Buttermilk Biscuits from Scratch - Less Fat, Easy Recipe

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if you want homemade buttermilk biscuits for breakfast you got to start as soon as you get up because the oven has to be really hot so before you get dressed pre-heat your oven to 450 degrees because it's going to take about a half hour for it to get hot enough now you can go have your coffee go get dressed then come back and make incredible buttermilk biscuits wait do you see how easy this is now I got to go do some with all this ok it's time to make some biscuits first thing you do is you line a baking sheet with parchment paper which I've done right here now we're going to put together the dry ingredients very simple I still like to use a sifter recipe calls for a 1 and 3/4 cups of flour all-purpose flour that's one and a half and a quarter it calls for a tablespoon of baking powder and these make that good measuring thing right there a half a teaspoon of baking soda which I keep in this container but I've marked it baking soda and 1/4 teaspoon of salt that's your dry ingredients you sift them into a bowl and now we're going to cut in 2 tablespoons of butter and I cut out its cold butter it has to be cold which just took it out of the fridge I cut it as smaller pieces just to make it easier so there's 2 tablespoons of butter and when I say cut in this is a pastry cutter and this is what you would use to do that and you just start kind of cutting it in like that and if you don't have a pastry cutter you can accomplish the same thing by using two knives you just get like to dinner knives and you just kind of do a sliding thing like that and it'll it'll accomplish the same thing it'll just take a little longer so pastry cutters are good for this so you kind of cut like that into the sides and then some couple times you'll have to get the butter off it keeps becoming smaller and smaller pieces and by the way if you added like a tablespoon of sugar to this recipe you'd have the best biscuits for strawberry shortcake ever that's what that's how I make that traditional biscuit type strawberry shortcake so one more time with the getting the butter off and keep going and you want to do this until it becomes kind of like the consistency of like cornmeal like a you know thick corn meal or a grainy corn meal if you have a few little tiny pieces of butter that's okay so see that's about it right there so that took what maybe less than a minute to do that okay and then the only other thing we're going to add is 3/4 of a cup of buttermilk and I use the lowest fat buttermilk I can get put it in there and stir it and the best thing to stir it with is a fork that keeps it nice and light you don't want to weigh it down or make it too heavy you just stir it till it starts to come together and it becomes a like a dough like this very quickly and now when it's at this stage I'm going to put it on my board with a little bit of flour so a floured board and put this on it and then I think I'll use a scraper cuts helps when you're kind of kneading things like that so you kind of you need it but only eight to ten times that's it you don't want to overwork this you just want it to sort of come together yeah that's about it so that looks about right one more fold over okay so now you can either Pat or roll this out now you can just Pat it like this but the reason I like to use the rolling pin that's not here can you get it for me is because a rolling pin this is going to go on the bloopers reel by the way she bought it let's pretend this never happened all right so I like to roll it because you get an even thickness so you just roll it a little bit not too much about maybe three-quarters to an inch thick that's about right okay now we're going to cut the biscuits and you use I use a Otto maybe a two inch cutter and you just dip it in flour and here's the thing you just cut down and don't twist you cut down over here and you put them on the sheet here and there's one dip it in flour cut down and lift like that and straight down I think when you by not twisting it you get those nice little layers you know on the edges so you make sure they're well spaced on the baking sheet and can I get one out of here maybe if I kind of squeeze this together I'll get one out of this okay and now when you have this much dough left you just kind of reroll it again a little bit a couple times and this time I just kind of had it and I think I can get two more I pet it into like a shape that will allow me to get two more there's one and I don't want to waste any of this because there's never enough biscuits let me tell you never enough one more time there we go okay now those are not quite ready to go in the oven because there's one more thing to do and that is to brush the tops with milk or buttermilk I just put a little milk in here and take a little basting brush or something and you just baste you just brush a little bit of milk and what that does is help them Brown into the oven for 10 to 12 minutes okay they're ready let's see how they look oh yeah oh look at these are these gorgeous beautiful flaky golden tops golden bottoms look at that now what you can do is get a bowl whatever you're going to serve in line it with some kind of a tea towel or a napkin and you put them in here to keep them nice and warm because they're really best served right out of the oven so you just keep them covered over now if you're thinking well why should I make these when I can buy them in the store I'll tell you why first of all they have a lot less sodium secondly they're going to taste way better they don't have that long list of mystery ingredients and a typical store-bought biscuit has about 10 grams of fat one of these two and a half grams case closed
Channel: Jenny Can Cook
Views: 1,095,510
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Buttermilk Biscuits from Scratch, homemade buttermilk biscuits, homemade biscuits recipe, buttermilk biscuits recipes, biscuits from scratch, how to make homemade biscuits from scratch, how to make buttermilk biscuits from scratch, best buttermilk biscuits recipe, best buttermilk biscuit recipe, popular buttermilk biscuit recipes, Jenny Jones, jenny jones, jennycancook, best biscuits recipe, easy biscuits recipe, healthy biscuits recipe, how to make biscuits
Id: iN7NF1DatuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 2sec (422 seconds)
Published: Mon May 07 2012
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