How Hard Is Real F1 Qualifying in F1 2018? Let's Play F1 2018 (Sponsored Content)

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hello welcome to outside Xbox I'm Mike and welcome to a video brought to you by outside Xbox and sponsor f1 2018 now I love formalin and I love Forman one games but I want to try something I've never tried before and that is to use a current Formula one game to try and qualify on the grid for an actual Foreman on race so one way to do is take the real-life qualifying times and see if I can do well enough at a circuit and and qualify on the grid the circuit I've chosen is Paul Ricard because it's brand new this year and that's new and exciting and it's obviously brand new to the game as well it's circuit haven't been used since the 1980s so I'm going to be learning it as well as you guys are because it is it is brand new for 2018 I've chosen Lewis Hamilton's car he scored his 75th pole position at the French company this year so I'm gonna give myself as much of an advantage as possible because I used to be quite tough you know Formula One drivers best in the world you know the only bondage I have is that there are zero consequences if I fling it off the road oh and I also been doing a bit of racing myself I don't know if you know and I've brought my actual racing gloves because I'm a painful nerd about this stuff so let's get going so this is eatable Paul Ricard in the South of France the time we're looking for is a 133 7 to 9 which is the time set by long stroll is a slowest time in qualifying for the actual Grand Prix so if I can eat that technically basically I should be hiding zip on one driver I think so we're going left here by fast life functions on the circuit down to 4th see what we can open my account with down quite a few years there I think and three another one there or two or three why arts to myself and keep it on the road one of the big problems is going to be chat limits and it's a problem in real life for me more as well because obviously if you Ralph the track and you're deemed to have gained an advantage then your time will be deleted so I need set up not just a fast lap at a clean lap my gears down there and then another one it's a little bit tight into the apex there whether early it's like compromise I run down the straights then there's a very very fast right-hander coming up here just have to hang on for dear life there and then send it into this one down a few gears down a few more fine key things for the second apex is the double apex corner probably the best corner on the circuit I've run wide and run wide just trying to keep it on the road there so that was not great and this is to fly and also the complex it's all painfully slow around the last between the corners of this circuit get the run hit the RS try not to bounce at the rev limiter okay thirty six seven so that's three seconds we need to gain that seems doable just get my focus okay well we're already a second up through the first corner alone which is a good start that's however is not so great second man I've really made a meal thing for me love this I can't you see the advantage I just came to the first horn I'm disappearing let's we caught in a second it's not too bad actually down here you get out five gears and then a 6-1 and then try and get a good run out of the chicane without compromising your exits down this massive straight flat bit that's the easy bit really I like that corners nicely this one a bit more challenging that felt nice though nice it let's cut that chalk to 1/2 wide on the exit that was not to get every last corner but lo one thirty Six's new fastest lap okay progress to be made still send that in a bit early down another gear lost time and I've run off the track see those are the track limits I talked about real nightmare so I'm behind and mile a person's house but I will use it as practice and we'll see how we get on there's so much finally made up through this bit in fact look although I'm not on a valid lap I am already a half a second up on that time and sprinting towards the DRS stones a DRS to drag reduction system certain points in the circuit in qualifying you could just hit your DRS button and the rear wing opens and you get way less drag which makes it much faster down the straights and the ratio a little more restrictive about when you can use it for the qualifying long as you hit the DRS zone you can use it and it's be so patient this corner but then if you leave it too late the track pulls away from you and then you're compromised anyway so there's basically a one very very precise line through that corner and I haven't hit it yet obviously I said have done some racing this year that doesn't mean I am good really I just showed up with my eye sometimes in some really I'm definitely nowhere near the quality of a real-life Formula One driver okay can't breathe on the throttle a bit they're like lift and therefore what okay that's invalid I was celebrating too much having got something a bit more right and I went off the road that's not so great yeah felt good as well really on those downshifts you're just clicking through them it's like you know you're not lingering in any gear at all you just bang them down the gearbox it's a bizarre feeling no other racing game has you changing gears as quickly as this one okay so that was a good time that was in the 35 but it was not valid so why there was that one all right I'll bail out of that one let's go back and restart so challenging even just to get on the grid in a full moon race I mean I'm sure there are faster guys than me out there playing these games but bear in mind you can actually do pretty well if you switch all the driving aids into the default setup is the controller and has a bit of braking health and things to stop you from you know completely losing it through pretty accessible I wouldn't go as far as to say your grandma could do it but it's pretty great caps are their battles I'll keep in touch in there but now that's it all up them get one thing right and then eight different things wrong no I might focus focus on what you're supposed to be doing rather than chatting the RS up the gears chance of hang around on the limiter turned in man a little bit of a breeze there worked quite well some up almost a third of second idea bang on the lineman otherwise at least I'm I definitely lost finding this game is definitely more times than having them down to just a quarter second advantage so I'm have to really make it up in the second half of the lap to make any kind of decent progress [Music] I've seen nice big art there we go wanna do that Oh can that call out okay that's looking pretty good and in fact that's a blinder clean 1:34 that's not bad at all all right okay where can I get in time well bits down the just before the main straight I can definitely gain time and I can definitely gain time through the chicane as well okay so just let's find one more second pretty much and I'll live efficiently qualified on the grid and all those football teams to start ringing me I guess okay hit the RF bang on the button near the upper second already but I'm probably gonna throw it all the way you know it's bouncing all the stockelman breaks that felt pretty cool actually and then slower than you think through here that's good that felt good and then not lose it all in the last corner I've come down to neutral what an idiot I washed it all the way I can't believe I threw that one away unbelievable panicked in the final corner and got off my rhythm and stuffed it up but what's to be encouraged by there and I think the key is patience really you just want to attack every single corner and actually a lot of them require just that little bit of patience wait until you just at the apex before you bang the power on and cats fall out in the corner okay that's pretty bad not quite the massive games I had please leave up I'm still up Oh on the DRS seven-tenths I will totally take seven tents got with the RS button one idiot alright well that was a clean lap and a slight improvement but not quite a massive games we need to get hold of [Music] not bad not bad at all suppose we 926 to tense to tension and I'm on the grid and those two times could come from pretty much everywhere anywhere because I'm pretty much slow we'll take the way around the circuit so now you tense up that's enough and then down to second don't take too much curb strain out still got my three tens come on come on come on come on washed out of it there but I've still got time don't too much calm Drs on 3/10 is that it 163 670 I've qualified on the grid I've done it yes eat that long stroll access if it means news I'm an otaku so we could stop there but if I could just shave a bit more time off less than a second or I can qualify top 10 so Kevin Magnussen's time was a 1:30 to 9:30 so that's less than a second from the lap time I just put in so if I can manage that that'd be amazing I feel pretty pleased myself top 10 then really the formal on teams would have to stop voting so follow me on this lap though been talking to you guys so let me do a flying lap and see if we can get a bit more time like that time while something out pops open up lost it all lost it all I know I need to do first corner can see it it's there for the taking edge just a matter of actually getting my arms and legs to do it shooting down in third fourth actually they oh my gosh that is close that is how much I got to get to to get in the top ten one thirty three zero two zero one thirty two nine to zero 1/10 1/10 and I've got it how close is definitely attempting minute I'm sure of it come on got to do this I'm not terrible here's the full body no by the tool come on come on come on just needed tied into the lab [Applause] walk on a couple more corners on the foul on the power DRS on the power come on come on yes 3262 oh that's your lap that's your top ten lap around the Paul Ricard circuit 1f 1 2018 might spoil myself by actually having a race now how about that all right so let's do a race I have qualified 6 which is right in the middle of the pack the AI difficulty is on 90 which is quite hard but I'm gonna do my best hopefully have some good battles and I said it's a sunrise but I think it'd be pretty so let's do this okay the you've run into turn one isn't too long so the pack will be bunched up then yeah yeah I bet it will I bet it will be bunched up on having been through that corner several times by optimal lives or down a bit there I'm getting swamped absolutely swamped Jerez in with God okay try round the outside that's not too bad actually it's don't comets well crikey that was a bit close my liking to be honest well contact with this happen massive massive crossed up moment there please come out there okay when I probably need to change it under work okay seventh place could be much worse now free take whatever I can get after that he's mad first corner okay so they're getting funky start which is good which means I can keep up with it and enjoy but sort of 8/10 wrong with the levántense surrounded to get like hearing right though that's the hardest thing you're changing gears every sort of split second gritty anything where you're not on your usual line or you know trying to put a move on someone you've got to keep getting your gears right I mean unless you mean is automatic is sort of gt4 got a steering wheel I think I'm losing it okay out looks good isn't too bad [Music] or they're battling up off of the front distracted kept it in note need to be a few little gears lower loan from that see they're battling is slowing them down which is great for me still no DRS and comes in after a couple of laps so poor boy snapping on Hulkenberg what's happening Oh at a moment get out of it geez keep the toe stay on the back of them is this mad yeah might be bit a bit ill-advised off damage my front wing my man but I am pass hülkenberg with a little bit of contact I'll be honest be careful with the point wing you taking some minor damage minor dodge hopefully it's not going to affect me too much by ruining to look after that front wing now any more contact it might well be good night vena cavas trf now I do not hit him stepping through here wide ideal and just stay in DRS range I've got a chance of the main straight it's got a good exit it's a really good exit actually that might be what me too much what just just got it that's the DRS and hopefully that should bring some light gap back to the guy behind me 'he's got it as well hold somebody's coming back at me he is not happy about what happened before he's ever done it he's overcooked it unbelievable that was brilliant you probably overdid it into that corner and like locked up a bit and I got back past him no he's awesome it's lights back on the Stefan but do you think my front wings hurting a bit luckily there's a bit of a gap behind the business Hulkenberg Zahra so I can focus on chasing rather than being I mean speed chase doesn't someone coming after you are than the medieval sentence being chased I've been stayin DRS range again it's a great launch I like porno really good launch again just our DRS Ranger just gasping fair enough okay final lap unless he makes a big mistake I don't know if I can catch him yeah no DRS for Mikey this lap but go good just into hülkenberg I'd have to mess it up pretty spectacularly not to get keep all the sixth place from the staff and have an engine failure let's be fair I have damage on my front wing which was only 90% my fault I would say Bettles crossed the line this will be my turn in a second there we go it's a checkered flag that's probably the hardest for sixth place I've ever had in a racing game so yeah that's pretty good what about afternoons work okay thank you so much for watching this video brought to you by outside Xbox and sponsor f1 2018 and thank you for indulging my f1 nerdiness I've had a really good laugh actually so like and subscribe if you enjoyed this and we will see you next time
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 84,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: f1 2018, gameplay, let's play, paul ricard, french, french grand prix, F1, formula one, formula one 2018, f1 2018 gameplay, qualifying, race, quali, pole position, laptime, xbox one, ps4, PC, sim, simulator, simracing, sim racing, arcade, racing game, driving game, official, challenge, difficulty, AI, lewis hamilton, lance stroll, kevin magnussen, nico hulkenberg, max verstappen, circuit, track, new track, new circuit, wheel, pedals, real f1, real qualifying, mercedes, red bull, renault
Id: kIKWFG7i7Tc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 22sec (1342 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 14 2018
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