50 Simple Tips & Trick Everyone Must Know! - Factorio Guide

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In this video I’ll show you Good amount of tips and tricks for factorio so beginners and advance players will find something for them. What’s more I made timestamps in video description to make finding information easier for you when you comeback to this video after some time. I also ask you to write in comment how many tips did you already knew and what is your playtime in factorio, I’m curious. Hello my name is trupen and if you want to know even more about factorio there is a red subscribe button to increase your knowledge, don’t be afraid to click that and now lets go to the game. (1) If you forgot to turn of biter expansion in word generator, at enemies tab, you can still do it with command, press ~ and past this to the console and confirm with enter to disable expansion all necessary commands will be included in video description for your maximum comfort (2) Cliffs are annoying and can be disabled in word creation like biters expansion or in case that you wanna destroy them on current save you can still use this command, and to prevented those sones of a biscuit from generating on new chunks use that script also everything is in description to increase user experience. (3) Timelaps in factorio can be easily made from any save if you turned on "Record replay information" in advance settings during word creation. People who play they very first game can also look how ?yyyyh? unique their base was. I can made video about timelaps in factorio if you want, because setting this up for the first time is a bit tricky and will take too much time for this video, but you can prepare some saves for further timelaps now. (4) Alt is your friend, it will show you every important information what are you looking for in your factory some people don’t like having this option always turned on but even they should use it from time to time because, amount of data provided from this is huge. like you can see boiler don’t use coal at this point red bar stay still although moment ago it was burning that’s because boilers made already small buffer in steam and without power consumption it will stay like that this is no a Minecraft where coal burn even without items to smelt. It also works the same way in furnaces, cars or trains. Button “Q” works like “Pipette tool” from photoshop, it will Pick items from your inventory used to build the currently selected entity and places them in your cursor. So just put mouse on building, press “Q” and machine will appear in your hand. To make machine disappear click “Q” one more time on normal ground. (7) It’s hard to mine big amount of stones for furnaces at the beginning of the game so to make start easier you should look for rocks because, those are good source of protein ???????? stone, stone, good source of stone. What’s more huge rocks contains also coal for early game fueling. (8) To direct feed your machines with resources you have to first pick those resources and then hover over your building and press “Z” to drop only one item at the time. It’s very useful to feed your furnaces and drills with coal at the very beginning of your journey when fuel is worth more then gold. There is no point to drill big amount of stone or copper at the very start because iron is the most important resource to craft more drills and to push your progress forward. You should start mining copper when you got enough iron to begin with power and science. (10) Burner miners are very effective at the beginning so place them as many as you can to speed up your slow start. When you dedicated to switch for electric miners, it's still good idea to keep old burner drills on coal path to maximized your coal production. (11) You are the only assembling machine before automation research and you should take advantage of it by always crafting something, it doesn’t matter what because everything will be useful *burner inserters* ok maybe not everything, but crafted gears will help you with making drills and pipes decrease crafting speed for boilers and steam engines so its good to have some ingredients for later. (12) it’s good idea to put 4 miners on stone like this, to prevent yourself from running out of stone. In the beginning stone is only necessary for furnaces so this small mining area will be enough in our case. (13) You can use assembling machines like this to craft ingredients like gears or copper wires to make crafting advance machines easier if you decided to hand feed those machines they will take almost no place, so you can put even more of them to maximize your crafting speed. (14) If your neighbors already hates you for your no eco friendly factory, you can use pipes to build a wall between. Walls are hard to get at this point of the game, so it will be smart way to defend yourself from native citizens of this planet in this way. (15) To see how your power production is going on, you have to click on the power poll somewhere in your base with left click, it will open you window with all necessary information about power in your base, on the left is production and on the right is consumption, don’t mess this up. (16) you can have two completely difference items on the same belt, for example here is a belt with coal and iron at the same time to make smelting area more compact its also smart to have mixed belts in your mall where space is important. (17) In case you don’t know what mall is, I already rushing to the explanation. Mall is a production district designed for most things you might need in the game: assemblers, belts, inserters, signals, roboports, power poles, substations you know lots of things. It is faster to grab assembling machines or miner from chest then crafting them in your hands. This is a well designed mall from the internet, your can be less beautiful but it will still fulfill his role. (18) It’s very hard to put every single science pack on one belt to supply science lab this is why I showing you this complicated design for feeding your labs from one side it uses 4 belts full of science and its easy to upgrade with just one wipe of upgrader planer. Blueprints are in the description. (19) Maybe you was wandering why I wanted to feed labs only from one side this is the answer. You can looping labs with inserters between them, inserter will take only necessary pack to make whole system efficient. Easy trick and amazing to use. (20) Splitters have few mods and filters, you can open them with your left click and chose mode you like to use. Important input from one side or other, output focused on one side, or filter itself to remove unwonted items from your life. (21) I told you that belts have two sides and this is very easy trick to connect two belts with difference ingredients into one mixed belt for later use. (22) In bigger factory you need bigger power plant, and to build reliable source of steam electricity you have to follow factorio ratios for steam power it is 1 offshore pump, 20 boilers and 40 steam engines. If your factory is still a little toddler, you can use less boilers and engines with later upgrade in mind. (23) Green circuits have ratio 3 copper wires and 2 green circuits. So to maximize your output production I recommend you to use this direct feeding layout for your factory. (24) factorio is a smart game. and it can do complicated things like replacing old belts to undergrounds or splitters instead of you to keep you lazy… I mean to keep you a BOSS and don’t overwork you in your own factory. Undergrounds will delete old belts between and splitters will simply remove one belt. Its good to know that this trick also works for underground pipes. (25) Steel need a lot of time to smelt and also good amount of iron, it might be shocking for you but ratio between iron and steel is 1 to 1 that’s mean you can directly feed your steel furnaces with iron like that. (26) difference tiles in factorio gives you a difference bonuses to speed. You can tile all your factory to increase your overall speed or build a weird walking paths and live in cult like “order of the path”. To put more tiles at the same time use plus from your numeric keyboard, or make a blueprint and use bots for this boring job. (27) you can put power poles at maximum distance by pressing left mouse button and running. It is also possible to use this trick in car or train. Power poles has difference connecting distance but it works for everything. (28) Some people say that trees are the true enemies in factorio I’m not here to judge anyone but if you want to destroy, crash or annihilate those trees you can use grenades to speed this up. This method will be more effective with damage upgrade on your weapons. (29) It is easy to import any blueprint from the web and pretend how smart you are but stealing those files will be like taking somebody else work in the school or coping and pasting the whole code from stack overflow yes, everybody knows you are doing this! In my opinion new players should avoid blueprints from internet and learn from his own mistakes or from video like this Btw are you still counting how many tips did you know if no, then come back to the beginning of this video? (30) “P” button will show you how your production and consumption is going. You can look at difference stats like items, fluids, buildings, pollution and kills in this window. It’s more like interesting fact then useful mechanic, but maybe you will find good application for this. (31) Cables from circuit network can be connected to storage tanks and show you the whole amount of your liquids it is important to connect this cable to some power poll to have full view of your storage. It is possible to connect multiple fluids with one cable so be creative with your refinery. (32) you can make a dedicated spot for some items in your inventory with pressed scroll button I myself always keep spot for my personal bots. This advise also works for inventory in trains, so you can make special train with dedicated spots for important items. (33) Radar will scan 29 by 29 chunks around himself, revealing new sector of the map every 33.333 seconds. You can see a progress bar when you hover a radar. 29 by 29 chunks is a big amount and it will take 7 hours to discover that area by single radar so its good idea to place more than one. (34) The best idea to put radars is to keep them in 14 by 14 chunks grid because it will allow you to see map in a better way when you open a map with “M” and zoom in to area with radar near that place you can see everything what is going on and also place some blueprints, to comparison this is a map without radar, difference is huge in megabases. Map is also useful to look at the range of the radar when you are placing them. (35) Everybody love trains and you know what is better than regular trains FASTER TRAINS! To make trains faster just put better fuel inside and look how fast your life is going. Nuclear fuel will increase train top speed by 115% and acceleration by 250% so upgrade will be plain to see. (36) if you get this achievement too many times and your trains started to be on killing spree then you should start looking at the map to see when train is going. Just make yourself a habit that every time you run across rails you look at the map and your life will be wonderful. (37) when you left click a train it will open you his inventory from here you can change color of your locomotive. Its good to keep trains color organized because then you will know what train has ran over you. You will also get information about cargo by just looking at the locomotive. You can use internet to find best matching colors for your trains. (38) With already opened train inventory you can give a train your own direction by pressing ctrl and left click to choose spot where train should stop or when you press shift and left click it will chose only train stops for his destiny. It's safer method than driving by yourself because in this case other trains will respect you and your path. (39) There are 2 types of people in factorio, half of this group is wrong but I’m not gonna say you with one. If you want to teach your trains, how to go backwards just put another locomotive headed second direction and voilà. (40) The best idea for train output and input is station with stack inserters and chests because this setup can reload train in a few seconds instead of minutes. One stack inserter can grab even 12 items at the same time at the other hand fast inserter grabs only 3 items, so stack inserters are 4 times faster. (41) I forgot to say but better fuel also works for cars and tanks, with this in mind go and make your friends a flatten pancakes. I’m joking, use this for planet citizens. (42) Its good to always research something because this will be always helpful in a long run, what’s more your bottlenecks will reveal every lack of resources and with this knowledge in mind you should repair those mistakes and upgrade your factory. At this point you should have assembling machines tier 3, and to replace your old slow assemblers just put new ones directly on them. It also works for furnaces and inserters. Or just upgrade everything with bots, it will be even faster. Nukes are very powerful weapon and can be used to serve democracy. You can also use them to clear big areas from trees, it is expensive method but very satisfying. (45) Making holes in your logistic network is a stupid idea and you should avoid it. You can see how sad are those bots when you enter that dead spot. (46) Bacons consume power constant no matter how many buildings are in range so to keep your electricity bills low, consider putting them, only when they boost other machines not the air because, faster air have no benefits to your health. (47) Productivity modules are making something from nothing, brilliant idea. And even more brilliant is to use them in a rocket silos, resources to launch a rocket are very expensive and with 4 productivity modules at tier 3, cost per rocket will descries by 40%, yes 40% it's almost half of the required items. You can also use those modules on labs or normal machines, but rocket is the most effective. However crafting speed will also be decreased, so bacons with speed modules should equalize that speed. (48) If 2 toolbars is not enough for you, there is a setting to increase that number to even 4. You can make every toolbar for difference duty. It can also contains buildings from complicated mods. Nuclear reactors have bonuses to productivity when they are close to each other so chessboard pattern isn’t the best way to organize your cute atomic plant. Like you can see this reactor have 400% bonus to heating from his neighbors. Its hard to feed him with a fuel but 300% is still a good bonus. You can press escape and find this “save” button in the middle of your screen. If you are still here that means you might forgot about this little details like sleeping or making breaks. But if you like this, I can make even more videos like this with BIGGER amount of tips, if you want, because I already have notes for like 50 or maybe 100 more tips just leave me a sign that this content is helpful for you by subscribing, liking and sharing this video with your friends and I hope that you didn’t forgot about comment with numbers of tips what you already knew, now is time to share it. Thank you so much for watching and see you next time, bye!
Channel: Trupen
Views: 617,070
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Keywords: factorio, factorio tips, factorio tips and tricks 1.0, factorio tips and tricks, factorio tips for beginners, factorio tips 2020, factorio trailer, factorio tutorial, factorio guide, factorio guide 2020, factorio guide for beginners, factorio review 2020, factorio tutorial 1.0, factorio trailer 2020, factorio tips and tricks for beginners, factorio tips for megabase, factorio tutorial 2020, trupen, guide, tips and tricks, tutorial, beginners, factorio 1.0 changes, 1.1, factorio 1.1
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 30sec (990 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2020
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