Forza Horizon 4 Edinburgh: RACE THE HOGWARTS EXPRESS - Let's Play Forza Horizon 4 Winter

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[Music] so I'm not satisfied just waiting I need to ruin a child's day as well I will come back to you outside Xbox I'm Mike doing my own you Jane no I'm not playing what's horizon for yes it's how about a little road trip to Edinburgh yeah sounds lovely alright this time of year that means a nice even is winter it is when this is your just height of British summer only files are cooking for me ok music festival attendees right right right yes look Eddie brews all the way up here so should we go check out at a brick castle yeah alright I don't see it I seem it's somewhere around this volcanic yes really volcanic Hill I'm sure we can yeah yeah I'm driving a McLaren Center probably the fastest car the game okay also the comic-con I started treat myself but I got in white because it's the best it's new yeah the back mixed it up yes that's to help you slow down that's active aerodynamics nd breaking the speed limit of that did you have a problem with this you're gonna struggle 60 miles oh my well somewhat I see yeah it's alright going out is fine they think it basically economically killed the second you bro about it before yeah our APB yeah so this is the winter season drive on to it we'll find out hey guys why three-quarters of a million pounds Super Cup can you imagine what the trees right post come over yeah you'll find a tree that's just someone told me that that's because trees have roots and lampposts don't have roots but I don't believe numbers have foundations yeah yeah but he was like well and why a tree has a network of roots underneath the wires your friend sounds like a gummy make if your friends wasn't someone from Austin wasn't a literal Hauser I mean friend is spent you know they run into that comment dad yes look at my house I never said friend I said someone told me that my best told me and then we'd like war oh so can we do some stuff on the way of their events sri sips is an event on the way yeah there's an event right here which is like the outskirts cross country all right go this might not be the best car to use cross country is like is like four by four duly noted carats Burundi yeah those are the two cards you know right I know other cars yeah that is a car yes pti [Music] that's not a car it's a piece of military hardware all right let's see what we've got here is that what you want doing a little Baja Bug engines all hanging out the back as well there's enough car on this car folks are you gonna keep you very much doesn't even got some orange look there's my character we can dress them up later on if you want I'm disappointed you read a baseball cap because you have truly a heinous haircut it's really bad the character selection what your options are pretty bad [Music] I can put a better hell and I think I've unlocked a green top out so what can you wear a top hat inside a car not in this one of those yeah maybe they're all weird buggies oh cool let's go countdown all right oh yeah yeah thank you drive attack yes yeah no in general I occasionally get tweets at me yeah I played a force against about ten years ground against a wall by James yeah a batons terrible aggressive driver yo man ah you you weren't my be all the fake people yes what what did you win there's a lot flash happening I'm being an influencer I've got a load of subs that follow us subscribers like yeah pretty much I think so there's a race in Edinburgh that's good okay Edinburgh good so we need 40,000 more influences okay yeah yeah there's a good cocktail bar on your left oh yeah nice this whole game makes me want to do road trips around the UK this church bit and then if we go up the hills I went I went for New Year's one time clearly some illegal street-racing yeah what city that's the walter scott monument there on the roof it's ready oh yeah we in crashing noise right so low I don't know you have windows well we get smashed up basic don't get smashed up yeah a chip of loose gravel flies off the road will you be wearing a full-face helmet oh my goes in between the gap then you're stuffed nice this makes me think New Year's right I don't think I'm in an appropriate carpets but I'm not gonna let it stop me yeah or just any kind of like road going car runs on the road it's another nice cocktail bar around here for pandering sons I got it back line you're on the road slippery in winter there's no one else out on the road don't notice there's no lack of balance oh oh you come they became a comeback great clean racing between illegal street racing clean but slow racing the only fourth yeah they don't know the traffic bang avoid them it's fine even a sock is that the Scottish Parliament will never know don't see what you are yeah oh there we go that's pretty cool do you know what Rockies like welcome yeah you may see through active volcanoes in Scotland yeah all the buildings are so tall cuz they can only build up down here right so all the rich people coming down here ah so that became was like slums oh yeah that's why I smashed up a memorial bench can you drive up by the seat yes yeah if you don't know what the seat is that just sounds really strange I see not even on the podium rubbish sprayed with champagne yeah that's awful I could set my dance for when I win as well I gotta standing perfectly motion I think first there is an after see traces handy all right and it's for this car so I'm lazy kids have a crack at that as the train tracks I mean it's just a tree with snow on it let's get right over the roundabout point having an off-road car roundabout if you don't go round it and over about are you gonna change vehicle this time no I don't need to do this one this one's actually supposed to be for this car i shouldn t wearing a t-shirt in this weather should I really have a big coat on nice parking yeah I'll have some like you know car blankets that's not a thing is it ah blankets you know a car like it no it's quite an old-school thing like when the cars didn't have great Drive and you just have like a cozy blanket maybe some passengers more than the driver why forget strapped under the pedals own you know maybe maybe it's more of a Jane I've never been I've never been in the car with you for longer than about you say I made up car blanket yeah what'd you say I'm looking up Carbonite I dislike you take a blank ear because you like to call the sleeping cars I can imagine in like an old like open top like Jaguars okay thank you yeah yeah you travel fleece blankets for your car for the car or for you maybe it's not meant to be for while you're driving somebody say like car boot blanket oh it's pretty alright if you're trapped in it if your car breaks down and you're left there all night maybe what I'm making a right mess of Odyssey maybe they're just thank you to keep in the car no blankets you wrap yourself in and they're fall asleep while in the car but maybe Jane you should go on Dragon's Den Casablanca on the front part yeah I'm you drive and also there's holes for the pedals okay yeah I mean no 115 million does this have trick isn't it's like you rember the Australia yeah that was not an official made that one up ready yeah you made that vegetable layer up they didn't implement that after they heard me say no I realize I haven't played all the showcase event they might have added it I mean I see they would if this is such a good idea the one poisonous spider in England gets in your but you're going to loose Black Widow stowed away all right like this our media right that box um they eat that guy up or what árbol movie that was how we do good where I'm like way ahead yeah I've seen you out huh they will save old frozen today please don't say stuck up office there we go when no one visible that there are miles away idiots just so cold like goggles or anything your hands my eyeballs will be just completely destroyed yeah no one else is driving the VW Bug they know that's exactly how I don't I think yeah that's better the wedding dance is now the boss forever that's like your 9 year old cousin no but it's the dads like oh I can do it badly okay but I don't think you can give ownership of it to dance I think you have to give our ownership of it to like your look I could do what arms press-ups I mean can you in real life I said no I'm not trying - I think you should only do things you can do realize okay all right let's see what I'm gonna win by Oh 200,000 will do love that we can buy a new car if you want guys go car shopping hi let's get dressed first garrage there's that haircut I love cars too much to stop and get ahead so I put down I let them cut my hair if I leave me out the window I'll just drive past the scissors do you like this pop turtleneck oh jeez no I got the VIP waistcoat yes [Music] okay ready for prom what about the VIP suit jacket to go with it no any polymer set yeah and then blue running shorts right oh no leggings yes Santa's running shorts oh yes honey Oh they've kind of salty felt even like Velveteen running what am i wearing on my feet yes I've got I've got the whole VIP sick yes the VIP vertebra executive ace with the shorts yeah the shots almost look made for that they look awful for healing telling them oh right okay like it looks like part of the sympatric stay in Rome shades Mike I insist I haven't unlocked them yet but they would go very very well with this outfit where's the floss floss is like down here dab is ridiculous as well whoa full body gab and then getting the crowd hyped for more dance looks good in the shores it's pretty good all right cool well we look stylish now do we fit in hot our car is the question Oh your hats gonna come off okay Andy what do you wanna buy ah good question probably is the war hog of the Halos that leaks that does look amazing do you want dawn that yeah I'll buy it for you thanks you know any color as long as it's black yeah Red Dead Redemption - shall I put it John Basilone for you Andy what yes wait no that's Arthur Morgan is it okay you'll find out hey Andy Wow yeah they make it on the community so not official it's not like winner rock star endorsement or anything like that okay but if someone's got in and made it we'd like lots milk and stuff good job take it for a spin yeah yeah if you it'll be slow probably and pretty slide round patio furniture explode what implode what Oh Expo just means open yeah yes rockstar logo on the back yeah it does the good somebody just painted that on my hand yeah like arranging individual layers amazing awesome listen to it sounds awesome chests just stuck on the back there I feel like you should be bootlegging moonshine oh this lake must be frozen to the left [Music] [Music] yes yeah it's fine I mean some of it looks quite thin it is quite disconcerting driving a car and ice lake because every so often you will just hear a cracking sound and you'll be like [Music] two or three of us tripping over nicely maybe the question she wants to solve is how haven't you also don't drive on ice lakes you you guys were doing my actual ice driving courses yes so yeah don't destroy Josie your frozen lake and thought I'll have a go yeah the ice needs to be at least a metre thick super drift it's like this what's that over there there we go that's the drift you're six o'clock I'm utilizing a technique known as the yeah this noise make me feel very festive yeah oh there's been water there anything in this 1935 Ford it's cracking right behind you not to get all nerdy but look at the texture on that trunk it's so realistic yeah wet leather whoever's in charge of making wet leather for sir well done you oh you mean the yeah exactly so this business I'll get changed in the garage yeah that's weird right I'm having this I'm having this rallycross beetle looks good your last car had a rock star yeah it was a different rock star you can think about this off-road cars you just drive across the country you don't have to like you just go like as the crow please so well-dressed look at me whoa Oh crashing crashing fine I'm not driving on a frozen lake yeah it's a consequence free environment not sure about these puddles on it it's not like it's late water coming up from the bottom good I think it's like when the very thick Isis will start to melt Wow how did it happen Oh perfectly flat surface yeah but it's fine I love my wheelchair dr. Lynch him to do this spiral why is he got so many headlights because it's rally car Andy and if you're doing a night stage at a rally car you need as much headlights as possible that's my sarcastically is a bit well I just have one big headlight because it would block the view look look at that I'm there Jay what do you think seems like a lot of light to me so snowy and festive winters evening I'd like to have a pumpkin spice oh yeah is that in GTA there those cars that have the coffee the coffee yeah see they're doing Red Dead online right how are you gonna be able to customize your horsey you can be also like give it under like what the hell is a potholes on it it's the front man in the saddle right okay okay charms hearing yeah yeah yeah hello kitty Jones it's the pommel the bet that hits you in the jungle when your horse breaks survive and you could braid it made softly yeah great French braid Dutch braid it doesn't sound as good as like like what I eat right into every new town I'll immediately seek out the horse mane brave Benigni styles Oh Paris right now damn it [Laughter] look it's at Harry Potter bridge inspired by real bridge yeah and it's um we just need to fly a Ford Anglia off the mountain hey can we fly off a mountain alright end this video tell me Louise tell Louisa for danger there are no children in the world of horizon Oh blimey let's see your dance my dance are we amazing classic running man oh yeah look she's applauding she loves it I got a red spin emotes or something what does that mean I don't know it Ivan left so many things there's so many different currencies and stuff oh here we go [Music] the TransAm is not is it no trades descriptions so what we trying to do you want to get into the showcase event yeah we just need twelve thousand three hundred okay Spencer like cool set piece yeah events yeah right let's do another let's do another wintery cross-country thing okay yeah the Showcase is like where it goes all yeah it's like a bit story kind of Hollywood's the Hunnam yeah showcase event you get bitten by rocks before you turn into a deaf it is a car that's been assigned to you was I chose your staple I chose this one yes I am yeah tested on the streets of Essex apparently you identify your driving stuff oh yeah cutting dangerously in front of you on the back of your car that's great to know it's against both virtual Andy yeah let's see yeah virtual Jay might show up as well maybe you have a driver though she's miles away she's in a different race she's right caltrops and spike traps she's going through the Starbucks grocery guys whatever that's why everyone should be doing in this way they're not carrying around the country you would definitely be a car blanket with no doors legs oh no you be frozen solid yeah oh she disappeared sheeps sheeps everywhere sheeps cozy they've got nature's jump on them and later it becomes oh here we go big jump big jump solid result I didn't your Toyota 1838 you love someone's in them someone was in the Warthog oh come on I know that's cheating it's sci-fi yeah every was like if we applauded maybe he'll stop okay I'm making a bit harder because I think it's been a bit of a cakewalk so far now by worried the yeah I'm all about the clean racing nd it's my it's my whole deal look at that pass exactly ultimate clean racing that's my those my three middle names barely fit on the passport [Laughter] nice give us influence give us all that influence and extra money as well nice yeah oh my God look at those leggings oh that's pretty and those yellow boots those are genuinely good looks yeah I don't need the money I'm not doing this for the money I'm doing it too the influence okay so I'm not satisfied just winning I need to ruin a child's day as well it would melt eventually anyway the child needs to learn yeah [Laughter] Universal entropy mr. Winn no I killed eight people yes I can get a brownie monsters t-shirt train what basically yeah drive it no like win another beetle no oh right here we go you ready yeah train race are lower than Ariel nomad again you're a wizard Harry park your car in front of the Train and get it shunted along like in that's the teacher today me I'm genuinely not done this so legs are buried in the snow let me get back in my car is too cold I mean your cars basically outdoors just a roll cases oh this should so via for Tangier and you've got to be listened to the man leg round games I can't see the expenditure onnum yeah tree paper Pat train Oh I'm stayin away from that train it seems dangerous what was your Patronus Mike what do we decide it I don't we did that test okay one for another live stream Palestine let's say it's a marmoset that doesn't sound very frightening it's not supposed to be frightening is supposed to be comforting all right are you a joke we better jump over jump in what's your rap oh no that's okay there could be a rock oh oh oh oh oh that's not jump that's a slow down you gotta catch this slowing down alright I got buried in this white area no matter they definitely would never yeah you're horrifying it's gotta be for someone by their business I've cut okay it's going well so bond you to the next checkpoint sweet comeback train it seems like it's winning Hogwarts Oh God we're on the rails now my guys jump out of your parents the back of the Train okay I really wish I could do that [Music] like in that San Andreas thing we have to do is follow the damn train yeah sure it's that simple is it follow the Train it's hate that yeah I left turn left oh we're letting Brooke oh it's so close you must be near the finish one day we are 15 million pounds as if someone's gonna just sell oh yes truly the Scottish tourist board we have some say about that look every oligarch that gets it may like 15 pounds just to get me oh gosh are we gonna land on the train yes yes I kept my houndin blah well the driver of the LME are 4 for 17 Flying Scotsman goodbye Lucy does he have a little train out film oh I wouldn't seem to be the running man alright well that was futsal rising for thanks for watching like and subscribe if you enjoyed this and we will see you next time you're a wizard Mike
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 82,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: forza horizon 4, winter, gameplay, cars, Edinburgh, train, race, showcase, flying scotsman, hogwarts express, mclaren senna, rallycross, rally, cross country, events, clothes, outfits, UK, england, outside xbox, forza, funny moments, let's play, xbox one x, britain, microsoft, playground games, forza horizon 4 gameplay, forza horizon 4 edinburgh, forza horizon 4 winter
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 7sec (2107 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 10 2018
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