I Got EVERY Achievement For 100+ Games

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[Music] I have fully completed 100 games on Steam I got all the achievements in every single title I'm going to mention in this video I searched every hook every corner I did everything also when I say 100 games I'm actually lying because it's actually like 110 games but 100 just sounds better you know this is a journey I have been on for over two years now completing game after Game Challenge after Challenge and it has been one hell of a roller coaster ride and I am going to rank every single one of them based on their difficulty to fully Complete because I've completed a handful of easy games but I've also dabbled with some Tom Foolery that made me want to use an eraser on my brain to smooth it all out and you might be wondering why I'm doing this while you see I'm insane all right let's get started I wanted to get this one out of the way immediately because well it's Hollow Knight it's the first game people think of when they bet an eye towards me this is a tough challenging metroidvania to 100 fully complete but most achievements are obtainable by just doing the main story content sometimes it dvhu by doing a goofy little side quest but but the most of it is doable without too much stress these are still a really tough and challenging game the two achievements that really stick out are still hard when you need to obtain 100 completion on steel Soul mode and embrace the void which requires you to defeat the fifth Pantheon AKA defeat every boss in a row without dying it's hard but not impossible okay but before we continue I've partnered up with gamer subs and I'm here to talk to you about free stuff and you like free stuff don't you gamer Subs is a tasty ass energy drink with zero added sugars and 0.000 calories so you better pick up all your stupid monster energy drinks your Red Bulls rock stars your your Niche Dutch energy drink that I actually kind of like and throw it all into the trash bin because gamer substance is just that good man I'm telling you 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description or use code folk on checkout to get yourself some free stuff seriously though for a second I've never accepted a YouTube sponsorship before because I think a lot of them are kind of crap but this is a genuinely good product again this is probably the best way to support me while also getting something in return code foco free sample packs 10 off of everything else so you know that just at this point alright back to the video foreign I'm sorry balloons fans it's the harsh truth to fully complete Plants vs Zombies quote unquote Game of the Year Edition the game requires you to defeat the main campaign twice obtain every trophy in minigames puzzle and survival unlock every plant some other obscure things and the two big ones china shop which requires you to reach a streak of 15 in vase breaker and better off that this is the hardest one without a doubt because it requires you to reach a streak of 10 in I zombie and I zombie is such a pile of RNG garbage whoever came up with this mini gamer you suck okay you just straight up suck the game itself isn't super difficult but those last two achievements definitely bump it up a bit [Music] all right funny Boomer shooter where you can do front flips for no reason in the sliders has a lot of quote-unquote secret areas and room achievements like finding and beating a secret stage finding the baby room finding dope fish finding a Rachel's secret whatever this is supposed to mean it also makes you do some other specific garbage but again the two that really stick out are true 100 which makes you obtain the completionist award in every level and don't drop it which requires you to pick up a bar of soap in every level the thing is you can obtain both of these achievements on the easiest difficulty so it isn't super difficult but it's just a bit of a grind [Music] I like gutter Roboto a very short and cute little metroidvania most achievements in this game are pretty easy it's just doing all the content but there's three that stick out or sequence break finish the heater core level before acquiring the spin jump which is a bit tricky and finicky but totally doable danger cat finishing the game without collecting a health upgrade and the real Nutcracker speed Runway you have to finish the game in under one hour and this is a tight tight ass squeeze it took me quite a few attempts to obtain this one and just for that it's getting bumped up a bit [Music] whoever came up with the achievements in this game is an evil little goober because killing 50s creatures or killing 50 anglerfish doesn't sound bad on paper Until you realize that only one's creature spawns per Island meaning you have to visit 50 of them hooking 5K items is also tedious Master Survivor can suck me former glory artistic collection expert warthog hum 3 it is just a gigantic tedious and unfun grind the game itself is fun but man don't try to go for all the achievements for the love of God [Music] Resident Evil games is always just a fun time because they always heavily focus on replayability and to complete Resident Evil 2 remake you need to finish the game about seven times or so with different goals in mind you also have some bonus side modes to complete which are really fun but if I had to choose which achievements are the hardest I would probably choose a lore Explorer and both hardcore achievements it can be pretty tough at times but it's fun tough foreign just like rb2 re4 requires you to beat the game about seven times or so with once again different goals in mind the two achievements that really stick out are S Plus investigator where you have to beat the main story on hardcore mode with an S Plus Rank and gun fanatic which you get after obtaining every gun now most guns are pretty easy to find but the infinite rocket launch or Chicago sweeper and hand Cannon are a bit easy to get again going for 100 completion is tough but it's fun tough yeah this game sucks it isn't even hard to 100 fully complete all the achievements are obtainable over time by just playing the game normally the hardest one is Raccoon City survival Squad but even that one is just like okay honestly the hardest part about the entire game is making a Capcom ID account so just for that it's getting bumped up a tier I don't want to talk too much about this game because I feel like it's something everyone should experience blindly that being said though the chief is in this title are kind of a joke in my opinion the hardest one is eye of Steel where you can't blink for 30 seconds if you're confused by that sentence this is a game you play with your camera and every time you blink you jump forward in time it's a cool concept for a little gimmick game but again the achievements are a straight up joke [Music] besides having the best video game title of all time Turner boyko match tax evasion is a pretty easy game to 100 80 of the achievements are obtained by just playing the game normally once again the hardest one is probably a question mark question mark question mark but that's because it's a random chance not because it's actually difficult still though the overall game has some level of challenge to it I feel like a lot of you guys think I'm gonna immediately put this one in infuriating but I'm gonna put Elden ring into the hearts here because don't get me wrong okay this title is genuinely tough and even at certain instances frustratingly annoying but if you look at the achievements they honestly aren't that bad the hardest ones are probably collecting all the legendary weapons and equipment which is just a bit grindy at the worst of time so the real hardest part about Elden ring is beating it for the first time it's a hard ass game but not impossible to 100 percent an achievement where you just sleep for an hour and I think that says it all this game isn't super hard to fully complete the three achievements that stick out to me are I remember and badges which are your standard collection based achievements and I am speed which is a speed run based achievement kind of similar to gutter Roboto but unlike that game this game is a lot more lenient with your time so you can do it in like one really simple run I'll put it in doable this is a very short and cute little Lego puzzle game and that's all I can really say about it the achievements are literally you just beating the game which takes less than two hours to do again it's a cute little game but it goes into baby mode it's a baby game [Music] Evo is a very snazzy Cooperative platformer where you can play as a funny guy or go and this game is also decently talked to 100 because you need to collect every single one of these tokens to earn the collector achievements now some of these tokens are pretty easy to get but others can be pretty damn difficult there are also three mini game based achievements which I think are kinda BS you can play a mini game by pulling a rope that randomly spawns on a level every few minutes the thing is most of the time you just end up waiting for this stupid rope to spawn to then only have a chance to get the right minigame that the rest of the game is definitely challenging though so I'm gonna put it in that tier [Music] the achievement in this game are an absolute blast to grind for they really test your skills without making you feel like a breaking something that the three hardest ones are definitely speed wonky Speed Run the game in under 8 minutes seen it all complete 100 of the journal which means you have to pick up every item and defeat every enemy and boss and the real Nutcracker low scorer where you need to complete a run without collecting any treasure which doesn't sound hard on paper but this is a game all about collecting treasure the levels are covered in Gold and Gems meaning you have to tiptoe around everything it's hard as hell but it's also fun as hell foreign key 2 is basically just more Spelunky with new secret new weapons new enemies new areas and a handful of new features and quality of life improvements it's the perfect way to do a sequel but but with that being said though here's the funny thing the three hardest achievements in Spelunky 2 are the exact same as in Spelunky one speed lonkey shinodal and low scorer like they are literally identical and once again it's hard as hell but also fun as hell I personally find Spelunky 2 harder than one but they are both a real challenge [Music] Gang Beast achievements aren't even hard like in the sliders so I should really just put this in Easy tier but but here is the thing okay it doesn't matter what you do or how many times you attempt to obtain one they just don't want to trigger I don't know what it is or what a bozo code it but but it's just broken the hardest one is quote unquote step down uh now for step down you have to break a staircase in a tower stage that's it but for some reason the achievement just doesn't want to trigger after attempting it so many times I did finally manage to get it but man is it busted if he lived in a perfect world where Gang Beast achievements properly worked sit down would probably be the hardest one I'll put it in doable tear just because the achievements do not want to trigger otherwise it would have gone an easy tier [Music] stick fight the game is Just 2D Gang Beasts with actual functional achievements the hardest ones are probably uh yeah whatever this one is called yeah whatever she said and white death where you have to kill 77 enemies with a sniper rifle I wish there wasn't more to talk about but it's a goddamn stick fighting party game it's fun to play but not hard to fully complete [Applause] [Music] this is the first ever game I bought on Steam all the way back in 2012. me and Flash Isaac go together like a PB and J sandwich so it's only fitting that this is a hard ass game to fully Complete because I'm such a cool hardcore and swag dude I mean look at me look how cool I am and to fully complete flesh Isaac you have to defeat like so many things complete every challenge pick up every item do everything in a hard mode with every character and like like a bunch of other stuff man it's tough and super unforgiving especially hard mode the Eternal enemies are super annoying so just for that I'm putting in an infuriating tier but if I'm honest it's kind of baby compared to like come on it's Isaac okay anyway to fully complete The Binding of Isaac rebirth after birth after birth plus repentance whatever you want to call it you have to defeat mom Boss Rush Mom's heart Satan the lamb Isaac blue baby Mega State and the harsh delirium mother the Beast and Ultra greedier with all 34 characters and that's not even mentioning the 45 different challenges and all the other garbage surrounding it fully completing The Binding of Isaac repentance is like finishing your education and paying off all your debts easy infuriating tear God damn man [Music] oh no good is a short little puzzle game about the wacky faces and uh that's all I can really say about it I completed the entire game with all the achievements in less than two hours the hardest one is Ghost where you have to complete a puzzle without being spotted which isn't hard in the sliders again it's a funny little title but it's a baby little baby boo-boo game [Applause] help by a very classy old school collect-a-thon platformer with the gimmick that everything is just disgusting and gross the only two achievements that really stick out are wow such endurance which makes you collect every collectible which is fun since this is a collect-a-thon after all and a bad taste that this one just genuinely sucks because you have to unlock every single outfit in the game you can unlock outfits by buying them with gems in the clothing shop but the thing is you end up just replaying a small section over and over and over again for about two hours or so because it's the optimal way to get gems still though it isn't awful just a little annoying [Music] another fairly easy one one shot the achievements in this title are kind of pointless though the two that quote unquote stick out they really don't stick out are Ram Whisperer where you have to do the hurt mini game in one attempt and extreme bartering where you just have to trade a handful of items but but the thing that bothers me about this is that the achievements kind of defeat the point of the game because you know it's called one shot make me replay the game to get some achievements it's just silly man easy tear thank you to fully complete scorn you just have to complete the game and do like an extra little small puzzle at the start again yeah that's it the game itself isn't super easy baby mode like a Legos Builders Journey but come on man couldn't you add like I don't know like a speed run achievement at least like this is lame as hell man I like the game itself it's very Archy and eye-catching but fully completing it as a cakewalk foreign games are usually separated into three chunks a campaign a multiplayer and a third side mode which is usually zombies the thing is all the titles counter these as separate executables so the multiplayer and Black Ops 1 on Steam is a separate download from the base game and steam also counts them as separate games on your perfected game list so I'm just gonna roll with that and count them separate it's just a little bit of quirky old school coding garbage but I'm gonna take that to my advantage so I can inflate a number of titles I fully completed shout out to capitalism with that being said though fully completing Black Ops 1 makes me wanna puke out my own eyes mainly because of the campaign because you have to beat the whole thing on veteran difficulty now veteran difficulty on Black Ops 1 is just straight up unfair you can instantly die in a single frame and you can't do anything about it you also have to collect all the Intel and like some other specific garbage but if you think you're done then then you are incorrect because you also have to complete every single Zombie easter egg which hey if you know me I like myself a good old game of Call of Duty zombies but completing the Easter eggs can be kind of finicky at times the multiplayer on the other hand has a different problem where there are only three achievements but one of them in the money is literally unobtainable so sadly I had to cheat it in that's the only rule to this quote-unquote Challenger right if it's unobtainable I'm allowed to cheat it in because well I can't get it with that being said though bo1 multiplayer goes into baby Booboo tear getting the other two achievements is piss easy the normal game I'm gonna put that one in infuriating it is genuinely that frustrating I'm gonna speed through this one because the last one took way too long the hardest achievements in the campaign of Black Ops 2 are old-fashioned and futurist where you have to beat the whole campaign on veteran difficulty which isn't as frustratingly impossible as Black Ops 1 but still tough high IQ where you have to collect all the Intel and giant accomplishment which makes you complete every single challenge which is really really tedious I'm putting this one in Hearts here zombies is a bit easier though the hardest ones are once again completing all the big boy Easter eggs which is decently difficult so I'm gonna put that one in challenging and for the multiplayer there are again unobtainable achievements so I had to cheat them in the hardest one is reaching Prestige one which isn't super hard but it's just a bit grindy so I'm gonna put that one in doable Black Ops 1 and Black Ops 2 were both pretty hard to fully complete but Black Ops 3 takes it to the goddamn extreme the zombies is doable and a lot of fun but the campaign and multiplayer are the definition of a slog the multiplayer itself isn't horrendous but it's just filled to the brim with hackers so it's absolutely zero fun to play and the campaign is an absolute Dreadful experience first of all it isn't fun or interesting second of all you have to get every single one of these badges which requires you to do literally everything the hardest things you have to do are completing all the challenges and completing the game on realistic difficulty which means if you get hit once you're you're dead the rest of them are doable but but still it is absolutely obnoxious easy as infuriating tear Superfly is a short little high score flying game the hardest achievement is probably gaining 40K points but even that one is really easy to get again there isn't much more to talk about a little baby game [Music] foreign yet another really easy one most of the achievements are you just completing days but there are a few where you have to do some specific things like picking up a little baby turtle I mean look at him man look how adorable he is oh but still fully completing and it's pretty damn easy I absolutely adore cuphead man and fully completing it is really fun the achievements that stick out to me are pacifists where you have to complete all run and Gun levels without killing enemies and beat the devil at its own game where you have to complete the entire game on Expert difficulty you also have to fully complete the DLC which is absolutely good at but there isn't like one achievement I can point towards for that still though that the game is pretty damn tough but it's also pretty damn fun [Music] this game just makes me happy man because you play as a little rat blob that just looks funny fully completing it though isn't super hard but the two achievements that are kinda annoying to get are dancing machine and collector for Dancing Machine you have to complete the dancing minigame without missing a beat which doesn't sound bad but if you finish the mini game you can't redo it so you have to keep closing the game every time you want to attempt it again otherwise you have to replay the entire game again and then the hardest one is collector where you have to collect every trophy which again doesn't sound hard but certain areas can't be Revisited once you leave them meaning you have to again reset your safer if you want to get other trophies it isn't super difficult to fully complete but also not super easy [Music] recommend skipping this one if you have epilepsy because this game is really really flashy just just skip towards this timestamp okay we good all right um post void is a straight up asset trip 80 of the time I'm just rushing forward without knowing what's going on around me so that's why I'm really thankful that the achievements are fairly simple the only one that really matters is reach the void where you just have to complete the game but in the case of post avoid that's all it really needs it's a three dollar redo game it isn't super hardcore difficult but still completing it can be quite tough [Music] this is a very short small party basketball game where you control a giant sized Mech with a few buttons and for some reason fully completing it is unnecessarily tedious it's just a bunch of dumb busy work like flying upside down for a whole mile which is like like 20 minutes like okay like why the two achievements I stick out though are Big Dipper where you have to score 100 goals which yeah means you just end up farming it out for 45 minutes straight and finger roll where you have to score without touching the magnet which is a tad bit of awkward it isn't impossible but definitely not easy foreign ER is fairly simple to 100 all you have to do is complete the game do a small little side puzzle and then complete the exam taker bonus level it has a cute Arch though and it's decently challenging but there isn't a lot to it it isn't baby Booboo mode but it still goes into easy tier [Applause] minute has some fun achievements to go for with the two that stick out being high in my name is Mary where you have to complete the game with all the items coins and hearts AKA just do everything in a run and to minimalist where you have to beat the game in less than 25 runs if you're confused by that a minute there's a game you play an intervals of 60 seconds because it's called minutes and once those 60 seconds are over you respawn back at your house with some of the progress in the world to being safe it's a funny gimmick that doesn't overstage welcome and fully completing it it's decently tough so I'll put it into a bowl foreign [Music] racer get it because all profits go to charity like that that's a pretty clever pun I like that the only achievement that sticks out is licensed but that's because it's one of those gain every other achievement kind of achievements I guess the real hardest achievements are minutes where you have to beat the game in under a minute which is just like the first game whoa and again where you have to beat three laps in a row I think the overall game is harder than minute itself but not hard enough to bump it up a tear [Music] oh [Music] Victory three yeah that's it just a victory three the other achievements are doable I guess Master Spiker is a bit difficult because you have to complete the game without using your gun meaning you have to use your spikes and uh oh well your spikes kinda can't kill flying enemies ninety percent of the time so you have to get a bit creative but still uh Victory 3 is the hardest one without a doubt because you have to beat the game on nightmare difficulty and your health just vanishes in an instant on this difficulty it's a fun toughest nil challenge so uh I'm just gonna put it in challenging only seems fitting fully completing the Henry Stickman collection is quite easy all you have to do is get all possible fields and endings and then you need to skim through every level and Mission to collect every funny Among Us impulse that has not some sort of joke and collect every single bio which you just get by clicking on characters in the background some of them are kind of annoying but it isn't too grindy they should rename this game to the Wild Adventures of Balls McGee because it's pretty much Cannon now this game is pretty simple to 100 the hardest achievements are demon DIY where you have to craft every item and I guess crafts layer where you have to break everything on the island I love this game to bits it's absolutely brimming with personality and passion but it's an easy-ass game to fully complete I have such a love-hate relationship with this game man on one side I think it's really cool but on the other side I can't help but see all the missed opportunities but hey at least fully completing it is pretty fun a lot of the achievements are you just doing specific things once again with the three hardest ones being death day where you have to kill every underwear wear wearing Bojo in every level ghost at the feast where you have to kill all three targets at the party without being spotted and clean-ish hands where you have to kill all Visionaries in a single Loop without killing any other NPC fully completing death Loop Isn't Easy by any means but it's definitely not hard [Music] foreign story that's it there are only three achievements which you can all get in 20 minutes It's a Spooky Little story okay don't get me wrong but it's a definition of a baby little baby boo-boo game [Music] drover saves the universe as a comedy adventure platformer with a bunch of Rick and Morty humor sprinkled throughout it and fully completing it is quite the pickle you get it you get the you get the joke God I am so funny there are four achievements in this game that stick out in my opinion worst guest ever which requires you to kill a handful of NPCs who actually did it where you have to throw 100 paper balls into this little basketball hoop trash bin and then the two hardest ones let's sling these babies and the ultimate happy ending which requires you to collect all these power babies who are basically just Collectibles it isn't impossible or anything but still going for 100 completion can be quite challenging foreign [Music] humor sprinkled throughout it but this time it's a first person shooter and there are only two achievements that stick out lock locks your genocide where you have to open every lock Lock's chest in the game and mods please Ben and God damn does this achievements just suck to achieve mods please Ben you have to unlock every bouncer Hunter forum post which you can kind of compare as little sights challenges but like these challenges are just not fun to complete man because it's just a bunch of boring ass farming with no cohesion and besides that like this isn't a problem anymore but when this game launched this achievement was completely bugged and unobtainable the game itself is cool I had a lot of fun with it but that last achievement is just straight up a bad and poorly designed and not super difficult but overall a tad bit challenging oh all right enough wannabes it's time for the real deal the request of the Ricks if you get what I mean Rick and Morty virtual Rick elady is an evil Ash game to fully complete like a dish title Soul Purpose is there to just taunt you and smear poo poo in your face all because of one single achievement fully charged now every other achievement is completely fine with the hardest one being emperor of sound waves where you just have to collect some tapes that are laying around but fully charged it's just straight up evil man to achieve this achievement you need to get a score of 900 or higher in the battery charging minigame which at the start doesn't seem bad but oh Lord man does it just suck it's the complete solo opposite of fun you see what I'm doing right here right yeah you have to do this for about 12 minutes straight without making more than three mistakes and you have to do all of this in VR so it's very physical it's ludicrously obnoxious and stupid I absolutely buys it and the funny thing is on Playstation this achievement only requires you to get a streak of 100 which is completely doable but why the hell is it 900 on Steam I hate this achievement with a passion and because of that I'm putting it in infuriating tear Jesus Christ man [Music] [Applause] Celeste is quite tough to fully complete with the main challenging achievements being impress your friends where you have to collect every single strawberry thanks for playing which requires you to complete every single Seaside level and then the two hardest ones you can kind of group them together farewell and wow which requires you to complete the farewell stage and collect a funny bonus strawberry at the end of it and the farewell stage is hard man it's tough as hell it might be really overwhelming when you see how long it took me to complete but the whole level is quality and a lot of fun still definitely putting this one in Hearts here though and also uh thank God there is no achievement for getting all the golden strawberries because that would have been the end of me this game is the complete solo opposite of Celesta I swear instead of being very methodical and precise Pizza Tower is just straight up insanity and funnily you're not fully completing it is also on the same level of difficulty as Celeste so they really go hand in hand the hardest part about pizza Tower is p ranking every stage which is really really goddamn tough but also really really really fun I have a video on my clip channel of me just screaming every single time I got a p rank it is an absolute blast to grind for but still it goes into hard tier it is hard [Music] the Frog detective Trilogy are very short comedy based visual novel-esque games where you solve a goofy little mystery in each title you might also know the first game from a clip where German goes small enemy spider all three of these games are really easy to fully complete though completing each game is about an hour or so and if you want to get the extra achievements it might take you another 20 minutes max it's cute it's adorable it's funny but it's also very easy foreign [Laughter] job simulator is pretty simple the whole game is split up into four chapters and each chapter has an achievement for beating it and a bonus achievement where you have to do something specific and like the rarest achievement is reading through the goddamn credits like what is this it's a funky little game I admit that but it's fairly easy oh oh neon white I really really like this game but there is one achievement that can go suck some peanuts white hell Rush complete for this achievement you have to complete the white hell Rush which is every single level strength after each other and you have to complete all of them without dying so it's basically completing the entire game in one sitting and yes it's difficult it's 14 hours of grinding difficult because one minor little itty bitty mistake means you have to redo everything all over again the rest of the achievements are a lot easier but that final one easily bumps it up to the heart tier God damn is it fun as hell though this is a short little interactable comic and I don't fully understand why it has achievements to begin with the hardest one is probably no margin for error where you need to complete the comic in less than 80 panels so yeah um this goes into the baby baba buoy baby tear [Music] all I remember about flower is that fully completing it was just really really boring for me mainly because of Two achievements nature and dream for nature you have to bloom 10 000 flowers which is yet again another grindy achievement and for dream you have to find all the secret flowers which is just okay like I'm sorry to all my flower fans okay but I just didn't like playing this game you just kind of float around in this game with not a lot of context it's a very pretty and Archy game with a bunch of beautiful environments but it's just not for me still though fully completing it is doable it isn't super difficult foreign guys achievements a lot of you guys said I was too harsh on it but but you know what I'm still Gonna Stand My Ground in fallible is of course the big one where you have to win five games in a row if you want to be a little sweat you can grind it out with three other friends that know what they are doing but it's still just super unfair winning five games in a row and Fall Guys is not an easy task but that's not the only crappy achievement okay Matt trendy had Turner and bargain bucket are all achievements that forces you to buy microtransactions to get it this sucks the rest of the achievements are fine and completely doable but fully completing it still sucks I hate it all right this game is mad on the rated man it is really really fun to just jump around and do some funky tricks fully completing it is also a real challenge because the mechanics are quite hard to learn but once you manage to get a grip on them it honestly isn't super difficult the two achievements that stick out are one for the record books where you need to get a single combo worth more than 3 million points and glutton for punishment where I need to complete all the challenges in the Out For Blood Campaign which you can kind of compare to a new game plus mode not impossible but definitely challenging I'm going down On The Road Feeling Bad it's getting over it like do I really need to put the Markiplier Rage Clips on screen for you to know what this is there are only three Achievers in this game like in total win the game once win the game twice and win the game 50 times and funnily enough the hardest one is winning the game one So eventually you learn how the physics works and how to abuse certain tricks and stress how you just end up becoming really good at getting over it so good to the point that climbing the stupid Mountain isn't super difficult anymore but still that first run is an absolute disaster and a complete rage Fest I really like the message this game is trying to convey but it's definitely infuriating yet another really cool game with quite a laughable achievements the hardest ones are probably not rested for the wicked where you need to complete all the torment challenges and not shaken nor stirred where you have to complete a level without shooting off the beat which just requires you to be a little focused for a bit cool game but awesome music and the game itself is decently challenging but achievement hunting is quite easy so I'll meet it in the middle this door is a game that does achievements very very well in my opinion with the two that stick out being Lord of chores where you have to 100 fully complete the game which is a lot of fun but the hardest one without a doubt is Academy of umbrellas where you have to complete the entire game only using an umbrella that deals 50 damage and this is a really really fun Challenge and a good challenge goes into the challenging Theory it only seems fitting [Music] the most bunkerest of the games AKA if Pokemon was a good another complete shlopfest fully complete in this game is also a lot of fun mainly because of the gotta catch em all achievement where you have to catch every unique species of box snacks this is definitely not the hardest achievement to go for but it's the most time consuming one you also have to complete the bonus DLC level fully transform every grumpus into a disgusting food monster and finds 10 really cool swag hatch look how gangster this is little guy looks not super difficult but you definitely need somewhat of a brain to fully complete it this is a short little interactive story about a breakup a lot of people said they were really touch playing this but it didn't really hit me also getting all the achievements took me 45 minutes so it's cute but it's still a little baby boo-boo Baby game [Music] this one is quite a quirky one to one hundred percent of course you have your basic collectible achievements which you can easily get by just watching a walk through but there is one achievement that is just it's just too much heart to the core for this achievement you need to beat the entire game under one hour without dying which yeah we've seen quite a few of these achievements so far but in the case of little nightmares it's just not fun a lot of your deaths in this game feel really undeserved and cheap but it ends up not really being a problem because of how generous the checkpoint system is and if you take away that generous checkpoint system the game just becomes really really annoying and tedious I got quite lucky when I went for this achievement but I've heard some horror stories about it so I'm sorry little nightmares but you're going into infuriating thankfully okay little nightmares 2 doesn't have some absurdly idiotically hard achievement to get instead a lot of the achievements are you once again doing specific things and a few collection based achievements you can basically complete the entire game in two very very simple playthroughs it's a really really fun game but it's also a lot easier in comparison to the first one this groom is all about surviving inside a small room as long as possible while avoiding a bunch of discs that bounce around and to fully complete it you have to finish the game on normal and hard mode defeat the final boss with every ability and survive for 10 seconds in every heart room and for 20 seconds in every normal room which is quite difficult especially the lobotomy level and normal difficulty I don't know who came up with this but it's just straight up evil okay definitely Hearts but not hard enough to be in the hard tier you guys remember how in Black Ops 1 the multiplayer was a separate exe from the campaign and zombies while an advanced Warfare the multiplayer and zombies are a separate exe from the campaign so it's uh yeah it's stupidly confusing and dumb for sir I don't know why they did this all the achievements in this quote-unquote game which is this one and not this one are attached to EXO survival and zombies for EXO survival you have to flip the map twice and reach the final map to activate the bonus Zombie easter egg at the end of it and for the zombies itself you have to do your usual song and dance which includes completing a few challenges variating in difficulty and completing each one of the four Easter eggs with the hardest one being without a doubt to descend extra zombies always gets a lot of crap but I unironically kinda like it it isn't an Untouchable Masterpiece or anything it is quite flawed but it's somewhat fun fully completing it is also challenging so I'll just put it there out of all the Call of Duty games why did I complete this one you might be asking instead of you know playing a game with an actual soul yeah I I don't know Vanguard itself is one Exe on like advanced warfare and Black Ops one and two but it's still like every other card split into three separate parts for the zombies the hardest achievements are Grim Reaper and death dealer where you have to get 10K kills and 2.5 k kills with a level 3 Pack-a-Punch weapon on the map of Duran Fong for the multiplayer it's elite skills top of the mountain and blink Pro where you have to reach level 55 Max at an operator and reach max level with a weapon respectively and for the campaign you have to beat the whole thing on veteran difficulty and do some other worthless side challenges which are kinda annoying to complete not as difficult as the Black Ops games but still quite tough this is a cozy little platformer about becoming a professional friend and all you have to do to fully complete it is collect all the Collectibles play some volleyball games and bump a thousand frogs so yeah it isn't super difficult but it's also not super easy baby mode so I'll bump it up a tier foreign funny duck game is funny and me like the funny funny colon symbol right parenthesis symbol this game is decently tough to fully Complete because of the speedrun achievements each of the four zones give you a list of chores you have to do in that area and to obtain the speedrun achievements you have to finish that entire list before the church bell rings the timing is a little tight and doing everything quickly can be a bit finicky but it's still a Bots load of fun and when you fully complete it you get a crown that you can wear which is one of the greatest completionist Awards of all time fully completing this game is it's completely doable but it does require your attention somewhat [Music] I think they had some sort of error with naming this game because it didn't really make me happy fully completing it is quite easy the game is basically a bunch of puzzles and some of those puzzles have extra bits and pieces attached to it which you have to interact with to obtain a bunch of achievements AKA it's just doing a bunch of specific gabagoo once again it took me a little over two hours to fully complete so I'll put it in easy I don't think it's baby mode the director of neon white Tomatoes game which is super super funny to me because of what a contrast it is in comparison unlike neon white though donut county is just a very chill funny and Charming little puzzle game where you suck up things into a hole to make it bigger there isn't really a quote-unquote hardest achievement it's just once again doing some specific garbage it's a very simple title that you can fully complete in less than two hours but hey sometimes that's all it really needs to be [Applause] Ball 3D is football and the hardest achievement is winning a match it is a single match just one match nothing more yeah [Applause] [Music] all right so before I start talking about RuneScape if you actually want to fully complete this game from top to bottom it will unironically take you tens of thousands of hours to do so this is my most played game of all time and I've maybe only completed five percent of the total content it should be pretty obvious but I'm talking about obtaining all these team Achievements not everything a game has to offer but even with that being said getting all the achievements and standard RuneScape is still really really time consuming and tough with the two that really stick out being 99 with a flake where you need to reach a skill to level 99 which is just a really really tedious grind and who's the boss where you need to kill one thousand of runescape's bosses which is again a really tedious grind which might sound boring but RuneScape is all about grinding it's about unlocking new training methods and up upgrading your character slowly over time I mean again there is a reason why this is my most played game of all time it's a big time sync that just feels really rewarding but if you just look at the achievements I think it's hard enough to be put into the heart here in comparison to standard RuneScape old-school runescape's achievements are quite a bit easier they are all focused on the free to play aspect of the game which standard RuneScape isn't a lot of the achievements are quite easy like fishing up a tuna crafting some air runes and entering the Wilderness all the achievements are getting you ready for the real game with the hardest one being mighty Slayer where you have to complete the dragon slayer quest which is basically the end game of free to play again if you want to fully complete old-school RuneScape it will take you tens of thousands of hours to do so this is one of my favorite games of all time but getting all the achievements for it is not as difficult as standing RuneScape like in the slightest this is a collection of neso like games based on popular devolver digital titles like pikuniku enter the gungeon ape out and Hotline Miami most of the achievements are pretty easy to get I mean you get one for just booting up the game but a few of them are a bit icky frog Slayer requires you to kill 100 frogs menu God requires you to open the menu a thousand times what like why is this a thing to get heavy bullets you need to defeat the boss and enter the dungeon and money bags requires you to collect 10 000 coins which is just kind of repetitive and annoying it's completely doable but it's a tiny bit grindy this game recently had a big content update adding a bunch of new achievements so I had to pump in another 10 or so hours just for this video I'm telling you man I'm I'm really committed quote of the Lamb's achievements are mostly pretty simple a handful of them are collecting all the things in a specific category like relics follower skins fleeces and turret cards but one of them definitely sticks out leader of leaders this achievement requires you to indoctrinate all five Bishops into your chords which basically means you have to complete the entire game twice in one C file I've given this game quite a rough time the last year or so but it's still solid fun and quite challenging to fully complete oh boy oh oh not this game again okay um so uh Dead Rising one has some of the most evil achievements I've ever laid my eyes up on of course you have seven day Survivor where you need to actively play a side mode for 14 hours straight but some of the other ones are also just pure evil for zombie genocide you have to kill 53 594 zombies in one playthrough which means you have to do this for about three to four hours straight PP collector requires you to photograph all PP stickers which are little png's all around the map and no it's not penis pictures okay we we've talked about this transmission area requires you to fully listen to every call from Otis and if you didn't listen to a call from start to finish by I don't know going through a loading zone for example yeah they were just straight up not counting you have to replay the entire game again for one silly achievement there are honestly a handful of a more annoying achievements about seven day Survivor was already enough to put it into infuriating but the rest is just 200 kilograms of extra icing on the cake it's so incredibly obnoxious and I just can't get over it Dead Rising 2 and Dead Rising 2 off the Record are basically the same game with off the Record being a what if scenario where you place the guy from the first game Frank West instead of Chuck green and off the Record isn't Canon if that makes sense both of these games are also not as difficult as dead arising one for Dead Rising 2 the hardest achievements are all the collection based ones and zombie genocide Master where you have to kill 72 000 zombies in one playthrough which means you end up doing this again for three to four hours this sucks it also has an achievement called TK's favorite which requires you to win all nine Terror in reality minigames which is like a little multiplayer side mode but on Steam it is completely bogged and unobtainable so sadly again I had to cheat it in I did come first place in all nine mini games but every time we finish the match the Game just crashed yippee and then for off the Record you have to get a gold medal in all the challenges in both single player and multiplayer photograph all PP stickers bring Denise which is the first Survivor you save all the way to one of the Final Bosses which this is probably the hardest one to get and kill 100 000 zombies which thank God okay you can get using an exploit because I'm not doing this again for another 5 hours this genuinely sucks again it's not as infuriating as dead arising one but they still both go into the hearts here without a doubt [Applause] yeah guess what fully completing this game is also an absolute nightmare who would have thought let's just zoom through this okay uh you have to collect every single collectible complete the story on nightmare difficulty kill one hundred thousand and four zombies obtain all the gold medals complete every single PP trial which a lot of these challenges are just repetitive crap and then you need to finish all four of the DLC campaigns and collects every awful collectible with the worst one being the motorbikes you don't just have to collect them you have to bring them back to the garage in one piece and there are 12 of them it's bad fully completing this game is just really really tedious so I'm gonna put it in infuriating and please no more 100 000 zombie kill achievements okay please [Music] thank you this is a short puzzle game made in a game Gem and they actually made a full flash game out of that ID which is really cool the game gem version though is really really easy to complete and might take you 25 minutes max to get all the achievements so uh I like the idea but it still goes into baby tear foreign [Music] ER in this game you built snowmen in confined spaces and to fully completed you have to beat the game normally complete every puzzle without leaving the area the Snowman is in and complete the dream world which is an extra little bonus area fun puzzles that are decently challenging to complete but it just doesn't take a lot of time to fully complete I'm feeling a little generous though so I'll put it in doable iron lungs achievements are once again quite easy like five of them you get by just completing the game and the other two are pretty simple for Burger shops you have to type sm-8 in the console uh yeah that's it and for you've played this before you need to photograph the top right note first that the game itself is spooky and somewhat tough to complete but still getting all the achievements is once again pretty easy [Music] so apparently this game takes place inside of a dream of the guy you play as in iron lung okay I guess that's kind of goofy the game itself is also just like Iron Man long pretty easy to fully complete with the hardest achievement being defeating the game on Goblin mode so the rest of them are pretty self-explanatory and simple so once again you go into easy tier wow wow fully completing Terraria is just a hassle Mandy achievement most people would probably Point towards his Supreme help or minion where you have to complete 200 fishing Quests for the angler and now first of all fishing in this game is Just well fishing in any game is just boring but making me do one Quest per in-game day for 200 days it's just stupid this is also how you get certain phone parts which is another achievement but it's just a monotonous I do not like it you also have Feast of Midas the great slime mitosis and good riddance which all fall into the same ballpark of stupidity I like Terraria itself but getting all the achievement the issue is dumb it's really really dumb [Music] memories that were left behind ah yes the classic game where you send furries to Hell fully completing this title can be quite a challenge depending on how you tackle it the first two are honestly kinda stupid sealed lips and loose lips this is one of those picked a path achievements meaning you have to choose between them so if you want to get both of them you have to either roll back your save file or replay the game from the start to get the other one you also have collector where you have to craft and collect a bunch of resources dishes and materials but the hardest one is definitely the happy dance for this achievement you need to reach every Spirit to a static mood at least once the thing is in this game well like I said you kind of send furries to hell so if you forget to reach a spirit to a static mood you can't really get it anymore so you have to either roll back your save or replay the game it's a very cute and touchy game and I think overall it's quite challenging I love ripping people into small little pieces and the only two achievements that are really worth mentioning are the new reality where you just have to finish the game and George stalls where you have to find and break all nine containment units getting all the achievements honestly isn't difficult in the sliders but the game itself is quite challenging and because of that I'm bumping it up to the easy tier foreign [Music] 2 follows the Isaac way of doing achievements where there isn't really a quote-unquote hardest one instead each achievement is attached to an unlock like a playable character item skin ability or a run altering artifact this also includes all the unlockables in the survivors of the Void DLC it's overall quite difficult it took me over 100 hours to get everything so I think it should definitely be in hard tier just for me Little Inferno actually recently got achievement support which is pretty cool for a 10 year old title fully completing it is also decently tough with the three that stick out to being super sharper where you have to buy every item in a catalog three times all combos enter naughty and nice combos where you need to find every single combo in the base game and DLC and finally hog Miss Nancy this one is a bit tricky to get at the start of the game you get a ticket for a free Hawk and all you have to do is bring that ticket all the way to the end of the game to Hawk this monstrosity the other thing is you usually accidentally burn this ticket so whoopsie you can't get it anymore overall it's not insanely difficult but still somewhat of a challenge there is this puzzle game named the witness and uh from from what I've heard this is a really like a really stupid and annoying game well the looker is a parody of that game with some of the dumbest puzzles I've ever seen in a video game there are only two achievements worth mentioning investigator and on reels for investigator you have to find all the audio recordings and for all the rails you have to get 600 points in this little mini game it's overall really really simple to get all the achievements it shouldn't take longer than an hour and because of that it's baby [Music] thank you oh it's time for another round of foco beating security reach into the ground fun times I think there are three achievements in this game that are kind of dumb very important person and lost and found require you to collect all the Collectibles which in the case of this game it sucks because a few of them are missable and I guess hide and seek Master where you have to beat the entire game without using a hiding spot which can be a bit finicky if you do it legit but guys if we all know that security breach is a broken ass mess so by doing some stupid garbage you can easily get the Veni Ending by just like clipping through walls it might take you an hour or so even less but still this collection based achievements are just evil and I hate them I hate this entire game but giving credit where credit is due I guess it's somewhat challenging this is a short and quirky little platformer and the three achievements that stick out are golden Perfection I need ice cream right now and throw Explorer which all require you to s-rank every stage with every character you can get two s ranks per stage one for completing a level without dying and one for collecting all the collectibles in one run and you might have guessed it but you have to do this three times one time for every character which honestly might sound boring but this game is made to that Concept in mind so it's a lot of fun I wouldn't call it hard but not easy so doable this [Music] yet another game that just kind of plays itself if you want to get all the achievements you have to pay a bit of attention and at the worst you have to replay some sections which might take you an extra hour max it's a cool and unique story with some fun visual gags but again baby boo-boo Baby Baba baby [Music] okay so wait here is quite a chunky one you can split the achievements of this game into two parts the campaign and the Very mediocre multiplayer I guess you also have like the little like make your own stage thing but I'm not gonna count those because those are piss easy for the campaign the hardest ones are every nook and cranny and historian which require you to collect a bunch of gabagu and what else you got where you have to complete every single challenge which honestly all three of these achievements aren't that bad like in the slightest but the multiplayer is where they go too far beauty is pain and Computing which style these achievements suck they are horrendous you know in Call of Duty multiplayer where once you hit max level you can Prestige and do the whole thing over again with some extra bonuses unlocked well in Doom 2016 they had the same ID which is completely fine but they attached achievements to that for beauty is pain which is the hardest one of the two you have to reach Prestige 8 to unlock a piece of the Cyber Demonic Armor why is this a thing this sucks now to be fair I didn't do this I got all the other multiplayer achievements and I only hit Prestige one so what I did is I modded the game so my XP was times 10 which means yeah yeah I might have cheated it in but there's no skill involved with it it's just wasting my time for the fun of it and it's not just a few hours it's like 40 or so hours it's dumb I hate it if those two achievements weren't in this game I would have put it a lot slower but because they are in the game it's going automatically into infuriating it's pathetic [Music] so this title was quite hard to understand and grasp so bear with me okay the two hardest achievements I think are God Slayer and Bookworm for God's Slayer you have to defeat the final boss six times which is simple enough to understand but for The Bookworm achievement you have to unlock the whole encyclopedia the way you do that is by unlocking and finding all the tiles enemies resources and supplies and the way you do that is by combining tiles and resources together it's weird this is a weird ass game for example you can place mountains and rocks to increase your health but if you place 10 of them a goblin Hut will spawn that can spawn goblins but if that Goblin hut is next to a swamp it can also spawn Goblin arches it's a lot of this but you have to combine tiles together to unlock new enemies I hope that makes sense the game itself is also quite difficult so I think it deserves to be in the heart here the UN the holy Trilogy of pure garbage starting with the first one that caused the correct storm this game's achievements are just stupid seven of them are obtainable by walking out of bounds I wish that was a joke but it isn't look what you have to do what is this this feels like a glitch this is just like really really dumb but they aren't that hard to get the actual two hardest achievements are Shoot Em Up where you have to saw some obscure puzzle to obtain a toy gun and don't bite Snow White where you have to grow some stupid tree that takes up to two hours to fully grow I want to put in an easy but this game is such a broken pile of obscure shittery that I'm gonna bump it up to doable hello neighbor hide and seek also has achievements where you quote unquote the glitch out of a bounce like I can't get over how incredibly lame this is this feels lazy really really lazy besides that all the other ones are pretty simple but again this game is such a broken pile of obscure shitery it isn't as bad as hello neighbor one though so I'm gonna put it in an easy tier and then finally hello neighbor 2 all you have to do in this game is beat the game and pet a dog LOL this is a really cheap knockoff of death by daylight within the hello neighbor Universe fun fact there is an official Roblox version of this title and it's a yeah it's pretty bad just like the base game the hardest achievement is totally secret neighbor where you have to win without turning into the neighbor you do that by just sabotaging the game and hoarding key cards it's super super lame which I mean it kind of fits this franchise if I'm honest the rest of them are completely doable but it's just monotonous and not an easy tier this is a game where you relive the same 12 minutes over and over again and it's kind of gross because it turns out that you're dating your sister without knowing it yikes fully completing it is pretty simple though you just have to get all the endings and do some specific stuff I really don't want to talk about this title more because it just makes me really on the easy I'll put it in doable [Music] foreign auts 2 is basically an acid trip masked as a 3D platformer this game is seriously underrated and all the hardest achievements of this game are connected to the Collectibles you have to tag all the emotional baggage achieve rank 100 find all the figments and acquire all the upgrades it's basically just going into each world and collecting everything there is to collect which is a lot of fun the hardest one is probably collecting all the figments but with a bit of Sweat and Tears you can easily do it in around 25 hours or so it isn't impossible but I still think it deserves to be in challenging first [Music] the hardest part about Sonic Frontiers is trying to endure it but just like Psychonauts 2 fully completing it should take around 25 hours or so their achievements that stick out their threats identified where you have to defeat every Guardian type expert historian where you have to view every Side Story this one is just stupid because of like this very touchy and then these four which require you to talk to this little guy to level up all the quote-unquote skills I might not like this game I showed my disinterest in it plenty of times but I still think it deserves to be in challenging tear just because it is so monotonous and annoying to play this is a QT top down better Royale where you place an animal so you basically play as a furry some of the achievements are just stupid though when three of them stick out in my opinion big boom requires you to get 10 grenade kills Claws and effects 20 melee kills and roll out 50 hamster ball kills it's pretty simple but also kind of tedious the other achievements are self-explanatory and completely doable but it's just grindy so I'm gonna put it in challenging I have been dreading to cover this one the Quarry is a very linear story based game where your quote unquote choices impact the story the game itself is fine it's a little corny but it adds to the charm of it but the achievements are Beyond stupid and they enter the lunacy territory this game wants you to fully beat us like six times with different goals in mind you have to do a run where you infect everyone a run where you kill everyone a run where Ryan is the only remaining Survivor a run where you kill all the hackers a run where Caitlyn is the only remaining Survivor a run where you reunites a Lara and Max together and like a bunch more and it's so obnoxious because there are no save points once you're done with a run you can't go back to a certain point in the story no you have to fully replay the entire game again it's dumb it sucks I hate it it's a stupid ass game [Music] I love these two little games man they are very simple exploration titles where you just look at funny stuff it's great I love it the hardest achievements in the first game are creeping where you have to kill the final boss on this little bonus minigame thing binge where you have to eat 20 of these banana slugs in one session and the weird ending which requires you to tack up every location so you can get the weird ending yeah obviously slutch Life 2 is also on about the same level of difficulty I would say it's a tad bit more vague on what to do but not by much the hardest achievements in this game are managing where you have to collect all the music tapes save hands where you have to open up all the saves and grandmas love which once again requires you to tag up every location so you can get the uzi ending both games honestly aren't super difficult to fully complete so I'm gonna drop both of them into the easy tier this game is stupid but it's also kind of funny most achievements are pretty simple I mean one of them is you just walking an x amount of steps but four of them are really really silly vegan requires you to beat the game without eating meat splunker requires you to explore every single cave get closure requires you to find all missing passengers this is probably the hardest one and it's a bad father where you have to survive for 100 days so it's basically a light version of Master survival from ref and we all know how I feel about that one the less time I talked about this game I said it was pretty easy to beat but honestly it's quite challenging I was just being a little baby about it I'm feeling generous once again though so I'm gonna put it into the hearts here just please don't make me cut down another 1 000 trees please went on a big ass rant last time I talked about this game and for good reason because highly decorated is just dumb for this achievement you have to complete 100 daily titles which is basically doing 100 puzzles in the span of you guessed it 100 Days by the way this used to be 365 days loyal honestly this wouldn't be super annoying if there were more than 10 of them that they just end up repeating over and over again it's just kind of boring with the worst one being the snowflake one I am not a fan of this it's just kind of monotonous the rest of them are again completely doable and the game itself is really satisfying and a lot of fun but because of this achievement I'm going to bump it up to the heart there I don't think it's infuriating but it is a little Annoying to complete alright guys I've talked about a crap ton of games in this video so many that I've honestly lost count it's more than 100 alright that's for sure but for the final title I really wanted to go out with a bang and that's exactly what I did foreign out of all the titles I fully completed Team Fortress 2 is without a shadow of a doubt the hardest and most brutal one Imagine The Binding of Isaac rebirth with all the DLC combined with doom 2016 multiplayer combined with the Quarry combined with a dead rising 7-Day Survivor achievements times 5 and the ref's repetitive grind achievement set on fire dunked in asset covered in red poison and catch urine and then sped on that's what TF2 achievements are about in a nutshell so many of these are absolutely Dreadful flight canceled metal Massacre all the win X amount of round achievements operation High Dive and project Excelsior severed ties Running With Scissors and on the Rocks the great deflate Blockbuster Drugstore Cowboy marasmus multi-dimensional television foul Territory full spectrum warrior and I can go on and on and on and on if you have ever right to achievement hunt in TF2 you know that trying to do it legit is basically impossible and even when you try to cheese it by farming it out it is still so so absurd but you know what I did do it and I'm God damn proud of myself still easiest infuriating tear of my life with Jesus Christ man if this video should teach you anything is that achievement hunting can be quite a struggle at certain points but it doesn't dictate how fun a game is there are fun games in all of these tiers and yes some of them do achievement hunting better than others but I think that's kind of the charm of them some titles will have impossibly hard achievements to get While others might not even bother adding them it's all about perspective and how the developer wants the player to tackle your game and I think that's really neat this video has been in the making for multiple years and it sure has been one hell of a journey so if you ever wanted to support me you can rub your oily greased up hands on the Subscribe button down below it really does help and then maybe also get some free gamer Subs while you're down there you might as well you know anyway if you would please excuse me I got a job to do that job being completing another 700 or so more games see you guys in about 20 years or so take care everybody goodbye
Channel: Foekoe
Views: 347,617
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: foekoe, foekoe gaming, satire, meme, memes, comedy, games, 100 games, i fully complete 100 games, i 100% fully complete 100 games, i got all the achievements in 100 games, foekoe 100 games, fully completing 100 games, reviewing 100 games, i fully completed 100 steam games, completionist, i ocmpleted 100 games, foekoe gaming 100 games, team fortress 2, terraria, the binding of isaac, video game achievements, the art of video game achievements, foekoe achievements, 7 day survivor
Id: 5yVqwq0z9vE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 11sec (4511 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2023
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