Factorio Speedrun Guide

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today we're going to present my speedrun guide i will try to actually run it which i haven't tested but i've written a guide uh if you're watching it live you can find it by typing exclamation mark guide if you're watching it the recording of it later it will be linked in the description so this is intended to be a beginner's guide into speed running factorio or if you just want to get there is no spoon achievement so we'll be playing without biters but not disabling achievements [Music] i would recommend running in multiplayer mode because it saves some time because it game doesn't pause when you open research screen so we're gonna start a new game uh i have a map prepared the guide works on any map i'll just use this map because i know this map there are some settings which are important if you want to get to the there is no spoon achievement pollution setting diffusion ratio to zero this means that pollution will never spread so we'll never get attacked and set the starting area to maximum don't touch any of the other enemy settings because that will disable there is no speed achievement at least if you decrease them otherwise we just put most of the settings to maximum because it makes them easier we're disabling uranium because we don't want that and we're running in multiplayer mode as the game doesn't pause that's the speed running thing if you just want achievement you just don't need care so what first thing we want to do we will start what we call the burner phase burner phase is quite simple you just mine rocks build burners to get some resources we start with these coal rocks that keep coal i use the hot bar because that's very convenient for me so we're just going to place iron burners you can use said to drop one call into each which is faster than uh putting half a stack or opening it up so we want to get that one iron plate so we can craft the second burner now let's fill that up with coal we're gonna mine some more rocks the start is quite slow in factorio you need to get as much iron as quickly as possible to get out of this face so i can craft some furnaces will run back oops put some coal in craft more furnaces uh burn mines i mean we want to expand iron a lot we can chop some wood while we wait for to get more iron okay one more probably need to go uh mine some more rocks so we can get some more coal uh i like to use the hot bar a lot with the shortcut keys because it makes it faster for me to pick up all my items that was 10. probably need some more rocks i guess so burning fire is quite simple mine rocks pill burns start with iron that's the 10 iron that's what we wanted we build a few on copper yes we can get enough copper to craft the size earlier then we can just go and build a boron coal coal we just chain the burners so they feed into jar i think this is about the right amount we want we want quite a lot of coal i think 16 might be good or maybe 14 16 something like that we make a long chain so they all feed into each other now i want to make sure that we are plenty of fuel in all the burners okay we are out of stone we need to go mine another rock because we want to put some of my burners on wood as well and not with a stone so when we have done all our burners here in this area we can start crafting next stage which is science i still need to place this on [Music] stone i like to use four here three would probably be enough but then you have to be careful about refueling them continuously if you have four it doesn't matter if uh something runs out so the next stage we're going to try to get automation as quickly as possible so we want to craft the 10 science for automation and build a small power plant and a lab now while we i wait for the very slow science to craft i just chop some wood because yeah we have the time right now nothing better to do except keeping or all our burners fueled no they're not let's hold said then drag over everything i find that's the easiest way uh we actually need another rock so we need one of your pump two steam engines a boiler a miner and some pipe a lot of coal in there so it doesn't run out i want all those resources uh we also need a couple of power poles on the lab okay we're gonna build the first power plant here somewhere and use this trick with direct mining into the boiler that's a very convenient way to make sure the power doesn't run out was that enough no i need one more down the lab we can drag power over here somewhere not really sure where we want to have power start right at the edges of the map patches because there i don't want to build so get the lab and start researching automation oh that one actually nice uh stone uh uh iron that was not good but let's push them here doesn't really matter okay so next thing we want to do is build a smelting line um to build this melting line we need some miners some belts and some furnaces so we'll go ahead and pick up we can refuel while we're here smelting line is 24 furnaces so that's what we're going to build and 15 miners as soon as automation finishes we want to craft a few assemblers to hand feed because that really speeds up the crafting it's very slow to craft stuff here at start some belt we can get some wood now we're actually supposed to shop a lot of wood now can't forgot let's go shop down these trees we still need more miners anyway maybe we can start with a few inserters okay with the automation that's finished then we're gonna make uh let's say four assemblers three or four then we're gonna start our first iron line okay that was only uh only five we need 15. power those up uh give some space here so we can let's begin more belts side load here uh make a chest and then we're gonna place our 24 furnaces here this would be where our first uh iris melting line is this is just like in a normal game we're gonna chest feed i'm almost out of purple's chest feed coal here to start this i do here running placing um inserter and that takes a while to get used to that okay now we're gonna set up some assemblers making gear wheels and copper wire because that's make the rest of all the hand crafting we need to do very much faster let's make sure this has plenty of fuel pick up everything okay we still miss some inserters oh i misplaced everything never mind wanted to look nice some more belt you can take up the iron feed assemblers see the crafting is much quicker now when we have uh all the intermediates that's 10 miners we actually want 15. so let's make five more if we had an iron can't have it some coal here um one normally circular is fast enough to feed every year but it takes a while until all the assemblers have buffered enough okay some more inserters and some more belt that's 15 so that half of the belt is full so that means that we have a half line of iron working we need some output as well uh because what we actually want to do now is automate some gears and some belts and then some do some mini setup of science two chests and another lab i did pick up the first lab i had or if i have enough belts i might have just barely okay so we have the output here again leave some space here then we do gears here leaving some space and have a double input inserter because it needs to arm two uh normal is actually not fast enough to feed this completely so it stops uh slightly then we're going to do some belt probably just also with a direct feeding of gears copy pasted recipes that are built now we automate the belt there's a rock in the way now we're gonna do our mini science which is very simple two assemblies making science fitting into two labs ah one more inserter red silence and we're gonna hand feed uh copper plates into those that means we'll get some science and can start researching basic stuff like uh logistics fast inserter logistics science pack steel and steel x um i think that's about it what we want to research okay next thing we're going to see is that power is low so we need to expand power we're going to make four boilers four miners it's more colder and eight um steam engines it's gonna put some more coal here so this melting works i need a few pipes few power poles we also want to automate um coal for smelting okay we're going to build apartment bigger just extend it here with power poles the nice big power plant so now we have five uh boilers working you can see there's actually buffering up some coal here because uh that miners uh work ten percent more than border consume at full power so okay and then we're gonna automate the call for smelting just drag a belt down here oops inside on it keep all that running so we don't need that chest anymore we're gonna extend that bend later okay uh let's see what's next on the guide next on the guide is build a lot more smelting and ultimate green circuits okay uh we need first to expand the iron line uh this was not enough stone so we have to go here to the top pick up the belt and stuff okay i didn't really need to put that in yet okay we're still crafting miners we can speed this up a bit by having one of these making three circuits for us maybe two because we have actually automated gears now what i'm short i'm short on iron so let's expand this to full belt of iron we need a splitter and an underground then we can craft lots of inserters because we want to split this off side load is here so now call them both belts now i use this dragging motion here to place the inserters try not to stand anyway with practice you can do that really quickly it's not uh if you want to go really fast you have to do it super quickly but you get the hang of it eventually okay we can hand feed some iron in here to make this start a bit faster okay now we're going to build some copper i have built the circus i guess uh probably need an underground here to pass the coal belt and another underground seven on one side and eight on the other side that's a half a belt we want half a belt of copper should have made more purples we can't pass through there that was slightly annoying so we're gonna spray all this copper down here this side here i need to remove these samples because they are actually the way i'm gonna let this build come here and we actually need some more coal miners so there's enough coal for this all this melting yeah half line of copper we also need to craft a bunch of assemblers to automate our red circuits and other stuff that we want to automate now we need a couple of chests that running it's not really being consumed here okay fast inserter is not done which is slightly annoying maybe we need actually more signs so what we want to do here is build green circuits like this one to one we can start it with normally circles we don't have fast deserts unlocked i did want faster circus here but we don't have it so need a couple of long inserters got lots of gears that's good we want to make an overflow bluff buffer here just to make whatever we don't consume here buffer up here so we all do want to have insert production uh also with direct feeding gears output chest research is very slow should have added i could probably add a few more here okay and we all the last thing we want to automate is miners because miners are very slow to make so we automate them we need a long inserter there uh here we need two inserters for iron into the miners and two into gears because the miner is ten gears and five at five gears and ten iron or five gears is also ten iron okay um i think that was it we do want an overflow buffer here somewhere um priority there and then overflow can go into just preferably with actually faster circuit but we can upgrade this with fast inserters later so it actually gets a bit quicker okay next stage um after green circuits is we're gonna now we want to automate science so we need lots of lots of assemblers and in underground a couple of inserts we're actually making inserters i don't understand how phoenix gets by with this few lamps still haven't researched fastest circle never mind with your movies now we need to craft a bunch of labs okay maybe crafting that many green circuits is very slow okay what we want there is built of mixed copper and gears that we have there and then we want the belt of mixed inserters and uh belt that we have there okay we actually got the fastest search now so we can upgrade here this will make this work a bit faster we are going to upgrade these uh copper wire assemblies to assemble two for the perfect grade shoot later but for now this should be fine the circus we want to have fast oops did actually turn that okay now we got lots of uh green circuits so we can make all those laps doesn't need okay a little bit too high we can start there this is uh what we're going to make green sides and this is the red i haven't actually unlocked green science yet so we can start by making the red sides output bend in the middle stupid belts here okay we'll set up some labs we want to leave three spaces here so we can actually two spaces i mean so we can use log in searches here so we can get another belt in later here is that tim that was nine no other purples okay that should get the logistic size back quite quickly we can add inserters here pick up some more greens to grab the labs a bit faster because we want to go to like maybe 30 labs okay we're making other raw gloves here power is still fine we can wait a bit with expanding power all right we actually don't need us too loud we can pick up these two i probably want that as a fast inserter i don't think uh probably not now we can set up automation size here so both red and green automated okay they're all working not many labs are actually working because this is such a fast research it only takes five seconds for each research so no matter where my labs are going to be used okay let's see what's next hr now we're gonna build a mall to uh produce all the items we need first thing we want to do is okay i had miners first thing you want to do is build another iron line now we're happy with having half a copper lane here so we can build the next iron man just beside it we aren't gonna need half a couple in here for start base but our we need lots of to make them all we need another iron man okay i need a couple of undergrounds we have one splitter i have inserters i have everything good okay let's get some iron in you can actually use fast inserters here because it fills up the belt a bit quicker okay that's a full belt of iron connector we just need to place all the inserters now we need to craft some stuff more probably a few more assemblers probably a lot of fast inserters and a lot of long inserters as well research is done what we want to start by researching is advanced material processing automation and then just go towards oil and blue signs so cue up some research that can work in the background we have more labs that we have science production so it doesn't really matter if science stands still for a bit the labs will catch up okay here i'm at ireland okay uh we don't have any of those we can pick up some stuff there some long inserters oh is that all the inserts i got yeah probably now that one is working full speed most is getting consumed by science we'll make more inserters shortly so we won't have a gear belt coming here with some gears on let's look that's annoying so we just put gears here and then we want to make a mixed belt of gears and uh is that okay uh it goes somewhere let's put it here one mix belt of gears and green circuits and then we want iron belt next to it because that will make it easy for us to produce everything we need so what we want to produce we want to produce inserters normal inserters fast inserters and long inserters just put here i've used two for inserters because it needs one uh electronic circuit then one gear wheel that comes here okay now we want output and we also need the output of the inserters to feed into the other ones we want to limit all these chests certainly limit a lot fast inserter to maybe three and as long as our goals is maybe free we also want this more belt copy paste and we want undergrounds and splitters same thing here eventually with fast inserters in the middle because that is faster a couple more chests we do the same thing here feeding the belt limiting this belt we need lots also underground and splitters we can limit to one stack because we don't need one stack of splitters probably enough uh some more things to automate pipe underground pipe and steam engines let's put two here that one only needs our right iron pipe yep and the same here feed the pipe into that once uh let's leave its d minute to four underground two maybe two pipe to let's say five then the last thing we want to automate is assemblers uh normal assemblers and assembler twos assemble twos actually need uh we have no okay there's not enough coal here i can see that that's a problem we probably need to add should have added more coal miners that's why everything goes so slow i wonder why it wasn't working let's pick up some cold damn thing we can get some iron out of those we have plenty of iron yep should have a bit more coal mines from the start how enough is good what time enough is not good okay that should make this iron line come here uh what i was saying that we don't have steel for uh to make these assembler twos but we're going to get that so that's like the next thing we want to do because if we look at next the thing on the guide it says steel so we're going to make a steel line we want to upgrade this t-line later so we're going to have double belts here um a couple of splitters 18 miners is enough for now yep okay let's see 12 it's there so we can have a splitter here merging those slides together so we'll have coal on that side and we'll have iron being fed here and iron on that side there like that iron on the inside but we have two of them okay more iron we don't need half a belt of iron for now so we're going to build half a belt of iron when we upgrade uh the steel with steel furnaces we need another one okay oh this is actually not enough for instance let's go to the stone and pick up some stone now the mold starts working nicely let's make some more what else do we need i have a crafting list here some chests okay this is very hard to run and drag two lines of furnaces and an output belt and we have steel on a coal on the inside because steel output on the outside oh no inserters should have crafted inserters we can go down and pick up inserts probably well there's none in that chest that's bad or some in that chest at least when these just fill up there's gonna be more that just green circus looks a bit low yeah they're working as fast as they can yep oh power is actually bad did i miss one step oh they stepped missing in the guide okay i will update the guide to include this missing step which is build more power that's where we try out the guy to see what is actually missing power backup almost back up okay twice the power now power is fine now things will start working okay i did craft all my inserters yes i did okay start by dragging all inserts down here all pointing inwards now we turn two of them while we drag across everything here this is the fastest way out now to build a steel oh we're gonna output buffer here with a side loading in here so the coal doesn't get into that but we just need to power poles everywhere okay next thing we want to build is actually bricks bricks we also need half a belt stone but we don't need that many bricks let's get some more miners i can get some belt uh stone is actually down here so you set up half about 50 miners on stone you know what's that that's 16 right no that's actually 50 good uh how did i think i should power that one okay we need spaghetti in it up here so we're just gonna drag it up here stone is not very convenient located on this map uh that's down powered so we have stony coming probably need a few more undergrounds we could pick up undergrounds and here we're going to start the stone smelter eight should be enough maybe we need nine let's try it with eight c should be coming stone here on the belt yep so we had half a belt of iron for this steel smelt and we have weld stone for this brick smelter here it's because we want to buffer both the stone and the bricks here to use late game okay that is the stone brick belt to come down here now i want to craft some assembly twos uh maybe we need some green circles for that it's actually a very few green circuits buffered here now the mole is using most of them we can remedy that by upgrading these copper wires to december 2s then they will start producing a lot faster so let's put one here to make steel furnaces from oh there's actually bricks coming still furnaces also something you want to limit maybe two and we want to have steel output go to assemble twos okay as you're walking away that should make that work next thing we want to build is actually now we want to build more power right now because power is barely holding on now yep you see power is getting low so we want maybe i should pick up a pipe i don't have very much pipe do i have four steam minions yes i do green circuit should we get there um we can live with these chests we want to upgrade the science as well so we should be crafting some more assembly machine tools don't really have green circuits for it okay where do we want to build power plants like here somewhere this might be a good spot plenty i have a coal belt we need at least 18 coal miners here on this belt so let's build those here how many was that that's actually 20 that's more than we need but that's fine some brown protection with extra miners it's also always good to have let's see is there more than no there's not more than 50 on that side then we can have that on that side okay you just need to add all these demons that we just picked up from the malls we didn't even have to craft them okay we have researched we're going to continue towards blue science standard modules okay i'm running out of power pulse and also pipe this is a very common mistake to do it looks like everything is powered but it's not because this is a separate power grid so we need to connect it now we have lots of power still short and green circuits but we have assembled twos here now 28 then we can upgrade what we want up here we would already insert the one and most of the signs so we get more science faster i probably want to upgrade these as well the one in the center that's about everything you need to upgrade okay uh we have 44 steel furnaces uh almost what we need because we want to upgrade the steel okay we're missing three of them so that should make steel work at twice as fast okay we need to go get miners anyway can i craft some no okay let's go get miners that's one thing that you should try to remember is to pick up everything oh there's some iron buffer there that's actually 120 miners in there that was quite a lot next thing you want to build is actually red circuits i think yes so to build red circuits we need some one two three four can pick up that one two three four five six seven eight okay i'm probably need to pick up some green circuits here it's actually using organization maybe five is needed there probably then i have copland is not long enough okay okay everything got upgraded now right good then we should continue the first thing we want to do is build another iron line i didn't pick up underground or belt okay while you are at the mall remember to like pick up stuff you need like belt undergrounds splitters you don't have to craft them pipe okay we want to build an iron smelter here and the copper's melter so let's start with iron smelter okay not really for lane when was that that was 20 we need five more on each side if you misplace belts you don't need to pick them up that's something is very hard to learn to not pick up stuff we only need 12. because we are building steel furnaces so we'll get loads of green circuits oh i have no inserters 250 inserters that was probably too much maybe i should limit that a bit harder that's where all the green circuits went into inserters oh well let's see an issue with power pulse here luckily we are right next to big forest now i have steel legs so it's quite quick to shop wood i'm gonna tell once we get bots with 10 months to demonstrate mostly first let's iron on i'm gonna get a copy then cooper is a bit far away but not very far away this design is made to work on any map so it's not really dependent on where resources are okay we need to go with copper uh probably easiest to just i'll just build it to see where we're at seven eight seven oh how do i think i should power this easy to leave a space here that's 15 from each of these two lines so we can merge them and have 15 on each side of the belt for full belt where they leave the belt there okay let's go there okay now we have a cop lane and um anything else i want to research we can do some lab speed some tool belt is always useful batteries we need later okay um circlers we need long insert fast inserters normally and uh fast inserters red inserters we can probably take all rings probably need some more assemblers okay that was quite a lot of assemblers so we're going to start by building some green circuits here leave some space here 10 copper wire assemblers that is enough for consuming the full copper belt and we're gonna have seven of them be turned into green circuits directly and the rest is going to be copper wire for red circuits power everything did i make my uh yeah they didn't make any cam plans let's make some cam plants okay clean circuits we also want um some pipe and gear here for blue science later we can set that up already now to just buffer it so that we get we need probably a lot of pipe later okay we need long inserts here okay that should be green circus producing i need double outputs here oops oops okay maybe this also needs input inserters actually this is almost what we need for um for red circuits but we also need oil and plastic so we're gonna have some coal coming here that we need for plastic uh we should make some oil here i'm just gonna leave some space here right between the last two so that we can yeah now we need we need all of that pipe so that we can upgrade those to add to advanced oil okay that was quite a lot of pipe there connect part everything okay uh oil where should we connect oil uh did i pick up any underground pipe i didn't so let's go to mall again pick up underground 100 good to have four cam plants that was probably enough okay oil is uh down here so uh where can i grab it which is not in the way probably here right for the forest maybe not the smartest move but okay now we did it that way i think three should be enough just place four just to be sure we are playing a very high setting so they go like almost 100 each per second okay should be some oil coming good oh it was actually right uh where did i want this belt i think uh we'll do it like here and make some plastic plastic three of them uh output input now we need this pipe to come here that should make some plastic for us now we want this to be mixed with this belt good now we have everything to make red circuits leave some space here so we can speed some stuff through we're gonna make 18 red circuit assemblers is that what three copper wire supports and we're going to use this trick of using only long inserters because it's very quick to build also one speed running trick over using long inserters red circuits more range circuits i'm not sure if there are any useful research red belt will research only because it needed for um purple science there's no other use for these speedruns really other purples again didn't i craft for the purpose obviously i didn't okay out the belt moving around and put all that into chest we don't need those later so to make um chemical science we need sulfur which means we need which water can get here of course there was a power problem anyway there's water do i have a pump offshore pump and no green circuits should pick up green circuits okay that's water red circles are working so let's use the same belt plastic on that side and sulfur on the other side don't want sulphur to go into this belt so we filter it here okay i use the long inserter there okay what we need for blue science is actually gears and pipe so we put that belt to make engines need gears and pipe uh and steel so we're going to put that next to the steel belt and make engines out of that now we're gonna direct feed engines into i actually need to leave one gap here so we can have this belt come in between here so this will be our blue science setup i used quite a lot uh i did use direct feeding of reds as well and again was that really 12 it was 12 okay because we can place all the inserters at once like this without rotating anything again over using long inserters that's fine they're quite cheap most things you build by hand we try to use this for an inserter trick that is chemical science we're gonna wrap it uh we can actually i'm not passing there to the labs if i had splits or anything this run i would probably split the blue signs now now we have blue suns should be working looks like they are running yes they're moving okay so that was a blue science batteries and lube comes next to make batteries we need to research batteries we can skip that one we need research advanced oil lube electric engines robotics construction bots and then we can do two levels of bot speed because that really helps so to work against towards our goal of getting bots we need to somehow spaghetti out the belt here containing both iron and copper i didn't really plan out to do this now maybe here like this maybe okay whatever oh we need a few cam plans oh and you actually need to craft lots of stuff i'm just going to pick up some green circuits because crafting is i think those are boring we need five cam plants and some tanks ah i actually didn't have gears i'm standing next to a chest full of gears here okay let's make some acid as it needs water and it needs sulfur and iron and we have here yeah let's make it like this batteries three plants of batteries should be plenty of batteries again over using red inserters because it's fun and quick okay this is batteries where we want to put the batteries we won't actually want to put them on the steel belt there which is a bit inconveniently placed i think i mean maybe it should place this like this i think that's how it looks in the guide screenshot because we want to have batteries and steel on the same belt batteries are on the left side and still on right side good so to be able to upgrade this to advanced oil which we just unlocked that one is actually not running so we want to do advanced order here for two of them and now we just want to add tanks everywhere and lots of tanks for uh white oil really matter we replaced them uh we want to buffer up a lot of light oil uh so that we can use that to make rocket fuels late game but for now we need lube which we haven't researched no blue science is slow all of them are running but yeah we're only using 12 of them that's probably all we need we can start dragging the belt a bit here lubricant that we need for red engines readiness we're going to make here because here we have stuff to make engines and also batteries like this and we're gonna have green circuits coming here this is engines this is electric engines which we haven't actually unlocked yeah that seems good we have green circuits coming here which we need for our engines we need the lube pipe coming here now we actually unlock red engines yes now research it quite fast and again we're going to use our trick of placing building everything with red inserters okay that should be red angels so here we'll have a belt with red ends and outside and green circles on the inside that's almost together with this belt it's everything we need to make bolts now we'll have eight frame assemblers there's two frame assemblies for each red engine assembler i have no red inserters belt here output belt now i actually need some green circuits put in there that was actually not enough could probably buffer some here because that is over bruising a lot let's run on the belt and pick up some that should be fine okay i have my free stacks a grid of plastic red circles we have plenty of okay let's put that here okay that was frames unlocked and we want to start producing them so that we get some bots we're going to have an assembler here making bots and we're going to hand feed one to three stacks of greens because that will make that 600 greens will make 300 watts i think 300 bucks are enough now place a road port here because it's very close to the mall uh so we want construction boats made there construction bots are researching at the moment what else do we want to do we can set up some production of prod modules pro modulus is nice promotion is very open let's put them here because we have green circuits and we have red circuits there should be enough green circuits here on this that belt okay what else do we want to do we want to pick up stuff so we can craft uh robo ports and provider chests this is actually not running why is it not running green circles are low it's just because i'm slow and all the chests are limited can unlimit some chests i'm talking too much so not playing as fast as i could so the mall is actually backing up stuff um uh yeah you want to have something at the end of the line here which consumes most things here it's the miners which consumes everything that's left over this line because miners you can basically not get enough of and assemblers is same thing we actually have quite a lot of assemblers okay uh construction projects are researching we are limited by research speed power is still fine we'll be fine for now overwhelm one thing that we do want to automate is actually power poles you can't really automate them without having some wood to put in the chest but otherwise you can just automate them wherever there is [Music] copper okay we want one chest uh there's probably too many lots of row ports so power poles copper wire and power poles and we want a trash chest to feed into purples that's the only trash chest we're going to use and we want the providers just for the power poles we can limit that to avoid you like eating all the copper uh so construction bots there's construction bots there's a robo port for them with power did i just pick up one robot yep so now we have bots first thing i do is tell bots to like clear out stuff here place more robo ports like maybe here so make a deconstruct planner trees and rocks only clear out some of that wood bots so you can make power poles for me uh then we want to give all the chests in the mall we want to give bots access to so we're gonna upgrade them to provider chests okay i actually did need few more out of steel did limit those yep okay that's quite a lot of steel now let's make a few more uh what else uh these chests here that was not in raw pork range so i had another port somewhere here good that was the bots i've done everything i said now next thing i want to do is make all the power we need for rest of run is that one not fast enough maybe i need a faster circle here could i drag that belt a bit closer now that might be why blue sound was slow but certainly so um rover ports i actually need to craft a lot of boilers because those are actually not automated in mall okay where's uh report there's max range so we want to copy paste our power plant here it's cold and there's water that's all we need so let's make it one here maybe this belt actually goes the wrong way so we cut it paste it the other way that's one two three power plants make sure everything is in report range power is connected everywhere good now obviously all the bots are coming here to build this we can put all the boilers that we crafted okay we didn't craft enough then we can take some miners 18 minus is actually exactly what we need for each of these lines none of them mine co stone no okay good always connect them up okay make sure power is connected everywhere quite important did i finish crafting all the boilers no i don't okay we have done all the research now we just want to research towards purple and yellow science [Music] railway purple science yellow science okay so that will be all the power we need first run i think maybe we need to craft an additional one late game we'll see if we run low on power didn't actually check how much probably so let's pick up some stuff that was all the power now we're gonna mass produce stuff at a very high rate meaning that we want to expand everything very much so what we want to do is take a few blueprints here like the steel one it's good be sure to include all the power poles okay we actually don't want that belt looks good not that inserter yeah now we have the buffer and everything we save that blueprint and we want a standard smelt smelter okay maybe not that part at the end we save that blueprint now we want to build the rest of the base this can be built basically any location um i have lots of uh iron copper down here so i will build it here what's important is then i will be lit going from this side to this side i want a lot of space in front of it i could build it beside here if i were running a different map maybe antis map or phoenix map even more then probably just beside the main base just that there's a lot of space in front of it okay so maybe here yeah let's put it down here so we want two steel smelters make sure the coal belt connects and we want for now five norms melting lines how many role ports do i have to maybe i need to go craft a few more and also purples yeah i just put that there for now that should enable the boss to start building all of that while we run back and get all the stuff we need we can check what we need to have fast in searches we have with normal research we have some belt not much we have lots of stone inventory sometimes you need to like get rid of trash okay those five we actually need to give to the bots uh you can just place the prices anywhere and give stuff to the bots okay let's see what other bots they're missing chests let's craft a few chests because we haven't automated them just give them the bots uh i wanted to make a row port what are my short on red circuits of course red circuits but we have a chest of red circuits here 500 some more gears that should probably be old thing we need what we also should have copy pasted is a mining line because we want to copy paste that now let's take this then the first one we built maybe a second one just power poles in a nicer place okay light oil are slowly filling up petroleums petroleum is filling up quite a lot maybe we can deconstruct one of them probably need all of them there is appears to be maybe that one needs to be fast inserter yeah it probably does need to be fast inserter that's true otherwise batteries don't work full speed yeah mods are busy building here so we what we wanted to make here is mass produce steel and green circuits these five are for green circuits and those two steel metals is of course for steel so we need four lines of iron that's four and for now we need only three copper we'll need a lot more copper later okay uh robo port coverage robots can build this that cover everything no make sure power is connected everywhere copper miner mining coal oh yeah two of them actually okay let's just put that in a better spot where it's not mining code right there yep okay there's actually underground there that's not supposed to be there uh i have 700 belt i guess this power port will get power later maybe i should help the bots building a few power poles so they actually connect stuff here which one okay that one actually did just got get connected and that one got connect okay everything has got connected we also want to get some coal up here it's very far but okay that was maybe not the best two lines i connected up there we're gonna build this by hand because we want this to start you can blur print it but then you have to make sure that bots actually finish it quite quickly and connect that to smelting hey code probably doesn't have any power there coal has power everyone should get power we need to connect these two lines here two dismantlers boats are getting getting there slowly like belts and the last one so that's these three are copper these two are iron and those are steel we want uh maybe we can create a nice output here we want steel to output a lot faster than it inputs so because once this has buffered up a lot uh we wanted to really be able to output but this is all the steel we need for uh purple science and purple size needs a lot more than these two but we'll use the buffers okay that's all the smell thing for now now we're gonna make the big green circuit build let's see do i have everything i don't have prod modules i probably need to pick up some more power poles belt i'm a bit shorter so let's pick up some belt some power poles do i have 25 assemblers that's good anything else underground something a bit short on let's take a hundred undergrounds look like bot needs them pipe i might need later okay now i didn't pick up the power went up here to pick up the pro models i didn't pick up problems that's actually quite a lot of problems you can put some in the labs to save some science we have a lot more labs you can see a lot more labs than uh we have science production but that's fine uh okay let's start by the copper line here so we want three copper lines side by side for the green circuit build and then we need one iron line to cross then we can start so the way we build this is also the one to one um of green circuits a copyrighted green circuits but use prod modules here that this is almost perfect richer not really it's like 19 to 20 i think something like that but it's uh good enough then we want input output and we'll use buffers here as well this belt goes here that's the iron belt we're going to connect so and we want output here from the buffers here to also be able to output quickly like that and we're gonna copy paste that turn it put it on the other side as well this belt now goes the wrong way so we have to fix that okay iron needs to come here still not very much power there okay they are at least building or what's missing i think they're missing uh steam engines but those are producing so no no big deal okay when this is done we can copy paste this one two three that's we actually need fifteen percent now we're eight percent so we could paste those eight we get sixteen percent which is five too many so we can actually remove some of it making sure we have power poles everywhere ah looks good that one does not look our power remember just that one that one has power okay and we need some splitters here there needs to be priority here and there needs to be input priority from the center belt okay we want to be able to oh no we already have stuff incoming that's good um one two three four five six seven eight the eighth one we want to switch here between those two output inserters that's one of the outputs uh it's here that's this one so we won't switch here okay so we can take four belts output we only produce like 2.16 belts of green circuits here it's uh two belts uh plus the pro motor bombers oh the bots don't have pro mods do they no they don't because i never uh upgraded promotions how many bots do we have we already have all the 300 watts one thing that we should have done is to limit this just here to 400 so we buffer up uh 400 frames for yellow signs that will probably finish in time philosophy we already have green circuits producing that's good that means this build is working we can look at the next build now we need to make a lot of red circuits and to make little red circles we need lots of oil so we actually need to craft lots of stuff what do i need to craft oil we need green circuits we need steel we need gears okay there are some green circuits bricks is actually what i'm short on power is low why oh you know what you need to do to make power work that i didn't do which i completely forgot uh you need like water for power that's not the mistake you want to do i thought it was very strange that power was locked didn't i craft three of them okay i thought we had like all the power we needed yeah they're missing some steam engines but not too many 32 they are producing all right it's actually browning out a bit here it will recover now okay we need the bricks how many do we need we need five pump yaks okay that chest is actually full that's good um i need more than this am i short on steel of course still we should have lots of steel in this chest yeah there is lots of steel okay i lost count four two okay actually pipe 17 19 20 21 22 bricks again i need 24 refineries 24 refineries i made 4 cam plants and i need 12. okay good i pair spots to be almost idle so bots are finished with whatever they were doing so just group into big oil build over here i think yeah this should be enough with the four we already have combined with um that one's okay let's put uh oil build anywhere like here maybe here we have raw port coverage that was not correct so oil pipe in the middle that was we need 24 that should be 24 probably some more power poles there's all of that in report range almost no more but so and it needs oil we need to get the um petroleum out okay where are we going to build our plastic can we build it here yeah probably we have uh uh where did this camp lands for here if i have enough space here to build it again it can be pretty much anywhere okay four makes half a belt and we need one and a half belts so the top one should be a full belt now okay bots have some refineries okay i'll give you a cam plant later when i actually crafted them correct one too high okay now we have plastic was it not power the top side probably not blueprints and power poles there the bots will fix it okay this looks like most of it is working some prod modules short not the biggie okay now we're going to make some uh red circuits we'll build it here we want to leave some space in between here um to build red circuits what we need is copper wire so we're gonna have that grouping time dot here get that ropework wrench so another smelter another copper lane it sure doesn't buy an iron coal it doesn't make all okay there is some copper and we want to i make need more fast servers i don't have green circuits if i just could find some green circuits oh i have billions of green circuits right next to me okay copper wire that's one belt of copper wire five assemblies makes one belt and we want two belts so let's make two belts get them up here bots can build the second one that should consume this copper lane completely or what's missing anything uh yeah i'm missing a couple of chests that's slightly annoying because that means that some of the research is probably not running that aren't missing anything else no i don't think so that's it okay where do we want to start red circuits um yeah let's start it here then we have lots of space so what we do want is mixed belt of green circuit and batteries okay this was maybe too much space here i don't need that much space actually i just need to spaghetti a few belts through here let's take this much space i get the plastic which is coming from all the way over there could have built plastic a bit closer is plastic not running oh maybe the petroleum needs to be connected somehow to the plastic i didn't do that okay there is plastic i'm not 100 sure here is enough coal here there's not enough i can speedy out the one we have started but there should be some left over there we'll see if the call starts running low here we'll connect second belt so um that's starting running good now we just set up the red circuits quickly let's do like this so i can blueprint it nicely okay red circuits now we want one on the other side like this i'll put belgium that way and we actually want two of these this belt we can go that way okay to try use this feature grid size not often use that oh it's so convenient okay how many was that 18 that's too many like that many we want i just make sure we have like power poles everywhere that one that one that one okay okay i have no belts bots can be unbuilt uh i think the raw port coverage is kind of bad here now the bots can come and build all my red circuits oh i connected the half belt not full belt that's the wrong belt i connected there the tilt size pack is done what else do we need now we basically just need stuff for the silo like concrete rocket fuel speed modules uh pro mods yeah that's about it okay uh what did i go here to pick up belt 2k build uh okay here's lots of bent let's fill my rotary belts do i need something else check here i have most things auntie made new pb oh sub 50 that's good good for him okay let's that that goes red circus the other half belt we'll use later okay uh we need this one to go here marks with that one i need this one to come here okay that should be red circuits just add a buffer here somewhere without being too much in the way most event is missing construction box okay that's the big red circuit build that we wanted so next thing is modules and blue circuits okay we can build that right next to here the module build is very simple uh we are going to make some speed modules and some pro modules um so we'll build it a bit mixed that's 16 assemblers yeah should be good okay now we just need to get the belt in here this was maybe unnecessarily much spaghetti here an output here yeah that looks very nice indeed okay uh output but should soon finish building this red circuit build they are not missing anything meaning that all bots are on the way we take second place now now we're gonna build some blue circuits that's actually wrong i could have built it that way as well okay for blue circuits we want pro modules because blue circuit is one of the things that benefit very much from pro models okay and an output belt how many was that was it 14 no it was 12 14 and more does it reach here no it doesn't reach it there that was annoying does it reach from the other side yes it does i can put the robot here uh maybe here i wonder if that would be in the way of something in that case we have to move it later okay you might have noticed that i only didn't copy the last belt that's because we are going to have two input belts here because blue circuits if you know about blue circuits one thing they use an obscene amount of um green circuits okay this is really annoying this belt here can take like this okay i do spaghetti failure we need a buffer here actually we want a double buffer here no don't let's just use a single buffer that would be fine okay modulus simply running okay okay maybe i should have left a bit more space i want to have two belts here of green circles coming in here blues are going to use very much green circuits so we need two belts i know we need red circle and that belt red circuits are starting to work full speed now that's good um let's build this like this that uh done that way it would have been so much simpler from the start i did this two thing here so i could actually split this we don't need a full belt we can sideload that for half belt okay uh that should be uh blue circuits running and no we need sulfuric acid sulfuric acid we can steal from the start base i think it's fair to this side right trying to remember looking at the minimap approximately where this i got too far too right now here's acid they got everything they are running so let's add a buffer always output buffers good the bots are really done so what did i say next purple science oh purple science that's an exciting build because it's quite difficult we have lots of space here uh what have we done here why is that not running oh i put the rover port across the blue printed uh power pole so the power pole never got placed oh well happens let's build a purple side somewhere here in the middle two belt one underground belt three assemblers oh two assemblers these are the purple signs put problems in first so otherwise you put the problems inside recipe you want electric furnaces and rails input from all three belts to all the assemblers because then it doesn't matter on which bin belt we put the inputs on and we'll have output and input from that belt so we want to side load prod modules in here and have the output go that way okay this build is fine we can now blueprint it like this overlapping the rail assembler [Music] that was let's go to 16 16 purple that should be fine and we need to block the inner side which is problems on and output buffer the rest okay the bots are building everything very quickly meaning we're a bit slow okay we need red circuits coming here on one half belt we need a steel belt to go here and we need bricks and stone and sticks that we have buffered stone up here so we can use this belt here i think that should be enough we don't need more 100 more is fine two can spaghetti out this belt we're also gonna speed up this iron belt we can limit this just here to make sure that there is enough iron on this belt yes we are spaghetti anyway we can it's actually slightly annoying to spaghetti oops okay we wanted actually not iron but sticks three sticks assemblers is enough so then we have the half belt of sticks and the brick stone belt the brick stone belt we want this belt and the other belt we're gonna put on the other side of this red circuit belt none of this has power okay that should be purple size running well no wait we need pro modules let's just take them with a filter inserter does not appear to be much reds coming oh well so a side load off there protein mark 2 what else do we need to research i think we have um we only have stuff for the silo left now yeah it's only stuff needing purple science and yellow science so we can start by doing beacons beacons are fun oh they look so different now okay that's all the research we're gonna do um some pro models and actually not a lot of problems there i thought there would be more okay we can connect this to the labs using undergrounds like this and when we do start research here we want pro modules in labs now we also want more labs like maybe we can double it bots don't have labs so we can just craft them uh i need gears to craft labs that's the third labs i'll give them to the bots at some later you see this belt's backing up so that this frames are done to make yellow signs which is next we want to do is um we need uh low density structures low density structures needs that copper belt and steel which i have above but it also needs a lot of copper plastic belt we have about so two more copper smelter two more mining lines that is two belts more of copper uh we're gonna build it i think right next to the reds here so like this output output input input input input okay low density structures output belt input input input and copy paste output that should be now okay we actually don't have robot range here can we make another row port yes we can good okay um this is for the assemblers that's enough to consume these two belts of copper but we also need the belt of a half a belt of plastics and some steel not a lot of steel this spaghetti here gets amazing don't think we have half a belt of plastic saved up here which we were going to use for this occasion [Music] we can take some steel see all the purple running yes all the purple seems to be no the end here does seem to be a bit short on red circuits right where's one of my provider chests i did craft a lot of labs i never gave them to the bots earbuds have some labs blue circles are running we have 600 buffered already that's quite a lot i did intend to put the rover port somewhere here to give coverage here the boats can actually finish this build i wonder if we actually need to put the buffer here or the belt buffer is enough okay red circle is actually very low why they are all running we just don't have enough red circuits if we do like this is the balance better i don't think that's problem i think the problem is that the amount of red circles we do when we consume too much of worse okay next thing we want to do is yellow science where should we put yellow signs we want this build of l this belt of lds and you want it mixed with this build we have a bit yellow science right here that's a good location for yellow signs one can have another one two yellow science is the most simple design we have it just looks like this okay um it's counting down that 16 16 is what we wanted make an output buffer for yellow signs connect it to that belt so that it goes on the same belt as purple i would have missed some pro models in the labs that's slightly annoying even more annoying if they are missing it in these examples here because then i don't get the prod bonus did upgrade this yes yes i did okay that bot is coming here what i did want to do was pick up the frames we should also stop producing frames and buffer i think that's enough light on and let's deconstruct those we don't need those anymore should make more frames uh take up the 400 frames uh we won't leave that to 200 so we can use that first cider later uh did i screw something up with lds because i don't see any less incoming oh i see what i screwed up i screwed up a less there's no roadboard coverage and there is no power for copper okay remember to power everything that's quite important i built here because it was closer but there was no raw board coverage there was bad idea to build it there okay so about fix that please both are still missing a few pro modules that's fine we get a lot of speed modules yeah we have quite a lot of speed modules red circuit seems low ah not very good okay anyway we're gonna hand feed half a stack into each assembler because exactly 25 with eight percent bonus means the prod module bonus gets completed twice okay we actually do want that prod module there before the that one starts good we have not very much research left to do just yellow science how is power holding i wondered if we needed to build another power plant now power is fine uh of the yellow signs we should build rocket fuel let me pick up some gears red search actually seems to be backing up there that's good where i need to craft about 20 so we're gonna make rocket fuel from this um buffered uh light oil here so we can make rocket fuel over here i'm not gonna handcraft those so i'm just gonna pick them up for this belt okay let's start to build down here we'll really no assemblers i have like nothing no fast inserters no assemblers belt i have very much of blue science is very low probably should speed more than blue science that was assemblers was something else inserters that's probably more than need so to make rock fuel we can make a direct feed rocket fuel bill like this we have solid fuel we have output output belt we can actually have one on the other side as well so it is one to two for rocket fuel and solid fuel so two rocket fuel plant to one solar fuel plant oh my that was eight ten let's double that there we go building in the middle of forest nice and i actually need to connect this pipe here all our light oil i think there that should be enough light all for open fuel uh i needed probably a rope or more here kind of drag this um pipe sears smarter so uh it wasn't so far away uh where do we want to make silo maybe here somewhere in the center probably somewhere center we make uh rcus over here so let's connect this to wherever you want to make the side load let's say we have it here our blade style here we should be crafting beacons i'm not crafting beacons let's put a few speed models in the blue science blue science looks horrible as does yellow signs there's no yellow signs coming okay there is coming good there's just not lots of yellow signs yeah maybe the lds we set up was a bit late i'm just going to go down and check if it's actually working yeah now it is working fully i see the copper belts are moving without pulse so they are going fully consumed and all the red circles are running yep everything seems to be running we have lots of blue circuits we don't have lots of blue science so let's speed more in blue science let's get some few speed modules oats low and sulfur oh hmm yeah because this one is eating all of it hmm yeah i need to come up with a better solution than i asked the game that of the belt because it needs to grab like not everything uh there needs to be enough sulphur for blue signs which there's not now we can solve it by speed molding that one and blue science okay blue science actually does do need very little uh sulfur but can take everything for uh acid okay uh that was those 19 the bots were missing good uh we continue with the next build which is actually needing yellow signs okay blue science was like almost dead yeah blue science is suffering very heavily but it will catch up now okay next build we want to do is rcus can be lit here i actually can't set the recipes yet but we can prepare the build now the input belt just circle around because then whatever is low will get used now we're actually starting to research or use is everything in range yes yes barely purple signs looks good it's low on steel it's fine so let's see how big is the silo the silo is like this big so let's these two inputs here reason for using splitters here is that uh these chests oh i was supposed to craft beacons i remember got distracted it's easy to get distracted uh what we actually do need here is speed modules which you have in this chest let's come up here we can check production stats how much purple science we produced if we produced enough already 1.2k no we haven't so we can't stop pro modules so we okay is that coming no it's of course coming on the wrong side okay now he is waiting for research so we can start this build we did make the output yep uh lds seems a bit low yeah it will start a bit late because yellow signs still lots of frames left power is holding good now it's not that much stuff to do left research is progressing quite nicely uh most of labs are working so that's fine yellow signs are actually backing up we're totally limited by blue science right now now that's all for mistake will cost us a lot of time that's why we try out the design we made to find out the issues i want to see if rocket fuel was working okay we have plenty of rocket fuel here the chests are optional must be working somewhat at least yeah they're working looking like they're working all of them there's rocket shield coming here buffering there so before rockville continues um or control unit com finishes we can start to make product twos because we want prod freeze for silos so we want one stack just make this very simple thing to make produce we need 100 reds 100 blues and eighty prod modules i wonder if you have eight problems you can probably grab off that belt let's see if we have here uh almost enough now i have exactly it left good one of that completed time probably it will i have speed only just because i can i want to set this recipe here why is that two promos on the ground here oh look how much stuff we have for rc use this is also trick to set the recipe using blueprint so that's a rocket control units producing thank you for the 250 bits okay uh the only thing we have left to do is we can put the low density structure overflow into this buffer and that's everything we need for rocket i also didn't add a blue science buffer that's also could be quite slow but i think it's mostly the acid problem or a sulfur problem okay so um but now we need to do let's check the guide what does it say we should do we should make projects concrete and silos what decile spot we're done the pro tools are producing and so it's concrete concrete needs water we have water here somewhere okay here you can copy paste the recipe and you can actually turn it as well okay we need some iron ore and some bricks bricks shouldn't be a problem you can find find it here we need 500 bricks and we need about 100 iron ore we can take some more it's easter feed we're gonna grab off the belt here dcs feeds blue signs that's not important right maybe that was the wrong belt to grab from those same from the mall is actually not very much used anymore okay uh i run rush right past concrete what title are we searching 50 in each yep some iron ore actually only need 10 iron orange that will produce 100 concrete in each which is the thousand concrete we need okay blue science is actually catching up so most of the labs are working we can kind of beacon some of them could have placed this perhaps a different way to make the biggest more efficient you see that we have power for that yes we do rsu looking good lds not looking good how much is five six frames left in each this actually has some time left to run 10 over there so yeah uh now we have basically done everything we need to do oh oh oh coal is low here that's not good i was wondering if there would be enough coal here i guess now i know the answer no it won't but we have another call belt here which is kind of empty also because it's not full belt if we increase that to full belt then that will be full we can use that that was the plan from the start whenever done did it do i have any miners yes i do my minutes there that's 13. 15 there 15 on this belt that's a full belt of coal now that's it actually says in the guide i didn't follow my own guide to increase this to full belt so that and also to connect connect this down here with some spaghetti we can get this down here where is this melting so it's all over the way over there power is getting low why is power though i really shouldn't be low okay let's go check the power didn't account for these beacons and i guess they are not really needed our labs are not working so uh did power turn green there no it didn't oh i know why i have missed blueprinted here there's no power here these are not running fully that means some of these air are low on coal yep that explains where power is low can you pass between these now yes you can nice okay i think power should be fine yeah power's fine you should actually always check if stuff is working because stuff tend to break power's still good okay and now we're just waiting for research i think lds should pick up now re-circuit buffer still holding yeah this is a bit better copper here did i oh i got all the coal could have used that coal miners down here and power that oh well when the belt delay is finally finished it will catch up those yellow signs most of it is done here there's a bit here on the end which has frames left most of them does not have any frame left and they are done oh and pro model bonus is at maximum yeah that's the thing when power is not full that can happen so if i do like that pro module bonus output if i do like that i get the frame back didn't i yes i did ah so i can without consuming the frames i actually get the pro module bonus yeah they start outputting directly it actually picked up yellow size these three are still running yeah all of them are stuck at max per month bonus i can without actually consuming anything i can get three outputs that's quite funny actually internet belt now all the blues go in here how is the rocket controlling is almost done i think purple science should be done yeah we have 300 left plus what's in the lab it's probably done we can stop making pro modules here and make only speed modules actually prod 3s we haven't made we only made pro 2s a bit worried about the low density structures though if that's the bulldog looks like most labs are working now so blue science is actually catching up a bit um no no i wanted to make progress let's see that they divide equally yeah well they will make the profits probably in time point six for those last ones do i have a frame left here so i can do the same trick with the last three that means yellow science is done purple science is probably also done so it's only blue science okay pick everything up from this belt now it i wanted to have only and this on this belt pick up all the blues okay i have enough blues never mind that is also full of blues here so it's actually only speed modulus oh i have lots of speed modes in my inventory but i don't need for anything i think we have enough rock control units anyway we have so much blue circuits so research is almost done okay i placed this power pulse a bit poorly still poorly this is actually not right okay it has to cover that square okay that's that no power still fine oh did i just give away all my speed modules so i can't even put spinners in those beacons kind of need like 28 speed modules [Music] now when silos research is almost finished we can um pick up all the stuff we need to craft the silo i mean at first want to dump all our stuff don't want we basically don't want anything anymore okay whatever now we have blue circuits we have no pipes we needed 200 engines that's a 200 red engines we need a stack of pipes and we need steel oh there's lots of steel here that's a thousand steel a stack of pipes concrete light oil is out but there is enough concrete yep ah not concrete i mean rocket fuel that's the thousand concrete thousand steel 200 blues 200 red engines and 100 pipe yeah that that's enough that's not enough that's enough don't need more um we only need uh loading structures oh did i somehow screw this up when i changed there yeah i did okay it's just something buffering on the belt that's my four productivity four modules okay research is about to finish probably yellow signs getting low on the end could have just a bit more but most of labs are working so it's fine come on research so close so close everything will hit cylinder there we go craft the silo could actually craft it in an assembler would have been faster you can put an assembly like this put speed modules in it and it hits by a lot of beacons so it actually crafts faster then you save a few seconds okay now we actually have enough load answer structures as well i actually have some in my inventory okay i actually need those let's help him feel it because foreign is really not fast enough but almost see it's slowly going down but not by much so i need to like have it once in a while yeah rocked crafting is quite quick when you have this many beacons okay rocket fuel low just poorly balanced in the chests no don't see the structures out i have rest in my inventory that's enough there we go rocket i wonder what the final time will be now this map i said i don't have any timer i will update guide a bit with the solution for the sulfur to not screw up blue signs like that with uh not having sulfur but the rest of things i think work reasonably well most of the builds there are simple and should work 236 faster than expected actually i did of course not enable replay i forgot about that auto runner watches enable replay that's quite fun to analyze it of course we can uh save this game as guide game and now we can like take a screenshot of the base and post in the guide as well now it looked good it worked well i mean this map is not really optimal for this kind of base um it is a bit easier you can place all of these melting lines here in parallel with the rest of the base bases continue the base one long base but this works as well okay so thank you for watching and this was the guide so um casually beat my time yeah i think this guide is simple enough and most of uh it's tries to like do everything one by one so you do one thing and then do the next and all the builds are kind of standalone and like do not really depend much on earlier builds as little as possible some of them do and you can play the locations where play stuff is not really that important there are lots of space left everywhere let's play stuff wherever they are convenient like this word build goes over here rocket fuel happened to be over here because there was space and it was close to this but you can play stuff like anywhere the smelters are convenient to place close to the ore patches you want like science close to labs um that's about it blue science could be a bit bigger but i mean the guide is made for about two and a half hours and i almost made that [Music] now this insert taking here maybe a red inserter here is actually what we want that should get it fast enough and it doesn't take all of it that's actually i think is the solution to have a red insert there i wrapped it gap with red insert here uh not a fast one that should produce uh sulfuric acid fast enough i think i'll check i need to calculate that i don't really know how much sulfur this needs for for eight of these plants and some blue circuits how i activate the edit mode can you run this now sure you can run it there was one slide missing i will try to add that there was one slide to expand power i followed my guy so blindly that i didn't that i almost ran out of power it's supposed to be before the ultimate red green science there's supposed to be another slide which says double power to 10 okay i will edit that in the guide and add that missing slide um yeah i'll add the screenshots and stuff and description and fix that later i'll not do it now yeah editor mode is very convenient when planning stuff you can also look at the base and stuff okay what time is it we completed the guide should we do a real run i heard auntie pb today phoenix world record today i have just made a guide and played for that so yeah we can actually do um
Channel: Nefrums
Views: 222,632
Rating: 4.9284716 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games
Id: ExLrmK1c7tA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 163min 2sec (9782 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2020
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