gonna make the first decision they come to their mind i'm out of here it ain't gonna work the first time they have to make a little sacrifice because they flesh first time they got to give a little bit extra of themselves but we've been through that we know that we we've had time when we can sit here and talk to you about had time because at the end of our relationship we had to make those painful adjustments and the flesh wasn't in agreement with it but yet instead we was willing to make the uh uh stay focused do it as unto the lord and the key words we continue to get the word we continue to get the word and we continue to surround ourselves with people that was committed to the things that we was committed to because you stayed focused and you did what stayed focused you stayed in faith and watched your work that's it i i have to be totally invested in god's plan for my life knowing beyond shadow of a doubt that what i give to god sacrificially he multiplies back to me in a greater measure yes so listen to this labor is not in vain i'm tell you i know that i i whenever i sacrifice my for my marriage my relationship i know it makes tina happy but at the same time oh god is a reward yes god is a reward you know she's a rewarder too but i may not give you the reward you know that you don't know i'm happy with your god it's just the fact that i'm saying you're doing this unto the lord but look at this story i love this in matthew the fifth chapter verse four says now when he had left speaking he said unto simon lunch out into the deep and let down your net for a draw and simon answers said unto him master we have taught all night and we have taken nothing nevertheless at that word i would let down that net and when he had done this this he had done they enclosed a great multitude of fishes and their net began to break but listen he's going to sacrifice now he acts pete uh he asked simon could he use his boat he let him use his boat that was a sacrifice right then after that now he'll come to return now he's going to bless him whatever you sacrifice now god is going to bless you in a greater measure so all of a sudden now he's saying let me bless you based on your heart's desire the bible always says that god will give me the desires of my heart we read the scripture we get all excited about it i just think i received god go give me the desires of my heart what are you sacrificing right what are you sacrificing that's gonna obligate god to give you the desires of your heart so here it is he's made the sacrifice and then god knew what he needed before he even acts and all of a sudden he know he just wanted his joy to be to us so he began to bless him in a manner that he knew that would bring him the most joy the most fulfillment and that's the way god is god knows when you sacrifice he's already cultivating and working on what your return is going to be because he knows what's going to make you happy bible says eyes have not seen neither has entered the heart of man things that god has for you but he already knows what you desire what you need before you act and so when you're waking that sacrifice he's cultivating this blessing just so he can uh um give you the return that you truly desire and i love in jobs 42 and 10 liquid said and joe and the lord turn the captivity of joe now here he is now joseph deal with a lot now you know joe you know joe had every reason to be mad at everybody be mad at god but instead of it job made the sacrifice to begin to just pray for his friends and he's like look joe joe should have been arguing with god about a lot of stuff right but yesterday he made the sacrifice to pray for his dream but look what he said when he prayed for his friend god knew his heart's desire what he said and god gave joe twice as much as he had as he had before but for your trouble i mean that's got to bless your life so let's go ahead and wrap it up five ways god view my sacrifice number one my sacrifice may go unnoticed by man but god but never been noticed by god the second thing is god judges my sacrifice independent of everyone else god that movement about sacrifice everybody else making remember the lady with the two mites everybody else was throwing down everybody was making a sacrifice but at the same time she went and gave what was a sacrifice to her and in return god began to move in her life uh number three is he uses it as an object lesson to teach and inspire others so now think about it he used the situation with simon using his boat then all of a sudden he said not only am i going to give you the hearts of your desire but i'm going to bless and minister to everybody associated with you everybody connected to you gonna be blessed simon began to call his friends and everybody else and talk about y'all come on get some of this here now he didn't turn them into a he's blessed to be a blessing and that's what god does when he when you make a sacrifice god blesses you beyond measure and when he blesses you he has more than you and mine uh so number three is he uses an object lesson to teach and inspire us number four god defends and validates me i don't care what anybody's saying about you i don't keep you being misunderstood because of your sacrifice i don't kill if people he said he'll keep your name great i don't care what nobody say okay but what nobody do i'll keep you being misunderstood he say look he will defend you and validate you so you have to understand now people want to know you having problems in your relationship and they tell them why are you still staying with him well you know what i'm saying i heard this i heard that why are you worried about that don't just know what people say you just begin to hold your course make the sacrifice if god is giving you the peace and the grace to stay in your relationship and stand in faith for your relationship then don't worry about what other people say look god will defend you and he will validate you and then he will use your testimony to minister the other do you don't think they talked about apostle and dragon bridge when they decided to get back together they said that they persecuted them and they talked about them their own families was like you know you can go back to uh y'all gonna do it but yet still look what god did look how many marriages look how many relationships were blessed because of their sacrifice but you got to understand sacrifice is not a bad thing i know initially it seems like an unfair exchange but i'm telling you if you're willing to make the sacrifice god already knows what he's going to do and then the last thing is that that i sacrifice the thing that i sacrifice is the thing he multiplies back to me yes learn that this learn the information from how he blessed job yeah yeah the thing that i sacrificed now you know i'm willing to make this sacrifice in my relationship and at the same time i'm sacrificing i'm believing god you know i think that you keep me in perfect peace you know what i'm saying because right now we got some turmoil in our relationship but at the same time the god multiplies that peace back into my life oh and then i'll say now you now you live in that scripture because the bible say he gives you peace that's the past have you ever been in a situation where you didn't even understand i think over the years of walking with god i've been in a situation where i didn't even understand but emotionally emotionally i felt like i should have been feeling a certain kind of way but i didn't and the peace of god sustained me until change came and that's what you have to understand that when you begin to sacrifice and obey god and just remain in peace and i say it all the time you're just gonna have to listen you have to stay focused stay in faith watch god i'm telling god it's faith listen i hope you got blessed by that but we're gonna get an agreement with you we want to pray for you right now that you as you make this uh sacrifice and uh understand that this this is your covenant obligation in your relationship on your job as you're single whatever sacrifice that you're making listen you may just be making a sacrifice to just stay single and holy you know you may say you know what pastor that's good i enjoy that i'm telling you right now i'm sacrificing right now i hang out that day nobody i am nobody face i ain't doing all this stuff i am i'm sitting there keeping myself holy and i'm gonna tell you it it's it's tough it's tough brother's probably saying listen i'll tell you brother you you mentioned to me but at the same time listen i'm telling i ain't chasing no women i'm doing i'm doing it god's way and i'm gonna tell you it ain't easy but god has given me the grace for it unless i'm telling the sacrifice that you'll make cultivating yourself in this season of singleness is causing god to cultivate exactly what you desire you want and you may not even know what you want you know i remember i i i was single going through my singleness and i began to just remain in faithful to god man dealing with a lot of different sacrifices that i was making just to try to keep myself focused and keep myself on court and all of a sudden i was just saying you know god you owe me one you know every opportunity i would pass up and say god you owe me what you said i'm just saying i'm just saying the peace that passed all understanding and then all of a sudden when i look at my relationship with my wife today i realized that it was worth the sacrifice it was worth the sacrifice but it cultivated something to me that prepared me for such a time as this in my relationship with my wife it it it gave me the stamina it gave me the peace it gave me the faith to work through the small things that didn't so that they didn't become a major thing so that we can navigate through these through tough times and now here we are on the other side because i made certain sacrifices she's made circumcised sacrifice and god cultivated something in us for each other and i think you have to understand that you may think that i'm single right now and but i'm telling you he who started a great work in you is faithful to complete you don't know what your faith what your stamina and what you're producing in you right now is gonna mean later on i'm telling you that gonna be some difficult times but you don't realize that what you're dealing with right now is preparing you for long-term success and i'm telling you we want to pray with you right now let's get an agreement with him past the team father in the name of jesus we just thank you right now father for those individuals father that need to tap into the grace right now father i'm making the sacrifices whether they're standing in faith for their relationship right now their marriage or if they're a single father just standing in faith on holding their course living a righteous and holy life father we just speak your blessings on them we strengthen them in the name of jesus continue to remain faithful god already see what you're doing he already he's honoring you he's protecting you he's sustaining you and every sacrifice that you make to stay in the place of righteousness with god god will honor you and bless you tremendously so father we just thank you right now to speak your word over each and every listener tonight in jesus name amen listen if you never receive jesus as your lord and savior i want to give you an opportunity to do so i want to lead you in a prayer salvation it's a simple process but it's a decision that would change your life forever the bible says in romans 10 9 if i confess with my mouth believe in my heart god ray jesus from dead i shall be saved so i need you to repeat this prayer for me i know without jesus i'm like i know not jesus i'm lost i don't want to be lost i don't want to be like i want to be saved i believe jesus died for myself and he rose again i'm going to come into my heart and then fill me with your power so that i may live so that i'm making this overcoming life i declare i declare and it's day four i will live a life pleasing to you in jesus name amen amen amen listen if you prayed that prayer for the first time we want to celebrate you heaven is already celebrating you right now but we want to celebrate you put your name in the comments section and say hey i i received jesus and look when you do that we just want to celebrate you right now we want to clap you i want to show you some love and listen what i need you to do is i need you to connect with us because now you have a support system that's right we want to connect with you because now all you got to do is go to nlc journey or you can go in and you can scan the code on the screen and what happens is we'll get your information someone will call you reach out to you and they'll begin to help you along this journey listen you're on a journey with god now and i'm gonna tell you on the winning team you got the support system that you need god is getting ready to do some great things in your life so we're excited about that we're excited for your success and we just begin to just glorify god in advance for it in jesus name amen amen amen you get blessed by that was that encouraging yes that was really good well listen it's offering time amen this is the time we've set aside to worship god without giving so a seed so those of you who have logged on and been blessed don't log on right now this time you saw see this is this is ministry this is an opportunity for you to connect with god this opportunity for you to make a sacrifice the same promise that we just talked about this sacrifice my my covenant obligation is the sacrifice that i make when i start beginning to sow my seed when i begin to sow into kingdom good ground when i'm still into ground and i'm praying for like like when job said he began to pray for his his friend listen you know you got friends that's going through things why don't you pray for him yeah not only that once you go to the next level and make it sound like once you sow a seed toward them once you sow a seed toward their relationship you know somebody that's single that's holding their core and you're just so proud of them so a seed that god has continued to strengthen them along their journey and looking and i know you're saying i'm a sore seed myself look that's cool you do that too but the bible say god don't still look out for you how you measure out is how it's gonna be measured back to you whatever you call to happen for somebody else god's gonna cause help for you whatever sacrifice that you make remember now god and whatever uh uh sacrifice that you make now it's gonna rebound back into your life i'm telling you you have to get to the point where you start being a blessing outside of yourself and so i want to encourage everybody to sort of see the twenty dollars you know i say married couples i tell them all the time i say listen release your faith so see the fifty dollars yeah amen men pass team we're gonna sort of see them behind our because we always do and the reason why we do that because we believe in god for more amen we believe that principle we understand the commandment the sacrifice because we understand how imagine that is going to be mentioned back to me and we need him to measure it out in a great match that you can sew your seat on tonight you can go online to give or you can text new life one word um two seven one four four one or you can go to like go to the giveaway app look for new line church one five three five green smart drive and you can sell that way you can go if you remember you can go to in fellowship and you can get there by going to members and you can give that way you can go give by paypal it's at new light church um then you can also give by zell that's give at and you can also give by cash out it's not on here but you can give by cash shop that's the dollar sign new life church all one word no spaces new light church and give that way and then you can mail it mail your cd in that po box 670167 houston texas seven seven two six seven or you can drop it off by the church office at our north location one five three five greenspark drive so those are the different ways that you can get your seat in the ground and you can um put a memo in the memo section on relationship matters or you can put it in just the general offering because the seed goes towards the towards the ministry but whatever you do make you sure you sacrifice and get your seed in the ground amen so what's going on tomorrow night tomorrow night we have our revival night that's right our senior pastor has scheduled for this year for us to have several revival nights throughout the year so tomorrow night is going to be our third i think it's our third revival night and our guests will be bishop william murphy will be with us on revival night on tomorrow night and it's a hybrid service so you can be in person or you you can be on online so you can text i'm not going to say how you can text but you can actually the service starts at 7 pm so you want to make sure that you're a part of it it's going to be on facebook live youtube and again it's a hybrid service so you can also be in person so i encourage you to make make the sacrifice and be in person make the sacrifice to be in person for an in-person worship for our revival night on tomorrow night and again it's revival night on tomorrow night and then we also have tomorrow night is wednesday on thursday night we have our journey connect group so we want to make sure you be a part of the journey connect group there's a connect group just for you we have health and wellness distinguished science teams women men business overcoming addiction and struggles parents of children with special needs and young adult singles and it starts at 7 pm if you've never been a part of it you can text jay connect to four four one again that's j connect to seven one four four one to be a part of the connection groups and hey that may require you some sacrifice too because it's something that you may not normally do but it's something that that you should be involved in to make sure you be a part of our connection groups and then i think um dr arisha has i think she has she wrote do she have she wrote this week i'm not sure if she has she rose this week it was awesome no she don't have she wrote this week but um she had an awesome one last week i was able to um i was able to watch it on this pass when did i watch it oh i watched it friday i didn't watch it thursday but i was able to go back and watch it friday about friendships it was very very good so make sure you tune in um to be a part of the j connect groups um and then i think on sunday apostle has an intentional manhood this coming sunday i think yes he is intentional manhood on this coming sunday and so yeah those are just a synopsis of what's happening at the light and then also we have some job opportunities available employment opportunities available um we are in need for um accounting clerk um accounting clerk a lead accountant or a senior accountant so if you have those skills make sure you um send your resume to human resources at again that's human resources at new and um we'll also have a children's pastor and some housekeeping and some maintenance um employment opportunities as well i just highlighted the ones that i wanted to highlight didn't know yeah but yeah those are the different um employment opportunities we have so make sure you do your part to be a part of that um i think we didn't do our beaumont roll call off the hook i wasn't gonna let them off oh look look who look who i see on here miss eva i see you miss even i see miss gloria early what you doing you scanning through trying to see it you see mr jolly bed on there so yes about my roll call where my vote my people said yes so yes make sure you um be a part of the services this uh this week um and like i said earlier before we got started because tears birthday is thursday he's gonna be the big five five whoa don't he look good for 55. we'll get better from here oh they want to know hey pasta tip let's see how they give soy birthday seeds pasta pasta what's your um cash up is it your tj eagan's yeah i was trying to do it one hand but i was um messing up the screen hot tea did i do it right t j i spell it vegans you sure that you catch a babe yeah dj eating this that's terry's ketchup so if you would like to so that's right miss eva young man yes thank you miss eva yes young man so yes his birthday is on thursday so make sure you send them a shout out send them a shout out on facebook you know youtube can you do it on youtube no send them um facebook and instagram that's the word instagram send him a shout out on his birthday he's gonna be the big five five oh he's gonna be 55 well listen thank you all so much for tuning in listen i know you got blessed tonight because we got blessed you know this make sure y'all let everybody know that on set at 7 00 p.m every tuesday these days we're working on our relationship i know they they're looking for answers they're trying to find accountability and so what you want to do is just let them know hey you got to be trying to preach to them just tell them to tune in you know a lot of times they'll start their stuff we have people that tune in from all over we just want to be able to encourage you build you up on a weekly basis so that as you continue to look at the devil coming in with these negative thoughts or situation that come up that i don't want you to get overwhelmed and think it's all of that when really it's about how you process it if you learn how to process it and i'm gonna tell you like i tell you all the time stay focused stay in faith and just watch god work and god will perfect everything [Music] i just thought about something i've just seen something pop up on my email thank you dr b happy happy birthday james smith thank you thank you for the birthday wishes everybody yes amen okay yes i was trying to make sure i didn't miss something but i don't see it i think it was last week the vaccination that we had i think that was last week so yes so don't have any questions right hey bishop washington bishop ricky washington praying for you guys and um um in um louisiana what um terence dawson has a question what does the j stand for my name yes james tyra james eagan terry j terry you don't have any questions tonight right no we didn't have any questions let's let everybody don't enjoy the rest of the night we did good with our time yes we did even with the technical difficulties we did you did good capacity you did awesome too listen see you pastor tina thank you sister we'll see thank you yes yes all righty all right well listen uh there's no question so we're gonna let y'all enjoy the rest of y'all tonight we're gonna enjoy the rest of our night so listen thank you for tuning into relationship matter and remember your relationship master guy god bless you enjoy the rest of your night amen amen peace out
Channel: New Light Church
Views: 261
Rating: 4.6666665 out of 5
Id: itEaM7MZ3sg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 36sec (3276 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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