EZ Buttermilk Biscuits (1 cup of buttermilk)

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hey everybody do you like good southern buttermilk biscuits let me show you how to make them they're really easy and they only take three ingredients flour buttermilk and real butter you take the butter and divide it up like this real simple make sure it's nice and cold and then you want to get a big bowl and put two cups of self-rising flour add the butter and get your pastry cutter and cut that butter in just like this you just kind of work it in like this until it gets crumbly it's simple next get something to stir with I'm just gonna use this wooden spoon make a little well in the center and then get your buttermilk and gently pour it in so all we have is butter buttermilk and flour you want to be very gentle and just kind of let that milk absorb you don't want to stir it too much too hard you can see I'm just easily turning it over and giving that buttermilk time to absorb simple simple simple gentle very gentle that's what you want to do I tell you what I love biscuits and there's not too many things I don't like with a biscuit but these are really easy if you get the hang of them [Music] just trying to let the moisture that's in the dough pick up the rest of the flour in the bowl to notice I'm not stirring it very vigorously is kind of turning it over it's going to make a very moist dough ball but gentleness is the key here and you're gonna get your hands into it so just don't worry about that make sure you wash your hands before hand mine are nice and clean and then grab yourself a piece of wax paper and lay it down and put some flour on it this just kind of makes everything a little easier especially afterwards the cleanup is easier this way use that same self-rising flour to get a good generous amount out there on your wax paper and then you want to gently how many times have I said gently huh gently turn that dough out on your paper we're gonna start working this and if there's any residual flour just let it go on top it's very very wet dough that we're gonna need to put some more on top and even that flour on the paper we want to get that incorporated in so we'll fold it up like this and press that into the dough with that flour all in there in fact I like to use the wet paper to help me in this process I'm gonna press it out and you can see and feel where it's wet add a little more flour just like that Pat it down use that paper to turn that that dough over this makes players turn it the other way Oh once you learn how to do this you'll know you won't want any of those canned biscuits there's so much better and it's so easy really only three ingredients who knew it was so simple turn this the other way use that paper to fold it over and the dough between the layers for the flour is is still very moist and still very wet and so I'm trying to kind of keep that I want layers that are floured and layers that are still moist just kind of work it and feel it and turn it I don't use a rolling pin I just like to press it with my hands I will just press this out because it's just about right I don't want to overwork it so I'm pushing it gently pushing it out now I'll get my baking pan in that little bit of butter left over and use it to butter the pan you like butter on your biscuits now this is the way to do it in them and on them and then just get the cutter I've got a two and three-quarter inch cutter and you push straight down you don't twist it and take the biscuits out there we go there's seven eight try not to waste any time if we can get one more baby that's it down cut it out ten there's not much dough left there you go ten biscuits now I've preheated my oven to 450 degrees and so all we need to do is pop it in about the middle rack I guess and let that bake for fifteen minutes or so you just kind of have to watch them you want them lightly Brown they'll rise up and this is what you come out with all they're beautiful and they smell great look at that nice and golden brown on the bottom when you pull them I should just separate [Music] softened moist fluffy I guess there's different ways to make biscuits everyone has their favorite and this is the way I like mine watch oh yeah I did some girl hate what do you like on your biscuits these are steaming hot you could put anything how about a little honey some people like gravy jelly molasses you can put anything on a good biscuit let's take a taste mmm wonderful I don't know how else to show you how wonderful these biscuits are this look about the squeeze test it's kind of squeeze it and it's soft and it springs back they're done and they're flaky and they're moist buttery I don't know how you would determine the perfect biscuit but these come very close in my opinion mmm take a look well they won't last long anyway that's how I make biscuits I appreciate you watching I hope you have a great day and I hope you give these biscuits a try they're delicious I know you'll like them thanks again take care we'll see you next time bye now
Channel: Ken Click
Views: 2,227,296
Rating: 4.8784385 out of 5
Keywords: food, cooking, buttermilk, biscuits, fluffy biscuits, homemade biscuits, buttermilk biscuits, 3 ingredient biscuits, best biscuits
Id: 8CSci6-MIXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 35sec (515 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2018
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