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all right I think we are alive for f1 2018 first impressions here on the Xbox one I got this last night so this is kind of like a first or I would say probably like a second or third impression really cuz I played at midnight last night right when the game came out and it's quite good really really good actually I'm quite happy that I can use my Logitech G 920 wheel on it I'm really happy about that and yeah so what we're gonna do first is we're just gonna you know strap in and do a race and then we'll kind of open it up to the chat to see what you want to see next so I've been playing around with the classic f1 cars we're certainly gonna play around with those today but I'd like to do the modern ones to start off with since this is kind of technically the point of the game to drive the modern f1 cars and yeah we got it we got a meme it up we got to be Fred and he's even complete with this camo hat in this one so um yeah yeah so we'll be Fred and now you hands oh and I know chat where should we race first I'm thinking like a track that's decent that's nice but we'll see it's always gonna i've always gonna wait up for the chat to to catch up before I make my choice I see Silverstone so we'll go to Silverstone where is it fairness it's not say it's not called silver Silverstone it's called Britain and we'll go no qualifying next let's do one shot qualifying at least we'll keep it on 90 and we'll do five laps just to make it so that it's quick well do clear for now official start time and we'll advance up everybody wanted to see Germany all right well chilled ooh Germany next how about that will do Germany with plaster Wow I smacked my elbow on my desk where my mic is held Anonymous doesn't watch NASCAR anymore all right now what's cool about this is that you will hear oh I got to skip the FIA stuff and remember to do that because I got the last stream taken friggin down when I did the did the last livestream okay all right so 91 people watching right now if you are watching be sure to hit the like button on it if you are enjoying in the stream so far I don't get the like the Star Wars wipe transitions though that's very strange also why is the Williams colors like light blue like it's so weird they couldn't add the red martini stripe to it it's like we know what it is we know what that team sponsored by feedback rhe feedback BTW David happy 30k says what in Carnation and I will say thank you could not have done it without you alright so let's do the one-shot D qualifying will drive Fred's car [Music] okay so Hamilton on the pole oh very very light through there or staying up with Louis though oh that was close so you do have to manage like ers and stuff in this game and that definitely is a difficult thing to get managed obviously it's not going to matter all that much in the short race that we're doing 17th place that sucks well we're at least faster than Seurat can at least at the moment as you saw I do have these on 90% AI so that's an excuse right oh and I probably wasn't using DRS where I should have been I think there's places where you can use DRS so I've totally blown that we're already back up to 10th and I blown it that was a massive choke huh somebody says I'm gonna get taken down for the intro sequence I don't think the inch I skip the intro sequence the martini stripe isn't there due to no alcohol sponsorship line the game yeah I'm well aware of why it's not there I'm gonna turn this down because I feel like it's kind of the actual TV is actually causing a little bit but what if I called it press f to pay respects to David's pervy lab well it wasn't a perfect lap so it's alright of course stop will qualified 11th where I was about to qualify I was gonna qualify around there but it didn't happen when is my next race my next race is some day I was actually originally going to drive out today because it was it's a doubleheader at Newcastle Motorsports Park but I couldn't convince my teammate that football is less important than racing so unfortunately my schedule racing wise is kind of determined at least at the moment by what my teammate Kyle's schedule is and unfortunately he s boy football so that's fine they did say though if we could find a sponsor they would we would do the rest of the races and I almost had a sponsor going and then they stopped returning my emails which was fantastic so just a part of the fun of racing I suppose all right speaking of fun of racing let's see what we can do going officer NASCAR 48 is racing tomorrow yeah will I be racing you officer NASCAR 48 if so please get out of my way that's some great echo yeah it's gonna echo I don't know what to tell you because the TV's picking it up and that's also being picked up on the game does that make sense and actually I've been driving the the Toro Rosso they go after the sequence with the drivers really ah I just give it well you know if they take it down they take it down you get to see it live now so if they take this down screw screw the FIA that's a good way to get them to because I want to actually show the freakin game instead of the damn not the game and this is part of the game and I really do like the fact of course they'll be able to ask our III stream cable if you're asking that I really like that they added the f1 theme to this really appreciate that of course people are going to get upset that uh that it's at going probably through this entire thing maybe that will stop the the whole sorry I apparently these guys are youtubers to everybody all like they're reporters like the new stuff they're all youtubers I don't know exactly who they all are but apparently they're how excited are you for seeing Jimmy Garoppolo Buchholz tomorrow I'm kind of pissed off at the Colts right now because of the controversy surrounding Derek Bailey and I'm not gonna get into it but there's some nonsense going on that kind of stems from the Colts organization but again I love the the atmosphere they put into this thing with the with the music like that's like it's like the TV broadcast and that's the way if sports games should be how do you feel about burnouts and that's carry three I'm glad they finally put them in so people will stop asking for them I mean I don't care that much doesn't matter to me all that that much that all you can celebrate the celebrate the friggin when I get it it's fine but I mean it wasn't like a huge thing that I was particularly excited about that's Radeon actually god I'm so sick of that mean meme I am so sick of that meme it's so annoying it's so annoying all right here we go we're ready to go racing at Silverstone and the clutch is out or underway man I always spin up the rear tires when I'm driving the the modern cars and lock up the brakes there behind Leclaire fact I lost two positions I almost the positions that Leclaire and stroll but it's okay because I made up a bunch on the inside whoo-hoo that's contact with strong thank you stroll you trash okay now we need to put the ers down a little bit we'll move the fuel mix up to try to compensate a little bit for the lack of energy recovery or the I guess not energy recovery but energy boost hybrid boost it's like driving the lmp1 cars and is that of course a little bit like that yellow flag what do we got here okay nothing good job marshals thanks for the yellow flag for no reason all right let's see if I can at least pass the Honda powered cars I feel like that's an obligation if you're Fernando [Music] all right here we go see if we get Brendon Hartley here no not really I've got plenty of battery though I'm gonna turn it up a little bit we're going to the overtake mode here it's always where it always starts you on max hybrid power probably for the start of the race so that you have the maximum launch with the with the battery and whatnot propelling your car forward but it eats your your fuel alive or easier just energy alive here we go around the outside of one of the Honda's and oh Khan's gonna go slow whoo that was a big lockup oh and you know what I haven't mentioned because it I literally am NOT affected by it the halo you know what you don't realize or when you're driving is the fact that you look out of the corner of your eyes way more than you do looking straight down your nose so the fact that the halo kind of comes down right where your nose is like if you're sitting you know obviously an important little car look okay looking straight down the barrel of the the chassis you rarely do that and a lot of times you're looking around you're looking to the apex of the corner so you know for all the complaining and boy to believe me on you know I do think the halo as ugly as a sin no doubt about it but driving the car it doesn't affect you they do have the option to take the center bar out of the halo in the game there's no reason to honestly it doesn't affect it genuinely does not affect how you drive the car it's really fascinating from that perspective that it just it doesn't bother me and that's weird cuz I'm kind of in the camp of maybe we shouldn't have the halos on the cars but it's it's not it does not affect how I Drive so I'm not worried about it all that much it's crazy all right let's see let's go into hot lap mode because we got DRS we're gonna go oh man I got hit who was that gastly in the freaking Honda the Honda is one leave Fred alone why you do this [Music] all right do I have DRS yes I do all right DRS open come on right now power unit you can do okay LeClair I could get him use all that hybrid boost off of the corner not quite there right now way out on the curbing on the exit so I get for reading the chat while I'm driving all right here we go look Claire I could get him I could get them well at the very least if I don't get him through maggots Beckett's here I can get them going on to the hangar straight cause I'm gonna have the DRS here and the hybrid boost from is LeClair has DRS on the Force India out in front and that Ferrari power unit is very powerful on the straightaway as you can see I've gotta try to use the McLaren advantage of kind of cornering speed now the McLaren in this game is the early season McLaren which is essentially last year's McLaren for whatever reason they haven't added the the new look one with the funny looking nose cone on it you'd know a picture of you saw it I Oh God Almighty GP to crash GP to crash yeah nope no dip I got a warning for a collision with with LeClair and of course it's funny that Ericsson is that far back behind LeClair that's it's very very true to life isn't it when I've got to drive with a broken wing I guess I could have done a flashback there but I don't want to have to do flashbacks 131 people watching right now if you are enjoying this hit the like button and I'll try not to crash into salvers anymore you know that was a very bad corpse corner for cops corner sorry not the corpse corner that would be a bad thing do I have DRS yeah give me that DRS give me that sweet sweet DRS David land are you gonna be doing next year's battle to Burt Brickyard to be fair I don't know what I'm eating for breakfast tomorrow morning but I'd certainly like to do the Battle of the Brickyard next year [Music] it just depends on schedules and you know what I'm doing in my real life but obviously I'd love to and certainly the racing thing takes off the way I'd like it to for next season will absolutely be an Indianapolis but a lot of a lot of the racing thing going forward is gonna be the sponsorship we're going to need to find some sponsorship for next year a because racing costs money and to do a lot of races you need a lot of money even at the level that I'm racing at currently and also I'd really like to incentivize my team by you know getting some money into the program they've been very accommodating with me as a you know joining the team but I'd certainly like to you know kick back into their program as much as I can alright here we go last lap the RS wide freaking open Vettel has won the race who Erikson ran into the back of the Renault there or no Soraka and he ran into the back of Soraka and it looked like a renault for some reason well ok we won't be last but we didn't get beat the Honda so Fred's gonna be none too pleased I don't want I don't want okay now I'll read all the Vixen and pet passes and practice right now yeah that's annoying isn't it they were gonna practice earlier today but I think they got rained out so yeah hey David what are you eating for breakfast tomorrow but I don't have a clue glory for Vettel yeah yeah yeah we'll have to beat Vettel in a different way so chat let me know what you want me to do now I suspect you guys I know everybody wanted to see me race in Germany so we'll race in Germany do you want to see classic cars or do you want to see modern cars and if it's a classic car what classic car would you like to see I have a feeling I know what's going to win the boat but will sit there you go the very very generic podium there with Vettel winning räikkönen nowhere to be found but the Mercedes are on the podium because of course there I also find it funny that Hamilton his hat has gran turismo on it we'll see if we can see that this is always kind of funny to see competing like game brands and other games but if you see Hamilton turn around here and the cameras I'm gonna show it is it Yeah right there Gran Turismo Gran Turismo is in f1 2018 we want to see Oh career career that's interesting okay well do we do career after we do a classic race at Germany because we want to see Germany and we'll do that and the car that I thought it was going to be suggestive is being suggested so we'll do it abroad GP in Germany because of course of course that was what suggest I was watch the replay real quick the start of the race and then we'll go on to Germany and the Brawn GP ironically enough the Hockenheimring was not on the f1 schedule in 2000 I think it was Nurburgring so it's kind of funny that that even though Germany was on this calendar when that car was racing it's not the right track and you can see Alonso making the move around both the back marking Sabourin Williams and there I go across the curb there up and almost losing it alright have we seen enough I think we have seen enough of that as I get shoved wide by stroll and that was that was unfortunate I don't really have anywhere to go though did I and then qumola on the rear wing this game does I mean it looks fantastic and it just seems like they keep increasing the graphics I mean it's really really something to behold this game really good stuff really good stuff okay we'll advance here I mean I you know the f1 theme is one of those things that like it definitely wasn't the greatest theme it sounded like but it definitely has grown on me are you getting necessary with the digital or hardcopy gonna get digital because I need to stream at midnight when it comes out so that's what we're gonna be doing yeah try France yeah I think France will have to do France before the end of the stream because I drove there a little bit in last night when the game first came out I think it was the first and of course I've been driving the brawn GP I've actually got a video coming in the Brawn GP tomorrow that I recorded earlier today but yeah we'll do the brawn and we'll do it at Germany there we go walking Haim ring do we want to do you know a suit let's do the three classes that could be interesting I don't know if we'll end up laughing the back of the field before the end but generally speaking there's not usually more than four competitive cars in an f1 race anyway so um and we don't want the dynamic weather not at the moment the official start time and that'll be fine all right we'll keep the AI on 90 seems like they're good right now Katherine Legge is considering doing the NASCAR ovals next year your thoughts I like to see that I think Katherine Legge is is very talented and if she can if she can find a career in NASCAR that's fantastic I like to see her an imp son because I'm selfish and I prefer EMSA over like Xfinity for sure but again if she's interested in doing it you know nothing should stop her really David there are other are there other carting races including the one in Daytona and the Elkhart Lake Street circuit well that wasn't the Elkhart Lake Street circuit that was Elkhart Indiana all crap they shook oh I wasn't paying attention in the FIA thing showed aa rip stream no we're not anyway yeah no I know it wasn't help cart lake it was Elkhart Indiana Elkhart it whoa what was that all about okay that was interesting okay so one shot qualifying in the Brawn GP at Germany thankfully I'm familiar with this track enough that keep the difficulty on 99 okay okay all right and of course this car sounds very nice so I'm sure you guys will appreciate that and I have done laps of this track in this car thankfully so hopefully things won't be too sloppy they were sloppy hey Marty Roth is leading let's try that again shall we restart session according to USAC there is one okay I guess you sack races at Elkhart Lake I had no idea all right let's try this again and let's actually pay attention and not spin the car out these cars are very easy to spin out the 2009/2010 cars I think probably because they have that little tiny rear wing well tiny tiny rear wing but it's very high tiny and high as we go all the way to fifth already this is not the place where a v8 f1 car is going to be particularly competitive at least that part of the circuit anyway [Music] and I locked at the brakes and drove very poorly out of the hairpin we're all the way down to 8th right now Oh turn and validate my lap please this was not the best lap driven by mr. David I just like to point that one out and the Red Bull is on the pole right now looks like I'm going to get third regardless Wow alright so Marty Rothkopf eyes on the poll that's interesting New Castle Motorsports Park is only ten miles away from you so are you coming to see me race on Sunday there's no strikes for the FIA logo Arabo makes videos with it showing all the time well it freakin it didn't strike me but it it took down my stream last last time I did an f1 stream maybe it'll be different with the with the modern f1 logo ok so there's all the the whole grid there we've got the 70 70 cars in the back obviously and then up through the rest of field so yeah the Brawn GP is third fastest of 2004 Ferrari in the field ten Red Bull it's nice to have the broad in here now because now there's like three good cars in the in the top class which is kind of nice graphics are barely improving ah I don't know about that I if you look at this versus NASCAR heat 2 or NASCAR 8 3 let's just compare those real quick before you complain about graphics you come into race tomorrow know um officer Nitin and no I don't think I'm coming to your race tomorrow I have to check the dm's but are you racing at Newcastle because I'm not gonna be there tomorrow I'm gonna be there on Sunday I was planning on being there tomorrow because I was gonna race tomorrow but again my teammate prioritized football and that's why we're not doing that which is fine you know again they're there you know they call the shots they're the team they get the choose when we race or when we don't but yeah ok let's race to brawn GP shall we and there are 73 likes on this video about a hundred twenty seven people watching that's 50 people who still have the yet to hit the like button so if you have not hit the like button and you're watching this right now you should do that because f1 2018 it's kind of cool f1 2018 yeah all right I stopped it stopped it Romulo on Emirates grill sub-arrays von Deutschland Deutschland that's what I get for trying to pronounce that that was stupid Senna for dinner you'd live stream yesterday yeah I haven't even seen that yet I mean I'm not expecting to see all that much different you know I'm just kind of expecting it looks f1 or not if one NASCAR he three looks like it's just fine it looks like an improvement on what they've currently been doing there's nothing groundbreaking in it but there it looks like they were finding the brand as much as they can because again they have such a small budget like I understand some people set really really high expectations for so I think Katy gamer has the full game well how did he get it and mr. mister like real radmann or me or win Val they didn't get it that's interesting I get when Jeff favia Viviano yes favi anna i get the jeff on the auto gets it because like he's huge and I'm like yeah makes sense but when like the small guys getting I never understand I think against small youtubers obvious little bit here we go what's out and away we go well that Red Bull is so fast off the line and the 2007 Ferrari was right there okay here we go and bye-bye a 2004 Ferrari that thinks very very fast this straight line here we go the problem is look I got a huge launch off of that corner I was way faster through him than him through there but he's just got so much horsepower he's just gone he Gow we got behind me I can't even tell I think it's a Williams that's a fun car to drive by the way and what's interesting is that for the Matar the more modern classic cars does that make sense like the after 2004 the BMW from 2003 they actually modeled traction control for the cars this year which is accurate so you can just absolutely stomp the throttle in those cars and it doesn't even matter you like that you just put the power down so easily but the thing is because they're arrow is not as good as these 2009-2010 cars they kind of struggle in the corners and that's where a car like a red bull or a brawn will make up time again look at that car it's just pulling away from me on the straightaway and I lock the brakes up which is not helping my cause very much well they do by the way I haven't I don't think I've mentioned this yet the handling model is so much better in this game that it was in that in 2017 it's so much better it actually feels like you the cars on the road and attached to it it doesn't feel like there's a pendulum in the back that's swinging around and creating like like it's like it's not like the car is like on a friggin Cadillac suspension on the rear it feels like the things planted to the road like an f1 car should be which I really appreciate in look at that wad Pablo is definitely driving that Williams because he really got into me there [Music] on the throttle bring up the speed catch in those apex curbs alright let's see if I can chase that Ferrari down now that he won't be holding me up through the corners this time oh that was a big a big scent through turn one [Music] down the straightaway it doesn't feel like a delayed vote that's a good way of putting it that's a great way of putting it yeah side another review they said input lag and I think that's a really good way of putting what F 1 2017 s handling model was like it felt like you had to turn so early into the corner that like it just completely felt unrealistic and I get that they're trying to like make it so that gamepad users are even will play the game but you should make it to the point where the gamepad is so such an advantage to use but you can't use a wheel but I've now played this with a gamepad and with a wheel and it's fantastic both ways so I really appreciate that is it perfect no I don't think it's perfect but in terms of like a racing sports game I mean this is probably as good as we could possibly hope for the one thing I've always dreamed of and no they'll never do it because of the FIA whatever the the Concorde agreement or whatever is like midseason or end of season driver changes like good drivers swiftly switching teams at the end of the season that's the one thing I'd really like to see I think would completely elevate the game maybe even like a free agent pool like Ana Madden or FIFA game where you can if you you know start your own team or something you can hire like Robert kapitza to drive the second car or you know stuff like that that would be fun but it seems like NASCAR heat is gonna be closer to that than than f1 it seems like NASCAR heats really done a good job of potentially making their career mode really in-depth in terms of the control you have over everything now will we be able to hire drivers for our cars that we run in different series boy I hope so but I have a little bit worried that this not gonna happen we're not worried that it's not gonna happen but I'm just not holding my breath for it I also love that they've changed the whoa whoa Nelly I love that they've changed the Oh while we are lapping cars yeah there's a 72 Lotus that's interesting okay we are lapping cars interesting okay quesadilla was his name really quesadilla it noticed ASA no I don't know what it was but yeah I've lost my train of thought I saw a 72 Lotus and I got distracted what was I talking about darn it oh well it must not have been that important if it if it wasn't undertook my time [Applause] Oh Bonnie that was very it was very wide to run through there all right through the final corner and across the line by the way they're doing a grand tour video game I don't know if that's gonna suck and I don't know if I'm gonna do videos on it but I figured I'd let people know it looks interesting I'm intrigued by it hopefully in heat 4 we get fantasy drivers to hire yeah that's what I'm hoping - there's no drug riding up hiring recruitment yeah that's what I feel like Kyle Busch of f1 is an easy one Lewis Hamilton no I mean I don't think Hamilton's that no no no the Kyle Busch of f1 is Alonso really it's Alonso because because Alonso kind of has that polarizing like a lot of it Hamilton I think is probably Hamilton's only polarizing because he's different than everybody else and I'm not talking like always black I'm saying like he's got a different personality than everybody else he's outspoken but I don't think he's controversial I feel like Alonso is much more controversial in what he says on how he conducts himself that Hamilton or Vettel or and Vettel wines a lot so I guess that could be a scene as a as a Kyle Busch the isle of thing but I don't know it's interesting opinions on NASCAR heat 3 I watched your epic toy reviews from 2013 great yeah I saw that of that my friend Kyle or my teammate guy friend and teammate Kyle was promoting that for some reason I appreciate the ad revenue on a video from 2013 though so keep watching but yeah here's the the replay of my Braun trying to pass that friggin Ferrari and it wasn't happening [Music] interesting that we were so that the modern f1 cars are so fast that they give lapped the cars from nineteen seventy and five laps that was interesting it might be interesting to do like a hundred percent race with a three class multi class I feel like that would be very intriguing yes yes Diego I'm well aware okay if they do replace Wiccans in the last two races who do you think will replace them yeah you say Saavedra I also say Saavedra I think if they choose to run that car the rest of season certainly them choosing not to run it a gateway makes a lot of sense because of the fact that it's been it's been a tough week for that team no doubt about it and run in one car not having to repair another one or get another one ready to go is smart yeah I think you either either yeah no probably Saavedra Saavedra elation would be cool to come back but I don't think it's gonna have them WC is considering a 12 hour race for the 2019 2020 season you know where where is it going to be though okie-dokie when does Bob come back I don't know when Bob comes I don't know Bob this race is Brendon Hartley um well why would just do a career mode I think everybody wanted to see career so that's what we're going to do okay so what I'm gonna do is when they're doing the the cut-scenes I'm just gonna mute my mic so that hopefully it will not go hopefully it won't echo we'll see how this goes alright well advance team selection each team has different expectations and conditions to making sure you choose those carefully so I got Ferrari AMG Mercedes Aston Martin Red Bull Renault Toro Rosso Force India McLaren Hoss I am wearing a hot shirt right now honestly but we're not gonna do Hoss because I feel like everybody does house Talbert or Williams and I feel like feel like I'm gonna go with Toro Rosso because of Honda and it says could control the midfield boy so if Harris force India's pushed for podiums and McLaren see our fight and win oh dear Haase has lots of points fight for the championship lead the field compete at the front develop and compete that's interesting all of the team goals are different yeah very interesting Freddie's teammate please be Fred's teammate f4 friend yeah but isn't Jimmy Broadbent doing the same thing isn't he doing the same thing don't we want to be different do we want to expand our horizons or do what everybody else is doing I'm not doing Mercedes I can tell you that that's boring Jimmy Broadband had to retire from his Baku GP earlier he crashed huh oh no uh-uh everybody wants me to be friends teammate I guess ah do we have to all right all right all right here we go type F in the chat if you want to see McLaren type H in the chat if you want to see Toro Rosso go and we'll see where this goes they haven't confirmed more the 12-hour races do it at Road Atlanta that's what I say all right let's see if the FS are the HS win and it's gonna take forever for everything to catch up to where I am Charlie Leclerc you have had two broken wings let's say we got Epps we've got H we got one H F well when one person spams the same thing it makes me let's see we've got a FH age well lots H is actually this is interesting this is really close this is way closer actually I think H has got it looking at the unique ones that I've seen yeah the unique people have been voting for H there's a lot of spamming for F very good somebody said I think pink go for Scindia yeah we'll do hotter also and we're gonna be we're gonna have Hartley be our teammate so essentially this will be and I don't know if we'll continue this but this will be a stream to to essentially replicate gastly going to Red Bull so our teammate is gonna be Hartley and then we're gonna do the full practice full qualifying 25% race formation lap on 90% is fine I think I think that's a good match for me we'll keep flashbacks on I doubt I'll use them very much vehicle damage all the stuff yes yes yes it's just don't need any of that crap and enable pro career the hell is pro career please no pun Torino David okay I don't know pro careers so we're not gonna do it I considered hitting why I'm guessing it's what I have now but it's probably just a higher difficulty level that's what I'm guessing all right we're gonna advance and I'm gonna mute it when we get to to a cutscene somebody says do i watch ferrell fail race i used to i don't watch them as much anymore because i don't care about forza as much anymore pretty much louis bc spit and land spin Lonzo out that probably happened I'm not very good at Australia so yeah and so when we get a cutscene I'm gonna mute the mic so that you guys know what's going on and I think we're probably gonna get a cutscene yes we are [Music] thanks for coming by I'm sure you're very anxious to get out on track it's taking a lot of effort to get to f1 congratulations but the real work starts now this is clear Motorsports journalist nice to meet you you'll be seeing quite a lot of needs throughout the season so he had a pretty impressive junior career how are you feeling about your move into f1 do you think you have what it takes let's save the questions for a proper interview showing I'm sure you'll have a lot more to talk about once there's been some action on track I think we could fit you in after fp1 if you're free that works for me I'll grab you the second remember the relationship we have with the team can be affected by what mistakes the media so be careful anyway it's time to catch up with Karl he's waiting for you in the data center good luck out there today okay so the media is already trying to screw me over here we've got access to all kinds of information including car telemetry weather lap times tire wear the list goes on plus we've got a direct link back to the factory so we're in constant communication with the team there we need you to regularly feedback about areas of the car that are lacking and help us direct our resources in the most productive way wait wait is that is that is that sentido Ferrucci that looks like Cindy Ruchi okay okay I wasn't paying attention to a look of what he said there's a promising talent and kick starting the careers of exciting drivers from Vettel to signs to Ricardo but they're much more than that this is a strong team that expects regular points finishes so that was cool a little bit of an introduction to the team obviously I don't really need it but it'd be cool to hear everybody or hear her describe all the teams so okay we're looking around let's look around there's a guy and there's Santino Ferrucci okay good to see he found some work okay who am i rooting for ksi or Logan Paul think can they knock each other out that would be cool okay let's take a look at the workstation here so we got practice one contract on one side of the objectives and bonuses that we've negotiated with the team on the other is information regarding how you're perceived throughout the paddock your reputation with the current team and your overall value to them which is a combination of these elements okay I was just making sure that she didn't have anything else to say okay so we have so she's contracted found something which will help make it easier to negotiate favorable contracts your first rival is always your teammate but you can choose who to declare as your second the harder the rival from the eligible selection the more respect you stand to gain or lose depending on the result okay now here we are okay so there I am you can see my audio nickname is Davidson because we can just say that Croft II is mispronouncing David land as Davidson for some reason okay we want to go to okay let's just go to fp1 I have six unread messages oh here we go okay France tossed that's the that's the team boss welcome to the team between yourself and Brendan I'm sure we'll have a fantastic season that's niki lauda actually oh I bet niki lauda is in this game ah I wish I could okay I should have picked I should have friggin picked Mercedes then okay anyway ah talking about the power units we know that Emma sent me some stuff make sure you achieve the objectives before you commit it okay take a look at the information okay we need one clean race and morning everyone this is our plan Hamilton is on the top we're 20th in the standings cool and then Jeff is giving me the weather forecast which appears to be pretty much okay so dry weekend all right let's actually do some some driving here shall we Christian Fittipaldi confirms he's retiring after the Rolex 24 what's your opinion makes sense Rossi was fastest in terrain affected practice was Dixon second rigged ah let's give it okay yes I'm well aware that anthony davidson is the guy i'm here with anthony davidson once again nice to see you anton i wanted to ask you about how you go about improving the car over the course of a practice session how much would you say is already known from the pre rate simulations and how much do you have to do how much do you have to work on with a real car on a real circuit well that's a good question croft II and I suppose the simple answer is that there's no such thing as too much information as you say the bigger teams have very complex simulations vast numbers of clever people crunching the numbers back at base but what they can't tell you is stuff like how the track conditions going to be or what the temperature is going to be doing over the course of the day and how all of that's going to be interacting with the tire there are so many millions of tiny variables involved in getting these cars around a racetrack quickly but the computer can't tailor the car to a drivers specific balance requirements at some point you still need to put a human being in there and have them feel it through the seat of their pants and that's why we end up with different drivers having different setup so what I'm trying to say is grothy nothing beats on track testing oh that 91 sure does look good on an f1 car does it yeah okay a garage tutorial oh boy this means Dave is gonna have to mute his mic again hang on in the unforgiving world of Formula One free practice sessions were a vital part of any Grand Prix weekend during your f1 career you'll be able to utilize these sessions to complete practice programs which will help you learn the track and learn new points that can be invested in developing your car you'll also be able to adjust your car set IP over the course of these sessions to try and find those extra fractions of a second okay my name's Jeff okay he wants me to go out on the track I think we have practice programs to do though so well do they track acclimatization because that is a good idea to go and we'll just drive at the pits because I prefer to drive out of the pits as much as possible do Indianapolis Indianapolis is not in this game this is a Formula One game not an IndyCar game and f1 stopped racing at Indianapolis in 2007 so there okay so climatization will start at the beginning of the next lap we're on medium ers standard fuel mixture and it's all good listen to that Honda engine roar and it does feel like the the track grip is not particularly all that great at the moment so I'll drive a little bit cautiously to start here last thing I want to do in a career mode is smash the car into the wall to start right out next to the Pirelli sign very nice now what would be really funny if this would be if this engine just blows up when we drive around the track on the very first lap of fp1 whoopsie yeah that that would have been bad you can see I've got some crap on my tires which is not gonna help things very much and I've locked the brakes up again because I had crap on my tires good job David you're really you're really really doing a good job for your first lap in an f1 car and that was that was a bad apex so so much for driving cautiously that final sector was absolute terrible the team is happy that I did the DRS [Music] [Music] [Music] trying to get all the purple we need purple [Music] I do enjoy the fact that they add these minigames into career mode like this always makes it a bit fun oh I missed the dearest God Almighty they keep forgetting that there's Drs and places where it didn't used to be [Music] well that was awfully late on the brakes there yeah I got the VRS alright cool cool cool this should be a climatization done [Music] I missed one that's what I get for trying a little too hard I try too hard again there I don't think I'll get purple on this lap either to be honest with you [Music] so we'll see certainly possible that I could get there and that's what I get for looking at the chat I ran off the road just a little bit that was much better through there got the DRS that time good good good [Music] didn't miss it that time I did miss that point I spoke too soon [Music] and I'm still not quite it purple oh I was very a little bit loose there and we've got traffic to deal with now which might screw me up [Music] see if I can get it not bad not bad at the moment I missed it damn okay now I've just got it you got to hit everything perfect I probably won't get a perfect score now have to apologize to my engineer for not getting all the our FDR Rd points I should say not our FD [Music] [Music] all right now if I didn't quite get there I need 4.95 we got 460 [Music] hey we're still sitting second which isn't bad I'm ahead of Marcus Ericsson which is nice but today that I lose some did we lose the stream for a little while regardless there we go okay track acclimatization done we've got all of this stuff to do before the end of the before the end of the thing here we've got to do tire management fuel management ers qualifying pace race strategy I think we can get it all done within the three practice sessions I don't think it'll all be done in one practice session but we'll see okay so tire management we got to go on the supersoft for three elapsed have you ever been to WEC yeah I've been to so I haven't been to a WEC event but I have been to the Intercontinental a mock-up at Road Atlanta which is essentially WEC and then I go to EMSA races yearly at Lime Rock and Watkins Glen and I'll be going back to Petit LeMond this year with my pal race day 2011 so three EMSA races for me this year I've also been - I've been to Petit lamothe three times or I will have been three times after this year bindle Watkins Glen twice Lime Rock twice and I went to all three of the Indianapolis races when they had that for a Grand Am now I think I've been to any other Grand Am races I'm trying to think now I think they all I've only been to the ones in Indianapolis so now we got to manage tires which is going to be interesting I don't know how well I'm gonna do with this especially considering the fact that I've been locking tires up this whole time 105 you watching at 119 likes I guess that's okay even though I'm sure people are getting bored with the practice programs I'll try to speed up the process as best I can here so we can get into qualifying and then go racing I think I'm gonna sign off at 7 possibly eight depending on when we get the race done it's a 25% or so it shouldn't be quite that long the problem is this average tire wear thing you also have to go fast while you're saving tires which is always difficult to do but we'll see and that is not gonna go fast or save tires by driving that poorly alright let's see what we can do we're on the supersoft so you think we'd be able to do something good here all right so the the game is not like in my tire we're a situation at the moment just don't lock up the brakes and I'm a below the target laptime because of course I am tire wear is good though so that's good [Music] I'm just saying so close to the target lap time and Lee except for their I lost time hey you know what we can do whoo let's try to use that is that cheating to use the overtake or the hot lap probably oh well and guess what we need to do our first flashback of the day well the furqan force-feedback is way better way better way better okay so we'll try not to use too many of those flashbacks but that was a particularly embarrassing one there [Music] okay we'll turn the engine mode down a little bit we'll try it to cheat too much well that was all we needed to do okay oh well I cheated I cheated on the test a little bit unfortunately there I cheated twice because I used the flashback and I used the qualifying engine mode I used the party mode oh well you know I'll drive the car back to the pits this time so we can actually see the or I could read the chat a little bit and you can see some of the animation because I always always really appreciate the animation stuff that they do it's always very nice and I feel like it's an underappreciated aspect of the game so they feel like most people skip through all that stuff all the presentation things the presentation is is worthwhile to look at Oh be careful David they'll call you a Toyota yeah are we are we talking in terms of NASCAR WEC because they cheat in both series now apparently I feel like the pit limit is way down there isn't it yeah it is I've been on the pit limiter way too long 90 meters yep good job David oh well well we're losing viewers hand over fist are you guys not entertained with with single car runs going around well the rest of the f1 career mode be uploaded every other day or once a week I have no idea I don't know if we're gonna to put in that I don't even know if we're gonna do an f1 career mode I kind of do like the idea of doing it live stream though I don't know how much you guys appreciate watching practice sessions but it's kind of interesting kind of fun slow down early JPEG yeah yeah that was definitely a and Toyota did cheat in WRC in 95 I'd forgot about that okay so what we need to do is we need to do fuel management this will be interesting this will be very interesting we'll do the flying lab this time dude I don't know what he was gonna say because we accidentally skipped it by accidentally the game skipped itself okay so what we need to do here try a fast lap I'm guessing we need to oh it's not gonna let me cheat is it yeah it's gonna keep me in the standard fuel mix to the standard ers okay so the target lap time is a 1:28 [Music] Green on the on the lap just for a little bit there and there I lost you'll see [Music] I went green again for the briefest of moments and that was terrible so we're gonna have to take another laugh at it got purple for fuel-saving though but I'm a second slower that should be and that was better but faster at the moment than the target time by a very very small margin [Music] and I'd done screwed it up again so I'm gonna say screw the fuel-saving for now because I know I can save I've got to make up 6/10 of a second in short order [Music] and it's a 7/10 it's at least going down down the straightaway which is good I [Music] made up a lot of time through here the last time yeah there we go okay down to a tenth and adds up to 2/10 3/10 [Music] [Music] okay so I kind of find six tenths of a second but my fuel saving is excellent so I'm just gonna send it on the first part of the lap here [Music] two tents up which is good oh no oh oh stream feels slower oh did it lag real bad let's see hold on let me check let me check the stream real quick because we need to make sure yeah it looks like it's doing fine right now it says good stream status but apparently everybody left because they lagged so sorry about that yeah that's weird okay well let's see where we are gonna flashback here that's fine [Music] okay so it's still two-tenths up on the target lap time but we're right on the edge of where we should be for fuel saving that's better that's better no lag for a while okay that lagged and everybody left and that's how it goes sometimes let's have the cookie crumbles a half a second but I got through they're the worst I've gotten through they're all through this whole practice session [Music] oh yeah there we go I got it yes siree Bob that is a checkered flag for me good fuel saving and there was actually the fastest lap I've done so far oh that's funny how that works it's funny how you do a fuel save lap and somehow you're faster than you otherwise would have been what difficulty I'm on ninety ninety difficulty all right ers management this is gonna be interesting [Music] so we'll do er s management see what's going on here not enough time of the session to complete the current program okay well then we should fast forward then yeah five minutes all right look seller eight the time then finish the session go on to Session two fp2 and complete the next things P 14 not a bad start unfortunately we're still eight tenths of a second off of Hartley but again we're not running in party mode yet so I can't worry about that too much to see if the race director has anything to report though he doesn't okie-dokie well it's advanced to fp2 what car do you have I've got the Toro Russell oh for god she's gonna I think I'm gonna go with this one you're right it's been hard work getting here let's see they've been if yes I think I need to blue they've been longer than f1 that I have for sure we'll see I'm gonna guarantee points there we go yeah you're welcome boy she's asking all the tough questions okay so this should probably I'm gonna guess there's gonna be another FIA intro here so I need to skip that oh no I guess not alright resource points yay those schmick sheesh makes a resource points yes so I got 260 in the session I think that's good right I don't know and my reputation is good with the Sauber Haase and Williams I guess and taro Russell likes me I guess so that's good and a respect level my attitude preferences showmanship interesting and we're definitely not anywhere close to being a veteran yet so we'll go onto fp2 and run that I don't think there's anything else to look at here oh well my contract value is going up which is good but everything else is fairly stagnant so we'll go on to practice too and see what's going on I can't wait for the media spin yeah that's gonna be interesting is that darn FIA God the Handa engine is the honda engine screwed me over already screwing me over well we got two minutes meaning David's gonna fast-forward through the two minutes that's obnoxious but that's actually kind of fun I appreciate that I wonder how often that's gonna happen wait for the repairs to be done and finished and there we go okay so let's get back to the practice program here there's beautiful the guy that ever in the chat wanted me to replace but I decided I don't want to replace stopple van Doorn let's see I've lost the stream that I was watching that's a problem there we go okay um where we go okay so ers management let's do this and we'll do a flying lap because we'll try save some time here get it going get it going good this will be interesting saving and saving the battery rather than the internal combustion engine [Music] all right so let's go up to a hot lap right off the bat and then low [Music] hi for the straightaway [Music] bring it down to medium [Music] well I'm not managing my battery very well am i at the moment there we go we got it back into the green but we're lost three-second over 3/10 [Music] let's see if I can make up some time here [Music] okay back into the target lap time but we'll way over our ers usage [Music] hopefully all that time and make made up will help that didn't help in fact let's do another flashback what shifter do I use I use all I protect G 9:20 oh man all right it's the replay flashback again let's try that one more time [Music] [Applause] David can you can you do the lap properly please well I'm just gonna I'm just doomed to lose half a second there I guess I will go into the hot lap mode [Music] all right let's try to make up a lot of time here go down to medium [Music] yeah I'm gonna try to make up a ton of time here again this is strategy I'm using I don't think it's a very smart strategy nope rip cone okay now we'll go off since up seven tenths of a second up on the target [Music] yeah well I guess we got the result it wasn't a very good result the whole hold on I'm gonna replay it so we don't have to hit the wall and it looks like I'm gonna hit the wall regardless but we'll see [Music] that was very loose through there boy I was cowboying that all the way through [Music] all right time to make up some time which I'm doing [Music] [Music] this is what we call intense focus Scott [Music] yeah flashbacks more wing David crash everybody don't be a brad keselowski I'll try not to be a brad keselowski good lord I am just locking the brakes up so badly I won't be watching around America tomorrow I would be driving unfortunately good a goodness gracious come on David I know [Music] there we go much better [Music] much better there we go all right now I get to return to the garage for test results after missing that final corner about a hundred times learn to drive I will not learn to drive absolutely not absolutely not okay qualifying pace this will be interesting the objective is 17th at least which isn't terrible anyone if Cody's ever did anything about the almost black paint job on the Merc I did not know there was a black paint job on the Merc that's interesting all right so qualifying let's see what my qualifying pace is like just get everything all right everything's up I was driving on the grass all the way down the straightaway though it's probably not helping me too much oh boy David stop let's just go all the way back to the start do over and I'm not on the graphs this time we're just helping my pace a little bit [Music] yeah half a second down already good grief well I'm definitely not gonna complete the objective on this slap that's for certain sure [Music] hopefully I have enough hybrid energy to do three laps or whatever it's gonna take is it's gonna take probably all three of those laps to do this that was just breaking way too early [Music] [Music] all right there we go DRS open we definitely gained some time through there which is good that's the corner that everybody screws up and I'm no different all right let's try to do a better lap than that last one was I was better car kind of slid out from under me coming out of the corner though I've been able to get the power down that would been nice [Music] only a tenth down and then I locked the brakes up because I wasn't paying attention I was looking at the friggin lap speed I was going [Music] brigands seven-tenths behind now [Music] look out boink let's try this again shall we you need to do a 126 enough I've got a 126 in me don't tell the team that though laughs see now I'm taking too much out of this corner and it's not working it is David as being bad and playing like a filthy casual right now there we go much better gained a few tents it was still half a second I need to find and of course the final corner of the final hairpin bit me what is Kimmy doing why is Kimmy coming out of the pits there you were playing like Kyle Busch well I've got a assaulted in the garage yet so we're good at the moment we're gonna make sure that Kimmy doesn't screw this lap up too badly yeah I'll take that warning for exceeding track limits I don't care [Music] there we go much better gaining time finally might be close [Music] yeah this is gonna be cool this flap is gonna be very close if I can make it oh uh well I'm gonna have to crash and now I'm gonna then I get my chance to rewind oh my dead dog could drive better um maybe I'm not gonna try to deny that one [Music] hey that's better gained about 2/10 through there which is nice and I'm driving like a dead dog again problems yes very much problems [Music] and I've lost 2/10 against them out and I got another warning from seeing the track limits now I've got a Ferrari all up my trumpet well we're not gonna fail this one thanks fellas appreciate it this is one I always struggle with and if we have time we'll go back out and do it again yes Kyle Petty is screaming at David probably okay so we failed that one below target we got nine minutes to go feel like a race we can do race strategy and then just do ball fight face next so race strategy what do we need to do here and then we'll qualify in the race [Music] there's definitely different feeling between old tires and new tires there's no doubt about it those old ultra-soft were very tough to drive [Music] [Music] oh that's terrible boy yeah yeah yeah that's always so frustrating I hate that corner because you can never see the apec okay Wow was that the quickest was that the quickest crash after a flashback ever probably [Music] we've seen it here first folks [Music] [Music] but at least I can turn the engine maps up so I might actually be able to hit the target lap time can I just point out that that was the greatest save of all time that was the greatest save of all time that was a freaking four-wheel drift in an f1 car over the curb didn't hit anything but guess what I didn't remind on that but I will rewind on this one I will not slow down [Music] and we're gonna just barely hit the target on this lap so I'm gonna try to actually run four laps in a row [Music] [Music] half a second plus a little bit of time through there [Music] got another half a second right here 6/10 [Music] full second I just made up there and I was looking at the chat god almighty stop it David mr. shark kit and I'm blaming you for that one you're blamed little fool stick it up now I'm gonna look at the chat bad idea David [Music] we were saying nice job Larsson slide job yeah I guess that was kind of a slide job wasn't it [Music] and that's a brake lockup so we'll find the button that lets me rewind and rewind this always good rewind isn't it [Music] [Music] remember what I said about running for clean laps ever run for clean laps [Music] and I'm down half a second so I'm gonna fail on this lab it looks like nope never mind I gained it all back there [Music] okay that was a good lap or decent-enough and I've gone purple on the target score which is good [Music] [Music] three tenths up which is excellent [Music] [Music] maybe car qualifying got cancelled well that means they're starting by points which will be interesting [Music] that's part of the reason I didn't go out early to Indy to go race as I was considering going to Gateway as well since I wasn't gonna be racing on Sunday and I look at the forecast I was like hey I don't know about that one maybe next year for Gateway because I would like to do it at some point all right a second up on that lap [Music] Oh a little close there little close there but I'm still up on the final lap which is good [Music] definitely sliding as the tires are wearing quite a bit David you gonna do I racing yeah whenever I get PC at the moment real racing costs a little bit of money and I've also got other aspects of my life that I need to nail dine down financially first but once that happens I'll get a PC and I'll do AI racing I think everybody wants to see me do it and you know I racing gets the beans Oh God so once I can make that investment you know it won't be a big deal it's just got a you got to get the capital make the investment the first place you know regardless if you're gonna make make your money back well I'm gonna fill in this last lap but it doesn't matter I've completed the program got 70 out of 50 so that I think that's pretty good yeah hey food pizza girl looks at him the same way he looks at Indy cars that's funny what is your take on the Miami Grand Prix it's not gonna happen and it's not a very good track anyway so 14th Hartley did a 126 because of course he did I'm sure all this these will just be corner-cutting yep David land you see the track limits okay let's try to finish up practice here and we'll see I think we've still got one more practice to go but I might skip it we'll see a disciplinary record five wait I got five resource points for being bad that's interesting okay and my reputation hasn't increased or it has increased just a little bit with everybody well cool okay do we need to go to practice three I would say no I would say no all right let's do some qualifying because we'll just say I failed that other test doesn't matter we'll see where I can put the car in qualifying then we'll do the race and then I will sign off so waiting for the FIA logo to go oh it advanced nevermind I've got messages let me check real quick you have to show some patience expect our initial pace to be towards the back of the grid don't worry everybody's working hard we have a great investment in the team as long as you do your bit okay good luck this season says Emma Geoff weather forecast weather forecast have you fertility more would have been awarded Oh Karl's pissed because we didn't do the last session sorry Karl finally don't cut turn 12 too much that's the fast right there's time to keep it this easy to sell the car you had to find the ballast okay yeah he's bitching at me for the same thing that that I was doing wrong earlier it's so interesting alright qualifying let's do it now it's time just good the FIA intro so get ready get hyped for qualifying hit and H in the chat if you're ready to see me crash in qualifying because that's probably what's gonna happen this is the kind of track that each tires for breakfast or so I am told by more experienced drivers than myself no matter how good a driver is at managing their throttle application to limit rear slip they can't always overcome a car that's inherently bad at looking after its rear tires here we have a lot of low-speed corner exits which means a whole load of energy heat and tire wear all righty here we go qualifying time yeah you know we're gonna be going for it so session info taking a look here got the ultra soft sawn and it looks like we got some cars coming out of the pits already and I guess we'll go out as well Parc Ferme a regulations I don't think there's a whole lot I really want to do to the car feels fine to me and we'll drive out to do a warm-up lap I'll try to get acclimatized to the track as much as possible and we'll see what happens hopefully these ultra soft tires hold up and we'll do good so we got everything turned up as high as it'll go easy doesn't out of the pits and off we go into the wild blue yonder I'm not expecting you to get out of q1 to be honest with you and either as a team they're expecting me to be seventeen so I will try to be 16 that seems like a reasonable expectation unless like you keep walking the freakin breaks up that would be unfortunate okay I was a little too much curb I wasn't listening to Jeff Jeff saved me please [Music] there I actually took care through there that time all right qualifying lap number one underway here in Melbourne see what I got that wasn't the best first corner sequence in the entire world and that wasn't the best second corner ever whoo that was awfully wide off of there [Music] but I seem to be catching the car that was ahead of me fairly quickly it looked like one of the sappers so hey maybe maybe I long for a good lap here definitely did not keep the throttle open long enough their surgery of Perez does a 1:24 I don't suspect we're going to be anywhere around there [Music] that was a poor corner and so was that so that lap is complete crap and blown all right let's try that again shall we I had to check if the DRS was up and I hit the button slightly too early so 1:29 that is absolute dog doo doo first happened is a 124 [Music] well I was too tense up on my previous lap there for just the briefest of seconds see we can actually do a bit lap here okay I know I can make up a lot of time here but I don't want to send it too hard here there was another drift woof [Music] come on David just poor poor driving that final corner that to a 127 but I'm still last [Music] and I'm not a hybrid boost as well which isn't gonna help anything all right we're gonna go back to the garage and we're gonna try that again because that was not amazing not amazing let's see where am I in terms of sector x it's not terrible the problem is that last sector so I get that last sector right I'm gonna be right on pace so let's go back out and try that again and then we'll do the race finally it's taking like an hour how's a big drift right there I can at least beat Lance stroll right [Music] really lock the brakes up majorly there again I'm fast in this part of the tracks I don't need to worry about this that wasn't bad actually made-up time through there ironically enough yeah I lost three tenths of a second there just that quickly rip cone my cone is just dying I wonder how many times that cone has been killed in the history of f1 games there there's half a second in the final sector and I beat Lance troll okay job done [Music] now let's see if I can actually do a good lap here nope still faster than my previous lap because I screwed up that corner on the last lap and I finally wrecked in qualifying am i all right I'm not sure that's a valtteri botas thing to do all right so we're gonna flashback and then go back to the garage and say that's qualifying over for David and that means we're gonna actually finally run the race so okay session info accelerate time only got five minutes to go anyway where are we in terms of qualifying I am 18th the objective was 17th but at this point we'll be all right I would have would have been able to beat Erikson I suspect if I'd been able to have that lap that I had previously but it looks like we are going to be West cool Lance troll women and put a lap time together to beat me right at the very end so Williams out qualified me and that is not a good first impression of for the team unfortunately I don't think yes yes press f to pay respects to me on that one fo sho but we will actually get to do the race now which should be fascinating duh-duh-duh yeah I'm losing the rivalry thanks thanks thanks I don't need to be reminded of this but we got some disciplinary record for some reason result versus car performance 10 and there you go okay let's see how much I get yelled at by my team alright she scolded me so I need to I need to make sure that things are gonna go good don't throw away everyone's hard work and needless with neela strokes and well let's go for some heroics this time break late be brave and fight as hard as you can you and I are competitive people and sometimes that means being aggressive taking risk going for the gap that exists that's the driver I want to see you today all right Jeff wants me to be aggressive I feel like that's a bad idea but regardless whatever let's go for it let's start the first race of the f1 season in Melbourne Australia trial yeah Mike [Music] new drivers new cars and a new Formula One season but it's the same Alba Parks that we've come to know and love for more than two decades now the hosts the first round of a 21 race championship taking us from here in Melbourne Australia across the globe before we eventually reached the season finale at the as marina circuit in Abu Dhabi just south of Melbourne downtown business centre is the one and only Albert Park circuit three point three miles of public roads closed for the weekend of course make for a bumpy circuit with little undulation there are sixteen corners around the lake and a couple of good passing opportunities here as well thanks in part to the DRS so to determine three and thirteen we have plenty of changes to the sport this year with the addition of new safety features the return of France and Germany and expanded 21 race calendar and more tyre compounds than ever before and of course we have some big car manufacturers back in the sport - with Alfa Romeo and Aston Martin returning his title sponsors for Salva and redbull respectively joining me to take you through all the action of the 2018 Formula One season is Anthony Davidson great to have you with us thanks crufty always happy to be here I'm looking forward to getting under way last year was Mercedes fourth constructors title in a row although for the first half of the season it was absolutely neck and neck with the Ferraris hopefully this year we can see the chasing pack take that final step as I'd love to see a championship contest all the way up to the final race in Abu Dhabi another story to keep an eye on it's the relative performance of McLaren and Toro Rosso who have exchanged power unit suppliers this year and given the additional restrictions on engine components they need to be strong in terms of both performance and reliability with that then let's run through the grid order an immense lap from Lewis Hamilton yesterday puts him on pole position and vows robotis will line up alongside down the rest of the grid we have settled for Stafford Daniel Ricciardo and Magnussen hülkenberg sites Alonso and Esteban okok Perez räikkönen they'll be starting further back after an earlier grid penalty Stoffel van door and LeClair Hartley Eriksson Lance troll and Sergey Soraka Davidson and Roman Grosjean starts from the back of the grid and with lights out just moments away it's time to go down to the track all right here we go so let's take a look at the race strategy real quick we've got we're gonna start on the ultra soft to go onto the super soft for the 15 lap race I think that's the way we're gonna have to do it of course Parc Ferme a regulations obviously um I could start on the soft yeah but I kind of like the super soft better so we're gonna go with this all right here we go ready to race in Melbourne we've obviously got the formation lap to go first Roshan starting behind because of an engine penalty which is kind of interesting the only American playing the game is you yeah seems like it temperatures right in the engine you [Music] I definitely left a big cloud of smoke on that start tonight [Music] [Applause] all right ready to go now the question will be can I get around the Williams by turn one can I get around both of them of course as you saw when I did my friend endo Alonso Drive I struggled to get the car off the line we'll see if I can rectify that mistake this time 84 people watching if you are watching right now and you have not hit that like button because we are about to start the race I would hit the like button now because the race is about to get going interesting that they use light blue as the Williams color I mentioned that earlier in this stream but yeah it's kind of interesting that it's not white that's the color they use for Haase interestingly enough all right so here we go 15 lap race of course the race the little race prep work we did in practice was only 5 laps so a third of today's race and here we go the Codemasters AI taking back overt good luck David turn at the bottle it says Sean will try what we own pedals do use Logitech c920 good luck from the back yeah that's what we're doing alright so grid formed up the good thing is that I won't have to worry too much about the good old-fashioned [Music] waiting on the lights not an amazing start for me we've got the hot lap engaged Oh contact it turn one somebody hit ran into each other somebody said it wasn't illegal overtake on Grosjean which is interesting we're gonna keep the hybrid boost going here into the second turn really sending it a Grosjean followed me and damage the front wings slightly I'm gonna try not to rewind during this race thank you appreciate it we're gonna turn that down just a little bit we'll really set it in there and Grosjean and managed to get through there I wasn't really intending on passing him but we did it everybody very slow coming up through here Oh God Almighty smack the wall I came out behind Eriksson and I got some understeer okay let's I guess we'll change the strategy that's frustrating [Music] all right let's actually hit the pit limit this time okay well we'll see how this goes we're going to none for the hybrid all the way down to lien another car coming into the pits is well that has damage which is interesting and the wing coming on very slowly secured out we go who's the other car in the pits it's Grosjean so we're onto the soft compound tire which isn't the greatest thing in the entire world [Music] so now I've got to try to hold Grolsch on/off not sure unless we get a safety car I'm pretty much out of luck here for a good result [Music] so unfortunate too because it looked like I was going to make up a lot of positions there on the back straightaway when everybody was kind of getting held up by each other [Music] and for stopping us out of the race something has happened to master for stopping so in another position they're going to the overtake engine mode or the hybrid mode so I'll gain a position not sure if that would bring out this full course yellow I don't think it will it appears like we're stopping it's pulled off the road in a safe area down here at the hairpin unfortunate for that Renault powered Red Bull and Grosjean is all over the back of me that very powerful Ferrari power units behind him Honda power you here I think Roshan has DRS so you got to be very careful not to let him around or let him close enough to me that he can use that VRS to get by [Music] but he's hanging all over the back of me like an ill-fitting shirt right now or a cheap suit I guess that the proper phrase is cheap suit isn't it got through there good definitely pulled away from Grosjean there well he won't be able to use the DRS to charge it in on me oh he's charging in there though yellow flag Grosjean spins I got a warning for that I'll take the warning I guess not sure why he was trying to pass there being placed there for him to try that oh that was close alright 25 seconds it's the gap between me and the car head from is I have to make up all of this time now there is a pit stop that will factor into that we have to make all all this time plus the time I lost with the with the inch or the with the front wing change and that was contact with the wall which I didn't need one of that mechanical problem had something to do with me running into him [Music] or him running into me I should say again I'm just kind of praying for a safety car right now Ricardo has already been in the pits which is interesting the gap to him is 23 seconds but he's a leader so I wouldn't be too concerned about his positioning on the racetrack [Music] again what I'd really like is a full course caution in a safety car so I can come in and get some fresh altra soft get the field pack together so I can go take him on but right now it's not working Ericsson is in the pits says he has ultra-soft Sanh we'll see if that changes he's gonna be more than a match for me tire wise if indeed he has pitted [Music] [Music] again just driving too hard into the hairpin got to realize I don't have as much tyre as I used to have there's a yellow there's parts and crap all through turn one hope I didn't puncture anything Alonzo Alonzo looks like he's the one of the cars involved Marcus Eriksen is out of the race we get a safety car please looks like I am catching up to the back of the field because I do see them on the map there [Music] I'm just gradually starting to make up all my energy my ers that was close and that sliding off the road is not helping my case but there are two cars in the pits Ricardo is one of them and the other I believe is Alonso so I'm getting a couple of spots there and now Lance stroll is the next car potentially to overtake there's still debris sitting in turn one trying to earn back a little bit of Hybrid boost here hopefully be able to go back after these guys but 15th right now is not a bad spot to be in considering where I started and what happened to me on lap one [Music] so we're halfway through the race not time to send it yet in terms of using all the energy available in the car you can see the blue bar on my steering wheel there is the battery it's not quite the most healthy battery in the entire world at the moment and my driving isn't the best either as you saw just a few seconds ago so Harley is in the pits and choke it looks like I will pass Hartley for 14th so the game mercy killed Brendan excruciating and both of those Williams are out front so I can probably catch those Williams and pass them [Music] I just have to drive wisely here manage my car's energy manage the lap times [Music] problem is I haven't made up that 8 second gap yet [Music] [Music] now three botas at a 126 that's four seconds a lap faster than I'm running right now [Music] [Music] again what have I got to do to get a safety car right now I would really love one [Music] this seems like I am catching Sarat Caen but do I have enough elapsed energy to get to him I don't know the other problem is my teammate is coming up behind me at a pretty fast clip so I'm have to deal with that as well we're gonna go into the rich fuel mix because now I think I've saved enough fuel that I'm not gonna have to worry about that for a while and I've got to make sure the gap doesn't get within a second but I fear it is going to [Music] between me and Hartley and I'm certainly not driving particularly well right now [Music] I turn the battery up just a little bit [Music] problem is Hartley's gonna have DRS here and I am NOT tried to play nice with him because he's my teammate I think I might have chopped him there I'm not sure the other problem of course is that the other Red Bull car is gonna be coming up behind me and that is of course Ricardo we have just gone completely the wrong tire the wrong strategy tires are very old now Gagan here I've lost I've lost a few seconds to the Williams cars which is frustrating hartley isn't that close this time though loose down the main straightaway actually set my fastest lap of the race there and then totally blew it and turn one now hardly going to be all over the back of me again and this time Brendan goes through Oh running very wide there and there is Ricardo back of the field has caught me because my tires have fallen off the cliff I think and Ricardo was not gonna be denied here in a second oh man Danny turned me right in the wall what is your problem Ricardo what is your problem and I'm not sure what was going on they're not sure what he was thinking in his head space but he clearly wasn't that's frustrating hopefully they put ultra-soft song that's all I'm saying dang that's annoying yep they did put ultras on but another front wing well that's a noxious and I've been lapped Marcedes are so far ahead of everything else it's unbelievable well that means I have to do one less lap [Music] than everybody else [Music] again I was almost the safety car though remember I was asking for a safety car I'll get turn onto the wall by Daniel Ricciardo was certainly asking for that [Music] these altars will definitely help my lap times looks like I'm actually catching up the Mercedes ahead of me [Music] yeah the car just feels so much more planted [Music] [Music] well there you go Romain Grosjean out of the race that gave me another spot [Music] and I guess the El flag is down here okay well gain another position up to 17 well there's not three laps left in the race I think we're good there [Music] and I'm last on track 17th of 17 cars running but at the very least I'm gonna send some pretty fast laps here at the end of the race [Music] all right so this is I believe the final lap because the Mercedes are going to be done before I get a chance to run another lap so I'm going to set everything as high as it goes [Music] try to run a super quick lap for absolutely no reason other than just pride at this point [Music] I don't know if I'll get around that 126 mark that what us did we'll try [Music] I'm really not that good at melbourne as if you couldn't tell that already but this is just not a track that appeals to me a lot much [Music] so Luis gets the win first win of the season for Mercedes and will come home 17 but I did finish and my legs are asleep because my chair is uncomfortable oh ouch okay well that was the thing yes so people are talking about the halo yeah the middle post actually doesn't affect your vision as much as you think it would it's it's very fascinating because I didn't realize until using the halo that that how much you use your peripheral vision or your you look into corners or whatever you're always looking around the halo just in general when you're driving like an open cockpit car so the the amount of time you're actually looking straight down the nose is so small it really doesn't affect you all that much and it's fascinating it really is [Applause] and after this round of the World Championship here's how things look in the driver's table Lewis Hamilton takes over the lead of the drivers championship after an excellent result moving on to the driver of the day then Anthony Davidson who would you go for well I have to give it to Kimi räikkönen consistency good battle sensible driving it can be pleased with that performance today and now let's take a look at the constructors standings Mercedes moved to the top of the table after all this drama you'd be mad not to join us for the next race we hope to see you then take care so there you go there's a point standings so far Lewis Hamilton and bouncer he bought us an absolute Mercedes route of course Magnussen getting fourth is pretty awesome that moves house up into the fourth position in the Constructors because of the retirement of Grosjean no points for Toro Rosso so that's a bubkis for us but no points for redbull either they had a tough race with both of their drivers not particularly placing very well yeah 17th the last car on the track and the only car one lap down having to replace two noses was not the best start to the race and certainly I think I could have been Pat I would have been around this part 14 15 that would have gained at least a couple of spots there you got to think that I maybe could have caught Strohl if I'd been on a different tire strategy so if you luck maybe if the race to point out differently I would have been in for some points but unfortunately that's not how it goes let's take a look at the race director real quick the incidents lots of incidents in this raised goodness gracious look at all this stuff lots of warnings lots of contacts yeah Charlie whiting was definitely busy during this race and I guess we'll take real quick look at the start of the race once again just from the outside perspective and then then we'll sign off but yeah this was kind of fun certainly I think the format needs to be worked on a little bit but I would definitely be down to do some more career mode as a stream or whatever maybe just do the races or maybe do the qualifying early or whatever I'm not sure how I would do this but it's certainly something to think about as you can see all the parts from the opening lap show Mazal I guess I guess it I don't know oh yeah it looks like the Haas lost part of a wing it was gross on there you can see that move the Grosjean put on and then he kind of parked me at the apex so really that I you know I can probably put that in gross out a little bit for sending it down there and me running into the back of him and let's see this move that ended up with me losing my front wing actually made a good move underneath Grosjean really kind of paid him back for that earlier incident then they were side by side up in front and I think this is kind of what slowed everybody down the two Sauber's got slowed up and then I'm like all right I'll take control here and unfortunately I pushed behind Erikson there were too many cars there and the arrow push got me unfortunately and then I had to pit at the end of the race so that was a bit unfortunate so let's go get yelled at by our team and hear what a bad job we did even though my lap times weren't all that terrible they certainly weren't amazing from 15th on the gritter no well Hartley was 15th on the grid I gained three positions or two positions we'll see oh man look at the frame rate during the replays yeah remember I'm on the potato Xbox 1x so Oh okay so the Irish lady has asked me what's going on uh-huh I was like an idiot magnet today yeah Hostin like that let's see what do I do here oh god these are questions uh I'm not sure what happened to be honest I've got all my Toro so didn't like today it's a shame we put in a lot of effort to have this happen there we go what Toro Rosso keeps my rep keeps decreasing with Toro Rosso oh boy well I've completely botched that because the team hates me now and I didn't do the greatest driving so that kind of blows Toro Rosso is very upset Oh Scottish oh god I've screwed everything up yeah she is Scottish isn't she well I don't know why they wanted us a podium finish I said a faster lap than Brendan Harley so I did do that so I'm losing the rivalry but we we split it there three and three so Hartley won the rivalry resource points are going to go up race position versus qualifying position now they're going to earn some earn some points there so that's good we can develop the car a little bit and a reputation oh good god well Toro Rosso is none too pleased with David neither is Haas which is interesting probably because I made contact with Haas and are we I guess we're closer to showmanship but we're really not really not anywhere there so let's take a quick look well Emma still on my side so that's good I guess two new historical events you'll be able to choose whether or not to participate before the end of this video whoo whoa we've got some through challenges some Top Gear challenges so I guess if we do a stream for the next race I might do that and maybe we could do some of these that could be fun Emma before you leave here take a look at these Invitational events there's no obligation to a pit and participate with the options there well oh I think that could be fun I think that could be fun I think I think I could do the Japan race in the 76 Ferrari so I guess um oh I got a look at this don't I uh how do I leave maybe just hit the pause button there we go okay so that was session progress will be lost oh I guess I've got to choose it all right let's choose it then check boy challenge oh dear why did the game crash that was interesting why did the game crash I may have found a glitch that may have been a glitch boy I hope I didn't lose that whole race that would be obnoxious [Music] hold on let's see let's see if let's see if I lost the opportunity to do any of this so did I lose the race for that did I lose the progress it says data center so data center would imply to me that we've we did the race and it's all good hopefully still says still says we're doing Australia it'd be interesting let's see let's see I'm gonna try to get to that screen again I hope I didn't lose the friggin Check Point challenge because I wanted to do that or at least wanted to participate in it or had the option to participate in it yeah so okay okay yeah yeah we kept the we kept our progress we're still gonna have to hear a Claire I think yeah we're gonna see a reputation dip again boy that that's certainly fun to see okay Thank You Emma even though we've already had that I don't know if there's a demo for this okay let's see if it crashes at this time no it did okay so that was just a a weird strange strange thing there okay we'll do this checkpoint challenge real quick though first I'm gonna walk over to the other side of my room and grab my shifter because I'm pretty sure this car is going to require the clutch [Music] here we are then the calm before the storm as we wait for this field of iconic cars to burst into life for the historic Invitational event today I'm delighted to have the opportunity to be here and welcome along to all of you at home as well so grab a cup of tea and get ready as our competitors make their final preparations well I'm probably going to get fi aid because of that we're just going to do this real quick this shouldn't be a very long challenge here but I'm going to try to use the clutch and the manual shifting we'll see how this goes three pedals in this car of course as in real life [Applause] there we go okay fifth gear I'm not sure you need to use the clutch but we're gonna use the clutch anyway just for historical accuracy oh boy well I'm crashing multi-million dollar cars let's try that again let's just let's just restart that because I wasn't aware of what I was doing there okay so I think it's in fifth gear when it starts here we'll see [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay well now we're in fifth gear I'm pretty sure this car only has five gears so down a gear [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the classic these older cars then we don't feel the way they do in like project cars I will say that they definitely feel less slighty [Applause] so okay I get it now so we got it we've got a timer up there and we've got to complete this amount of kilometres in this without running the clock out so it's kind of like a Sega game [Applause] this will also give the opportunity to watch or watch some gameplay of a new car in the game the 1976 Ferrari of course everybody knows this car now from the rush movie [Applause] [Applause] [Music] there we go that was a better shift okay now it's gonna start getting tough [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] boy I only got ten seconds I'm gonna have to complete a whole nother lap in this challenge five oil boy [Applause] oh that's so close Oh God Almighty that the car that drove like a pig yeah originally okay so we failed a checkpoint challenge can I try it again I certainly hope so [Applause] let's try it again let's try it again I think I can do it this time yes session progress will be lost yeah this is the car that drove like a pig originally and and then they fixed it because Lauda was was very adamant to a mr. Ferrari but the car needed to be changed even though from what I understand in interviews with niki lauda that the movie embellished on some of those things [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well God oh don't hit the wall done hit the wall don't hit the wall I didn't hit the wall let's try that again actually let's just do a flashback because that'll be quicker okay let's not try to drift you cert they don't have the physics right so that you can't really drift unfortunately and these cars really did slide around quite a bit [Applause] that's kind of one of the things that [Applause] I wish this game would be able to nail especially because they've got these older cars in here you need that tyre scrub a little bit [Applause] this sound nice though doesn't it woohoo there was a drift kind of slid it off the track but you know details details [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on give me that time [Music] oh come on no I keep missing it if I hit that last checkpoint I've got it okay let's try it more time and then I promise the stream is over but God Almighty this is ridiculous yeah no I didn't say rush was inaccurate but he said he did I did 20% of what Humpty 20% you know he did a hundred percent it's not fact um there's this great interview series on YouTube with Niki Lauda I don't remember the guys name but he interviews all sorts of racing personalities like Jeff Gordon Mario Andretti and it's really fantastic stuff especially with Lauda you really get kind of an insight into what Nicky is all about and there we go I actually got the car sliding around the corners a little bit finally so maybe I was too quick to judge Codemasters we'll see we'll see if I went faster by driving the car a little bit more on the ragged edge [Applause] there's a slide yeah no I you excited these cars he's got to figure out how to do it and where the limit is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay so I essentially I have to do what one more lap now [Music] the part that everybody talks about about Rush were they embellished on the truth and spoiler alerts if you haven't seen rush but if you haven't what's wrong with you and you're watching you've watched this far into a f-1 livestream but then the part where hunt gets mad at the reporter for talking crap about loudest girlfriend or wife leaving him because he looks ugly hunt never shoved a tape recorder in a guy's mouth and punched him that didn't happen apparently I think I made it this time all right there we go I think I've got it passed we'll see it's gonna be close oh but you've got to be kidding me no you've got to be kidding me okay so I've got to make it to extra checkpoints oh my god all right one more time one more time we're gonna give it a shot and now we're done can we get this stream to 200 likes we're at 184 right now let's get 200 and maybe if the stream it's 200 likes I can actually do this properly alright so here we go sand in it [Applause] this is definitely a fun challenge though I'm not like getting frustrated am i getting frustrating it'll like a frustrating way I'm getting frustrated like actually being challenged that was a bad corner right there [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I was in neutral there that neutral is not a gear fun fact [Applause] Oh exceeded track limits in 1976 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay so 25 seconds [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] now come on go [Applause] I'm not gonna get it go alright screw it we'll do this we'll do this the next time I couldn't finish it huh it's the impossible challenge well anyway thank you guys so much for watching and I guess maybe we'll do yes the game needs classic tracks no doubt about it yeah we'll do that excuse me we'll do this maybe again because I feel like streaming races is kind of fun so we'll see how this guy's David you try to do ground effects cars yet no I need to that's one of the things that I have not done yet I've done the Brawn I've done the Williams now I've done the 76 Ferrari but I haven't touched the 78 Lotus or the 80 McLaren yet but that's coming there's a lot of content one night he likes a that's close enough it's almost 200 and we got to wait for this to go because this isn't a good place to end the stream man she's roasting me over this - good god good God alright it was tough it was tough alright so thank you guys so much for watching this has been David land on YouTube and I guess we'll see you in the next video got a few more coming this weekend I am of course racing this weekend so don't expect any like how you say timely content but there should be content none the less so thank you guys so much for watching and we'll see you in the next video
Channel: David Land
Views: 9,336
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lewis Hamilton, Sebastian Vettel, Kimi Raikkonen, Fernando Alonso, Max Verstappen, F1 2018, Formula One, Formula One Halo, Halo, F1 Halo, FIA Formula One World Championship, Ferrari, Mercedes, Red Bull, Alfa Romeo, Haas F1, IndyCar, NASCAR, F1, 2018 Formula One, F1 Preview, 2018 F1 Driver, 2018 F1 Teams, Formula One World Championship, Power Unit, Grand Prix, F1 Memes, Honda F1, McLaren, Alonso, Ferrari F1, Formula One Review, Auto Racing, Monaco GP, Brawn GP
Id: SOacC-2WPY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 169min 18sec (10158 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 24 2018
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