Factorio Base Tour - Ellipticality's Smart, Belt Based Distribution Core Factory

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hello everyone and welcome to another factorio bass tour it has been a very long time since I've done one of these uh life is busy Works busy and it's hard for me to kind of carve out time to do these uh but I am trying my best to make time when I can uh and this is the first one for a long time uh and it's it's very cool very unique this is actually by someone I've done another base tour of uh quite a long time ago today we are covering uh ellipticality's base um eye of the desert now this takes a similar principle to uh their previous base that I spotlighted where it uses like a distribution Core Design however the previous one I did was uh primarily bot based and they wanted to kind of do a different take on it and um make it more uh you know take the same idea and use belts in the core um and stuff like that instead of just Bots and it makes for a very very interesting and I'd like to say unique bass as well I've not really seen many bases like this aside from the first one they sent to me so there's a fair bit to cover here I'm gonna try to go over it the best I can I will say this base uses quite a lot of circuit Network logic and for anyone who's been around the community a while knows that that is by far my weakest point of the game um ellipticality has written a very very detailed and great um summary and breakdown for me which I've read over a few times I'm going to try my best to follow along and stuff so uh do you know do forgive me if there's like a pause here and there as I'm like reading through this again um just to refresh my memory um and stuff as I show you things but what we're going to do first off is just do a very broad overview of the bass and then we're going to get down into the Nitty Gritty of like how does this actually work and what is the main principle of what's going on here first off this looks absolutely amazing if we um really quickly hear turn off I guess these are tags I guess maybe this is just always on potentially or there's a train stops sorry um if we turn that off temporarily we can get a kind of unobscured view of the bass and this looks absolutely amazing like just uh pure visually this looks really pretty stunning um and you can see there's actually a lot of greenery in here so part of what I want to be done with this base was kind of a harmony with nature theme uh where ellipticality only really took out uh you know like decoratives and trees and stuff where they had to otherwise they left them in which I think makes for a very uh neat like Oasis because it is in a desert as you can see um and it's kind of this neat Oasis here and it's encompassed by a circular wall or a kind of oval wall I suppose and then all this stuff in here you see is actually the power generation all of this is nuclear power around the base which I've never really seen it done like this before um in this fashion now a couple notes here uh is there there were no mods used for building this so stuff was not cheated in um they they didn't like use like cheat mode or something to build things all the things were built uh I suppose quote unquote legitimately um with normal crafting uh you know there was no major map editing um the only map editing they did was for some of the nuclear like water placement stuff uh just because otherwise this would not have worked naturally but other than that um they didn't like just put in like infinite resource patches they didn't just give themselves infinite chests of stuff that this was basically all done uh legitimately I suppose you could say so uh there is that note as well so uh now this was designed in creative mode like in a test map so like they made the builds that designed the builds but then they actually like blueprinted them in here and then made the materials for them legitimately I guess is a good way to put it um so the target science for the space is 1950 science per minute um which is just under the Max uh of two of the two rocket silos um that what two rocket silos can support so uh for anyone who doesn't uh doesn't know rocket silos don't actually aren't actually able to launch a rocket every minute um due to the animation and stuff so with two rocket silos you actually can't do a full 2000 science per minute you can do slightly under that in this case uh 1950. um so science per minute wise is not massive uh but it doesn't need to be because it's super unique um in in really really interesting so we do have this kind of central distribution core here which is the main principle of the base and then you can see that this is kind of uh mirrored or copied on either side so we're really only going to look at one half of this because the other side is exactly the same which makes uh for a very nice system visually um we just don't really need to look at the other side we're going to just look at this side here um so I'm gonna just kind of let look through here um so basically the whole distribution system uh conceptually it essentially performs the same function as the main bus just much more advanced in a way um many different products are directed into it and ordered in a logical manner so basically products for each uh build here are like ordered from the distribution core via train and combinators and called in here uh and it's once we get a real close look at it here it's it's actually pretty phenomenal what is able to be done with this with deliveries and requesting the correct things and filtering stuff out it's really pretty amazing um and then uh so basically we have requester stations which request things um maybe we're getting a little ahead of ourselves here sorry so uh we'll just look at the builds very briefly the the main uh main part of this again is the logic of it more so than like necessarily the builds themselves I mean the build the builds are good there there's nothing wrong with them um they're fairly standard in like within the production build itself um so it uses like a combination of belts direct insertion you can see I mean red science is obviously one of the simpler things we could look at but it is using a pretty standard uh like eight eight ish Beacon design except for these outside ones you know this is a very standard design right here in regards to the beacon layout um and such it's just kind of belts going through again though there's no Bots really going on here so this is all about based or direct insertion uh I don't really see any direct insertion from trains which does make sense considering all the logic that has to take place here for the train delivery but just kind of scrolling through the builds uh you know they're very clean which which is nice just contributes more to the you know kind of visual uh part of the bass and then uh they run through and again like where possible they kept water you can see it's not like they just land filled and concreted the whole thing it's just a little Bridge through here to get stuff where it needs to go and it it adds a different nice feel to things I really like it rather I mean there is of course something to be said for the for the industrialized fully concreted bases but this is I like that this is on the other side of the spectrum so we have smelting and stuff on the left uh here on this side and then of course on the other side it would be over here uh pretty basic builds for this honestly it's uh it looks like uh eight beacons since since there's uh 10 effect sources and two of those are the modules in here uh direct insertion um for the well kind of direct insertion not direct direct insertion for this deal basically just spits out the iron here and then it's just pulled directly off again for the steel there's some smarts going on here um you know just just to make things run a little smoother and then the resources the raw resources themselves are provided from outside the base so while the main base is you know enclosed and it's nice safety Circle here all the resources are again gathered legitimately these patches won't spawned in they're all trained in um kind of from all corners of the base as you can see and then kind of nice similar wall designs as well to match the main part of the base um now biters are on um they it kind of what they had to do for biters was a little bit interesting this is I guess the only part of the of the um map that's like not quite vanilla I suppose um so the binder settings basically to avoid green water from pollution and the dead trees which are kind of be counterproductive for the harmony with nature bit they had to disable uh well they had to turn off pollution um and then which basically disables biter tax so it's not natural lighter attacks but they did turn on expansion uh to the max settings so that that basically means that they're still fighting against like just the general expansion of the biters and like when they hit it with artillery that obviously sends out attack parties just from that so the biters aren't on Peaceful really uh well I guess they are on on Peaceful kind of but it since they have artillery when they expand they attack the artillery attacks and then the the base gets attacked so players are still a thing um just not quite to their full potential which is fine that's not really what this base is about um and if we take a quick look just because I'm curious on uh we'll do that but then also on the train okay so how many trains we actually have so there's a little under 400 trains there's actually and then there's more stations than trains which I suppose make sense since you have drop-offs and Pickups a lot of it's shared we have 470 stations and about 400 trains and a lot of these train names and stuff are just like symbols uh which which makes sense for what's going on here uh there is a live demo that they've uh set up for me which is awesome we're going to look at that at the end once we actually kind of go through how this works um and let's just get into that now so again this distribution core concept is that there is the Central distribution core uh in the middle here and this is this is where like all the materials are are held and then some and supplied essentially given to these trains which are one two or sorry one one trains uh and it's requested it requests the bills requests what they need when they need it uh and it is brought over from the distribution course so nothing is like belted really uh most stuff is not belted directly into here aside from some of the uh smelting of course but like all of the other products are not belted here they're trained in here from that distribution core so these these load these uh requester stations essentially so here's our live demo um which I suppose we could try now uh it basically has a shopping list it sends out based on the resources that are needed here uh and that will like call a train from the distribution core um with the materials that's needed now these trains can hold more than just one material uh see if we can find one here that maybe does that uh they seem to actually all have one material I'm pretty sure I read in the summary though that they can hold more than one uh uh but perhaps not um but if we go here we can actually test out this live demo so I'm gonna go out of map view hop out of the spider Tron um you you can set a shopping list basically by um changing this combinator so you can change this it basically it essentially just needs to be um a quantity of 14 stacks of something and then it can be any of the set amount of items I think there's 12 different items that can be requested in so if we go here and we change this and change this to let's let's use green circuits for this example we'll say 2800 which would be 14 Stacks uh if we set this and then um we'll do this now it may take a minute because the train just left so we need to wait for uh we actually may need to wait like two train cycles for this to actually uh take effect and call the right thing because another train may already be on the way here uh but in the meantime we can kind of take a peek at how things are working here so these uh these here are are setting filters essentially just so we aren't clogging up the belts uh belts with what needs to be unloaded here and then uh we have this splitter here which will essentially filter out what it needs to so it'll stop uh flowing into the build uh like when there's when there's enough of something or too much of something so you can see this again this train was already called so so this won't take effect quite yet but this is bringing in Sulfur if we look at maybe something that's not a demo build this might be a little more apparent on uh what's going on with some of this uh so a good example I think would be this uh rocket control unit 3 system up here so we had this system here and if we take a look I'm just going to scroll through the uh scroll through the explanation here real quick again sorry I cannot memorize all this stuff there is a ton of info uh and it it it's quite a lot to take in so uh essentially this combinator here controls how much product should be in each of the three chests so you can see there's sets of three chests um that that have like the same product in the three in them uh and then uh the one down here that this uh this guy here I believe hovering over this um so basically this common area shows uh the request while the train is in or out to the core and then it's copied and cleared when the train arrives there um so you can see this is set to uh 749 and red circuit so I would imagine that that is the one that would just came in and it's cleared since the train got here and is now gone and theoretically this should have something new to it when a new train is in route it probably just doesn't need one right now uh so the shopping list is saved in uh these combinators when it departs and then the list is basically made up of half the number of stacks of items and then the train ID so the train ID is used to identify the specific request when it copies later and I know this may be hard to follow along it's it's honestly hard for me to follow along I'm I'm trying my best here um and then so so this is basically the general like blueprint and design of these drop-off stations um so this flows over I'm going to see if I can find maybe another example so if we look here so this cleared again but this one maybe the one that we saw in here before was this red one that was coming in um and we we didn't really check on our demo we could reset it again honestly and it should be fine um or we'll just infinitely request that perhaps um and here's like another example again the I think these are just going to the same thing up here uh but it's a very similar design so uh essentially the bills just call what they need when they need it um so it always has what it needs but it's not just like always like overflowing on one thing uh because it's a very smart system as we can see you know lots of combinators use we Mouse over power pole we can basically see how many of what trains are like buffered with materials essentially uh so we can see like there's 10 stone brick trains there's you know nine of green and blue circuit trains Etc uh if we if we look the next point of entry is the entry stations so if we take a look so so again this is basically just this the same thing throughout these different builds it's the same concept so we don't necessarily need to look at every single one um but you know you can see that there's a there's four different sets of three chests where each three has the same material that's brought in um and then fluids are a little different we'll cover fluids here uh in a minute but if we come down to the distribution core because this part is different and it's quite interesting so so this is the entry point here um so a requester train can go to one of the two identical stations on either side of the base um there's this and then there's this again the base is copied on either side and then the injury station has a circuit controlled signal that blocks the next train from docking which you can see is happening here uh it's it's uh controlling the signals or the station here um until the previous so it blocked until the previous training is seated at the loading station um you know this prevents backups and stuff like that um also offers refueling if they need it which is very convenient it's just this is actually really smart this is something uh like when you have a central area like this where all trains come this is a really smart way to do your fueling because obviously every train has to pass through here um instead of like sticking fuel all over the place you really just have to put it in one spot uh and your trains are going to be and it comes over here too for the back locomotive um your change is just always going to be fueled because every single train has to come through here right so this is a this is a really good way to to do your fueling if you ever have a central design like this um and then uh so so yeah basically the the stop here is so that they don't want you know you don't want docking at a loading station where the buffer chest can't Supply it which is another thing you don't want to train going somewhere where there's not actually materials for it um if we take a look at this combinator the Z combinator is where the request is copied uh from I would imagine from the science builds I think so you can see this one just popped up uh we have input signals output signals which seem to match years for for iron it will decide which core station to enable based on the request right and you can see it's changing here so uh you know based on this it's basically telling the train where to go or which station to enable which then tells the train where to go um and then any core station not stock for the request is disabled with a train limit zero which obviously prevents any train from going to that station um so then the train gets to the Loading station um which we'll take a look at here so uh basically the request is copied from here to the station um and then the filter inserters are controlled to fill the train with the correct items right so the filter and servers were set to iron because you know there are other materials here we don't want like sulfur or batteries or something being loaded into this when it needs iron uh there are as we can kind of see here there's four express belts um going to each station one to each corner of it essentially um to replenish the buffer chest so this is done because uh they need to know exactly how much each quadrant um is used basically uh so the way they went about this is um load exactly one quarter of a wagon um for for like each side here um and then to to time the inserter so the insert is moving in fours and our time and stack size limited as well to like really just kind of uh tie down the the ability to uh limit and calculate how much stuff has been used uh so there's 16 buffer chests each so two four six eight and then the same over here uh with three to four stacks of 12 different items as you can see these have 12 or maybe they're missing some right now but they can hold 12 different items about four stacks of each in here uh and this is not limited in the chest because obviously uh you can't really filter that it is limited by the inserters which which is a good way to do it with these combinators uh and then uh so this allows the train to be fully supplied by the buffer uh approximate balancing of the chest is important obviously since insert doesn't have an item uh so it doesn't have an item when it's supposed to swing um it it doesn't want to be picking up the wrong item or just like one of something that could be picking up 12 or something um so in terms of replenishing the buffer chest uh we can take a look over in kind of the Central Area here or sorry right Central I guess I guess it's over here too uh since the base is is kind of weird um so there's 48 timeshare belts going to the 12 stations again so there's uh 12 stations 3 6 12. um up here and then down here are are these things um the timeshare belts so there's 48 of them each belt has a memory of the contents it requires which honestly that alone is just like insane to me which I assume would be happening like here um since that's reading the belt so for an example say train is filled with 4 000 iron plates uh each belt going to that station would then have a thousand iron plates added to the outstanding amounts again because there's four uh belts like four different belts going to each train and these four thousand there's a thousand each uh the three inserters per belt uh back at the loading can fully drain it by picking up from The Far Side so some interesting mechanic stuff too that they mentioned um which I actually didn't know this uh is let me see here um oh yeah so the thing with the mechanics is insert just picking up from The Far Side of a belt are actually much faster which I didn't know uh which is pretty interesting so they're they're taking advantage of that mechanic here and then insert is apparently dropping sideways onto a splitter are much faster I believe I did know that um so they they use these two tricks to their advantage to try to make things as efficient and optimal as possible um if we go back uh to what we were looking at here so uh they basically use uh if we look let's kind of get out of the middle there and and go like up to the top um so so they use like a pseudo one to three balancer to achieve all this um they then actively balance resources between the four chess so if we if we go over we have a priority splitter priority splitting here into a complete compressed blue belt into a red belt splits the contents uh two-thirds on red and one-third on the other path next this acts as a small one to three balance here so yeah they're just doing like a makeshift one three balancer here um by doing two thirds and then one third uh and then each belt essentially is connected to every item type which is which is nice since there's you know so many different things that need to be going in here uh one of the biggest challenges actually uh for this base that they mentioned is they um to make sure that different resources never touch on the belts right you don't want your spaghetti your sushi belts that would kind of mess this up I suppose maybe that could be done but I don't really think so um so they want their their belts to be just purely one thing all the time they don't want the mixing in here um so and another reason for this too is what I mentioned before with the inserters right so if a stack inserter is given a choice um of multiple items on a belt you know it may choose to pick up like one iron or something when it could have instead picked up like 12 blue circuits or or whatever um so just keeping the belts all one item just again makes things flow smoother um uh and then they basically handle the challenge by tracking where resources are on each of the belts and making sure never to release items at the wrong time so that is done here again more combinator madness uh the lights are representative of where items are currently located on shared belts I'm gonna be honest I don't entirely understand this um I mean I can see them going on and off I'm yeah this is one part that you want the explanation I don't entirely follow um so they basically track the purpose of this though is to track it to avoid releasing items at the wrong time where they would then collide with a different item um and they keep track of that here with a visual representation with the lights I'm sure some of you watching will know know what is being done here and be like serum you dummy if you haven't already said that which is fine if you have again this is this is by far my weakest point so I do apologize I should have given this disclaimer at the beginning but I do apologize to ellipticality as well as everyone viewing uh if I still present things incorrectly or or mis-explain something uh just even with the explanations which is very much appreciated and does help um this is just like I I'm really honestly terrible with this stuff so I'm in some cases I'm just reading straight from the thing and helping you guys understand it uh because it's uh it's really above my head in some cases but generally speaking I do I do understand the concept and it's honestly quite mind-blowing uh so they do take advantage of buffering of items as well which I'm gonna see so that's actually we're right near that so um in here they have these buffers for everything so typically buffers are not really something you want to be doing a lot in the game um but this is an exception of that and these are actually like very important for the process of this base uh each side of a buffer um is capable of absorbing and providing four blue belts of items for each item type um so basically a total of 96 belts buffered uh it also does it does have some surrogate balancing uh you can go see going on here with the uh with the inserters uh so they're they're certain mounting a belt buffer for desync stirring starting stopping there's another trick um to create compressed belt from three stack inserters so you can see there is only three but they're making a compressed blue belt even if this weren't backed up it would be compressed um and it draws evenly from the chest which can be difficult to do when uh when supplying something like this so how they're doing this is basically like clocking the inserters as they're limiting the swing period to 36 ticks um by the way there's 60 ticks in a second um and the stack size to nine uh so three inserters times a nine stack size uh divided by 36 ticks is 45 items a second which is the speed of a blue belt um so very very smart way of doing that I definitely wouldn't have thought of that uh sorting to the buffers so obviously making sure that the right thing is going into the right area and again not mixing materials um it's done with filters filtered splitters which I'm actually not saying because these are not filter splitters um okay I might be missing something but yeah because these are normal inserters unless they're maybe just filtering well yeah they're not um maybe they're just telling it like a specific signal sorting to buffers is uh yeah that would be unless it's done like back here perhaps I guess that's done here sorry from the from the trains Maybe uh because this I believe yeah this is bringing in um raw Goods it looks like or semi raw intermediates circuits because it's unloading um so things things like circuits and uh plates and all that stuff is brought into the core and then the other trains come in and pick it up so we already looked at the power poles uh so fluid requests fluid requests are a little different I think they're actually simpler to be perfectly honest if we look at not that um where were our fluid requests I just saw these earlier here we go so here's some some fluid stuff set up uh so the flu request so they all have purple trains um each side of the combinator for the requested fluid a training in sport two types there's uh actually yeah I can support two types essentially um so again bunch of smart bunch of combinators um basically the the distribution of it is just decided by which pump turns on so if we turn off these markers you can see that there's uh this is actually an unloading station uh but same thing would apply basically to decide which goes which is these are just controlled based on like what fluids in the train I would imagine and then that way we're not mixing fluids as well which would be extra bad uh if if we scroll up I know I saw fluids somewhere else in an unloading section I'm trying to find somewhere where they unload which I mean just not be able to do I think this is where I just was oh no no this is an unloading okay so again yeah it's just the size which pump to turn on essentially um and that's basically it I know I know it was kind of discombobulated uh one thing to like really show this uh is I think what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna just reload the map uh since this will put us back at the start of that there's the uh there's the old map uh the first one I did for them she's gonna take a second to load so I'm gonna go ahead and try to get this request in for the train leaves um and then we should hopefully see a green circuit train come here since I set the request here so normally obviously you wouldn't be doing this by hand for every station this is all done automatically but for the live demo um we can kind of just see live what's happening um now those of you who understand combinations and stuff more uh will probably understand better what was going on I am going to ask ellipticality for permission to share uh the Google Doc they gave me or maybe a copy of it posted on my own Google Drive they don't want it on theirs um and I will also ask for permission to share the map or not that is entirely up to them I believe um they did share it to Reddit I I didn't look uh specifically to see if they posted the save there uh if the save is posted there I would assume it's obviously fine to say to share here so you guys can come in and actually take a look at the specifics yourself but overall even though I didn't understand some of it I am very very impressed with this this is uh this is super cool like the whole principle of like of just a central distribution core and you can see as green circuit train did come so again this would be done automatically but you can see it's pretty smart just request what it needs because this would be set based on what it needs and send it in and uh again then we have our filter splitter here because this keeps out what is not needed so you know they're not letting the green circuits in we don't need those here for blue science um and it's just letting the sulfur and if we actually like clear these trees so I can see what's going on here sorry I know I know I undid the harmony with nature thing right there but um yeah overall very cool like like I was saying the the general principle of like a central distribution Court is simple enough generally speaking uh but having a work like this fully automatically and to just have the builds requesting everything they need because some of these some of the stuff obviously takes quite a lot of different materials to to make I mean obviously like uh speed models only take two things but you know some of this other stuff takes three four plus ingredients at least having those all brought in um from just a core filled with with different stuff and put into the trains is is super impressive I think actually if I were to pick my favorite part of the base don't get me wrong this is super impressive I really like this uh but what what is my favorite part I think is this whole section here is having these trains come in and stopped and then figuring out what materials are actually needed and closing off all the stations essentially except for the one that that actually has a material that the train needs and not only that but checking the stations to see which station has or does not have the material that is needed and then setting the tree to the right one this is uh this is just super super cool I could honestly just sit here and like watch this happen for for a good while uh I am curious just out of pure well curiosity um if something like this could have been done without the train stop limit I think it could in the past because you could I think you could still turn off stations um previously but the train stop limit I imagine makes this uh easier to deal with uh that's just a huge addition to the game that that makes stuff like this I think a lot better uh but you know just using all these combinators being able to hook it up to stations and stuff just watching this go and watching things go to where they need to is pretty dang cool if you ask me uh so this is set to iron I would imagine this train is going to go to iron once one opens up um so this this comes in here yeah and you can see boom iron right there uh and there was iron here but there's already a train here and no other station was available for iron um so we look at this this is steel I bet you this is going to be steel obviously um that one was Cole so it's going to come down to where uh coal can be supported um and Cole was already in here I didn't see it on the Belt but or am I just blind I don't know it was It was kind of already in here uh this is just this is super cool man I am so I love this so much um I I hope you guys enjoyed I think this is a good place to close it out as we just watch this uh I'm also just generally mesmerized by the the visual quality of this uh but I hope you enjoyed despite my probably not great explanation of things um I guess one last note is just the train Network in general that I didn't cover uh there's essentially an inner and outer train network uh the networks from the core to here to to the production areas are disconnected in the fact that you have to like transfer from one to the other to kind of um to kind of get there so these come in here right and then they go into the station and they back out and then go over to the other one um but there's there's kind of a flow of things trains uh trains come in uh like here this way on these three tracks here and then so this would be like the outer Network I believe essentially out here and out here you can see the trains are here flowing another way um now some stuff like artillery and ammo supply can cross over but generally speaking stuff can't really um we didn't really take a look at like the circuit builds but I mean they're they're pretty straightforward uh they're good builds you know very compact uh I don't want to say nothing to nothing to see here but compared to the rest of Base uh this is pretty standard honestly um I mean obviously the same station stuff is uh is still taking place here to bring the stuff in that's needed but and take out what's needed you can see more fluid going on here this is actually not a smart fluid system it probably just doesn't need to be for this but uh just general circuit smelting stuff going on here I do like that they have the the dedicated smelting basically for each thing so like that the copper is just smelted in the iron it's melted here for the green circuits and the red circuits I suppose um just makes things a bit easier and then we have blue circuits um yeah more green solid fuel I actually didn't look and I know I said we're gonna end but I didn't actually look at oil which is all just coming in pre-refined I'm trying to find it oh no here we go um the accomplendent a little bit so I'm sure there's more than one of these throughout the map but fully Beacon of course moduled uh it makes all the stuff which flows throughout the tracks I like that too and is loaded in here again not really many smarts going on here there doesn't need to be at this stage so there's one here and then one here and then yeah again here and here so I liked it's very symmetrical here on the base but anyway this will actually be a close thank you all so much for watching I do hope you enjoyed if you have any questions leave them in the comments uh I will try to answer I know in the last video ellipticality uh was reading the comments and and stuff so if ellipticality sees comments down there if you if you feel like you want to answer stuff and people have questions then maybe I messed up or that I didn't cover or something um you know that would be awesome too uh and then if uh if I get an okay to share the map I'll put a link in the description same with the uh summary as well and then I also will link in the description the previous base I covered it there so if you want to see kind of a comparison um which was I think a couple years ago at this point but I will link it in there as well as well as the whole playlist for this bass Tour series um there's a bunch of truly amazing basses in this in this uh playlist that people have sent to me uh and I have a lot more to do I'm gonna try to get to them uh this is the first of hopefully mini and uh again thank you all so much if you did enjoy a like is appreciated if you're new feel free to subscribe to see more stuff like this and uh for now that's gonna do it until next time I look forward to seeing you all and do take care
Channel: Xterminator
Views: 15,724
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UhmuhKYXShI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 15sec (2415 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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