FALL GUYS LIVESTREAM - Battle Royale Game Show! Oxtra & Oxbox Play Fall Guys

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[Music] [Music] to [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everyone hi hi happy friday happy friday here we are there we are there we are sorry hello hello everyone look it's me luke with jane and andy and it is jane and andy it's everyone working this week how's it going this week um okay so uh on this stream we are going to be trying to play the game the popular team name is the remnants yeah the bottom of the barrel really scraping it oh gosh oh we've got a game in the game straight away wow we've been trying to get in the game all afternoon yeah the servers have been down most of the day we assumed we wouldn't get into it we're fully ready to just do the buzzfeed disney princess quizzes yeah just fyi i've i've never played four guys i haven't what is it jump x's jump square is jump like throw yourself forward okay right trigger is grab on to something okay so it's a bit like sort of um do you remember takeshi's castle yeah sure no oh okay all right i'm immediately oh wait oh no there we go i'm still in yeah there there's basically there's a certain number of players who can qualify so like in this one the first 45 people to make it to the to the end are going to qualify um and the rest of them will be eliminated yeah okay okay truly like a jelly bean hamburger oh jelly bean jelly bean hunger games okay no i can't do jelly bean games uh it's quite hard to keep eyes on you guys where are you i'm gonna go around um you recognize me i'm the jelly bean man i'm not going around we all look basically the same i'm going around as well no no no no no is there a sprint is there a sprint button there is not a sprint no sprint okay fine yes you see for jelly bean idiots there's a dive turn the thing back so far no one is qualified what did you say i could grab onto things you can apparently right trigger is grab on to so you can grab onto someone's arms legs of a platform got you now look is this you next to me um no okay so other people in the party have a little triangle i'm not doing it too badly i don't think six people i'm doing extremely poorly so what happens if you qualify do you get like a medal or you go through to the next round no no oh does that mean we'll be separated if i don't qualify i mean i'm probably not going to qualify it's a real disaster over here stand up stand up jay man i'm an idiot if you qualify i can spectate you yeah yeah yeah yeah oh my god i can't believe how little get up get up get up get up get up get up get up you're jelly you should stick yeah you should be somewhat sticky yeah it's tacky yeah sticky to the touch come on sort of gangby style i might be able to just grab onto a platform as it as it fell away you know i think the seesaw level might be might be new because i saw a lot of people complaining about it oh it's quite yeah it's quite fiddly it's brutal but that's but i i like it you have to you like the brutality everyone else as well oh okay the cruelty come on yes here we go flick enjoys the cruelty i always knew it oh my goodness come on come on yes yes yes i think i'm about to qualify folks good good good oh somebody's holding on to me yes all right i've qualified yes well done nice well done good job okay i have not go i have not either but i've got i feel good about my chances like a blue jelly idiot i have no oh i can see the finish line that's pretty good i think i'm in last place the chat is saying that my audio is way too way too low wait way too low unsurprising that's luke is the one who we're watching and he qualified so that's good that's right well let's see how oh yeah you're watching my screen folks i'm going to see what the chat saying so you don't worry about it luke don't you worry about it i'll just focus i'll just focus real hard on i'm looking at the stream now luke yep oh yeah i am quite loud sorry for everyone's eardrums that's all right how do i how do i sound you you sound i think you sounded quite nice actually whereas i sound like a booming great big giant and so does handy normally with these things actually the problem isn't our mics down too low it's like the game audio is too loud and it's right compresses out right i have to focus now because i have to what oh god i wasn't even looking i think i just have to stay well i'm come on i'm observing you scientifically through a microscope yeah all right welcome new member jeffrey murray to the channel which is the channel of outside extra and also steve malone says yeah i'm playing as a mint chocolate lightning pirate so if you see a green and brown what lightning pirate in there then it's storms all right luke i'm watching you right now you seem to have fallen into some kind of mincer oh yeah i fell down zelos makuzo says woo ready for chaos and can't wait for next week's lasers andox adventures yes yes so explain yourself next week uh as part of uh the metaverse um uh new york comic con online experience show thing we are going to be playing uh lasers and feelings which is a um an rpg set in space and it's going to be like you know how in black adder um they always did uh series where the characters were the same characters but they were just in different time periods yeah we're going to do that but it's the oxventurers in the science fiction times yeah which is the future yeah yeah it'll be really good um also there is going to be a special accenture q a afterwards that you can buy tickets for um which is going to be a lot of fun and uh it's a nice way to support us if you feel like doing that at this uh at this weird time uh we can't do any of our other live shows yeah at the moment um which is a shame which is a shame but that'd be cool yeah this is hopefully going to be something cool that we can do instead and that you guys will enjoy okay right um ready up you two i want to see if we can get in another game all right okay oh yeah if you're interested by the way there's a there's a tweet on outside xbox uh check out our instagram check out our facebook all the links are there mm-hmm and we've got some pins as well metaverse and some pins yeah you guys are still spectating the last game i think oh oh okay oh dang how do i get out of this and then he looks just like me yeah got it got it got it i thought it was gonna boot me out when you got booted out you think so wouldn't you yeah yeah that's why it's in early access that's that's the only reason i want to spectate is when my friends are in the game okay i'm ready i might put on a actually hang on i'm gonna put on oh no too late i was gonna put on one of those wolf heads because then i'd be easier to spot you know the reason i didn't put on the wolf head is that i assumed everyone would because it's free right everyone gets that i put on the wolf head i know it looks great thank you i i didn't do it because i thought oh everyone will be doing that because it comes you know it comes graphics navigate the obstacles and race to the finish line okay i feel good about this one good good good good good navigate obstacles race to the finish line okay i'm gonna get it this time yeah we're gonna we're gonna do great okay i feel really good about our chances here we go that's four guys who oh okay underway it's like a rolling gladiator thingy oh oh oh yes no no no all right this is brilliant it's mine to lose do you remember when we were all in birmingham for went on mcn inflatable obstacle course yes this is exactly that it was brilliant and we had a great time i seem to remember it was definitely a before time thing because i'm pretty sure everyone licked every inflatable oh no i definitely my mouth went all over everything as i fell off and hypogenic i know someone who was on that show total wipeout what oh come on no way yeah they had to go to argentina and live in a hotel for a week and apparently it was just full of inter contestant drama oh that's what i own it for come on no no yes qualify no yes qualified come on can i go yes so much adrenaline so much adrenaline i'm just trying to take a nice screenshot so i can share it but hang on frenchie's asking will the q and a be uploaded to youtube after the live show now the uh the q a is an exclusive thing for the show that you need a ticket for but the actual ox venture in space your game itself will be free for everyone that will be viewable new york comic-con's youtube channel so yeah check out youtube.com nycc that's where we'll be playing lasers and feelings but as andy says the um yeah the q a is a special exclusive ticketed thing so you'll need to grab a ticket to that okay did you did you ever watch takeshi's castle yeah it's very like that yes i'm feeling this okay oh no we're back on the seesaws oh no i hate them so much they make me sore yeah good yeah yeah all right okay andy i can see you i'm just behind you and to the right i thought you were going to do some qualified stuff oh wait no i'm spectating right okay fine i don't get to play no no um dippy doop in the chat says the servers are dead for me i mean they were dead for us for most of today yeah yeah it was a bad time and you really get an advantage here if you're in the if you're up front yes yeah nothing tilts too much but i think it's better i think it's better with this one to like to hang back a little i'm doing the best i've ever done and i'm like right out in front well it's a we play it's a long game andy i mean it isn't that's the point it's bite-sized fun with friends get up get up you fool you're in first come on come on no no i don't like no i don't like it what's wrong but i'll have to go along with it you'll have to go along how am i gonna how am i gonna play the game now at this point in no no you idiot jelly bean man i was just about to win oh andy i'm sorry are you are you secretly delighted i'm sorry i'm so happy secretly okay all right here we go here we go no you fool i can't look away from the screen but is jane still there i'm still doing it it's good oh watching disconnected from the server i was um i was doing a tweet trying to let everyone know that we are streaming with outside extra your tweet was too powerful i tweeted you got knocked off the internet one of those powerful power power jane's regular power tweets that she does oh man there's no there's definitely like there's loads of players ahead of me i've not got a good feeling about this one come on luke i believe in you are you spectating me jane uh no i'm in the um in the lobby oh okay okay right in the actual livestream but i'll be watching it on a slight delay andy i can see you you're doing no good come on use the idiot man get up get up get up yes yes i'm through i'm through you're through nice one nicely done oh no no i really should really miss time that jump come on friends that was that was close and rough and bad oh but andy you did it yes you did now i'm looking at your wool face i don't i'm gonna no no done done done done i think i was one behind there yikes okay well i'm still in it it's all right i can we can i'm looking forward to spectating andy if the game will let me only 32 remain the cream the 32 creams the 32 you're one of the 32 lucky creams who made it through that's why they call him andy lucky cream fareneck that's why they call him that is why right 32 elite creams that's right friends gaze upon my creams okay it's egg scramble put the most eggs in your team's basket before the timer runs out oh so i've got to grab it now have i yeah yeah now you've got to grab eggs and i'm a team person let me see where am i am i why am i not watching i want to watch andy you can switch switch to me grab an egg i got it there he is okay we're gonna get off meditating andy oh i've got an egg you better believe i've got an egg oh you've got an egg there's a big hammer why was i not informed of the hammer they keep the hammer back all right grab them eggs grab them yes you've got one watch out andy watch out for the hammer nicely avoided yeah dunked it well done but you've got it you know your teammate the red team is oh falling behind it's falling behind oh no well no actually now you're tied for winning oh hit hit that yellow bird andy hit it hit it in its stupid yellow face yes give me that egg give me that egg get that egg it contains the last dinosaur give me that denver egg yes you got it you got it yeah nice nice nice nice bring it back other teams have been stealing your eggs go what no no no get out of my egg hole good ghost go steal their eggs and get out of my egg hole you suffered oh i'm gonna get your eggs mate well then we'll see then we'll see who the real egg master is egg time taking your eggs i'm like a magpie or what are they are they magpies you get a nest oh like a cuckoo don't they yeah first you get the eggs then you get the money yep then you get the cocaine then you get the scarface mansion you give me that egg go to the yellow base andy and steal the name oh no i dropped it i'm just gonna i just want to get these eggs in okay look at look oh wow i'm just getting owned oh danielson says remember you can steal eggs from the other teams is that useful oh yeah that's what we're doing that is super helpful i'm going to do it now andy i say go to the blue team because they are weakest punish them while they punish them for their weaknesses the weakest link yeah the weakest luke the week there's a lot of people commenting hammerhammer in a delightful reference to our recent dungeons and dragons uh adventure dunked it all right all right blue team you fools yeah we did it you win good job team nice qualifying the blue team will now be summarily executed you've qualified for another event like another event and andy through again yeah now only 21 remain phil clem says cloaker andy the word is cloaker oh instead yeah sure i mean do these creatures have cloakers do they birth live young i don't know um do uh hmm do these jelly men birth live young can you google it i think so dude actually tweet these just google do those jelly men birth life all right hang on i'm doing it do these jelly men birth life young says luke i'm gonna need uh info on that oh watch a seahorse give birth to two thousand babies yes please please can we get that on the stream what does it mean don't fall off these jelly beans compared to a seahorse in that they burst live young in a single respect oh it's the hole in the wall oh oh oh hole in the wall and by which i mean i mean playstation network followers lose whoa whoa whoa whoa gold eggs are worth five points says javier gomez nice i'll have to remember that after that says ruthlessness is key yeah says get the golden eggs these are these are all um these are all all tips for the last game though oh well i mean i can only see what because i'm not spectating i can only see what's on the ground i'm sorry kicked you out that's not very sorry no it's okay it's fine i will stop reading no no no no no sensitive comments and go less time sensitive comments do watch the thing about the seahorse giving birth to 10 can do this 000. don't you describe it and give us commentary just describe it like play by play yeah describe it in as much detail as you can do these jellyfish birth life young again all right it's a geographic 30 second video no no no 90 seconds is how long we've got in this round so that's perfect okay cool yes andy you're doing so well no oh my goodness oh my goodness jump naturally very strange oh it's just shooting live tiny jellyfish out of its belly button yeah same mood am i right we've all been there it looks like we've all had a dream um yeah good no what i really enjoyed was national geographic pointed an arrow and it says focus your attention probably what you're missing is the 2000 live young coming out andy you're through for one day andy you are absolutely crushing it crushing it well done andy you are into the you were into the last 11. i found my esport yeah ah okay all right are you gonna become some kind of pro esporter now yes good i'm gonna yeah i'm gonna join the london spitfire for you i'm happy for you andy i hope you'll share some of the riches i'm gonna make the spitfire pivot to uh whatever this game's called i'm gonna i'm gonna go and spend some of my real money on on accessories for the mountain and users i've got nothing else to do trigger to grab the crown i've got to we got to snatch the crown guys search the crown okay oh my goodness okay as far as i understand if you don't get the crown you lose so like you've got to win this oh my god all right what's the best route i don't know andy follow your heart i'm going right you're probably the best in that in the world in the world at this game yes correct that oh my god this giant ball is the temple's no it's all right you're still in it you're still in it try and pause please have mercy message oh but there's some folks up ahead here comes the giant balls no the giant ones yes andy this looks oh oh no no the giant balls have created momentum yikes oh yes well you did well to sneak through there yes you're still in this andy i'm used to johnny's d d machinations i can handle these giant balls you're still in it the hammer though no someone snatched the crown who was it patrick 445 says is ellen hyped for kingdoms of alma's reckoning which kingdoms of almost you know actually i do know that ellen has been playing kingdoms of amla just reckoning not re-reckoned as in she's been playing the original she's been really just limbering up with a bit of the original she finished it for the first ever time because she had been savoring the very end of that game for the you know for for when the time was right and the time is right now because she can get it completed and the dlc she's been playing dlc for vintage classic retro game kingdoms of amelia she's she's sunk into it like a warm bath she's immersed in the world of amaleur she's going to come back rejuvenated reeking of amla you know how she was reluctant to talk about kingdoms of amelia before yeah i think hopefully she'll have gotten over that shyness [Laughter] now she'll be ready to hold forth on kingdoms of amla when she returns to us you can ready up now and um oh sorry get back in there all right this time in the fight this time all right i put my werewolf head on all right katie douglas says i've discovered that hugging the side is not a good strategy for four mountain so if any of us make it to full mountain again don't just straight up the middle okay straight up the middle good good strategy good intel manny's manic mandible says jelly beans have shells right they contain less solid jelly goodness within therefore they wouldn't lay eggs but instead they are themselves eggs yes so now you know yes i agree well you know i think if any scientists watching will agree with that see-saw that would be delicious as well like cadbury's mini eggs yeah you've got to try and stay up front on this one because then all the things bloody see-saw all the see-saws are flat i disagree i i think that i think the smart money is on hanging back all right well enjoy your vertical seesaws i'm going forwards okay look if everyone could just stay in the middle i'm trying to unhave this probably on everyone else just act collectively just think of yeah yeah think of the collective good you monsters yeah and get out of my way oh no vertical seesaws bloody hell look at these absolute clowns okay i'm waiting get up please get up no get up get up get up don't fall don't slip don't fall you idiot jelly man someone in the chat said everyone just come on get up everyone just get off there someone in the chat said that if you um jump and like lunge jump in lunch with the square you can't make it up but like you slide less when you land oh okay well you're all right you might arguably you can just grind along on your face instead of sliding off and then yes yeah yes all right i'm trying to straight down the middle i'm pretty on the white lines how are you guys doing i i can see i can see you luke i can see you you're one seesaw ahead of me no one has qualified yet it's working no one's qualified wrong may it stay that way okay good a one person's qualified oh no oh oh i'm getting a little server server junkies oh no serve junkiness oh no i've been disconnected no jay no train i believe in you i'm gone i'm gone from the server friends don't come over to my side of the seesaw or none of us will make it by the servers themselves collective good i say okay well hopefully a few more people got disconnected with this from the service because then maybe i'll have a chance i wonder if i can rejoin no i can't i cannot okay it's okay it's picked up i'm doing all right but i don't know if i've got time to make it 11 have already qualified i'm feeling the same way i don't know if i go off this one i think that that could be curtains for my little jelly bean no you fools oh you weighed it down for all of us cambly owl says has jane seen that mass effect trilogy is rumored to be re-released in september surely not surely not as soon as september um i did not see that rumor actually but um if it is a rumor and if it is legit that would be hella exciting that would be cool also did we all see the uh hitman vr from yes oh yeah that looks so i'm up for hitman vr imagine um yeah garrotting someone with piano wire in uh in vr what a treat you'll be able to watch the light go out in their eyes in first person what we've all dreamed about we've got to make it grim. that's the next gen vision i was thinking about hitman is is just like a gorgeous holiday brochure living gorgeous holiday brochure and you could just go and like stand in an exotic location in these difficult times when no one can really travel so that's true i wouldn't mind walking around the seychelles resort yeah in hitman oh yeah the maldives one the uh yeah yeah all of those all of those locations the um is it thailand or yeah there's the yeah bangkok the hotel the bangkok hotel that would be amazing to go home no didn't make it round i was close i was two seesaws away i did qualify well done chris manson says wasn't somebody going to make an out of context oxboxtra account because this game seems like perfect fodder andy and his spherical object just because there are giant balls coming at my face doesn't mean it's an innuendo they're literally giant balls yeah coming directly at me that's just literally true yeah um jerk four four four says jane was eliminated the server was afraid of her power yeah it's scared of your raw account i have to okay i have to do this one roll out again rule out yep roll out describe roll out what is rollout okay so like basically it's a big roller yeah um and everyone's on it i'm looking at luke right now and we all have to everyone has to run in the right direction i'm gonna try and stay on the edge like away from the from the hey man if you're not on the edge you're taking up too much room right oh no there's oh no it's donut stacks all of you get out of my nice chill corner nine months of the year yeah the edge is actually a tax haven yeah no luke oh my god luke it's all right he nearly fell down the big hole i know no look what are you doing man it's all right handy that's right i'll tell you what i'm doing sorry playing the percentages is it yes what percentages of what it's what uh great managers do to win ball games i see okay sorry jane i interrupted you no no no no no no no it's all good it's fine alex samara says server she seems to be the biggest weakness of this game which is a shame if they can get that sorted this game will be excellent i just think they couldn't have anticipated how much people were going to love this game yeah i think i think they had no idea how popular this was going to be yeah well they put it on ps plus so yes yes yes but you know it did great word of mouth it is ridiculously fun apparently um and like playstation should just go over sony should drive over there in a truck with like a thousand servers i don't know how servers work but they should drive over there in a big server truck they work exactly truck up the driveway of the developers and then just drop drop off a bunch of servers yeah oh come on i just need two more people to die there's finally a new fable game which if this is the stealth reboot of fable i am very i think they've taken it in a bold new direction and i think that's it's good that they weren't tied to the kind of historic expectations exactly yeah for fable now of course there is a new fable game coming at some point but um yeah there was a little teaser at the end of that showcase what am i doing god's sake yes you did it you did it when chris is concerned and says wouldn't hitman vr just be irl assassin training yeah yeah i mean i mean yeah video game yeah yes and at a very affordable price yes it's a like an open university course like a study from home exactly assassin training course yeah all right what's the next what's the next course that they're going to make on your pets no not to not actually kill them just give them a little bit of a piano wiring speaking up on your pet no okay just get it just get yeah just get the piano wire around the neck but don't actually tighten it until they don't stop also guys i have to focus because this next one's a memory game oh no oh really yeah there are memory games guys yes is it like a simon says kind of thing no it's like okay grape great apple great great great great apple apple great great apple apple great great apple apple i can help grape grape it's quite it's quite important that only i say the things great banana apple apple go banana apple apple great great great apple red grape apple apple grape grape apple right i have to there we go okay no one got eliminated there because okay all right okay does this help blueberry blueberry blueberry blueberry blueberry blueberry blueberry and you guys suck we want to play we want to play we want to play grapes cherry grapes apple grapes cherries [Music] i didn't say orange because i didn't want you guys putting it in orange orange orange we couldn't put in a song because nothing rhymes with orange please can we stop this game yes qualify thank goodness wow no thanks to you two playing with us on your team is what we call hard mode yeah what do you mean on my team yeah with parts of the team yeah well we're valuable this is a team only two people were disqualified then we're supervising we're more of a difficulty mode than a team okay right okay okay next one next one um avoid fake tiles and find the hidden paths to reach the finish line simple tiles yeah don't think we've i don't think we've been in the original language jehovah's touch with an eye the penitent man kneels before god that always bothered me in indiana jones where he's like well only the penis and man will pass and he's like oh the penis is humble before god yeah yeah neil and then he he sort of instead of kneeling he does like a sick combat role out of the way it's not the man does a sick combat role in front of god kneeling and forward rolling it was the same word they have the same etymology yeah right they came from the same the same source the roots yeah and he knew that because of that linguistic like identity that actually it meant to do a forward role not probably what i'll need to do is a shoulder roll yeah into yeah yeah if you translated it another way it could be the humble man does a forward roll and then he does a forward roll the humble man does a knee slide underneath a bustle yeah and god's like oh nearly got you yeah did he did he fall yeah i thought i was gonna make it there but like someone bumped me it bumped me at the end daniel glenn says great grape apple apple is great great can i just go ahead and assume that lots of the chat is saying grape grape apple apple oh yeah yeah yeah i can tell you who else to say yes no ciao bell says guys i'm so excited to have wandered into my first live stream oh we're watching you guys for four or five years now well welcome to the party show bell um yeah this is the party pal this is this new little little thing called streaming this it's we think it's going to catch on we're just experimenting with it but um um it's going to be a big things we say go on the internet immediately though like straight away uh all right i'm out so we can all um we can all we can all hey time to play time for jane to play time for jane to play for about 60 or 70 seconds but wait first i hit we have to collect rewards what rewards are they grape grapes apples apples they are great great apple apple great great apples grape grape apple level i shout myself horse for your grapes and apples absolutely all right i'm in free fall like with my werewolf head on my werewolf tail on give me some players i'm not actually a werewolf i have killed and skinned a werewolf and i'm wearing wearing their skin there's a warning classic warning to the others oh man okay i suddenly remembered my [Laughter] charlemagne so it's just random just charge at a door and hope for the best yeah just like takeshi's castle yeah but ones if i hit a fake door do i die do i get flattened well it's just you just can't go through it oh if you die in the game you die in real life yeah okay oh yeah did you not see that it's in the um euler oh no you pressed x to agree oh i always agree to those things without reading yeah but it's to the death unfortunately all right bravely yes all right come on got a good feeling about this door yes this door oh okay wow wow chaos oh oh it's quite it's absolute chaos friends everyone's like bouncing off each other is that that's a thing huh it is really a thing okay good good good good good this is just gonna be a straight up race then it's um pretty much straight up race i was doing quite well until i i picked two bad doors in a row that's no good that's no good unless you're in front though like door choice means nothing you just follow everyone else right yes left door and now race to the finish line get up you dumb jelly idiot no i'm being people landing on my head come on go grace get up to the finish line i'm trying i'm driving yeah sprint why is there no sprint yeah i got it yeah that was tense that was in intense and intense yeah yeah look at that look at those terrible jelly beans yeah there's a there's a sort of incinerator at the bottom of that grid and they all fall off and get incinerated there's a big bag of jelly belly at the bottom this is how nuggets are made there's a mincer at the bottom there's a big ronald mcdonald with a mincer yeah you fall into ronald's mouth and he chews you up and then the the mush from his mouth is formed into the shapes you crave he forms his ronald the inside of ronald mcdonald's mouth is the shape of a chicken nugget so he just uses his mouth like a mole to extrude before it was called mcdonald's it was called ronald mcdonald mouth mouth factory whoa i'm out in front i'm literally oh no wait that dude oh boy forget i said anything don't worry about it jane's not out in front anymore ronald's crave of all mouth shapes that's what they that's what they were called at first yeah ronald's good time mouth factory and then they're like can we call it mcdonald's because no that's my name unfortunately mr mcdonald fortunately ronald holds all the cards legally and he's made his intentions very clear no no no no oh no oh no a setback another setback oh i hate setbacks oh it's just like life setback city just setback city is what i call life setback city is like a cool song title setback city was the original name for mcdonald's [Laughter] well you've gone and had a breakfast and you're like well i'm not doing anything else today when an executive was heard to casually remark wow with all of this ronald mcdonald mouth shaped backlash we are in setback city and they were like that's our new name yeah quietly crossed out the words burger king on a whiteboard i was doing so well and now i feel like i'm right at the back of the pack it's ridiculous it's like it's like life it's like a metaphor if you've just seen me jump on this side of the seesaw don't jump on this side of this side of this esau what is wrong with you come on what is wrong with all of you this is everyone's fault but mine you stupid jelly idiots big stupid jelly idioms i've qualified no okay i would qualify if these dumbasses would stop pruning everything with their jelly butts i'm watching you now jane don't give up i'm trying not to give up oh i gave up i'm trying not to give up i'm trying i can't prove i'm trying very hard to try but i'll try to promise to try okay i'm going i'm going more cautiously now okay it's because slow and steady wins the race and you're out of there jane no i don't want to be out of got to be more aggressive where's andy i can't be more aggressive i'm just like a jelly bean there's no level of aggression open to me andy's about to cross the line come on you idiot jellyfish work together that that that one that was hanging out by the finish line andy was was trying to like grab you and hold you back who was from crossing oh well they didn't sometimes wait by the finish line to oh they didn't achieve gravity for trolling reasons oh right oh i thought you meant to support their teammates oh maybe oh right oh my god i totally flood that flood that jump real bad keep flubbing those jumps emma goslin says don't worry jane the see-saw was merely a setback but you will be prepared i can't stand that season level friends i gotta admit not a fan of the seesaw level it's a nightmare lazy boy sorry no lazy boy says incinerator at the bottom spoken like a tree prudence while apple says grape grape me me real tip if you all get the seesaw again stay together to balance the seesaws of course that's a good idea to move forward to prevent herd randomness play as a team are you sure you guys rock thanks for all the smiles you drink bring um that's a great tip i wish i'd read that before i did the seesaw oh andy are you and i'm gonna be on the same tv next team are you on i'm all blue yes are you blue i'm blue also great let's get damaged surely get them eggs all right i'm watching you now i'm spectating so i can i can provide coach commentary cool all right good hustle good hustle get out there all right sherman pair of eggs get out there egg wise yeah don't make me bench you i will put me in coach i'm ready for eggs i've already put you in andy wake up you hit the pine you're in here on the pitch now to stealing the basket get up get out of there we've got this yellow oh i'm holding him good oh yo hold me will you you i'm stealing yellow eggs yes yes whale on them well on them yellows yeah nice egg be a shame if someone were to steal it right oh no they're grabbing you they're grabbing you give me them eggs see you they belong in a museum the blue net is the blue nest is it yeah the blue net is the museum of losers and the experience now spectating you luke okay i'm watching you i noticed that i've just dropped my egg yes you have i'm going for the golden egg go forget that yes get that golden egg i will be the goose golden egg go go go man go come on come on take that goblin out of all right i'm gonna hold all these reds who are trying to rob yeah yeah hold them back yeah they're gold egg rich take their gold ah why isn't there a kill button i wonder if i got a gold egg i got the gold egg i saw you briefly have it oh you've dropped it you've dropped it now go go is it possible that everyone is here and there are literally undefended nests right now possibly but but jane i would have to look away from the peace golden eggs to know well good news blues you are slightly in the lead um it's give me that but you're doing okay so good job well done fragile alliance yep no give me that style egg lions give me all your eggs big boys yes round over well done good job fantastic work okay yes say goodbye to those yellows that's right now it's just us red and blue go along bye nugget town hope you enjoy it in ronald's mouth town if you enjoy ronald mcdonald's digestive acids the juices give it the zesty flavor [Music] you're in ronald's amalas now yeah that's how the nuts are made you can't deal with it don't eat the nugs all there are no other rules it's your first jump club you have to jump uh okay i don't like the way everyone's coming towards me yeah this is the problem with with people luke you can't rely on you can't rely on people you can't rely on jelly people to do to do what's smart or wise so it's speeding up it's speeding up you know this game will not stop until there are nine corpses lying in mcdonald's mouth it's dug nine graves yeah if you said now to play jump cub you better dig nine grams i think you're doing so well uh i i believe in you as as it gets faster you're not going to be able to outrun stuff right so jane as it gets faster my strategy will adopt adapt dynamic strategy there's that dynamic strategy there it is qualified oh well done oh well it's gonna be like water you have to you have to shape yourself to the form of yourself you've got to be like water never in ronald mcdonald's mouth it's like a finger pointing away to the moon okay andy well done qualifying there thanks good job andy so andy is the pink lightning bolt jelly bean right right that's me pink pink lightning jelly [Music] what's this hexagon four pieces fall away when you stand on them keep moving and survive the longest oh it's like that level in nightmare right in oh they're gonna fall away cool oh yeah cool all right okay andy you've got this okay what do i do just stand here just stand yes so just stand and pick the right hex again i'll find andy to spectate okay i am watching andy let me get andy there we go yep okay keep running andy run those running keep running keep running good run run jump jump jump run run yes keep running oh no i missed the floor i missed the whole floor okay it's okay stay on the perimeter jump jump jump let those yes let those chumps ruin this is your event this is your event dude oh no no no no no no no oh i took a right tumble that time oh man no that was devastating that's it folks well i don't want to stick around and see who wins because it's not one of us yeah less oh well that was exciting that was a good event i like that yeah that was exciting yeah hey quick my yeah yeah oh no i'm wearing the same color as luke now embarrassing awkward it's all right i'll i'll change have i looked anything else no i am i had uh this on my playstation basically all day waiting for the servers to come back online so i am very familiar with the theme tuners here we go all right all right who's feeling positive i'm feeling lucky i'm feeling good if it's a seesaw are we going to try the teamwork yes okay good because it's probably going to be the season it's probably going to be the season eight out of nine levels of the seesaw yeah it's see-saw's all the way down this is what you know the movie jigsaw yes yes this is what jigsaw wanted but didn't have the budget to build yes or the space because he was in like chicago or something yeah yeah there's no warehouse big enough to house this obstacle course oh it's not the seesaws avoid the moving doors oh okay okay all right here we go all right everyone have fun have fun out there i want to see a good clean jelly experience out there clean jelly fun oh my god the good clean jelly experience yep yep yep coming soon mcdonald's near you coming soon to ronald mcdonald do you like jelly no look we got jelly look we heard your feedback about the bad dirty jelly experience but we've got something i think we took it on board you should have run where i was going to be not where i was you like water space invaders you tried being like water james i'm trying to be like water all the time i tried being like a finger pointing away to the moon yes i don't i don't understand that at all don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all the heavenly glory oh right gotcha oh i'm eliminated totally i'm out of there okay well i made it through well done did i eat i did make it through yes good well done um i'm getting ground up into nugs right now yeah getting ground up just getting masticated by ronald's powerful teeth and you know what the worst thing is is that like you you retain your consciousness as you are turned into nugget form yeah really yeah that's the worst thing that a protein paste would be capable of housing a no but ronald ronald can store a soul in his mouth and burp it into a nugget you know um mcdonald's nuggets have four approved shapes yep no really yeah oh i was just saying yes i didn't know that was true is the bell the ball the boot and the bone and the shamrock it's real it's a real thing stars yeah oh it's like so it's like lucky charms yeah yeah they are like lucky charms oh no it's egg it's egg why did my own team rob my egg off me because uh chaos is a ladder andy is a ladder totally i'm following that gold i'm following that gold egg right back to source welcome to the channel red durkin you are now a member of outside extra did you know that you did says i'm glad to see they finally got a proper mario party multiplayer mode it does have a little of the flavor of mario it's not the same because it's so good yes i have no no get it get it you alright i'm gonna go and rob everyone's regular eggs while you get there all right andy the egg robber farrant is hard at work cuckoo in the nest my ribs smashed in but i don't even care what eggs yeah yes what do you even have as a jelly man cara dennison says what is pink lightning jelly's name he must have a heroic name so i think you need to name your jelly yes all right well what's a good jelly name um like squish uh jelly son uh yeah like jelly fur aniston or uh jelly for aniston is great go with me i'm on your team jelly for yeah jelly for the jelly from the block i have a golden egg take it i have it but but nasty reds won't let me get sick sorry sarcastic otaku says um bell is no boot is best nug so they have a preference on favorite oh wow yeah you can really taste the difference you can really taste that yeah that shape it's the shape the craveable shapes that everyone needs in their life the golden egg hold it in my mortal hand take it hatches into a dragon yeah a dragon that eats you're so hard to get out of this pit have you noticed that yes yes you qualified anyway it's fine just that's okay uh slicks a brick uh selector brick says it's 12 a.m in perth australia and i have nugs on the way oh my god midnight nugs 12 a.m is midnight right i'm not i'm not going crazy midnight nugs midnight nugs delivery midnight because we were mentioning them on the stream and they well they say buck synergy we don't know but i i would like to claim credit if mcdonald's would like to offer us some sort of uh if there's one thing mcdonald's won't be doing after this stream it's offering us anything free the only thing that we'll be offering us is a lawsuit pressed into our hands ronald mcdonald mcdonald will feed his nutritious paste into your mouth like a baby bird oh okay it's this thing yes andy so belle buy pineapple apple exactly uh churro uh stephen kum kump kumpei is a new member of the channel welcome aboard what have you gotten yourselves into cherries cherry cherry orange cherry cherry orange cherry cherry orange cherry cherry orange cherry cherry orange it's no grape grape apple apple i gotta be honest stanley green says jellyanne anderson which is oh no one else fantastic jillian anderson i've been watching a lot of um i've been watching a lot of x-files i'm not and i'm not afraid to admit it i've been watching can you believe the later seasons of the x-files without mulder with with with agent doggett what do you remember remember when they were no no here's the thing i wrote it off back then yeah it's actually really good i wrote it off because i'm like you're not david duchovny and i won't stand for it turns out i don't want to make out with you yeah right thank you turns out i do want to make out with the t1 000 so yeah so that's the thing yeah not dog it the t-1000 yeah yeah he can make his he can make his metal lips into any shape he can make his hand into one of those cherry where's cherry yeah cherry cherry well everyone's jumping on top everyone's jumping on this one so i'm getting on this one why are we even bothering remembering them we could just go around yeah that's what i've been doing yeah hey qualify great great apple apple says frodo baggins says hey have you ever the t-1000 could make his lips um into the shape of david dekovany's lips he could make his lips into the shape of david decoffney yeah it's like a big liquid metal david t coffin here he says mcdonald's will surely be making you all the face of the company now surely yeah the literal face the liquid metal face the face where the nug paste comes out yep oh my god um yeah ronald puts on like an imposing iron you know the man in the iron man yeah he puts on that and he sort of like squeezes it through them yeah through the house of the little bars you know yeah yeah it's not just mcdonald's some of you oh i wasn't paying attention what do we have to do here oh it's this one okay this is the um the moving wall thing yeah okay sorry jane what's that about our friend request um there's just just a request from the chat that people stop friend requesting luke he's so popular yeah that's fine i mean it's not bothering it's not bothering me vindicator says which is jelly furtado is great oh that's good yup yup i'm like a bird's custard [Laughter] that was terrible sorry uh mr sandman 31 says i'm watching with my bird and he loves the stream no word on what bird that bird is yeah a good one though probably i'm gonna imagine some kind of toucan albatross it's one two can better than two toucan can insist x files are fine as long as there is scully which is true that is the true takeaway is that scully is the x-files basically yeah and that's why jelly and anderson made me think of it yes did you hear the rumors of a new season of hannibal andy what snow what i want a new season of hannibal whispers yeah yeah yeah yeah luke and i were talking about the um the 80s series of unsolved mysteries which is basically a true crime show but the theme song to it is basically the theme song to halloween it's back when true crime didn't have to pretend to be sensitive yeah he's like yeah yeah it's like ooh this guy was shot in a gas station robbery and then they played this like spookiest freaking x-files music were you saying that there yeah there are some episodes where it's like it wasn't unsolved and it wasn't a mystery they're like yes yeah here's who did it they're in prison now did you go through andy i'm still in it you're still in it but it hasn't ended amazing okay collier says all this talk of nugs is reminding me of dragon age origins you you folks won't know this because you aren't dragon age origins what happens do you order nugs during it no nogs is a name for a sort of rabbit-like creature ah okay subterranean rabbit like creature andy did you make it i did yes all right i'm going to oh hang on wrote the stream there you're about to see some disney quizzes no you're not oh man i can't make anything worse welcome to the channel new member sonic in a hamster ball sonic hey everyone trapped in that hamster ball score goals by getting balls into the opposition team's goal work together to get the win all right we are getting this one friend request over and over and over so i'm gonna try and disable it no no wait i should probably watch and i'll watch andy do do that yeah yeah yeah yeah chris madison x-files chat what's your favorite era episode to be honest i am i'm only just like embarking on that era so i couldn't i couldn't name come on to be honest sorry um oh man it's just like rocket league it is like rocket league except really really really really slow and bad don't friends play defensively andy no one oh no you've got you've got a couple folks minding your goal just mind your goal is all yeah alex samara says we've decided that plant nutrition boys arch nemesis is ronald mcdonald it's now canon i don't know if you can have a licensed mascot that is the nemesis of your own you can it's mcdonald's agree and why wouldn't they yeah like nick and mack global warriors why wouldn't they donald's again think of their profile they'll finally get the profile raise yeah that they've been dreaming of they should be finally to ally themselves with the household brand with the pnb brand he's like no no no no andy no no there's a we've got a defender in there it's up to you now friend it's up to you yes yes another ball all right now go on the attack i am going on the attack oh all right you want to be you want to be using the dive as well when you jump into oh yes andy yes it's all you it's all you it's all you dive it in oh yes blocked out with my face come on come on come on you sweet jelly jelly man no it's going towards the goal no no no no no it's going to roll down get in there get in it's done handy it's done it's too late all right go for it all right you got this you got this dude did you manage to lock that person who kept spamming your friend requests luke no because uh i'm busy watching andy okay but after this i'll do it i'll i'll try and get into my quite annoyed oh yeah well i mean it's not i'm sorry it's annoying it's not annoying us but no because you're laser focused on the game itself on the matter at hand yeah [Music] if you want to send friend requests to someone um person why don't you send them to me and my screen isn't on isn't on the thing but it might be yes but it might send me all the friend requests she wants friends requests it might be that that's that's what the kick they're getting out of it though andy no no one would be nobody who would be who would do something like that no oh we are getting you've still got 15 seconds come on andy let's get over it let's go for it yes yes come on send it chef come on andy yes yes that looks come on get in the door five seconds let's see it yes yes oh no but the other one that was so tense oh that was so tempting all right this is going to slightly break the stream but uh but i'll just bear with me one second all right okay del k says nobody wants to be friends with dree pay piers no no that's true that's that is a problem [Music] hey we've got one of those cool stickers from david badalotti there's a black hair and it's screaming oh it's doing a massive knee slide wet band yeah i love it okay read some chat for a minute guys oh okay i've got a new pattern which is cells look at me look at these puzzles yeah i'm all set oh you look like an easter egg yes i do of chocolate in an easter egg love it amazing maybe i'll change my color to a more silly setting there's a mint chocolate colorway that's like green and brown you could be a mint chocolate easter egg oh that looks like that looks angry no that looks good oh you look like a mint chocolate easter egg yes i look great i love it this is a look that i will be taking forward thank you yes it's tip to be hot in uh autumn winter 2020. john's in the chat he says finally i get to see andy do a football game damn it finally dammit a football game there was a football happening earlier oh i see i see yeah 10 yeah tentatively i'd call it a football game yeah it was a real buzzer beater there that one it was real thrilling sports time that happened tom titherington says at least it's not a friend demand i put it to you that it is quite demanding it's quite demanding a little bit of a friend of mine yes um great great how's that how's fixing the stream going it's fine i'm adjusting my privacy settings basically but like to do that you have to go through a bunch of menus sure what have you been watching andy farrent what about unsolved mysteries on amazon prime so did you get through all the new unsolved mysteries and then thought yeah so watch all the new unsolved mysteries on netflix and then i watched some vintage unsolved mysteries to see what that was like okay and um turns out quite bad facial it's a different habit if they solve them they do they do that yeah but they do oh okay good all right we're good we're back in yay all right eyes up here we go nice squad oh you've got cool new aesthetics yeah cool i love it look at mint chocolate easter egg andy he looks great i can i can imagine the taste of that jelly bean oh yeah like a jelly belly artisanal gourmet bean that's like mint chocolate flavor hang on wait what now we're getting the same notification but for followers what hold oh it's all right oh you can turn off notifications right just all together they've out they've outwitted us oh no you've been played you've been outplayed that's that theme tune again all right jane it's doordash are you ready yeah oh wait maybe because i had to like boot out to the menu oh okay well i'm gonna play i'm gonna have a good time i can't tell i can't tell if i'm still in the game or not it says you're still in the game so i don't know why i'm not in this is it literally just starting andy three two one go uh yes it is okay oh that's it oh that's annoying that's just because alfredo come uh garcia says don't jump in the seesaws unless necessary there you go that's a good tip just no no jump but that's not the game that we're playing now no no no but we will play it again it's just advice for the future yeah yeah yeah you don't understand jane i'm so hyped hyped and amped up okay you're hyped all right this door yes you beautiful wolfman yes i'm telling you what i'm following this absolute champion who was picking all the winners wow sounds like he's cheating oh he didn't pick that winner oh but i did good good all right oh no but oh my goodness they're pouring through it's like helms deep it's world war z up in here yeah wow someone is a hamburger how are they a hamburger how are they i'm lucky i want to be a hamburger maybe they um paid real money for uh real monies nice okay 37 qualified good creme de la creme the yeah the top the 37 creams okay right team tail tag we've not done this one use r2 to grab a tail make sure that your team has more tails than the rest when the timer runs out hmm i didn't get it hmm where are the tails use our two to grab a tail jane are you spectating this or did it properly kill you no it just dropped me out of the lobby okay so the other team or some of the other team are wearing tails okay i have to take their tails for ourselves i have a tail so you must be protected i'm staying in the corner andy with my tail pointing towards the wall no one can see i'm even there give me your tail uh oh someone knows someone else is coming standing by me no don't don't let them have it they're waving i'm waving at them back so far no one's no one's noticed us oh no oh no someone noticed my friend and stole his tail well don't allow it well no i can't do anything andy because i'm keeping mine focus on keeping my tail yes i see it's quite the dilemma you have there yeah do you have a tail andy nope i don't but i'm coming to take this this yellow fellow's tail nice yes thank you very much fatima m says yo yo yo hope you all are staying hydrated in this unacceptable weather it is and also this game is crazy i love it it's basically unacceptable weather though it's basically unacceptable for um people in this country in the city where it doesn't usually get this hot i understand if you're watching from like plano texas and you're like oh well it's it's constantly it's constantly the temperature of mercury but maybe if you live there you you have buildings that tend to have air conditioning yeah no one has air conditioning air conditioning the technology that powers air conditioning just doesn't exist it's discovered in the uk so we just have to stay here with our feet in in boxes of cold water it's unacceptable yeah that's what's happening right now yeah it's a hard time do you have to try one big box of cold water with your feet you know just like two separate boxes one for each um yeah one for each foot and uh then also my knees and also my elbows are all immersed in ice cold water everything that's not on camera is immersed in cold water you're likely called like a gaming pc yeah right exactly i mean in many ways i'm very much like a gaming pc andy's the people of gaming pcs don't have a tail i have a tail there's six seconds left no one take my tail [Music] i was just in the playstation store about to spend real money when i realized i've forgotten my password i was gonna spend real money real nice on what like cosmetic items no you have to buy you have to buy currency and then you spend your real currency on fake currency and then you spend your fake currency on you know hats you know economics andy yeah i know how economically economics it's excremental oh bloody egg scramble welcome to war welcome to eggs welcome to egg white as well it's boiling in the netherlands tehran it is it's the hottest day of the year in the uk today um which for the uk means 37 degrees which is basically body temperature so if you stand still it's like it's like being inside yourself yeah it's like there's no difference between you and the outside it's like being inside yourself like luke says he he put it right i did um andy our team has a golden egg but can you sit on the dl please i see it i will not draw attention to its golden luster wrap scallions on the red and the yellow team hear about it i'm gonna go and check out yellow see what they've got going on could be potentially faithful they've got a gold gold have they i'll i'll be having that andy allen walsh says wait how do the british people know about plano texas how do you know about playing who told you who told you about our secret town plano yeah i know all about play notes right i'm running interference on the golden egg it's just another unsold mystery right now i don't which is my problem i should have thought of that i should have got a an icy cold foot bath guys if anyone's got any ideas for cool intros for my next morgan monday stream by the way do let me know anytime oh yeah yeah yeah so you're gonna be playing red dead again on monday right red dead yeah but i i obviously i need more exciting intro sequences for my segments because okay i need to keep adding to it get out of my car can't stand still always got to be moving forward no yeah relinquish my golden egg you think you rap scallion drop that egg you mountain bank stephen i don't know if the egg counts as being in our goal while i'm holding it in the air oh i don't know but i'll drop it at the last minute like a touchdown yeah like a touchdown yeah like a tactical touchdown that he'll touch down give me that egg boy give me that egg give me that all right i'm dropping the golden egg yeah that's how you qualify like a pro that's how you egg that's how you hatch your dreams let me google right and temperature right now in inside andy the weather in london right now friends is 34 degrees centigrade what's that in 993 degrees fahrenheit 83 93. 93 degrees fahrenheit nine and three that's why they call me no i'm just saying doing it for our american friends oh i see i see it i'm saying that's why they call me andy fahrenheit 200 degrees that's not why that's why they call me andy fahren tight step avoid the walls and stay on the platform this thing again block party okay andy did you you made it through obviously because i made it through last time all right i see you i see you i'm not ready all right i did not terribly last time like staying relatively close to the urge but oh if you're if you need to stay close to the middle because otherwise you can't make those quick adjustments if you're big a long long way but i i just like not being around people hmm but they can only jostle you in general yeah and in the game but they can just they can only jostle you they but they can jostle me chaotically off but i mean yeah what if you do get a what if you do get a long boy though you're right also probably if you're going to be jostled you want to be in the center of the penguin pack you know yeah because then you just get buffeted exactly you just get jimmy buffeted so smart yeah the smart penguins just wasting away in margaritaville yeah exactly for 14 37 degrees centigrade is what 98 fahrenheit where i live august is generally good here we go yeah yeah it's hot elsewhere i get it yet for some reason they go on to say it has only been around 80 the last week so it's actually cooler wherever for 14 is no no no oh well i live on the surface of the sun you see and it's constantly a billion degrees oh come on get it back luke shut up i'm burning right now my flesh is being scoured from my bones by solar flares but luckily my bones are still typing on the keys don't need flesh for that oh no wait my phone's locked and now i don't have a thumbprint uh andy you're doing great i'm out thanks oh no what happened uh well i went off the side yeah i guess ah video game vital so sucks that here in the us the servers don't want to work but i get to watch you guys flaunt your functioning servers yeah check out us out with our shiny functioning servers um oh we'll get a look at that get a look at that function rc says i like not being around people equals a mood [Music] uh someone wants to know why does the yellow team never win that egg game that's from lazy boy because we've not been on the yellow team oh also they say not on this stream or any of the others that i've watched it's like a curse the curse of the yellow team it's the car it's the color of the egg yolks connected what if because there's not always an even number of people what if they always fill the red and blue teams and then yeah oh okay andy you've got this seriously okay i'm gonna run up the middle like i was told while andy's doing this let me share my keeping cool in the heat tip here i have a wine cooling sleeve that i keep in the freezer right except i've taken it out of the freezer and you better believe i've popped this around my ankle i'm wearing it now anklet it's a real real life hack you know like the things you put on your feet when you do power walking yeah it's cold like an ankle weight think the uh white balance is mucked up on my camera because i am like pink let me see if i can do it oh jane that's no that's just that's just color you go in this stroke jane no andy you do it you were doing good oh luke said andy you're doing good the second i'm sorry i was illuminating there we go that's a bit more natural i'm just getting redder and redder in that white balance hmm oh man you're probably more used to having a makeup artist than i am jane because you do that kind of hosting more but when we did that sega thing in new york and they had a on-staff makeup artist the second any kind of shine they appeared on my face she would materialize that's good and make me look great i once did a a live thing at a trade show where i got made up backstage by uh barry manilow's who was it by barry barry yeah he just sort of wandered in he just had makeup with him he says he does it a lot and yeah and then he says uh who's gonna believe you who are they going to believe you or barry manilow and then he walks off the conspiracy continues silvia wiggins says i've watched many streamers play this and i've never seen yellow win damn wow dang yellow can the conspiracy yep yep yep ellie curt says hope you guys are staying cool it's been 99 humidity where i live in constant rain and heat that sounds nightmarish at least it's not raining and 99 humidity is that when the air is 99 water i believe luke do you think you could wear a wine cooling sleeve as a kind of elizabethan rough well let's find out i don't think it'll go over my head this one certainly one could like this do do you not have one that's like velcroed for different sizes no because wine bottles are a standard size oh okay take it easy no one panic just run with the herds just everyone just run away oh just get bounced to the finish line i'm getting swept there by these oh no oh stop sweeping me please yeah just sweeping swept to the finish line swept to the finish line oh how do you get up oh you got to jump on the platform i see oh right platforming what in a video game oh there's like okay i won't stand for it i hate simply won't have it i simply i simply can't bear it oh i've used oh i did a sick backflip it was great yeah everyone said how cool it was okay so now there's a risk reward thing i think because if you go up the middle yeah it's the cleanest route but right there's no way of avoiding that uh propeller really okay oh and then you just get knocked off you're gonna get propelled okay fully there's no risk going the other way though i want to say yeah that's life you know that's life life is what all these terrible risks that's life that's what the people say oh cut down in may for brains friends oh jay oh my precious jellyfool that looked so painful all right it was so painful straight across yes yes there's a guy on the finish line just encouraging people oh i'm so bad at jumping why why jelly why why is jelly so bad at jumping oh oh i'm bad at that jelly has jelly instead of mussels this is working like this working like an absolute treat ooh gauntlets yeah grape gauntlet yeah my wine apple apple yeah my wine they're like um they're fog roth's braces yeah you need two so you can cross them and activate your great powers activate activate being drunk online [Laughter] oh when when is your um uh debrief episode going up on icebreaker i'm actually not sure um we've it's been recorded it's been recorded i've recorded it with johnny how did the recording go the recording went great we basically go through uh the entire expansion more or less chronologically talking about like every major moment uh there were also like some sort of general observations about what was like to dm um uh it was really really fun it was really cool um it was really nice to talk about it with the difficult thing having already happened and gone okay so that was like uh yeah i really really enjoyed it um and it will it will be live soon i'm sure how much time was given over to discussion of the many many cool things that jane and i did so many cool quite a lot of time i mean most of it was discussion of like things that players did oh cool um i'll look forward to that yeah there was a lot of discussion of cool things that that you both did great um and and um and ellen as well because merowin had some moments come on get off the season all right okay focus up okay focus i'm spectating you now luke i'm watching you go you're watching all right yep here we go yep good job great progress i wish i could i i would love to just spin the camera around and just see how many other players there are but right behind you you need like a rear view mirror yeah uh but there's no time for rear view mirrors oh that's that incline is so steep oh so steep that was i was too bold too bold you're hubris too bold close too close to the jelly yep here we go oh proud icarus why all right okay come on get off that blue get off that blue yeah yep yep oh no there's trouble here's trouble oh it was too much trouble if i were icarus i would simply make my wings out of not wax yeah make them out of metal you can't make them out of something that can't melt metal you can't make wings out of metal yes you can you can explain the spider-man villain the vulture or aeroplanes i think they hadn't invented any of those things and invented spider-man when was icarus times 1920 times was before they invented metal 1940s when was metal invented it was pre-iron age uh iron man yep yeah i'm man i'm doing so badly on this stage i have nothing left to me but for season i have this i have i have qualified oh wow you're not doing that badly luke come on you got this you're doing fine look at you look at you go proud little wolfy come on come on oh my gosh oh my gosh i'm away i'm away you totally sold yourself short you did fantastically nice turned around at the end there john sharplin asks was there discussion of andy giving you grief i think he's trying to make me feel bad oh john sharply um no though i don't think so there was discussion of general like attempted derailment i think on that subject octa-chan says marowin's microwave was definitely a highlight yeah that was yeah that's a new and horrifying use of her powers every day she gets further from the world i don't i don't want to give away too many of the insights but there was definitely discussion of the fact that like i was looking at shoe lacy's stat block and he for sure should have died like he did die i i poked i think that did his health pool three times over whoa it should he should have been so dead so i slightly fudged that says i cycled 65 kilometers in 30 degrees celsius today and i don't recommend it 65 kilometers wow possible that's so far yeah all right let's see if let's see if team yellow makes it through this time yeah to confirm should we try and help yellow wind no let's not go that far yes let's see if team yellow can win this let's t let's check the conspiracy theory of team yellow never ever winning is it really um swangya saurov says love it all your streams keep the great streams a following [Music] i'm witnessing you luke i'm witnessing your ideal experiences you're witnessing me i'm chasing after that golden egg yeah get it back get it back they've got two golden eggs over here in red i'm just saying really all right i'm heading over it's golden egg city down hello team is oh it was briefly tied for the lead nope oh wow every nice one andy i see you i see you making out okay i got it out of that dynamic situation a very liquid situation right now yeah yellow team is in the lead contrary to all our suspicions about yellow never winning yellow is way out in front right now yeah but there's still a minute left there's still a minute it's still a minute left and everything to play for yeah it's a game of get that gold get that gold yellow's got the gold nothing to lose oh no i've been disconnected again oh no the internet's melted jane it's actually melting it's melted spectate spectating it's flowing it's made of melty melty plastic yeah it's flowing into the thames golden oh i need that internet yes i have the golden egg just got to hold on to it yes come on no yes someone just threw the golden egg that was my egg it pinged over there pinned into almost into my hole come on get in the egg hole get it in there get it in there get in that cloak oh it's rolling back it's rolling i'm gonna go and rob red a bit drenched with rain not sweat i'd heard horror stories of the rainfall in london but it's not bad what you want to watch out for is the pea super fogs because that's where you get rippers one or more rippers yeah there's three at least three rippers in every fog bank yeah it's the fog of war oh we got eliminated man yellow made it through though wow so yeah let's um our plan that we decided on to help team win yeah it worked yeah it works you're welcome team yellow you are so welcome that was liquid liquid says phil clem in the chat yeah some call it egg ball not says have to run but thanks for the new fruit song stuck in my head yeah you're welcome you're welcome you're welcome all right andy let me see that ready up i want to go sorry sorry sorry let's go let's go it took me through it took me through to the next thing and i'm trying to quit out of it eyes front eyes eyes up i don't want to watch anyone i want to quit yep yep thank you yes open hearts here i am here i am it's me here he is here i am uncle moe thank you ma'am rock me like uh yeah andy kane sounds like candy cane is that a thing yeah is that anything is that is that anything is that anything is that anything it's nothing jane that's nothing gate crash gate crap oh this one again right okay yes we love it don't we we love to see it we love we love the randomness it's um it reminds us that everything is chaos yeah it's good to be reminded game of luck if there was one year that i didn't need to be reminded okay okay choice for many reasons is it because no one likes the musical copyright yeah copyright cats is bad jellicle's a weird word it sounds a bit like genital jellicle cats are raw they're small jellicle cats also quite large [Music] i feel like it's a little unfair that jane's partied up with us because ideally if if she got kicked out she would be able to then just like get a bit more practice in doing other games yeah like i feel like like jane is playing a fifth as much as us i could probably yeah yeah i mean i could nearly 6 p.m not the memory game don't you do it don't you do it don't you do it what's this one don't you this is new door dash again no it's not new uh yeah remember the one on my screen had rings somehow yes i saw that one as well that looked good actually no doordash make your jellicle choice please don't say that andrew lloyd is on the phone yeah he says andrew lloyd is andrew lloyd webber's lawyer he says please stop okay here we go friends ready for it do your little stretches your little jelly stretches i'm going for this store the little dragon faces no and they look a little bit like eggbert with their strong bold eyebrows i haven't no that sounds good these little little dragon faces little dragon eggs little dragon beans oh dragon beans two wrong doors in a row wow that was a that was a cruel lineup that one was brutal okay who am i who am i spectating right now let's make it let's make it a new quest away yeah yeah here we go the people's favorite the people's jellicle okay here we go okay good choice good choice going with the crowd can't hurt luke's are also quite small no one's qualified and then and now i know it's just a scrum at the end what a mess come on get up get up get up what get up oh no did he not make it i didn't i got tripped up at the end and didn't make it i was so close so close that was heartbreakingly close oh but it's all right anyway yeah i made old mint shop bean here made it through now i think nimble attack manager might be lying when they say on the beam topic i'm not accusing you of lying but this is incredible on the main topic there's a great series of graphic novels called bean world about a small society of beans living on an island on a strange universe that sounds like a lie bean world but i believe it's nevertheless slime climb andy do you have what it takes to take whatever slime to climb that slime climb that slime show your support with the hashtag you're going downhill that's not climbing oh no you're going uphill that is climbing okay that's the definition of climbing all right check me out here we go i'm more of an after dinner bean do look like your flavored mint chocolate yeah yes i love mint chocolate okay now or uh um an arrow like a mint chicken no an operator oh no is that i got jostled screw this then back to the main menu let's go back to the main menu friends we gotta get back to main menu back to basic picture let's get back back to the menu okay back to the strap let's get back to what matters which is which is the main menu the seesaw the seesaw level seesaw level season level let's go let's go let's do it let's go we've got to make it to the heavyside layer folks spiffy mark uh drops us a donation that says take this so you can rent 2019's film of the year cats oh well i mean oh man i had such a depressing realization the other day i was like obviously i've missed that that's interesting i always haven't been to the cinema in so long i was like when was the last time i went to the cinema oh my god it was cats that was it that was the last film you saw cinema cat's the last film i thought of cinema maybe ever may you should um next time that the cinemas reopen and are fine to go to you should watch the uh cut of cats that has all the buttholes in it and then you can be like i went to the cinema in 2019 and then i didn't go to the cinema for 16 months and then i watched the butthole cat yeah schneider edit yeah i think many people got always because that was because of the the whole and you've been like no no that's just i'm only interested in watching cats the very least they could do is release that cut yeah the snyder cup they owe us they have us big time jump ah you want to come down you stupid wall thank you wait for it wait for it got to pick your moment [Music] race to the finish oh this is bad come on oh no i didn't realize there was somewhere you could yeah there's a pit it's a real pit it's raining oh i nearly had it oh man what the hell who made it and who didn't i made it not me i made it oh man oh jane i'm so sorry esport i'm really stuck in it i'm afraid we can't we can't find a place for you on the london spitfire when we pivot luckily you're good at overwatch so yeah yeah well yeah but the money's in full guys it really is yeah the big sponsors like good news everyone our new sponsor is mcdonald's big money sponsor uh they just need to go through everyone's social media history check their hands on anything they just want to like disparaging to the company yeah like obviously it's just a formality they just need to watch the beginning of the last live stream i mean yeah for they probably won't even go through all the live streams they'll just go through your most recent one yeah yeah yeah and just check just check that you there's you haven't said anything bad about mcdonald's i mean it's a formality they're cool with some you know what they're cool with jokes about mcdonald's they can pop they've got a real sense of humor as long as it's not specifically about ronald's mouth you should be he's very sensitive about his clown man with his hashtag gaping clown mouth show your support with the hashtag please mcdonald's i'm sorry oh here from lord pooh09 who says i think i'd rather just rent 2019 which is imagine that rental can we take it back yeah i can experience rent the rent the year 29. i would like 2019 on blu-ray yes i want to own it so that they can't take it away enjoy the highlights yeah because you have to rent it for a whole year at which point that's prohibitively expensive yeah with director's commentary from um jesus makes sense yeah he's like oh particularly liked here when we when this happened yeah i'm proud of this none of them have a clue look at these balls oh we got ourselves oh i think there's another mint chocolate guy oh there's another mint chocolate bastard okay yeah enjoying the great mint chocolate taste yeah there is flavor mint and chocolate together at last and with our new sponsor we can exclusively reveal here on this live stream that mint chocolate is the new coating for mcnuggets yeah and inside is it's packed with mint leaves yeah inside the batter it's just raw coke leaves yeah it's raw cocoa you know who could eat that nutrition boy yeah okay so does he get like the effects of a of a plant if you're talking about were he to eat a coca leaf just chow down on a mouthful of coca leaves yeah would he just get food or would he also get the bad cocaine effect uh he would get the effect but it but it would taste great okay if he ate a poison leaf he would get that it would taste great but he'd also be poisoned is that what would happen yes that's right sorry i just looked at the chat and they've just caught up great news hashtag gaping clown mouth is really taking off that is the worst hashtag says someone i'm looking at this stuff okay is everybody made a trend well i'm just checking twitter yeah it's trending banana apple banana apple banana tom titherington says 2020 is on vhs and it and it will kill you if you watch it which is just grim grim grim and bad rune factor says i really want you all to do some disney princess quizzes before the stream is over i need to confirm that luke is rapunzel look none of us thought i mean yes i am none of us thought the servers would be this stable none of us could have known that the servers would be somewhat stable cherry melon orange apple cherry melon okay i'm spectating for the first time the fruit game so i'm going to help i'm going to be so helpful good i don't know there's some real justly going on some jostling boys oh my god oh my god what about a bad bunch of josly boys here they're jocelyn like there's no tomorrow in here no no no no cherry what are you doing how did shelly it's a memory game you've got to look at the thing and bad dressel boys so now now jane we have to oh we qualified it's all right you will never you will never in your life have to understand this no but i want to i want to it's um there's a um there's a mario party one that is it um you have to like move on to the right um yeah the floor tiles have fruits on them and then on the big screen it'll show a fruit and you have to stand on the tile that corresponds to that fruit i wasn't focusing on the big screen i was looking only at the changing tiles now dead stars burn says 2020 is our punishment for 2019's cats which is fair i mean we all have to pay for that yeah it's true it's a collective i mean i have paid for it at the cinema and on rentals money and you rented it yes why did you watch it again why was with a friend who hadn't seen it said you got to watch cats you've got to see this this is that friend are they still friends you know what they haven't been in touch recently you know they made their jellicle choice i mean they're there but they're not there if you know what i mean yeah they're not all there yeah they look in the eyes and there's just nothing there anymore there's a sort of jellicle glaze what's left is a jellicle delicious uh okay i am spectating luke cool i notice that in the crowd there is like a metallic chocolate orange bean that looks delicious i'm waving at you james i'm looking at the camera and i'm waving okay great good um this oh look at you a little waving luke waving at the camera man you are so confident in your dodging abilities you can pause to wave yep you got this you got this you got this friend keep dodging i'm real good at every game what's bad is when yeah is when they start to like form up into a little scoop yeah and they're scooping here they go when the beans coagulate welcome to scoop down population us uh i can see there's a little egg but there's a mint chocolate bastard and oh that's andy okay fine hi andy don't call me a bastard no it's so friendly you know it was friend friendly mint chocolate bastard you know that famous compliment yeah you mint chocolate bastard spicy dicey and spicy oh no no i was eliminated jump and jump and clear it and this time and you got this loot yup yup you are you've got the chaotic energy this needs bend and stretch all right i want you to see through the game all right it's full of stars yes here we go come on okay okay great good job wolfie keep jumping those beans i believe in you look if you can dodge mika lashes call beyond three times stupid moving walls tell me about that call beyond hmm it's yeah it's bad time okay how many remaining how 14 14 qualified all right presumably i win for that yeah yeah top 13 are the winners i'm into the top 14 okay come on let's have final game i fancy my chances i'm riding high off of that victory okay okay why am i being punished i never saw cats it says d3134 man maybe that's why all right full ball here we go football football football all right yeah all right get that sports egg come on referee add in a third ball i say okay what team am i on the glorious yellows i i had hoped so okay here we go come on all right yellows come on gang all right i'm watching you all right we got the first touch i know people have said a lot of things about yellow bean curds yeah i don't know they're playing a lot of stuff about how those fools people said a lot of stuff about how yellow are a bunch of stupid cowards yeah who couldn't get a ball in a hole sent get it in send it an electrified ball holding machine you don't need to worry about that anymore going after the next one here we go oh the new ball's dropping down new balls can't hit that new ball come on no no no no no all right we've got if you don't get the ball into the hole it won't hatch into the thing what it's meant to become into a famous footballer yeah all right this yellow's got it down so i'm coming in for the name a famous whisper of the edge just just let it glaze just yeah guide guide gently home all right come on home okay here we go from from out here in what i assume is the midfield i oh yes look at that absolute total give up now web giants throw in your football trust your feelings if that helps i don't know if that helps me yeah but trust me i'm turning off my um turning off my targeting computer is what what luke calls his eyes yeah it's his brain his targeting i'm just gonna disengage she's gonna turn off my brain oh this is looking a little spicy though because we got some oh no here you would like that come on team yellow you're not best friends you lousy blues i've always believed in you come on come on look at this look at this some of you are dressed to play baseball which i find concerning but one of you is oh no one of you is a hot dog trinity i mean they are closely associated with sports yes hot dogs defense what's adjacent no no no no there's one there's nothing you could have done about it we've let them draw blood no no no no no it's in the water now they've got a taste oh man okay i tell you what they have um upped their game significantly in the game 15 seconds and the game is football and the game that they've upped the jelly sharks the beautiful game yeah now just headbutt it head button that's going to do it i'm just going to be here put it out of reach let's put the game out of reach what are you doing you're celebrating it's a goal celebration yeah face down very nice get out of here yeah blue okay how many how many how many seven seven remaining oh boy this will be the final surely here we go he says that was actually good pro strat from luke there yeah okay i take issue with the actually in the comment but thank you pepsi what's that about barry bumble crumpet says liquid football yeah liquid face you love to see it what do we got what do we got full mountain floor mountain luke this is where we separate the jelly leaves from the other i will be drawing on the power of my wine gauntlet the infinity wine gauntlet okay right andy you've done this a few times now any straight any straps yes don't go up the side or middle okay those are the two strategies i've tried and they can i get on onto the underside and go up there yes go up there that's my advice okay here we go all right let me i'm going to follow luke i want to see how luke does here you know there's going to be balls there's going to be oh no that was good you got no but watch out for the balls no but did we not mention the balls yeah you should you should the instructions [Music] [Applause] the pigeon is mocking you luke no don't let him yes all right you're nearly there you're nearly there come on you got further united you're closest snatch that crown no snatch it snatch it maybe some infighting will say snatching no oh now to be fair f said trinity was the one who was doing the incredible defense in in yeah football like they were in the goal all the time they just wanted it more they just yeah fair play fair play right there though good job good fall good fall good fall guys everyone i can never remember the name of this game but i want to say thank you i want to say other things i love mint chocolate bastards yep oh that's available by the way if it's not too late to rename your game yeah if you want it it's yours you are welcome that was that was that was close uh what do you want to do guys do you are we are we doing one more are we doing a quiz or are we are we calling it there we've gone on we've streamed for quite a long time what do you want to do put it to the chat it's a it's an interactive experience let's make it interactive okay yeah i mean three options chat yeah which disney princess are you quizz this always goes it goes great when i do or four guys or we stop the stream now okay the chat here's your options one is another four guys two is one disney princess quiz three is we just end it we stop there yeah i'm seeing a lot of support for ending all the support yeah okay it's unanimous one four guys two so we're just going to look at the numbers cascade through and we're just gonna draw a drawer a sample yeah so the chat only just caught up to the bit where um to the bit where i failed so that's okay okay we're gonna wait a little bit we're waiting for the results it's like that bit in eurovision where you're just nervously anticipating the judges what are the ones what do they want what do they if this is anything like bloodborne it's going to be a vaguely 50 50 splits and we'll have spent a minute we've spent several minutes to be none the wiser do you know what live chat needs is like a polling mechanic where you can just like throw up a pole that would be so good because then you could because then you could also do like uh like charades and so many other things okay if you're listening are our masters at youtube add a pole which it's pretty clear that they're not great okay here we go they're going to be coming in now every any moment ah pigeon hat andy it's so beautiful i'm so excited to wear it let me coordinate okay here we go coordinate my abdomen people people are saying what they want but they haven't yet got to the numbers bit okay here we go okay right right right i'm seeing a lot of support for quiz though early doors quiz quiz quiz quiz quiz but we're looking for ones or twos oh right ones or twos oh i see i see okay now which i think it's mostly twos okay the chat is holding single numbers for review but that's fine we can see them okay okay okay but which number meant what thing i've already two was two was um two was disney uh one disney princess quiz oh okay so it's like we're gonna maybe maybe sign off with a an exciting personality yeah we'll find out i think disney princess yeah i think i think it's gonna be that um all right which means i need to do a little bit of uh stream stream magic stream management dream management okay okay i think i have done it nice um if i do this yes good all right cool i'm gonna have to send uh you guys um okay links to this right i've got a i've got a choice of disney princess quizzes for you okay i'm gonna give you your options great option one match these disney princesses with the hottie they're most compatible with and we'll tell you which princess matches your personality that's option one that's so high concept it is high concept basically you have to like they show you a disney princess and you have to decide which disney character is like would be the best um like uh partner for them okay option two like matchmaking option two is more straightforward which disney princess are you okay there are questions like what's your favorite disney movie uh secretly you think your enemies are envious of what things like that another choice find out which disney villain you are by going back to the year 2015. this will ask you questions about things that happened in 2015 and what you were doing in 2015 and determine your disney villain-ness based on that no i don't want anyone knowing what i was doing in 2015. that's fair and then we've got i'm no artist and i gave myself the year i spent as a spy you weren't supposed to say it and then we've got i'm no artist and i gave myself only 20 seconds to draw 10 disney princesses can you guess who i drew that's that's fun but i'm not as involved personality-wise it's not a personality quiz but it does sound like fun it does sound like fun um so it sounds like it's down to which disney princess are you or the disney princess love match no i wanted yeah i want to do the love match that would match them with the hotties that's a vote for love match jane okay let's do that all right in that case i'll tell you what i'll just uh dm you both this link so that in fact we can do a buzzfeed quiz party oh exciting speed quiz party yeah um okay okay where am i looking for this quiz hang on all right bear with bear with me okay all right i'm bearing i'm there that's right i've got a bear with me um whoever loses the quiz is being fed to it it won't let me stop streaming uh cool we've only lost about 200 viewers since we decided we're doing a disney quiz good so that's good fine we don't we don't need them yeah now that they're gone we can we can we can be real we can really be real click click that link andy's in good hang on hang on i'm going i'm i'm there i'm going here i am i'm ready okay i am now entering the buzzfeed quiz party okay and i am jane there we go cool let's go sad for organization all right yeah i have started the party so we're back here we go eleanor of avalon so question one yep who is the best match for jasmine and our options are prince eric aurora lee shang and john smith okay we're not john smith because he's boring the only the only appropriate match for jasmine is raja the tiger okay i'm not sure they're willing to get into cross-species relationships well in their cowards um okay uh prince eric is kind of an idiot um yeah jasmine i don't think they have a lot in common you know they could talk about that upbringing that royal life yeah i think it's gotta be lee shang you know what does jasmine want she wants to leave her princess leigh yeah confines she doesn't want to be dictated to i don't know if she doesn't she wants to she doesn't want to divest herself of her princess dumb i think she just no do you not think li shang is a bit sort of severe he's a bit like do this be a man or a sleeping beauty yeah it's you you make your own choices we all choose i'm going with lee oh okay i think prince eric because i have no strong um i'm going for aurora just because i think they they would like aurora and jasmine both have been sort of isolated for a long time so they've got that in common who is the best man who's let's get down to business please let's get down to beers so i have to voted for lishang that's right you've got you're on the next question now oh are we okay let's match interesting okay prince philip from sleeping beauty absolutely not hercules and rapunzel from tangled um this is an easy one for me it's got to be hercules they're both really they're both warriors hercules is chill yeah hercules easy easy for me i think i think rapunzel and um i think rapunzel and and moulin could talk about hair cutting together they could exchange haircut like you know i'm gonna say i'm going with rapunzel as well i think um agreed okay i think you're all forgetting about hercules many qualities but fine um who is the best match for ariel is the next one okay oh my god spicy contender that's a bad guy yeah but also maybe ariel deserves that because she's bad wow i mean also in this bracket john rolfe from pocahontas 2. oh popular character john rolfe from pocahontas too prince these are poor choices all of them prince naveen from the princess and the frog is an absolute jerk um i only watched princess and the frog recently and i was like man i can't wait to see how they rehabilitate this character and show why yeah they don't really why tiana actually grows to fall in love with him and then she just one day goes i love you naveen for some reason there was simply no time there was simply no time to show her feelings often towards him we used the runtime on too many comedy sequences yeah um okay all right so ariel i'm giving ariel hanson frozen because honestly what she's she's bad what what okay that's a that's a weird thing ariel does not deserve they deserve each other i think we need to go back just for a second and and decide on what do we mean by match are we talking about they're going to date they're going to marry we're talking about they're going to be be married and be together forever jane and all the smooching that entails okay full commitment that's what weird so that's the other that's the other way of looking at my choice of handsome frozen right ariel drags him to the bottom of the ocean where he drowns or he kills her spitefully she's well yeah it takes her underwater kingdom yeah right but triton would easily he just flex on him no triton by this point will have been turned into a little um eel through trickery of course i didn't consider it yeah i think hands but only because it would be hot and not because they would be a good match forever i just think it'd be a fun it'd be a fun hookup you know naveen yeah um no no hans no hans yeah well two saucy redheads it would be very hot uh who's the best match for ariel um i'm gonna go for cinderella you could live underwater so that's all i do i don't believe in necessarily just going for like the most similar personalities but ariel and cinderella do have like time-based curses in common so there's something to talk about on the first date yeah and actually like although ariel can't talk if we're right that's the thing we know ariel can write and she never writes anything down i'm going for cinderella who is the best match for tiana the beast from beauty and the beast but we have to assume based on the picture that it is lame human beast human gorgeous human pouting beast when i went to see um i went to see the beauty and the beast at the cinema yeah and i was tiny and one of my tiny friends wept he wept at the end of the film because the good beast had gone away smart kid um we know we know nothing about the the beast really in human form we know he was cruel well well i mean it's the same but the point where he changes like it's just his appearance how do you know though that now that he's human he won't revert to his cruel ways that's what i would say yep good point good point um triton is obviously too old for tiana that's weird um snow white is snow white is nothing she's just she's like nothing and she's just she's not nothing she's like nothing they'd get on i don't think they're a good match i think david from leo and stitch is yeah i'm going david yeah he's sweet he's supportive yeah snow white just goes around and things just like happen to her she doesn't really like do anything or instigate anything i don't think tiana would hold much truck with her passiveness tiana wants um business support yes emotional emotional support while restaurant restaurant goals so i think david or i'm also going to go for david i think david's just going to be chill and have your back yeah he's going to be there for you while you work on those beignets there's no way that the beast is going to be willing to move out of the castle no maybe he would do the grand tour and take in venice winter in milan he'd be confused by your kitchen equipment not having a face and singing yeah who is the best match for belle we've got maui meg flynn and thomas uh tell me good reasons heavy quiz this year yeah someone likes pocahontas a lot of pocahontas characters um i love megan hercules so much so it doesn't even matter who they're a match for i'm gonna pick meg um okay but let me hear your reasoning um okay well belle again is sort of sort of a jerk at the start of the movie then she comes around doesn't she yeah she's like going around um loudly singing about how much the town sucks to all the towns to be fair to bel the town sucks yeah it does yeah but don't like sing in people's faces about their small provincial idiots well do it they like it i think they like it all right well i think she's got them she's got that kind of bell that kind of forthright uh arrogance that i think flynn rider would uh jive well with yeah so i'm going with mr flynn rider from tangled but just imagine the fireworks when belle and meg both are so headstrong like oh also like meg has a cool curse uh which is like sort of down to like kind of a sort of rash like decision with it with an ex partner i think bell is so eminently sensible i think they would balance out meg's personality really nicely yes i agree but i also agree that flynn rider and her they would just go they would stop the pretense of trying to be like do you do you think bell has the patience for flynn's nonsense no i think that they would both be like you know what uh bell would be like i'm so smart and he'd be like i'm so handsome and cool and then they'd be like you know what we are awesome let's we're the best people in town let's go around and just tell everyone they sound insufferable that was yeah but they beat a hard couple it's not yeah but it's not about do you want to spend time with them as a couple it's about how would they be as yeah that's true you know like you know like that sort of like nightmare couple maybe they live on your street and they're just like just you they're just so irritating and so headstrong luke is definitely talking about real people but you know but you know that they're really happy together and that's what's even more annoying how happy they are um okay can i talk about how we haven't even considered maui or thomas that's my choice maui maui okay i guess i've already won that it's got to be meg explain to me why maui the um demigods he's beautiful he's a demigod he's got the best song but he's such a hair look at those tattoos i just want the hair the boards this is going to be controversial by anyone okay meg has the best song of all these characters well it's only really between maui and meg but meg has the better song no maui has the better song no no no no no no no no no no no all right next question okay next disagree who is the best match for pocahontas jim from treasure planet oh wow bless you jim for no for entering the fray we've got cusco i think is not in contention because he's like five doubt a billion years old yeah uh being a god um jim from treasure planet i think we can discard because no one's why right that's it i'm going for jim he's brave no jim jim is brave and he likes to um explore i would say to treasure planets he loves to treasure planet he really treats ah jim treasures the planet and what does pokemon dislike treasuring she likes nate she likes nature tales of the forest gym treasure planet next she likes nature which is why my choice is cuzco llama form cusco wants to build us like swimming pools and castles when he's a llama not when he's alarmed when he's a llama my friend yeah i'm gonna i i hear what you're saying and i'm gonna counter that with not when he's a llama so llama czech mate checkmates okay well fine i've only seen frozen so anna from frozen you've not seen the emperor's new groove nope nope i've never seen treasure i've never seen hercules uh so i've been bluffing all along when it when it came to hercules stuff couldn't help you i mean no one's gonna call you up on not having seen treasure planet but no you've got to see the emperor's new groove i i hear i know they're good i just i had a real blind spot for like disney movies as a kid and as an adult i i've got like scary horror films to watch i've got real movies to watch so uh anna because she's adorable andy do you feel as personally attacked as i do right now very very much so i watched trolls world tour the other day oh no why why why because i watch something i like watching kids movies i like how they're colorful and i like how they often have songs there's a lot of songs in this one also we're all fans of the mcelroy brothers and i wanted to see their infamous cameo in it okay how was it uh it was brief but very enjoyable i'm quite near the beginning of the film so i could have stopped okay you've only seen the first i don't know i watched the whole film it's got um it's got a rachel bloom in it and and she plays a she plays a troll who wants to dominate the he wants to subjugate the entire world to the to the to the philosophy of rock and roll so i was just like rooting for her the whole time she's the baddie be a villain yes she's meant to be a villain but she's like you will submit to my rock and yeah and you're like yes please stop standing for trolls making trolls world tour sound good yeah firstly that wasn't great it wasn't great yeah okay next who is the best match for moana we've got kristoff we've got tarzan you've got charlotte you've got phoebus is a character with no redeeming features she's just charlotte she's the she's tiana's friend who really wants to be a princess not very nice oh daddy i want to be a princess daddy that one and she's ready i'm thinking kristoff and moana would have a hard time because she'd always be too cold warm you know that's the stuff that wrecks the relationship it doesn't it doesn't really obviously but you know i've got to figure something tarzan would be great they would be out on her bows and he'd be like whoa i've never been on water before this is brilliant yes with his wide-eyed enthusiasm yes yes yes yeah and tarzan would be like yeah yeah you're right tarzan loves the boat in the film tarzan yeah however the boat would just work together it would bind them one of the one of the things that makes me reluctant to pick tarzan right is that like i am i ship tarzan and jane so hard in the tarzan movie that's so i don't i don't want to break him i don't want to break him up too bad they broke up that's why he's out here looking for love that's why he's one of the four potential suitors here this is all disney couples have broken up all disney puppies have broken up and guess what luke moana is here she's swiped right on these four hotties and now she has to decide to pick one all right who's going on that date all right it's tarzan all the way tarzan he's looking at the coconut tinder app on it no spoilers but here's a spoiler i've looked to the next one and i as far as i'm concerned the answer is obvious yes who is the best match for elsa merida the prince aladdin and prince charming right okay elsa is a gay icon and i'm not pairing her up with any of these cornbread mfs thank you look at these shop mannequins no thank you merida merida he's called one of them is called the prince one of them is called prince charming they're literal names yeah they're literal names yeah yeah yeah i think one of them was probably drawn over the other one right they did that back in the day yeah yeah they just rotoscoped the other one that was the easiest one you were right jane and we're done at this point we get to see which disney uh character we are wow so how does how does how do the answers we've just given have any bearing on which disney character you are i don't know i don't write the quizzes it's very obvious all our answers are in my personality which princess matches your personality okay i'm gonna click done done done done elsa oh belle oh andy your least favorite okay we'll read the descriptions okay jane we got to say we both got elsa okay and the description is tell me about me you always dance to the beat of your own drum and you've come to realize that it's beautiful to be unique you sparkle brightest when you're feeling confident and you won't let anyone dull your shine that's so true it's like they read my mind i know that's actually my twitter bio but with the user eyes uh that gif is in my twitter bio somehow i made that happen okay can i read yours andy yes please do you're the kind of person you're the kind of person who will never settle for less than they deserve you've got big plans for yourself yeah that's you along for adventure in the great white somewhere you'll work hard to make sure all your dreams come i'll show all of you you'll marry the beast that's right soon you'll regret crossing me adventure in the great white somewhere look there he goes the disney police are on their way all right no that's fine i won't sing anymore they're on route to luke now okay right of course so folks look in the end we we actually the servers were fine and we played loads of four guys and it was really fun yeah it was good and then we did a disney club and we did a disney quiz we've over delivered you're welcome i said i stopped it's too late they're like the disney cop is it michael even michael eisner and bob iger are both in there you've got to remember that they're seeing the stream on a delay so they don't know we've stopped yeah as we stop now because if so yeah yes yeah they got to they got to the right bit in the stream yep they're watching it in the car cool okay well um andy i'm a little jealous of of you getting belle i do i think that's awesome um well though i do now too obviously elsa is good objectively the best one because she's got magic ice i feel like meg must not even have been an option to get because i love meg so much where was gaston the only way to find out is to take this quiz through every permutation for the rest of the weekend to prove that meg wasn't on the list yeah who would you have liked to have been jane if you could choose elsa obviously like i said on top of this okay top pick top pick or um wally i want to be holy oh one of the canonical princesses yeah wally i want to be vanellope from wreck-it ralph oh yeah [Music] how about uh josh taylor says suffer andy you deserve it for the beast hate earlier wow yeah suffering yeah you and beast lock together in hatred he's suffering so much i can see him suffering bad his poor suffering in his eyes yeah do you remember when gaston fell off the roof yeah that was a good time it's bad that was a good time all right cool all right well thanks so much uh for watching everybody hmm i think we all land a valuable lesson should we do one more description of what's happening next week at roughly this time sure oh yeah we should for people who missed the start of the stream i tell you what you talk about it meanwhile i'll find the link to the tickets yes friends the ox venture has fallen through a time portal oh sorry we're going to do like a real one jane if you want to do the informative one the time portal the rift is opened let's not go in there says corazon i'm already in it says dobb me too says eggbert oh well i guess we're all jumping in the time portal take corazon and bam they're in the future we don't need to be here at all jane well i'm leaving where's my phone we're doing we're playing space rpg called lasers and feelings as our ox venture characters but space versions of them um next week at metaverse which is new on new york comic-con's youtube channel it's a online event it's going to be fun uh if you want to come and watch that that is totally free for everyone who wants uh to watch that and we're also afterwards doing a special ticketed q a in oxford q a we can come and ask us literally anything you want and we have to answer it's the law we're not we're we've signed a thing we have to any question i've put a link in the chat but if you're watching this on demand or if you just don't fancy looking there it's really easy to remember it's tinyurl.com oxmeta o-x-m-e-t-a yeah and you know i know i know times are weird right now and sometimes you know you don't have you might not have the money to be able to come along to the thing right now that's fine the actual show itself is totally free we wanted to make sure that that was free so that people could enjoy the space adventure action but if you do have the money right now and you want to you want to support us and you want to come and have a good q and a time then that is an option available to you as well also at that url if you do want to pick some up there are some new ox venture pin sets which i don't i think this is the first time they've been put on sale is that right yes and they're really cool um i mean check them out they say uh um cthulhu is pleased and lunch is ruined and they're two separate badges they're really cool yeah so you could just wear a pin that says lunch is ruined and wear it to lunch to lunch yeah with your parents yeah and and be really sullen and then when they're like is everything okay just slowly point to the badge actually no don't wear it and then at some point during the lunch put it on no no no be really sullen but hide the pin in their food oh yes sorry all right sorry i forgot that there was a shark bit i was thinking they'd just take it out their mouth and be like yeah she's ready they'll die oh yeah that's okay then lunch would be disregarded that would be correct anyway you can do whatever you want with these fabulous friends that's just an example of the great fun you could have if you were to purchase these marvelous beautiful thin sets one of a kind we've been working on the kind of space versions of our characters as well uh like having to think about that um so that is gonna be cool yeah space pirate corazon it's a good time uh yeah so come ask us questions come watch us be space people and have a great weekend yeah everybody take it easy folks stay safe out there goodbye good day how was your family good day how is your wife [Music] you
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 130,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: g3Tr7XZALcI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 15sec (7755 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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