Dominos VS Hackers - Domino's Free Pizza Is A Perfectly Balanced Restaurant With No Exploits

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Impressive. But are the any real-world free tea exploits? That would be the dream.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/1amlost 📅︎︎ Jul 20 2021 🗫︎ replies

i am truly saddened that the russians tattoo exploit didnt make the list

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Barbecow 📅︎︎ Jul 21 2021 🗫︎ replies
hello there ladies and gentlemen i'm the spiffing brit and guess what it's 11 30 p.m i've had quite a few gin and tonics so naturally you know what time it is that's right it's time for us to discuss all of the wonderful exploits which has pitted the wonderful pizza company of domino's against wonderful hackers and exploiters determined to cheese their way to free pizza and guess what it turns out access to free pizza is surprisingly easy and in fact has been done thousands and thousands of times because domino's is about to secure as any email account that you just signed up to raid shadow legends with congratulations i hope you enjoy all of the spam now today's video is going to be very simple i'm going to be explaining all of these wonderful stories to you and potentially inspiring you to go on your own pizza securing quest whereby you stress test the website and all of its coupon codes to somehow summon a gigantic cheesy monstrosity for free as that is ultimately everyone's dream superpower it's not a superpower that's going to save the world or anything but it's a superpower that's going to make you very popular at parties and pretty much any university campus as well so make sure you've got a nice warm cup of tea at hand and if you're feeling especially fantastic you can even like the video now let us dive in it's march 1 2009 in the far-off historical dystopia of cincinnati in america a local resident michelle is just enjoying her lunch break and she logs on to her favorite local internet forum seriously this is a genuine website and this is part of the story does this website actually even work it still works but it's been rebranded and it's trying to steal all of my user data so i can't exactly show it off to you but here it is it's got some great articles like things to do in cincinnati this week i can't even look at all of the things to do in cincinnati kind of look really depressing this terrible looking horrific cheese in the summer fast food festival and these really distraught looking children who are staring at trading cards oh my goodness visit cincinnati it's great i'm sure but anyway back to michelle michelle finds a post outlining something that seems too good to be true an exploit that is allows for free pizza the exploit is pretty simple go into dominoes and enter in the coupon code bailout in all capital letters and the user is suddenly entitled to a free pizza she puts the coupon code in makes the order and we're bam sends it off the order is accepted and the pizza is reportedly in the oven now there's one slight issue michelle wasn't the only person who uses and it turns out there were dozens of posts just like it scattered across all of the local university campuses and what do students find more appealing than crippling debt well it's free pizza consequently michelle's order was sent off to a local domino store which was then immediately overwhelmed by hundreds of instantaneous orders for free pizza the 14 dominoes that were situated around the local college campus were immediately forced to give away well over 700 pizzas to enterprising students who honestly at this point in life were just happy to receive anything for free basically everyone for that entire day enjoyed free pizza now the person who initially made the forum post to release the wonderful code of bailout was never found but perhaps it was a leak from the highest level of domino's management or just an employee who was completely fed up with all the free pizza they had and wanted to share the fun or maybe it was just a bored citizen putting in random words onto the website in hopes of free food my money however is probably on a marketing agency because it was later discovered that the code bailout was a leftover by-product from the scrapped marketing campaign this sort of leftover gift code is not uncommon for businesses a marketing campaign gets okayed by the board of executives but then it eventually falls through but all of the infrastructure they put in place to actually promote this bailout code it was still there the code was still running and it probably been loitering online for years but in the brief span of 90 minutes this code had gone from being basically unheard of to suddenly gigantic internet fame and immediately it was removed and shut down by dominoes but it was okay it was just 90 minutes that's not that much damage guys i mean what could all of cincinnati do with a free pizza code in 90 minutes well they ordered well over 11 000 medium pizzas my goodness now in modern day's estimates that means domino's gave away over a hundred and fifty two thousand dollars worth of pizza in a 90-minute span that is incredible honestly i feel sorry for all of the employees who are completely overwhelmed by the discovery of free pizza but it was a brilliant day for the residents and students of cincinnati so hats off that's another win for the exploiters but enough of what the americans are up to it's time to get closer to home how do we the lovely british sausages like to cheese our way into free pizza [Music] well allow me to introduce you to paul price he's a security researcher based in the uk and one friday evening in 2013 paul and you know a typical friday fashion can't be bothered to cook dinner so instead he fires up the domino's app and orders a delicious pizza 40 minutes later his pizza arrives and he decides on a whim to actually have a little poke around at the networking of the domino's app just to see if he's able to snag himself some cheeky 10 pound discounts but instead our friend paul finds something much much much much more powerful than just a 10-pound discount oh my you see when an order is placed in the domino's app the app itself must first verify that the payment has actually succeeded this makes perfect sense if your user is buying something in the app you actually want to know that they've sent the money to you in the first place any sensible app maker would ensure that this verification process would not be done on the phone of whoever's ordering the food so as to avoid any tampering instead it would happen on an external server where the user is not able to edit it the lovely coders at domino's however couldn't be bothered to set up a server and so just decided that all of the verification process should occur on the user's phone therefore paul after ordering some dessert for his dinner using a complete spoof card that didn't exist or work simply just went into the app and edited a simple bit of code he edited that the card had been declined to just simply say accepted and changed the status from seven which is a failure of an order to a one which is a success of an order the app accepted this non-existent payment the non-existent card was never charged and much to a surprise 30 minutes later paul has another domino's pizza some chicken strips and a chocolate chip cookie all acquired for completely free this is downright incredible the thing is this exploit wasn't limited to dominoes this exploit is actually relatively common in many apps today actual payment verification systems are very standard and lazy companies that just can't be bothered to verify the payment externally we'll just do it locally on the phone allowing people like paul here to just manipulate whatever the results are the issue is here there is no limit because no payment is ever going to be taken and you can put in whatever card details you like and you will still get the food paul technically could do whatever he want for one brief moment in human history he had the power to destroy the entirety of dominos technically speaking if paul wanted to destroy the entirety of dominoes he could have technically done so with just a simple order of 1.3 billion medium margarita pizzas if he had placed that order the entire company's net worth would be entirely liquidated into pizza the entire universe would come to an end and atop it a new god would be created paul sitting atop a throne of pizzas in total it would be almost 15 trillion inches of pizza that is all you need to destroy dominoes 50 trillion inches of pizza oh my god that's technically more than enough pizza to just loop it around the earth multiple times oh god but sadly in some more disappointing yet you know logical news paul being a security researcher and a sensible kind british fella tells the delivery driver when the food arrives that his card declined and he pays for the extra food with cash instead his conscience is clean he reports it to domino's and it is fixed no free food for anyone else i know it's a shame but it taught us all a valuable lesson about the powers of payment verification and how you can very easily get things for free via your phone now this exploit is a little bit different we're actually steering clear of dominoes entirely and instead looking at pizza hut which is kind of like domino's slightly ugly younger brother sat in the corner continuously drooling now it's a time-honored tradition in our country that at some point a british youth will be bribed into reading books via the medium of the scholastics book fair illuminati a secret society of people somehow fabricating money out of thin air to convince youngsters in any medium possible that they need to read more books the concept is simple make reading cool for kids by giving them a tick list of things to do and books to read and when completed you're given free books that's fantastic uk children love free books however in america they suddenly realize the flaw when they try to do this operation kids don't like books kids are not going to read books if the reward is more books to read that's just not how it's going to work it's like saying you need to have your leg broken in order for the reward of your other leg being broken so they came up with an easy solution instead the executives at pizza hut ran a completely different scheme to try and improve literacy rates read free books and be rewarded with a child-sized pizza it really is as simple as that read free books get pizza now for young kim kelly this was actually an easy feat as she was the type of child to read at least a dozen books in a week and she spent several years exasperating her teachers by claiming dozens of free pizzas a year she was effectively a child who sustained herself by reading multiple books per day in order to just gain free pizza eventually one teacher finally had enough and said look kim okay we're putting a stop to it you're no longer allowed to launder books for pizzas and we're limiting you to just awarding you one free pizza token per week her supply cut off kim had to turn to drastic measures and so she used more underhanded ways of arguing her salty cheesy fix luckily for her pizza hut were relatively lacks when it came to giving out the authority to award these three pizzas as you see basically anyone who was a teacher could bestow any child with a free pizza now kim found that her grandmother a recently retired primary school teacher still retained the authority to bestow free meals and without the limitation of prying teachers the books didn't even need to be read because all kim had to do was go to her grandmother ask for the necessary form of proof and verification and a free pizza retreat was acquired kim's culinary heist actually continued for many years to come until eventually of course she sadly realized the crushing limitations of adulthood and the free pizza for her is no more but it's not a sad story because pizza hut's bookit scheme actually still continues to this day and the regulations around it haven't increased so if you're fortunate enough to have a teacher for a relative or know of a friend who does then by all means you now have access to infinite free pizzas heck you can even send a child in to go collect an infinite quantity of free child-sized pizzas with an endless supply of i-read-a-book badges and feast upon a supply of very small pizzas this is by far the most ridiculous way i have ever seen someone gain free pizza so two years ago domino's ran a campaign the system was pretty simple take a picture of your pizza and dominos will reward you with 10 loyalty points these points themselves can then be spent on free pizzas or free sides you name it it's fantastic normally you get points for actually buying orders and that makes sense you know you buy a pizza you get your points eventually you'll get free pizza that system works but for a limited time run dominoes decided to do points for pies the system was relatively simple any domino's account could take a picture of supposedly a domino's pizza and they would instantaneously gain 10 domino's points this system makes sense you know you take a picture of the domino's pizza you ordered you get a couple of bonus points domino's thinks you're then more likely to take that picture and post it on social media everyone wins there's just one slight downside the people behind the pizza detection service weren't human in fact domino's decided they'd just get a very basic ai to detect what a pizza should vaguely look like and then go fantastic here's your point now this system was fantastic loads of us were using even i used this exploit to gain free pizza it was brilliant and then it was ruined when one reddit user named major ubu two years ago exposed it all i know it was a devastating day but i guess our secret did eventually need to be leaked to the public as it turns out the ai detection of the pizza was so bad people weren't just buying knockoff cheap pizzas and pretending they were domino's pizzas for reward points people were instead loading up microsoft paint and adding red pepperoni circles inside of it and then holding up your phone to scan your computer screen and were bam a domino's pizza has been detected and 10 points are granted to your account now domino's knew their verification system would be bad and consequently they limited it so that you could only scan for a pizza every 48 hours but this didn't really stop anyone because domino's accounts aren't difficult to make and the people truly exploiting and living off of this completely broken system we're operating gigantic piles of domino's accounts every two days an exploiter would load up the domino's app on their phone log into one of their 40 accounts they might just hop onto google type in the word pizza hold their phone up to the screen and we'll bam 10 points it was as easy as that sadly after it naturally made the front page of reddit all fun came crashing to an end when and domino's very swiftly brought the campaign to an end but to this day domino still occasionally launches these random campaigns and some of them are very stupid so hey keep your ears posted because if ever i find one i'll make sure to tell all of you just as long as you follow the first rule of domino scam club you don't tell dominoes about domino's scam club anyway there you have it ladies and gentlemen i've been the spiffing brit if you've enjoyed today's video then make sure to give it a like and hey why not consider subscribing and turning on notifications that way you're going to make sure that you get all of the premier and crispy exploits as soon as they roll out of the lovely pastry oven as always a massive thank you to each and every one of our lovely patrons who make these videos all the more possible seriously thank you very much and if you're sat there wondering what video you'd like to watch next on the hellscape that is youtube well look no further than this one on screen now hand chosen by myself to be absolutely perfect anyway i'll see each and every one of you in the next one have an absolutely lovely day and goodbye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 700,488
Rating: 4.9552603 out of 5
Keywords: Spiffing, Brit, exploits, hackers, hack, perfectly balanced, spiffing brit, free food, coupon exploit, infinite money, Perfectly Balanced Restaurant, Mc Donald's, funny, the spiffing brit, perfectly balanced game, discount, tips and tricks, funny moments, mr beast, free land, food hack, life hack, hacking, food hacks, life hacks, exploit, money exploit, restaurant, giveaway, dominos, domionos pizza, free pizza, free dominos, free dominos pizza, dominois hack, Dominos VS Hackers
Id: mGK8rWe7Qps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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