How to Make Perfect, Fluffy Biscuits EVERY TIME! (3 ingredients: self-rising flour, milk & butter)

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hi and welcome to old time knowledge well it has been national biscuit month all month long and i didn't even know it until just a couple of days ago so i figured i have got to make a video about making biscuits i have been meaning to do this on this channel and i just haven't gotten around to it yet but now's a good time is any before the month of september ends so before we even get into making the biscuits we need to talk about a few things first people have all different kinds of biscuit making recipes i over my many years of cooking have decided how i like to make biscuits and it's not exactly like any of my grandmother's made them i took a little of this and a little of that and i figured out my own way but there were some tricks i learned that i want to make sure you know before we get started one don't bother with just flour and baking powder and all this kind of stuff just get a self-rising flour you know back in the day when grandmothers and aunts and whatnot would make biscuits they didn't have time to be doing a whole bunch of ingredients if they could just get some self-rising flour to make their biscuits with so just stick with self-rising flour but not all self-rising flowers are the same my favorite is daily bread self-rising flour but i know that's not available all over the country so you're gonna have to find the self-rising flour that tastes best to you and that makes the best product for you also some people use lard and some people use butter i've used both this time i'm going to use butter some people use sweet milk which is just regular milk some people use buttermilk and i use both of those sometimes but right now i'm going to use sweet milk because that's what i have in the house you know some people even can just make biscuits with self-rising flour and heavy cream because when you think about it heavy cream is what is used to make butter and then you have milk so it's sort of it's sort of like the same ingredients anyway it's just another shortcut but the ingredients i'm going to be using are daily bread self-rising flour cold butter and regular milk so another very important thing is with biscuits i see a lot of this on youtube and it's wrong don't do it because you're going to end up with tough biscuits a lot of ladies i see needing their biscuit dough you do not need biscuit it's not you're not making rolls you're not trying to get that gluten elasticity with biscuits you want to be light and fluffy so you want to work the dough as little as possible also you want a very hot oven i've got my oven preheating to 475 and it might already be there but i want it to be really hot don't cook the biscuits way down in the bottom of your oven you don't necessarily need them right up at the top either because the tops will burn too fast but i kind of usually put mine in the middle um but you want a hot oven because if you put them in at 350 you're going to have to bake them a lot longer and you're going to end up with a almost a crunchier outside you might like that but that's not really something that i like um and i i definitely found a long time ago when you bake biscuits for too long they just bake and bake and they never really brown um so anyway let's get to it when i'm done making these biscuits i'm gonna have some with some of my peach jam from the earlier video but i'm gonna also talk to you a little bit about other ways that we like to have biscuits other than just sticking like sausage and i heard bacon and egg and cheese and we eat biscuits all different kinds of ways so all right let's get to it alrighty so as you can see i have my cold butter i have my wonderful daily bread self-rising flour i have my bread bowl i have a pan for my biscuits now see this is one thing i do different my grandmothers always grease their pans but i really like to use parchment i love parchment paper i keep myself stocked in parchment paper so and then i've got a piece of parchment here because i'm going to roll out my biscuits a little bit or press them out and then i'm going to cut them out with biscuit cutters some people just like to pinch off their biscuits they're dough when they're done but i like i just do things different sometimes but the thing is once you learn the principles of how to make biscuits you can modify it depending on what you're going to be doing using the biscuits for because sometimes you might want them sweet sometimes you might want them savory sometimes you just want them as a bread side okay so we're going to use two cups of self-rising flour and the amount of biscuits that i'm making right now would be probably good for like maybe three or four people but if you're gonna be making for a big crowd you're going to need to make double this recipe so this is two cups of self-rising flour now i'm going to get probably a little bit more than half a stick of butter and i'm gonna just cut it up okay put that over there okay now a lot of times i'll just use my fork to mash my butter or my lard into my flour some people use these either way is fine but there's all kinds of kitchen gadgets for all kinds of things it's just what you feel like but a fork usually works fine for me and it's quick but if i was making a lot more biscuits than this i probably would use that other little pastry cutter because it would it would go quicker for a larger amount but no more than this is just using a fork is fine what you're going for when you cut your butter into your flour is you're kind of going for that crumbly texture kind of like cornmeal would be because you want that butter those little butter flakes or lard if you're using large you want those little flakes all distributed all throughout the flour because that's what's going to help the biscuits just be really tender and really good and as i'm turning this i'm just sort of looking for big lumps of um butter that might still be in here and i'm just mashing them when i see them all right this is i'd say this is all blended in enough okay now i got to get the milk and and put the milk in there all right i got my milk i don't want quite a cup of milk this is a half cup measuring cup i'm not gonna do two of these i'm gonna one probably about half there we go that's probably good enough so i guess that's about three three-fourths of a cup i'm going to start getting this in here a little bit and remember we don't want to work the dough too much we do not want to work the dough too much we basically just want to make sure everything gets incorporated in real good [Music] and it's holding together because that's what you're looking for you're just looking for the dough to hold together because you're going to kind of press it together to get your um biscuit shapes whether you're going to pinch the biscuits off or whether you're going to kind of press out the dough and then use biscuit cutters so all right let me get a little bit of flour on my [Music] parchment [Music] get some of this that's been stuck to the edges just a little bit alrighty all right at this point i'm not really kneading it i'm not going to be really working this all i'm trying to do is get the dough to hold together that's it that's it and then i'm not going to do any more to it all right i got them i love this little set i got this set several years ago and these hold up really well they don't rust right away or anything anyway there's so many sizes i use these for making donuts i use them for making crumpets i use them for all kinds of things but i'm going to get i reckon i'll get that size that looks like a good size i'm not making gigantic biscuits right now because i'm making really these biscuits to have just with some jam all right let me get this kind of just pressed out so i can get some biscuits cut out and it just pulled over okay and get these little biscuit shapes cut right out and what's going to happen is i'll have some dough left over after i do this and then i'll just press that dough back together to make enough to do some more with the biscuit cutter there's a different school of thought when you're doing this some people like to keep their biscuits spread apart on their pan so that the biscuits to get really done all around the edges and some people like to some people like to have them sticking together because then that makes biscuits that are not they're kind of a little bit more soft on the side they're more pull apart biscuits so it just really depends on what what kind of thing you're going for if you learn why certain certain techniques and certain ingredients yield certain results you can play around and figure out what works best for you and for your for your desired biscuit recipe you can then you'll have your own biscuit recipe [Music] when i was little uh and this is this is just i think probably everybody has somebody who did this when my grandmother would make biscuits there'd always be some dough left over so they'd make it into a little tiny baby biscuit and that will go to the end of the pan and sometimes they might make it in the shape of like a letter like an s like my name sometimes they might sometimes they might just make it like a little tiny biscuit shape but that was always fun and i think i'm just going to have exactly enough for eight biscuits which is just like i told you this was a recipe that was going to be about right for three or four people so if each person has two biscuits then this is just just right and i could have just pressed that and put it down but i kind of wanted to be kind of uniform a little bit all right that's it i'm gonna put them in my hot hot oven for about i'll probably check on them after about nine minutes my oven can be kind of tricky it's not always super reliable with the heat but i'll let you see them as soon as they're done all righty here we go look at there those biscuits came out perfect so the trick right now though is i can't i can't just start i can't just start serving them yet cutting into them at all they're they're really really hot and that's great but i'm just going to let them rest for a few minutes and then while they're resting i'm going to tell you about some of the things we put in the biscuits obviously we sometimes will have biscuits with sausage and things like that but this is another thing that obviously we like to put in biscuits and the way we would have something like this or something like this i know this might be a surprise caro syrup is you would just take a biscuit and you stick with your finger in in the side of the biscuit and make like a little hole and then you just pour a little bit of the molasses or you pour a little bit of the karo syrup in the hole inside the biscuit and it's it's really really good that way but i'll out i mentioned i was going to use some some of my peach jam y'all this is my third jar i've already had two jars of the peach jam since i made it earlier this this summer um so i'm getting ready to start on a third one but my son likes to have strawberry jam in his biscuits and i don't have any homemade strawberry jam right now but i do keep some of these around so he likes to use that so he's going to be having his biscuit with some of that um but i'll be serving this up in just a minute all right i reckon these are done now these are probably ready let's see i'm gonna get me this one that one kind of slid to the side a little bit look at this though y'all would you look at that fluffy biscuit see how high that is i love my biscuits like this some people really like to press their biscuits down kind of flat and just let them puff up a little bit this is exactly how i like my biscuits though so this is how i make so i'm just going to look at that look at how that splits right open that is so beautiful [Music] i'm going to get me a little tiny bit of butter and see this is from the same stick of butter that i was using earlier and of course since it's been sitting out while i've been cooking it's kind of softened so it's easier to spread on the biscuit let me get just a tiny bit of peach jam and put that on there [Music] there we go all right i've got my wonderful biscuit with my peach jam i'm going to be digging into this i got to let my son know there's some biscuits out here because he's definitely going to want some but i'll give it a taste and tell you how how good it is that is so good y'all you see how that holds together you don't want a biscuit that's going to be falling all the pieces you want a biscuit that's going to hold together i hope you enjoyed this video if you did would you please give it a like give it a thumbs up let me know in the comments below what do you like to put in biscuits what is your favorite thing to put in biscuits um also if you haven't already subscribe to the channel channel i'm coming out with new videos all the time i've got some old cookbooks i'm going to be doing some recipes from do you know i have a cookbook well i have pictures from a cookbook of every single page of a cookbook from 1905 so that's over 100 year cookbook and i'm going to be looking at some of the recipes and that and possibly doing some of those some of them are kind of weird though but then i also have some other great cookbooks some church cookbooks and other things that i treasure and they've got wonderful recipes in them that i cannot wait to share with you so if you haven't already please subscribe and i will look forward to seeing you again soon bye
Channel: Old Time Knowledge
Views: 548,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: buttery biscuits, southern food, self-rising flour, baking, southern baking
Id: lt8oX4h0W6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 6sec (1086 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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