Let's Play Forza 5 - Xbox One Gameplay Live with Outside Xbox

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hello weird Mike that's me hello courts a five the driving simulator yes yeah so you're holding the pad under you gonna show us how to get on last it to you alright latest I'll take like that alright you should do that for the comments how was school of duty it was good actually yeah thank God I was getting into it towards the ends that marksman rifle is I'm all about that must put that round up ended a little earlier than I expected so it's a little late anything it ended because I wasn't very good now so fought sir you're a big fan of this series II am yeah it's been it's been really really good like since the sort of original Xbox Microsoft decided to take on Gran Turismo and and this is what they came up with which is pretty good new versions kind of slightly down on content in comparison to force a four so slightly fewer cars is it sort of like what they did with GT prologue for PlayStation I wouldn't I wouldn't say as stripped back as that because that was like sort of you know only 10 or 15 cars but um yeah the hundreds of cars there's 200 cars which is apparently as many as the were in thoughts or to back on the 366 some generous amount of cars but obviously if you're used to your favorites from four to four they might not necessarily be in there essentially again few of the tracks missing the big track bit is missing as the Nurburgring basically both literally and figuratively large yeah I'm the 14 more one I guess because they couldn't go and do it justice you know like it's a very large track and must take quite a while to sort of sort out so one that's just a big yeah it's like 440 but no it's like it's sort of a 14-mile blast through life which is really long sorry yeah yeah there's extremely so yes it's a bit of a shame that's missing I would have thought they'd be working on making that happen fairly soon because it's a it's a really important part of sort of racing games yeah ever since it's sort of appeared in gran gran turismo for so we've got dance fold Dunsfold which might not sound like much but it's actually the top gear over the testerone yeah right okay so you've got this lady talking to us this is mrs. foster yeah I believe we're on Jane's profile at the moment but I'll do one this this is one of the early career races so I will sort this out for Jane she's been doing a lot of achievements on my account and all that and then we'll jump into my account and we'll looks like Selfridges in Manchester yeah it's a it's pretty swine this this place is actually like a man-made island so what Jess for racing yeah they built they built this entire sort of structure around this sort of man-made island built the marina around its all the rich guys can park their yachts to parker yacht yes yachts is that little bit up your inter so the start the game has these kind of tutorial bits with where you have to work your way through a few races before you were given that just sort of career as a whole so we have to listen to this lady talking someone says cars I wonder what Mike came back yeah I know I almost missed it I almost missed my opportunity to do cars someone says that you and I are wearing the same jeans I don't think we are no definitely not slightly different definitely not this like in Janine's didn't read your wardrobe this was all supplied by wardrobe yeah it wasn't we don't have wardrobe or makeup which is my excuse ah all right so minute says like the doctor mike means business when the glass is run yeah I know right it's more that I just caught it would not be able to see the screen otherwise I sit at home I tend to sit with my face pressed up against the TV but you can see the smears yeah um but what are you driving here so BMW yeah it's being wn1 which is like a sort of it's not obviously not a hot hatch because it's not a hatchback but it's a I'm getting prison rules yeah okay by EM Webber um I've heard of him it's a yeah he's he's yes I'll say his name but yes that is impressive um yeah which TV choice for cars unlimited right now is the one two out of two ah so BMW m1 is a sort of sporty EMM series cars also the M badged cars are BMWs like motorsport brand is that scarlet yes yes it is it is it's actually Stephanie handsome thing I was going to say to you soon she's doing pretty well yeah I like multi-talented yeah but but yes it's like em bmw m3 evil with her doll it's like the fastest sort of 3-series and this is a one series so that means the first the best one and the three is the third best they don't rank them like that no in fact they would probably like to say all their cars are equally brilliant that's not true music is one better than three well yeah you could put this to BMW and see what this okay I will if anyone but this is a great car apparently hey that's a snake it is one of the best cars they make so um so how am i doing well not too bad soon shot this at the side then Borthwick says I wonder if anyone rumours Andy's new year resolution to play more for to horizon thanks to bringing them you remember it I didn't know okay Wow friends gotta do that Ben is like our cyclope dick font of all knowledge about outside expose even the stuff we forgot by george RR martin for Game of Thrones has like a bunch of fans telling whether he's about to make a terrible mistake then we remember that so I've got a month and a days both also rising it's a good game have you got a copy I have got a puffy bit I should really I suspect you're going to be somewhat distracted by the Xbox one just a hunch this shiny new console that's in the in your living room someone wants to show off one of the low in cars and the four to Vista Mo's later on cool yeah we can tell you to do that we can have a poke around for Vista now applies to like all the all the cars in the games they've all been lavished with the same amount of attention and it looks great I mean ridiculously you can see the individual flecks in the metallic paint which is that's a level of detail I don't I don't know if I need but it's working nonetheless yeah definitely so you how you doing I've ever seen I came third which is not great vegetable line although you don't - I mean this is contributing to Jane's Drive it's right exactly so it makes her look really bad so I'll explain the driver tower system so basically penalize what happens is as you go through these tutorial things it will kind of take data from how you drive in this case I've got a fairly bent up BMW with on-brand Xbox one Brian look at that um and I've scuffed it up a bit so it would have measured the fact that I kind of was getting a bit sort of physical with the other cars and that way I wouldn't put it but yeah I do love cars yeah and and you know braking late or braking early there we go the world so there you go like it's it's kind of measured all my data and you will see Jane driving around in enforcer as you do free races and things and it should drive in a similar fashion and the more you play it the better a sort of version of you yes so it gets more and more accurate and then when you die it will just carry on guessing forever exactly unlikely you'll live on for a stupid rally or two you're brilliant right let's see if I can sign out and sign in as myself is that possible yeah it should be possible yeah sign in is mins mic and head back into fort sir it might get cross with me continue does it know that it's me well I'm leaving yeah Serena South right that's for sure this is still Jane I think probably but I think I'm screening sort out maybe okay let's yeah let's exit to the titles PhotoPass Briggs like bang on about how it's the best circuit in the world ever but yeah it's a bath is in Australia it's pretty cool but we'll come to that later on I think actually because it is great I'm very very hard to drive right so any requests for particular cars or tracks do let us know and we'll get away around them in an endeavor to do it someone wants to see the Top Gear test track can do all right Green Day Tom asks what is your dream car like what is my dream car um I would like I think my dream cars like a Troy testa Rossa and that's like that's pretty that really dates the carven dates me as a child of the 80s but when I was a kid the Ferrari Testarossa was like the fast car yeah and I still kind of like that 80s vibe a guy Kavinsky who did the Drive soundtrack trousers around another Ferrari Testarossa cause he's pretty much the coolest guy on the planet so so yeah I think let's let's quit out of this and get to the main menu um see I probably Ferrari Testarossa I'd love it I'd love an actual racing car though oh yeah continue some fun mmm oh that was oh my controllers apparently I - I think I've confused the site really confused it I think we're signing I want to sign in as me please thanks play Wii controller I really kill a I've killed the XS let's just give her out turn around while we're done sorry everyone I am terrible at this racing game no don't sign it leave me alone I had to get the achievements on your own yeah no it's fine okay we're going is uh right maybe we will be allowed to sign out of Jane and sign in to me now I should only weenie tip we don't need to dance at dancing let's go to let's go to the title screen and do some free play yeah makes things much easier you can show this message again for the lady leave me alone it's gonna show you at least want English someone asks why it's not all three of us on the safe at the same time I'm sure it will be shortly we're just taking some breaks here and there we can't exist we can't coexist in the thing won't because you're all he secretly despise each other right secretly we have to edit around of course fight so okay someone was after the Top Gear test right right yeah so you want to race that yes someone talk to you like oh my dream car if anyone's wondering is the Batmobile that's cool yeah I'm gonna get on that stuff which Batmobile loop this is the question can I like have all of them I quite like the ultimate Greek the old Adam West for me it's got fire comes out the back yeah it's cool okay so this is one thing not a lot of people realize about sport sir which is you can actually rent a car yeah you don't only need your XP right but it means you get to play with some of the more exotic machinery okay um so even if you haven't unlocked it in the career mode there any low riders there are no low road the mini isn't he fancy mini look at that take a look at the meal sister tonight I'm trying to think of what's closest to the reasonably priced car what did why is the music game fresco it's a wise change doesn't it recently but don't don't show yeah messaging um it's changed but it's just sort of front-wheel drive used to be a Kia Cee'd so let's go for let's go for a Ford Fiesta yeah that seems reasonably priced I'll be pretty similar I reckon all right ah okay let's let's go for now let's get ready yet this runabout okay summarize the tumbler yeah just her favorite Batmobile my favorite Batmobile is the one from the Michael Keaton the first one that was pretty good I like how if you have their armor around it yeah I'd like the really long sort of it's like looks like a really long bonnet yeah yeah robe on in the front okay someone says that they did a lot of work with the tyre simulation the tires Bend and slide properly mm yeah tie deflection which is obviously you have the bottom of the tie which is the contact patch and then the side wall that goes up to the rim that actually shifts as you corner and there's a lot of detail yeah and they that's all we notice the difference is that I mean well they leave it off uh I think I'm faster cause you sort of pushed the physics engine to the limit you get to see that sort of thing I mean what else can they do now is there stuff that they still haven't simulated that ah I'm sure there is I'm sure they're always like getting a better understanding of how cars work and things what I find interesting about racing games is that they so many of them claim to have you know a definitive sort of physics engine and they all handle slightly differently and I can't work out who's right and who's wrong but for so certainly feels pretty good to me all these muscle cars yeah we're sure you're on inside they're just trading pain and that it what paint look at that yeah bright green thing right turquoise so you've got orange car you're gonna be green on it now this is gonna be the horrible yellow concur they do not complement each other to zero and they do what is the complementary color to green past probably pinkles in the air pocket so do you know what a good lap time is then from this because they do at the TV show right ah I think they is it not like around the 145 to 150 s if anyone can tell us in the comments what a good lap yeah being something on the air for the Top Gear reasonably priced guarantee our wheels getting we'll see how close my gets to it this bright pink muscle car so obviously with four so you can paint the cars up however you like it and what's really cool is that I've never would have thought this would be the case but there's a Formula One car in the game from this year it's the 2013 Lotus e 21 or whatever it's called okay and you can paint it you can scrub off all those nice sponsors that paid lots of money oh wow to put their name on the card you can write your name on the car like or you know put flowers on it or whatever you whatever you like then I like paint jobs you can download yeah oh yeah so it kind of when you're buying a car it kind of gives you loads of suggested paint jobs and stuff and there will be a big community of sort of painters and and you know artists and and involved in four to five like there was in in post-war so as people yeah someone says Mikey you on automatic or manual like a psychopath that's erm intrigued I am on automatic actually and that's because I can play with manual gears but I only like to fight when I'm playing on a steering wheel it's really weird it sort of affectation I can't get my hand around the gears when they're on the controller when pressing buttons but if they're like a gear stick or a paddle shift on a on a proper serial peripheral I actually really wanted to get in the the searing world for this this game but unfortunately not quite ready yet yeah there's a couple of them out there's a thrust muscle and also Mad Catz on Mad Catz the guys you're making the fight sticks for yes as well yeah and they're making a steering wheel which looks really really cool from what I was they did a sort of video with Microsoft and there was some chat about it being kind of modular so maybe you could add sort of shift lights or like you know add a clutch pedal and things like that so it sounds like they're doing so many interesting things that look pretty sturdy is awesome for school there's a question here from gorilla dim it's it's for me but I think you should answer it as well if you could be best friends with any car where would you drive to first if I could be best friends of the car where we already driver to you where would a car like to go I'd like to die someone with my best friend that is a car with lights good yeah I mean I would probably take it to a nice drive-through restaurant yeah or cinema like a drive-in cinema that I'll get diner so that you know the car can enjoy it as well I would say I Drive to the mall but like it might get like sort of anxiety yeah I mean from all the racing cars I would like meeting a friend and making them do a marathon yeah or just or just taking them to a place full of supermodels like oh and your friend to be like well I'm good-looking but I'm not that good turns out confident in your car friend it's all my guys my car is a little more racing car but yeah we can't be right at home and there may be to some sweet jumps for later yeah course do the Top Gear track with the f12 Berlinetta all right car it's a Ferrari yeah okay right fra f12 Berlinetta is very very exciting Ferrari they don't say presumably that's all is that a lap time that has happened on Top Gear already because if there is a lap time with the s2a Berlinetta yeah then we could attempt to match it maybe na have a look don't change the view says Christophe t don't change again I was going to change the views that people come out someone else has said change the view please alright I will change the view sorry Kristoff but people need to see this this beautiful bright orange all right miss Fraggle Rock says you need to beat one minute 32 second point 7 in the 40s rusty oh wow ok so there is a time for this was apparently he one minute flex to say I'm gone I've really struggled to drive on a scam so as soon as I told you what time he needs to be yeah I blocked him sorry Oh been worth except best time 1:45 worst time 151 so we're getting conflicting 142 in the voxel 145 or below what was my fastest lap I don't know I guess we'll find out when you finish your on 3 or 4 so top is one minute 13.8 in the pagani huayra you are on camera fire we got a warrant yeah ok they today yeah they made a fairly unpronounceable car if you're going to the dealership wide like a pecan isn't it so you having an episode no one can buy one making it more exactly yeah so people are saying like about 1:45 is a good time seems reasonable I like this is the problem of the Top Gear test track is that you've got it's not getting cars going the other way oh really yeah I think crosses over is like a figure right well surely not when the celebrity's driving my son leave Coogan is in the collider someone's collide with Ross Noble yeah show another direction someone tell me what my laptop I've no idea what we loved yeah you're fit your auntie on the last lap you'll be fine I'm sorry for winning so tediously I'm doing a bit of a Sebastian Vettel here and just just thanking everyone basically yeah yeah I've often said you're very like celestial metal a lot of people think I look like him I really yeah he looks like a blonde version of me comment if you think Mike looks like sweating metal oh you do again you really mentioned it why is the driver wearing spider-man gloves so now let's find out lace one wing nose I can just go so like I'll find the Stars I got the gauntlets maybe a bit more like that like this maybe do short races next time because even I'm really bored look like cars get any other way I'm going this way so if we've seen all the views now I think we've seen all the views guys look to the side someone else if you can change miles to kilometers probably usually you can in these racing games I suspect so yeah I mean that seems like something they would be easy to include yeah they sell these all around the world so like all the Europeans use policy Billy dude some Australians until the pros turn off the racing line yes they do yeah I can turn it off with you one no idea I'm definitely gonna need it what my my fastest that was a 134 is that bad 134 now that skids we were talking about getting under 145 nice so exelon reckons the top time is the Caparo t1 110 I think they took that time off the board though because it couldn't go over a speed bump I think that's their rule no really it's a car can't go I stay late yeah guys because it's basically I was talking about if my car was a long car like a pirate Caparo t1 is basically like an uncle 126 in the world let's rig it that's not bad it's bring any hundred and very successful ones live alright yeah Joe blanch at us how do you feel about the impulse triggers amazing they're brilliant for this right yeah genuinely this is the best sort of use of them really really good so if you don't know when you're accelerating if you accelerate too hard and the wheels start spinning you will feel that in the accelerating trigger and when you're braking if you're braking too hard in the wheels locking and sliding across the asphalt you'll feel that as well so if you can kind of concentrate slightly on what you're feeling you'll be so much more plugged into the physics engine you you're a much better idea what what the cars doing at any given point and you'll be faster I think essentially so what do people fancy seeing let's have a look at that for to this sir yeah let's check it out so I think maybe foot semester I can only look at it in my in one of my cars so where is it paint car I feel like it's in my career okay this is this is sort of this isn't it but I can sort of walk around and things someone says Seb's head is a little flatter no thanks yeah but a cup of tea not saying a couple of people are saying they see the resemblance all right so this is forza vista so you can pretend you actually own a car with a terrible xbox one logo decal on the front actually you'll notice my god he can explode the car yeah you want exact about it oh that was just what yeah less exciting than your hoping I mean explode in a boring sense yeah looks better like a Pagani you wire up because all the sonic comes off and everything so they should have a bud just to explode it just to blow it up so rather than spending money on an actual car you can just look at it sit in it yeah and press the start button skids out people like to do that that's what it sounds like sit genuine sounds yeah let's not look um get back out again oh there we go um you'll notice it's um all carbon fiber II see oh yeah yeah you can see the additive carbon fiber but yeah we need a classic see that that's that weird level of detail is that those reflections look good yeah they do really good actually so it used to be the case that you could walk around the car and connect with connect right yeah is that selling me reduced I still in there no really not but I was definitely something they touted beforehand optimize the look of your car by changing the wheel I was a lady okay um to create the exact so I could put some horrible wheels on Jane's car I think you probably should you find the most disgusting wheels you could possibly find unless it's there such a thing as disgusting wheels in Forza it seems a little classier than that these look pretty horrible oh look at that that's horrible yeah that's not that's not great someone says Ferrari please fry please okay okay we've got a couple of require someone else's Lamborghini blurs all right I'm gonna put these out ett ridiculous wheels on we spend some of Jane's money okay I'm gonna let you choose from Audi TT Ferrari and Lamborghini Wow well how to choose um I probably probably go for the F there's a couple of requests for the f12 berlinetta oh yeah where do people want at least you take it that's the question yeah if anyone has a suggestion for a track let me know now in the comments we can maybe try a bit of multiple a bit later on yeah that'd be cool let's get free bleep so slight car rent ah is the four to auction house like four to two again because I didn't like the management of it on the previous one four to two or thoughts of fool is it different to the previous one they didn't like in the previous order I think it's tweets all you have another proper chance to sort of explore it but I think it has had some changes so can you have your choice of rubbish on the seats no but like those like travel sweet yeah alright top of those things special feature where you use Kinect to tell the salesman you don't need extended warranty nice that's mats and flaps let's get to Laguna Seca it's fun Monterey and there's actually track that looks better than it it did look at Gamescom so I've been working hard on this game we have had three suggestions now another which are looking ii mazda raceway is lagoon desert how is it ok so we say alright reverie guess i didn't know that that's that's an i did it on edge i don't i did if you haven't bears yeah honest we've got also Silverstone in Bathurst but our first is from Peter thicket here is a person I know whose offense okay knowing realize yeah I've met him I've seen his face alright unlike most people um but yeah I will do bath us in a bit I might do it something something a bit crazy as well um right let's see what assists we've got on at the moment see how money easy at the moment I think I should maybe turn it so hard when you reckoned yeah you've got outer circle abs on so it's sweet I've been working on this okay ah cosmetic damage right um let's go for that's that's all good let's give a hard is that right did I have the racing line on I've invested line ringing Lee no let's take a look let's live dangerous you get a car man right you're just gonna put yourself out there so squeeze me away and the throat is gone gone and bling right this is the f12 berlinetta very very expensive piece of machinery that will look distinctly secondhand when I'm finished with it she got friend of the show David Crofton to commentate on this oh yeah we get living is associated to stay here see what people scream on the Twitter's so these are all like real people's Drive Attar's essentially so you might end up coming up against some of your friends if your friends call bar nah nah then maybe maybe I'm already racing it's that was that sounded bad I just wonder how they get the sound of like carbon-fiber smashing today actually wreck up some cars oh yeah yeah that's pretty much the budget goes smash you can see we can get super bill here someone asked if that's a chainsaw on the floor beside the wall it is a lot of people in Vallarta now actually we haven't really mentioned it but yeah is a chainsaw you brought that along from your own personal collection to show problems just a prop the chainsaw definitely not real good for our personal touch on the on the living room set so some of the things Jane needs to go to stabbing camp is that thing did I turn I turn the racing line on rollin off I'm sorry okay was it like fully on yeah early on someone else is suggesting an Aussie v8 at Bathurst so nice very scary and appropriate as well yeah the Aussie v8 sarmat basically we have touring cars here and they're all like 2 litre you know might run about in Australia they're like v8 muscle cars essentially they only sold in in in Australia so alright so we can yeah we can do that for you Matt Healey the Aussie v8 that's what we'll try next cool that's good the open wheelers are new to the force of franchise show them if anything they are yeah we will definitely definitely be in an open wheeler a bit later on what is what does that mean open wheelers are like fun cars so cars where there's no covering over the wheels okay so hanging out there this is got the the rush cars in a rice got niki lauda right chance cuz i was gonna play with maybe one of those if you want to see two people to see the classic f1 cars from mine since ivenna if you want to see Nikki louder's Ferrari correct yes you did watch that fool I did yeah and what was James Hunt driving yeah yes you try I'm really hi everybody I was paying attention to that movie is he gonna be read hey what's good me sorry II enjoyed it I was very pleased at e3 when they yeah what's really cool all right there's also IndyCar which is a you know it's moderately popular American Racing Series but it's been some there's been some really good racing this year in IndyCar so it's great that those cars with no shame there's only four of them in there at the moment but obviously what we're expecting is that people will paint up the rest of the IndyCar field and you'll get multiplied races when you're where you're racing it's the full IndyCar analyst someone says trivia Mount Panorama Bathurst is a public road you can drive around on on race days that's awesome other trivia the race is often interrupted by kangaroos jumping on the track ready yeah and like I had to retire this year because the kangaroo jumped in front of it and smashed up the front Oh was a kangaroo ah probably not a nice day that's awful there's a fence up oh sorry there are fennekin's nothing but they find a way kangaroos always find a way that's tragic kangaroos misses chimps we that thing someone wants to see me race you don't see me race yeah I do let's totally let's suddenly driving aids on and see if you can win it right maybe someones disappointed they took out Maple Valley the originals disappointed is that was a favourite track urugay was Martin Robinson is a big fan of maple Valarie Valarie maple valerie leave her out of it yeah that's today with the four Cellini um Maple Valley he's a big fan of that because it's got some nice like camber changes and you can kind of I don't know it was the road like changing sort of tilt of the road gets folks and like okay and good food like doing powerslide runs and stuff so yeah eurogamer's Martin Robinson who reviewed this game for you I was sad to see Maple Valley I'm more sad about the Nurburgring I must admit but you know maple valleys heat thicker wants to see you do the differ all in the difference I don't that means that's a reference to Bathurst is a great video online of NASCAR commentator coming over to Bathurst and getting a passenger ride and none of the corners at batters to called the dipper but he's screaming away hilariously at Kenny's one please just like oh my god and dipper burst it is just he's just making out yeah okay kids how am I getting on in this Bell lesson I'm putting a fair amount of the time off the road I'm also dreadful at the last corner of Laguna Seca I pretty much always go off it okay it's the head tracking any good memory try to have it no it does exist I heard rumors that it wasn't in there isn't I never found it particularly good in Fort sir on the 360 with Kinect but I suspect new Kinect is better you know it's a better piece of technology and I suspect the head tracking works a bit better but it's not something I've ever really used you get a pretty good field of view in this game I'm gonna see the apex is coming up and yeah I sort of never I've never really got on that this is that dreaded last corner okay just oh you all over the place no right see you little nobody was squirming on the brace let's try this one I've got so much power in this car wait yeah what are you in here for a Ferrari f12berlinetta as requested by someone yes that's nice right shooting the driving aids on you can give it a go yeah right where would you like to drive what did we say we were doing Bathurst what do you want to get I'll do buffers because okay it's rather demanding but we'll find you someone else wanted Silverstone right someone did once it wasn't so I can race it Wilson yes give that a whirl look at those shiny wheels right let's continue try some drifting for style points not gonna happen with me I'm afraid okay I'm interested to see how you get on because obviously part of the forts thing is that it's supposed to be accessible for everyone can I do burnouts I'll take downs no okay right what would you like to drive a you pick me something nice how about a Shelby gt500 short snake why not and a track we're going to you is to do the full service if you do a small of them if you do a smaller one for beginners James driver to us gonna be all over yeah it is I see the National circuit okay good I like the old national psyche of exhaustion ah game options can we set the assists in there do it when we get that get into the race okay cool so yeah the open world things really really good I mean the Formula One car is unreal I got to play it at a preview event where they had a cheat code that would unlock all the cars oh no so I got to have a really good go with the f1 car around Spa which is one of the new circuit what's the supermarket nice not the supermarket start frankish of the the racing circuit that the f1 cars go to and it's just fantastic it's really really good fun to drive um someone's angry about no nobody not of people angry about new I understand I feel you bros and ladies madness says Allan Mills yeah yeah someone else when we're playing Zumba we're not well yeah we didn't have time for all the long line up so we felt we could probably lose hi Vuitton oh wow these were the percentages unbeatable that's what it mean what would you describe yourself unbeatable highly-skilled I would say if you give real experience I've seen in experienced is less pejorative than some of the right so that's loaded some other rubbish drivers to race against other rubbish trails and let's set your thing to not veteran the other one highly scale easy right so you've got full suggested line assisted braking assisted steering traction and stability control automatic shifting and cosmetic damage car I suspect this might be overkill okay but I say you go sit on here we go Andy's taking the wheel I'm taking the comments is it right trigger yeah yes okay the go pedal is the right trigger I was driving earlier in Dead Rising see ya I have been driving today I think most of my driving in Grant I felt a fair enough like a Ford gt40 beside you that a bit of a power slide yeah get off the road oh my god oversteer right yeah so you've got a stood in front of you be doing pretty well second place that - you're off the track man this is for fast guy Amy avoid James drive it on he's gonna crazy my advice I'm gonna be aggressive the pun you off that the coolants yeah let's get driving this is way behind me comments and critiques on my hump the horn and whose driver can I is their hormone oh I don't think it's dr. cool one yeah maybe that's the one thing left to simulate but you know you're asking whether there's anything left to simulate yet musical horns I think it was on the left stick you lit up clicky at the whole time I don't like this slowing down into corners yeah so that's the assisted braking and assisted acceleration so this is basically kidney mode and you can kind of scale it back to your level of you're trying to break break free of the yeah this but you can go in and kind of scale it back to the point where you're comfortable and you feel like you can win races yeah um but if you want full interference mode you can switch very easily in it and you're doing pretty good pretty good job here yeah smash some records Oh nope 10/10 Oh big Tennessee girl yeah check out the cones and you only grass now that's fine it's fine got it I see they've accurately simulated the weather in England yeah that's nice makes me feel that I bail from the sky yeah you get into a pile up and crash all the cars I said try yeah you can launch cars over other cars why I've managed sounds amazing yeah I did it with a one of the Aldi prototypes sweet is that shape up the scoop of my turn my friend okay good timing Jordan Blanchard good comic timing ting I'm doing all right hello I had to save him oh yeah correct power slide also reckons like five laps of this I guess because we picked a shorter track it gave us more laps man but I catch you up to you I think you're having you're having many many like small errors and they they're catching up you're having many small errors you're a small error doing well quickly that was that was perfect around the corner a lot of people saying on Twitter perhaps coming off the wheel seemed really awkward when changing gears do you think you should patch that do you think they should extract cars uh yes maybe a different animation for the f1 style paddle shift I don't know it's not it's not hugely important it doesn't bother me enormously enormously it's immediately looking down the road by the bike right and these hard line on these things say we've got a jihadi coming on fairly soon yeah listen you know soon ERT SP TV Live and all that stuff and in all various video game thing she didn't experts at once plays attacking this uh she might see ground what's up ah to let everyone know uh afterthought sir I believe we've got a bit of Assassin's Creed are call think OPM which should be very soon as yeah well preview he'll be ending this fella cinch we quit out of this and we'll do a bit about as people have been asking for it so I think I acquitted myself pretty well there I think you were in the lead right yes and probably would have stayed there for the other three that say we can just assume that I 1 X I will I will let you have that one or let you have that let's call out a moral victory yeah right 2470 in the world I'm gonna drive saying the terrifying around Bathurst tell three thousand two in the top three thousand yeah that's pretty good that's right I was in the did you see when I was in the top 126 it's yeah but I mean that was an easier track yeah it was yeah less things to crash into right let's do this quickly because you're running somewhat short of time right so I want to see what's so crazy about this Baathist trick everyone goes on about its mad it's actually mad that's we going yeah grab that ah right where are we Mount Panorama so takes place at a lovely sort of 8 a.m. so it's got this kind of golden glow to it so this is I'm renting James Hunt McClaren James Hunt off isn't he dead he's dead yes yeah alright be but yeah so this is one of the cars rush it's very exciting one of the most exciting cars you can drive in the game is this before they bought in like safety features pretty much yeah so they really find it hot and it's like giant flammable fuel tanks just behind them and all sorts of stuff so it's yeah it's fairly fairly mad but accidentally actually checked a video yeah I've accidentally accessed the livestream don't do that no one realizes the livestream that would be weird right I'm telling this this off I'm going slow for sim not manual gears all right yeah right fulsome but I'm gonna turn automatic gears on right simulation handling this is going to be probably a big mess I would say yeah well I mean look at the comments are pretty much just everyone saying how great I am so yeah don't check that don't okay alright I went there Oh God wheel spin wheel spin oh so there you go use the impulse triggers to work out what was going on we've got a terrible start though going so I'm already getting sideways I've been biffed off the track English by that guy right I don't things supposed to though no I'm no I'm definitely not okay so basically this is a track on the side of a mountain you blast all the way up to the mountain then you've got this insane sort of rollercoaster section and then you blast all the way down again at top speed so it's a you are getting pretty fun yeah - Ellis that's kids ya gonna be breaking this is where I should catch up a bit we've got a ton of downfalls so it looks beautiful running at 1080p as far as a second it's louder in this race years they're just up there not the real loud you can have an epic rivalry Oh God what they should have done is gotten Niki Lauda to create a drive ATAR oh that I would really incredibly get to race as me they could they do that as steel see they could you just download face race race drivers maybe I mean like basically apparently like a lot of biffed again apparently like guys like Stephane Sarrazin who's a lamorne driver yeah big fan of for sir like plays it a lot that would be amazing so he records like a drive ATAR and then you can yes you can actually racing it if you can find out these guys gamer tags you'll yeah you'll be able to find them online I think they should definitely do that that'd be great a record so this is that crazy sort of rollercoaster section it goes absolutely mad down here like she's sort of left and right and cars everywhere yeah I'll be but braking directly okay I'm gonna use the rewind button because that decade wasn't my fault alright I'm claiming that as banana if I ever see you again banana are you gonna get extra kangaroos coming onto the track I don't think so he's gonna think you it was your fault Mike to drive it too aggressively maybe it was maybe it was this you're crazy you are driving like James huh yeah I'm all agree I'm totally drunk as well any time there's really not a lot of places to overtake this is like yeah I was talking to Dan Greenawalt the guy buying Porter and he was warning me that there really there really are no places to overtake up at the top and obviously I because of this car is not as powerful as like a modern supercar I get I get dropped on the straight which is the only place where I can overtake seedy overtaking yeah you don't know for us some if we're gonna play any other games he just joined the stream we are going to play special games yeah if you're not in supporter don't worry we're not going to play into that much longer I'm moving on something else these stations very very shortly actually it's just n this there's niki lauda we're making friends like in real life but loads of little details like you can see the gloves and things like reflected in the in the cockpit view so about those mirrors huh yeah they're already get pretty realistic so really when you're driving a car like this you really need those impulse triggers to kind of keep a handle on slides like that basically so I'm six out of eight and I'm feeling pretty good about that to be honest yeah that's not last yeah I mean I don't want to rub it in but I was first I know you were yeah I'm being outclassed on pretty much every level I mean pretty much got a position first and sixth this is sort of proof that you can kind of play the simulation handling on a on a controller if necessary if your mental enough yeah okay and it does work just about I was going to say don't say that to be taking this corner but yeah it's kids who do it like I'm really catching these guys now by the way this is good I really I want to finish this race now just because it's it's become a matter of personal pride right yeah to prove I can actually get the end is good for here into fourth good work I'm impressed yeah sorry I'm sorry I'm not talking much I'm just kind of imagine it requires quite a lot of us yeah I'm sort of trying to focus on what this this car is doing yeah how's it how's it handling nice brilliant absolutely brilliant I love this car so much and I'm just going to probably spend all my time playing with it and getting to the point where I can actually drive the down he's hit the dipper yeah this is this is the bit where the guy was freaky shy rather I would probably be freaking out at this point I think the dipper dipper I got to run into a Hennessey Jeep sees Adam diet says Andy was clearly a better Drive Oh what yeah the crowds turned against me pretty much yeah bunch of other people saying I'm great if anyone commented on the fight live I don't think I've had any fatal accidents yeah they still time right I mean we're very nearly at the end of that load so we will we will be hitting Assassin's Creed very shortly yeah after a sort of another video from the outside Xbox on home Assassin's Creed is a game that does look yeah oh very nice oh yeah I can't wait for you to see it yeah can I get this guy in the final corner go for power it's full power come on curse the safety every day oh my god and zai nice over the grass yes probably fire eight we find it yes come on I need to I need to celebrate maybe afterward after winning I thought the line was over there we go right you did it on the podium is it was that third I think so okay to get some champagne and sir yeah good work e and I have stuffed that priceless f1 car up good and proper I love the way you can see all the scum and like bits of like rubber and stuff stuck to thee yeah to the chassis you really messed that up there and quick look at the replay while we all we sort of fun finally sort of wrap up those following the The Chronicle of Jonah Bob's Xbox one yeah it's the right sir a good work nice general alright we are going to head to another video from the outside exports archives and we will be back with Assassin's Creed very shortly
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 30,014
Rating: 4.948936 out of 5
Keywords: forza 5, forza motorsport 5, launch, live, livestream, xbox one, xbox one game, xbox one gameplay, new, forza, cars, tracks, mike channell, andy farrant, outside xbox, launch day, dunsfold, dunsfold test track, top gear, top gear test track, yas marina, xbox
Id: RD6_hx2vBg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 3sec (2703 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 25 2013
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