Welcome to Factorio City™! (Why I'm not a Civil Engineer)

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ups if you've played enough factorio to start caring about designs rather than just whatever works you've probably come across the term city block it's a design philosophy centered around repeatable blocks each with their own dedicated function that you can copy and paste indefinitely or at least until you die of lag if you're short on circuits you just paste another circuit's block the idea is to make expanding the base as easy as possible but i never liked the term city block yeah i can see the block part but city for starters it's got trains and that's way too efficient for any american city i've ever seen and half of it isn't taken up by asphalt and parking lots which totally breaks my immersion so i've decided to try and build a real city block design and there's two mods i've got that'll help me with my dream of creating a metropolitan hell hole ai programmable vehicles will allow me to do away with those dreadfully efficient trains using these haulers here and asphalt roads will bring the heat index up to the appropriate levels if you're part of the 80 that never makes it to the end of these videos at least skip to here because i'm a little proud of this one anyway let's get to it and today it seems like everything is purple thanks to the alien biomes mod for this run i'm going to be the appropriate tonka truck yellow which according to google is this inside of our wrecked spaceship we start with a mining vehicle they're effectively burner mining drills you can drive if we give it fuel it immediately starts mining what's underneath it you can also drive them around and cut down trees but they are painfully slow compared to my other runs this one's a little weird since it's not really a challenge per se but in spite of that this is the hardest i've ever worked in factorio and the closest i've come to losing my mind the reason it's weird is because i can't even start thinking about building the city until i've already pretty much researched everything so the first 20 hours is just me playing the game so i can get to the whole point of this run it doesn't help that i installed aai industry along with the programmable vehicles and even though it's basically vanilla it's not known for making your games any faster especially with this burner start you can't craft science by hand and steam power is locked behind like 300 green science i was regretting this decision later on but hey gives me something to talk about plus it's a practice for space exploration i guess one thing i really like is that it lets you pave with plain stone instead of just bricks another feature of the mod is fuel processing which allows you to turn any burnable material into a more efficient compressed version right now i'm just hand feeding everything from these stationary mining machines even though aai industry is basically just vanilla there are a lot of minor things it does that makes the game take a lot longer it's all minor stuff like belts taking an extra intermediate product instead of just gears and plates but it really adds up also every advanced item takes its previous version as input so i can't make these electric inserters without first making burner inserters and that's why an hour later all i've got automated are inserters even though we don't have steam power yet we do have this burner turbine it's horrifically inefficient but it's simple and better than using burners and i see this is someone who spent 50 hours using nothing but burners anyway finally i got some belts up so i can stop hand feeding everything i still need to fuel the miners and furnaces manually but with a more efficient processed fuel i don't need to do it often at least red science is the same green science however is a lot more complicated takes these single cylinder engines electric engines and burner inserters all as ingredients with this i have successfully created my starter starter base so let's get out of the industry and more into the programmable vehicles these are chain gunners they're basically gun turrets on treads by hitting y we can click drag to select them and then shift click to send a command and they'll actually follow it to the best of their abilities i guess the pathfinding is a little rough we can control these from anywhere and that means we can do this ready moving out yes sir advancing they're everywhere i can fix that you got it target cited awaiting orders that was exciting while i was doing that i was able to research steam power and also the offshore pumps take electricity i mean it makes sense it just feels weird now that the starter starter base is complete we can start working on the starter base now it's about time we use the autonomous part of advanced autonomous industries this building is called a depot and by fiddling with the signals we can tell it what to pick up the 7.5 k coal value means that it'll try to grab that much from any hauler nearby if it's carrying coal at least but it's not going to get coal by just sitting there and there's better uses of my time than manually moving this thing fortunately we can automate it if we hit y twice it'll bring up a path controller which will allow us to set waypoints by clicking on the ground now if we make waypoints between here in the coal miner we can do this and now it'll automatically follow the path we just set and here it is coming back for the miner after grabbing its load of coal all he used to do is get near for its inventory to be automatically transferred into the depot then it's off again to go get more into infinity it's pretty cool here's another depot this one's going to hold iron with the coal as fuel we can make a furnace stack down here which will eventually turn into all the science so i can start building the real base these mark ii miners have a mining speed of three which means that each one is basically six electric mining drills remember they need fuel to function but fortunately the haulers will automatically fill them up if they've got fuel to spare now we just repeat that for all the other resources it's worth mentioning that i made this giant thing for glass without realizing that nothing actually uses it nothing that requires this much anyway and we're gonna need more fuel processing for our steam power in spite of all the other changes the biggest one is probably circuits they take stone bricks instead of iron plates and while that might sound like a minor change it effectively halves your total iron plate demand i do kind of like it though makes stone more important and it saves you some iron so you can turn it into belts or whatever still everything is mostly the same oh yeah remember that time i showed off all that cursed cargo wagon technology well it's back i'm not trying to meme or anything it's just genuinely the easiest way i've found to deal with these telescopic recipes where each new building takes the previous as an ingredient at least until i get requester chests don't worry this is the only place i'm going to be using them another thing about aai industries that it actually forces you to make concrete for more than just nuclear plants it's used in big electric poles and electric furnaces which means you'll need it for purple science also i feel like every mod i've ever played has forced me to rethink belt automation it's never that different just enough to force me to put thought into it now i get the joy of making all the science again i'm just kind of throwing all this stuff together i don't really care how the bass looks since it's not even the point of this video and this is basically all we'll need to finish all the research and once we get that far we can actually get to the point next we're going to need chemical science the only problem is i haven't found any crude oil since wherever that oil is is definitely infested with biters i've made this squad to go look for it unfortunately as cool as i may have made it seem they are the definition of stupid and they get stuck on everything despite being autonomous you kind of need to babysit them unless your world is totally devoid of obstacles but still they're pretty effective here's the generic oil setup everyone's seen about a thousand times the actual oil field is extremely far away and since i love stupid arbitrary restrictions i've decided to not use trains at all this run except for those cargo wagon abominations so i'm just gonna build a pipeline all the way there and that's all we really need to make chemical science everything else is business as usual the engine units are a little different but not much also i'm just going to make the sulfur up here i don't recommend copying this base i just want to get science out of the way naturally the first thing we want to after chemical science is robots we can also unlock asphalt the robot frames are basically the same as well the only real difference is you need these small engines that the mod added and that's robot frames in the interest of getting this starter stage over and done with i start working on the purple science immediately afterwards you know how this mod makes you need the previous versions of every building well the same is true for the electric furnaces too it makes purple science significantly more annoying if you're playing the space exploration mod it's not as bad because the productivity modules are cheaper but if you're playing this mod standalone no such luck at least my usual setup still works all that leaves is yellow science but one lane of copper and steel isn't quite enough for all the science we plan to make so we might as well use those bots we just built and double it up i'm just putting this wherever i really don't care about this base at all and we'll just copy another circuits build we're going to need all of these for the processing units and some more red circuits seeing as we've already got one third of it done with those robot frames yellow science isn't that hard just need the low density structures and processing units and that's yellow science considering it took me about four hours to finish the last three sciences and eight hours to get oil i'd say that's the aai industry effect in action doesn't change much but makes your start much slower the lds need more copper so just paste another one and since i'm lazy i'm just gonna pull them from the first depot each of these haulers has 120 inventory slots which means they're about the same as three fully loaded cargo wagons with logistic chests researched i can finally make my supplies with something a little more convenient than janky cargo wagon mechanics this will be the supply hub as we build the real base it kind of hurts playing for a dozen hours just so i can start working on the whole point of this video but what are you gonna do friendly reminder that you can paste the recipe from an assembler into a requester chest to automatically set the requests in order to fulfill my dream i'm going to need asphalt which takes crude oil heavy oil and bricks after a while the first batch is done and i build my first road asphalt has a special property that reduces vehicle friction which basically means you go faster on it i'm also driving this new car called the flame tumbler which has a top speed of a lot [Music] no i'm not going to be able to build a real base with nothing but coal burners for power so we're going to need uranium and just in case you were wondering no you can't mine uranium with the mining vehicles then the biters start blowing up all my miners so then i start blowing up all the biters unfortunately it doesn't work nearly as well as i'd hoped they're a little too stupid for later game biters if only they didn't get stuck on every tree that ever existed but hey it works last video i said i would actually build a nuclear reactor instead of blueprinting one so here it is i'm using eight reactors so by using this formula we know that it's going to produce 1120 megawatts each heat exchanger consumes 10 megawatts so we're going to need at least 112 heat exchanges to fully utilize the energy a steam turbine creates 5.82 megawatts so we'll need 193 to fully consume the steam also each heat exchanger needs about 100 units of water a second so for every 12 heat exchangers you're going to need one offshore pump and a dedicated water line once you know all that it's just a matter of making a design that uses those ratios i'm not really concerned with optimal performance so i made this design that only has 108 heat exchangers and 216 turbines it works and i've got a great use for the leftover uranium here's the refined concrete i'll need for the real base but enough talking about the real base let's actually build it i've decided to make the blocks themselves 85 by 85 with nine tiles of road between them i think that should be enough space to fit the depots and the manufacturing remember for the design each one of these blocks is supposed to make one product this one's going to be the iron forges eventually so by now you might be wondering how i'm actually going to transport materials between the blocks using nothing but haulers well for the longest time i was wondering that myself certainly i'm not going to make a new path for each and every one because that would take forever and would be impossible to expand without hard coding brand new paths every time plus easily expandable is kind of the whole reason for this design well there's one more way to control these vehicles other than paths and direct orders but you need these special buildings to do it this is the unit scanner it's not outputting anything right now but if i wire in a constant combinator with that hauler's id you can see that it starts spitting out all sorts of information about that hauler and now if i put something in its inventory that signal appears here as well that's interesting but how do we actually make it move well we use this other building called the unit controller if we input an x and y coordinate along with that unit's id as a signal using these push buttons here that unit will automatically head towards those coordinates so that's great theoretically we can send a vehicle anywhere on the map as long as we have its id and some xy coordinates but you can't run a factory off of theoreticals and while just send the hauler to where it needs to go sounds simple actually implementing it is another thing entirely which is why it took me over 20 hours to build it not including the several hours i spent pacing around in circles thinking about it that's right it took longer than the entire run up to this point just to design a solution you can see all the prototypes scattered around the lab but the final result is this i've decided to call this thing logi brain because it handles all the logistics and it's probably smarter than me if i tried to explain it in detail it would take me like 20 minutes and you still probably wouldn't understand it i built the damn thing and i've already forgotten how half of it works also i think it might be alive but i'll try to explain the basics this is the master clock basically it's a counter that goes up each frame until it reaches a certain limit and resets it travels along this red wire here and connects to every single depot in the base the reason that's important is because there's a dilemma in order to know if a depot needs a hauler dispatched it needs to be able to send its data to the central command but we're going to have potentially hundreds of depots and if we put it all on one wire the data would all be jumbled together and useless there's no way we could give each depot a dedicated wire but we don't need one each depot has a unique id and by reading the clock cycle we'll only transmit data for the one frame that the clock is equal to that id meaning each has its own dedicated time it's allowed to send data and will never ever interfere with the data of another depot in real world circuits i guess i would call this a clock driven encoder decoder anyway this whole jumble of wires sends out the xy coordinates of the depot when it's got a full load ready and sends that to the central command to request a hauler if a hauler is found the confirmed signal is sent along the green wires along with an identifier for that depot and stops the depot from sending any more signals until the hauler arrives if the hauler never arrives it sends out an alert also if central command couldn't find a valid hauler it stops the depot from pushing requests for 10 seconds to keep it from spamming the lines since handling request has a significant overhead also this is a mining depot which requires a special module that toggles between loading and offloading ore in order to take ore from the miners but also give it to the haulers back at central command all of the data feeds into this this is complicated so i'm going to give you the play-by-play first off it reads to see if it's a push or pull request if it's a push request it checks to see how many haulers are already full of that material if there's more than the set limit it throws away the request to stop the network from filling up with like 50 haulers carrying nothing but ore if it's valid it continues into a memory cell that holds the data until it can be compared with all available haulers pull requests want haulers filled with the specified material while push requests just want an empty hauler that massive array of combinators at the top reads the hauler's inventory if an available hauler matches the request it passes through the xy data from the depot along with that hauler's number yeah so that goes in here to the matching hauler which takes the data activates a memory cell to tell the data handler that it's unavailable and then sends the x and y to the dispatch but it's a little trickier than that because we then need to ensure that the hauler actually got to where it was supposed to go and it does that by advancing into another memory cell that waits until the hauler has been idle for at least five seconds then it sends the parking coordinates from that constant combinator up there which is fed through a pseudo-random generator that adds some variance of plus or minus 30 to the x and y so they won't all try to park in the same spot then the memory cells are given the reset signal and the hauler is made available again and now if you push this button it'll automatically deploy another hauler into the system as you can see the total display changed from eight to nine and this light turned green that's pretty much it and theoretically this will allow us to send any hauler anywhere we need it if you want to know more about how this works i might make a separate video about it and if i were to do such a thing i would probably put a link up here and down here anyway now that we've got the all controlling digital overmind in place it's really starting to feel like an actual city now i just need to work on the blocks part i've already perfected simulating american parking so it can't be that hard though even at this early stage a major problem is already presenting itself it's lag i'm really struggling to get it up to 60. looking at her time usage it's easy to see that the vast majority is being consumed by aai in fact it appears to be using about four times as much as the game itself if you've never seen this before all you need to know is big number mean big lag more specifically the left number is average time usage in milliseconds the middle is minimum and right is worst case and if everything together exceeds 16.6 milliseconds you're going to experience lag and seeing as we're handily above that on the worst case it's no wonder we're dipping below 60. i toggled some settings which helped but it's going to be a continuous problem a major culprit are the miners it's obvious i've got way too many of them so this whole thing could use a redesign which is just as well because my depot design sucks despite being miles away from the base each depot can only handle one hauler at a time it took one haul or over three minutes to get here and back so i went back to the lab and made this it's basically just the old design except four times setting these up is very fiddly and very annoying mostly because i need to manually fiddle with these combinators every time since i'm dealing with cars and pathfinding pretty much everything needs to be encased in walls otherwise they try to get to places using routes that aren't state approved then they get stuck on a tree or something and expect me to deal with it now you might have assumed that because i built it there's absolutely no flaws whatsoever and uh yeah it's uh working perfectly so i spent like an hour racking my brains over this error only to find that it was uh this there's no green wire connecting these which is needed to send the confirm and lockout signal meaning the top depot was able to repeatedly request every empty hauler in the network without ever accomplishing anything i was apparently so distraught by this that i forgot to record me fixing it so you'll just have to take my word for it fortunately everything works perfectly now yeah it's not my fault this time it's the mod the pathfinding is broke and since my design uses idleness to determine if the hauler made it to the destination or not they'll just sit at the parking lot then get sent back to the parking lot without ever visiting the depot and then the sirens start it's probably got something to do with how far away the mines are but it's definitely a part of the lag clearly i'm gonna need to be more aggressive in my lag reduction efforts and this severely tamps down my expectations for this run i was hoping to have like hundreds of these cars but looks like that's not gonna happen anyway it's starting to look like a city now we just gotta fill these empty blocks i already built the iron forges when i was first setting up the brain because i needed to confirm that it was actually working but here's the copper and stone forges these big industrial furnaces are from aai industry and they're great to set up each of these depots i need to wire in the depots information first then i need to set the combinators to the appropriate materials in this case copper ore this number is how much the depot will try to take from a hauler this one is how it knows to ask for more copper if the amount ever drops below 4000 and this signal is how the computer knows what to send it's a little tedious but theoretically once we do it once we can copy and paste it elsewhere setting up a pickup depot is basically the same except we give the depot a value of negative one because we wanted to give away materials instead of take them also we send along a value of negative one and the p signal to tell the computer that this is a pickup request but that's all there is to it now if you hook that block up to the rest of the system it'll be able to make requests that red light means it's trying to make a request since it's currently empty and that bigger red light means a hauler is on route now don't worry about those two haulers getting sent to the same place that's just because i hooked up the red wire before the green so was able to send a request but not know it was confirmed with a system this complex there's about a million ways to confuse it can you believe that this whole thing actually works here comes the first pickup for copper plate and now if we come over here and look at our cargo stats we can see that there's two haulers containing copper plate also the lights are red which means the limit's been met and the depot won't be able to fill any more haulers and we can see which haulers are currently busy but that's enough of it actually working back to the lag problem making a more direct route to the mines should reduce the burden on the pathfinding but i can only do so much wait that car is stuck in the wall be free what a beautiful creature so i reset my computer and i was reluctant to do this considering my computer actually died a few weeks ago but i overclocked my ram for those who don't know one of factorio's biggest bottlenecks is data transfer speeds so the faster your ram the faster your factorio it seems to be closer to 60 now but still dipping occasionally because i've had to temper my expectations i've decided that i'll be making all of my oil with coal liquefaction i wanted to use deliveries of barrelled crude oil but i'm trying to reduce the number of haulers i'll require and using barrels would dedicate quite a few to ferrying empty barrels around also i'm just going to use these dedicated nuclear reactors to make the steam because i've got more fuel than i could ever use coal liquefaction is generally less than ideal but if i've got the coal i might as well use it there are just no good oil fields nearby and piping in oil without using a hauler just feels against the spirit of the base though i'm going to need to pipe all my fluids directly which is bad for expandability and kind of the whole point of this concept but hey better than nothing also coal equifection takes a lot of cracking i've decided to use this space here to export sulfur again not great for expandability but very convenient with all that set up we can wire the coal depots into the network of course you need some heavy oil to actually start the process with all the oil products done that's a significant part of the base out of the way the last major raw material i'm missing is steel and i'm just gonna belt the iron one block over again to keep the number of haulers down in preparation for circuits this block will make plastic and for convenience it's right next to the oil processing block because you get two plastic for one bit of coal i'm giving this one two output depots speaking of circuits here's circuits just the green ones though again in this mod green circuits take a fourth of a brick instead of an iron plate and now it's time to build red circuits also known as advanced circuits i'm just going to copy my first build from before now that i know my base size is capped by my insistence on using several dozen haulers i'm not too concerned with making optimally beaconed builds anymore but i am still retrofitting some beacons i always like watching the bot swarms when you place down a bunch of blueprints also routing the belts for these big builds is always an adventure but hey red circuits it's such a beautiful thing to cover the native purple grass with our urban sprawl this is the real american way to conquer an alien planet turn it all into parking lots here's the sulfuric acid and batteries block i need the sulfuric acid to make processing units so i might as well make batteries while i'm here i would prefer them to be separate blocks but i gotta work around the fluids and finally processing units again i'm just copying my old build and adding some rudimentary beacons i'm not really thinking about ratios either i'm just letting my heart guide me and if i need more i'll just copy and paste another block overclocking my ram seems to have helped but i'm still having problems it's been fine while i've been building but that's just because i'm not using anything so there's not many haulers buzzing around when it gets busy they get bad which invariably leads to this it's time for some extreme anti-lag measures these old miners i'm not using anymore get rid of them well the time usage is down let's do more i can do this because in the mod options i made them each mine like five times faster it's fair why did i design the depots to have an alarm after that it is way better that massacre has saved me like four ups and i'm back to 60 most of the time hmm violence does solve problems ah lds probably the most common thing for new players to under build we'll try to avoid that mistake by building a ton of them so i stand here for a couple minutes wondering when the steel is gonna show up and uh it never does i'll look at my handy dandy cargo tracker and see that there's no haulers containing steel haulers are going to the steel pickup but they're not taking anything after some investigation i realize i'm an idiot and forgot to add steel to the list of items the haulers are allowed to take normally that deployer down there is what sets the data but fortunately i can use this building here to edit it i quickly iterate the steel signal over every hauler and it works here's engine units they're kind of boring and there's an alarm going on so whatever even with my lag reduction massacre i'm still getting these occasional seize-ups of the pathfinding it's because the mines are just so far away even when the pathfinding is working it still takes them like seven seconds to start moving let's just pretend everything is fine while i build this block for small electric engines now after 20 hours of being subjected to these intermittent sirens like some sort of self-imposed chinese water torture i'm starting to lose my mind mostly because i spent 20 hours of my life designing this thing and another 40 building it only for it to not work and for it not to be my fault mostly so to salvage this run i'm going to need to take drastic measures i'm not happy about it but i'm going to need to cheat more specifically i'm going to need to open the editor and move the ore deposits closer i mean i've proven i can make them without cheating it's just they're not working properly since the furnaces are way more complex in this mod i'm dedicating a block to it unfortunately i need to make a block for concrete as well i forgot to add furnaces and concrete into the computer so i got to do it now now there's only a few things left before i can just make all the science this one's the uh flying robot frames i'm making the big electric motors on site because they use like 90 the same materials they're not used in anything else and again to save on haulers don't copy this design this design sucks i forgot to leave space for beacons and i'm not fixing it it seems they've migrated this one's on me using my brain i can tell you that this might happen if i gave two depots the same id accidentally so their x y coordinates are getting added together which results in the haulers getting sent to the middle of nowhere i'd be upset if it wasn't so hilarious and now finally we start thinking about science ignore those superbots building some of the things instantly i accidentally lost some in the network and now they're just too spread out to get rid of though they're not doing anything normal bots couldn't do albeit slower you can tell i'm at my wit's end because i'm forgetting to stand around and wait for good footage whatever i've got everything i need to make all the sciences except for space science yellow simple i just need to bring in the three ingredients off the haulers i've also advanced beyond my need for the old base so let's clear up some of that lag anyway the chemical science is just as easy as the yellow science if you're worried about those haulers i just blew up don't worry they've been reformed and reassimilated into the network funnily enough at this point green science is the most complicated to make because i need to deal with all these intermediate products and burner inserters but i knocked that one out as well and here's red science i guess which i randomly stopped working on to make rocket fuel [Music] yeah then uh bread science so moving the mines closer to the parking lot has completely eliminated the pathfinding issue but now's probably a good time to mention it there's a little problem as much as i want to say that this thing has been absolutely flawless there have been several flaws i've just been slowly ironing them out throughout the run however there is one i simply cannot find maybe once in 20 minutes a hauler with the wrong cargo gets sent to the wrong depot and then it starts complaining i have stared at it and thought about it for literal hours and i cannot for the life of me figure it out without debugging tools trying to find one bit of erroneous data that shows up randomly for one frame every 20 minutes is impossible so i give up works 99 of the time just let it fail well now rcus are the only thing we're missing for the rocket now it's time for the last science rocket science at this point it's one of the easiest remember how glass was pretty much useless well you need a hundred of it for the satellite and i am definitely using bots if my base wasn't so limited by lag and the number of haulers i definitely would have gone entirely without logistics robots but at this point i've got a video to make before i launch the rocket i want the actual lab set up and since it needs seven depots to bring in all the science i'm making a city rectangle yeah i know i didn't make military science but i'm giving it a place anyway yep we're belt weaving those superbots make me laugh i assure you this run is still mostly legit okay and now we can launch the rocket yeah just a casual 50-hour run no problems but launching a single rocket really isn't the point of this i'm gonna need to launch like 20 more to get enough space science to bring in a hauler after getting annoyed by another alarm i get a genius idea what if i just added one combinator that automatically shuts it off and resets the depot for me i don't know why it took me so long to add something like this hubris i guess when i was first building it i was like yeah it needs an alarm but it probably won't need it haha i didn't want it to auto reset because if it failed i wanted to investigate why but it was only after wearing me down for 20 hours that it finally forced me to give up and make handling the error part of the design this is why i think this thing is alive i cannot fathom where this error is coming from so it only makes sense that this thing's using as one modicum of free will to torment me but after doing that i feel great it's fully automated now i've got some time to kill before the rocket launches 20 times so i'm actually going to use the advantage of the city block design to copy and paste some new copper steel and circuit blocks and that's my new design that just goes burnt once and there's finally enough space science to call in a hauler it starts driving away but on its way to parking it's like wait a minute i've got space science and there it goes look at the pretty colors and yes i did harvest a bunch of military science from the old base just so the depot won't look empty and yeah that's basically the run except i need more power i really need to fish those superbots out of the network there's not much left to do but watch it work while i wait for my honorary civil engineering degree to show up in the mail recording this zoomed out really hurts my fps i have no idea what this basis science per minute is i guess i can say like 500 because that's how fast the labs go but i don't know if i can sustain it i need to let it run for hours to figure it out i'm definitely a bit disappointed that i had to resort to some minor cheating for ups reasons and that the base is as small as it is when i designed the brain i was imagining something closer to 5000 spm but i think it came out pretty good all things considered even if it does honk every now and then if you want there's a map to just play around with i'm gonna put it on my patreon speaking of patreon i'd just like to thank all my wonderful wonderful patrons who through their unrelenting generosity allow me to spend my time doing stupid stuff like this guilt-free because now i can justify playing 80 hours of factorio by telling people i'm getting paid for it and for that i cannot thank you enough thanks for watching [Music] [Music] you
Channel: DoshDoshington
Views: 840,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _S87vHUobvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 27sec (2427 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 30 2022
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