Let's Play Lego Marvel Superheroes 2: LEGGLE MARVOS! (Split Screen Gameplay)

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[Laughter] yeah it was alright hi everyone welcome back to outside I spoke so Andy joined by Jane and Mike hello playing Lego Marvel superheroes - I'm star Lord James Gamora yeah so try and follow along oh there's a lot happening yeah I'm the green one Andy's the blonde dude yeah and I'm building stuff okay being a master builder so we're on the guardians spaceship yeah yeah oh yeah the oh man it's like a pop quiz question what is it called the it's like the calypso or something that's not going to cheat in this pump quarries and look it up yeah I'm gonna eat some cereal over here okay give me a clue Mike when you know okay all right all right this place is a tip I was gonna tighten it up now we're gonna build and smash things okay what's this teddy bear about why is it picking up how be your exit okay that's jump no that's whoa Wow the teddy bear no no it destroyed the teddy bear I put on some music amazing listening to my 1770 students the Italian city Italian city is your cleanest no no Perona new there's only one Italian city built man build oh I made it leave it I'm moving it with no Goods this is a harder clue than it would be for me but the Monza race circuit is just outside the city well that's that's no kind of clue at all oh yeah this will stand on this thing down the thing and oh Drax is with us okay Drax the destroyer yeah what about the little tree guy and the raccoon guy yeah those guys famously tree guy 3-game I love those guardians of trash panda oh god they might tell us what it's called it is the Milano Milano see that's like a lip so it's gonna win it yeah okay wasp says if you need help press left stick how is what spended up with the job of tutorial Isaac oh I need help gravity minds can be thrown my prison B will hold the X and targeting gravity mind boosters press B very gay alright right now oh there's a picture of you here oh oh oh I think means you need to do this out okay this is a job for star-lord like everything star-lord let's go find my dad let's go do a father-son story where where where oh wait zoe saldana got a father-daughter story Yeah right exactly everyone gets resolved their father alright are we building something ah something that mean that electricity looks pretty dangerous I think oh here we go let me press that mine you're mine if we survive this I vote we have trial runs for future emergencies let's jump out let's go let's jump up jumping I'm jumping but nothing's happening to cutscene no cutscenes and the cool stuff happens in costumes James I mean cutscenes are noise moving the sticks and pretending no tracks dead forever it doesn't even wear a shirt I like he's all doubles yeah I like her long breath drastic so wasn't if we made it a little Ellen Lego figure if she could have liked that I did look then I leapt Drax is more adorable as I go yeah sighs beware Legos Oh No movie is having a slap fight with a soldier who's that guy hey this Kang the Conqueror is big on time travel what's going on some Kang or something is kang simpson's halloween aliens yeah he's crying from 17 intercept I don't know who I mean Andy do you mean Kong the giant ape yeah one of those three is attacking thank you for your cellar in the space world from the start right I remember it so well yeah Stanley wasn't it yeah Stanley was there with one of his many hilarious and necessary cow Moos oh wow like we check pointed let's go I can fly swords walkman go jet pack I don't get it who is this gang guy yeah who is this Kang guy okay I can't stop this feeling [Music] look I'm doing gun cat sir I'm in the fire music in my head all right I've stopped listening to muting it cool save the world guys with the galaxy I always have with Lego games as I never know what I'm supposed to be doing ever yes smashing built yeah film as much I'm on the right-hand side of the screen and I know oh there's something what's that we've got some gravity - fire extinguisher red button I like Ninja Warrior this many blanks we dracs up here to smash this wall early gay you're welcome Drax what happens if you shoot the big red button heavy blacks be Drax remind me X you hold down X and then target it and then press X again no I won't let you target it oh it's fine I unlocked it with this which ah okay what is it coffee machine it's ghost from destiny yeah Peter Dinklage it's a fire extinguishing robot yeah better like this you saved all these people yeah I probably jinx that sorry guys let's go the people are running to safety yay people heroes aliens of the five people we're gonna get so many stunts what happened did you because she can be seen that way I would assume you can turn that paddle thing oh yeah fine I'll use my mighty most dangerous woman powers Hey Oh fine oh I see star-lord nicking all the glory yeah wait let me put my music on I shoot in all directions I'm special my dad was it God Spring Hill things why are you constructing I don't know piece of what not it's a machine to end world always that might have been a bad idea please yes crush everyone in your heart nice try clown oh no you don't get all the event horizon monsters and come out with your eyes okay that was weird oh sorry Zoe Saldana this is a job for Chris Pratt too - miss Potts busy singing to himself and come on star load oh sorry yeah oh oh good oh good star-lord did it yeah now what bill no bills oh it picked up someone suplex that guy or something punch him either doors at Yahoo dress drop scared rats I'm gonna drive you can operate door honey yes I'm dry strength strength food yeah dave bautista there we go nice Jack's you've just been saved by the legendary hey where's everyone going yes listen to me - yeah hey guys it's full he writes done we done there it is the Florence that's a raccoon yeah yeah it is sassy irreverent nasty I bet I get stuck in so many children's throats not a little grease can you get a little great do you have anything that can destroy this reinforced manner in a giant sword ball huh filling with water Ultimate Nightmare I've always prepared some sort of zorbing based holiday resort wearing it's an all zorb economy this planet why am I gonna be oh and my group can get in the little balls I'm waiting it's fire I'm literally a tree no you know what spot get in the ball you're hovering above it get in we need to shoot it with something oh but I'm so tiny don't tell me I can't get in there I'm lying raccoon what can you do that yeah now we just need to help them reach the boat seaweed yeah gonna build seaweed all right can you go and build yourself a better tree body yeah greet greet greet groupies go it with his greeting groups agree to the past tense of groups yeah oh wow oh is that little time gizmo we found lets him grow and shrink anytime you want the tank is maybe found yeah can I stay like this or do I have to be cool yeah you can do whatever you want now good job team we have done well this day we're under attack and our shields are almost gone we hold off the attacking ship we repair them yeah yes we're doing a little overtime huh hey it's not being attacking my ship and fighting my chat with this tree comunism trees yeah please no you just tickle it I'm just taking this plant oh you're in the camera no good news oh boy yeah smash that's really great you good yeah I'm gonna be Gamora again because yeah nice missing something here can you fly them Ilana and cheat them I'm doing Mondays screw you Gary I don't think alright I think I did whatever I'm supposed to be involved Rex for something yes sure sure death right here remote controlling the ship or so maybe fixing the ship well nobody sounds like a delicious choices yeah could really go for a mallanna is there chocolate already maybe maybe the kind of biscuit yeah hey the cannons are working so Oh game thank you and now spray it with laser fire now who's being shot by so Lord God help but I'm down here on the ground guys good news so don't worry I know you were worried shot rocket we are victorious okay tanked of dryer forged on the battlefield isn't it glorious my dear nice Peter Serafinowicz guardians the galaxy he can't be two things your might is unsurpassable my Kang oh I like that say it again oh he's got our time gizmo uh and I enjoyed it's something like that yeah it's some sort of Sentinel from the end of time or something what mmm similar yeah I think so like a magneto Sentinel they call centers yeah in the XML yeah it looks like that but a bit more steampunky mmm-hmm is on the searcher is that not overkill I'm sure enjoying all the colors and lights so many colors and shapes me holding my interest so he shouldn't destroy them - he's on the search here there you go how about you ease off ascension trivia about ease on the search he's a celestial that's what he is of course a primordial race of brain like entities with extremely powerful capabilities a brain like what's going on feels like it how we supposed to kill it how we kill it Mike is there anything on that Wikipedia page on how he gets killed we can tell you how to kill it rad montage - like 17 music like we're healthy for my 17 busy good oh good I was putting my headphones on I got exploded well you built some sort of plan think Oh governs a bomb thing okay all right now put a gravity bomb on it you get out of here gravity bomb no there we go gravity bomb yes yeah it seems good seems always like it Katamari isn't it yeah kill him in the katamari launcher Katamari into oh look his hand oh it's been drawn in towards it oh okay pin his hand yeah and then we're gonna run off it lock up his laser oh we got some bits of him now build build something out in the bits of him no I was like oh I got smash happening I hope yes what's that's made on the sidewalk what does that thing oh is it tight is it time rewinding yeah unhappy face guys still at spaceship and a gate to shoot me the guts okay oh boy Kenny's confusing hmm oh it's got lasers they give you someone jump in there don't know what you get in there alright alright amazing hearing this - yours are okay cute Oh cute oh yeah you're gonna shoot me yeah it's right to my weak point I see woo solid-looking is yes it's called energy bar Logan's Run diamonds renew salvos just flying around kiss for this is helping yeah it's very helpful Chris thank you oh he's gone red go into the carousel roll up his hand and stabbed him up whoa all right I'll go sighs oh you have to you know what else happened on this pressure plate will and I will go deal with this job here get on that smack oh I don't even have to press anything are you a launch top it just got lured very nice very nice now to my studs Oh such teamwork no slash nice jump and smash these beautiful what's in it is it important to innards something important I bet why would he keep his innards on his shoulder seems strange Alton's oh no no my reckoning up this brief he always always have done read put it on my show he designed himself he's a brain like ants in Ukraine yeah he created a body chest cavity it's a bit like the event horizon like so much of this is like event horizon yeah exactly as I remember it I was time to shine few solids 1-0 of the best one of the five is happening I feel weird destroying a majestic an ancient beast him yeah oh alright let me put a gravity Dominic one of star Lords many special powers yeah yes the stuff was it I don't gravity something gravity everything happened so much that's too much gravity if anything your filling is go away line Katamari yes so much sunscreen I need you see the button problems bb-bb-bb-bb-bb-bb-bb Oh buddy to hold on and not be sucked into oblivion the event horizon helble oh yes yes yes now he's a dead like entity why why did I program my robot to feel pain you guys you should give a thumbs up like the Terminator yeah we did it again to clear Kang's forces hey no problem the bigger they are the more they hurt you it's true is that so chipping in yeah definitely a sword what's it doing is it bad well I can't imagine it's good fireworks display yeah just a big startled face violence everyone else is like we're a team and some star-lord plus for star-lord and the Guardian did you see that post on Twitter he was like Alvin and the Chipmunks but if you're a chipmunk it's all by intonation why do we gotta help them cuz we're the guardians of the galaxy he said it because we're the Lego Marvel superheroes - well we did it guys well done that's an awful where my avenged is at maybe some binging just it's just avenged though Benjamin avenging multiple vending this ng boys that's a much better Jesus character so many things what's better than one stone no no this many Lego Marvel superheroes Lego Lego Lego father hey lover leggo I have some some parent has to go into a toy shop like to buy this game and they're like oh my kid wants like Lego Marvel yeah Lego brothers super super Harry - oh here we go look I recognize this place is ant man's house Devils that as well Stephen strange lives here do some more nachos food of the gods my friends all of the gods with their masks question legal movies how you been good yeah making making a terrible stay that floor I want to be like a top tier avenge oh yeah yeah Captain America's top Syria Ranger honey you're Quicksilver I'm wasp in your yeah it's a wreck up this Steven strange you so smart look I can hover legend oh yeah I can hover like a foot off the ground star-lord what speed oh I can't ring real lost to do more flying than you care I can sure you can get bigger I can smash things with my super shield yeah that part of the night where everyone trash trash Benedict Cumberbatch's house oh I can't fly bring down the fun team and maybe the banner what about this what's this it's gonna get well why is there an oil painting of a man maybe it's Iron Man's like New York pants oh maybe but I thought you know I'm man we don't I wouldn't have anything this old of game you would have something more and ironic house yeah let's go spider-man now this is the from the Doctor Strange movie isn't it I reckon it it's like a museum where he keeps all these is it where he gets his cape from uh yes to the Avengers not have I mentioned they've got the Avenger Tower right no it's Stark Industries has a tower and your vengeance will go there something out there there's aa score tower as well in this game I spotted on the way over is that in Manhattan yeah yeah spider-man stuff it's where Green Goblin hangs out oh man there's so many memories in this I'll use the bat computer I mean the wasp computer I'm using it so am I going big in town knows oh no it's just about collectibles hmm we can't just leave we got to answer that call good onto the call where's the phone Oh till Toyman hey I know it's pointy told you Prince mechanism is still busted oh yes I didn't fix it after all nice one genius billionaire stuck all right we need to go get these tools so you can fix the front door wd-40 right we need free spring comes and is that glowing thing a thing you could have collected all right I've Kasich I got you I got a spring well done boss thanks lady I'm glad they trimmed this part out of the Avengers movie Iron Man here's a gear he's like get me a slinky a slinky go home stark you're drunk yeah no thank you think II think III swing tennis that was one big I need a slinky mr. best Avenger the newest best leg a little Marvo maybe the best legal monkeys mine gets all the slinky you need this table while I'm here so you need two more cogs or gears or whatever and a [Music] [Music] [Laughter] where are those pesky nice action on you right now you have to yes and now parrot up the door yeah Jesus lasers what's wrong with regular door locks and door handles stuck in here now junk age crank it crank it yes now to whittle it yes why have you become so complicated Tony you might say you've over engineered this Tony Holmes Tony it was so easy why didn't you our own secret basements so over-engineered don't go in the secret basement as a rule is that a dick eat Bruce Banner oh my god answer telephone now what do you want who's this continue story this will affect both players oh yeah I mean it's a really affecting story yet adventures leader of tomorrow handcuffs are ready to join the Avenger initiative No oh that's that JJ Jameson yeah looks like he's got pictures of spider-man spider-man any swim scene shots of spider-man particularly Candice we're going to land as close to that facility as we can what ails this place does everything Captain America's driving face get this far sure is beautiful is that she-hulk it is she hook she in like the latest Avengers things oh no no she's just another lego marvel sure was beautiful what is that thing the source of the radiation spike according to what the researchers have vanished let's move out yes and with great haste I cannot with me a bit of Mjolnir oh my god I'm sorry no can you debilitating oh oh oh I guess I guess you can fly yeah oh this oh my god this feels oh okay now I'm caught problem solved fo now ye got my skis Dean it was like oh I crushed it guys oh very good yeah yes snowmobile yes straight to the top of the mountain yes best friend sorry I'm singing the snowmobile songs I can't eat well maybe that's a man oh we don't have never want to do anything what yeah doughnuts down here just chain become acquainted okay caps dead now yeah I thought wrong as a real friend he'd never think like he was dead even of being controversial proof you know his head have been smashed flat baby something good behind this door it is probably another Avenger yeah okay it seems we are not welcome probably hold on I think there no keep it shut let's take a look around and see if we can find some sort of an override switch an override switch right captain do they even have override switches back when he was alive No she-hulk seems a lot more in control of her whole deal than she just super strong but still yeah oh yeah okay you go you're strong enough right I better be you're at least as strong as drags surely pull it nice sweet yeah zap that thing with your hamon zap it hold B to charge up electricity panels alright house we do with young god of thunder palace wasp buzzard better grasp of stores powers and Thor does America in there Captain America bits in it we're just gonna build the new Captain America yeah well what's up I got it that's right he builds builds just made a little panel that captain reckon can look out or something it's a Captain America pal did he call him Captain American yes Catman America Cat Man American uh cap can we have you up here he can't get out there because he's so yeah that's the reason kick a ladder down or something I mean that's normally the way what activate that lift sir come I bet we can get glad it down for you or something yeah dude alright I'm coming to find you cap leave knows his shield spend on those platforms those two puppies two buttons yes oh yes all those who chose to oppose my shield must yield how did that land on top of his head he's dead now haha oh damn yeah pretty much did smash them into the permafrost he's frozen for another 50 years or a platform or whatever oh oh oh my god oh no no I'm fine all right we've got a thing for you to interact with captain okay all right lead the way oh no what Oh satellite dish avalanche Oh Oh it'd break the sunlight bad don't know I never got a better look at it yeah no you want to go over here follow me follow thaw oh noes yeah interact with that thing that you can track this first work out what the satellite dish problem was so he doesn't activates which is the normal way he throws the show we paid a lot of money for this yield got to get the use out of it yeah it's all the vibranium in the world okay now we're getting somewhere yes we made it felt some garbage now we need to go across the other room all right and then the other one yeah oh we need to get this door open okay far I'm getting it who's got magic fire out I think I can have I suppose step out with machine baby ooh you just smashes the fire flat you know what happened depriving it land Thor Thor land all right the fire is out friends hold excuse me I mean I feel pretty powerless Oh [Music] and she Hulk was there no socio and now it's time for she hope to shine by ya building a switch all right captain game there do you a few things I will for thee yes let's get behind that gate all right everyone get on the snowmobile it's in their presence garbage of the major garbage so it is okay Oh is rubbish I like the comics the reason he's rubbish in the film yeah we felt like you are my cameo was brief and rubbish I'll push the thing I use my mighty strength doughnuts on your show have a queen come on get that gate open so I can ramp in there radioactive materials why she oh she's already radioactive or doesn't care gamma rays so I was like what is this radiation zombies well clearly the radiation scene were closed [Music] three point turn on the radio a little help cap [Music] oh we've got to put him down finally who's gonna tell Samuel Oh Jackson in fact could someone call Bucky he'd probably be pretty good punch [Music] now he's energy boss no no I see you have to understand you can't damage him yes no he's always know it's just a big puddle of good someone else is here I can almost feel a strange the presence is it present I'm psyche but only in the field of Lego video games right that's quite a limited see oh my curse give them my radio a convenience so what's your deal is it radioactive zombies I'm it all day isn't it I'm it haven't it the shield's gone floating cherries didn't punch him in his flowing chair I will [Music] oh it's locked the end get back everyone get electric oh good let's scrub no my heart yes punching maniacally yeah no I can't I think I get that as well as the club [Music] have some meal there oh he's summoned some zombies again yeah she have to kill the zombies yeah well I'm sorry I just deal with my electric bills it's Captain America's backup causing trouble yep he wishes yes sir end him first no no but a bit we're looking to control it okay magic stuff and you're like man I cannot even deal with all this Hulk I hate just jealous all the trick carries yeah what a cool superpower which ours hey super fan you go they will leave okay no I can't die can you see something having lung help us yeah no fair it's definitely cheating your resistance is meaningless whoa yeah daddy on tongue me what's the room what's that mean lame-o why Dizzy's pity him hit him really hard pound and yes I'm gonna choke something you can't imagine right now hit the chair guy kick get electric oh yeah yeah you've done him yes yeah his chairs gone haywire maybe yeah yes suck it president sucks the collective mind of the presence is no match for Merliah oh let's go visit real dorky tap he holds his juggling days neutralized he's got some weird blotches on his tummy's don't you see this is just a test my powers are in thrall to a higher command you will see in telephone directory here oh yes ham dude star face some time out from that and radio the quencher captain rebreather here yeah a guy who Khepera breathing underwater shot boy well this was legal Marvel superheroes to baby was I know it was Lego Marvel superheroes to you and we've been outside Xbox I come on back for more exciting adventures more exciting adventures yeah adventures of the Avengers thanks for watching see you next time offend your time a bingo
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 72,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lego marvel super heroes 2, lego marvel superheroes 2, lego marvel superheroes 2 gameplay, lego marvel super heroes 2 gameplay, lego marvel superheroes 2 xbox one, funny, funny moments, thor, captain america, guardians of the galaxy, gamora, starlord, rocket raccoon, groot, she-hulk, lego marvel superheroes 2 characters, baby groot, star lord, avengers, lego avengers, lego guardians of the galaxy, split screen, splitscreen, split screen gameplay, splitscreen gameplay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 23sec (2603 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2017
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