Factorio Base Tour - Carrod's Train Bus, 3.6k SPM Megabase

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hello everyone and welcome to another factorio bass tour i'm exterminator and thank you for joining me today it has been a little bit since our last base tour so it seemed time to do another one and uh this one now i know every time i say this one's super cool we you know i'm super excited those things are true but one thing that is very true about this bass that uh is not necessarily true about the other basses i've reviewed is i don't think we have seen a bass in this entire series that is like this base this base is different than all of the other bases and i am super excited to get into it uh because this is something that i have wanted to see and uh just haven't really received a save with it until now and it is pretty magnificent to say the least uh so this base is submitted by uh carrod or karad i'm not sure exactly the pronunciation i apologize if i mess it up but this is a train bus base so this concept a lot of you may be familiar with if you're not familiar with it basically uh in summary it just is similar to a main bus but it uses training instead of belts so obviously it's on a much larger scale instead of having you know your belts of materials in a main bus you have trains like a main train line bus and then trains split off of that to delivery stations which you know deliver directly into build so it's basically just replacing belts with trains um for the main bus section and this has um i would say probably one of the most satisfying to watch and look at uh rail systems in any of the bases we've looked at um so let's let's get started here uh we have a little troop of spidertrons here at the start or we're starting and we are near the uh mall make everything and uh this base is is very large um this make everything is actually huge uh in comparison like this is way bigger than even just a normal base um so so this here is just to make everything um like from here up to where we are this is just to make everything this is not even the main production in the base um in terms of production this base does about 3 000 science per minute technically it is built to be able to do about 3600 but it's not running fully or properly as intended i think to due to some train jams so we will take a look at maybe what's causing those train issues but uh let's let's hop into it let's look at production first off let's just start with that so you can get some numbers in your head we have you know two hundred forty thousand iron minute over a hundred thousand main circuits a minute almost two hundred thousand copper a minute um if we take a look at our minute graph and now some of these sciences are at 3.6 in fact most of them are so it's potentially uh only a problem sometimes or maybe when uh carrot wrote the synopsis for me um which is what that info i mentioned earlier was from um maybe they fixed it after this and then sent me to save because they did send me the save i think sometime later so uh it is actually now running at 3.6 k science per minute uh so so that's what we're going to say that space does it's it's a lot and this base has about 175 hours on it if we look at our all time here to start with almost half a billion iron 376 million copper more almost a quarter billion green circuits 50 million red circuits 2 million steel quite a lot uh science packs if we look at the science packs uh pretty much 5 million science of every type and we're currently on mining productivity 69. um this is unmodded there are no mods in the save whatsoever there was no resource like a creative placing or anything like that this is completely legit now let's look at the map i know something you guys have been waiting for check this out folks this is ridiculous um so this is the the production area with the train bus and i want to look very closely at this however what really caught my eye and maybe caught your eye is this here look how satisfying this is i could truly sit here i'm not gonna make you guys do this um but i could truly sit here and watch this for probably 30 minutes straight uh this is just incredibly satisfying just watching the trains zip through here all the trains in here are 1-4 trains from what i can tell single-headed and that's what's transporting all the materials and these things are just cruising through here just endless endless trains guys and i know we love to see this you know we all love trains this is just absolutely fantastic and this is built in an interesting way instead of a normal type of main line uh what this actually has is these seven i believe this is seven two four six seven um lines and each one is actually basically like a dedicated line from my understanding um so there's one for iron there's one or two for iron potentially um yeah there's two for iron two for copper one for uh and then i think maybe two for like coal and water and stone and like all the other materials so that's six and then there's a seventh one for um like maintenance and like player transport and stuff like that and i think artillery potentially um so this top one looks to be the maintenance one there's not like there's not a lot of trains running on it so it's seven lines each direction you can see they they even have crossed lakes with this and i'm just following this so this is actually does create a loop um and it does have the potential to go upwards all the way up and i'm pretty sure this is artillery line here this one just stops but um it looks like this could potentially turn onto here and then go into artillery another thing guys will notice is there a ton of trees on this map and another unique thing is kurt actually set the trees to max they said they really like the visual on the map of a ton of trees and the pollution slowing effect of it now personally that would drive me nuts however i will admit that visually it looks really cool it looks really nice i mean you can't really see the rails but seeing the training zip through this forest is pretty cool and then also somewhere in here i don't remember quite where it was uh this section looking at all these like dead trees or just i don't know if they're dead or they just don't have leaves um but seeing the tree uh trains go through this is actually really cool as well um you know and then of course across the water just finished our research and also having just the base and stuff built kind of within this big forest so it also runs on nuclear there's 21 gigawatts worth of nuclear power this is what it's run on they said they don't really like solar and the idea of having solar spread out to throughout the map so they went completely nuclear which did hurt the ups a little bit although we are still at least on my computer a fair bit below the point where we would start dropping below 60 ups so despite the nuclear power and stuff we're still in a good spot currently using about 17 gigawatts of power uh which is quite a lot really we have our artillery outposts spread throughout here which i mean look at closer here in a little bit we have our our resource outposts and these are direct insertion or direct mining insertion so it is speed modules in the miners and speed beacons mining directly into trains now they are this is really fast obviously this is speed on top of speed but the reason they can do this is because of the mining productivity you know mining productivity 70 is providing basically once we finish this 700 percent mining productivity uh effectively making all these patches seven times uh richer than they are or providing seven times yield so uh they can afford to have this be super fast and not productivity like with modules uh because between the productivity and the speed uh that's needed to fill these trains fast enough you can see just how quickly this is filling this train um this needs to get to 2000 to be full and it is just cranking like it's you can see their storage uh already halfway full in these wagons which you know is definitely what you want to see filling up really quick like that um so all the outposts basically the same um just direct mining into trains here into the one fours and now let's take a look at the base so we'll start at the front to make everything this is the hub is what they're calling it and uh again one for trains that's what we're using throughout and uh this is kind of an in-line stacker in the sense where instead of having stacker lanes like right next to each other i mean they kind of do but they're also just a lot stacking train to train which in this case can work because it's all pulled through the trains aren't trying to leave back the way they came so this isn't really causing an issue so how these train bus systems work because we don't see this often like i said this is the first base i believe in this entire base tour series where we seen an actual train bus so these are very interesting and uh fairly tricky to build i would say um and make run correctly especially at this scale so they unload the trains you know as you normally would looks like for inserts per unloading uh and we have quite a few lanes of over here that it once this is said and done there's quite a lot uh one two three four five six seven eight plus four there's 12 lanes of iron i would assume uh there's actually even more of that i think than of copper i think 16 lanes of copper potentially and then everything else delivered all in line here which looks really cool first off it all crosses underneath so just as you would cross a you know the the main belts in your bus this is crossing oh man look at this train race i'm getting distracted the trains here are just super cool i almost want to kind of just follow this like isn't this cool um and once we get to a junction you'll see some of these guys split off potentially it looks like they're all going farther down the line but like like i said guys i could just watch this for probably 30 minutes this is extremely satisfying all here here's some inbound ones coming in um anyway back to what i was saying we'll just watch the trains that go by here um it will go underneath the rails just as it would go under main bus belts and then goes up to the production here and this is a lot of production this is the smelting here so we have copper iron steel in terms of the builds themselves it's actually fairly similar it looks like to the kind of belt build i did in my tightening the belt base i'm not saying it's the same build it's not um but generally it reminds me of that where it's you know utilizing underground under the inserters to kind of get multiple lanes of ore in and then multiple lanes of plate out so this is pretty good you know we're on the ground in here these are coming through some side loading here to get it on both sides and then it looks like the end thing here actually outputting three i think or two and a half uh lines of plate here which all combines down the copper i would assume is exactly the same which it is um and then steel is a little bit different of course they are inputting uh well it's actually not that different uh the the plate comes in basically the same way the ore does over here uh but then obviously steel it's a lot takes a lot more to fill about so they're actually only outputting one belt um to sew quite a lot under using a red underground here for the belt weaving capability and then this all comes through goes up to circuit so this is all of our circuits uh green circuits red circuits blue circuits the green circuit build all these are like this all seems to be a beacon pretty standard here using some chests actually to transfer to do a direct insertion type of setup with these um which is actually pretty cool i don't see this super often but it absolutely works i do this uh but just in a different form where i will place the machines kind of side by side like this and then put the chest in that little corner that's available and they're just doing it you know directly in between which totally works um and it's good because they've managed to actually get their spacing right too so that all the beacons are hitting all the machines evenly which can be tricky when you when you add in chests here so we get a lot of circuits we have i'm trying to count the final amount here it looks like uh i'm i'm not sure guys this is a lot this is 15 16 17 18 19 belt so circuit seems like an odd number but um definitely not an odd it's definitely it's two four six 8 10 12 14 16 18. definitely missed one um but yeah so 18 it looks like belts of circuits which is a lot these are all express belts and then splits off to you know the red circuits uh these builds are uh using quite a bit of belt weaving which you which does make sense for red circuits you know you do need to get a lot of materials in and out uh within a fairly small space when you use beacons like this so let's find the cable so the cable is pulling copper and then it's outputting a cable here actually two different ways side loading on this which undergrounds to here so this is side loading on this close side and then the insert automatically puts on the far side and it comes over this way and underground and within that same space they're actually outputting the red circuits using a red belt going the opposite direction so that's pretty dang cool and then we have plastic and circuits just sharing about here pretty straightforward the ratio they're using here is one to six i'm not sure if that's correct when you put in modules i feel like it changes i could be wrong though um this is the ratio not module uh but it is working it seems like um so then we come over to blue circuits which have uh actually sharing an input and output belt on the same belt which you don't see super often so red circuits are on half the belt using a priority to split it off and then just side loading and then the other half of the belt utilizing the behavior of inserters always inserting on the far side putting blue circuits over here and then utilizing the nice underground side loading trick to make sure that only blue circuits side load on because these basically hit the flap and these don't and then it comes over and we have um so it looks like we have a full blue belt of blue circuits four belts of red circuits and six belts of green circuits i think which comes to modules so this is the module production area all the module threes there's a lot actually the final section here that there's uh basically five machines speed beacon as well um all making modules model threes so five machines making module threes pretty dang fast uh you can see they're holding a whole chest essentially 2.4 k is a whole chest worth of modules threes of each type and then a few module uh efficiency modules 100 probably just for use here and there maybe for power armors and stuff and then some landfill here gears i'm not going to look super close at this because this is to make everything this isn't even the main science production nuclear fuel some artillery stuff here so like a lot of ammo military production in this area for general use and obviously the artillery uh or yeah artillery um and then some low density structures uh engines all that stuff coming down we're making all types of belts so this is kind of the actual mall hub of just make everything in this little section and then this continues down and they're making you know their their high-end stuff their logistics network stuff their beacons uh the nuclear reactors you know power armor equipment and stuff like that down here um so pretty cool and then this is at if you couldn't tell already this is basically entirely belt and train base there's a few bots now there are a lot of bots in the network but there's not really many bots that actually do work you'll notice there's very few logistic chests on mainly it's just for dumping the make everything materials into so you can easily request them like yourself is the main purpose of that um so that's to make everything which even in and of itself is really quite large and then if we just take a look some cool perimeter walls here these aren't really dragon's teeth but it kind of is the same principle uh just stops the biters from like running directly into your main wall here and helps the turrets kill them doing uh laser turrets and gun turrets with uranium ammo which is pretty cool uh not nice combo there and now we're gonna come down to the train bus and we have the inbound lane um on the bottom so this is right hand drive and then we actually have the delivery stations and then the outbound lane above them which makes sense because it's a pull through system so the trains need to actually leave you know above the stations and we're just going to sit here and watch this for a second i'm going to take a quick sip of water all right so let's start um they have you'll notice there's actually a very uniform uh thing going on here so there's three sections of the same thing so really we only need to look at one we'll just kind of browse across all of them but uh three of them are all the same so each one is actually a science section it goes in order red science green science military blue yeah blue purple i would assume yep high tech or here yep and space science here and then it just starts over so three sections of this each one doing 1200 a minute because we are making 3 600 science per minute but let's start at the origin with the trains so red science nicely marked we have two trains delivering and this is all you need for red science you have iron ore so it's all coming from more iron ore copper ore same type of deal we saw to make everything where it's kind of an inline stacker for each type these are underneath now they are unloading a bunch of belts even though they're actually only bringing a couple of them into the main production area so these run up come in uh so we're doing local smelting here not very much of it because it's all uh beacon and module and rent science really does not take very many materials on the grand scheme of things uh and then we're making red science here it looks like potentially an odd number of them yeah i saw 13 of them i think you got 13 red science machines but this section is doing 1200 a minute and uh all productivity again just to mention which is good productivity and all the stuff sending the red science up here uh now sticking through chests uh which i do find interesting maybe this is kind of just an extra buffer here and this comes through and then it's loaded onto another train station and brought somewhere else we haven't actually looked at the labs yet we'll get to that near the end and it's something pretty cool so this is a load onto the train and sent off in terms of this training setup it pulls in this is we have a interesting so we actually have two so maintenance okay so each one of these has a maintenance station is what that is so that's pretty cool basically a pack station uh good to have that in each section so this loads again a 1 4 train and then green science again just inputting the two materials iron and copper bring two belts up and this actually emerges into one belt and we have very little copper smelting here we don't need a ton a lot of iron small thing because you need it for all the gears and then this has quite a few uh green circle machines 16 here and they are slower than red than the red science you're doing more and we're making the belts and inserters locally now these are actually not be or not module which is interesting they opted to not do it that which is fine i mean still getting away with just two and then one pretty standard nothing like super crazy to explain within this build uh just some underground stuff here gears iron and circuits directly underneath here outputting comes up same deal loaded on a 1 4 train and then sent off to the labs and then we have military science so we do of course need more materials for this we have iron copper and then also coal and stone here and you can see these these sections are getting bigger and bigger and as another train race goes by sending two belts of everything up again copper's combined back down to the one and this is so this is interesting to me they're sending two belts up and then turning it into three belts now they may only need two belts and then they just need to go to three different locations would be my guess as to why they're doing this i mean the base seems to be running pretty well so there's not too much to question here i suppose in terms of if it works or not but yeah that would be my guess is that it just needs to go to three different locations and this one's actually only half the belt so we have the iron smelting here and then this one's loading here so iron's melting it's steel smelting again everything made locally just straight from oars these are backed up because we're not doing military science so this one is just completely stopped uh but they are making everything in here the ammo grenades and walls and then they have 13 military science packs here keeping in mind that military does produce two science per production cycle again 1 4 train loaded up good to go um now there's a condition here enable this is going to be the case on all these um i would assume the same amount for all of them yeah so as soon as it gets to or equals 32 000 it's going to shut off the station is my understanding here and i'm not sure yeah so or maybe it turns it on i always get this confused i think maybe it would turn it on once it hits or gets above 32 000 um but well this one's off so let's take a look here this one's off yeah so as soon as it hits that amount it'll turn it on basically they're just trying to prevent the train from coming and sitting here forever when there's not actually enough materials to fill up the train and then so that's military science let's move on to blue science blue science needs iron copper coal oil and water these uh pretty big one for oil trains i say pretty big just because usually oil trains at least when i build them aren't as big but they are keeping their size very standard here which is which is nice and another thing of note that i didn't really mention before that's pretty pretty interesting about this to me at least is very i wanna wow so much traffic uh almost in a way very simplistic rail setup but not at the same time like this is just very like kind of uh i don't wanna say beginner level because obviously you know what they're doing it's just very very simple cross chain signals across chain signals before like this this is kind of like the kind of junction i would build when i first started playing is you know just you know just rails just crossing all these other rails just straight across um but it works i don't know i just thought it was interesting just very simplistic uh rail set and you know sometimes that's better sometimes if you know what you're doing just building a very simplistic setup can actually work for the better and this would be one of those cases i would say now i am still i'm gonna lean even more towards the fact that when they wrote their synopsis for me that that was like before they did more work on the save potentially and then sent me the save because they said they had some train traffic problems um and i'm just not really seeing any to be honest with you everything seems to be running absolutely fantastic from what i can tell so i mean that's good that we're not having those problems so anyway back to blue science comes up making the engines smelting oil production here actually very small oil production because only the amount needed for the science you know no uh no no massive oil build for the whole base which is actually nice this really helps simplify the piping and the liquid uh flow throughput issues you may run into normally and then making all the stuff locally here sharing about engines and steel actually so you can another example of having the input belt be the same as the output belt that can actually work really well in a lot of cases as long as you're careful with it and you know separate it out like you're supposed to then this comes up obviously a lot of blue science here just because it's it's slow and it only produces you know produces tube as 24 seconds and then loaded on the train same day leo here same setup on the training station purple science ton of materials coming in here basically every material two iron in fact need all that for the rails and then copper coal stone oil and water lots of water too excuse me uh so we have a ton of iron here we have uh it looks like we have 12 belts of iron ore coming in here and four balls of copper which both of these is a lot more than the previous builds and four belts of stone all this is really going to be for the rails at least the iron in the stone and then a fairly large oil build here for the plastic for the red circuits so all this iron is in here we're also making a bunch of steel you need a ton of steel for the rails and actually basically almost all this is going to steel and you can see here the rails the rails are all the rails are really one of the hardest parts i think for a lot of people including myself for science so using every space available essentially here to input and output everything needed for these rails by using some beltweaving techniques as well but they are supplying it i don't see any machines running out it is backed up here this one may be a little close it looks like this one's stopping every once in a while and then of course all the circuits for the speed mod or for the productivity module ones and then more for the furnaces plus the steel for the furnaces and the brakes so between the stone for the rails and the stone brick for the furnaces and the steel for both you know that's where all the iron stone is going and then we have uh well it's the wrong button we don't want to cut we have uh like 20-ish 21 machines making uh purple signs would make sense same deal on the station high-tech science we have iron copper coal oil and water fair bit of both here we have eight lanes of iron it looks like and eight lanes of copper all coming up here very nicely very similar smelting setups you can see um basically identical small things setups throughout the builds just scale up or down depending on the demand for the the science excuse me and then uh oil here making some red circuits coming up making green circuits same type of build we saw earlier and then the low density structures which are also fairly hard to keep up with eating the majority of the copper here that in the circuits some a lot of belt again belt weaving kind of you know turning weaving back tracking around to get where it needs to go very very compact builds i have made these extremely compact to be able to make 1200 seconds per minute in this size of a thing which i know this is big but still um this is really compact this certainly could have been a lot bigger um i think they did try fairly hard to make this compact which is good and then uh high tech science obviously making robo frames and engines electric engines there all productivity module where possible and speed beacon all eight beacons i think that every single build in this map is eight beacons i don't recall seeing a 12 beacon build and we come up i said i'm not again i'm not entirely sure this just seems like an extra little buffer area potentially and then comes up lows in the station same condition and finally space science which is probably the biggest we have one lane of iron two lanes of copper coal oil to double oil um and double water actually and this is not something you see a lot is is training water this it's obviously they didn't really have a ton of water um close enough to do this locally and this works you know training water for something like nuclear is very difficult some people do it it's very very hard though for science it certainly can work and it's not something you see very often so there are a lot of very unique things in this map which i really really like now i suppose we're having a little bit of a train jam here but yeah i mean there is a bit of a one here and to be honest i'm not sure this can really be avoided just due to the nature of like what this is you know because these trains have to leave so you know they're going to have to stop the traffic there's not really there's not really much you know much to do about that you know they're all going to their respective lanes so the you know the stone oil and water are all exiting here going to the top lane because that's their lane and then iron is going to this lane or this lane because that's theirs and the copper goes to this one to this one because that's theirs but just due to the nature of this you can't really i can't think of a good way to do this where you where you don't have all these crossings i mean maybe if you made trains that can pull back out the way they came and then have some weird rails going the other direction below it or something which sounds almost more of a mess to me uh so you know this cannot really be avoided too well with this system um so all things considered my point with this is you know all is considered i think it's running very very well it's not like something is just completely broken this is just kind of the nature of it anyway back to the build we have a ton of copper lanes here we have 12 copper lanes and eight iron lanes coming in for rockets which of course are very expensive ton of oil here lots and lots of oil making the solid fuel for rocket fuel all in line here meaning that like it's you know product one two three all made one after the other in the correct succession rather than like salt fuel and then rock the fuel right next to it direct inserting or something so this all comes up a lot of rock fuel it's very slow low density structures of course you need a lot of those accumulated solar panels radar for the satellites a lot of belt it's kind of spaghetti here again can't really be avoided just with the way everything needs to run in and out of here um this definitely took some doing on their part though you know just trying to follow some of these belts is it's a bit of a chore you know trying to figure out where everything's going some side loading going back the other way here overall um pretty cool i like it that is like spaghetti inside of an organized build in a sense um you know circuits just so many circuits you need a ton of circuits for this because you need to be module ones for the rocket control units and then we're loading um two rockets again if you're doing a thousand science per minute or more you need more than one rocket because one rocket when you count the animation can't actually launch a rocket per minute so we have to have two and then one of them just doesn't work all the time and then again loading this up same dealio with the uh science and then these are just repeated so exact same builds here just gonna scan through so section 2 here and then section 3 here all the way over and then we have a little bit of a looks like wall repair section here actually it's pretty cool to look at don't see this super often um maybe it is and i just don't notice it but same wall design here this is a very very fortified base extremely fortified base which is good because obviously biters are on and now where are the labs well this is the fun part the labs are kind of hidden if we follow these rails so all the trains run up onto this top main line here which is a very simple two lane system one lane one way one lane the other way and they all turn and go up this way and they go on a little trek here a little adventure over up to this main line do we do a quick switch over here and come up this way some artillery split off so we go all the way up and the labs are hidden inside of a nice forest here and this is really really interesting i i just you know i would never play with trees as high because it would drive me insane so props to them for being able to handle this and it sounds like they like in their synopsis they said they do like maps uh that have this many trees and it does make for a very cool aesthetic you know just seeing these lines these belts of science packs running through you know the forested area here all these trains kind of hidden within the trees you know it's like it's like the the science lab in the hidden in the trees and in the leaves you know um so all the all the sciences are delivered here another wall kind of repairing drop off a bit of combinators that i don't i really looked at uh but i would assume it has to do with requesting things and turning the station on and off potentially uh when it needs it and then it begins on the labs productivity module thankfully and there are a lot of labs here there are 222 labs that's a lot that is a lot um now interestingly it looks like there is a lack of purple science they're not actually using all the laps uh we are making three k purple science um they're only consuming about five to six hundred a minute which is interesting um so production is way higher than consumption obviously there is none on this belt so there isn't it's not being provided fast enough part of the problem it looks like well this train is sitting here because the station's off because it's not reached it's 32 000 purple science and if we if we come over to the purple science over here we did notice that it had some production issues so this train stop is off it's almost to its correct amount and you can see science load that they're using the the science pack symbol to represent you know in the name and they're sharing station names so this totally works i was hoping that this would be the case because it would make sense to me and it just saves some hassle all the science load are the same between the sections so the trainings can just go to whichever one's on which is really nice you know so like this military science is on this military science is on and this one's on so it can go to any of them whereas you know if you have like it looks like they're kind of all on or off at the same time but if you had for example like blue science on here and the others off it'll just go to this one because if they just share the names they'll just go to whichever one is on um and they're actually doing a potentially similar thing here oh no these are just full looks like they're using train stop limits so that that's good they're using that as well it looks like three on basically all two on the oars potentially in three three here it actually looks like they're they're different per build which would make sense because you know different bills take different amounts you know five for the iron on this one i'm back up to the labs uh so the trains will just sit here until the station one of the stations opens up which one should soon that other one was at twenty seven thousand um so it's just gonna wait here until a station opens up and then we'll send packs in and these will all be consumed now if we take a quick look here uh we're nearing the end but if we take a quick look i think rails were the issue at least on one of the builds this build seems to be running pretty good it looks like it is stopping a bit with rail and rail is just really difficult uh from the looks of it there's no shortage of supply to the rail from what i can tell it looks like it honestly looks like it's just an output problem which is not surprising with rail um i was going to say they could protect they could speed model this cam productivity um but i think it's an output problem which is really really difficult to handle like that is probably one of the biggest issues with the rail production for this is the output it's just so hard to get thing gotta get the belt full and get the insurers to output the amount it needs to uh if they had room i would say like add more and have a second belt coming in or something um i mean they could potentially maybe add some on the back here and then have it come in the other direction to supply like the last two machines so that's a possibility because it doesn't look like it's bottlenecked on the input at all for the most part the input's actually backed up it's just really an output issue so that's something to consider maybe if they could route belts they could like put one up here there is room i believe and then just have it run down and supply like the last two machines or something that's possibility if you really want to get creative because it looks like purple science is the bottleneck here and it's not due to an input and it doesn't look to be due to any sort of train jams like there's a little bit of training stopping here and there but that's not what's causing the purple science issues uh and honestly guys i think that's gonna do it we looked at everything you know if we look at the whole map this is a very large map uh tons of trees obviously tons of biters and these junctions are just magnificent i can't even i can't even tell you i just i looked at this i got on the map but i was like i looked at we started over here and i was like oh wow this is pretty crazy i'm like this isn't really the whole base and i looked over here i'm like oh wow this is cool and then i scrolled over the rail and i was like holy crap this is i saw these junctions and i just sat here and watched them for like 10 minutes before i even started the video um just having these i mean talk about a junction of doom you do not want to attempt to cross this is absolutely like playing frogger um i don't know how you possibly cross this without dying if you did in one like without stopping in the middle so very very cool junctions i like these little so i mean it's a roundabout i'm not a fan of roundabouts but it's not like used for all the throughput it's just for a quick like to turn around whichever direction needs to go for the few trains that go up here um and you can see i mean this is a lot of rail guys there's a ton of rail that goes here i wish we could see rail placed we can't look at the rail produce or consume because it's obviously way thrown off from science um but i would imagine there's a ton of rail placed on this map and the last thing to look at how many trains we have we have over 500 trains on this map it's actually not as many as i thought i thought it would be like over 700 or so um so not the most trains we've seen but it's up there it's probably top three amount of trains we've seen in these in the space tour series um these outposts just like spread out kind of in the middle of these forests here is a very cool look i must admit you know the artillery outpost the the mining outposts you know all the way out in the forest the middle nowhere here um speed beaconing the oil and such uh the resources are bumped up that was it was basically default settings except the trees being bumped up in the resource and something bumped up in size but other than that vanilla standard uh incredible base i want to give a huge thank you to karen uh crowd for submitting this um i know it was a little while until i got to it but i'm so glad i did because i i i wanted to see a train bus base and i didn't know we were going to get one and this is the first one we've got i believe and it was well worth well worth the wait it was it this is such a cool base every base i look at is really really cool but this base is unique you know when i say if you guys have a basis submit um you know if it's unique or something i'm not saying that any of the other bases weren't deserving or any base in the future under serving that's not what i'm saying at all i'm just saying you know bases i have looked at in the past there are definitely similar themes throughout the bases like you know this is uh all belt base this is an all bot base this is you know an aesthetically pleasing base which is cool i mean those are great i love looking those but this base is truly different than what we've seen we haven't seen a trained bus base at least not this scale before in this series i don't think we've seen a base that you know the first you know where the person decided to build a megabase in basically a jungle map you know we haven't really seen a rail system quite like that we've seen similar ones with like the dedicated lines but not quite to the scale or in this um form before and uh man it is just so cool to look at folks this is this is really really amazing um extremely well done crawd and in terms of your bottlenecks uh really i think it's i think it's those dang rails and the purple science and i think if you fix that you would be good to go it does not i do not really see any noticeable uh like there are trained backups but this is but that's not what's causing the problem um it's uh it's your rails and i don't blame you because those things are a pain if you're still playing this bass i know it's been a while but if you're still playing this bass my suggestion if you could fit it round your belts around which i know would be very difficult may have to go on the outside or something which would throw off the aesthetic but um if you could place one more rail builder like right up in here or something and supply the last two machines or even the last one machine of purple science i think you'd be golden honestly i think that fixed your problem nothing more problems when arise but still uh that's gonna do it guys thank you so much for watching i really hope you enjoyed this as much as i did um absolutely fantastic bass thank you again for submitting it and i very much look forward to the next bass tour i do and uh i believe that will do it if you did enjoy a like is really appreciate it it helps other people find this base and maybe you know hopefully inspire them and i just helped show off across amazing work here and if you're new to the channel and you like to see more content like this feel free to subscribe to keep up with all future content and i would love to hear your thoughts down below until next time i look forward to seeing you all and do take care [Music] hmm [Music] you
Channel: Xterminator
Views: 112,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Factorio, Factorio Base Tour, Factorio tour, Factorio factory, Factorio factory tour, Factorio train base, Factorio trains, Factorio train bus, Factorio train bus base, Factorio train bus factory, Factorio train factory, Factorio megabase, Factorio train megabase, Factorio jungle, Xterminator, Factorio 3.6k SPM, Factorio trees, Factorio science
Id: P0lTydgil6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 34sec (2854 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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