Factorio Base Tour - Hornet's 5.2k SPM Multiple Main Bus Megabase from Reddit

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hello and welcome to another factorio base tour i'm exterminator and thank you for joining me i hope you're as excited to be here as i am this is a doozy and i'm just gonna let this space speak for itself here for a minute uh this is a by hornet dc so i am as their character in the save here this is a base that was posted to reddit by hornet themselves uh probably about three maybe almost close to four weeks ago and i did say i would spotlight it but i had a few in queue before there's uh and i'm finally getting to it and i am very excited uh you can you can just look at this just look at it and it's uh it is magnificent to say the least this is a 5.2 k so 5200 science per minute belt base it is made up of four identical uh rectangles here and each one does about 1.3 k or triangular rather not rectangles shapes uh four identical triangular pieces that do 1.3 k each it is completely vanilla currently to run a few quality of life mods were used to build it uh so a few things of note and then i'm going to read a little excerpt except from the uh reddit post from hornet uh but they did use creative mode to build part of this uh reading from the reddit it says uh northwest corner and supply base were built completely legit after that i switched to creative mode because i like real life more lol so i don't really blame them so what what they mean by this is a section of this base were built uh just completely legitimately as in making all the materials like to build the actual production areas uh legitimately and then because it would just take so long they decided to switch creative mode and basically just spawn in the materials to build the pieces um but to clarify this does not run on creative mode like they're not using uh you know creative mode chess everything is like legitimately working now there are zero mods installed right now uh we're not in uh creative mode and um you know the ore patches aren't spawned in uh at least best that i can tell they're definitely not they don't look like it um and you know they're not using like infinity chests to generate materials at the bills or anything so it runs completely legitimately it's just the builds themselves most of them were built with creative mode personally i have no problem whatsoever with that of the basis size it is a daunting task very very time consuming to actually produce everything needed to do this to actually place these builds down so i think that's fine uh and i'm gonna read a little bit more just like a sentence or two from the red post and then we're gonna hop into looking at this and it is well it's just mind-blowing really um so they say ever since i started playing factorio i wanted to create a megabase worthy of the base tour review uh royally based tour review by one of the content creators so i don't know if this is me or this is neil aus uh i think obviously i do base tours and reviews and he allows uh does or did um either way though i i did mention in the reddit weekly video where i saw this um that i planned to do this and hornet did comment on that and say that that's like part of why they posted it so uh if the risk of you know assuming it's me i'm going to maybe assume it's me or maybe both of us maybe me andy laos either way though this absolutely is worthy hornet this is an absolutely magnificent base uh so they played over uh for a thousand hours so the last three or four hundred hours are on the save but they consider all thousand hours related to the megabase with designing and learning etc um it is like i said it's completely vanilla a few quality of life mods to build it uh every science pack is built from raw resources on its own quote-unquote bus power consumption is 30 gigawatts uh 9 gigawatts of solar and 20 gigawatts nuclear and on their computer runs at 60 ups barely on my computer it might if we get out of map view uh it actually does not so they may have a little bit newer processor uh than i do currently or i have too much stuff open that's possible too but if we take a look let's start with the production we know it's a 5.2 k science per minute base but let's take a look here pretty dang close i would say the hour 10 hour would maybe be a little more telling but for the most part it's at least 5 000 or the last 10 minutes average if we look here 5.1 000 if we look at 10 hours maybe a little less because maybe they had just turned some things on either way this is as it claims to be and absolutely crazy if we look we are currently researching the worker robot speed at 14. uh we're at 38 percent now uh we can see by the end of the video uh which should be about 25 minutes from now i'm hoping um i don't want to make this too long uh how far we've got and this is uh to keep in mind a one million research and we were just cranking through the follow robot counts uh you know doing about two a minute so that's pretty good um this so this this base is just it's it's crazy so it's a belt base we can look at a few things here so highly defended out here at these outposts this is actually kind of a combined uh iron and copper outpost we will notice however that this one is belt base and this one is actually direct train mining so i would assume this one was perhaps built much later than this one you know this one was probably original um not original but maybe original to the megabase once it got up and running and then this is much later once they had enough mining productivity if we take a look here you know they have a very high mining productivity which is what you need for this they are using speed modules for this which uh i think is okay uh you know these aren't like the crazy billion uh patches we see in some megabases uh however with the level of mining productivity they have uh i think that that that's basically made up for anyway uh you know if we actually look at the bonuses it's 800 mining productivity so we can basically multiply the richness of any of these patches by eight um so this is effectively eight hundred percent richer you know it's effectively like eight hundred million copper you know and uh it's to be like almost half a half a billion almost 500 million 40 450 million iron so i think it's fine some modules here just from this you know they're cranking out one four six like eight belts here eight blue belts of iron and then the other ones direct train lining uh for the or trains it looks like they are using a uh two locomotive and then uh two four six eight wagons so a two eight uh setup and uh it is single headed there are no locomotives on the back uh in it so it's a pull through setup which certainly can work i'll be interested to kind of see the rest of the rail system i mean we're standing in the middle of it and it's actually pretty fascinating just stand here and watch this work we're in the very center of the base and uh this is a pretty big intersection that we have going on here uh it's working very well though this is uh this makes me jealous i wish my rails and my current makeup base worked this well uh you know in terms of like four-way junctions i'm not usually a huge fan they certainly can work if done properly and this one does seem to be done properly uh you know there is very little slowdown on this the trains multiple trains are able to pass through here at once which is exactly what you want to be able to happen uh so there are are two lanes here going uh each direction two main directional lanes and then there's of course some like turn lanes if you will so you know there's this one here that comes from the east and goes south and then you know there's this additional well two additional ones here aside from these middle two that just go directly that go from the west down to the south same opposite here here in this corner then crossovers um from every direction essentially um so trains can get anywhere they need to go basically uh via this junction here and there's a lot of train movement on this map we see very slight backups over here but it's it's very minimal in the grand scheme of things there are uh 262 trains on this map which is actually a lot for this um like for movement within this area now obviously not all of them are moving here all at once you know there's a lot parked out here and over here and such but i i get the feeling this is like purely i'm not exactly sure what this is yet uh we'll investigate further into that um so this is the mall over here but uh is this truly all just to feed this mall so this looks like the original base potentially and then we have a bunch of module production over here level three module production uh which i actually just touched on this topic of doing kind of a dedicated section for level two three modules i did that topic in my most recent uh episode three of my megabase tutorial series uh and this is a great example that they have three almost fully beacon machines here um producing level threes of every single module uh actually they have six of them doing speed modules and then three of them doing productivity modules and then some doing efficiency which i do find interesting i'll have to see where they put the efficiencies throughout the base but you know we have a small thing here bell base of course uh fully beacon or eight beacon fully beacon four and eight beacon setup uh pretty standard here so this is going under and uh using a cool setup here where you have the furnace kind of two furnaces grabbing from it one directly uh you know this way and then another one kind of adjacent to it like this going through this way and then the opposite in essence the opposite um happening here uh so underground here um inserting on that luckily we can't insert onto undergrounds and then underground's here we just have it repeating all the way down to output full belts of iron and there are a lot of belts of iron here there are uh 16 iron belts right here and then we have a stone belt here a stone brick belt well and actually a uh a stone belt and then an iron ore belt and then we have a lot of copper lanes i'm going to say 24 yeah 24 copper lanes here which is a ton but it is needed of course some of it continues a few a little bit of it continues to the right here uh some of it most of it heads upwards all the way through this so this is actually kind of cool a bit of a copper roadway through this solar farm here and down the circuit so the majority of it goes to circuits unsurprisingly uh the more majority of your copper will go to circuits or low density structures uh depending you know if you're if you're long launching rockets with it or not and they're outputting a very large amount of circuits here outputting 16 blue belts of circuits that's a lot of circuits guys and then we have some red builds here which is going to be one to six because there's two cable machines and then 12 red circuit machines these are beacon mostly foley kind of um some of them are so uh like all the way up until the very end one r8 beacon and then the end ones well this end one's actually more than a beacon but this one is not a beacon this is actually six beacon um i think it's just due to i mean they could easily obviously fit one here uh they could not fit one here uh because i mean they could have actually uh if they if they wanted to i think because uh you know this this one this underground i think does have to stay here because it won't reach further but a beacon will fit between the underground so they could have curved this up like up here like that instead of here and then fit another beacon um not that it's necessary you know this seems like it's working this is probably enough production so it's probably not necessary just something uh i i like noticing these things and pointing them out and uh blue circuits here pretty standard most of the green circuits are going to that again unsurprisingly we are outputting uh three belts of red circuits some uranium processing i'm not going to look too much at this this is this is the believe it or not this is like the starter base or maul so you know that that gives you an idea if you didn't get an idea already of the size of the base and then down here we have our nuclear power so again it is a combined nuclear and solar power they have 150 000 solar panels 4.1 000 turbines working here to supply currently 24 gigawatts it does consume up to 30 though as we read and this is a lot of nuclear power down here this is you know this is five of these builds which are uh pretty uh i'd say standard in regards to nothing like super crazy fancy uh but you know it works age old just pretty straightforward build and if it works that's awesome that's really all you want um most the time and then of course we do have solar these solar fields kind of aligning everywhere uh that they will reasonably fit and still look decent um you know they've put them all basically everywhere else in these triangles that they will fit sorry a little zoom out too far there um where there's nothing built and it does make for an interesting look uh part of me likes it part of me doesn't uh i think it would have i don't know it's really unique i think i don't think it looks bad um i think it maybe detracts a little bit from the bills but at the same time it kind of uh outlines them and shapes them and stuff i don't know it's i'm a little torn but either way i do really like the idea of placing them like basically everywhere within these they'll fit so let's actually take a look at the main production um i think we can probably get away with only looking in depth at one of them because they are all identical they are obviously facing orientated different direction but they are all identical builds to each other uh we will kind of maybe just browse over all of them but we're just going to look in depth at just one so let's look at uh it doesn't really matter we can look at this one here so at the very top we actually have uh the rockets launching here again two silos because they're doing 1.3 k signs per minute per triangle and you need you actually need more than one rocket just to do 1k science per minute so they obviously need two to do 1.3 k and then some solar panels here and accumulators for the satellite production pretty standard there it looks like eight beacon builds uh throughout from as far as i can tell uh the rocket control units for the rockets here again everything belt base a bit of a combination here of red belt and blue belt uh i do actually like the fact that they're using red belt where they don't need blue belt personally when i like personally if if i built a base you know at this level and when i have built a beltmake base the one time i did um i just used blue belt everywhere because i was just like i'm using blue belt i i just i'm too lazy um but this is i mean this is obviously much more cost efficient which if the scale may or may not matter but it is because you know red belt is quite a bit cheaper than blue belt and they absolutely don't need red belt here um i would actually argue they probably are sorry they don't need blue belt here i would argue they probably don't even need red belt um but you know i just found that kind of interesting kind of cool and then they're using a a interesting kind of setup here with these filter splitters so they're filtering blue circuits or prioritizing blue circuits this way and then they have a deconstruction planner here to kind of just stop like everything um from going this way kind of a neat trick to get things where they want them to go and uh these just cranking them out productivity models in them uh obviously which is very good definitely want productivity models in that productivity models in the silos i would imagine yep thank goodness for that uh and then we come down for speed models of course for the rocky control units local production here uh and then we have blue circuits here i would imagine this is purely for those it looks like it is uh and if we look this is again all fed off as a as the reddit uh you know post mentioned uh this is all fed off of like a bus so so this each triangle this is actually just one gigantic main bus in here which is pretty unique i would say uh because i have reviewed several other belt bases belt megabases before and they don't really utilize a full bus uh they may have separate i did a couple recently where they had separate production areas that were belt based um but they weren't actually like a main bus so having truly a full a full mini bus here and then just multiplied three you know throughout the map to get four of them is uh pretty cool i think not not something at least i see uh that often at this scale especially five thousand signs per minute uh so uh red circuits are being produced here and they are being cranked out so if we look here uh we have on this bus we have uh four belts it looks like of red circuits there's three here and then there's a fourth one here and then an interesting thing going on here this actually is probably not four full belts because they're just combining it down to two um and then half of it's half of this one's being split off for red circuits um i mean it looks like it's full though it's backed up so kind of seeing how they're then just combining it down um and then we have at least we have eight belts here i would assume um it's supposed to be full belts of green circuits and then we have rocket fuel low densities in the middle some plastic here steel and iron at least down this far obviously as we get farther up the bus i mean we could just start at the beginning um i don't think it really matters but i just saw the rock and got excited that's why i started down there but we can actually probably hop to the front here so if we take a look uh we have some fuel here uh you know very good fuel stop here to fuel all the trains which is done by robot i think this is probably the only robot thing done in the base as you can see there's only 62 logistic robots 47 construction uh so very much just for the fueling and some repairs if need be so this looks like the main uh pathway and entry for the trains for each type so we have train stop um they are labeled using the rich text which is nice so this is red science uh south northwest i would assume these are directions that that's indicating uh and then this pulls in here and then unload eight northwest so um we have an iron here a copper here and the same here in here so these are this is like a stacker this is kind of just like a weight station uh you can certainly build a stack and stacker with stations and this is a good example of doing that uh and then they will actually pull into their drop-off and then we have a uh iron ore here and this looks like uh coal here from military science we're just going to review all the training drop-offs and then we'll look at the builds uh so then we have some more iron ore and stone here so something that's that's really cool about this is that and then here's more copper than stone they actually have their drop offs from what i can tell separated by build type um which is pretty cool i wouldn't have anticipated that i kind of at first glance i thought they were just dropping everything off and then just like sending it down the main bus which they are to some degree but you'll notice that you know if we turn on these station names which is a little overwhelming you can see so they've read science green science military science blue purple high tech mil er uh space science so that's a really cool way of doing i i did not realize that at first glance and it's not the first inclination i would have even though it actually makes a lot of sense um so maybe i'm just dumb i don't know but uh we have so all the things for military here and then uh we have obviously all the drop-offs this is again the stacker where they come weight and then each individual drop-off for everything needed for uh purple science and as again mentioned in the reddit pose and we notice here all the things are made from the raw material so you know they need iron uh copper stone oil water and coal for purple science and then high-tech science you know this is the things they need uh raw materials to make it and then high-tech or space science is what they need to make it um so it's all coming from the raw materials and then made and then built up from there so it's almost like mini bases and mini buses within a bigger base and bus which is then just part of four others like it's kind of kind of crazy really kind of uh like recursions here so uh this comes over we have our initial small tank so kind of a small build here for stone which again though it's fully beacon and module so you don't need it that big copper same type of bill we saw earlier so don't need to go too in-depth on that and then iron a lot of iron and then steel about double the amount well not quite double the amount of steel but it looks like the iron is actually made within the steel though as we'll notice so iron which is sent down to the steel and then output here comes over to blue belt of brick we have our first product here for military science grenades uh and then we have piercing ammo and then we have walls and then actually the military science again i am just it catches my eye that these are not fully beacon uh i would guess that you just don't need to be and that's why they didn't do it this is not a criticism just something that that catches my eye because when i build i just fully beacon everything which is not actually the most efficient because in this case it may be that they don't need to be fully beacon and that's the reason they did that uh you know there's no uh like space constraint or nothing in the way stopping them from adding uh additional beacons here so uh my guess is probably it just doesn't need it and that's cool that's really efficient building um so props to them for that if they if they did it for that reason uh and then we have the military science coming out here onto one half the belt uh and then out it goes and we skipped red and green science i mean they're super straightforward but they are uh again copper iron super simple fred science and you deliver the two things make the two plates and then that's you know make some gears and you're good to go here same deal with the beacons kind of curious on that productivity moduling everything that can be huge fan of that and then so half about half a blue belt here of red science keep in mind this is only a fourth of the base you know this is 1.3 k science per minute and uh there's four of these sections for this entire thing throughout the base um and then it's merged with green science uh so there we go and then military science so this comes up i really do like these kind of solar corridors this goes through i think it's super cool and then military science is sent out which goes up here kind of through the same type of design you can see it's kind of up and over up and over uh up and over again um and then blue science here we have our blue science made with again everything from raw materials here so sulfur plastic down here we have our little oil build a very small kind of cute oil build here there's three refineries and cracking only cracking they only need petroleum for these products so i you know this is actually a really cool way to do it because it doesn't require these massive massive oil setups that you know are a pain to build and route pipes through and supply and stuff um so this is a very good way of doing this i'm really becoming more and more of a fan of the like multiple smaller production bases combined to make one huge base type of deal um like this one is like four bases that each do one point three k seconds per minute um i think that's really cool and of course it's melting here we already only smelting multiple times uh we have red circuits engines everything we need for blue science which again productivity module throughout uh a beacon for most of it and except the in one there and then this comes out half a belt to merge onto the military science belt we have some more ore running through here a lot of or for this a lot of steel which is unsurprising because we're at purple science which requires a ton of steel for the rails and the furnaces and then up here we have our laps actually which we'll look at last uh so again a little refiner here actually well little compared to normal megabase refineries but bigger than the other one tons and tons and tons of smelting because we need a ton of steel for rails and for the electric furnaces again the iron is made within the build very cool way of doing that there and then this is sent out it looks like we have mostly just cracking again for plastic and then we have our green circuit production here a one-to-one ratio because it's fully modeled which gets it very close to being a one-to-one ratio so there's that and then uh using two inserters i they may actually i think you maybe need to i mean you may only need one um but two doesn't hurt that bad um so we're running at 60 60 now by the way i don't know if we're actually doing full production but maybe not yeah i think that's why uh and then uh you know again kind of a mini main bus here for each one of these red circuit production here which we do need quite a bit of for the furnaces we will notice the furnaces are uh empty uh the red circuits are not working due to a lack of plastic which is due to a lack of petroleum and no oil so perhaps a few oil problems on the map right now but these would be producing and being sent out over to here and then the rails are produced here very difficult to produce enough rails for purple science they have one uh iron uh stick iron rod assembler here outputting it to two uh rails and then uh three inserters outputting the rails for this and some side loading for this one and then over here as well and then grabbing for this we come on up to the productivity modules which this is actually a pretty cool interesting technique i don't know that i've really seen this i mean it's just simple side loading but this actual design of it is really cool so they're outputting the productivity modules here and then like a quick curve over to this undergrounding merging on that and then the same thing which is pretty neat i may have to steal that i again it's just simple side loading i've done things similar to this before but uh this this actual design of doing that is pretty cool it looks really neat as well and then we have purple science here which despite the lack of furnaces is actually uh completely backed up this comes over let's take a look here it looks like maybe there's no high-tech science yikes okay so let's look at the high-tech science let's see if we can decipher what the problem is i would assume oil again that'd be the logical thing yeah it's definitely oil so making plastic here silver when we do have oil batteries when we do have oil and then circuits here all the base materials since we're getting in just raw materials and then red circuits blue circuits engines here electric engines robot frames it's just kind of cool it's like a little mini main bus and then rocket or sorry lotus new structures and then the high tech science which is pumped out again i like the use of the beacon sharing here where instead of you know they they built this in a way where they could share the beacons for both loaded new structures and high-tech science which is really cool they seem to be very efficient with their use of stuff like building and in levels of things used and amount of things used because it would it would probably be a lot easier to just have another row of these and not have to have lined this up to actually fit with the same beacon row or maybe it just easily worked out that way but either way this is very cool this is always good to share beacons when you can i don't do it enough and then this would come over and merge with the purple and then we have the space science which is obviously pretty straightforward a massive amount of production tons and tons and tons of copper and iron and some steel you know this is this is pretty sizable this is like bigger than than like my normal starter base main bus here just for the rockets uh with again some oil well oil here actually seems to be doing okay maybe it's coming from some different outposts or if we look back maybe the oil train just came in uh if we look at this not say maybe it's from different outposts or something um so let's actually turn these off for now so we come over here and uh sorry i'm getting lost okay yeah so this this comes over a little bit of a copper problem maybe tons and tons uh 16 belts here of iron 16 belts of copper coming in huge balancers here's 16 to 16 or 16 to 15. well it's a 16 to 16 and they're just not outputting the last lane there um so then that comes over and these are these materials come up oil boom we looked at these already and you can see the battery lanes already full just with the amount of little oil we got or maybe it was full already and then uh solid fuel lots of solid fuel here and um some rocket fuel here and then tons of rock fuel actually and then load into the structures some green circuits up here this is what we were looking at before by the way this is where we started uh all the way for space science which we already looked at so this comes down and let's take a look at the lab so this is all fed in uh from the bottom or front here however you want to look at it into these active provider chests which is uh interesting obviously the knight really well they are using robots and uh belts or no they're just using robots for this so uh they i thought this passed through for a second uh but they're using this to actually just double insert to get these in here super quick and then they're using robots which is interesting so everywhere else in the base of these belt but they are using robots for this and my guess is that maybe they just couldn't get the belts fed to all the labs uh how they wanted or in a good way so they decided to do robots which you know find by me i love robots um so everything is here except of course the high tech science so we do have some wiring here though which is pretty interesting so this reads this and this is going to come here it's going to show us how much of everything we have and there's a yellow signal mixed in there as well and then this comes over and actually hooks to the roboport and hooks up to these combinators which constant combinator uh this looks like it's maybe some sort of thing to uh like call in robots perhaps although there's already 200 logistic robots in here i mean all these are full except of course the high-tech science so maybe this is just purely an indicator i mean that could certainly be uh and then these are just inserted in here how many labs do we have per section so we have 84 labs here for this to consume the amount of science needed and that's that basically and everything else is solar very very simple square solar designs here but it certainly does the job and fits in well you know having these square designs helps uh fill in the areas and we kind of have it you know zigzag here to border that and this is just i kind of at a loss for words uh this is really cool i mean this is really cool guys uh we do have a bit of a train back up though okay so interesting oh dear okay uh uh i mean i'm not laughing like at them i'm laughing because i'm experiencing this type of thing a lot on my current megabase and i'm also laughing because i think it's it's like a looped backup uh like it i mean it's also due to some some signaling that probably is not working properly um so you know what what's happening is this train is obviously blocking like three lanes of travel here uh because it's pulled across stopped here has butt sticking out there and which is stopped because this train is we just stopped because this one is we just stopped because this one's stuck in here but this one's only stuck in here because of this one being stuck and this one being stuck which is actually just stuck because of the first one so we actually have it's kind of uh just looped back on itself uh and this can happen this could be fixed with some signaling i'm actually curious to go down there and take a look it's right by us ironically and there's actually a spider-tron right here no jeez okay sorry that if that hurt yours that scared me um so uh i just wanted i want to take a look at this this is this is not a base review or or fix it or anything but this kind of caught my eye and uh i'd be interested to just take a look at this so the main junction is signaled very well this junction i think it's a lacking a chain signal would be my guess if we uh okay let's hold on let's let's let's put that on manual for now hop in here put this one on manual and get him out of here oh that was close okay so that's fixed the issue uh but what's happened is this right here this one should be a chain signal now the general principle of putting a normal signal on two merges but before merge is good however uh there's a signal in here somewhere which we can't okay it's over here it's a signal right here for this to stop uh this should either be removed or well well there's one of several things that should happen either this should be removed or the stacker should be made bigger so that it can fit all the trains although the stacker was not full i don't believe um i think maybe the train had picked a path that was full not and was not repathing for some reason perhaps if we if we remanual this see where it's going uh yeah i mean there's room in the stacker so maybe it wasn't repathing um but if we get rid of this signal um that would probably fix it alternatively we could put a chain signal here and what this is going to do is make sure and maybe even a chain signal here actually would be good as well if we don't get rid of that put a chain signal on both because we need this train to stay stopped here now this one's on manual but the problem here is that since this is a normal signal and this is a normal signal um the train pulled through even though i had to stop at this signal and then its butt was sticking out across all of this we want this to not even pass this right here unless it can fully just pull into a stacker i would say probably make this a chain signal which obviously we don't have but make that a chain signal and then make that a chain signal as well you should have a chain signal at the beginning of your stacker anyway that's not really the part of the base review i just thought or base tour this is not a base review but i just thought that was kind of something fun to mess with but yeah guys this base is absolutely amazing uh the the four-way junction here in the middle is super cool super fascinating and mesmerizing to just stand in um now there will be some backups here just because we had such a large backup but it's actually pretty much cleared already which is really impressive uh and there's just a lot of trains passing through here and then the all these again all these bases are identical so we looked at this one this one is exactly the same it's just orientated a different direction uh so it's it's it's rotated uh 45 degrees and this one's rotated 45 degrees again and this one's rotated 45 degrees again um or 90 degrees sorry you know i i was re i'm really bad at geometry by the way guys so um because yeah this is 90 this one would be 180 compared to this one i kind of questioned myself as i was rattling off those numbers geometry is not my strong suit um yeah so it's rotated 90 90 90 and then we're back where we started which is really really neat uh even just to look at like you know i mean i could just sit here i mean this is this is a good background this is a good computer wallpaper really like this is super impressive hornet uh you i i need to probably close this out i don't want to make this too long but you have done an absolutely fantastic job with this bass uh really very very impressive i'm a huge fan of the like symmetrical just nicely built bases that it's just very visually pleasing very satisfying to look at and to watch especially when you can see the trains just moving throughout here again it's really quite mesmerizing in production-wise this is very impressive as well if we do what we usually do and look at our all-time let's produce half a billion iron almost half a billion copper quarter billion circuits 61 million red circuits obviously a big ton of rail for the blues uh purple science and then in science we've done uh almost seven million of every single science aside from military which makes sense the military's almost always less there's just less military science that's really worth doing uh and uh rockets we don't have a rocket counter but we can look at the consumed for satellites let's use our handy dandy search up here we have consumed 7 000 so basically a launch which you know we could have just extrapolated from the amount of uh space science here but we've consumed um basically seven thousand almost seven thousand uh satellites mean we've launched almost seven thousand rockets uh which means this base actually hasn't been running that long considering it's uh five a minute you know it hasn't actually been fully up and running for a super long time again if we look at the the play time on this the play time well that's the auto save but the uh play time on this is actually not super high it's only 135 hours i mean this is a lot like just objectively this is a lot of play time but for a basis size i'm guessing this actually hasn't been up and running for a super long time which is maybe why the 10 hour graph didn't really show us at our full 5k a minute because this hasn't been up and running for a super long time if you recall beginning they did have like four hours on the map so it's actually kind of interesting that they there's only 135 here um they say three or four hundred are on the save when this is only 135 so that's kind of interesting to me i'm not sure how that calculates out but still um very very cool so this was their spawn point apparently right here which is interesting to note that they actually spawned here um and then decided to build down here um so that's pretty interesting we have a kind of a a guard gate here actually we didn't look at west bridge so there's bridges uh well a bridge at least and then there's a north bridge too which is pretty cool kind of pass through here which i think is uh super super cool uh just another unique kind of aesthetically pleasing cool aspect to the base they have walled in biters are on as you can see pollution is just off the charts on this thing it's only going to continue to spread faster and uh super crazy walls dragon teeth really cool dragon teeth here and uh just lasers kind of zigzagged here with flame turrets scattered in like every other section here or uh flame turrets which definitely flame turrets i would definitely imagine that they have behemoth biters at this point and i think that's going to do it for this one guys extremely impressive bass i hope you enjoyed the save is publicly available on the reddit post which i will link in the description if you want to take a look at this uh i am very glad i saw this and got to tour it extremely impressive megabase uh it's it's truly worthy more than worthy of these base tour videos i hope i did it justice i hope you guys enjoyed and i believe that should do it if you did enjoy a like is appreciated so other people can find this and be inspired as well and if you're new feel free to subscribe to keep up with all the content until next time guys leave your thoughts and stuff below and i look forward to seeing you all and do take care [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Xterminator
Views: 112,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: k1hODSREc9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 23sec (2603 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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