F1 2018 Live! Outside Xbox Plays F1 2018 (Sponsored Content)

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[Music] hello hello welcome to this live stream brought to you by outside Xbox and sponsor f1 2018 pretty happy to be honest it's like all my Christmases to come have come at once yeah Mike what's this yeah I brought yeah I got some friends of mine the guys at the sorrow basically very kindly brought along one of their sim racing rigs so this is the entry-level one if you can believe me level yeah yeah pipes yeah it's got many many pipes they go all the way up to kind of motion simulators and things but yeah it's basically a racing seat so you might with steering wheel and you have a more natural driving position there's a speaker by your feet yeah it's got speakers it's got surround sound you can't see this from here but it looks a bit like an a wing yes Star Wars some Star Wars yes some proper Star Wars kit and we are playing the career mode for f1 2018 which is got all sorts of new features and things like that so I'm gonna head into I guess practice form let's go let's go into practice first let's know how is sounding yes yeah any problems if I'm too loud if I'm do quiet we had to move all the microphones to make room for mics yes yes so we're a little bit late but obviously this is a slightly more technical setup the new one we're usually late so next screen if we weren't a bit late is true but thank you so much mister grounded joining us so very breaking device [Music] No well you don't know wardrobe budget goes on t-shirts yes that is true we've been wearing the same shoes since the very beginning it's actually true dave says this is Mike what about when you went into space again yeah well I wish it was like that yeah do you even have the necessary purchase to make this man wrote twice enjoy install app so the more advanced versions of these rates have like motion yeah right yeah if you were to get like VR headset and the motion the car is tall Ellen Ellen Ellen is on holidays great at the games got news in Paris while I feel like I've got to measure this we go straight to qualifying people say in the game audio is a bit loud so a little bit thanks John that's John there with the replacement making for me right Harry the commentators voice is clashing with us quite a bit mode like FIFA the journey not will there be no muting I'd like to thank my sponsors yeah are we thrilled oh we've got nine second respectively of f1 is so overwhelming be a real jerk okay Carmen ready ones names yeah I won't need to anyway they'll all have lost to me fifty years from now people were telling their grandkids about my rookie season maybe just everyone goes home because they're demoralized can you attach a couple of roman candles to your car it is spring or fireworks anywhere you go what a week it's been what a week yeah games don't we change - yeah Mike's fresh off the plane yeah it was great it was really really good actually is the best thing you saw eight and ok let me guess cyberpunk yes a big pretzel no I didn't eat your big pretzel actually in the end ok had some curry burst though it was please yeah pleasing the Dark Souls II basically it's got stealth it's got like a new sort of traversal system and things like that but it still feels very Dark Souls like when you come into a new area in the name of the area appears and stuff you're just like I'm home I'm back it start Souls again so cool cool ok a few comments Kirsty sprouts McCallion is still painting the kitchen send help wants to know what a Jane and Andy's thoughts on iron Bru wind up the admin more no mate I look quite like angry oh yeah you delicious I'm brunettes yeah different somehow I mean yeah I think I think I like the really cheap energy drinks you can get basically like cherry one current Jane which anal I wouldn't put that nobody was another kind of something called like smash berry yeah professional fruits and then an energy even find this bubble sparkles that means they've added chemicals to it presuming I mean everything's a chemical industry all right long says I god I keep expecting 1847 to show up because even racing Lewis Hamilton right now that's the pole time so I'm qualifying the haunting this track is who shall be king Hereafter yeah slightly cut the corner there but it's fine there's a racing enthusiast here Mike joins Toro Rosso really GP to engine and then Hawaii exclamation marks yes I seen this is a sick bird in some way so Philander Alonso always complaining about the Honda engine that was in this car and he said it was a GP 200 G features like the lower formula so he was complaining about the power of the engine so is that a madman is this sick burn yeah GP to engine but not even about their car ok well we didn't come first that just gives us some fun overtaking to do in the nice fourteenth that's not bad for at all the morale boosting power of dating a Pussycat Doll speaking sorry wants to know who is my choice for the first NXT UK women's champion here is it I don't know probably Charlie Morgan maybe VIPRE she's good yeah there you go cool them sports chat for you wrestling we're more so means yes that's what we want we want to be all showman okay the showstopper Mike Channel show it's all for show it is all for show Kathy aired says have you guys ever seen the show MythBusters there's a scientifically tested urban myths and a very fond of exposure yes blowing up ballistic dummies that sort of involve blowing up stuff I like film where you're the one where they were talking about where their plane can take off on a conveyor belt going the other way oh yeah it can it just depends how fast it's going Shirley yeah cuz the wheels aren't driven they're just rotating but they tested it they had like this massive sheet and they drove it in one direction with a bang and took the plane off on this top all in thing sorry I need to skip David Croft sorry David sorry David Kraft notices kölner dom and coach are the best things in curly little fizzy lager so nice okay I need to reach out to me oh it's so difficult grows on ya and also Hartley okay can you sideswipe them off the track the way I understand they're on cars when you both like crumble to dust yes crumbling oh I've gotta hand the position back so it's illegal and well surely you're racing oh you have to let him overtake any position you know I did it I did it in a bad way you know give me a policy she should be allowed to just gotta be fair under you are the smash broker oh yeah that's true I am alright well I always behind me I ought to let him pass no you know he's miles away I think I must have punted him off well my penalty would be greater than laying in passed so I'm just gonna go for it okay okay before anyone asks I'm using automatic gears cause right to concentrate my gears wouldn't be able to talk at all alright Hulkenberg sounds like a fake name the whole quit adopt yes yes my name is hair halloween burg like how 47 calls himself Tobias Reaper yeah people less creepy conspicuous name that everybody liked you creepy bald guy called Reaper you should be called Greg Reaper ya know people people surprised by the conversation options yes you game has questions in it I don't understand it's like Mass Effect but with with fast cars impressive bake with Vasquez yeah is it so but not quite like the journey we won't be no we won't be like being interviewed by Rio Ferdinand I don't think that's fair or like B or failing on the childhood karting track angel beat love to the diva shorts oh cool yeah we were talking about that in the chat for the stream allowing outside extra nice yeah it was good I enjoyed it like the rest of the the mech squad yeah the pro made me think of the pro from big hero 6 yes yeah because robots yeah yeah very big heretics thing in it it's cool it's like the origin story okay listen up yeah and then she figured out she could blow up her robot at any any time and then yeah and then shout nervous that's a diva's great well the good news is I've like Hulkenberg past the bad news was I wasn't really intending egg I'm gonna chase him I'm gonna chase Hulkenberg got people here from Mexico hello there's a Grand Prix mascot Island as well evening morning whatever time it is there yeah that's person in Thailand that's cool oh right what are your thoughts on North Yorkshire I love it it's great yeah I think Mike is four I'm from West York West nothing which is beautiful really beautiful ty c says air horn air horn air horn yeah yeah that's gets I wish I was putting in an air horn worthy performance takes quite a lot of concentration so like 20 foot high on either side in case you flip yeah you don't yeah you really don't a car coming yeah bad magalhães if I keep pronouncing the name wrong that they say it's fine says Oak spokes you managed to make me voluntarily watch somebody else play a racing game charisma must be your company if I'm watching someone play a racing game racing into the greatest joke oh cool according to Scissorhands at a bar in Budapest mm height borough that's made a full simulator of this game with moving seats around screens that prophecy wort okay that's good let's get a beautiful ya can play this full simulation well has it gone free in Hungary is also there's some amazing public thermal baths yeah well at the Grand Prix there's a giant water park and they always show some people going down the water slides while racing and we'll just have to slug it out at the water park you really take him on for the team again deliver water park ally Fazzio says Mike would you ever want to see the Indy 500 yeah I'd love to yeah I watch every year on TV I would love to attend and who is the worst driver out of ox box and extra' uh well me at the moment I think Ellen doesn't have a driver's licence does she so probably element Jane do you have a drug alert yeah I can drive but not legally we should we should have put Jane and Ellen on this multiplayer I can ever get later I'm probably excellent okay say I've driven cars just not with a license that seems illegal I mean I took a bunch of lessons and then I never took the test cuz I came to London cuz you're like I've pretty much mastered this I don't I always like when the zombie apocalypse comes I'll be able to steal someone's car and drive around steal an automatic car they're really your racing buddy Matthew minutes back hey let me burn out of the way watching this stream while working on my v8 can-am race car for the weekend oh my god that's amazing the can-am it's like it's like a sort of class of canadian-american I think it's what it stood for originally but yeah the history of captains are made of a is a kind of engine with a it is things in a V configuration yeah that's right well you can like you can you can run some engines on like vegetable fat and a v8 on the power I'm is not the powerful sound of v8 he says you're always welcome to have a go oh my god ladies no oh yes it's fine like Andy was they knew it I knew what it was anyway uh-huh Marcus House says considering you guys are playing f1 2018 you shout out my friends YouTube channel mr. f1 radio I'll get him to watch the screen yeah sorry you're probably very good at f1 yes that's exactly unloading driving f1 if you're an f1 racer I wasn't clear oh and exposing Alex says watching with my son he's not feeling very well at the minute he said a name for the first time the other day he said Andy I'm convinced the children can see ghosts then they you know when you your memories come in oh yeah oh dear [Laughter] next time you see a child staring off into the middle distance you seemingly nothing they face and then they start forming memories and then yeah exactly and that's what goes to some angry what Wow no my son ghost I'd be angry the only people I could talk to tiny children yeah yeah not great conversations nor senses hope Mike has a lot of fun everyone needs some gloves question fatty and Jane what immersive game would you like to scream if you could like a simulator yeah what kind of sin would you like to play a rink Space Shuttle Landing simulator yeah yeah with the mad control I went in a proper astronaut training space shuttle simulator a test tech it's the astronaut training facility in in Germany and I was really bad at it really all the controls are in Russian well that's portable and all the astronauts have to learn Russian like not not just the Russian astronauts everyone well they all have to know enough freshened controls and to get by and Yosi on the International Space Station Russians conversational and I can run a space hand off the wheel what an idiot you have a smattering English immersion for starters my tea my cello says here Mike's a capella v8 sound oh that again I've broken one the cars good to do this again that's the sort of dominic toretto like dodge charger type job I lost the place to Hulkenberg I can see Hulkenberg he's gonna become my season rival top-10 finish though how come bugs are good nemesis name yes oh 15:10 they switch on your steering wheel yes well toto wolff seems pleased he's not my team boss unfortunately people are amazed by your crime skills my crime skills yeah for the driving without a license hashtag chain-drive go later on if you want yeah alright when you're ready to destroy that that racing I didn't know you could flip a simulation if I crash hard enough in f12 ad I crash in real life George a zip kovitch says Jane you ready for a resonable T oh yeah I am super really and I think it's gonna be at EDX next month so we can check in with it then and then it comes out in January which is kind of soon so looking forward to that which is these challenges would you like to do 1976 or 2004 oh is it Racing selected nice Suzuka rush right I'll be in niki lauda sorry I think the last dance once you three wants to know if we're happy going like two we'll have a party bus I was not aware of this but I mean we loved the party bus in Dead Island yes I did I was not aware you had a party bus part about the darkness inside the humans being real monsters in the real monsters of the monster yeah Niki Niki Lauda yes I like him yeah he's actually recovering from surgery all the best - Niki Lauda I doubt he's watching but on the off chance by recuperating I think this might make him account of how bad we are Johnny says my dad pretends he's done Toretto he burns off courses in the BMW that's cool all right see everything over here Oh reckless Rex says much live stream such work ethic I guess you could say you guys are driven yeah we are doing there's a there's a film called driven actually and it's Sylvester Stallone sort of Indy car type champ car think it's really funny I like the one called over the top where he's an arm wrestling champion it's amazing yes to win his son in an arm wrestling contest when he beat his son win his son no I think for some reason he only gets his son back if you play we're gonna be exact I don't know if that doesn't make sense because no one else would want to win his son in an arm wrist maybe the prizes of your own Platov over the top please do you cut right in Gator says work so how much the stream live who but just pop me and say I was right and your m.bison was epic happy racing Mike and have a good rest of your day thank you way to break way earlier than I have been doing cuz this is an old car that's what I was thinking yeah yeah there's no computer in your know Chris Frey says I'm really enjoying Mike's car fiction racing series but why no ox box livery on the car oh you know what the complete and true and honest answer to that is it costs about a thousand pounds to wrap a car know is like you need that money for any crashing yeah exactly when I crashed I was like why I don't really have a thousand pounds to spare unfortunately otherwise I would have made it brighter spray on there with are you allowed to do that just hand paint it is like brushing on Vans sick barbarian oh now the man's to like paint erasing them yeah it's about that it's not much more than wrapping a regular car well normally if you were wrapping a regular car you'd be wrapping it like a single color but if you want design you want all the stickers go out instead but if I do some more I still have the cars and if I do some more racing maybe consider pull over for access and says Mike this thing will understeer like a shopping cart it really is understeering quiet I was expecting oversteer from 70s car but actually this one under steers a bit anyway I'm sort of keep it on the road now by being very very careful mostly on the road and it's fine it's fine i but i do not envy Niki Lauda and James Hunt from that sort of era racing because a was phenomenally dangerous would be the cars are really hard to drive if they were fabulously wealthy and just drunk all the time that's true yes that's true I hope you're not during the races yeah this is gonna work ok this this sort checkpoint challenge I think I might have completed it nearly yes good all right well 18 more seconds but hopefully I've achieved my goal Kathy ed says if you guys need any more convincing to come to the US you should know the store where I work sells big glass smokes in the shape of a pirate skull what I mean that is pretty good we have those those vodka bottles right the Dan Aykroyd yeah the dan Aykroyd Crystal Skull Wonka bottles that's an amazing there's a advertisement for that vodka on YouTube oh yeah where it's it's something like 20 minutes long and he doesn't start talking about vodka to those fifteen minutes into it he mainly talks about ghosts and psychic forces yes delicious I don't think reduced won't yeah I feel like having watched that video I feel like maybe Dan Aykroyd thought that Ghostbusters was a documentary yeah you sort of get that impression if you ever watch a interview with him but um that's cool he's having a good time he's making decent vodka so he's good vodka mighty much houses oh man if Mike's having this much trouble at all mate for Jane's turn you'll all see Steven bills got a recommendation oh you really should check out the band okely-dokely there Ned Flanders themed oh I've seen them and they all dress like Ned Flanders they're wearing the green gimmick I'm sorry not again make a very serious band cause yeah a few people saying driven is bad driven is bad there's a bit where he like is like going around doing a lap where he throws a load of pennies out the car and then picks them up with the rear tires while humming a tune it's very very strange oh good Shannon all of us is here to save the day with the plot of over the top yes hasn't seen his son in years his ex-wife is dying and she wants them to reconnect her father has other idea but to win son's love he must go over the top just a guy yep says in over the top Stallone wins the armwrestling tournament because he's better all he had his son ran away from the granddad's house to be with him I remember correctly so yeah he does win his son in the numbers okay cool well you were bang on then Ndege yeah so driven is like driven is like he's the he's the old guy who's retired and then he comes back for one last job be the job being racing a car that's good job says happy I couldn't dream there was a road closure on my way to work it took two hours to get in fingers crossed jayn and andy drive poorly to get that mic don't encourage them to drive pool yeah I just wanted to reiterate Kathy aired that I think the idea of glass mugs in the shape of pirates girls as goods excellent need any more skull shape drink where I do own a lot yes yeah yeah so much it's called shape drink where it's sort of terrifying actions against well you're not complaining when I break it out for D&D that's true dramatically appropriate yeah oh that's a hard breaking methylamine it says Mike I'll get you some ox bug stickers made for your car if you don't mind a few CPL my sponsor logos to bettle is ellen soil meets out for us says anna back hi Jane also over Andy he's trying to win his son's affection and whatnot not literally his son right Mike I like the one money gets to win his actual rising this our wrestling Mike does this also have romance options like Mass Effect not that I'm aware of but if the Kimi räikkönen asked me out on a date I don't think I'll be able to say no to those beautiful blue eyes could you not very manseok are certainly he again is still a thing insofar as he races what knowing from lon he's racing Super GT and champions okay when I went to the mall he was racing there it's pretty cool now I've exhausted all the races I know yeah what about Emerson Fittipaldi oh well Emerson Fittipaldi I believe was driving in the spa 24 and he's about 70 years old like so he's still he's still a thing and he's still going so yeah he was racing not that long ago not in Formula one though they basically once you're about like 34 I think you're kind of passed it Formula One so yeah Ryu Onan says will you be streaming any horror games this Halloween Halloween good horror games announced recently yeah yeah there's one by the guys dark pictures by the guys who made until dawn which looks really really good Ellen and I played a game that is called close to the Sun which made by small Italian indie team but it looked beautiful and it's a sort of Bioshock II type thing Oh guys interview interview okay here we go showmanship all the way I'm the greatest driver in the world say that shall I say keep lying me tomorrow and you'll see something special also start wearing ric flair sell robes okay you didn't spend much time to practice i don't need to spend if you don't need to spend time with the track there's no need to do it i really didn't go out for any of the practice session colossal jerk Dave McKay says whenever I play racing games I find myself trying to take racing lines and slipstream while driving in real life bracket safely while the skills do you guys unwittingly carried from games to real life - I do and it's not quite the same thing but whenever I've been playing a lot of like a Tony Hawk's our game I'll start seeing line yeah I could hop onto that Lannister and then it's grind up there onto that balcony and then I could kick flip onto that room it was the same with like Assassin's Creed like for a while after playing a lot of the first Assassin's Creed I was like just thinking I should just climb up there or everything looked climb a ball all of a sudden even though it clearly wasn't and I would have fallen and to my doom probably but yeah I think that yeah really affected the way I saw the world but in terms of actual practical skills not really I suppose playing racing games hopefully made me a slightly better driver but I'm still not very good yes I've been playing a lot of overcooked - home has not helped my cooking with any good but yeah if you're playing it alone you can switch between shifts really yeah really like bakes you noodle because you like okay I need this ship it's like using your right left hands to do different things that's yeah that sounds terrible start s1 on the switch which is yes which is sort of perfect for isn't it Kirsti strats McHale Ian's back finally finished painting hooray there's a pink card with you that's the team formerly known as a feat for C be a blocker for that make a password to get through they carry on Carmi 3zx will have just moved to england for university oh cool anyone up to take my place at a judo session that really went like a hard left that coming o me we're doing live D&D we're doing mean greets for doing my show might be now someone's mentioned judo we have to wear keys yeah day one both hands on the wheel at all times as I say from Thomas Jalen Mike you should play the racing bit from Matthew and it does a great job of portraying how drivable racing cars that was so different ik even in the days before like internet patches were really widespread they issued a patch that let you skip it was too difficult not to fix it just just you know yeah they were like you can you can skip this I say tendon - it's more like three and nine isn't it hands at three and nine oh yeah on an f1 style I mean this is like a spark Oh sort of racing wheels so yeah oh yeah the spark no what's the spark a spark as a manufacturer of racing wheels seats and all sorts right okay I think we should listen to Sarah Holly says I'm still waiting for a little tikes Cozy Coupe to race oh yeah I always wanted one of those as a kid I never got one well and now look at me this is going better than the last one I'm in top top 10 position I'm chasing down science I'm setting purple sectors what's the fastest of all what's the sector of all I'd say that makes perfect sense rocks and says careful Mike if you romance räikkönen he'll just take you for ice cream when it's freezing when he retired from the Monaco Grand Prix one year and instead of going back to the garrix to like debrief he went to his yacht and a and ice cream and there's just a shot of him oh my god and he's married I'm sorry these guys Manuel yeah and yeah he's done Italy there's been shots of him in shorts as well in the back of the garage me I mean I had an ice-cream sandwich just before this dream fYI everybody yeah that's my streaming fuel says I'm an ad block plus donations person thinking about you to premium what are your opinions on supporting oh let's play racing game um well yeah whatever words you really love the three ways to play and the RAM believe it's like life is strange in Resident Evil 7 yeah they're fun yeah the written t17 one was really good fun a human being Luke just talking about the weird things and R is equal 7 you do want the Resident Evil 2 remake care of plenty yeah I'd love to do one for residency roommate great I'm really looking for that game you played it at games come right I didn't get a chance yeah watch Jane and I playing it from III on our Channel Josh Manchester's hey guys you might rember I was moving into college after the birthday stream think you're doing great I cancelled my university degree was how little actual contact time there was what so five hours of contact time a week if YouTube streaming have been a thing I would have been watching a lot twenty hours a week at least not counting lab took all hard science yeah did I tell you in my laboratory at university there was a big chest that was like sort of bench height you know seat height and they'd had to put a sign on it a big radioactive sign that said do not sit that's where they kept their isotopes I imagine they had that I mean like I was at the airport obviously yesterday and they've got like a like a the customs bit yeah not the airport sorry the gyro saab it's like an elf customs thinking it's like do not put any part of your body in the examination tube it's super radioactive x-rays you should have even medical ones so I can believe that they use sealing known only human grade x-rays were the people doing it we're at the lead apron mmm you just look frightening look like if you put your hand in it would just like microwave it I mean it might it would it might feel warm quarter throttle says Mike what wheelbase and pedals do you have well currently I'm using a fan attack we all Basin pedals as part of this Fusaro kit at home I've got a thrust master one it's quite sort of cheaper cheerful and then I've recently tried out the new fan of tech McLaren gt3 wheel which is really cool because it's a one-to-one replica of a gt3 racing wheel and it's very very neat cool Andy I understand you've got a beanbag and I might make you like Thorin rush where he's like just lying on the ground on his back like thinking is really the track I have a play or is he just doing he's got someone you just need to find that solution that works for you and that's the broom broom sounds a lot of people wondering who let you have a science lab Jane I have to share it can you believe really what lifestream resin equal to when it comes out says volson yeah guess who's behind me reckoning and hülkenberg oh oh you knocked him right now that was like badly bags the Hulk's secret racing persona you wouldn't fit in the cockpit you know it's him in his non hulked out form he wouldn't yeah he bursts out and then he runs along with it Carol explosion well irises can you guys do a race where you drive backwards and smash into all the cars like I used to when I was younger I used to love doing that on the Amiga f1 game I put it in that video we made about making your own fun yeah back then people were like that's not driving backwards that's just driving the wrong way Frodo I mean driving backwards or do you mean turning around and driving the wrong way apparently it's important wow it's really raining hard here we're here at loading bars over in Shepherds Bush yeah and it is raining like a mofo well I just caught out of the corner of my eye was Luke and John our producer were bringing the blinds up on the windows because he's getting times so yeah hope you're somewhere not getting rained on well you watch me feel cozy but also it's quite dark in here we've only got we've got the top light on the camera that is yeah little Luke's looking out of the window at the restful wistful yes he did the track limits face but the light through the window is like projecting raindrops on to his face yeah the pass against the pain like in the Twilight movies and I'm song is playing Nicholas plosives is watching with Sophie at the beginning of the stream you can drive dad's judge when you can drive as well as Mike through the stream drive like Mike the wheel Mike handsome top 10 and I beat my nemesis hülkenberg so this battle is gonna go Sarang long I think you need to cut a promo on phone Hulkenberg when you okay it might give me the option yeah Luis what does it look like I picked a face but it just standard-issue face alright although you are standard-issue face look nice Mike standard-issue face yeah I'm drawing with Brendon Hartley at the moment oh no I beat him in the race though he's got potential respect for you though he's gonna lose it when I suspect one nine says I genuinely don't think Kimi räikkönen would understand people watching video games on YouTube no I don't think he was ok Daniel Mitchell says will you be doing a marathon livestream to play ready to all the way through take like 10 hours at least I mean we could maybe what if we did like an episode at live stream where we play like a couple of hours of it and the next night stream we play another couple hours and eventually that's something you would watch that appeal let's no oh we could we could play the first two hours of it and then do some sort of vote at the end is like do you want us to keep on playing this or something new next time mmm democracy in action sorry the rain is oh my we're probably gonna get carried away you'll know when does it float you're racing rig I don't think so I think I'll be going downstream towards Westfield London update on Kirsty strats McHale Ian's wolves coffee color Oh little tag up did you bring your key no which one the difference do you practice key in a composition key I don't know how you can even ask that obviously my sorry ID is extremely flashy is it my showman I had an Aikido competition G for grading at university I did one grade and wore it once another nice one yeah for Grandma but they're all new and that they will stiff and they're not it's all crisp and your punches are my crisper and then when you do the crane kick you see is that not a thing what don't you want it to be all loosey-goosey I mean they are loose but I just think they're kind of start you when they're new you'd be a lot better at judo if you weren't wearing a gear you know is it disrespectful to just wear them as pajamas they're not comfy enough to be vigilant no no no it's all like pajamas let you hope they look like pajamas Matthew minute says my last message for this dream that I just had to ask Mike have you ever had or driven a gear box cart or any cart actually no I've never driven a shifter car but I have driven carts just for fun go karts agree yeah it's really drift them they are great yeah you can really get the back end out yeah it's good fun good fun I do love karting I'm probably better at it than I am actual race driver we got a dog update from Haley Thompson finally got a live stream his day off work love all the team ox box as does my kakapo Cara it's to watch with me especially if she hears Jane or Andy I've got to be top five cross streets like a labradoodle is a labradoodle and a poodle and a husky and a corgi Hoggy Hoggy anything crossed with a corgi is pretty crossbreed like really big dogs with like really small yeah yeah you can we played some Simmons the other day yeah oh yeah look out for a Sims 4 video because they just brought out the cats and dogs expansion for console and Andy made his dream dog I made my dream dog it's amazing I was skeptical because I made just all the cats guys I qualified fifth yeah I don't in your face we saw really badly we'll be on for a result I look at hülkenberg he's weighed nice destroy dr. banner what a chump all right what else Oh warranties oh okay I'm the greatest race car driver of all time mm-hmm now are we happy or even place left nobody else don't blame anyone else for this it's all my work yeah why would I even turn up the title wait yeah she regularly filled my lack of practice yeah the data we need Zoey look off sudden conversation options want you to be a cocky heel yeah this is great all right cool love you guys Mike do you like fast cars or are you also into antique cars team Jane okay I like cars really there are like fun old cars as well yeah I'd be up for that Oh Jared hland is back cool donates thank you very much and says I still have to finish my normal work shift Mike but if you're still out in five hours I'll be drinking with you from San Luis oh nice in the UK which means we get Monday off work yeah why I had completely forgotten that until Elin reminded me on the way back from Gamescom oh that's pretty cool so breathe me playing this Roxanne says asking for me any plans to play man of Medan which was worked on by until dawn team sala gee yeah in fact I think we're going to be capturing some of it someone to look out on the channel for some pre pre release footage of that let's get yeah I just think yeah anthology is such a great format for horror generally work really well for horror games and also beyond till dawn platform which I presume they'll be using or something something a kid yeah game look really good yeah something like oh did another bad start you guys you gotta wait for the second item in the ED of turbo boost yeah like in Mario Kart also it's very rainy which makes it harder to dress very rainy here that's accurate yeah is it pulling in real-time data I don't think so because this is Shanghai okay unless he's training in Shanghai as well all right let me find out yeah I'm gonna check the weather in Shanghai John Downey says when I was at nursery I would want to drive the little Titus car but I would grab on to the door but someone else would drive that's even more tragic than my tale of just not owning one at all you've got to taste it and then didn't get to drive it either there's a 80% chance of rain in Shanghai so I'm making up places as well I'm a rain Meister that's me Sean hey says enjoy the channel guys keep up the great work so what do you think's your biggest achievement for this channel no really I think actually you know this is gonna sound horribly saccharine but I really like our community and I think we've done really well too to have a nice bunch of people to hang out with yeah we got really lucky I don't know if I'd call it an achievement I'd say yeah good luck because yeah but yes good for creating great so many people would come and watch this play at one yes indulge me also I mean it's not happened yeah but with you know we're not that far off a billion views I mean I still quietly know quite a few millions I reckon I'll be really McDonald's made a really big noise when they served a billion people than a Spicoli says I love you guys you guys the best part of my week Oxford - but Jane you're my favorite Jane Overlord forever oh and Patrick long says what news at the doomsday heists cool they were pretty good fun yeah Wow I feel like hosting skills are even rustier than usual I mean we were pretty but I still need to get the head of the number of headshots with the dual action revolvers so I can get my gun in ready oh no so you need to be like man yeah we ready make sure you get a good reason to get back into the doom sandy needs that gun you need a car I don't know when your friends right I can't just like load into DT online and let you shoot me in the head yeah that'd be fun for me do you have a video for Monday by the way bank holidays yes rage - OH HD HD I look forward to that yeah really fun nicely it remind you of bullets dawn oh yeah a little bit it's as chaotic but it's got real like you know it's made by Avalanche but like Edith clearly worked really hard to make it feel like an itchy - so if you like the way Doom feels yeah you probably know by the way rage feels it's really fun like do you love rain irritability yeah driving in this rain Mike I'm actually funny okay I'm sort of pretty being a bit more careful than I was before and I'm making up places which is good I just put an excellent move on Verstappen which I'm sure you join Riccio your neck are you burst up in him in his tracks yes I am yes how do you pronounce it Ricardo Ricardo yeah no he's breaking in eating an ice cream Ian's dad from Dawson's Creek he's doing mr. dorsen no mr. mr. Larry I imagine he's got like one of those soft-serve machine she could at Nando's oh you can probably afford one now in 2000 he's just like while he's driving well lady I can have a drink bottle so why not fill it with mr. whippy drinks motivate you did they not like drink from a little tube yeah but is connected to a bottle in the cars oh go to the bathroom right i'ma see if they didn't think to go before they left then I suppose I'm gonna turn this Formula One car around gone have you ever sat in a actual f1 car no never they don't let you new really they're very expensive I just and which could you really do I'm wondering if they're comfortable or noxious ah not really well your legs are up sort of by we are your sort of shoulder height you're kind of so reclined back in a Formula One car that yeah your legs are really a bobsled yeah a little bit yeah no you're like light sort of lying back in your clothes are up in the air that is weird yeah must feel really vulnerable I think so yeah cuz your legs adjust down the nose on a flat plane I having done a bit of racing myself you just kind of have to not think about all the things that could go horribly wrong I'm just kind of concentrate on keeping the car on the road right yeah Wow okay I was thinking the other day about Deva as I want to do yeah and lightweight she's way she she's like basically lying face down what's gelatin Bob but I wonder like doesn't have that get sore because she has to weightlifter she's like out like that I'm like we do we do not get not get really sore if you had to like lie forward to you know in the racing position really would maybe she's got some high tech like you know maybe that's why she's always jumping out of the seat because she saw yeah I mean now by the way I do love McCree but I'm just and he's real good at diva I finally accepted I'm not accurate enough to play yeah you really need to this is off youtube that you went to right yeah when I went I had some very profound realizations about my abilities there's no voice player when I went to the dark night of the soul there's a professional overwatch back with pine who is incredibly good with machree and I was like we'll never be yes I'm not gonna play in the cream o Medivh is great I have yeah I've discovered in a a new fondness of paying beaver I like a reset this is great fun to play a wrister yeah you kids um you're really good when we were playing the other day you would like holding down my control point yeah it was great just a movable field early that's all like a snow angel B tells me I can get a tomahawk in GTA 4 Red Dead Redemption too as well what else is apparently a stone tomahawk I can't remember how you get it and then someone tell me how to get it so I need to get don't tomahawk need all the things everything is possible to having oh I'd signed out I have we're back it's fine I don't know what happens in your house firing up the Xbox said go play some Zumba maybe yeah all right we're good we're good it's fine I really want to I really want a good result in this one because I'm so close I'm on the podium already but yeah I know right okay I've been passing people oh yeah and centre-back codemasters are here saying hello Mike's up in podium city yeah that's probably Aaron who looks after a podium city trying where the champagne cars are very pretty yeah road hog main here Deva means any after-school lost a friend forever oh who was it from the Philly team that plays feral oh I don't know P they were excellent oh he was good wasn't he that names slipped my mind for right now anyway J Thompson says he did a wiki Ardo on wiki otter I did yeah I just came from miles back rainy in f1 2018 and also realizing everywhere on the planet Brent Clark wants to know Jane what you think of the Buffy reboot I'm into it I'm more Buffy all the time like yeah yeah I feel like if Buffy came out now hmm I would it would just yeah I don't know it wouldn't strike me the same way as it did so perfectly about that and it needs to be a different kind of Buffy for a different age you know what yeah oh yeah okay well yes I'm available for shooting just whatever you need I mean low fare and EVIC you were this cool librarian I could be yeah Giles and the patches on the candy for Giles candy for Giles Andi for Josh that casting let's do that you know when they wanted love her first spider-man yeah dr. Boyer says Moira all day Moira is my second choice if someone's already taken either didn't she have my boy sign that's like the state of you was great her voice actresses to woman from Star Wars who plays who's the rebel leader whole day well no no the other one who's in the original Princess Leia that's cool guys I'm gonna pay him wait champagne food it's called champagne can't believe you backed up all your mouthy there any justice in this world you would've choked so hard I mean tighter wolf still please but let's see me on the podium on the podium get on there don't you Hamilton thoughts on there's me where that's what you of it wait I'm just Oh classic roughhouse what's of choosing yeah well guys first podium I don't Iike stands he says thoughts on haven't I've only played him in a non serious way well we racist him around the race is fun it feels really nice soon I'd like to be a guys super fun first podium interview great a skit where she got her mascara no okay I don't I have no idea how the team feels I try and speak to them yeah I hate what team I like that they supported me good strategy I raced I was podium finish yeah good strategy my boat yeah that's really hot any podium I certainly didn't dampen my yeah there should be a pond option in every dialogue I was like an idiot oh man the Butler says hey guys actually get stick around this week the music program it's my university has been keeping me busy sori says rain Mike stir I'll see myself out Oh Booster Gold says hello from the pnw Pacific Northwest oh nice it's been the weirdest and most delightful feat to wake up to I'm gonna set myself a rival we've been talking about Pacific Northwest with life is strange to stuff watch out for show the week on life straight to you going out after visiting live as soon as we're done here yeah I kind of want to visit the Pacific Northwest now looks really nice yeah Liberty like if you go up north of Seattle area likes nikomia hiking Makai Stillman says you're very good at inviting and communicating with your community so I'm sure I'm not sure it's completely by chance yeah everyone in the comments yeah I need people to decide whether I'm gonna do 1972 Team Lotus 72d around Brazil or a 2010 Red Bull Racing rb6 let me know now now in ICU in Germany's Hawking home ok Interlagos Paulo I do like the seventies like vintage I'm gonna check my messages well we want to bleep into that Thor dude yeah yeah I should do in the 70s um Karl I don't know who Carl is I've never talked to him before Carl says keep putting on the podium don't neglect the Rd toss oh yeah let's do some R&D though I'm going to have trained Lotus in Brazil easy pick yeah oh they recommend oak so where our ignition system is bad they recommend we develop this yes oh I'm in a development yeah cool man Lotus in Brazil is all right we're gonna do it we're gonna do it and I'm gonna develop my front wing main plane okay which seems like a bad idea because I always smear my front wing off at the beginning we don't spend all this money on fancy robes to wear a chassis all right let's go do this let's give you Brazil 1970 team travel through time yeah men like right so hard he space-time continuum to 1917 sort of the plot of anomie do s defense film called from Jack what sounds great what he sort of I think he has like a massive racing incident like crash to her and then he wakes up in the future Nick Jenkins so each of us forward in time I think it's forward in time Union we could all travel forward in time just not the time Jack Oliphant and Patrick long says check your in-game emails and hunts and bounties I seem that Cervantes that's a reference to Jack olifant is an actual Genet or a sim driver and he's a much better driver than me and I'm sure he's judging me harshly based on my performance but mike is an actual generating driver on touch hmm and he was good it didn't crash screams watch my butt yeah Jack Oliphant was racing that weekend it's not supposed to happen I'm saying these guys is it the 1972 car causing you trouble it is yes yes I'm gonna blame the record 72 car I'm no race my total driving ability I think you should stay on the road okay thanks for this historical stuff yeah he's got they've added a bunch more like historical costs they put they reintroduced in last year and had a handful of them now there's even more including like Jenson buttons title-winning Braun if you buy the winning it was called Braun yeah after the guy it's a really cool car though but yeah there's a bunch more sort of these historic cars and a bit more sort of fleshed out do you ever favour it I do like these old lotuses but um they've all very very challenging to drive compared to the new stuff which is kind of designed to be almost easy to drive because you know faster fitzy do you think those old timey drivers would get on against today's drivers if they know because basically you know I think the the state of sort of like the thing about race driving these days is all about like data and kind of analysis and things like that and improving in tiny increments and also it's a it's a much harder sort of fitness game like in the 70s you could be James Hunt and be like smoking and drinking and then just get in the car and perform pretty well like these days it's it's sort of like remember when you spoke to finn bálor and used to eat or there was a video with Finn Balor and it was like I can't have a biscuit otherwise my absolute milk in his tea but yes otherwise yeah his entire muscle system would collapse yeah it's all like that with Formula One these much training involved because there reflects reflexes because they'd be driving faster cars would suddenly need to be much faster they might have the raw potential for that but they wouldn't have trained for that yeah yeah absolutely yeah and I think you know quite a lot of again like quite a lot of modern Formula One drivers driving is being able to multitask so it's less sort of driving on instinct and feel a lot like having just sort of spare mental capacity to organize all the things on the steering wheel and stuff like that so actually it's kind of different set of skills yeah almost yeah I don't know how they get on I'm sure some of the really fast guys would still be fast but I think some guys who would be quick into a more straightforward machinery might struggling the new stuff I struggling all the stuff but I'm about to overtake this car traffic core points out that this is the most sports debate thing that has ever happened I went all for reals there for a moment Charlie Briggs says love the streams guys I watch everyone I'm supposed to be writing a personal statement you all have any tips or so hash tag team Jane oh okay personal statement like a you can I guess like a yes oh I had a friend called Adam and he wrote his yuka statement it began and then God created Adam I'd be like I've got to talk to this guy right why not war yeah yeah because most statements are gonna be pretty dull yeah yeah I guess that's advice if you can find a way to just to stand out but less obnoxious yeah yeah maybe like frame it slightly unusually if you can like make it a story about yourself yeah something that they won't have seen a hundred times today yeah yeah and I think in click try and include you know at least something in your life isn't academic because you know like hobbies and things like that you know just demonstrates that you're sort of reasonably well rounded person and you're not just all about like you know just all about the work really which I think they'd like to see I hadn't I didn't end up going in the end but I had an interview at Warwick for a creative writing course and basically for most of that interview we talked about SSX tricky and how great I got onto the interview yeah writing in an academic language I just can't I don't understand it now you get out of that like frame of mind Noah Kennedy thinks we should be the next host of Top Gear yes call us call us we'll do it yeah I will do it very very modest seven-figure sum but you will be amazed how much savings you can make you'll be amazed how much oh three years for less than the price of one steak if I had to jack Parkinson says agree about the community lovely bunch [Applause] would be so awful if you guys weren't as delightful as you are yeah yeah it really should just be stuck with us 9news hey love you guys sorry come watch live I'll watch later I don't comment much but once a show appreciation for years of entertainment I think I mentioned this the other day I don't comment a lot when I watch stuff so I appreciate that there are a lot of people watching who don't come in and that's just you know that's their thing they don't feel like commenting that is absolutely fine but we know you're there we see you we love you in a way and yeah we love you all the same wants to comment we just want to relax and watch stuff but yeah thanks for joining us all we have two hours Abidjan we are yeah the streets of Baku this is the circuit I don't know very well we'll see how it goes what's the secret Baku Baku so this is gonna be a voyage of discovery it's a really cool circuit like it's got like a castle and there are some amazing world cities with f1 yes oh yeah oh no it's all over the tracks all over Baku yeah yeah there are some really amazing sort of Street circus you could do an amazing world tour just see God that's oh I don't know where I'm going I just really don't know what make it easy and then do another well man breaking the news oh no your cars will fall in I'm like 20th and last and my car's broken there's a Singapore right yes there is you know about circuit I'm not together yeah they have a a giant cocktail bar type hotel bar thing up on top of the building looks out over the circuit which I think would be the greatest place probably to watch for morning yeah you bet you've been Singapore yes having a fun track yeah yes a bang yeah no they don't I've don't in the race there anymore ah no but it was there for many years whoa that stays realistic curbs Australia look at those buildings I regain to the old town now this is where the cost oh no where's the America world Mike where's the American Austin Texas okay cool I like these old buildings yeah they're probably heritage sites so don't smash into this one coming up those definitely heritage sites is that castle yeah Wow yeah it's like legit castle right in the middle yeah it's extremely difficult well I mean they on the track with other people I'll be able to like follow them around and maybe sneak round blue navigator lucky rally yeah hurry - I'm so sorry guys I'm so sorry I don't know this circuit I'm being caught those Porsches yeah Matt Jason says hope you guys are well we are thank you yeah pretty good and Ian Goldring says is that the film where they steal bodies from the point of yes yeah that's it free Jack yeah you don't think you Flatliners no that's that's the one where they they free jack is like they pluck people when they're at the point of death and he's like he's in this sort of racing driving a crash thing and they kind of steal him away oh I know I don't know so you can travel south good well guys we've got a lot to do well well well sound of white boys yes yes Brock Jason says Mike once the stream is wrapped up show jayn and andy a schooi i don't if i win a no i'm not gonna do a schooi I'm sorry a schooi is where you pour the champagne into your shoe and drink it out of your shoes after you've done two hours in very sweaty yeah but why it's an Australian thing why oh god I have to face the media now yeah just say like I drove purposefully bad as a joke say my team let me down are you how much I've been doing my research I did it if the team haven't sucked so hard I'm gonna say the chassis is lagging chassis departments very so I feel I don't need to practice um no when I'm this good oh yeah she's like I see I saw you slam into the wall shelf the camera managed yeah no pictures push him down get amazing clip of one pablo montoya getting bonked on the head by a camera and getting very very yeah i would be yeah that's my racing computer his wife he's mostly calm down drill spark says hey guys anyone watching six months in louisville you're an officer's content to keep me entertained while writing my PhD thesis cry king it's tuned to be doctor drill spot oh wow he says Jane woke up Kitty to beat now she's pairing a regular cats watcher to beat I love that we have a regular cat cancer for the show so sassy about that chastity development team we could be so upset but I just won't talk to them well just when I get to the factory I'll just ignore them need a see man no I've already got a see I broke it outside extra in the comments talking to Codemasters don't give up Mike do a big jump and flip onto the finish line and jump out the car and landing the podium when it's in midair I like Speed Racer yeah and then Codemasters says call it the Mike affecting game Mike writes back news I'm spooky electric says Andy so into cowboy culture hasn't been to Texas I have been to Dallas in downtown there's a bit where there's a cowboy clothing shop and even my text essence is there a really good like Wild West Town that you can go yeah people have been saying in the comments of producers like yeah but there is like Wild West towns yeah there are a few in Europe actually oh that's a tight pack yeah Mike yeah well I started from last so I can't do anything but go forwards well you're one ahead yeah yeah I've been bashed if I was that guy behind you yeah I would be T I'm quite bad at this oh you've overtaken see rockin yeah Mike's making the podium this round will see a subtle sea stroll oh you just don't worry that was that was the click robust the work harder and Van Dorn is I don't know any quick van Doorn been doing is what van Dorn's nickname is the flying waffle alright Oh drew drew this from Baku can you see yourself seems like a really good-looking city yeah it's pretty tennis hustle I watched the Halloween playlist at least once a month for a good laugh hearing and ëthere Singh my favorite was the Halloween beatbox either fear beatboxing yeah Petey yeah I really don't know where things something about singing and fear is like it's sick singing as a fear reflex yeah I think it's quite interesting I laugh as a fairy flakes yeah it's probably related to that yeah both of them will get you into real trouble if you are actually being stalked by a killer yeah so I was trying to stalk you in the dark you look maybe you'd freak them out though oh god yeah well it must be afraid of something right that's why does me they're more afraid of you oh no the guys in front of gone away and now I don't know which way the sitting come back come back show me where to go they're all really bunched up behind me okay um I'll give you one guess who is I'm like broadly interested if I'm definitely more cars than I am bikes I would say but it's very cool and what they do and what they achieve is yeah it's hard the street circuits right angle oh is cuz you're on actual city street yeah exactly yeah but two together I was like right the city wasn't built around around the track and that would be that would be the ideal way to design a city some advice here from outside extra Mike drifted around the corners and make so much tire smoke nobody else can see and they all quit and you're from France note all Ellen is oh wait no talking it's like what Kyle may have two different names yeah they simply don't we hire two people with the same name honey it's crazy our friends at RPS now yeah Andy do you know if red dare to has dual gunplay even a broken clock gets a high noon twice yeah I'm pretty sure it has dual wielding they had in the yeah trailer also the recent once what yeah he's got it it's the Max Payne so offhand means you can do a wheeled if it's anything like max yeah yeah it's cool oh that's yes here we go Morton Nielsen says High Chaparral in Sweden hmm that's the Wild West Park oh maybe maybe Rockstar would send us we can all pretend to be cowboy grumpy financing Ross our needs to do anything to promote their games week oh thanks week there's only not masters says Mike use the paddles to fire torpedoes fired that guy oh my wheel came off I need to rewind keep racing going no I'm gonna rewind just do it I'm going to rewind it with three wheels just do it and be a legend yeah wait no being the one who finished with Mike's racing feet right now we're gone and there's a whole pedal he's not using yes is that is that the Rockets one the clutch is automatically so God okay it would be good if it was rocket I see what's missing right let's go right the way back to where we were before magical wasn't automatic over for we know you've been real trouble hey you which darcel tennis is Andy are you going to be John Marston for Halloween I was still nice in two years ago it was great please same outfit right here the robot difficult no runs we saw that kid that was like cosplaying is Coast Coast Guard lifeguard McCree yeah and he had my free memory there's a skin that's like god McCree and he had like so he had like a girl summer thing wasn't it soldier 76 is like a barbecue like a phone Oh Mike you like this don't beat me Creed yeah I'm saying it's high noon when he does assault he says it's high tide oh that's pretty good good yeah shoutout to Matthew Mercer hmm yeah we were talking the other day about yeah yeah so tune in to find out cuz we'll probably end up wearing them on livestream at some point I'd imagine more advice from outside extra the wheels are only in your mind oh yes okay three wheels is two more wheels than you need what I'm saying you need one wheel you could like unicycle all the way so they never never give up Mike I see well I'm not giving up but I am getting slower I think probably I mean that's about my car quite a lot have you birthday - crayon box the great no I was 28 happy birthday and II could dress up his dog for Halloween says velcro yep I could do that we haven't discussed dressing up as each other's D&D coats it oh is it like we wouldn't need to buy costumes we just wear shorts yeah it's pretty fun Patrick long says seeing my play racing game makes me wish there was an air sim where you play as the Blue Angels or Navy Thunderbirds putting on an air show it was definitely a Red Bull Air racing like sim I think for mod for Microsoft flight sim my god my teammates you're famous despite even you guys put the red arrows when you've given them nothing but respect and affection teammates adjust I'm going flouting that Alex him and SS Holly got out of class do some time to get some Starbucks and catch the livestream I think they've got countdown we're not sponsored by the way anything that's great in gold ring says Hawks venturers versus critical role although be amazing competitive it's always better it's all people trying to be funniest that'd be pretty fun yeah like critical role cross it's yeah benches outside extra I thought that advice was wheely good but maybe I spoke too soon retired oh god they didn't even have I crashed that's how bad that pun was Luke all the wheels can't the little wheels wheels loose again DB Sebastian Castellanos it would work so well - listening yeah yeah I wouldn't mind that's a cool outfit it's good good one baby note that one yeah I would like a track I know next time just finished me a little I will I will finish and be a legend look at them more behind me the jerks you've got to do that thing where they mentally run the track in their mind before yeah I would that would help if I knew which way the track went when you cook you collided with Serena's man-bird finish the formula you race with three wheels no excuse mike says he did he lose the fourth wheel like an inch from the finish line he wasn't far away Locke says the only wheel you need is here in my heart oh yeah my chest wheel magnet and David whether it says the wheels were inside you the whole time I'm gonna run out flashbacks yikes have to retire the crew too is an air same rights as Internet traffic cop which is torture I wouldn't call it a sin but okay Mike Scott no downforce he's gonna take off and then fly to the finish line yeah that's how it works I mean that that probably faster than what it says you could say mike is winging it I'm not winging it I'm winging a part of a car yeah yes front and rear named small parts what's this part the halo the halo that's like a safety that's like a safety cage but yes or yeah it's not a safe is a roll cage well not quite oh you went in the pits Oh hardly Eric nemesis paranoia is a co-op adventure with in Party PDP and guidelines instead of actual rules I heard yeah someone said made it sound pretty cool yeah that's my final accident nothing that guy looks so upset he just witnessed a spectacular crash you should be I've got plenty of flashbacks it's fine yeah paranoia sounds real good yeah surreal Orwellian I like the idea of guidelines rather than rules I thought Nene was all rules well no kind of guidelines that's all what the DM is described is it's about storytelling first Jack Parkinson says Andy you should be crisp and Findus for Halloween which is a character I played or an episode of formatting Steve's amazing week that's just me act in fact wearing these glasses with my hair up I mean I don't know how many people at the harem party would know who that was but yeah maybe you could send emails around first yeah who is Crispin Findus he was the director of I crashed no but what's the name of reference yeah oh it was a name we made up could have made us laugh because it sounded like that's what it's reminding me thank you know now that now the picture is complete and also I'm cuz I was like why does that name make me hungry I just yeah crispy pancakes right outside extra hero or advice take just the back two wheels turn them sideways right a victory on your improvised motorbike okay like sort of like Batman's kind of oh yeah I'm feeling the batboy this is good well I've had a shocking weekend that back ooh I feel like my championship is all over yeah but I think I don't think they should let you this should affect your ill deserve confidence on the mic that's true yes yeah it's all about redoubling my arrogance you got to be like Muhammad Ali II got to get back there tell everyone you're the greatest okay I will do that I will do exactly that yeah you got hexed she's really gonna you have a go at me about not practicing see see this is really when the practice sessions would have really helped I think probably Oh God almost that great says thoughts on games come this year yeah get you were there yes pretty busy yeah it was very busy and he's always like full of people I don't know that there's as much news was expecting from Gamescom but but what was that was good you know and it was great to play all those games myself is it good it's kind of a cool show although there's a lot of like viewing and you know even just like what every single game just has a massive key so I don't know what it's like if you go as a sort of consumer and try and key up for games you might only play like one thing a day but but note for me like seeing stuff like cyberpunk playing him and teef myself so I wasn't at e3 it was all really good again we all seem to scare a bit gaming he's super sick at the moment but watching guys here we go alright I'm not looking forward to this one let me tell you something about hülkenberg look where he's going he's look what's going Brendon Hartley I'm not sure I don't know what Torre Russ increased you have any comments about the should I blame it on inconsistent power delivery yes or the car was really enough to avoid it and the power unit Department sound awesome too close he's been a thorn in my side it's gonna be one two three right here in the middle of the Ring and you should become a full moon drives have said some very rude things to each other great yeah fairly recently I don't think they can be repeated on scripted stream Oh quite funny f1 fans will know why I'm referring to you why is everyone talking about ice cream Oh robust people what their favorite frozen food is and obviously ice cream is is this because of the crispy pancake thing yeah might be actually that's frozen right yeah oh god I've got to negotiate my contract and my properties really minigames in qualifying what should I suggest my qualifying position would be you want me to say I need to be part o expected race position one I want to be the first driver of the glory of me Mike yeah all right what can I do that yep do i won oh yeah two yachts I proposed contracts oh they're negotiating oh it's too valuable maybe I should get my race bonus down to the vine how about this how about that I walk away and start a new career is it oh oh I went too low oh and they agreed I'm terrible we've got 25 minutes left and I think it might be time to see what track do you want to do Jane do you have any runways what's the one most like a runway mom's okay we're getting we're gonna give you a go then let's go on forever attended with Monza so I'm very fond of it but it's got probably the fewest corners but it's quite quick okay I mean surely it's quite quick if I Drive fast yes she as she Cook says the power unit is awesome at least according to my friend who works there at Mercedes oh wow their power unit is smoothly and regularly yeah that problem as I'm sure a bomb wants to know Mike what do you do to stay in shape well I like climbing and I go to the gym that's about it relief to us and I have not been doing either as much as I would like to recently so I do need to do a bit more of that I'm going to give you yeah so we're gonna get to Monza yeah and stabilizers on which is coming up soon actually and then I will put some stabilizers on for you how about always joking about stabilizing something I'm gonna put make the assist on a midnight okay so there you go Jane I've must assess business might make it a train with that new contract okay for the mic Channel hello no gloves to you I'm sorry what sorry rageous I'm gonna blame it on the gloves what's the track in Canada Montreal lovely city I've cycled run that you can if you rent a bike or whatever you can which button is the speed and which is the right foot is the speed and left right is the speed foot button left is the stop okay it's the Grand Prix means Italia what are all these finger buttons for press the a one yeah yeah one of them is myself sunrises very pretty Jam dev says please let Jane drive very slowly around a circuit in heavy rain it's a classic this is comfy I would just sit in this movie yeah okay just follow those guys Mike head mate my car No Go button ok so when it goes red you want to break someone else sort of science good every time I had signed his name I think is the song weird science from the film weird science already I think you can be flats all the way to here yeah and then I'd break you get into this corner yeah okay how are you finding the old the steering why is my car trying to drive itself speed is your God now okay so how do I flashback if he should come up automatically and if you hold the brake pedal down your pedal that should bring it back and then if you hit X okay right right are you back in the game throw your helmet at the mrs. Raymond me okay okay oh no I really start on that corner again that's right you question what's the roads whoa gasping sounds like all right it's hard isn't it it's hard this gravel is like not super good since I turned out no no no Ronnie : yeah yeah oh yeah there we go yeah car who's your bus now car okay brake god you gotta give me a warning car gravel blast why didn't I just make the road why don't say putting crab a bit straighter and straighter and he was the big straight yeah yeah oh this is good Jane yes kids that's the Ascari chicane isn't really no officer oh sorry yes now floor it I think it's flawed press the foot a big corner coming are okay drift Tony gets back that's a bit of your suspension that's gone there well I don't need to spin shouldn't all right what do I need a break I told sir flashback yeah ready break now just gently with this all like throttle yeah like accelerator now oh okay see accelerate around the corner smoothly no they drive on the grass yeah they don't like the guys that's the pits oh don't worry about that you stay on the glove boxes okay no glove box no there's no sweets no quick no boiled sweets Oh signs he's come out the pits Bible special yes oh my god thanks that's horrifying obviously he's slumped on the accelerator pedal that while he was an ice-cream as well so yes good good braking yeah yeah but now I'm stationary that's breaking yes eventually it does go fantastic corner that was yeah Easter fool says go Jane destroy that track yes leave nothing on revving car the stereos a bit liven is mmm [Music] [Music] has all the signs of a classic the rear wheels never come off just because I don't smash them Oh the exact same bad thing is before [Applause] fanaticism pretty the saints row yes signs row yeah if you hold on the brake pedal yeah okay now I looks like things are already going wrong at this flashback in the break hard flashback and then break car well hold down the brake yeah hold on the brake yeah well I mean Jay hasn't finished her race yeah okay go back go back I think maybe the flashback even the flashbacks no no like this was your birth right standing up hard on the brake pedal hit the X button and hope and steer learn to warm up do you want a restart oh no I'm gonna get out of this one like oh yeah we go record that here you go for keeping me afloat love you guys copy to help in gold ring system you Mike ever play f1 career challenge on the original Xbox [Music] someone talk to my wheels to you until steam remember Sam Jones just had to go for an emergency dentist appointment they managed to chip a molar thanks guys alright let's go you really have to blame the quality of the wheels ok yeah your brake is good you just gotta be careful on the throttle you can't just like floor it now you guys [Music] yes yeah yeah that's how I Drive in every other racing game keep left yeah everyone has that first racing game they they play where their friend was like no you actually have to break in this one and this is definitely a game where you have to brake button take down talking of braking edible chrome spray yeah cooking spray yeah I sure that's a new channel members Nick Jeffery and Haley Thompson thanks for joining ok ok ok ok ok breaking yeah not too much not too much yeah good yeah nice bit of mustard juice juice in musti's add a bit of us that's the juice rubber bear rubber bit of spice on it yeah yeah it's nice keV a grande down breakages mostly fine okay shine all right these are the corners you get out right oh yeah yes and look at that he's at the corners of our lives Stampin send it yes and you will what just someone's used the prudence emoji and said Jane when driving your scowling demon face it helps me drive it's just a nice scenic excursion into Oh top solution is round side extra here yeah just start the race with a hundred wheels then it won't be a problem you're gonna have to deal with a lot of traffic coming through quite quickly well they can try and get past me Mike just let them pass racing works you need to weave across the track maybe lost the real o2 right wheel can you are you allowed to have a hovercraft at the bottom also you can just go along without Lenny wheels no I think it's allowed and regulations I did have a plan points out the amazing thing is you're not lost your 19th is yes yeah I think it's because you took someone out on the first turn because I'm and it's I'm actually a science has been back into the pits doesn't he yeah it's how traumatic it was a gentle meets all right yeah okay now now football yay don't you need there we go it's not too bad he wants this what's me Red Bull yeah yeah yeah what about you cigarettes re-sprout ice cream sandwiches yeah there are ice cream sandwich company you got some penalty for not letting the faster car through there thank you they get past me Yeah right I'm weave across the direction we drift sideways across the track create a barrier no no they matched up you yeah you just didn't go yes oh those the bits of your car from the last time yes I'm just shedding enough parts that eventually I'll be maybe a massive hazard for the other drivers oh right let's just see me Shh doesn't that like it spent in f1 counts towards your driving licence train so you okay cool you will be able to drive a car someone forward this to thee you again right Ram him in the back okay I will oh well let me just get around this corner yeah that's good yes that police chopper out for me yes yes Racing police the bit where you killed one of your fellow drivers so methanol says you could probably get sponsored by a wheel company because of my constant unsafe driving this sport has lost it so well I'm looking forward to the interview is there anything else you want to do with the game should we drive one of the retro cars yeah let's have a retro go okay all right I'm gonna jump it back in and but it's so comfortable this country has such good lumbar support look at the felt on the bottom of that trophy that looks pretty good that's the that's the real where's Jane why isn't she getting any shame well you did finish ahead of a lot of that's right ask the guys but they were all on the lap ahead of you so what well though you were in front of them on the track but they were all allowed to just how tracks were Mike goes round around trying to be encouraged oh okay I see some retro classic f1 cars the old stuff yeah yeah what do you fancy Roxanne says you were too good for f1 Jane they have too many rules cowards you know hide your Mansell's 1992 James freaking out over there he's loving it scruffy says Jane more suited to NASCAR perhaps yeah you know Scott would have me yeah probably they'll have a show anyone who could afford to write I'm gonna turn some those things off again I don't we're racing at spar which is the grumpy this weekend don't know who Nigel Mansell is Mike explain who is a British world champion racing driver from Birmingham and he had a moustache he did have a moustache yeah that's why everyone knew him yep yeah he was mainly them he was more mustache than man I would say really by the end have aerodynamic properties that enhanced his rating I think it would have just increased drag save crumbs and that gave him the power to be the muscular driver he was he was likely an both yes you sweat a lot when you race right yeah you just Jen I mean me - yeah okay do I do like weigh-ins and like they do but I think they take into account the fact that you lose about a kilo of that's why I was wondering how much sweat are you sweating out in a race lots Wow yeah some when I was racing I was like 30 degrees ambient temperature because a really sunny day and I think people saying it's another 20 degrees in the car what and you're like work is dangerously hot that's like well it's not a sauna but it's my way no wind show of the week zone show the week will be on not long after this slide just my life stream you know so again we will do it it's like my retro dials and stuff I do watch out for that major risky Easter fool says there's always monster truck rallies okay that would be more my speed so this is uh coercion then resilient I see this is official because it's from code masks yeah it says if you drive one of Manson's cars and f1 2080 his mustache takes damage you can break it off if you look if you look down your avatar has like just a big mustache under your eyes break right it was good I like it oh this cars great I wish all cars felt this good this is lovely how smooth is an f1 wheel how do you mean how smooth how smooth or rough is an f1 real well pretty pretty smooth like they have power steering so it's not like wrenched out of their hands and stuff okay obviously as the cornering speeds go upside it so does the sort of hey you know force that you're quite working again I'm smashing this it's almost like this was a totally op4 normal she totally fooled Buller says what do I think about it but Mike's D&D characters kids although I wish he would run his plans about bombs hey you know we've not died yet which is my like fairly low bar for success as far as such an excellent circuit if you ever go Charlie it's nice ganderton here went to 1992 British GP Oh mental signature oh oh my god got to watch the track invasion yeah so when he when he won everyone just plate invaded the track in cool like we just gathered around his car actually makes my stash good luck it's like the Blarney Stone you have to kiss his mustache EQ this isn't the gift of the gab wait we need to see what exactly I want to see a replay of that school's inquiry yeah I think it was Hulkenberg right let's see let's see that again play finesse that yes no yeah no 720 hikes outrageous well I'm having a flashback for that yeah are you sponsored by the movie elf no I'm sponsored by the oil company L oh okay say that was now in 1992 no it wasn't right okay here we go Connor Flannery says you hit mustache by now okay it's better this time okay good since that jet doesn't clip you yeah it's fine we good we're safe it was Sophie Neveu sir yeah no wait was it Sophie Neveu Clips you or not I know is that I think is the person in the lead probably we p1 schooi on the horizon again I feel invested do you know a real person no that's a cool name it is quite cool yeah okay flat through here that's easy flow whereabouts is this place Belgium Oh for us ah it's gonna say yeah after you I had some more fruit hello this collusive give him a nudge give me a little tap just enough so he you know he knows you're there like this yeah now you're helping him you make him go faster now yeah we see stuff that's their stuff I think he's probably off the road now he's doing very small greenshell backwards try and pick up a star I've got to catch these guys Shirley I'm so not doing a fury I'm Tara sorry but that should be an option yeah an option in the dialog thing yeah just in front of the interviews watch this Chewie it's like some EU has Mike seen Senna yeah it's brilliant yeah it's really good it has some really interesting like footage that I hadn't seen before cool and obviously said it was amazing right this is going well yeah yeah I'm gonna catch Sophie live I searched there in more modern cars so I feel like I'm advantage yeah yeah well this thing real really vibrates when you were yeah I feel like I could kick the wheel off a Formula One car could destroy it like you're not in that level in Street Fighter see my a very great cartoon the thing I have target fixation with with racing cars when I'm near them is that you know the front wings like quite low yeah carbon-fiber yeah I always worry I'm just gonna trip yeah step on it and it's just your foot will go right through it right hundred grand a bomb says when will you shave your beard Andy and when I get around to it I need to find the charger for my beard trimmer is that the thing that's holding you back yeah I put it somewhere turn up turn up here we go liver seriously Williams part from a good couple of years later than mine which is why it's faster are you feeling about an overtake on Levasseur pretty good if I can get in on the chemistry that would be great okay good run out of here yes excellent acceleration no no so much she's getting all small and in the distance oh it's finally I'm gonna get her back look she said she's gonna break through here I'm sure how about no no about nones all right if I get far enough then the penalty will be like yeah I'm not handing my position back bad luck keys fair and square yeah I mean unfair and square three second time penalties her by 3 seconds you should've at the corner if ya cut it yeah you don't get it in like the Olympics it's like oh that was an illegally good somersault win no thanks I just need to be at by 3 seconds and then we're fine Yeah right that says option for the after race interview a schooi throw your shoe at claire the interviewer she puts up with so much no hard job to do too outside extra wants to know why you're not using the nitrous nitrous pedal there is no nitrous I'm sorry I'm sorry there's no nitrous there's no blue flames out the back there's no none of that this is serious sport guys take it seriously okay Oh God oh it's fine people saying I need to go for God of War with the beard oh man yeah like our friend of the channel that rx has got a full God of War be no yeah he's amazing great beard game saw him at Gamescom he's doing well yeah his channel out if you like destiny a monster hunter he's big into those two eyes emo hasta says were you guys are terrible but misspells terrible no well what all I guess this is how many more laps of you two more likely more laps all right we started a bit late so it's 6 o'clock but we can finish this race yes let's finish this race and then and then we'll wrap up because I need to know a whether I can get in front of this guy and B whether I can beat Sophie Levasseur ok your nemesis so if you leave us her it's her fault for parking on the apex of light i imagining she's like a sexy Bond villain s oh yeah but also a Formula one racer she's so cool yeah there have been no female Formula One drivers by the way yeah everyone forgets but I think the last one was in 1992 and I bought lombardi when they have existed and there's some great drivers coming up ranks right imitating Joey Trebek in gold ring says a woman competing in f1 Jane clearly made up no no you said her name they just sent they want at Brands Hatch Jamie Chadwick yeah Jamie Chadwick at the race weekend I was racing at a few weeks ago so yeah she's got a good chance and is that like a weight advantage because like it's it's advantageous to be light right yeah I think they in the end you know in this at this sore level they may have a way both the car and the driver together I think oh so you're not allowed to have a weight advantage no but it is still an advantage because basically if you're light yeah then to make the makeup the minimum weight you can put the ballast where you like be more sort of selective okay okay you can fit a boxing they don't make the lighter boxer like strapped on a bunch of extra training in fact what happens in boxing isn't it the people from a higher weight class then like starve themselves just before to get into a slightly well yeah you have to fit into your weight class yeah so I guess it's a different thing fine yeah being small and light that's why like loads of racing drivers look like well knows Hamilton's very like spelt right yeah that's very slim yeah and that Sam bird guy that was mentioned earlier he's very very short and I mean there's an upper limit on height right yeah yeah Jane we give a shoutout to John keepers son Daniel he's 16 months Oh baby don't know quants know why you don't transform into a giant robot and attack the other cars I mean it's so simple knowing the regs it's gotta be for something I'm like you all these theories for what the third pedal is I like never playing a game that you could let a 60-month year-old kid watch yes yeah it's quite nice yeah I mean all that horrible crashing was maybe yeah yeah kids don't know what car crashes I'm a bombs if I remember seeing a video of Mike driving a car with a PlayStation controller what was that like oh yeah really confusing so break my brain so I was in a car behind I behind the car you ya remotely like a remote-control car is just the strangest strange feeling and when I went into a corner of it hot and kind of got the back end out and I think I was like hovering his hand over the emergency stop button and he said if you do that again I'm stopping it yeah I kind of upset them but then I tell the guy who came up with the idea and he was like that was awesome so I mean listen to choose to listen to him rather than captain safety man the most boring superhero yeah exactly why aren't you in first me I'm trying Andy look I'm setting purple sectors but I mean you're setting purple so it's still not clear on what a purple sector is but this is my trajectory yeah just saying words it doesn't mean like you're on on track for your fastest lap or something yeah you're you're so green sector is like your fastest yes sector yes circuit a purple one is like is the fastest of all so any of the other driver so if you're sending a purple sector it's the fastest of any of the drivers but lost the race the question is yes I mean you might have yeah well yeah that was some F 1 2018 live do we get to SAS anyone not after this race no Sophie Levasseur probably sassing else in the drivers she came forth yeah all right well thank you so much for joining us do you have any more comments before the end to any last-minute ones last minute shout outs shout out witch hunt in 1991 and Patrick long nice guys our Thompson says if I know you guys are streaming I'd have made an effort to wake up earlier sleep or rocksbox I know I face that same every day yeah but yeah thanks everyone for watching yes this indulging of Mike's racing that yes yes oh yeah this has been brought to you by outside exports and sponsor F 1 2018 thank you to loading server well for hosting us thank you to bizarro for providing the racing seats and please do like and subscribe if you enjoyed this hit the note Bell yes to receive notified whenever we go live and whenever we make a video which is fairly frequently but will we promise not to be annoying about it and yeah thank you for watching we'll see you next time bye everyone bye bye have a nice weekend
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 55,208
Rating: 4.9330759 out of 5
Keywords: f1 2018, f1 2018 gameplay, f1 2018 release date, f1 games, f1 2018 game, f1 2018 game trailer, f1 2018 trailer, live, live stream, f1 2018 live stream, f1 2018 livestream, sponsored content, driving game, racing game, formula 1 game, formula one game, mike channell, outsidexbox, outside xbox, career mode
Id: LVjX7tBaIO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 50sec (6950 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 24 2018
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