Easy Method For Light No Fail Biscuits EVERYTIME

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hi this is Linda and welcome back to my kitchen hence the cook I did a biscuit recipe a couple years ago now that has been very successful because it's easy and it makes great biscuits and the name of that video was slight flaky perfect biscuits every time well I found an easier way to do it the first way was that you use two and a half cups of self-rising flour and I still have two and a half cups of self-rising flour in this bowl but what I'm going to do is take some of it out and put it in my mini chopper so this is a half a cup measure and it really doesn't matter I'm just gonna put this in here and that stick of frozen butter I cut it up into eight pieces and throwing it in now in the first video you have to shave the butter into the flour and please don't substitute you have to use butter this time I'm gonna pulse it it's much easier and I'm going to show you how big don't pulse it till it's tiny crumbs you're not gonna have a good biscuit if you if you pulse it that much let's see alright oh alright let me see if I can get down in this bowl for you you see there are chunks of butter in here chunks of butter and that's the way you want it now you take this and pour it into the rest of your dough the rest of your Flamel all right now you see those chops get down in here chunks of butter that is what's going to make them flaky and light if you get it too too small you're going to have an ordinary biscuit now you take this and you put it in the refrigerator for 10 minutes because you want everything as cold as possible I'm going to do that right now and then I'll bring you back why we're back this has been in the freezer for 10 minutes actually 13 but it doesn't matter 10 or 15 minutes and by the way the butter that I used was salted I never use unsalted butter ever even when a recipe calls for it I don't use it alright now the first change was that you put it in a mini chopper or your food processor will work it doesn't matter then you make a little hole down in the center now I prefer full buttermilk but you can and I have used low-fat buttermilk you're going to add a cup of that to the center of this now I don't know what it I don't know if my flour is dry or what's dry but I have found every time I make them that I have to use more than a cup but it won't be much more than a cup I can usually tell I have to add some more I'm going to add probably about a quarter of a cup maybe not even all right a quarter of a cup and when you stir this don't stir it more than 15 or 20 times I got 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 that's all I'm going to do and this is just it's just a full a Big Fork it's a stirring fork but I mean you can use a spoon you can use a regular Fork it doesn't matter now have a floured surface this is my move back a little bit my pastry cloth that I just can't live without I love it so I'm pouring this or dropping it onto a well floured surface mine just happens to be a pastry cloth but yours can be anything that you want to use your bare counter if it's clean sheet of wax paper or a sheet of saran wrap whatever works for you that's what you're going to use and you can see that it's quite wet if yours doesn't look like this and a little more buttermilk because if it doesn't look like this it's it's they'll be too dry so I have a little bit left in my bowl and I'm gonna scrape that out and we're going to get to the second change that I made I have preheated my oven actually the the recipe that I followed called for a 475 degree oven and that just seemed a little too hot for me but I kind of split the difference um I'm doing it for 60 but I have done many of these at 450 so you know you just have to feel your oven out see how it works for you now you're going to take this and you're going to sprinkle some flour on it so it'll be more manageable and Pat it down let me get this bowl out of my wife all right here comes the second change that I'm making now I got flour all over my hands here I'm making a mess all right what the recipe actually call for was to double take this and double it I don't have enough flour on it it still sticking to my hands and you don't want that okay it said to to flip it over once well I'm gonna flip it over on itself again and you see that needs more flour if you don't want to deal with the real sticky dough it's just not gonna do it right so I'm gonna turn it I'm gonna roll it okay the same thing again so it is folded in thirds too we're gonna do this five times I need a little more flour this way you're going to get more layers faster still still a little stinky in it all right that's three you don't have to mash too hard you don't want to mash your layers together three and I have to add more flour this is for and that put more on my rolling pin and I'm gonna do it one more time I say if it sticks on you like it is on me and a little more flour you don't want it sticking to your board what mine is you don't want that alright so now I'm going to roll it out [Music] got your biscuit cutter if you don't have a biscuit cutter use them use a glass that has a decent size to it on the end or you can pinch them off that's when you just grab it by your with your hands and pinch into a biscuit alright this is what mine looks like so I've got my little lump biscuit cutter here and I have a little bit of flour on this and I'm just going to punch him out I don't have anything on it make your biscuits touch I show you like this let them be touching because they have each other to rise on I'm gonna put a little bit of buttermilk on these on the top of them so they'll Brown pretty and then they're going into that when I'm using this 360 degree oven and and it should take about 15 to 20 minutes but I'll let you know and and we'll see what how they turn out well I'm gonna freeze the rest of these let me just tell you that I'm going to cut them out and freeze them on a tray when they get frozen I just put them in a ziplock bag and they're ready to pop into the oven and you can preheat your oven and while your oven is preheating just let them sit on a tray and numb when the oven gets to the correct temperature you're ready to pop your biscuit in there now when you finished cutting out all the whole biscuits you can just gathered your dough up and lay it back down and cut some more biscuits out and continue to do that until you can't get any more biscuits now the first but biscuits you cut out are going to be the best biscuits because you've handled the dough less but we'll be back we're back I baked mine exactly 15 minutes they are light there you can see my oven is not baking evenly I don't know why but these are light biscuits if you look closely you can see the layers in them all of them just wonderful looking biscuits here and they stuck to my aluminum foil so I'm telling you lightly lightly grease very lightly grease your pan that you put them in Sam was supposed to be here to taste but as usual he's nowhere to be found now look I didn't even have to cut this biscuit look at that perfect and then throw a little butter on here I can barely hold it it's still steaming a little bit of butter and in fact I might I might just butter them all look at that mm-hmm now I don't want anybody writing in and telling me you're supposed to use a fork I have a knife and it's out so that's what I'm using and I don't think it's going to make a biscuit taste any worse by opening it with a knife do you I don't see this is where it stuck one of them stuck so I'm gonna go ahead and butter all of these they're crispy they're crispy on the bottom and on the top and I'm beginning to wonder if I even needed to put anything on the top form to brown because the temperature is so high got a high temperature and I bake mine in the middle of the oven I don't know how other people bake theirs but that's how I bake mine and they come out perfect every time every time I get this little piece right here I've tasted a little bit of the part that broke off you know so butter milky and delicious you are gonna love how much easier it is this way don't leave out any of the steps and I've had people say what kind of flower this is go white lily self-rising flour and salted butter and I used whole buttermilk so there you are with these wonderful biscuits thank you for coming in today and spending part of your day with me I appreciate it so much and I appreciate all my old subs and my new subs and those that have been generous in going to my amazon gift page to help me have things that I need in this kitchen I appreciate that I love every one of you you're my family and and I appreciate all of you so until next time you won't take care and may God bless every one of you you
Channel: Hands That Cook
Views: 303,412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hands That Cook, google, google biscuits, google easy biscuit, google no fail biscuits, fast, easy, simple, quick, family, company, breakfast, lunch, brunch, dinner, supper, holiday, youtube search biscuits, youtube search easy biscuits, you tube search biscuits, you tube search easy biscuits, you tube search perfect biscuits
Id: YtuVPoJLr9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 7sec (1207 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 04 2018
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