Facts Verse is a Very Bad YouTube Channel

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hi I'm Jarvis no relation first off I wanted to say thank you to all the viewers out there who are being patient with me and my inconsistent upload schedule right now for those of you who don't know I have a full-time job outside of YouTube and it's hard sometimes to keep up with that YouTube grind and so I'm just thankful people still come back actually speaking of being thankful look what came in the mail today it's from YouTube I wonder what it is [Music] Wow it's the souls of my first 100,000 subscribers we have to go back baby you really sold us out for life we don't wait let me out first onto a million I guess so up until this point when we've talked about bad channels on YouTube they've been pretty impressive operations like big media companies with actors in set pieces and production quality but today I wanted to talk about what would happen if you didn't have that production quality and instead you added in a big hearty helping of other people's content if you take both of those ingredients and you mix them together just right you'd get it's called five-minute crash facts first you'd get facts first the YouTube channel I'm not my backs verse is a YouTube channel with like 5 million subscribers on YouTube and 2 million subscribers on Facebook with such popular videos as you know the classic 15 everyday things you've been doing wrong you know some some life hack action in there 10 horse breeds that you will not believe exist and last but not least 10 things you did not know what they are they mostly make list videos and news story videos that are often about birth stories as for the actual facts on the channel they range from opinion most people make a talk oh and they put shredded lettuce on the top this is a mistake okay two wrong if you look at the word Pepsi on the bottom it looks like it's just printed upside down if you look closely it actually spells out is dead in honor of the Day of the Dead it even includes the traditional Day of the Dead skull to downright harmful charging your flashdrive if you need your flash drive to have its own power source plug it into your phone's charger box have you ever noticed USB drives embedded into the walls of buildings and curbs you could take one of those drives and plug it into your laptop if you're just gonna get a virus so you'd be careful if you're checking out the channel for yourself because there's like a number of grotesque thumbnails and triggering topics that I'm not gonna go into here I have no idea why these fax channels always get so dark but I'm gonna focus on their lighter stuff which is just as bad as for what this channel aims to accomplish I wanted to have them explain it in their own words but I can't actually find anything on their YouTube they just seem to have this message on literally every video description in their channel yeah that's weird I I wonder why they would need to make that message about copyright issues so so easy to find maybe in the facts verse which I assume is the only universe in which their content is good this is a special incantation to ward off evil spirits known as copyright strikes you know because this is something that you would never have to do if you weren't constantly stealing other people's content which reminds me facts verse if you're watching this feel free to reach me at jarvis is totally not stealing your content at gmail.com i found a post that's called our story on their facebook which was posted kind of recently since the launch of our youtube channel on September 16th 2015 since then we have gained over 1.6 billion new viewers and 3.7 million subscribers on our YouTube channel and that's the end of the story and in their About section on Facebook they say our primary goal is to educate our fans semicolon that is to educate and entertain first off they could have easily just said that their goal was to educate and entertain their fans and then just stop there but instead they chose to define the word edge' tame but they did correctly use a semicolon so I'm impressed so they post a lot of these images with text on them you've used the internet before they're supposed to tell you a crazy fact and the first one I found a herd of sheep is leaving the stall there's no fence only the gate the trap of thinking they could have escaped the whole time but only when the gate door opens do they all go out through the door and it's like supposed to be a metaphor for how like we get trapped in our thoughts except there is a fence you can clearly see it in this image so now you have an idea of what we're working with here here's some more facts experts the top speed of bugatti veyron no article like it's a look at the person's name hello nice to meet you I'm Bugatti Veyron the top speed of Bugatti Veyron is limited not by its engine but rather it's tires exploding okay but like how do you misspell tires studies has shown that a bad mood can make you numb to things that would otherwise stop you from making unwise decisions I had to read that like five times if you're in a bad mood you might make bad decisions that's a Chinese boy sold his kidney just to buy an iPhone an iPad he is only reason behind a famous connection of iPhone and kidney what I just looked in their Instagram and it's exactly the same thing in a recent test Android beats Apple iPhone in every test test revealed that Android is much better than iPhone in almost every way facts okay so all of their facts seem poorly researched if you can imagine and I think they're just coming from the today I learned into WTF subreddits but it's really hard to know for sure which appears to be their business model but on that note let's take a look at the facts for his YouTube channel so the first video I want to look at is called ten things you did not know what they are which sounds like a five-year-old started talking and like didn't know his way out of the sentence ten ten things that they are that Smurfs presents ten things you did not know they use for ten things I love this guy's boys so if all facts for his videos have the same voice actor and he's awesome and he has nothing else to do with the channel he doesn't write the scripts or anything so we like him he's the best part number one the loop on the back of your shirt most people look at the loop on the back of their shirt and wonder what it's for there is a purpose for it on the back of your shirt why did he keep saying back of your shirt there are actually three documented reasons and it's unknown which is correct spoiler alert it is very known which is correct this video just doesn't know for some reason the first is the most obvious it's a way to hang your shirt on a hook and that is the correct one this doesn't make sense however because if you hang a shirt on a hook by that loop it will become wrinkled quickly no it won't these shirts aren't even hanging by that loop the second could be a way to help you fasten your tie easier the last purpose is more romantic wait they're not even gonna explain how it can help you fasten your tie easier fasten your tie that is even that's not even you tie a tie that's why it's called a tie years ago American University students were said to have removed the loop from the shirt when they started dating a girl exclusively the show she was taken the girl would wear a scarf with the University's emblem that's not what it's for though like just cuz a couple of random people used the loop in a weird way it doesn't automatically mean that's what it's for alright I know what I just said but did you know that the upon the back of your shirt is also for holding pens broke and it can also be used as a coaster for a tiny beverage and then it goes on and ends with this weird slow zoom on Scarlett Johansson to make matters worse I found the exact same list on bright sides website y'all remember bright side right illegal things that you do every day two videos one by bright side and another one by a creator called the infographic show sure the infographic show opposed to their video before bright side but this is like a common idea this could just be a case of parallel thinking oh these thumbnails are exactly the same they didn't even change the speech bubble they just redrew the art I don't think that facts first is at all related to bright side so they might have just stolen this exact list in order from them which is honestly just ironic to me I actually also just found the exact same list on another website called cat fly calm so maybe I just don't know how the internet works let's just move on to my favorite video 10 Pokemon that actually exists in real life I don't know if y'all know this but I'm a bit of a Pokemon head and this video is hilarious because it seems to be written by somebody with no knowledge of Pokemon whatsoever that's verse presents 10 Pokemon that actually exist in real life all right so I'm gonna stop you right there I know Pokemon exist in real life that's kind of the thing it's an it's an animated cartoon but I get what I get what they're going for cuz most Pokemon are based on real animals but this is like just a funny title to me number one drowsy drowsy is a mysterious looking Pokemon who was inspired by baku he may look scary but he's actually very he has however helped put others to sleep from time to time what does that mean number six Magikarp the Magikarp is a water pokemon the magic art in order to transform Magikarp into something that is useful you would need to catch thousands huh number six Caterpie really Caterpie how hard number eight the victreebel another like uh just hanging out in front of the pokemons name the victreebel is based on the pitcher plants while victreebel is not quite as dangerous as the pitcher plant it is pretty close he has a very high attack level with a lower defense level this makes them angry and always on watch literally none of that made me sense the good thing about victreebel is that he has a normal happiness level what what is happening I'm tired am I am I dreaming am i imagining this alright let's finish number 10 Bulbasaur Bulbasaur is a dual type of Pokemon he is a grass slash poisoned pokémon he is a reptile and he's inspired by a frog he's not inspired by a frog his name is Bulbasaur he's a reptile frogs are amphibians uh why do I make these videos the coolest thing about Bulbasaur is that he is also traveled to Mario Smash Brothers and you can see him there Mario Smash Brothers okay I've almost completed my walkthrough of facts versus content this one's called photos to test your intelligence and it's one of those like spot the difference games this should be fun this should like relieve my stress from watching that Pokemon video number one woman in front of the window both of these pictures look exactly alike you see it right most people's eyes would stay up toward the woman and compare the scene outside her heads I'm gonna keep talking about the difference is in a place where your eyes would not naturally gaze to first how long as you know spend time in the photo on the left there is no mouse hole we all saw that instantly right number five the city what city I'm not telling it's only got one of the most well known clock towers in the world and an iconic double-decker bus I mean if you don't know what city this is its Tokyo Japan this picture brings your eyes to the towers on the building on the left you may have started counting them even the train is suspect and the photo on the right there is a plane in the sky there is actually a second difference in this photo in the clock on the Left it's ten minutes before ten since the other photos contained just one difference this one is a bit more tricky Wow how condescending also he looked at half the differences in this photo the numbers on the bus are different the this person just like pedestrian walking here is different so all right man step off did they do that on purpose maybe that's the test number six these spherical sculptures this is one of the easiest photos so far your eyes are immediately brought to the answer in the photo on the Left there's a branch hanging in the left corner of the photo if you miss this one you have probably been missing them all I don't know why he's being so mean to the viewer because this photo has 9 differences in it I know because I digitally compared because I'm a goddamn nerd I can't tell if they're so smart to do this maybe they're testing your intelligence because they want to see if you'll take the word of a random YouTube video as fact but maybe that's just like to perfect the metaphor I also found this entire list of images in a life buzz article which is another one of these like content farm blogs like at this point it just became a game of finding this content elsewhere on the Internet 18 awful lies around daily use objects that will make you second-guess everything negative 18 awful lies by horrible people deserved yeah like this visitors rip directly off the BuzzFeed list but what's like ridiculous about it is that like the BuzzFeed list is just you know pulling stuff from Reddit and putting it together but at least it's curating the content and then just like back Smurfs comes in and it's like no we're just gonna narrate your BuzzFeed list and it's gonna get 2.3 million views content that's it that's about all I have for today is facts versus the worst channel on YouTube maybe I sincerely doubt because of the description in all of their videos if they're asking for permission ahead of time and even if people after the fact are like doing copyright claims and monetizing their videos they are still making a ton of money off of other people's stuff you can argue that they're like doing some work of like editing the videos or scripting you know the quippy dialogue but it's just not different enough to me and that's what I wanted to talk about it I don't know how people feel about this anyway it's like 1:00 a.m. and I don't even know if anything I've said makes any sense so I'm just gonna end the video right now thanks to Felix Trump for turning on notifications I have no idea if I'm saying that right if you want me to butcher your name please turn on notifications and leave a comment on this video okay so that's the end of the video but I still have so many questions like should we keep doing this commentary thing are y'all having fun and also why don't you follow me on Instagram and Twitter I am a good
Channel: Jarvis Johnson
Views: 3,463,567
Rating: 4.8967018 out of 5
Keywords: jarvis, jarvis johnson, black youtubers, comedy, nerdfighter, Facts verse, content farms, youtube algorithm, commentary, content cop, 5 minute crafts, bright side, troom room, Pokemon in real life, spot the difference, life hacks, bad youtube channels, worst channel on youtube, Cody ko, Danny Gonzalez, drew golden, h3h3, reaction, react
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 05 2018
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