F1 2020: Mike's Driving School! Andy vs New Casual Mode Gameplay 🏎(Sponsored Content)

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Andy’s “low key” method of opting out of trying to finish the race by “accidentally“ slamming into the wall at 200 mph was amazing.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/cdskip 📅︎︎ Jul 14 2020 🗫︎ replies
f1 2020 is the latest in a racing game series it has become increasingly authentic to the real-life Motorsports every single year there's just a slight problem with this authenticity though if it was easy to drive a Formula One car we'd all be doing it and then Formula One racing would just be regular driving and they wouldnt have to pay Lewis Hamilton 40 million pounds a year to be really good at it being a huge f1 fan might give you knowledge of the sport and its drivers but it doesn't necessarily mean you're capable of driving cars that are dicing for position at 200 miles an hour particularly if you're an eight-year-old Formula one fan and you're squeezing your play sessions in between doing your maths homework and a dinner of Turkey dinosaurs this game has to work for every f1 enthusiast that's why f1 2020 has added to its existing suite of driving assists a brand new casual handling boat which should make the game approachable and enjoyable to people of literally any skill level that's the theory according to developer codemasters but fortunately we here at outside Xbox are on hand to perform a rigorous scientific test and who better to put in the driving seat than our very own Andy who has no interest in or understanding of Formula one beyond a bizarre rivalry with PA gastly that he invented for a video of ours a year ago PA gastly appropriate name for a man like you because you are ghastly racing cars you can just go to my yard at race car as well but let me tell you something friend race cars round here like the gun of doom yeah if you're watching please just try and ignore him he'll tire himself out eventually first we'll establish a benchmark by having Andy try a five lap race in standard driving mode with simulation settings will then switch to casual mode and give him a few laps of practice using those settings then the final test will be to see by how much casual mode improves his performance in a five lap race around the news and volt circuit which debuts in the game this year not only that but it'll be starting from the very back of the grid so we'll see exactly how many of the other 19 f1 cars he can overtake can f1 2020s new casual mode turn eight total and I mean total f1 noob into champagne chugging race winner let's find out in this video brought to you by outside exports and sponsor f1 2020 which is out right now okay Andy we're gonna turn you into a Formula One driver are you excited gosh Sam I sure can't wait I'll get behind the wheel of that big old rig get speeding around the circuit with all my gear heads right good good you're definitely your prime candidate for dr. Mike's driving school if you head down to the bottom right where it says assists we need to say we need to appraise your level of experience right bumper and go over to standard same right I'd like you to switch all of the driver aids off and we'll see you know how good you would be in a in a real formal on car yeah so whack it up to a professional there you go ask them and then I could turn everything tell everything on two off yes to all your assists your abs all the racing line all that stuff gearbox to manual please it assists off pit release assists off yeah as assists off doctors assists off yeah fuel the system everything off everything obviously not okay no offense Andy but this is going to be hilarious let's go which scene would you like to be I'm gonna give you free choice here oh wow okay cool who would you like to Belfort alright yeah named after a seller they sound good I I am a Taurus good so I feel like yeah I have a good affinity with this team sounds good nice try I didn't know he's on Al Fateh alright yeah alright I take it back no I'm not sorry I can't be affiliated with that guy all right this is cool they've got a pink car okay yeah sounds good to me then go for it all right you're gonna be surgeries absolutely all roll I'm gonna be lanced roll because I'm gonna stroll to Vic okay good sounds good right I'd like you to go over to the Dutch Grand Prix which is a new circuit called sample this one yeah that's thorne this is a brand new track for the game uh-huh so we gonna choose that one I'm just getting there yeah okay it's go turns to the right I see yeah possibly left which way we're facing it goes right yeah and then oh yeah all right so we starting and then we're gonna take a big big right big right-hander Tarzana corner yet and then it's gonna go right left right left it's quite a short circuit and it's not that many corners to remember so don't worry that bits a bit of a roller coaster but you'll be fine you'll be fine okay no you can't ride the safety car unfortunately you're not safe enough to drive to say to the r-la big dry front of this plane I'd win in that you probably would yes oh he's sponsored by the Ritz Carlton they probably get to stay in a Ritz come ladies yeah okay here we are can you feel the nerves building for your specific Capri so any of you ever watch the grand prix all the way through God no Mike they're like they take they're like eight hundred laps 80 laps usually 80 80 laps that's too many laps they should do one lap it's the same isn't it 80 laps and one lap it's just the same only it takes less time and you can sleep you've gonna you're gonna know who the best driver is by the end of the first lap often how often do the position has changed in the grid in f1 I lost be honest be honest a lot a lot I'm negative change a lot when you storm ups through the grid to take the lead right yes all right fine here we go and ready your very first ever gone Prix what's round all right all right friends here we go that's that's not a bad start oh you have seen own Aiken by quite a lot of cars yeah upset now chief yep okay down beat down again yeah yeah and then up again no no no I'm drift okay I'm done back with sin I'm circling there goes there goes my MSA now yeah okay I'm spinning quite a lot here okay you've got you second time pedal see which I don't think is gonna help oh I think you've damaged your front wing now as well no it's fine he's fine oh my god why is it going sideways okay all right part of my car is on the let's start again have another go and see no no no I've got it I've got it basic thing in circles why isn't it driving like a normal car all right highly specialized piece of racing equipment how it is all over the shop let me just yeah okay I've got it back under control okay good you've got that thing is it's like a horse you gotta you gotta show your breaking yeah look at in the eyes and let it know that you're not intimidating all right you're putting mostly to the right direction this is a good opportunity to learn this of course as well so we go here we go what do you mean caution yellow flag oh you might be causing a late yellow flag cause you're going so slowly okay slowly 109 miles an hour that's the fastest a car can go I'm pretty sure that's right ok well this this way at this point oh you aren't you're you're heading towards the curb Oh yelled it that's not too bad your own third though I mean you probably should have been up to about oh yeah yeah help me man help me how do i reverse what's the reverse key there you go you got it you got it there okay you haven't really used your overtake button because it's not not really been anyone to overtake now now now now okay kids [Music] when you go to drive in a straight line does it instead go sideways and turn a big circus that's my question extremely power no okay okay good okay I'm just going to do it as a solid 30 okay yeah no that's too funny no Alvin no all right okay I'm back in the pack this is kids okay I'm parked sideways across the track okay it's pulling really hard to the right I mean you may have done no okay kids let's see if we can complete a lap I've turned my expectations down a little and if we can get to the end of a lap I'll be happy why is it driving straight alright first gear simple straightforward yeah just keep it going at 30 good yeah okay okay you're in first gear all right oh no hmm yeah now I feel come from comfortable just shift in a second yeah good and another third and about two-thirds of the way through the lap so you're doing well break yeah goods good take it through the chicane yeah that's not bad I spoke too soon I think I jinx you going to the Tokyo the Tokyo dress okay yes my favorite kind of yeah Hanna Griffin it is a shame that's not the fastest way around the corner if you're gonna drift you're gonna want to use the Tokyo's Tokyo style yeah that's where they developed an innovative new drifting's yeah well they developed it up in the mountains above above Tokyo than they okay as I'm sure you know descended from the mountains to use them on Vin Diesel okay yeah okay up to second okay this corner is great because it's got banking which means you can go even faster right okay now okay yeah they added this to the circuit recently yeah yes six year kids seventh year well they go hates gear that's you want to start get Oh what happened that why is it all gone white kid your car's completely broken ah yes okay I see here's a replay of what you did okay yeah right good it's going well so far I think I can tell I can tell the point where it went wrong it was when you didn't break here and then you can marry a straight flower into yeah so you've got a little work to do I think but that's fine that's okay okay if you say so I thought it was all right your car is terminally damaged I would like to retire undefeated finish the race I mean he's pleased he's put his visor down he's not pleased Andy he's not happy there's more photos of his face who's this oh it's gastly gastly finished Andy native 19th visit gastly yeah that's where you belong me all right where's guessing on the podium that's right as long as Gatsby didn't win okay that's fine yeah okay so debrief debrief pretty pretty good I think and little room for improvement probably I think Andy you're the perfect candidate for the new casual driving mode that is in f1 2020 which is design I don't wanna use the word news but I am gonna use the word nube design for news yeah total noobs well that's the worst f1 debut I've seen since you GED am i right full min wrong fans 2006 super augury Honda f1 team lost his super license after 4 races look I'm a massive f1 nerd alright just to put together an absolutely no judgement list of all the things that Andy got wrong he changed gear like he was popping to the shops in a Vauxhall Corsa when it came to breaking he was clumsier than your drunk uncle it's a wedding and every time you tried to exit a corner he burnt so much tire rubber that I'm considering buying shares in Pirelli [Music] but like I said no judgment right let's switch to casual mode now which add steering assist help bring you back towards the racing line we set to track which will put you back on the track at racing speed after an accident or in andis case of deliberate attempt to drive into a wall at 200 miles an hour and more forgiving off-track surfaces which will help you drive back onto the road if you end up out in the boonies somewhere okay I'd be crucially now what I'd like you to do is press the Y button to switch to the casual race star which is new for f1 2020 all right I'm on casual good good but I don't I don't really think I need it to be honest well you know it's doing pretty well we'll see we'll see it's time pop do you think pops your gameplay settings a second I just want to double-check that there we go there you go so all the assists you've got all the assists on in casual modes everything's sorted so let's go let's let's hit the track and do a bit of practice all right I'll talk you rounded round the track oh no it's raining oh it's gonna make it much harder isn't it probably yeah you don't get to just quit because it's a bit soggy why not because you're racing paid to me well these guys are sponsored by some kind of chocolate yeah that's better man f1 attracts the best ones it really does yeah I'd like to be sponsored by so let's just head out to the track and see if things are a bit yeah sponsored by the ritz-carlton now friends oh my god it's fine that's the speed you were supposed to be going at previously okay okay so all you have to do Andy now is worry about accelerating and braking and steering and just trying to get to that line so it should be a bit more straightforward now there you go you already cash in that way metal slows in our way getting in my way mike is that allowed it I mean technically it is allowed yes but fine but there you go see you finally get easier to control you finally it's drawing yes I'm finding it it's a lot easy as you can see and now I'm trading paint with Vettel yeah you're you're being held up by a four-time world champion so Adam away sucker this is Andy's time to shine yeah yeah coward too early good lunge so coward even though the conditions are absolutely rotten yeah finally get a lot easier keep it on the circuit I absolutely am yeah this baby hand-holding mode is perfect yeah I was related to to give you a bunch of advice on how to drive around the circuit but actually what can I tell you that you're not already being told by the racing line that's on there and oh that's below well okay okay all right oh it's put me back squeeze angle the track yeah brilliant thank you so now so you got overconfident yeah you did you're gonna be a little more modest in the wet but otherwise it wouldn't be wet weather but yeah this is so what the the genius of the casual driving mode is that it sort of brings you back towards the racing line if you deviate from it and it really helps you with sort of braking and steering assist so it makes sure learning the track sense yeah absolutely want to go and do a few laps in casual mode before you head out there with all your doctors and your O's is that you go fastest lap yeah fastest lap Lewis Hamilton aka me exactly exactly so KL dog he'll he'll ham and you already attempt a second up on your fastest lap there yeah good all right well this is this is pretty impressive actually then like fair blame the the the changes is startling I would say all right I am loving this yeah you feel like you've got the measure of the circuit you well yeah ready to advance to a race and really should crush those who laughed at me beforehand with my new skills it's like in a sports movie when someone gets given like a magic baseball bat that hits balls really far right and then all the like jocks he'll after them he comes back and he hits like a homer yeah and they're like well yeah I've been given a magic f1 car oh and you'll be pleased to hear that damage is turned off in casual mode as well great so even if you ate a wall you won't like you won't break your car like it's it's totally solid in fact it helped you avoid the wall there yeah and it puts you back on the circuit if you make a mistake so so I imagined that my my character Lewis Hamilton in the woods who's walking who it's one day and in came out from behind trained it was like I have a proposition for B and if like reveals this magic f1 car it comes with a terrible price what is the terrible price what is Lewis help we don't know yet it's gonna yeah we're gonna find out and then he's gonna get so good at racing that he'll forget all his friends like like his brother yeah yeah and Nicole Scherzinger yeah well long time ago but okay okay well they they might still be friends II don't know like he's gonna forget all his friends and get a big head and then he's gonna realize that actually the real joy of Formula One driving was there yeah it's like a modern-day fairy tale and I see me right this next race is gonna be like a modern-day fairy tale and the magic f1 imp will be like you have learned the lesson where Lewis Hamilton you make keep the car good all right so let's let's hit the start button and head back to the garage your best lap was three and a half seconds faster than that's right about something that so where's where's gas me know even on you have to scroll down even on paper in a long way to find him let's see yeah I see it's not the top ten let's keep going no not fourteen fifteen even oh my oh dear okay well I was a lot more like uge days teammates Takuma Sato who managed to coax a very impressive sixth place after the super augury in the 2007 Canadian Grand Prix look I told you massive f1 nerd I literally can't help it okay it's not impossible to have an accident in casual mode as we've established and he is a unique and special talent the fact is though he just managed to string together multiple mostly clean laps in a Formula One car in conditions so rainy we had to check it wasn't a bank holiday weekend steering assist is the real hero here dragging Andy back to the racing line every time you look like who's about to wander off and admire the scenery we set to track also got a workout barely hesitating to plug Andy's stricken car from the gravel and fire him out of a cannon back into the session I feel a lot better about Andy's chances after that but it's still going to be extremely difficult to overtake 19 cars around the narrows and volt circuit in just five laps this is going to be casual modes toughest challenge yet or Andy it's a beautiful day in Zandvoort yeah where this cleaner I've got I've got a challenge for you then I want to see you race from the very back of the grid and we'll see how far up the grid you can get with the air with this engine of problem yeah because I've got the forests in magic race car okay you're gonna win it then yeah I'm gonna win it I'm gonna podium in the top podium place the tall one the tallest boy who taught me good a tall podium it yeah I get do I get the biggest champ champagne okay Jeroboam I think you but I think you all get the same amount unfortunately but really I don't think when drive is a short of champagne like if they want something I think okay those Jets look at those jets for you yeah all they'll be spelling out the name Andy in a minute it's color sights in you have fancy hats they're gonna help you out there Carlos sorry about it you're all about to be shown up weapon let's just say okay Andy here we go I'm excited to see how you get on yeah I'm ready with your magic card even you magic him all right here we go I said that's a good start that's good start yeah find it find a gap good lovely lovely and then down the inside yeah oh wow what a move what an absolute move absolutely legendary Manuel you've made up 11 spots to start with that's a very very good start it's all part of the cut thrust parry riposte it's very much like a well played chess game or sort the knife fight it's like a knife fight okay dude like it's like a 200 mile-per-hour knife fight that is an excellent description of f1 driving legend coming through settle into a rhythm and we can pick the rest of them off at our leisure I feel like yeah sounds good okay speed you had it on Ricardo there all right Oh bitter compound catch it you caught it nice it's nicely done yeah they tried to spin me yeah they're threatened we can tell I've got them um I've got them worried yeah they're worried about why the magic didn't come to them while they were walking in the forest you were your heart wasn't pure like Hamilton exactly there you go all right this is good this is good for the field spread out a bit more you should be able to just sort of pick them off one by one like you've just done with Ricardo Vettel's up next he's go you were bothering in practice yeah well done keeping out of the wall there yeah all right tough okay last couple of corners for the first lap it's looking very very good I mean the leaders are inside basically no I mean we don't have any RS this lap but you will get Maori on my doctors yet and it will yeah will it will do it for you as well so oh that's good that's good yeah to the inside good keep it going nicely done a nice little all right Charlotte Claire next absolute Dreamboats Charlotte Claire is all right try and focus on the race Mike yeah I can't I can't when he's around good good video so enamored of him I you Mike oh my god Wow me he spun me there you go you're back in the race it's fine casual modes got you back your your boyfriend Mike is a bad man I know yeah sorry he's your fancy man like I mean like I had I can't let captain all he does on the circuit it's my villain at the piece keep you head in the game it's fine this is outrageous you'll get him back you'll get him back don't you worry I want to see that podium I'm gonna see you on the on the podium spraying champagne celebrating yeah keep your distance just perfect perfect perfect okay right left oh no on the sorry okay you got it you got it it's fine it's fine you got it keep going areas evil Leclerc evil evil well he wants to be on the ponies family it was the bit in the Disney movie where the Prince is the evil bad Prince right cuz there's a bad prince and a good prince okay usually I and the bad prince who you thought was a good friends he leans over and it's like the kingdom won't be mad and any life throws you off Carol so go and your animal friends catch you why this is what that was exactly what their moment why do you turn out my favorite sport into a fairy tale I'm just imposing a narrative structure on a go to help to allow myself to enjoy it okay good all right Leclerc you absolute villain there we go okay careful now you tried it again you tried it again he did turn in a bit to keep it going keep it going keep it stuck to that green line mm-hm you're good you're good you're all good we really lost it okay nearly fell victim to his foul machination again it's true your your how far away from you about three seconds away from a podium position so you just got a just got to stay focused stay focused on your lines keep yeah keep closing in on them there they are and make it up just get back here fellas get comfortable get into a rhythm break hard there you go it's good stuff and tight left-hander perfect it's perfect perfect all right I mean you've made up like a good second and a half in that sequence of corners alone so it's looking really really good for you okay I can't wait to taste that moment stay off the grass there we go you should get DRS maybe oh you just out DRS range unfortunately you've got to be a second behind but you've set the fastest lap of the race as well which is good oh great nice nicely done right easy on the curbs good yes cool all right the stoppin you're closing in on for steppin okay this is a tough spot to overtake but you've done it before I do some of my best work around here yeah it's true I don't know if I'd ever try overtaking a real football around here but after this scene there our account would make it's true I am an absolute coward yeah after Troy Honda there's a hard right you might be able to yeah nearly nearly there's these some good overtaking corners around here so and you run a bit wide all right you're still gaining time oh you still manage to carry good speed around the corner to be fair all right past mr. happen every gated sky in okay cuts in two laps to go or like a lap and a half to go and two drivers to overtake Jackie can do problem there's elbow easy easy you're gonna send it oh you've turned him mate sorry about it now it's Andy yeah well okay it's a dog-eat-dog world out there it is stab dog in the back and then overtake dog wolf again something that you could use for to describe for Milan in addition to a 200 mile an hour knife fight yeah all right one more car and one more lap Andy can you do it can you win the race from the back of the grid on f1 2020 having never watched a Grand Prix and certainly never played a Formula One game there we go assist me in Bacchus now my gosh he's your teammate as well so there's gonna be argument should really let me past if it would you know well looks like he's about to you gon send it in there oh that was close I was close you've only got a few quarters left I just didn't want to spin it yeah no of course of course bit deep in there keep it going though keep it going your past dims careful on the curb no aah he scratched me like - you're free you're free easy no wait Albans coming lucky ok you gotta defend your defend okay and she's driving just just stay on your lining right careful yeah you're in first all right a couple of corners to go one more corner come on bring it home Andy bring it home come on let's taste that Jeroboam let's get a Methuselah round there I think this do it the greatest endorsement of casual mode is that you yeah fast nineteen other cars and we're your first Grand Prix that's how it's done having displayed zero interest in the sport of force although I'm probably zero interest after its sole but they you know it driving the day Andy that is you well does Hamilton come on let's see it let's see me podium gone yes boss assassin so that's yeah yes he must have had some kind of magic card don't really from an imp forest welcome Louis yeah you didn't have a favor you told me how do you think of the Pussycat Dolls later again they broke up ages ago not on current events in the f1 world Mike they yeah how does it feel I feels great I just want to thank the big man I'm talking about the riddle the forest him right me the small man speaks in riddles yes him but wait a minute the car wasn't connected to the magic drive system I was just the driving was all me no I do think you is that I think it was the catch now okay yeah it was it was heavenly assisted by all the assists you're right I'm actually astonished bear in mind and he has the same level of experience playing f1 games as I have chainsaw juggling clearly the game doesn't drive the car for you otherwise you might as well watch a bunch of f1 on boards on YouTube but the difference between this race and Andy's first attempt is night and day Plus even though Andy claims not to care at all about Formula One I think we heard some actual genuine satisfaction there when he crossed the line in first I think this do it the greatest endorsement of casual mode is that you yeah fast nineteen other cars and we are your first Grand Prix and if you were still in any doubt as to whether we'd successfully transformed Andy what even is a car ferrant into Lewis Hamilton he even collided with Alexander Albin [Music] you literally can't get more realistic than that they habit a look at the brand new casual mode in f1 2020 which should mean almost anyone can have a good time with the game even Andy thank you so much for watching this surprisingly scientific video from outside Xbox and sponsor f1 2020 if you enjoyed it please do like and subscribe and we'll see you next time
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 45,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, f1 2020, f1 2020 gameplay, f1 2020 review, f1 2020 xbox one, f1 game, new f1 game, review, gameplay, xbox one, casual handling, casual race style, new mode, casual mode, lewis hamilton, funny, funny moments, gasly, f1, formula 1 game, formula 1, formula one, formula one game
Id: kY6qdBRypkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 12sec (1752 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 13 2020
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